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PRACTICAL EXERCISES" 2 Recording Transactions of Sample Data of "Swayam Agencies Pvt. Ltd.


The following example shows how to record transactions in Tally .ERP 9 :Mrs Soumya Satpathy, an MBA from BHUBANESWAR , started her own agency called SWAYAM AGENCIES PVT. LTD. on Apr il 1, 2008, to deal in the wholesale trade of sta bilizers and pumps of different capacities. :Mrs Soumya Satpathy wants to maintain her accounts using Tally.ERP 9. She maintains the books of account un der the accrua l system of accounting. Transactions recorded for Swayam Education by Mrs Soumya Satpathy for the year 2008- 2009 are as follows : You are required to:
Record Prepare

the transactions financia l sta tement

CREATION OF COMPANY-SWAYAM EDUCATION-LEVEL- I Field Data to be Entered Directory Accept what is displayed by default Number Na me Income Mailing Name Tax Address E-mail Address Use Indian VAT Applicable From VATTin Local Sales Tax Number Inter-State Sales Tax
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Number Currency Symbol Maintain Financi al Year from Books beginni ng

from TallyVault Password Use Security Control

Swayam Agencies Pvt. ltd. Swayam Agencies Pvt. ltd. At: Janpath, Bhunaneswar, Orissa, INDIA PIN:754001 swayam [email protected] Yes 01.04.2008 11111111 111 This field is automatically skipped. 555555 55 ABCDE 1111A R s Accounts with Inventory 01-042008 01-042008 Skip the field (Leave blank) N o

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CHART OF ACC OUI\'TS- Swayam Agenci es Pvt Ltd. SI. No. Ledger Under Group Assets Cell Phone Computer Electrical Fittings Furniture & Fixtures Motor Vehic les Data Tech Services Java Trading Company Seacrest Trading Company Soft Touch Traders State Trade Corporation, Sun-Shine Traders BBSR Bills Receivable Prepaid Insurance Salary Advance Security Deposit ICICI Bank Petty Cash Liabilities Input VAT @12.5 per cent Input VAT @ 4 per cent Output CST @ 4 per cent Output VAT @ 4 per cent Output VAT @ 12.5 per cent VAT Adjust ment Ale Electricity Charges Payable Rent Expenses Payable Salary Expenses Payable VAT Payable A 2 Z Traders Icon Enterprises Pacific Merchants WinTech Information X-Tech Services Systems Bills Payable Capital Soumya Satpathy Capital Ale Soumya Satpathy Drawings Page : 2 Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Provisions Provisions Provisions Provisions Local Creditors Outstation Outstation Creditors Outstation Creditors Outstation Creditors Current Creditors Liabilities Capital Accounts Capital Accounts SWAYAM Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Local Debtors Local Debtors Outstation Outstation Debtors Outstation Debtors Outstation Debtors Current Debtors Assets Current Assets Loan&Advance Deposit(Asset) (Assets) Bank Account Cash in Hand

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Revenue Sales@ 12.5 per cent Sales @ 4 per cent Sales-CST Discount Received Income Interest Received Income Input CST@ 4 per cent Purchase Purchase@ 12.5 per cent Account Purchase @ 4 per cent Account Purchase - CST Account Carriage Inward Expenses Expenses Advert isement Expenses Expenses Bank Charges Expenses Conveyance Expenses Expenses Depreciation Expenses Expenses Donation Expenses Expenses Electricity Expenses Expenses Exhibition Expenses Expenses Insurance Expenses Expenses Interest Due Expenses Printing & Stationery Expenses Rent Expenses Expenses Salary Expenses
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Sales Accounts Sales Accounts Sales Accounts Indirect Indirect


Tax On Purchase Purchase Purchase Direct Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect

Expenses Shop Maintenance Expenses

Telephone Expenses Expenses Indirect Expenses


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1) 1-42009 Mr. Swayam Satpathy started a Swoyam Agencies by bringing in Capital of Rs.15,00,000 by cheque and deposited the same in ICICI Bank by openi ng a new account. Note : Mr. Swayam Satpathy wants to have separate Vouchers for Bank Payment and Receipts. He also wants separate Serial Numbers to be displayed for Bank Receipt (i.e. BK-REC I 001108-09 )and Bank Payment (i.e.BK-PMT I 0011 08-09 ).Hence, Two new Voucher Types - Bank Payment under Payment and Bank Receipt under Receipt - have to be created. Step 1 : Create Voucher Type 'Bank Receipt' Create the Bank Receipt under Receipt Vouc her Type : 1. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounts Info 7 Voucher Type 7 Create 2. The Voucher Type creation screen is divided into three sections depending on the various settings 3. Give the name of the new voucher type, e.g., Bank Payment. = ifiifflj 4ieh$i W.encl!S x The Complete Voucher Creation Screen displays as shown : Bank Payment (al/as) : I Type or Voucher Abbr Gene r al . Pd yme nt : BKPMT Print afte1 saving Voucher No ? Nome of Class

List of Transactions :(SAMPLE EXERCISES) APRIL 2009

Melhod of Voucher Numbering ? Autom atic Use Advance Configuration ? Yes Use EFFECTIVE Da es for l Vouchers ? Make 'Oplional' as defaul1
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? No Use Comrnon Nanation ? Yes Na11a1ions for each enlry ? No ltert1t1on Secondil Starting Nurrber w1atn or NumencalPan

Prefill wlttl ZERO NO. BK.PMT/1/08-09 Restan Nun1be1lng Prefix Details Suffix Details App l icable Starting Particulars Appli Particulars Particulars From Numbe1 Appli cable Fr cable om F1om lApr-2006 1 Yrly Clculator

Apr-2008 BK PMT/



Likewise create Bank Receipt Voucher Type as displayed above.

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Step 2: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Bank Receipt Voucher. 1. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F6 : Receipt 7 Select Bank Recei Voucher Type list to view Bank Receipt Voucher entry screen.


.... ! l:U.NO BK-REC/11 08-09


x 1Apr-2008 Tuesday Amount 15,00.000.00

Account ICICI Bank Cur&/ 15.00,000.00 Dt P:irttcul:irs sw.-iyam Satpathy C:ipital Aic Cur &I : 15,00.000.00 Ct Narration: Ch.No. :187962 being cheque deposited in ICICIBani\. Acc@pt '? Yes r No -

C clll tor

ODBC Server

2) 3-4-2009 M r. Swayam withdrew Rs.50,000 cheque for Shop Expenditure from ICICI Bank . ( Cheque No- 123451) Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Contra Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F4 : Contra to view the Contra Voucher Sere Enter the Transaction as shown below : . . !. 1 r .-1, x 3-Apr-2008 Thursday "" " lioolf lU l'l..'I l' ''""

,. .!..... No.1 ""

Account Cash Cur Bal . 50,000.00 D r Parti cul ars nt ICICIB:ink Cw &/ . 14,50,000.00 Dr Narration:

Amou 50 , 000.00

50.000.0 0 Ch. No. 12345 1 being cash withdrawn ror Shop Expenditure. Servef .:.11cul:ito1
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Accept ? Page : 5 www.Tallv9Book.com

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Yes o No

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3) 5-4-2009 M r. Swayam purchased Furniture and Fixture worth Rs. 1,50,000 for the Shop by cheque. {Ch. No- 123452) Step 1 : Create Voucher Type 'Bank Payment' Create the Bank Payment under Paymen t Voucher Type : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounts Info 7 Voucher Type 7 Create to bring up the vouch creation screen. 1. Name: Bank Payment 2. Type of Voucher : Select Payment from the list of Voucher Types. 3. Method of Voucher Numbering ? :Select Automatic from Type of Numbering list. 4. Use Advanced Configuration : Yes 5. Prefix Details - Particulars : type BK-PMT/ 6. Suffix Details - Particulars :type /08-09 Note: See the voucher creation Screen of Receipt Voucher in transaction SI. No-1 Step 2: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Bank Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 FS :Bank Payment to view the Bank P Voucher Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown below:

Account : ICICI B:ink Cur &I . 16.00,000.00 Dr Partieul<1rs unt Furnitur & Fixtur Cur Bal: 1,50,000.00 Dr Narration: Ch.No :123452 being amount paid tor Furniture and FiXture.

Amo 1.50.00 0.00 1.50.00 0.00

4) 8-4-2009 M r. Swayam rented a prem i ses on 1-4-2009 for his bus iness at Rs. 3,500 per month . He paid a Security Deposi t of Rs.25,000 by cheque. (Ch. No123453) Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Bank Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 FS :Bank Payment to view the Bank P Voucher Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown below : Page : 6
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"llit - -= 2008

1.... "' No BK PMT/2 08--09

. 1

8-AprTuesday Amo 25.00 0.00 25,00 0.00 Acc pt ? - ,. Y@s No

Account . 1c1c1 Bank Particulars Cur Bal : 11.,75.000.00 Dr unt Sec urity Deposit Cur Bal : 25.000.00 Dr Narration: Ch . No 123453 being amount paid ror security Deposit towards a Premises on Rent. C lculator ODBC Stnver I

5) 10-4-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque to purchase the follow i ng Assets. (Ch . No123454) Rate of Assets ICost Depreciations Cell Phone I Rs.5,500 15% Computer I Rs. 25,000 60% Electrical Fitt i ngs I Rs. 5,000 10% Motor Vehicle ( 2 Whee ler) I 15% Rs. 40,000 Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Bank Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP -7 Accounting Vouchers -7 FS :Bank Payment to view the Bank Payment Voucher Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown tO-Apr[IIll&!:J(Zl r:::rn No. BK..PMT/3'08-0S below: 2008 Accountm Voucher Creation swa am A enc1es . Thursday Aecount : ICICI B nk CJ.Jr Bal 11.!>9.SOO.OO Dr Amount Cell Phone CJ.Jr Bal S. 0.00 Dr Computer Cur Bal . 25.000.00 Dt Electri c31 F itting s CJ.Jr Bal . 5.000.00 Dr Motor Vehicle C 2 Wheel er) Cur Bal 40.000.00 Dt C:>lcul:uor

5.50 0.00 25,00 0.00 75.5 5.00 00.00 0.00 ODBC server 40.0 00.0 SWAYAM 0

Page : 7 NarratJon; Ch No 123454 being amount paid towards purchase or various Fe<.ed www.Tallv9Book.com Assets ror the busJness .

