4 Things About Audits: During An Audit

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During an Audit

4 Things about Audits

They are sample tests (auditors cant verify it all) Audits are tests of compliance with the documented system is this team/person following the documented system? what evidence is there to support that? if not, is it a single instance or a mistake or is it a bigger problem? Auditors must see objective evidence - could you show me? Auditors are always on the job (ie, the entire time of the audit)

7 December 2013

During an Audit

Auditors are Not

Intimately familiar with: our system the project your job, etc Thats why they read our documents and ask questions! Your friend Always right

7 December 2013

During an Audit

Things to Do
Be co-operative & friendly Listen to questions carefully dont assume trick question answer may be fairly basic/obvious to you, but not to them but dont volunteer too much! Be prepared to demonstrate evidence of activities

If necessary, disagree or explain: eg, wrong tack, misunderstanding too way out what if, etc

7 December 2013

During an Audit

Worry too much or get too tense Think the auditor is right all the time Volunteer more information than required - just answer the question Offer major concerns/fears/misgivings during an external audit Forget that it is an audit

7 December 2013

During an Audit


If we are doing what we say we are doing an audit is not a problem

7 December 2013

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