p4 Newsletter Mar 11152013
p4 Newsletter Mar 11152013
p4 Newsletter Mar 11152013
Dear P4 Parents, Greetings! I am having a blast teaching your kids. They are so cute and so sweet, and they are coming along well with the English. I would love to know what they are saying about school at home. Hopefully they are enjoying it, although it is typical for them to be a little bored and/or frustrated at the beginning when they do not understand much English yet. Please, make sure your child eats a good breakfast before school so he/she can learn more effectively in class. As I shared Friday night, we spend most of the class time in two groups of ten. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bible (N Miller, Natalia) / Special class (Carmen H) (song, computer, or video time) 20 min. then vice versa Calendar, story and phonics time (N Miller) / Fine Motor skills class (Natalia) 30 min. then vice versa Snack then recess all together Story time, math, science (N Miller) / Special class- (Carmen H) (Gross Motor skills, drama (Maricarmen), or music (Mr. Marco) - 25 min. then vice versa Center time (N Miller) - the whole class rotates through different play activities in groups of 3-5, such as playing with the costumes, kitchen, blocks, puzzles, games, playdough, computer games; free drawing; looking at books, ETC. (On Tues. they have art class, too.) Mrs. Carmen Huamn teaches both P4 and kindergarten. Miss Rosabel will teach for her during her maternity leave. Since I have responsibilities as International Principal, Mrs. Maricarmen Alfaro is also on our team, to help supervise before and after school, snack, recess, and to cover the class if I were to get called away. Mrs. Natalia Cabrejos is the tutora, but any of us are glad to answer any questions. Here is a glimpse of last week: Bible Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Mt. 22:37 Lessons a boy loved Jesus and gave Him his whole lunch; Jesus fed over 5,000 people with it! Parable of the Good Samaritan we need to love our neighbors. Phonics - we introduced all the alphabet sounds with the Zoo-phonics animal name and signal. Math Shapes This week -- emphasis on the a sound (Allie Aligator); smile to pronounce it correctly Bible Verse: Love the Lord your God with all your heart. Mt. 22:37 Lessons: Jesus said ASK and it will be given to you. Phonics the a sound Vocabulary words; animal, apple, ask, alligator, Math - number 1 Allies smile is like the sun; snap your jaws and count to 1. Since Allies sound is rather hard, we will continue with it next week. Nancy Miller and the P4 teaching team
Esta semana - nfasis en el sonido a (de Allie Aligator); debe sonrer para pronunciarlo correctamente. Versculo bblico: Amars al Seor tu Dios con todo tu corazn. Mateo 22:37 Lecciones: Jess dijo: PEDID y se os dar. Fontica- palabras de vocabulario con el sonido a, animales, manzana, preguntar, cocodrilo, Matemticas - nmero 1 la sonrisa de Allie es como el sol; chasquear sus mandbulas y cuenta hasta 1. Debido a que el sonido de Allie es bastante difcil, vamos a seguir con l la prxima semana. Nancy Miller y el equipo de P4