Alexandria L. Pearson: Education and Licensure
Alexandria L. Pearson: Education and Licensure
Alexandria L. Pearson: Education and Licensure
405 East Vance Street, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 - [email protected] - 252! "#$-5472
North Carolina State University, Northeast Leadership Aade!y, Ralei"h, NC
- Master of Sc&ool 'd()n)trat)on
Capella University, #inneapolis, #N
- Master of Spec)al Educat)on
- %8 cred)t &ours
Cho$an University, #%r&rees'oro, NC
- *ac&elor of Sc)ence, Soc)al Stud)es Educat)on
- Honors+ S),(a -au .elta, /&) 'lp&a -&eta, Student-'t&lete '0ard .1 2o(en3s Soccer 200$-2007
Hertford County Public Schools
Principal Intern, Hertford County Middle School 'u,ust 20%" 4
- 2or5 full-t)(e 0)t& staff and ad()n)strat)6e tea( to successfull7 lead sc&ool of
and 8
,rade students
- 8ead /rofess)onal .e6elop(ent sess)ons focused on sc&ool culture and bu)ld)n, collaborat)on a(on,st
staff, effect)6e lesson plann)n,, )(ple(entat)on of tec&nolo,7, and trac5)n, and del)6er)n, data dr)6)n,
- Support teac&ers 0)t& )nstruct)onal and (ana,e(ent needs
- 9ac)l)tate /rofess)onal 8earn)n, -ea(s focus)n, on 8esson /lan -un)n, /rotocol
- 2or5 0)t& teac&er tea(s to utl):e ;nderstand)n, *7 .es),n to de6elop un)t and lesson plans
- 'ss)st pr)nc)pal and 'ss)stant /r)nc)pal to ensure students e<per)enc)n, a &),& le6el of learn)n,
- 2or5 0)t& 'd()n)strat)6e tea( to conduct classroo( 0al5t&rou,&s, obser6at)ons, and conferences
- 'ss)st )n (ana,)n, da)l7 operat)ons and lo,)st)cs of t&e sc&ool, )nclud)n, buses, student
d)sc)pl)ne, parent concerns, etc.
Roanoke Chowan Domestic Violence ask !orce
Summer Intern =une 20%" 4
'u,ust 20%"
- Collaborated 0)t& se6eral d)str)cts to re&ab)l)tate offender3s of do(est)c 6)olence
- Created a 0ebs)te and broc&ure for d)str)cts to use to spread 5no0led,e of do(est)c 6)olence and &o0
to see5 &elp
- 2rote a ,rant to susta)n t&e 0or5 of t&e -as5 9orce
- Created d),)tal 6)deo &),&l),&t)n, t&e 0or5 of t&e >oano5e C&o0an .o(est)c V)olence -as5 9orce
Hertford County Public Schools
Hertford County Hi"h School # Social Studies eacher 'u,ust 200# 4
=une 20%"
- .es),ned and )(ple(ented c&allen,)n, curr)culu( for C)6)cs ? Econo()cs, ;n)ted States @)stor7, and
'fr)can '(er)can @)stor7
- .)fferent)ated )nstruct)on for all learners )n classroo(
- Establ)s&ed a clear and conc)se classroo( 6)s)on and )ncorporated t&at 6)s)on )nto da)l7 )nteract)on
0)t&)n t&e classroo(
- Ensured al),n(ent of lesssons to t&e Nort& Carol)na Standard Course of Stud7 0&)le ut)l):)n, data to
dr)6e )nstruct)on
- Mana,ed )nclus)on classroo( 0&)le co-teac&)n, 0)t& Spec)al Educat)on teac&er
- /art)c)pated )n 1nd)6)dual):ed Educat)on /lan (eet)n,s
- Establ)s&ed pos)t)6e parental contact and (a)nta)ned contact t&rou,&out sc&ool 7ear
- Ma)nta)ned a &),& le6el of e<pectat)ons for all students focus)n, on student ,ro0t& and ac&)e6e(ent
$lternati%e &earnin" Pro"ram 'u,ust 20%0
4 Ma7 20%2
- S&aped t&e 'lternat)6e 8earn)n, /ro,ra( 0)t& t&e .)rector of Student Ser6)ces )nclud)n,+
recru)t(ent and &)r)n, of teac&ers
sc&edul)n, of teac&ers ? rotat)ons for students
ass),n)n, and (a)nta)n)n, 0or5
pro6)d)n, ser6)ces as outl)ned b7 students3 1nd)6)dual):ed Educat)on /lan
report)n, ,rades
(a)nta)n)n, and turn)n, )n t)(e s&eets
- A6ersa0 t&e entr7 of ne0 students )nto t&e pro,ra(
- Mon)tored and trac5ed student pro,ress to0ards re-enter)n, (a)n ca(pus sc&ools
- Collaborated 0)t& sta5e&olders to pro6)de support for students
- /ulled to,et&er teac&ers to pro6)de ass),n(ents for students
- Ma)nta)ned co((un)cat)on bet0een parents, students, and sc&ool
- .)fferent)ated )nstruct)on to (eet t&e needs of students
- Created learn)n, centers for students to rece)6e )nstruct)on )n e6er7 subBect e6er7 da7
- /lanned present)ons fro( outs)de co((un)t7 6olunteers
District Data Planning Team
Roanoke Chowan Consortium for Teachers
BETA Club Sponsor
School Improement Team
Pro!ect "nif# Sponsor
Hertfor$ Count# High School Essential
Stan$ar$s Representatie
%irst Respon$er
%acilitatie &ea$ership
Teacher Ealuation
Crucial Conersations
Digital Stor#telling' &lano (ran$e Center
"n$erstan$ing b# Design
Crisis Preention Interention
School Data Anal#sis
Social )ustice
Positie Behaior Support *PBIS+
Response to Interention *RtI+
Conflict Resolution