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6) 12-4-2009 Mr. Swayam has appo1nted the foIIowing peo )l e. Name Des ignation Monthly Rahul Bhatt Sales Salary 4,000 3,500 Jairam Salesman Executive 2 ,500 Shi shir Mathur Accountant Sengupta Ajith V Nair Clerk 1.500 Ajith is also in charge of Petty Cash and submitting the statement of Expenses at the end of every monty. I Note : No Entry is required because this is not an Acc ounting Transaction. 7) 20-4ase t e lo 1t. ' lowing tems f rom A2Z Trad ers on cred 2009 r.Swayam M urc h Quantity Rate Item Value Input VAT Total 60,000 12.5% 67,500 H i gh Capacity 100 600 Stabilizers STEP-1: Change the Method of Vo ucher Numbering as Manual In Purchase Voucher : 1. Gateway of Tally.ERP -7 Accounts Info -7 Vouchers Type -7 Alter 2. Select "Purchase" from the list of Vouchers Types. 3. In third section, change the Method of Vouc her Numbering to 'Manual' . 4. Prevent Duplicate -YES. 5. Retain the other fields as they are - Press CTRL+A ( Save the existing options} STEP-2: Make an entry of the transaction In a Purchase Voucher : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP Accounting Vouchers F9 :Purchase to view the Purchase Voucher and Enter the Transaction as shown below : 1. Click the As Invoice button (The entry has to be recorded as a Purchase Invoice with Item wise) 2. Click theI tem Invoice button 3. Type P-A2Z-01 in Purchase Bill No. 4. Press F2 to change the Voucher Date to 20-4-2009. Enter the Purchase Transaction as shown below : Ref. : No . P -A2Z--0 1 20-Apr-2008 Sunday

Party's Ale Name: A2Z Trnders Current Balance : Purchase Ledger : Pm clH>se@ 12.5 . VAT/T sx Clssa: Purch'1ses@ 12.5% Name. of Item Quantity Am ount

Rate p er

100 N os. G00.00 nos. 60,000.00

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Input VAT @12.5% N a rration:

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12.50 % T,500.00 67,501).(}0

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8) 21-4ase t e lo owing tems f rom A2Z Traders on cred. 1t. 2009 M r.Swayam urc h Input VAT Total Quanti Rote Value Item Hiqh Capacity Stabi lizers ty 40,000 12.5% 45,000 100 400 Open Well Pumps 50 150 75,000 4% 78,000 Submersible Pumps 2 4% 2 ,08 ,000 100 200 0 3,31,000 Gross Total ,00,000 0 STEP-1: Make an entry of the transaction in a Purchase Vouc her : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP Ac counting Vouchers F9 :Purchase to view the Purchase Voucher and Enter the Transaction as shown below : 1. Click the As Invoice button (The entry has to be recorded as a Purchase Invoice with Item wise) 2. Click the Item Invoice button 3. Type P-A2Z-02 in Purchase Bill No. 4. Press F2 to change the Voucher Date to 20-4-2009. 5. Press F12 : Configure & Change the option " Use Common Ledger Ale for Item Allocation" to remove the Purchase Ledger next to Party's Ale Name option in Purchase Voucher} Configure Invoices I Oelivery Hotes t Orders Accept Supplementary Details (Address Details, 0eS(Jalch Delails etc) Use Common Ledger Ne for Item .AJlocation Use Defaults for Bill Allocat ions Use Excise Formal Use Additional Descriplion(s) for Item Name .AJlow separate Buyer and Consignee names
6. 7.

? Yes

? Yes ? Ho ? Ho ? Ho

Party's Ale Name :Select A'JZ Traders. Name of Item: Low Capacity Stabilisers. 8. Quantity : 100 Nos. 9. Rate :400. 10. Amount: Amount of 40,000 is automatically displayed 11. Press Enter to view the Acc ounting Details scree. 12. In the Accounting Details screen, select Purchase@ 12.5% f rom the list of Ledger Accounts.

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Upto: Rs. 40 000.00 Dr ,

P"rticul rs Purchse@ 12.6%

Cur Bal : 1 ,00,000.00 Dr

VAT/Tax Class


Purch ses @ 12.5 o

40,000 .00

40,000.oo l

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13. Retain the amount displayed and accept the Accounting Details screen. As per above procedure or steps, Enter other Two Items as shown in below screen : pt ..2008 Mond 21 .Aay Name of lreni nt Party's Ale Name A2Z Trndets Cuff!tnl. Bof.ance 01,5aitOO Ct 11,11 u,..aarr s..tlh15 Open W ell Putrt p$ S 111&1al>le Pumps Input VAT@\I ' lnp lt VAT @12.5"+ 011.Jntl Rate er A m ou

100 Nos. 400.00 lls. .l0.000.00 50 Nos. 1,500.00 lies. 75.000.0

-0 100 Nos. 2.000.00 llu. 2.00.000 250 Nos 3.31 000. . .00 Na-n ation. 00 3,15,000.00 4 % 11.000.00 9) 22-4-2009 1Z.50 % S.000.00 Mr. Swayam paid Carriage Inward Expenses of Rs.500 in cash on purchase made on 20-4-2009 and 21-4-2009. Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 A ccounting Vouchers 7 F5 : Payment to view the Payment Voucher and Enter the Transaction as shown below : x .. . ... . . .. .... "

No 1


Tuesday Account c:ish

Cur Bal : 4!>.500.00 Dr

Particulars carr l :ige In ward Expensu Amount


Cur Bal. 500.00 Dr

Narratjon: being the amount paid towards Carriage Inward Expenses on Purchase made on 20-4-2006 and 21-4-2006 . 500.00 _
Accept '? Yes , No

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10) 27-4-2009 M r. Swa am t ransfer red Rs. 10,000 to Pett Cash from Cash to meet the da to da ex enses. Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Contra (F4) Voucher . Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 A ccounting Vouchers 7 F4 : Contra to view the Contra Voucher Ser; Enter the Transaction as shown below : !::\ T ally 9 (cl Tally Sohnlons FZLLC. 1988 2006 TallyGo ld Mu fti Use1 hnp wJMly$oht1ions.com : 2007 f :Pnnl f:Export IQ:Upload :J:lim:J NO.2 Ar.coum Ptty C3sh C,.,, &J 10.000.00 Dr P;1rticulnrs Cosh Cur&/ : 3'J.W0.00Dr Narrabon: Amount transfer from Cash to Petty Casn to meet tile day to day expenses. Sl. No.: I!!.: Help x 27-Apr-2008 sunoay

Amount 10.000.00 10.000.00 Accept? Y s No

11) 28-4-2009 M r. Swayam wi thdrew Rs.5,000 in cash for personal use. Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F5 : Payment to view the Enter the Transaction as shown below : n Payment Voucher a d I -' fl ... ,L ' JU&.J. ..... x I No.2 28-Apr-2008 "' Monday

- ...


Account . Cuh Cur Bal 44,501>.00 Dr Partieu1:1rs Amoun t Swam Satpath y On.wing IVc 5,000.0 0
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Cur Bal : 5,000.00 Dr Narration:

www.Tally9Book. Com 0 Being amount withdrawn by Mr.Swayam Satpathy ror persona l use.

5,000.0 Acc ept ? Yes r No

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12) 30-42009 VAT adjustment entry. At the end of evel}' month, VAT Adjustment entl}' has to recorded. To record the Adjustment , Input and Out Tax accounts are Credited and Debited, respectfully to nullify their Balances and the net balance is trans VAT Adjustment account. A Debit Balance of VAT Adjustment account indicates that the excess Input being carried forward to the next month and a Credit Balance indicates that VAT is Payable. As per Accounting conventions The Journa l Entry for the transaction is as follows . VAT Adjustment Ale Dr. Rs.23,500 To lnputVAT@12 .5% Cr. To lnputVAT@4% Cr.


Rs.12,500 Rs.11,000

As per Tally.ERP conventions Create Ledger VAT Adjustment Ale (under Duties and Taxes) as details below : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounts Info 7 Ledger 7 Create to view the ledger creation screen.
2. 3. 4. 5.

1. Name : VAT Adjustment A/c Under :Duties & Taxes Type of Duty I Tax : Select VAT from Types of Duty I Tax lust VAT I Tax Class : Not Applicable Inventory Values are affected ? : No. 6. Accept ? Yes or No ? 7 Press Y or Enter

Note : Since the VAT/Tax Class is not applicable the percentage of calculation automatically appears as 0. (To know the Tax amount that is to be adjusted, go to Gateway of Tally.ERP> Display> Statutory Re VAT Reports> VAT Computation) x Pa 1 Iic u I a r s Sw ly.lm Agencies Assessil Tax 1-A r-2008 1o 30-A r-2000 Am hle ount Val ue

Purchases B. lnpul Tax Excess Input Credit Bl()Ughl Untiled Notes Page 15F0tward

Input VAT@ 4% Tot alInput Ciedit

II II II 2 75 000.00 3,75.00 0.00 www.Tally9Book. Com

IIII 11 ODO.DO 23.50 0.00

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Step-1 : Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Journal Voucher . Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F7 : Journal to view the Journal Voucher Sci' Enter the Transaction as shown below : x 30-Apr-2008 weooes day
P3rtlcul; irs
By VAT Adjustment
Cur Bal 23,500.00 Dr


C redit

12,500.00 11,000.00

To Input VAT @12 . 5

Cur Bal : 0.00 Cr

To Input VAT @-4%

Cur Bal : 0.00 Cr

Narration: VAT Adjustment entry for April 2006 .


Accept ?
Y es Jr No

13) 30-4-2009 Make an entry for the Salary Due of all staff for the month of April 2009. The deta ils are as follows: Name Rahul Bhatt Ja i ram Sengupta Shishir Mathur Ajith V Nair Salary Paid Rs. 2,400 Rs, 2,100 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 900 Number of Days 18 18 18 18

Note : Create the all above ind i vidua l staff Ledger Account under Loan & Advance ( Asset) Make a Transaction in Journal Voucher ( F7): Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F7 : Journal to view the Journal \ Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown below :

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MAY 2009 14) 1-52009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries through cheque for April 2009 . ( Ch. No123455). The details are as follows : Nu mber of Days Nom e Salary Paid
Rahul Bhatt Ja i ram Sengupta Shishir Mathur Ajith V Nair Rs. 2,400 Rs, 2,100 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 900 18 18 18 18

Note: Cost Center has to be created in each employee's name.Ensure that Maintain Cost Centers is set to YES in F11 : Features> Accounting Features. Cost/Pr ofit Centre$ M anageme nt Maintain Payroll ? No Maint ain Cost Centres Use Cost Centre for Job Costing ? No More than ONE Pay roll / Cost Category ? Ho Use Pre-defined Cost Cen1reAllocatons during Ent ry ? No Cost Center Cost Centers are the Cost objects for which Expenses are incurred under various account heads and t control can be effectively established by keeping track of the Cost at one place. Similar to Cost Center, you can have Revenue Centers to keep track of Revenues. Example of Cost Centers Departments of an organization . For example, Finance, Marketing, Manufacturing, Product of a Company.For example: Tally.ERP 9 , Income Tax, Service Tax Individuals. For example :Salesman A , Salesman B , Salesman C. Step-1 Create Cost Centers : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7A ccounts Info 7 Cost Centers 7 Multiple Cost Centers 7 Create to v multi Cost Centers creation screen. 1. Under Cost Centre : All Items 2. Enter the details as shown in the following table... SI.No. 1) 2) 3) 4) Name of Cost Center Rahul Bhatt Jairam Sengupta Shishir Mathur Ajith V Nair
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Und erPrimar Primar y Primar y Primar y y

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x Under Cost Centre D All Items

S.N o.
Name of Cost Centre Under

1. RahulBhatt 2. Jairam Sengupta 3. Shlshlr Mathur

4. Ajit V Niiir

a Primary o Primary o Primary o Primary

Accept ?
Y es m No 3.

Accept? Yes or No? -7 Press Y or Enter

Step-2 Create Salary Expenses (under Indirect Expenses) : Note: Set the field Cost Centers are applicable ? to Yes at the lime of Salary expenses ledger creation. Led er Alteration Name : Salary Ex penses (OlilM} Under Inventory values are affected Cost cent res are applicable : Indirect Ex penses ? Ho <fB>

Step-2 Make en entry of the Transaction in a Bank Payment voucher (FS) : 1. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP Accounting Vouchers F5: Payment >select Bank Payme voucher type list 2. Press F2 to change the Voucher Date to 1-5-2009. 3. Select "ICICI Bank" in the Header Account> then Select "Salary Expenses" in Particulars head and value of Rs.6,900 in Amount column and press Enter key to view the Cost Center Allocation sere enter the details as shown in the followin table. Name of Cost Center Amount Rahul Bhatt 2,400 Jairam Sengupta 2, 100 Shishir Mathur 1,500 Ajith V Nair 900

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Press Enter to accept the Cost Center allocation entries. The Bank Payment Voucher sc reen will be as below ...

