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Maintain a positive attitude.
"Whether you think that you can, or
that you can't, you are usually right." - Henry Ford What is science? Science discovers the why and how of the way nature works. It also seeks the answers to questions and problems. People then use technology, engineering, and math to solve problems and answer questions using the information science has discovered. What science will we study this year? Physics how does energy and matter interact? Chemistry - science of matter, how it reacts, as well as also its composition, structure and properties Heredity How are traits passed down? Observations How we look at things in science What is observation? Observations are made in science. They are made by using: Senses Tools increase accuracy & precision Facts not opinions.
Two types of Observation Qualitative
Quantitative Qualitative Observations Hard to measure Describes the qualities of something Color Taste Sound Quantitative Observations Can be expressed in numbers Can be counted or measured Amounts Temperature Mass Length Allow us to communicate specifics Tools are used to communicate data Observations are collected in data tables
Inference Drawing a conclusion based on data and observation The process of drawing a conclusion from given evidence. Practice: Observations: I hear people screaming I smell cotton candy, popcorn, and hamburgers I see a lot of people Inference = ?
Observation Inference That plant is extremely wilted.
The car stopped running
The Diamondbacks are leading their division That plant is extremely wilted due to a lack of water.
The car stooped running because it was out of gas.
The Diamondbacks are leading their division because they are playing well right now. OBSERVATION OR INFERENCE Lets Practice. Look at the picture & decide if the statement is an The narrow windows were used as rifle slits. There was a garden located outside the Citadel. Gardens were an important part of everyday life during the military years on Alcatraz Island. Men were required to wear jackets and women were required to wear dresses The citadel was made of brick. There is a picket fence. People used to spend more time outside. Look at these two sets of animal tracks.
Make an INFERENCE Now what do you think? Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE Now what do you think? Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE When to use observation & inference During experiments, record observations NOT inferences
Inferences may be used when writing the conclusion in your lab report.
Scientific Method A blueprint for experiment success. What is the scientific method? It is a simple method scientists use to conduct an investigation. It is a way to ask & answer scientific questions by asking questions & conducting experiments. I. Question/Problem Ask a question about something observed. Why? How? What? Question to be solved. Must be about something measurable.
II. Hypothesis Educated guess about how things work. Prediction Use If, then statements If ____ [I do this], then _____ [this will happen] Focus on one variable only.
III. Experiment Tests your hypothesis. Is it accepted (right) or rejected (wrong) ? Change only one variable at a time. Use a control or control group (A group that has nothing done to it. Standard used for comparison in an experiment.) In order for results to be valid, conduct several tests.
III. Experiment Record your data in a data table. Numerical (quantitative) data organized in rows and columns The specific independent variables are listed The number of trials are listed Blanks are left for the data (dependent variable) to be filled in
III. Experiment Trial Variable 1 Variable 2 Variable 3 1 2 3 4 5 AVERAGE Title: Describing the Data IV. Data Analysis Reduce the data Average (Mean) Graph Graph the data to look for trends & relationships. V. Conclusion Summary of your experiment. After your experiment, analyze your data to see if your hypothesis was accepted or rejected. If hypothesis is rejected, give possible reasons for the difference between your hypothesis and the experimental results.
Pair Share Procedure Partners take turns listening and sharing
1. Teacher announces a topic and states how long each student will have to share. 2. Teacher provides think time. 3. In pairs, Partner A shares; Partner B listens. 4. Partner B shares. 5. Partners switch roles.