Electronic Data Backup SOP
Electronic Data Backup SOP
Electronic Data Backup SOP
This procedure outlines the periodic backup of electronic data. 2.0 SCOPE
This procedure applies to data stored on IGLs database and other servers. 3.0 DEFINITIONS An Oracle database utility used to extract data fro the database and save into a file. The backup soft"are bein# utili$ed by IGL Any operation perfor ed "ithin the backup soft"are to backup& restore data as "ell as utility operations (efers to calendar onth. )or Exa ple* 'onth1 is %anuary& 'onth+ is )ebruary and so on.
BACKUP SOFTWARE The backup and restore of data at IGL are conducted via the use of the !ackup Exec soft"are for "indo"s servers. To execute the !ack Exec application& #o to ,tart -ro#ra s .eritas !ackup Exec for /indo"s ,ervers. In !ackup Exec& backup& restore and utility operations& called 0obs are sub itted to be executed via the Ad inistration console of the soft"are. After a 0ob has been processed& the 0obs results are stored in a 0ob history database. A record of the data that "as backed up is kept in !ackup Execs catalo#. The 0ob history is a report of "hat happened 1statistics2 durin# the processin# of the 0ob& "hile the catalo# file is the record fro "hich restore selections are ade. BACKUP MEDIA The backup edia are 3AT 4+ tapes or 53 .
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STORAGE 1. Oracle data 1i.e. exported data2 is copied 1via batch script2 fro the -roduction 3atabase ,erver to the backup 3atabase and Application ,erver "here it is stored for approxi ately five 172 "eeks. +. !ackup data inclusive of Oracle data is backed up on a 3AT 4+ tape and stored offsite at Group8 ,ecuricor a. Daily Ba !"#$ 9 There are three 1:2 sets of five 172 daily backup tapes& "hich allo" at least t"o 1+2 onths of daily backups to be stored before the data is over"ritten. b. W%%!ly Ba !"#$ 9 There are five 172 "eekly backup tapes& "hich allo"s at least four 182 to five 172 "eeks of "eekly backups to be stored before the data is over"ritten c. M&'()ly Ba !"#$ 9 There are t"elve 11+2 onthly backup tapes& "hich allo"s at least t"elve 11+2 onths of onthly backups to be stored before the data is over"ritten d. Y%a*ly Ba !"#$ 9 There are seven 142 yearly backup tapes& "hich allo"s at least seven 142 years of yearly backups to be stored before the data is over"ritten e. Da(a+a$% Ba !"#$ 9 There are t"o 1+2 cold and t"o 1+2 hot backup tapes& "hich currently allo"s at least t"enty 1+;2 "eeks of database backups to be stored before the data is over"ritten :. Ori#inal soft"are is backed up on 53 and stored offsite at Group8 ,ecuricor. ,.0 PROCEDURE G%'%*al 1. !ackup of data stored on the server is the responsibility of the IT 3epart ent. +. !ackup of data stored locally on -5s or re ovable edia 1e#. diskettes& <,! 3rives& etc.2 is the responsibility of the author = end>user. :. !ackup data is stored offsite 8. Ori#inal soft"are is backed up on 53 and also stored offsite at Group8 ,ecuricor
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Ba !"# S )%-"l% 3ata is backed up to the 3AT tapes via the follo"in# schedule* 1. Daily 9 The 'onday backup is scheduled to run auto atically bet"een ?*;; a and 1+*;; noon on 'ondays@ "hile the Tuesday throu#h )riday backup 0obs are scheduled to run auto atically bet"een 8*;; a and ?*;; a on the respective days +. W%%!ly 9 The "eekly backup is scheduled to run auto atically bet"een ?*;; a and 1+*;; noon on Tuesdays@ "hile database backup 0obs are scheduled to run auto atically bet"een +*;; a and A*;; a on ,undays :. M&'()ly 9 The onthly backup is scheduled to run auto atically bet"een 1+*;; noon and 8*;; p on the sixth 1Ath2 "orkin# day of the onth 8. Y%a*ly 9 The yearly backup is scheduled to run auto atically bet"een 1+*;; noon and 8*;; p on the first 11 st2 "orkin# day of Bove ber after the close>off of the previous financial year O' -%.a'- 9 53 backups are done "hen necessary. Da(a+a$% Ba !"#$ O*a l% Da(a Fil%$ Oracle database data backup are done via three 1:2 ethods