,A.ccount: ICICIBani< Cur Bal. 11,92,600.00 Dr P<irtic ulars

Salary Expenses
Ci..r Bal : 6.900.00 Dr
Rahul Bhan Jairam Sengupt a Shishir Mathur Ajit V Nai1


6.900.00 2,400.00 Dr 2.100.00 Dr 1,500.00 Dr 900.00 D1 6,900.00 Accept? Yes


Narration: Ch. No.:123455 being Salaiy paid for ApHI2006 .


15) 2-5-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rs.2500 in Cash for stationery , printing invo i ces and vouchers to Cannon Traders. Note :Set the field Cost Center are applicable ? to No at the time of creating Ledger Printing & Stationer Expenses . Make an entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher ( F5 ) : Header Accou nt :Cash Acc ount Line Acc ount ( Particulars): Printing & stationery Expenses -7 Rs.2500 To see the Payment Vo ucher Screen (See Transaction SL.No. - 9 ) 16) 3-5-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expend iture from the Petty Cashier for April 2009. the statement is as follows : Nom e of Expenses Amount (Rs.) Printing & Stati onery 2 ,500 Cell phone bill 600 Shop maintenance Expenses 450 Conveyance expenses for Marketing Execut ives

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Note :Set the field Cost Center are applicable ? to No at the time of Ledger creation for all the Ledgers mentioned above.. Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F5 : Payment to view the Cash Payment Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown below Header Account : Petty Cash Line Accounts( Particulars) : Printing & Stationery Expenses -7 Rs.2500 Telephone Expenses -7 Rs.600 Shop Maintenance Expenses -7 Rs.450 Conveyance Expenses -7 Rs.250

Acc ount Petty cash Cur Bal: 6.200.00 Dr Particulars Amoun t Printing & Stationery Ei:penses Cur Bal : 5,000.00 Dr Telephone Expenses Cur Bal 600.00 Dr Shop Maintenanc Expenses Cur Bal : 450.00 Dr Conv ey ance Cur Bal: 250.00 Dr Expenditure Narration: 2,500.00 600.00 450.00 250.0 0 3,800.00 Accept? Y es o No

17) 6-5-2009 Mr. paid Rs. 3,500 by cheque towards Shop Rent for April 2009. {Ch. No-123456) Note: Set the field Cost Center are applicable ? to No at the time of creating Ledger Printing Shop Rent. Make an entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher ( FS ) : Bank Payment Header Account : ICICI Bank
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www.Tally9Book. Com Line Account ( Particulars) : Rent Expenses -7 Rs.3,500

To see the Bank Payment Voucher Screen (See Transaction SL.No. - 5)

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18) 10-5-2009 Mr. Swayam so Id the foIIowing i tems f or Cas h . The deta1 1s are as f0IIows : Output Item Quantity Rote Value Total VAT High Capacity 50 850 42 12.5% 47,813 Open Well Pumps 15 1700 25,50 4'Yo 26,520 Stabilizers ,500 74.333 Gross 0 Total Step-1: Make an entry of the transaction in a Sales Voucher ( FS) : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP Sales displays the Sales Voucher screen. Accounting Vouchers FS :

Note: 1 . Ensure that As Invoice and Item Invoice buttons are activated. This is because the sales entry has to be recorded as an item invoice. 2 . Ensure that in F 12 ( Configuration) in Sales Voucher , 18-A) 15-5-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque to A2Z Traders for Rs.3,96,500 after deducting the Discount of Rs. 2,000. He receive a Discount as he agreed to pay the entire Bill Amount . (Ch No-123457) 19) 28-5-208 Mr. Swayam withdrew Rs. 4,000 in cash for personal use. 20) 30-5-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of Expenditure from the petty Cashier for May 2009 . the statement is as follows : Nome of Expenses Cell phone bill Shop maintenance Expenses Conveyance expenses for Marketing Executives 21) 31-52009 VAT adjustment entry. A mount (Rs.} 1,500 200 800

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JUNE 2009 22) 3-6-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rs. 3500 in cash towards Shop Rent for May 2009 23) 4-6-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque of Rs. 11,000 on the Petty Cashier . (Cheque No123458) 24) 6-6-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salary for May 2009 by cheque. (Ch . No-123459) 25) 8-6-2009 Mr. Swayam purchased the following Goods from Dust Merchants on Credit for 30 days . Interest o per annum IS to be caIcula ted at 10'% Quantit Rate Value Input VAT Total Itern High Capacity Stabilizers y 200 650 1,30,00 12.5% 1.46.250 Open Well Pumps 300 1600 4,80 4Jo 4,99,200 0 ,000 6,45,450 Gross Total 26) 10-6-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Carriage Inward of Rs. 400 in cash . 27) 12-6-2009 Mr. Swayam Sold the following Items to Me Trading Company on credit for 45 days . Interest charted is at 15% per annum, if payment is not made within the credit period. 28) 15-6-2009 Mr. Swayam withdraw Rs. 5,000 in cash for personal use. 29) 20-6-2009 Mr. Swayam Deposited cash Rs. 40,000 to ICICI Bank. 30) 27-6-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rs. 2000 in cash to Mr. Jairam Sengupta as Salary advance.
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Note: Salary Advance is to be adjusted in Four equalinstallment.

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31) 28-6-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of Expenditure from the Petty Cahier on end 30-6-2009. the statement is as follows. Amount (Rs .) Nome of Expenses
Insurance premium for the period 1-7-2009 to 30-6-2009 Conveyance Expenses of Marketing Executives Shop Maintenance Expenses Electricity Expenses 2,400 600 550 500

32) 29-6-2009 Mr. Swayam SoId the f oIIow1nq terns to You Tech Services on ered"1t. Item Quanti Rot Volue Output Totol e ty 12.5% 61,875 Law Capacity 100 550 55,00 VAT 0 Stabilizers 61.875 Gross Totol 33) 30-6-2009 VAT adjustment entry. JULY 2009 34) 3-7-2009 Mr. Swayam paid the Salaries through Cheque for June 2009. Note : Adjust the Salary Advance of Rs.500 ( 1 '1 Installment) given to Mr. Jairam Sengupta. 35) 6-7-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rent in cash for June 2009. 36) 14-7-2009 Mr. Swayam Purchased the following Items under a Sales Office. He paid by cheque. The offer is as follow... On Purchase of 10 High Capacity Stabilizer , 1 HCS is given Free of Cost. l1zer , 1LCS . 1s given Free of Cost 0n Purc hase of 5 Iaw Copacity Stab1
Pure hose Free 5 Totol 55 Rote 650 Volue Input VAT 12.5% Totol Amt. 36 ,536


Qty .
High Capacity Stabilizers 50


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Law Capacity Stabili zers 1 20


1 24

1 400

I 8000

1 12.5 0


Gross Total


37} 19-7-2009 Mr. Swayam paid by cheque to Dust Merchants towards Bill dated 8-6-2009. Note : Due to late payment ( 11 days),Mr. Swayam has to pay Interest (applicable at the rate of 10% per annum) in addition to the Bill amount. 38} 20-7-2009 Mr. Swayam i ntroduced a Sale Offer and sold the following items on Cred it to Me Trad ing Company and You Tech Services. Item Sold Free Tota Rote Value Output Total l VAT Amt Qty Qt ME TRADING CONiANY . y. 750 15,000 12.5% 16,875 H i gh Capacity 20 2 22 Stabilizers Law Capacity 5 1 6 450 2250 12.5 o 2,531 Stabili zers 19,406 Gross YOU TECH Total SERVICES 25,312 High Capacity 30 3 33 750 22500 12.5 Stabilizers Law Capacity 15 3 18 450 6750 12.5 7,594 Stabili zers 32,906 Gross Total 39} 22-7-2009 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Me Trading Company and You Tech Services in settlement of bills dated 20-7-2009 . 40) 28-7-2009 Mr. Swayam rece i ved cheque from You Tech Services towards the bill dated 29-6-2009

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41) 29-7-2009 Mr. Swayam rece i ved the statement of Expenditure from the Petty Cashier for the month end , July 2009. the Statement is as follows : Name of Expenses
Amount {Rs.)
1500 600 600 550 500 Advertisement Expenses incurred Conveyance Expenses of market ing executives Donat i on to Charitable Trust. Shop Maintenance Expenses E lectricity Expenses

42 ) 31-72009 VAT Adjustment Entry. Bank Reconciliation This i s a route procedure of systematica lly adjust ing the account balance reported by a Bank with the account balance on the company's books and explain i ng any differences . Differences can occur if deposits are not yet cleared or cheques are not yet presented . Bank Statement for the per i od 1-4-2009 to 4-8-2009 send to Swayam Agenc i es from ICICI Bank is as follows... PARTICULARS Ch. No-187962 depsited (Mr. 2-4Swayam 2009 Satpathy Capital)(Cash Ch. No- 123451 3-42009 withdrawn) Ch. No- 123452 (Furniture and 8-42009 Fixture) Ch. No- 123453 (As Security 10-42009 Deposit) Ch. No- 123454 (For Asset 13-42009 Purchased) Ch. No- 123455 (Salaly Paid) 2-52009 Ch. No- 123456 (Rent Paid) 6-52009 Ch. No- 123457 (Issued to A2Z 19-5Traders) 2006 Ch. No- 123458 (Cash withdrawn 4-Sfor Petty Cash) 2009 7-SCh. No- 123459 (Salary Paid) 2009 Cash (cash deposited) 20-62009 4-7Ch. No- 123460 (Salary paid) 2009 Ch. No- 123461 (Purchase made) 17-72009 Ch. No- 123462 (Issued to Dust 1-8Merchants) 2009 Cheque deposited ( Me Trading 3-82009 Company) Cheque deposited (You Tech 4-8To reconci l e all transactions relating to Services) 2009 Bank Accounts.
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DEPOSIT Withdraw BALAN S als CE 15,00,000 15.00,000 50,000 1,50,000 25,000 75,500 6.900 3,500 3,96,500 11,000 11,500 40,000 11.000 45,563 6,47,395 52,312 61,875 14,45,000 13,00,000 12,75,000 11,99,500 11.92.600 11,89,100 7,92,600 7,81,600 7,70, 100 8, 10,100 7,99. 100 7,53,537 1,06, 142 1,58,454 2,20,329

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AUGUST 2009 43} 5-8-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries by cheque for July 2009. Note : Adjust the Salary Advance of Rs. 500 (2 nd Installment) given lo Mr. Jairam Sengupta . 44) 8-8-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rent in cash for July 2009. 45) 10-8-2009 M r. Swayam paid Rs. 7,500 in cash to the petty cashier . 46) 12-8-2009 Mr. Swayam sold the following items to Help Trad i ng Corporat ion and allowed a trade discount at the rate of 5'Yo Item Quant Rate Disc Value Output Total H i gh Capacity 5% 76 ,950 12.5% 86,569 ity . VAT 90 900 Stabi lizers 47) 27-8-2009 Mr. Swayam received cheque from Seacreast Trading Corporat i on towards the bill dated 12-8- 2009. 48} 28-8-2009 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Me Trading Company towards the bill dated 12-6-2008 and also the interest for 32 days. 49) 29-8-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from Petty Cashier for the month end 31-8- 2009. The statement is as follows : Name of Expenses Amount (Rs Cell Phone Bill paid 800.) Conveyance Expenses of market ing 600 executives Shop Maintenance Expenses 400 Electricity Expenses 350 50} 31-8-2009 VAT Adjustment Entry. Page : 23
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SEPTEMBER 2009 51) 4-92009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for August 2009. Note : Adjust the Salary Advance of Rs.500 ( 3 rd installment) given lo Mr.Jairam Sengupta. 52) 6-9-2009 r.Swayam ase t M e lo l urc h Item Law Capacity Submersible Pumps Stabilizers

owing tems f rom A2Z Traders on re 1t. Quanti Rat 110 50 ty e 50 210 0 Gross 0 Total Value 55,00 0 1,05,0 00 Input 12.5'Yo VAT 4'Yo Total 61,875 1,09,200 1,71,075

53) 10-9-2009 Mr. Swayam Sold the following Items to You Tech Services and drew a Bill of exchange for 30 days W h.ICh was dulIy acceptedb1yth em. Item Quanti Rate Value Output Total Law Capacity 100 550 55,000 VAT 12.5% 61,875 ty Submersible Pumps 50 2500 125000 4% 130000 Stabilizers 1,91,875 Gross Total 54) 15-9-2009 Mr. Swayam withdrew Rs.6,000 from ICICI Bank for personal use. 55) 17-9-2009 Mr. Swayam S0Id the f oIIowing items on cred'1t of 45 Corporat1on . d ays to Me Trad'mg Quanti Rate Value Output Item Total High Capacity 80 700 56,00 VAT 12.5% 63,000 ty Submersible 60 2300 13800 4'Yo 143520 Stabilizers Pumps 0 2,06,520 Gross 0 Total 56) 22-9-2009 Mr. Swayam returned 10 Low Capacity Stabilizers to A2Z Traders purchased on 6-9-2009 as they were not according to the specifications .

