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Chelsea Weeks: Education

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Chelsea Weeks

[email protected] Home 4301 W 24th Place, #332, Lawrence, KS 66047 913 6!3 2"46

#achel$r $% Sc&ence &n '$urnal&s(, strate)&c c$((un&cat&$ns, e*+ected ,a- 2014 .he /n&0ers&t- $% Kansas ,&n$r &n #us&ness, 1ert&%&cat&$n &n Ser0&ce Learn&n) 2P34 3."1

Internship Experience
Burns & McDonnell Kansas 1&t-, ,5 ,arket&n) 6ntern 740 h$urs8week dur&n) su((er, 16 h$urs8week dur&n) sch$$l9 3ss&st w&th c$r+$rate e0ents, &nternal and e*ternal W$rk w&th +r$($t&$nal 0end$rs %$r c$(+an-8e(+l$-ee )&%ts Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Shawnee ,&ss&$n, KS 2013 ,arket&n) 6ntern 7! h$urs8week dur&n) sch$$l9 ,ana)ed l$cal :us&nesses and ($n&t$red the&r +r$)ress dur&n) (arket&n) +r$;ect 1reated ($nthl- newsletters and u+dated s$c&al (ed&a $utlets W$rked w&th ca(+a&)n (ana)ers and created a reach $ut +lan %$r c$(+an&es ,a- 2013 +resent

'anuar- ,a-



!" In#o Lawrence, KS 3u)ust 2012 +resent Student 3ss&stant 712 h$urs8week dur&n) sch$$l9 3nswer +h$ne calls %r$( alu(n&, students, and +arents a:$ut .he /n&0ers&t- $% Kansas <e+resent the /n&0ers&t- $n a da&l- :as&s Studdard Mo$in% & Stora%e Lea0enw$rth, KS Su((er 5%%&ce Sta%% 740 h$urs8week dur&n) su((er9 =arned ><unner /+ =(+l$-ee> $% the ?uarter w&th 0$tes %r$( $ther sta%% (e(:ers 3nswered +h$nes and c$(+$sed %&les &n a %ast +aced en0&r$n(ent 1$ntacted cust$(ers t$ c$n%&r( ($0&n) &n%$r(at&$n Su((er 2012

Ka++a Ka++a Ps&4 @&ce Pres&dent $% ,e(:ersh&+ 3u)ust 2012 ,a- 2013 =nc$ura)ed (e(:ersh&+ $% the c$ ed c$((un&t- ser0&ce %ratern&t =ducated and new (e(:ers thr$u)h the +r$cess $% :ec$(&n) a :r$ther $% the %ratern&t Pr$0&ded c$nt&nued educat&$n %$r current (e(:ers $% the %ratern&t,arch&n) #and 3u)ust 2010 +resent Pract&ce 6 h$urs a week and all da- Saturda-s Student 3(:assad$r 3u)ust 2011 3u)ust 2012 2a0e weekl- t$urs t$ +r$s+ect&0e students and the&r %a(&l&es


=*cellent 0er:al and wr&tten c$((un&cat&$n sk&lls. Aa0e %reBuentl- )&0en +resentat&$ns t$ lar)e

aud&ences Pr$%&c&ent &n S+an&sh Str$n) c$(+uter sk&lls and e*+$sure t$ ,&cr$s$%t W$rd, P$werP$&nt, =*cel, @&s&$ and 3ccess

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