SOP For Password Policy For Computer Systems
SOP For Password Policy For Computer Systems
SOP For Password Policy For Computer Systems
Standard operating procedure for computer system passwords and data backup and storage.
To lay down the procedure for password policy for computerized systems at Probus logistics.
This SOP shall be applicable for the instruments/equipment wherein data is generated and stored in the computerized systems in the facility.
System, Password policies for various instruments/ software shall be followed as the below mentioned procedure.
Privilege Groups: There shall be three different level of users (i.e., Administrator, Reviewer and User) and following are the p r i v i l e g e d g r o u p in
the decreasing order based on the privileges assigned.
4.2.1 Administrators: Head-IT or System Network Administrator shall be the member of this group. The member of this group has maximum rights
and have rights to assign the privileges to the other privilege group.
4.2.2 Reviewer: Head-QC/ Section Head-QC/ Designee shall be the member of this group. The member of this group shall have rights e.g.,
Create/ Delete/ Edit user, Create/ Edit Method files, Create and Edit Custom calculations, view audit trail etc.
4.2.3 User: The person responsible for keeping the password secure and update them after their validity expires. User shall have rights e.g.,
change password, select mode of 2nd factor of authentication i.e., verification code via SMS or Microsoft Authentication application.