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57) 28-9-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from Petty Cashier for the month-end , 30-9- 2009 . The Statement is as follows: Nome of Expenses Conveyance Expenses of Marketing Shop Maintenance Expenses Execut i ves Electricity Expenses Amou 600 nt 550 350

58) 29-9-2009 Mr. Swayam received Bank Statement from ICICI Bank and found that Rs.550 had been charged as half yearly Bank Charges. 59) 30-9-2009 VAT adjustment entry.


60 ) 1-10-2009 Me Trading Company returned the following items , out of sales made on 17-9-2009 , as they were in excess of its requirements . Item Quantit Rote Value Output Total y Hiqh Capacity 12.5% 11,813 15 700 10500 VAT Stabilizers Submersible Pumps 10 230 2300 4% 23,920 0 0 Gross 35,733 Total 61} 3-10-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque of Rs. 7,500 to Petty Cashier . 62} 4-10-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent of Shop by cheque for September 2009. Note : Adjust the Salary Advance of Rs. 500 ( 41h Installment ) given lo Mr.Jairam Sengupta . 63} 10-10-2009 Mr. Swayam deposited the Bills Rece ivable drawn on You Tech Services which was duly honored . 64} 20-10-2009 Mr. Swayam soId the f oIIowing items Item to HeI J I Open Well Pumps I 200 Quantity
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Trad.ing Corporat 1on on ere 1t. Rote I Value I Output VAT Total 3,95,20 1900 I 3,8o ,ooo l 4 o 0

Gross Total : 25 Page

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3,95,200 SWAYAM

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65) 21-10-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque to A2Z Traders towards the purchase made on 6-9-2009 66} 28-10-2009 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Me Trading Company against Sales made on 17-9-2009. 67} 29-10-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the Petty Cashier for the month end , October 2009. The Statement is as follows :
Name of Expenses Conveyance Expenses of Marketing Executives Shop Maintenance Expenses E lectricity Expenses Cell Phone Bill Amount (Rs .) 600 450 400 1500

68 } 31-10-2009 VAT adjustment entry.


69 } 4-11-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for October 2009. 70} 5-11-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque of Rs. 8,000 to the Petty Cashier. 71) 10-11-2009 Mr. Swayam received a from Help Trad ing Corporation in settlement of his cheque bill dated 2010-2009. 72 } 12-112009 Mr. Swayam started Trad'mg in a New Product and pure hased ' Iff rom D'1rty Enterpr1ses on eredi t. Item I Quantity I Rate I Value I Input VAT Total
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Electric Heater

I 30

74) 14-11-2009 Com Mr. Swayam paid Rs.4 ,500www.Tally9Book. by cheque for the cell phone he purchased for his Sales Executive .

I 400 Gross Total

1 12,000 1 12.5 0

13,50 0 13,5 00

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75) 15-11-2009

el Ip Trad'mg Corporat1on on ere Mr. Swayam S0Id the f oIIowing items to H 1t. Quantity Rote V alue Output Item Total VAT Open Well Pumps 50 180 90,000 4% 93,600 96,600 Gross0Total Note : Mr. Swayam asks lhe accountant to create a voucher class Sales@ 4%" and record the Sales in a Sales Voucher. Using voucher class eliminates lhe process of manually entering accounting details. Applicable VAT is also displayed automatically. 76} 29-11-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the Petty Cashier for November 2009. The Statement is as follows : Nome of Expenses A mount (Rs.) Conveyance Expenses of Marketing 600 Execut ives Shop Maintenance Expenses 500 Electricity Expenses 300 Cell Phone Bill 1100 77 ) 30-11-2009 VAT adjustment entry.


78 ) 4-12-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for November 2009. 79) 8-12-2009 Mr. Swayam settled the bill dated 12-11-2009 of Dirty Enterprises by cheque. 80} 10-12-2009 Mr. Swayam withdrew Rs.10,000 from the Bank for personal use. 81} 17-12-2009 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Help Trading Corporation in settlement of bill dated 15-112009.
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82} 18-12-2009 Mr. Swayam Sold the following items for cash in an exhibition organized by www.Tally9Book. Com V-Guard company.
75) 15-11-2009

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83} 19-12-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rs. 2500 in cash for the space provided in the exhibition . 84} 29-12-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the Petty Cashier for December 2009. The Statement is as follows : Nome of Expenses Conveyance Expenses of Marketing Shop Maintenance Expenses Executi ves Electricity Expenses Cell Phone Bill 85} 31-12-2009 VAT adjustment entry. Amount (Rs .) 600 450 400 1200

86} 31-12-2009 Provision entry to transfer ba lance from VAT Adjustment account to VAT Payable account. JANUARY' 2010 87} 1-1-2010 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for December 2009. 88} 2-1-2010 Mr. Swayam deposited Rs. 1,20,000 cash i n ICICI Bank 89} 5-1-2010 Mr. Swayam paid VAT due for December 2009 by cheque. 90} 8-1-2010 Mr. Swayam pure hased the f oIIowing items on ere 1t rom NeXT Serv1ces . or 1ssa. Quant Rote V Input Item Total ity VAT 4% 50 1800 90,00 93,600 alue Submersible Pumps C 91} 12-1-2010
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www.Tally9Book. Com Mr. Swayam decides to have a price list for his customers. The price levels were decided on the basis of old and new customers and also the volume of items purchased by them .

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Items High Capacity Stabilizers Open Well Pumps

Items Dis c. Submersible Pumps 8% 92} 14-1 -2010 Mr. Swayam S0Id the f oIIowing items to S"1mp I 1 e TouchTraders. Item Quanti Rat Dis Valu Output Total e ty c . e VAT 30 250 4'Yo 72,0 4% 74,880 Submersible Pumps 0 0 93} 15-1-2010 Mr. Swayam withdrew Rs. 13,000 from ICICI Bank for persona luse. 94) 20-1-2010 Mr. Swayam withdrew Capital of Rs.5,00,000 from the firm by cheque. 95) 25-1-2010 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Simple Touch Traders for Sales made on 14-1-2010. 96) 30-1-2010 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the Petty Cashier for January 2010. The Statement is as follows : Name of Expenses Amount (Rs.)
Cell Phone Bill paid Conveyance Expenses of marketing executives Shop Maintenance Expenses Electricity Expenses 800 500 450 350

PRICE LIST FOR OLD CUSTOMERS 0-20 Dis 20- Disc SOSO 5% c. . above 850 Nil 850 850 1600 2% 1600 5% 1600 PRICE LIST FOR NEW CUSTOMERS 0-20 Dis 20- Dis SOc. SO 4% c. above 2500 Nil 2500 2500

Dis c. 7% 6%

97} 31-1-2010 VAT Adjustment Entry. 98} 31-1-2010 Provision entry to transfer balance from VAT adjustment account to VAT Payable account .
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FEBRUARY'2010 99} 3-2-2010 Mr. Swayam paid VAT due for the month of January 2010 by cheque. 100} 4-2-2010 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for January 2010. 101} 8-2-2010 Mr. Swayam purchased the following items from Dust Merchants . Dust Merchants drew a bill of exchanqe w h ich was acceptedb1yMr. swa am. Item Quantit Rote Value Input VAT Total Hiqh Capacity 28 ,125 50 500 25,00 12.5':.'o y Stabilizers 0 30 1500 4% 46,800 Open We ll Pumps 45. 00 74,925 Gross Total 0 102} 12-2-2010 . ing Company on ere 1t. Mr. Swayam soId the f oIIowing items to Me Tra d Quantit Rot Dis Value Output Item Total y e c. VA1 5':.'o 24,225 12.5% 27,253 High Capacity 30 85 Stabilizers 0 Submersible Pumps 40 160 5':.o ' 60,800 4% 63,232 0 Total Gross 90.485 103} 14-2-2010 Mr. Swayam pure ha sedtheflolow1nq items f rom C eon Inf ormation Systems, H1y1 derabad on c red it. Item Quantity Rote Value Input Total CSl 22 ,500 4% 23,400 Law Capacity Stabilizers 50 450 104) 15-2-2009 M r. Swayam withdrew Rs.5,000 from bank for personal use.

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105) 18-2-2010
Mr. Swayam purchased the following items from Dirty Enterprises on credit.

Item I Quantity I Rote I Value I Input Total 68,640 VAT Submersible Pumps I30 I 2200 I 66,ooo I 4 o 68,640 Gross Total 106} 25-2-2010 Mr. Swayam sold the following items to Mumbai Ugly Trading Corporation (Govt. Dept.) on credit. Item I Quantity I Rote I Input Total V olue 4% 1,04,00 Submersible Pumps I 40 I 2500 1 VAT 1,04,00 1.00.000 Gros: 0 Note : CST is exempted if the sale is made to government0depar tmen t. 107) 27-2-2010 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the petty cashier for the month end , February 2010. The statement is as follows : Amount (Rs.) Nome of Expenses 1300 Cell Phone Bill paid Conveyance Expenses of market ing 700 400 Shop Maintenance Expenses executives 450 Electricity Expenses 108) 28-2-2010 VAT Adjustment Entry.

MARCH' 2010

109} Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for February 2010. 110) 10-3-2010 Mr. Swayam honored the bills payab l e which was drawn by Dust Merchants by issuing a cheque . lll} 15-3-2010 Mr. Swayam sold the following items on credit to Faithful Kerala. Item Quon Rot Output 30 850 4% High Capacity Stabilizers tit e CST 50 155 4% Open well Pumps 0
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Traders , Total 25,50 77,50 0 0

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Mr. Swayam purchased the following items from Dirty Enterprises on credit.