1. Offline 15old2 3atabase !ackup 9 Every first 11 st2 and fourth 18th2 ,unday of each onth& the Oracle databases are auto atically shutdo"n and the Oracle database data files 1data files and control files2 are backed up directly to the 3AT 4+ tape labeled O))LIBE 3ATA!A,E !A5C<-,. +. Online 1Dot2 3atabase !ackup 9 Every second 1+ nd2 and third 1:rd2 ,unday of each onth& the Oracle database data files 1data files and control files2 are backed up directly to the 3AT 4+ tape labeled OBLIBE 3ATA!A,E !A5C<-,. :. Export 3atabase !ackup 9 The 3aily& /eekly& 'onthly and Eearly 3atabase backups are done via an export routine& "hich co presses the data and creates an export 1transportable2 file of the data. T"o 1+2 types of exports are done* a. )ull 1/eekly& 'onthly& Eearly !ackups2& "here all data and database structure are exported i. /eekly exports are initiated auto atically at +.;; a every ,aturday ii. 'onthly exports are initiated auto atically at 8.;; a on the sixth 1A th2 "orkin# day of every onth iii. Eearly exports are initiated auto atically at 1+.:; a on the first 11 st2 of Bove ber
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b. <ser 13aily2 export& "here the data belon#in# to the user=o"ner of each of the Oracle applications is exported. This export is initiated auto atically at +.;; a daily. Ba !"# &/ O()%* -a(a In addition to the Oracle database data& the follo"in# data are also backed up 3aily& /eekly& 'onthly or Eearly on the 3AT tapes* Exchan#e ,erver 'ailboxes 1E ail2 Exchan#e ,erver -ublic )olders <sers Do e )olders on the Exchan#e ,erver !ud#ets& D(FA--,& Du an (esources& ,trat -lan and Air LiGuide 3elivery folders all on the Exchan#e ,erver 'axi o pro#ra files 6pulse 16uality2& A5E+;;8 15usto s2 pro#ra and data files 'EO! Accountin# co pany file 1"hich includes all data2 for both B' -etroche icals ,ervices Li ited and Trinto#as 5arbonics Li ited 5all Tracker 15all Accountin#2 database and reports Infor ation ,yste s procedures
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LABELING OF BACKUP MEDIA /hen the backup is co pleted& the tape is placed in the case and labeled "ith the na e of the tape and the return date for the tape to be brou#ht back to IGL 1. 3aily 3AT tapes are labeled usin# the first letter of the day& year 1EEEE2& onth 1''2& 3ay 1332 and tape nu ber. E#. '+;;4;11711 1'onday& +;;4& ;1st 'onth& 17th day& tape 1 of 12. There are three 1:2 sets of daily backup tapes for each "orkin# day of the "eek. )or exa ple& 'ondays "ill have 'onday1& 'onday+& 'onday:& etc. +. /eekly 3AT tapes are labeled usin# /C "eek nu ber& year 1EEEE2& onth 1''2& 3ay 1332 and tape nu ber. E#. /C:+;;4;1+:11 1/C& : rd "eek& +;;4& ;1st 'onth& +:rd day& tape 1 of 12. There are five 172 "eekly backup tapes for each of five 172 "eeks. )or exa ple& /eek1 is for the first "eek of the onth@ /eek+ is for the second "eek and so on. :. 'onthly 3AT tapes are labeled usin# 'TD& onth nu ber& year 1EEEE2& date of backup 1''2& 3ay on "hich backup "as done 1332 and tape nu ber. E#. 'TD1+;;4;+;?11 1'TD& 1 or %anuary& +;;4& +nd 'onth& ?th day& tape 1 of 12. There are t"elve 11+2 onthly backup tapes for each 'onth of the year. Tape 'onth1 is for the first onth or %anuary@ tape 'onth+ is for the second onth or )ebruary and so on 8. Eearly 3AT tapes are labeled usin# E(& year 1EEEE2& onth 1''2& 3ay 1332& and tape nu ber. E#. E(+;;A1;1;11 1E(& +;;A& 1; th 'onth& 1;th day& tape 1 of 12. There are seven 142 yearly backup tapes. Tape Eear1 is for the first year@ tape Eear+ is for the second and so on 7. Offline 3atabase 3AT tapes are labeled usin# coldbkup& year 1EEEE2& onth 1''2& 3ay 1332 and tape nu ber. E#. 5OL3!C<-+;;4;1;411 15OL3!C<-& +;;4& ;1st 'onth& ;4th day& tape 1 of 12. A. Online 3atabase 3AT tapes are labeled usin# hotbkup& year 1EEEE2& onth 1''2& 3ay 1332 and tape nu ber. E#. DOT!C<-+;;4;11811 1DOT!C<-& +;;4& ;1st 'onth& 18th day& tape 1 of 12. DELI0ERY 1 RETRIE0AL OF OFFSITE TAPES 1. A delivery note is filled out indicatin# the na e of the tape bein# delivered and the return date for the tape to IGL +. The delivery note book and tape are placed at the receptionists desk for Group8 ,ecuricor to collect and si#n for delivery of tape :. The receptionist collects the returned tape fro Group8 ,ecuricor& si#ns their receipt note and sends the returned tape& the si#ned IGL delivery note book and the si#ned Group8 ,ecuricor receipt notes to the IT 3epart ent. BACKUP LOGS
