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ELP 020
Intermediate Listening and Speaking
Term Fall 2 -2014 Instructor: Nancy S. Gebhardt Schedule: Day: Sundays, 08:40 AM -05:30 PM Instructors E-mail: [email protected] !e"site: !"#e$%0&0.'eeb$y.c() #$%&SE 'ES#&IPTI$(: 5 *redts +he %ur%(se (, ths c(urse s t( enab$e students t( )%r(-e ther c(n-ersat(na$ s.$$s n e-eryday stuat(ns. Students $earn c(n-ersat(n strateges and ac/ure -(cabu$ary and gra))ar %r(,cency thr(ugh $stenng, and, as 'e$$ as su%%$e)enta$ readng, and 'rtng act-tes. Students (,ten '(r. n %ars and s)a$$ gr(u% settngs. !y the end (, the ter), students are ab$e t( carry (n casua$ c(n-ersat(ns (n t(%cs such as c$assr(() habts, -acat(n act-tes, n,(r)at(n s(urces, s%endng habts, %ers(na$ characterstcs, tra-e$ %re,erences, and '(r.. Prere/uste0P$ace)ent: *()%$et(n (, 12P 030, 12P 033, (r 12P 03& (r *ASAS %$ace)ent sc(re (, &04 t( &34. #$%&SE $)*E#TI+ES: !y the end (, the c(urse students '$$ be ab$e t(: $sten t( and %artc%ate n casua$ da$(gs (n a -arety (, t(%cs as. yes/no /uest(ns and /uest(ns 'th who, what, when, why and how use ,re/uency ad-erbs as. ,(r rec())endat(ns, e5%and ans'ers, sh(' nterest, )a.e a %($te re/uest c())uncate n %ast, %resent, and ,uture tenses I(ST&%#TI$(,L -ET.$'S: 2ess(ns are c(nducted n ,(r) (, nteract-e 'h($e c$ass act-tes, %ar '(r., s)a$$ gr(u% '(r., and nde%endent %ractce. TE/T)$$0: Touchstone 2 Full Contact, 2 nd Edition student b((. by M. Mc*arthy, 6. Mccarten, and 7. Sand,(rd Addt(na$ nstruct(na$ res(urces are a-a$ab$e n the 2earnng *enter and 2brary at the De-(n and 2((% $(cat(ns. ,TTE(',(#E ,(' !$&0S.$PS: *()ng t( a$$ c$asses '$$ he$% y(u $earn best. ", y(u )ss c$ass, y(u '$$ )ss )%(rtant n,(r)at(n and assgn)ents. "n addt(n t( $ectures, attend t'( '( and a tut(rng sess(n each 'ee.. Intermediate '( are the )(st a%%r(%rate ,(r y(ur $e-e$. "n (rder t( rece-e a %assng grade ,(r the c(urse, y(u )ust attend at $east 809 (, $ectures and a )n)u) (, : '( A student 'h( has n(t reached 809 $ecture attendance (r has n(t attended : '( '$$ ha-e an ; grade rec(rded (n hs (r her transcr%t. 3 $%T-$F-#L,SS ,#TI+ITIES: <(u sh(u$d e5%ect ab(ut 8 h(urs (, (ut-(,-c$ass act-tes %er 'ee.. +hese act-tes )ay nc$ude $stenng,, readng, and 'rtng %ractce, '(r.b((. and (n$ne e5ercses, =(urna$ 'rtng, and s%eca$ %r(=ects. P$ease see the c(urse (ut$ne ,(r 'ee.$y act-tes and assgn)ents. Partc%at(n n b(th n-c$ass and (ut-(,-c$ass act-tes acc(unts ,(r &09 (, y(ur grade. LE,&(I(1 #E(TE&: "nd-dua$ and s)a$$ gr(u% tut(rng s %r(-ded by the 2earnng *enter. +( schedu$e an a%%(nt)ent, ,$$ (ut and sub)t a +ut(rng #e/uest ;(r) a-a$ab$e under >;(r)s? (n the Student P(rta$. 1&, 'I(1: Mdter) 15a) &0 9 A@40-300 ;na$ 15a) 30 9 !