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112) 1 8-3-2010 el Ip Tra d'mg Corporat1on on ere 1t. Mr. Swayam S0Id the f oIIowing items to H

Quantit Rat Value Input Total Item High Capacity 5 95 4750 VAT 12.5'Y o 5343 y e 15 75 11250 12.5'Yo 12657 Law Capacity Stabilizers 0 18,000 Gross 0 Stabilizers 113) Total Mr. Swayam withdrew Rs.5,000 from bank for personal use. 114) 30-3-2010 Mr. Swayam received the statement from the petty cashier for March 2010 . The Statement is as follows : Name of Expenses Cell Phone Bill paid Conveyance Expenses of marketing Shop Maintenance Expenses executives Electricity Expenses 115) 31-3-2010 VAT adjustment entry. 116) 31-3-2010 Provision entry to transfer ba lance from VAT adjustment account to VAT Payable account. Provision Entries All Provision entries are depicted using a Journal voucher. Note : Provision Entries , Depreciation Entries and Adjustment Entries are all recorded on 31-3- 2010. 1) Shop Rent for March 2010. 2) Salaries for March 2010. Amount (Rs 1800 .) 700 350 500

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112) 1 8-3-2010 el Ip Tra d'mg Corporat1on on ere 1t. Mr. Swayam S0Id the f oIIowing items to H

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3) Electricity Bill charges for March 2010 is Rs. 350 Depreciation Entries : Value to be Date of Rate of Sl. Asset name Depreciate N Purchas Depreciatio d 10-41. Cell Phone-1 5,500 15% e n 2009 2. Cell Phone-2 4,500 14-11- 7.5% 2009 3. Computer 25,000 10-460% 2009 4. Electrical Fittings 5,000 10-410% 2009 5. Furniture & Fixture 1,50,000 5-410% 2009 40,000 10-46. Motor Vehicle 15% 2009

Depreciation For 2009-201O 825 338 15,000 500 15,000 6,000 37,663

Adjustment Entries for Prepaid Expenses : All Ad ' Ustment entries are dep. icted using a Journa vouc her. IJ Nature Payment Period Amo Prepaid Prep Amount Period for u a Date Of Insurance Current 1-4-2009 to 2,40 1-4-2009 600 Insuran 28-6Amo 1,800 Year 2009 0 to ce u 30-6-2010 30-6-2010 Other Adjustment Entries 1) Transfer balance of withdrawals account to Mr. Swayom Satpathy Calcutta account. Closing Entries : 1) Transfer of Profit and Loss account to Mr. Swayam Satpathy capital account. ******************************

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PRACTICAL EXERCISES" 2 Assignment on Chapter :4 to 8 Recording Transactions of Sample Data of "Swayam Agencies Pvt. Ltd."

The following example shows how to record transactions in Tally .ERP 9 :Mrs Soumya Satpathy, an MBA from BHUBANESWAR , started her own agency called SWAYAM AGENCIES PVT. LTD. on Apr il 1, 2008, to deal in the wholesale trade of sta bilizers and pumps of different capacities. :Mrs Soumya Satpathy wants to maintain her accounts using Tally.ERP 9. She maintains the books of account un der the accrua l system of accounting. Transactions recorded for Swayam Education by Mrs Soumya Satpathy for the year 2008- 2009 are as follows : You are required to:
Record Prepare

the transactions financia l sta tement

CREATION OF COMPANY-SWAYAM EDUCATION-LEVEL- I Field Data to be Entered Directory Accept what is displayed by default InterNa me State Mailing Name Sales Tax Address E-mail Address Use Indian VAT Applicable From VATTin Local Sales Tax Number
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Number Income Tax Number Currency Symbol Maintain Financi al Year

Swayam Agencies Pvt. ltd. Swayam beginning from Agencies Pvt. ltd. TallyVault Password At: Janpath, www.Tally9Book. Com Use Security Bhunaneswar, Orissa, INDIA Control PIN:754001 swayam [email protected] Yes from Books 01.04.2008 11111111 111 This field is automatically skipped. 555555 55 ABCDE 1111A R s Accounts with Inventory 01-042008 01-042008 Skip the field (Leave blank) N o

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CHART OF ACC OUI\'TS- Swayam Agenci es Pvt Ltd. SI. No. Ledger Under Group Assets Cell Phone Computer Electrical Fittings Furniture & Fixtures Motor Vehic les Data Tech Services Java Trading Company Seacrest Trading Company Soft Touch Traders State Trade Corporation, Sun-Shine Traders BBSR Bills Receivable Prepaid Insurance Salary Advance Security Deposit ICICI Bank Petty Cash Liabilities Input VAT @12.5 per cent Input VAT @ 4 per cent Output CST @ 4 per cent Output VAT @ 4 per cent Output VAT @ 12.5 per cent VAT Adjust ment Ale Electricity Charges Payable Rent Expenses Payable Salary Expenses Payable VAT Payable A 2 Z Traders Icon Enterprises Pacific Merchants WinTech Information X-Tech Services Systems Bills Payable Capital Soumya Satpathy Capital Ale Soumya Satpathy Drawings Page : 2

Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Local Debtors Local Debtors Outstation Outstation Debtors Outstation Debtors Outstation Debtors Current Debtors Assets Current Assets Loan&Advance Deposit(Asset) (Assets) Bank Account Cash in Hand Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Duties & Taxes Provisions Provisions Provisions Provisions Local Creditors Outstation Outstation Creditors Outstation Creditors Outstation Creditors Current Creditors Liabilities Capital Accounts Capital Accounts SWAYAM

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Revenue Sales@ 12.5 per cent Accounts Sales @ 4 per cent Accounts Sales - CST Accounts Discount Received Income Interest R.eceived Income Input CST@ 4 per cent Purchase Purchase @ 12.5 per cent Account Purchase @ 4 per cent Account Purchase - CST Account Carriage Inward Expenses Expenses Advertisement Expenses Expenses Bank Charges Expenses Conveyance Expenses Expenses Depreciation Expenses Expenses Donation Expenses Expenses Electricity Expenses Expenses Exhibition Expenses Expenses Insurance Expenses Expenses Interest Due Expenses Printing & Stationery Expenses Rent Expenses
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Sales Sales Sales Indirect Indirect


Tax On Purchase Purchase Purchase Direct Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect Indirect

Expenses Salary Expenses Shop

Maintenance Expenses Expenses Telephone Indirect Expenses Expenses Expenses

Indirect Indirect

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1) 1-42009 Mr. Swayam Satpathy started a Swoyam Agencies by bringing in Capital of Rs.15,00,000 by cheque and deposited the same in ICICI Bank by openi ng a new account. Note : Mr. Swayam Satpathy wants to have separate Vouchers for Bank Payment and Receipts. He also wants separate Serial Numbers to be displayed for Bank Receipt (i.e. BK-REC I 001108-09 )and Bank Payment (i.e.BK-PMT I 0011 08-09 ).Hence, Two new Voucher Types - Bank Payment under Payment and Bank Receipt under Receipt - have to be created. Step 1 : Create Voucher Type 'Bank Receipt' Create the Bank Receipt under Receipt Vouc her Type : 1. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounts Info 7 Voucher Type 7 Create 2. The Voucher Type creation screen is divided into three sections depending on the various settings 3. Give the name of the new voucher type, e.g., Bank Payment. = ifiifflj 4ieh$i W.encl!S x The Complete Voucher Creation Screen displays as shown : Bank Payment (al/as) : I Type or Voucher Abbr Gene r al . Pd yme nt : BKPMT Print afte1 saving Voucher No ? Nome of Class

List of Transactions :(SAMPLE EXERCISES) APRIL 2009

Melhod of Voucher Numbering ? Autom atic Use Advance Configuration ? Yes Use EFFECTIVE Da es for l Vouchers ? Make 'Oplional' as defaul1
Untiled Notes Page38

? No Use Comrnon Nanation ? Yes Na11a1ions for each enlry ? No ltert1t1on Secondil Starting Nurrber w1atn or NumencalPan

Prefill wlttl ZERO NO. BK.PMT/1/08-09 Restan Nun1be1lng Prefix Details Suffix Details App l icable Starting Particulars Appli Particulars Particulars From Numbe1 Appli cable Fr cable om F1om lApr-2006 1 Yrly Clculator

Apr-2008 BK PMT/



Likewise create Bank Receipt Voucher Type as displayed above.

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Step 2: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Bank Receipt Voucher. 1. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F6 : Receipt 7 Select Bank Recei Voucher Type list to view Bank Receipt Voucher entry screen.


.... ! l:U.NO BK-REC/11 08-09


x 1Apr-2008 Tuesday Amount 15,00.000.00

Account ICICI Bank Cur&/ 15.00,000.00 Dt P:irttcul:irs sw.-iyam Satpathy C:ipital Aic Cur &I : 15,00.000.00 Ct Narration: Ch.No. :187962 being cheque deposited in ICICIBani\. Acc@pt '? Yes r No -

C clll tor

ODBC Server

2) 3-4-2009 M r. Swayam withdrew Rs.50,000 cheque for Shop Expenditure from ICICI Bank . ( Cheque No- 123451) Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Contra Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F4 : Contra to view the Contra Voucher Sere Enter the Transaction as shown below : . . !. 1 r .-1, x 3-Apr-2008 Thursday "" " lioolf lU l'l..'I l' ''""

,. .!..... No.1 ""

Account Cash Cur Bal . 50,000.00 D r Parti cul ars nt ICICIB:ink Cw &/ . 14,50,000.00 Dr Narration:

Amou 50 , 000.00

50.000.0 0 Ch. No. 12345 1 being cash withdrawn ror Shop Expenditure. Servef .:.11cul:ito1
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Accept ? Page : 5 www.Tallv9Book.com

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Yes o No

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3) 5-4-2009 M r. Swayam purchased Furniture and Fixture worth Rs. 1,50,000 for the Shop by cheque. {Ch. No- 123452) Step 1 : Create Voucher Type 'Bank Payment' Create the Bank Payment under Paymen t Voucher Type : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounts Info 7 Voucher Type 7 Create to bring up the vouch creation screen. 1. Name: Bank Payment 2. Type of Voucher : Select Payment from the list of Voucher Types. 3. Method of Voucher Numbering ? :Select Automatic from Type of Numbering list. 4. Use Advanced Configuration : Yes 5. Prefix Details - Particulars : type BK-PMT/ 6. Suffix Details - Particulars :type /08-09 Note: See the voucher creation Screen of Receipt Voucher in transaction SI. No-1 Step 2: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Bank Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 FS :Bank Payment to view the Bank P Voucher Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown below:

Account : ICICI B:ink Cur &I . 16.00,000.00 Dr Partieul<1rs unt Furnitur & Fixtur Cur Bal: 1,50,000.00 Dr Narration: Ch.No :123452 being amount paid tor Furniture and FiXture.