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A lo# 1stored in 'icrosoft Access2 for the daily& "eekly& onthly& yearly& database and 53 backups located on the server under HH3b+Hbackuplo#s is updated continuously by the persons responsible for the backup. !ackup re>testin# details are also entered in the !ackup lo#s BACKUP RE2TESTING The inte#rity of the data 1Oracle data2 stored in the export folders on the servers or that of the data stored on the 3AT 4+ tapes is ensured throu#h onthly restoration tests and the results are entered in the backup lo#. The backup retests are done via the follo"in# schedule* 3aily backup retests are done on the first 11st2 "eek of each onth /eekly backup retests are done on the second 1+ nd2 "eek of each
onth onth
'onthly backup retests are done on the fifth 17 2 "orkin# day of each
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NOTES3 a. !ackups and backup retests are perfor ed by all personnel in the IT 3epart ent in the follo"in# order 1i.e. 3atabase Ad inistrator& Bet"ork Ad inistrator& Infor ation Technolo#y 'ana#er2 b. The backup 3AT tape ust be placed in the drive prior to the ti e the auto ated 0ob has been scheduled to run c. In the event that the 3AT tape drive on the production server is not functional& then the tape drive on the de o server can be utili$ed for the backup d. In the event that a tape is not delivered as per the specified date or a specific tape or 53 is reGuired& the vault at Group8 ,ecuricor can be contacted to or#ani$e retrieval of said tape or 53. e. The !ackup Exec soft"are auto atically e ails all persons "ithin the IT 3epart ent "henever a backup 0ob be#ins or ter inates 1"hether successfully or not2. The e ail of the co pleted backup consists of the follo"in#* i. 3ate and ti e that the backup started ii. The Tape drive in "hich the tape "as loaded iii. The Tape Label. E#. 'onday1 iv. The date and ti e until "hich the data cannot be over"ritten v. The type of backup. E#. 3aily& /eekly& 'onthly& etc. vi. 'edia Operation 9 /hether appended or over"ritten vii. /hether I.erify after backup co pletesJ option "as selected viii. )or each server or co puter bein# backed up 1. The nu ber of files backed up +. Total file si$e :. Ti e taken to backup ix. List of all files backed up x. %ob co pletion status xi. Any exceptions fro the backup
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REFERENCES 1. +. :. 5lause 8.+* 3ocu entation (eGuire ents 5lause A.+* Du an (esources -rocedure > 'ana#e ent (evie"* 6-+>+
The 3atabase Ad inistrator is the person responsible for ensurin# that all backups are co pleted successfully and that the tapes are placed at the receptionist for collection by the offsite backup service provider 9 Group8 ,ecuricor. Once the 3atabase Ad inistrator is absent or unavailable at the scheduled backup ti e& then it is the responsibility of the Bet"ork Ad inistrator to ensure that the backups are done at the specified ti e. The Bet"ork Ad inistrator is the person responsible for ensurin# that all backup retests are co pleted successfully. Once the Bet"ork Ad inistrator is absent or unavailable at the scheduled backup retest ti e& then it is the responsibility of the 3atabase Ad inistrator to ensure that the backup retests are done at the specified ti e. In the absence of or unavailability of the 3atabase Ad inistrator and the Bet"ork Ad inistrator& then it is the responsibility of the Infor ation Technolo#y 'ana#er to ensure that the backups and retests are done at the specified ti es. The Infor ation Technolo#y 'ana#er is responsible for ensurin# understandin# and effective i ple entation of this backup and retest procedure.
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