This Week in flk3
This Week in flk3
This Week in flk3
In Art: Miss Angngent worked with the children to finish a TOP SECRET EXTRA
SPECIAL craft. Happy Mothers Day!!!!
In Music, Drama and Dance: Miss Angenent continues with Musical Lunches and
dance parties. We listened to a lot of Star Wars music and danced to some pretty
hilarious Storm Trooper/YODA/Jedi dance videos!
In Mathematics: We continued studying 3D shapes the sphere, cone, pyramid,
rectangular prism, cube and the cylinder. We learned about how 3D shapes can
move - stacking, sliding and rolling. We competed in the Light Saber Shape wars!
In Personal and Social Development: With the weather continuing to be up and
down, we continued to encourage the children to dress in layers. The rule at recess
continues to be : NO BARE ARMS.
We talked about how to cope with performance anxiety. We discussed talking to
our buddies, muscle memory, mental rehearsal, picturing ourself in the St. Mark
gym and fitting in ( ie dance! Because if you dont people WILL watch you!)
We had a Roots of Empathy visit with Mrs. Krug, Mrs. Telewiak and Baby Alicia.
Mrs. Krug talked with us about things Baby Alicia likes to eat and doesnt like to
eat. Alicia likes Cheerios but NOT cheese! And she made no bones about not liking
it! She also had Mrs. Telewiak tell us how Alicia was named.
In Inquiry/Directed Play: Being so busy this week, we had LOTS of structured
time. When the unstructured times came along, we noticed how very happy the
children are to play with each other. We saw lots of large group activitiesalmost
as if they wanted to keep the group mentality going! They were very excited
working on their Mothers Day Projects and they TOTALLY loved painted flower
pots and planting their sunflower seeds which grew right up and out of the
baggies on the window. Other activities included fine motor and vocabulary
Upcoming Events:
Sunday May 8 Mothers Day! Happy Mothers Day!
Tuesday May 10 FDK Parent Night for parents with students beginning
school (First Year) in September 2016
Wednesday May 11 Goldirocks theatre presentation at UWO
(no volunteers will be required)
Tuesday May 17 Mass 9:30 am
Friday May 22 - pizza lunch for those who ordered
Wednesday June 8 Mass to be celebrated at St. Michaels church we will
travel as a school by bus to and fro the church.
Friday June 10 PD Day no school for children
Friday June 17 2:00pm Second Year Kindergarten Graduation St. Mark Gym
only the 2nd Year Students partake in the Graduation, but the 1 st years attend.
Sunday June 19 Fathers Day!