Amo 1.50.00 0.00 1.50.00 0.00

4) 8-4-2009 M r. Swayam rented a prem i ses on 1-4-2009 for his bus iness at Rs. 3,500 per month . He paid a Security Deposi t of Rs.25,000 by cheque. (Ch. No123453) Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Bank Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 FS :Bank Payment to view the Bank P Voucher Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown below : Page : 6
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"llit - -= 2008

1.... "' No BK PMT/2 08--09

. 1

8-AprTuesday Amo 25.00 0.00 25,00 0.00 Acc pt ? - ,. Y@s No

Account . 1c1c1 Bank Particulars Cur Bal : 11.,75.000.00 Dr unt Sec urity Deposit Cur Bal : 25.000.00 Dr Narration: Ch . No 123453 being amount paid ror security Deposit towards a Premises on Rent. C lculator ODBC Stnver I

5) 10-4-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque to purchase the follow i ng Assets. (Ch . No123454) Rate of Assets ICost Depreciations Cell Phone I Rs.5,500 15% Computer I Rs. 25,000 60% Electrical Fitt i ngs I Rs. 5,000 10% Motor Vehicle ( 2 Whee ler) I 15% Rs. 40,000 Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Bank Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP -7 Accounting Vouchers -7 FS :Bank Payment to view the Bank Payment Voucher Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown tO-Apr[IIll&!:J(Zl r:::rn No. BK..PMT/3'08-0S below: 2008 Accountm Voucher Creation swa am A enc1es . Thursday Aecount : ICICI B nk CJ.Jr Bal 11.!>9.SOO.OO Dr Amount Cell Phone CJ.Jr Bal S. 0.00 Dr Computer Cur Bal . 25.000.00 Dt Electri c31 F itting s CJ.Jr Bal . 5.000.00 Dr Motor Vehicle C 2 Wheel er) Cur Bal 40.000.00 Dt C:>lcul:uor

5.50 0.00 25,00 0.00 75.5 5.00 00.00 0.00 ODBC server 40.0 00.0 SWAYAM 0

Page : 7 NarratJon; Ch No 123454 being amount paid towards purchase or various Fe<.ed www.Tallv9Book.com Assets ror the busJness .

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6) 12-4-2009 Mr. Swayam has appo1nted the foIIowinq peo )l e. Name Des ignation Monthly Rahul Bhatt Sales Salary 4,000 Jairam Salesman 3,500 Executive Shi shir Mathur Accountant 2 ,500 Sengupta Ajith V Nair Clerk 1.500 Ajith is also in charge of Petty Cash and submitting the statement of Expenses at the end of every monty. I Note : No Entry is required because this is not an Acc ounting Transaction. 7) 20-4ase t e lo low1nq tems f rom A2Z Traders on Cre 1t. 2009 Mr. Swayam urc h Quantity Rate Item Value Input Total VAT H i gh Capacity 60,00 12.5% 67,500 100 600 Stabilizers 0 STEP-1: Change the Method of Vo ucher Numbering as Manual In Purchase Voucher : 1. Gateway of Tally.ERP -7 Accounts Info -7 Vouchers Type -7 Alter 2. Select "Purchase" from the list of Vouchers Types. 3. In third section, change the Method of Vouc her Numbering to 'Manual' . 4. Prevent Duplicate -YES. 5. Retain the other fields as they are - Press CTRL+A ( Save the existing options} STEP-2: Make an entry of the transaction In a Purchase Voucher : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP Accounting Vouchers F9 :Purchase to view the Purchase Voucher and Enter the Transaction as shown below : 1. Click the As Invoice button (The entry has to be recorded as a Purchase Invoice with Item wise) 2. Click the Item Invoice button 3. Type P-A2Z-01 in Purchase Bill No. 4. Press F2 to change the Voucher Date to 20-4-2009. Enter the Purchase Transaction as shown below : Ref. : No . P -A2Z.-0 1 20-Apr-2008 Sunday

Party's Ale Name: A2Z Trnders Current Balance : Purchase Ledger : Pm clH>se@ 12.5 . VAT/T sx Clssa: Purch'1ses@ 12.5% Name. of Item Quantity Am ount

Rate p er

100 N os. G00.00 nos. 60,000.00

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Input VAT @12.5% N a rration:

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12.50 % T,500.00 67,501).(}0

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8) 21-4ase t e lo 2009 M r.Swayam urc h Item Hiqh Capacity Stabi Open lizers Well Pumps Submersible Pumps

owing tems f rom A2Z Traders on cred. 1t.

Quant 100 ity 50 100 Gross

Rot 400 e 150 200 0 Total 0

Input Value 40,000 VAT 12.5% 75,000 4% 2 4% ,00,000

Total 45,000 78,000 2 ,08 ,000 3,31,000

STEP-1: Make an entry of the transaction in a Purchase Vouc her : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP Ac counting Vouchers F9 :Purchase to view the Purchase Voucher and Enter the Transaction as shown below : 1. Click the As Invoice button (The entry has to be recorded as a Purchase Invoice with Item wise) 2. Click the Item Invoice button 3. Type P-A2Z-02 in Purchase Bill No. 4. Press F2 to change the Voucher Date to 20-4-2009. 5. Press F12 : Configure & Change the option " Use Common Ledger Ale for Item Allocation" to remove the Purchase Ledger next to Party's Ale Name option in Purchase Voucher} Configur e Invoices I Delivery H otes 1 Ord ers Accept Supplementary Details (Address Details, 0eS(Jalch Delails etc) Use Comm on Ledger Ne for Item Allocation Use Defaults for Bill Allocat ions Use Excise Formal Use AdditionalDescriplion(s) for Item Name Allow separate Buyer and Consignee names
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

? Yes

? Yes ? Ho ? Ho ? Ho

Party's Ale Name :Select A2Z Traders. Name of Item: Low Capacity Stabilisers. Quantity : 100 Nos. Rate :400. Amount: Amount of 40,000 is automatically displayed Press Enter to view the Acc ounting Details scree. In the Accounting Details screen, select Purchase@ 12.5% from the list of Ledger Accounts. Accounting Details for : High Capacity StabilisMs Upto: Rs.40,000.00 Dr P;trticul; VAT/Tax Class Amou ,,rs nt
Untiled Notes Page44

Purch;,,se@ 12.6o/o Cur Bal : 1,00,000.00 Dr

Purch;,,ses @ 12.5,.-o

40,000 . 00 40 ,000 . oo l SWAYAM

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13. Retain the amount displayed and accept the Accounting Details screen. As per above procedure or steps, Enter other Two Items as shown in below screen : pt..20 08 Mond 21.Aa y Nam e of lreni Party's Ale Name A2Z Trndets Cuff!tnl. Bof.ance 01,5aitOO Ct 11,11 u,..aarr s..tlh15 Open W ell Putrt p$ S 111&1al>le Pumps Input VAT@\I' lnp lt VAT @12.5"+ 011.Jntl Rate er Amount 100 Nos. 400.00 lls. .l0.000.00 50 Nos. 1,500.00 lies. 75.000.0 -0 100 Nos. 2.000.00 llu. 2.00.000 250 Nos 3.31 000. . .00 Na-nation . 00 3,15,000.00 4 % 11.000.00 9) 22-4-2009 1Z.50 % S.000.00 Mr. Swayam paid Carriage Inward Expenses of Rs.500 in cash on purchase made on 20-4-2009 and 21-4-2009. Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 A ccounting Vouchers 7 F5 : Payment to view the Payment Voucher and Enter the Transaction as shown below : x .. . ... . . .. .... "

No 1


Tuesday Account c:ish

Cur Bal : 4!>.500.00 Dr

Particulars carrl:ige Inward Expensu Amount


Cur Bal. 500.00 Dr

Narratjon: being the amount paid towards Carriage Inward Expenses on Purchase made on 20-4-2006 and 21-4-2006 . 500.00
Accept '? Yes


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10) 27-4-2009 M r. Swa am t ransfer red Rs. 10,000 to Pett Cash from Cash to meet the da to da ex enses. Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Contra (F4) Voucher . Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F4 : Contra to view the Contra Voucher Ser; Enter the Transaction as shown below : !::\ T ally 9 (cl Tally Sohnlons TallyGold Mu fti FZLLC.1988 Use1 2006 hnp wJMly$oht1ions.com : f:Pnnl f:Export IQ:Upload :J:lim:J NO.2 Ar.coum Ptty C3sh C,.,, &J 10.000.00 Dr P;1rtic ulnrs Cash Cur&/ : 3'J.W0.00Dr Narrabon: Amount transfer from Cash to Petty Casn to meet tile day to day expenses . 11) 28-4-2009 M r. Swayam wi thdrew Rs.5,000 in cash for personal use. Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F5 : Payment to view the Payment Voucher and Enter the Transaction as shown below : Sl. No 2007 I!!.:Help x 27-Apr-2008 sunoay

Amount 10.000.00 10.000.00 Accept? Ys No

Account . Cuh Cur Bal 44,500.00 Dr PartiCU l3rS Swam Satpathy On.wing A.le Cur Bal : 5,000.00 Dr Narration: Being amount withdrawn by Mr.Swayam Satpathy ror
Untiled Notes Page47

persona l use.

5,000.00 Amount 5,000.00 www.Tally9Book. Com Yes ur No Accept ?

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12) 30-42009 VAT adjustment entry. At the end of evel}' month, VAT Adjustment entl}' has to recorded. To record the Adjustment , Input and Out Tax accounts are Credited and Debited, respectfully to nullify their Balances and the net balance is trans VAT Adjustment account. A Debit Balance of VAT Adjustment account indicates that the excess Input being carried forward to the next month and a Credit Balance indicates that VAT is Payable. As per Accounting conventions The Journal Entry for transaction is as follows . VAT Adjustment Ale Dr. Rs.23,500 To lnputVAT@ 12.5% Cr. To lnputVAT@4% Cr.



Rs.12,500 Rs.11,000

As per Tally.ERP conventions Create Ledger VAT Adjustment Ale (under Duties and Taxes) as details below : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP -7 Accounts Info -7 Ledger -7 Create to view the ledger creation screen.
2. 3. 4. 5.

1. Name : VAT Adjustment A/c Under :Duties & Taxes Type of Duty I Tax : Select VAT from Types of Duty I Tax lust VAT I Tax Class : Not Applicable Inventory Values are affected ? : No. 6. Accept ? Yes or No ? -7 Press Y or Enter

Note : Since the VAT/Tax Class is not applicable the percentage of calculation automatically appears as 0. (To know the Tax amount that is to be adjusted, go to Gateway of Tally.ERP > Display > Statutory Re VAT Reports> VAT Computation) x P a 1 Iic u I a r s Sw ly.lm Agencies Tax Assessil 1-A r-2008 1o 30-A Am rhle 2000 ount Val ue

Purchases B. lnpul Tax Excess Input Credit Bl()Ughl F0tward Untiled Notes Page49

Input VAT@ 4% Tot alInput Ciedit

II II II 2 75 ODO.OD 3,75.00 0.00 www.Tally9Book. Com

IIII 11 ODO.DO 23.50 0.00

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Step-1 : Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Journal Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F7 : Journal to view the Journal Voucher Sci' Enter the Transaction as shown below : x 30-Apr2008 weooesd ay C redit 12,500. 00 11,000. 00

P3rtlcul;irs Cur Bal 23,500.00 Dr To Input VAT @12 5% . Cur Bal: 0.00 Cr To Input VAT @4% Cur Bal : 0.00 Cr Narration: VAT Adjustment entry for April 2006 . 23,

Deb it 0 0.0 0

Accept ? Yes r No

13) 30-4-2009 Make an entry for the Salary Due of all staff for the month of April 2009. The deta ils are as follows : Name Rahul Bhatt Ja i ram Sengupta Shishir Mathur Ajith V Nair Salary Paid Rs. 2,400 Rs, 2,100 Rs. 1,500 Rs. 900 Number of Days 18 18 18 18

Note : Create the all above individua l staff Ledger Account under Loan & Advance ( Asset) Make a Transaction in Journal Voucher ( F7): Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 F7 : Journal to view the Journal \ Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown below :

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MAY 2009 14) 1-52009 Mr. Swayam paid Salar i es through cheque for Ap ril 2009 . ( Ch . No123455). The details are as follows : Nome Salary Paid Number of Days Rs. 2,400 Rahul Bhatt 18 Ja i ram Sengupta Rs, 2,100 18 Shishir Mathur Rs. 1,500 18 Ajith V Nair Rs. 900 18 Note : Cost Center has to be created in each employee's name.Ensure that Maintain Cost Centers is set to YES in F11 : Features> Accounting Features. Cost/Pr ofil Centres M an agem ent Maintain Payroll

? No

Maintain Cost Centres Use Cost Cent re for Job Costing ? No More than ON E Payroll/ Cost Category ? Ho Use Pre-defined Cost Can1reAllocatons during Ent ry ? No Cost Center Cost Centers are the Cost objects for which Expenses are incurred under various account heads and t controlcan be effectively established by keeping track of the Cost at one place. Similar to Cost Center, you can have Revenue Centers to keep track of Revenues. Example of Cost Centers Departments of an organization . For example, Finance, Marketing, Manufacturing, Product of a Company.For example : Tally.ERP 9 , Income Tax, Service Tax Individuals. For example :Salesman A , Salesman B , Salesman C. Step-1 Create Cost Centers : Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7A ccounts Info 7 Cost Centers 7 Multiple Cost Centers 7 Create to v multi Cost Centers creation screen. 1. Under Cost Centre : All Items 2. Enter the details as shown in the following table... ST:No. 1) 2) 3) 4) Name of Cost Center Rahul Bhatt Jairam Sengupta Shishir Mathur Aj ith V Nair
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Und erPrimar Primar y Primar y Primar y y

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x Under Cost Centre D All Items

S.N o.
Name of Cost Centre Under

1. RahulBhatt 2. Jairam Sengupta 3. Shlshlr Mathur

a Primary
o Primary o Primary

4. Ajit V Niiir

o Primary

Accept ?
Y es m No 3.