@80-84 Ara$ BuC 30 9 *@80-84 2sten0Drte BuC 30 9 D@:0-:4 Ara$ BuC 30 9 ;@54 and be$(' Partc%at(nE &0 9 +he %assng grade ,(r ths c(urse s D (r better. (ote22 F the %artc%at(n %art (, y(ur grade s based (n attendance, (n-t)e %er,(r)ance, and c$assr(() act-tes F i3 4ou are consistentl4 late or lea5e earl46 it 7ill a33ect this part o3 4our grade at the instructors discretion8 9Participation grade includes maintaining a :ournal 7ith 7riting entries and ne7 5oca"ular4 that 7ill "e assigned 7eekl48 Grades and attendance rec(rds are a-a$ab$e ,(r students t( -e' under >Acade)c 7st(ry? (n the !"# Student P(rta$. -,0E%P E/,-S Students 'h( )ss a )dter) (r a ,na$ e5a) )ay ta.e t 'th nstruct(rGs %er)ss(n n the 2earnng *enter ,(r a ,ee (, H30. 15a)s )ust be )ade u% as s((n as %(ssb$e, by the dead$ne set by the nstruct(r. <(u )ust ,rst re/uest %er)ss(n t( )a.e u% an e5a) ,r() y(ur nstruct(r. Ance the ) s a%%r(-ed, ,$$ (ut a #e/uest ,(r +estng ;(r) a-a$ab$e under >;(r)s? (n the Student P(rta$. <(u '$$ then need t( %ay H30 testng ,ee, attach the rece%t t( the ,(r) and %$ace the c()%$eted ,(r) n the 2earnng *enter "nb(5. +he 2earnng *enter sta,, '$$ c(ntact y(u t( schedu$e an a%%(nt)ent and %r(ct(r the ) P%(#T%,LIT;: Students 'h( c()e t( c$ass $ate dsru%t the ,$(' (, the $ess(n. <(u are e5%ected t( be n y(ur seat and ready t( begn at the a%%(nted c$ass h(ur, t( return ,r() brea.s (n t)e, and t( re)an n the c$assr(() unt$ c$ass s ds)ssed. Students 'h( %ersstent$y gn(re these re/ure)ents are sub=ect t( gradng %ena$tes at the nstruct(rGs dscret(n. & #L,SS&$$- &%LES: &espect: *(urtesy s e5%ected ,r() a$$. P$ease be %($te and res%ect,u$ t( e-ery(ne at !"#: c$ass)ates, (ther students, teachers, and sta,,. Speak English: 1ng$sh 3009 (, c$ass t)e s the best 'ay t( )%r(-e y(ur $anguage s.$$s /uc.$y. "t s a$s( (ur (n$y c())(n $anguage and s an essenta$ c(urtesy t('ard th(se 'h( d( n(t s%ea. y(ur $anguage. *(nsstent use (, $anguages (ther than 1ng$sh '$$ resu$t n the $(ss (, %(nts n the >%artc%at(n? categ(ry. #omputers: Durng c$ass t)e use c()%uters (n$y as drected by the nstruct(r. Students sh(u$d chec. e)a$ and attend t( (ther c()%uter needs "e3ore or a3ter class or during a "reak. #ell phones: P$ease turn (,, ce$$ %h(nes, %agers and (ther e$ectr(nc de-ces be,(re c$ass begns. ", t s an e)ergency, y(u )ay ta.e the ca$$ n the ha$$'ay. Planned #ourse $utline +hs s the %$anned c(urse schedu$e. De '$$ )a.e ad=ust)ents acc(rdng t( c$ass %r(gress. #ourse: 12P 0&0 Instructor: Nancy S. Gebhardt Session #hapter Topics and ,cti5ities $ut-o3-class ,cti5ities and ,ssignments Session 1 Se%te)ber 8 AM Int 3: ;rends %%. 3-30
Gettng t( .n(' y(ur c$ass)atesJ ta$.ng ab(ut y(urse$,J re5ie7 o3 simple presentJ stress and nt(nat(n n /uest(ns and ans'ersJ )%r(-ng y(ur c(n-ersat(n s.$$sJ 'ebs (, '(rdsJ c$ass act-ty F Dhat d( 'e ha-e n c())(nK Int 3: D! %%.&- 4 Session 2 Se%te)ber 8 PM Int &: "nterests %%. 33-&0 +a$.ng ab(ut nterests and h(bbesJ 5er" 3orms a3ter can/cant, love, likeJ (b=ect %r(n(unsJ sayng no n a ,rend$y 'ayJ readng a 'eb %age ,(r h(bby gr(u%sJ 'rtng an e-)a$J ta$.ng ab(ut $.es and ds$.es Int &: D! %%. 30-38 Session < Se%te)ber 34 AM Int 3: 7ea$th %%.&3-30 +a$.ng ab(ut h(' t( stay hea$thyJ descrbng c())(n hea$th %r(b$e)sJ Simple present and simple present continuousJ :oining clauses 7ith if and when; EEField trip = a 7alk in the park: o"ser5e and discuss the state o3 ur"an health8 99!ork"ook check pp 2 = 1>99 Int 3: D! %%. 38-&5 Session 4 Se%te)ber 34 PM Int 4: *e$ebrat(ns %%.33-4&
