Jigsaw 2 Matrix

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Hierarchic: 4 Main Ideas


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2008 Edwin Ellis, All Rights Reserved Published by Makes Sense Strategies, LLC, !rth"!rt, AL www#MakesSenseStrategies#$!%



Jig Saw II
Main idea Main idea

Is about

A cooperative learning strategy in which individual students become experts on subsections of a topic and teach that subsection to others.
Main idea Main idea

Theoretical Framework



Assessing Motivation Modifications

Assessment of Content knowledge: In order to assess content knowledge you can give a quiz on the content after the review and closure or simply go around the room and have each student share one thing they learned from the presentations. Assement of Group processes: use the rubric you created to assess the group as a team. Are all members contributing, are boys and girls speaking equally,are some members dominating, are group interactions positive, are the diverse members of the group being included are all important aspects to assess. Motivation: In Jigsaw, students are motivated by the social interaction that comes with working in groups as well as the relative control they have as to how their piece of the content will be taught. Modifications: You can tailor this strategy to fit any size classroom by breaking each subject down into chunks that are as big or as small as needed by the class size. This can also be modified by having the groups video tape the presentations and upload them to a discussion forum for online integrative classes.

Who developed this concept? What are the educational psychology underpinnings to this model? What impact does it have on learning?

set clear learning objectives for your students. Break the lesson down into the meat and bones of what needs to be learned from this lesson. Acquiring research skills, self-direction and developing social and communication skills should be as important as the content goals.\ repare a study guide! create study guides to guide the research and conversation of each group of students. "his is essential in making sure that what the group is presenting will be relevant to the content of the lesson. "his is also a time to devise the rubrics that will be used to grade the presentations as well as the group processes Form student teams that will be diverse in race, gender, culture and level of achievement are important to the students gaining social skills. Dont let the students pick their own teams Have supplementary information ready to fill in the gaps that the student experts might leave. Students do not have enough knowledge to teach a lesson as well as the teacher can.

Assign:either assign the topics to each group or by letting the group decide their topic by themselves. Be sure to provide an adequate time frame for topic decision if you choose the second option. Information gathering: distribute the study guides amongst the groups of student experts to guide the information gathering process. Devote at least 2 class periods to the information gathering process, plus research as a home or! assignment. "xpert meetings: have the students meet during class time to organi#e their individual research into some sort of presentation. Assign a different group leader for every meeting so that leadership roles are learned and that the group stays on tas!. $elp lo er achievers prepare for their group leader role by meeting ith them before the group meeting. %eer instruction: "mphasi#e that the class ill be held accountable for paying attention to each group&s presentation. have the student experts teach their content area to the class in a structured manor. %repare guided notes to distribute to the class so that they stay on tas! during the presentations

'evie and closure: (upplement the students& presentations by providing a ay to tie all the content together and fill in the gaps missed by the student groups.

So what? What is important to understand about this?

Jigsaw II is an important strategy to use in classes because it promotes social growth in areas like tolerance, trust and respect for others. This model also promotes skills used in higher learning and beyond like research abilities, self-direction and communication skills. This model is also important because, it holds the students accountable for knowing the information that they will be tested on.

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