Accept? Yes or No? -7 Press Y or Enter

Step-2 Create Salary Expenses ( under Indirect Expenses) : Note: Set the field Cost Centers are applicable ? to Yes at the lime of Salary expenses ledger creation. Led er Alteration Name : Salary Ex penses (Off/JS} Under Inventory values are affected Cost cent res are appli cable

: Indirect Ex penses ? Ho <fB>

Step-2 Make en entry of the Transaction in a Bank Payment voucher (FS) : 1. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP Accounting Vouchers F5: Payment >select Bank Payme voucher type list 2. Press F2 to change the Voucher Date to 1-5-2009. 3. Select "ICICI Bank" in the Header Account> then Select "Salary Expenses" in Particulars head and value of Rs.6,900 in Amount column and press Enter key to view the Cost Center Allocation sere enter the details as shown in the followin table. Name of Cost Center Amount Rahul Bhatt 2,400 Jairam Sengupta 2,100 Shishir Mathur 1,500 Ajith V Nair 900
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4. Press Enter to accept the Cost Center allocation entries. The Bank Payment Voucher sc reen will be as below ...

.A.ccount: ICIC.IBani< Cur Bal . 11,92,600.00 Dr P<irticulars

Salary Expenses Ci..r Bal : 6.!100.00 Dr RahulBhan 2,400.00 Dr
Jairam Sengupt a Shishir Mathur Aji1 V Nai1



2.100.00 Dr 1,500.00 Dr 900.00 01

Acc ept? Yes

Narration: Ch.No .:123455 being Salaiy paid for ApHI2006 .


15) 2-5-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rs.2500 in Cash for stationery , printing invoices and vouchers to Cannon Traders. Note :Set the field Cost Center are applicable ? to No at the time of creating Ledger Printing & Stationer Expenses . Make an entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher ( F5 ) : Header Account :Cash Acc ount Line Acc ount ( Particulars) : Printing & stationery Expenses -7 Rs.2500 To see the Payment Voucher Screen (See Transaction SL.No. - 9 ) 16) 3-5-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expend iture from the Petty Cashier for April 2009. the statement is as follows : Nom e of Expenses Amount Printing & Stati onery 2 ,500 (Rs.) Cell phone bill 600 Shop maintenance Expenses 450 Conveyance expenses for Marketing Execut ives

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Note :Set the field Cost Center are applicable ? to No at the time of Ledger creation for all the Ledgers mentioned above.. Step 1: Make an Entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher. Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP 7 Accounting Vouchers 7 FS : Payment to view the Cash Payment Screen and Enter the Transaction as shown below Header Account : Petty Cash Line Accounts( Particulars) : Printing & Stationery Expenses -7 Rs.2500 Telephone Expenses -7 Rs.600 Shop Maintenance Expenses 7 Rs.450 Conveyance Expenses -7 Rs.250

Acc ount Petty c ash Cur Bal: 6.200.00 Dr Particulars Printing & Stationery Ei:penses Telephone Expenses Cur 600.00 Dr Cur BalBal : 5,000.00 Dr Shop Maintenanc Ex penses Cur Bal : 450.00 Dr Conv ey ance Cur Bal: 250.00 Dr Expenditure Narration:

Amount 2,500. 00 600.00 450.00 250.00 3,800.00 A ccept ? Yes o No

17) 6-5-2009 Mr. paid Rs. 3,500 by cheque towards Shop Rent for Apr i l 2009. {Ch. No-123456) Note :Set the field Cost Center are applicable ? to No at the time of creating Ledger Printing Shop Rent. Make an entry of the Transaction in a Payment Voucher ( FS ) : Bank Payment Header Account : ICICIBank Line Account ( Part iculars) : Rent Expenses -7 Rs.3,500 To see the Bank Payment Voucher Screen (See Transaction SL.No. - 5)
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18) 10-5-2009 Mr. Swayam so Id the foIIowinq i tems f or Cas h . The deta1 1s are as f0IIows : Item Quantity Rote Value Output Total VAT Hiqh Capacity 50 850 42 12.5% 47,813 Open Well Pumps 15 1700 25,50 4'Yo 26,520 Stabilizers ,500 74.333 Gross Total 0 Step-1: Make an entry of the transaction in a Sales Voucher ( FS): Go to Gateway of Tally.ERP Sales displays the Sales Voucher screen. Accounting Vouchers FS :

Note: 1 . Ensure that As Invoice and Item Invoice buttons are activated. This is because the sales entry has to be recorded as an item invoice. 2 . Ensure that in F 12 ( Configuration) in Sales Voucher , 18-A) 15-5-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque to A2Z Traders for Rs.3,96,500 after deducting the Discount of Rs. 2,000. He receive a Discount as he agreed to pay the entire Bill Amount . (Ch No-123457) 19) 28-5-208 Mr. Swayam withdrew Rs. 4,000 in cash for personal use. 20) 30-5-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of Expenditure from the petty Cashier for May 2009 . the statement i s as follows : Nome of Expenses Cell phone bill Shop maintenance Expenses Conveyance expenses for Marketing Executives 21) 31-52009 VAT adj ustment entry. Amount (Rs.} 1,500 200 800

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JUNE 2009 22) 3-6-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rs. 3500 in cash towards Shop Rent for May 2009 23) 4-6-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque of Rs. 11,000 on the Petty Cashier . (Cheque No123458) 24) 6-6-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salary for May 2009 by cheque . (Ch . No-123459) 25) 8-6-2009 Mr. Swayam purchased the following Goods from Dust Merchants on Credit for 30 days . Interest ' per annum IS to be caIcula ted at 107o Quantity Rate Value Input VAT Total Itern Hiqh Capacity Stabilizers 200 650 1,30,00 12.5% 1.46.250 Open Well Pumps 300 1600 4,80,00 4Jo 4,99,200 0 0 6,45,450 Gross Total 26) 10-6-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Carriage Inward of Rs. 400 in cash . 27) 12-6-2009 Mr. Swayam Sold the follow ing Items to Me Trading Company on credit for 45 days . Interest charted is at 15% per annum, if payment is not made within the credit period. 28) 15-6-2009 Mr. Swayam withdraw Rs. 5,000 in cash for personal use. 29) 20-6-2009 Mr. Swayam Deposited cash Rs. 40,000 to ICICI Bank. 30) 27-6-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rs. 2000 in cash to Mr. Jairam Sengupta as Salary advance.
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Note : Salary Advance is to be adjusted in Four equalinstallment.

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31) 28-6-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of Expenditure from the Petty Cahier on end 30-6-2009. the statement is as follows. Amount {Rs.) Nome of Expenses
Insurance premium for the period 1-7-2009 to 30-6-2009 Conveyance Expenses of Marketinq Executives Shop Maintenance Expenses Electricity Expenses 2,400 600 550 500

32) 29-6-2009 Mr. Swayam S0Id the f oIIowing tems to YOU Tech Services on ered"1t. Item Quantit Rote Volue Output Totol y 12.5% 61,875 Law Capacity 100 550 55,00 VAT 61,875 Stabilizers Gross Totol 0 33) 30-6-2009 VAT adjustment entry. JULY 2009 34) 3-7-2009 Mr. Swayam paid the Salaries through Cheque for June 2009. Note : Adjust the Salary Advance of Rs.500 ( 1 '1 Installment) given to Mr. Jairam Sengupta. 35) 6-7-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rent in cash for June 2009. 36) 14-7-2009 Mr. Swayam Purchased the following Items under a Sales Office. He paid by cheque. The offer is as follow... On Purchase of 10 High Capacity Stabilizer , 1 HCS is given Free of Cost. l1zer , 1LCS . 1s given Free of Cost 0n Purc hase of 5 Iaw Copacity Stab1
Pure hose



Totol 55

Rote 650


Input VAT 12.5%

Totol Amt. 36 ,536

High Capacity Stabilizers 50

Qty .

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Law Capacity Stabili zers 1 20


1 24

1 400

I 8000

1 12.5 0


Gross Total


37} 19-7-2009 Mr. Swayam paid by cheque to Dust Merchants towards Bill dated 8-6-2009. Note : Due to late payment ( 11 days),Mr. Swayam has to pay Interest (applicable at the rate of 10% per annum) in addition to the Bill amount. 38} 20-7-2009 Mr. Swayam i ntroduced a Sale Offer and sold the follow i ng items on Cred it to Me Trad ing Company and You Tech Services. Item Sold Free Tota Rot Value Output Total l e VAT Amt Qty Qt ME TRADING COMPANY . y. 750 15,000 12.5% 16,875 H i gh Capacity 20 2 22 Stabilizers Law Capacity 5 1 6 450 2250 12.5 o 2,531 Stabili zers 19,406 Gross YOU TECH Total SERVICES 25,312 High Capacity 30 3 33 750 22500 12.5 Stabilizers Law Capacity 15 3 18 450 6750 12.5 7,594 Stabili zers 32,906 Gross Total 39} 22-7-2009 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Me Trading Company and You Tech Services in settlement of bills dated 20-7-2009 . 40) 28-7-2009 Mr. Swayam rece i ved cheque from You Tech Services towards the bi ll dated 29-6-2009