Descrbng ce$ebrat(nsJ ta$.ng ab(ut %$ans and %redct(nsJ 3uture 7ith going to; Present continuous 3or the 3uture? tradt(ns n d,,erent c(untresJ 'rtng and n-tat(n &e5ie7 3or $ral @uiA EE"n-c$ass 'rtng assgn)entEE 99$ral @uiA B199 Int 4: D! %%. &:-33 3
Session C Se%te)ber &3 AM Int 5: Gr('ng I% %%. 43-5& +a$.ng ab(ut )e)(res (, gr('ng u%J re5ie7 o3 simple pastJ general and speci3ic use o3 determinersJ time eDpressions 3or the pastJ c(rrectng y(urse$,J reduct(n (, dd y(uJ c$ass act-ty >"n the %ast? 99!ork"ook check pp 1E - <<99
Int 5: D! %%. 34-43 Session F Se%te)ber &3 PM Int :: Ar(und +('n %%. 53-:& ,(r and g-ng drect(nsJ ta$.ng ab(ut ,a-(rte %$aces n y(ur t('nJ (,,ers and re/uests 'th can and c(u$dJ '(rd stress n c()%(und n(unsJ %ar '(r. LSu))er ,un? &e5ie7 3or @uiA 99ListenG!rite @uiA99 Int :: D! %%. 4&-44 Session > Se%te)ber &8 AM Int 8: G(ng A'ay %%. :5-84 G-ng ad-ce and ) suggest(nsJ ta$.ng ab(ut tra-e$ and -acat(nsJ in3initi5e 3or reasonsJ res%(ndng t( suggest(nsJ 'rtng a %(stcard 99!ork"ook check pp <4 = 4H99
Int 8: D! %%.50-58
Session E Se%te)ber &8 PM -idterm &e5ie7 = %nits 1 = > -idterm EDam Session H Act(ber 5 AM Int 8: At 7()e %%. 85-84 +a$.ng ab(ut h()e ,urnshngs, h()e habts and e-enng r(utnesJ possessi5e pronouns? order o3 ad:ecti5esJ ,(r %er)ss(nJ agreeng t( re/uestsJ (rderng e-entsJ reduct(n (, gra))atca$ '(rds 99!ork"ook check pp C0 = C>99 Int 8: D! %%. 58-:5
+e$$ng and res%(ndng t( anecd(tesJ past continuous statements and Iuestions? reactng t( and c())entng (n a st(ryJ I bet; ,a$$ng and rsng nt(nat(n &e5ie7 3or IuiA8 99$ral @uiA B299 Int 4: D! %%. ::-83 Session 11 Act(ber 3& AM Int 30:*())uncat(n %%. 48-30:
Days (, .ee%ng n t(uchJ %h(ne c(n-ersat(ns? comparati5e ad:ecti5esJ nterru%tng and restartng %h(ne c(n-ersat(nsJ $n.ngJ c()%arng ad-antages and dsad-antages 99!ork"ook check pp CE-><99 Int 30: D! %%. 84-83 4 Session 12 Act(ber 3& PM %%. 308-33: Introduction to %nit 11: ,ppearances Field Trip = -useum o3 #ontemporar4 Photograph4 Session 1< Act(ber 34 AM %nit 11: ,ppearances Descrbng %e(%$eGs a%%earancesJ ad:ecti5esJ n,(r)at(nJ harsty$es and ,ash(nJ descrbng ne' trendsJ %ar '(r. >DhatGs d,,erentK? Int 33: D! %%. 8&-84 Session 14 Act(ber 34 PM Int 3&: 2((.ng ahead %%. 338-3&: +a$.ng ab(ut ,uture %$ans and e-entsJ dscussng =(bsJ will, may and might? present continuous and going to 3or the 3uture? clauses 7ith if, when, after6 and before? reduction o3 will? readng ab(ut %redct(ns ab(ut the ,uture 99!ork"ook check pp >4-EH99 &e5ie7 3or Final: %nits E - 1< Study ,(r ;na$ Sess(n 35 Act(ber &: AM Final EDam 5