Quiz 1 1

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Direction: Answer the following problems. Box your final answer and round it off to two decimal places.
Complete drawing and solutions are required.

1. A simple curve has a radius of 120m and an angle of intersection of 36 . A new curve was designed such
that the new forward tangent is moved out at a perpendicular distance of 12m. Without changing the
direction of the tangents and the position of the PC remain the same, determine the following: (15
a. Radius of the new curve (Rnew = 182.83m)
b. Length of the new curve (LCnew = 114.88m)
c. Stationing of the new PT if the PC is at Sta. 10+020. (Sta. PTnew = 10+134.88)

2. The long chord of a compound curve makes an angle of 20 and 38 respectively with the tangents. The
common tangent of the compound curve is parallel to the long chord that is 185 meters long.
Determining the following: (15 points)
a. Radius of the smallest curve. ( = 101.77m)
b. Radius of the bigger curve. ( = 357.72m)
c. Length of the curve. (LC = 192.36m)

3. A 6 percent downgrade is to be connected to a 4 percent upgrade by a parabolic curve. The change in

grade must not exceed 0.5 percent per 20 meter station. The stationing and elevation of PC are 10+992
& 45.78m respectively. (15 points)
a. What must be the minimum length of the curve? (L = 400m)
b. Using the minimum length obtained above, at what station must the culvert be constructed?
(Sta. 11 + 232)
c. Using the minimum length obtained above, what must be the elevation of the invert of the
culvert if it is to be situated 1.5m below the pavement? (Elev. = 37.08m)

4. The cross section notes shown below are for a ground excavation.

Sta. 25+100 Sta. 25+150

What is the volume of excavation between the two stations using.

(15 points)
a. Find x and y (x = 9.35m, y=3.80m)

b. End Area Method (Ve = 1984.88 )

c. Prismoidal Formula (Vp = 1994.25 )

5. Two tangents intersecting at V with bearing N 75 12’ E and S 78 36’ E are connected with a 4 degree
simple curve. Without changing the direction of the two tangents and with the same angle of
intersection, it is required to shorten the curve to 100m starting from the PC.
a. By how much shall the point of intersection of the tangent be moved? (15.78m)
b. What is the distance between the two parallel tangents? (30.74m)
c. By how much shall the PT be moved and in what direction from the old tangent? (θ = 13.11 )

6. The common tangent AB of a compound curve is 82.38m. The angle the common tangent makes with
the tangent through PC and PT of the compound curve are 21 10’ and 15 20’, respectively. If the
degree of the first curve is 3 30’, determine the following:
a. Radius of the smallest curve. ( = 157.54m)
b. Radius of the bigger curve. ( = 327.40m)
c. Length of the curve. (LC = 163.11m)

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