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41) 29-7-2009 Mr. Swayam rece i ved the statement of Expenditure from the Petty Cashier for the month end , July 2009. the Statement is as follows : Name of Expenses A mount Advertisement Expenses incurred 1500 {Rs.) Conveyance Expenses of market ing 600 Donat i on to Charitable Trust. 600 executives Shop Maintenance Expenses 550 Electricity Expenses 500 42 ) 31-72009 VAT Adjustment Entry. Bank Reconciliation This i s a route procedure of systematica lly adjust ing the account balance reported by a Bank with the account balance on the company's books and explain i ng any differences . Differences can occur if deposits are not yet cleared or cheques are not yet presented . Bank Statement for the per i od 1-4-2009 to 4-8-2009 send to Swayam Agenc i es from ICICI Bank is as follows... PARTICULARS 2-4-2009 Ch. No-187962 depsited (Mr. Swayam 3-4-2009 Ch. Satpathy Capital)(Cash No- 123451 withdrawn) 8-4-2009 Ch. No- 123452 (Furniture and Fixture) 10-4Ch. No- 123453 (As Security 2009 Deposit) 13-4Ch. No- 123454 (For Asset 2009 Purchased) 2-5-2009 Ch. No- 123455 (Salaly Paid) 6-5-2009 Ch. No- 123456 (Rent Paid) 19-5Ch. No- 123457 (Issued to A2Z 2006 Traders) No- 123458 (Cash withdrawn 4-S-2009 Ch. for Petty Cash) 7-S-2009 Ch. No- 123459 (Salary Paid) 20-6Cash (cash deposited) 2009 4-7-2009 Ch. No- 123460 (Salary paid) 17-7Ch. No- 123461 (Purchase made) 2009 1-8-2009 Ch. No- 123462 (Issued to Dust 3-8-2009 Merchants) Cheque deposited ( Me Trading 4-8-2009 Company} Cheque deposited (You Tech To reconci l e all transactions relating to Services} Bank Accounts.
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DEPOSIT Withdraw BALAN S als CE 15,00,000 15.00,000 50,000 1,50,000 25,000 75,500 6.900 3,500 3,96,500 11,000 11,500 40,000 11.000 45,563 6,47,395 52,312 61,875 14,45,000 13,00,000 12,75,000 11,99,500 11.92.600 11,89,100 7,92,600 7,81,600 7,70, 100 8, 10,100 7,99. 100 7,53,537 1,06, 142 1,58,454 2,20,329

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AUGUST 2009 43} 5-8-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries by cheque for July 2009. Note: Adjust the Salary Advance of Rs. 500 (2nd Installment) given to Mr. Jairam Sengupta . 44) 8-8-2009 M r. Swayam paid Rent in cash for July 2009. 45) 10-8-2009 M r. Swayam paid Rs. 7,500 in cash to the petty cashier . 46) 12-8-2009 Mr. Swayam sold the following items to Help Trading Corporat ion and allowed a trade discount at the rate of 5'Yo Item Quantity Rate Disc. Value Output VAT Total
High Capacity Stabilizers
90 900


76 ,950



47) 27-8-2009 Mr. Swayam received cheque from Seacreast Trading Corporation towards the bill dated 12-82009. 48} 28-8-2009 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Me Trading Company towards the bill dated 12-6-2008 and also the interest for 32 days. 49) 29-8-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from Petty Cashier for the month end 31-8- 2009. The statement is as follows : Name of Expenses Amount (Rs .)
Cell Phone Bill paid Conveyance Expenses of marketing executives Shop Maintenance Expenses Electricity Expenses 800 600 400 350

50} 31-8-2009 VAT Adjustment Entry.

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SEPTEMBER 2009 51) 4-92009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for August 2009. Note : Adjust the Salary Advance of Rs.500 ( 3 rd installment) given lo Mr.Jairam Sengupta. 52) 6-9-2009 Mr. Swayam Purchased the f oIIow1nq terns f rom A2Z Traders on re 1t. Item Total Quanti Rat Value Input 55,00 61,875 Law Capacity 110 50 12.5'Y o ty e VAT 0 Submersible Pumps 1,05,0 50 210 4'Yo 1,09,200 Stabilizers 0 00 1,71,075 Gross 0 Total 53) 10-9-2009 Mr. Swayam Sold the following Items to You Tech Services and drew a Bill of exchange for 30 days w hic h was duily acceptedb1yth em. Item Quanti Rate Value Output Total Law Capacity 100 550 55,000 12.5i'o 61,875 ty VAT Submersible Pumps 50 2500 125000 4i'o 130000 Stabilizers 1,91,87 Gross 5 Total 54) 15-9-2009 Mr. Swayam withdrew Rs.6,000 from ICICI Bank for personal use. 55) 17-9-2009 Mr. Swayam S0Id the f oIIowing items on cred'1t of 45 days to Me Trad'mg Corporat1on . Item Quanti Rate Value Output Total High Capacity 80 700 56,00 VAT 12.5i'o 63,000 ty Submersible 60 2300 13800 4'Yo 143520 Stabilizers Pumps 0 2,06,520 Gross 0 Total 56) 22-9-2009 Mr. Swayam returned 10 Low Capacity Stabilizers to A2Z Traders purchased on 6-9-2009 as they were not according to the specifications .

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57) 28-9-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from Petty Cashier for the month-end , 30-9- 2009 . The Statement is as follows: Nom e of Expenses Conveyance Expenses of Marketing Shop Maintenance Expenses Execut i ves Electricity Expenses Amou 600 nt 550 350

58) 29-9-2009 Mr. Swayam received Bank Statement from ICICI Bank and found that Rs.550 had been charged as half yearly Bank Charges. 59) 30-9-2009 VAT adjustment entry.


60 ) 1-10-2009 Me Trading Company returned the following items , out of sales made on its requirements . 17-9-2009 , as they were 1n excess of .
Item Hi g h Capacity Stabilizers Su bmersible Pumps Quantity 15 10 Gross Rote 700 2300 Total Value 10500 23000 Output VAT 12.5% 4% Total 11,813 23,920


61} 3-10-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque of Rs. 7,500 to Petty Cashier . 62} 4-10-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent of Shop by cheque for September 2009. Note : Adjust the Salary Advance of Rs. 500 ( 41h Installment ) given to Mr.Jairam Sengupta . 63} 10-10-2009 Mr. Swayam deposited the Bills Receivab le drawn on You Tech Services which was duly honored . 64} 20-10-2009 Mr. Swayam soId the f oIIowinq items to He J Tradinq Corporat ion on eredit . I Quant Rote I Value I Output VAT Ite Total Ope We Pumps 3,95,20 I ity 1900 I 3,80 ,000 1 4 o 200 m n ll 0
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3,95,20 0 SWAYAM

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65) 21-10-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque to A2Z Traders towards the purchase made on 6-9-2009 66} 28-10-2009 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Me Trading Company against Sales made on 17-9-2009. 67} 29-10-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the Petty Cashier for the month end , October 2009. The Statement is as follows : Name of Expenses Amount (Rs Conveyance Expenses of Marketing 600 .} Shop Maintenance Expenses 450 Executives Eleetrieity Expenses 400 Cell Phone Bill 1500 68 } 31-10-2009 VAT adjustment entry.


69 } 4-11-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for October 2009. 70} 5-11-2009 Mr. Swayam issued a cheque of Rs. 8,000 to the Petty Cashier. 71) 10-11-2009 Mr. Swayam received a from Help Trad ing Corporation in settlement of his cheque bill dated 2010-2009. 72 } 12-112009 Mr. Swayam started Trad'mg in a New Product and pure hased ' Iff rom D'1rty Enterpr1ses on eredi t. Item I Quantity I Rate I Value I Input VAT Total
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Electric Heater

I 30

74) 14-11-2009 Com Mr. Swayam paid Rs.4 ,500www.Tally9Book. by cheque for the cell phone he purchased for his Sales Executive .

I 400 Gross Total

1 12,000 1 12.5 0

13,50 0 13,5 00

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75) 15-11-2009

Ip Trad'mg Corporat1on on ere Mr. Swayam S0Id the f oIIowing items to H e1 1t. Quantity Rote Value Output Item Total VAT Open Well Pumps 50 180 90,000 4% 93,600 96,600 0 Gross Note : Mr. Swayam asks lhe accountant to create a voucher class Sales @ 4%" and Total record the Sales ma Sales Vouche r. Using voucher class eliminates lhe process of manually entering accounting details. Applicable VAT is also displayed automatically. 76} 29-11-2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the Petty Cashier for November 2009. The Statement is as follows : Nome of Expenses Amount (Rs .)
Conveyance Expenses of Market inq Execut ives Shop Maintenance Expenses Electricity Expenses Cell Phone Bill 600 500 300 1100

77 ) 30-11-2009 VAT adjustment entry.


78 ) 4-12-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for November 2009. 79) 8-12-2009 M r. Swayam settled the bill dated 12-11-2009 of Dirty Enterprises by cheque. 80} 10-12-2009 Mr. Swayam withd rew Rs.10,000 from the Bank for personal use. 81} 17-12-2009 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Help Trading Corporation in settlement of bill dated 15-11- 2009.
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82} 18-12-2009 Mr. Swayam Sold the following items for cash in an exhibition organized by V-Guard company. www.Tally9Book. Com
75) 15-11-2009

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83} 19-12-2009 Mr. Swayam paid Rs. 2500 in cash for the space provided in the exhibition . 84} 29-12 -2009 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the Petty Cashier for December 2009. The Statement is as follows : Nom e of Expenses Conveyance Expenses of Marketinq Execut i ves Shop Maintenance Expenses Electricity Expenses Cell Phone Bill 85} 31-12-2009 VAT adjustment entry. Amount (Rs .) 600 450 400 1200

86} 31-12-2009 Provision entry to transfer ba lance from VAT Adjustment account to VAT Payable account. JANUARY' 2010 87} 1-1-2010 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for December 2009. 88} 2-1-2010 Mr. Swayam deposited Rs. 1,20,000 cash in ICICI Bank 89} 5-1-2010 Mr. Swayam paid VAT due for December 2009 by cheque. 90} 8-1-2010 Mr. Swayam pure hased the f oIIowing items on eredit f rom NeXT Services . Orissa. Quant Rote V Item Input Total ity alue 4% VAT Submersible Pumps 50 1800 90,00 93,600 C 91} 12-1-2010 Mr. Swayam decides to have a price list for his customers. The price levels were decided on the bas i s of old and new customers and also the
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PRICE LIST FOR OLD CUSTOMERS Items 0-20 Dis 20- Dis SODis SO 5% c. c. above 7% c. 850 Nil 850 850 High Capacity Stabilizers 1600 2% 1600 5% 1600 6% Open Well Pumps PRICE LIST FOR NEW CUSTOMERS Items 0-20 Dis 20- Dis SODis c. SO 4% c. above 8% c. 2500 Nil 2500 2500 Submersible Pumps 92} 14-1-2010 Mr. Swayam S0Id the f oIIowing items to S" 1mp1 e TouchTraders. Quanti Rat Item Total Dis Valu Output ty e e VAT c . 30 25 4'Yo 72, 4% 74,880 Submersible Pumps 00 00 93} 15-1-2010 Mr. Swayam withdrew Rs. 13,000 from ICICI Bank for persona l use. 94) 20-1-2010 Mr. Swayam withdrew Capital of Rs.5,00,000 from the firm by cheque. 95) 25-1-2010 Mr. Swayam received a cheque from Simple Touch Traders for Sales made on 14-1-2010. 96) 30-1-2010 Mr. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the Petty Cashier for January 2010. The Statement is as follows : Name of Expenses Amount (Rs.)
Cell Phone Bill paid Conveyance Expenses of marketing executives Shop Maintenance Expenses Electricity Expenses 800 500 450 350

97} 31-1-2010 VAT Adjustment Entry. 98} 31-1-2010 Provision entry to transfer balance from VAT adjustment account to VAT Payable account.
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FEBRUARY'2010 99} 3-2-2010 Mr. Swayam paid VAT due for the month of January 2010 by cheque. 100} 4-2-2010 Mr. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for January 2010. 101} 8-2-2010 Mr. Swayam purchased the following items from Dust Merchants . Dust Merchants drew a bill of exchange which was accepted by Mr . Swayam. Item Quanti Rate Value Input VAT Total Hiqh Capacity 50 500 25 12.5':.'o 28 ,125 ty Open Well Pumps 30 1500 4% 46,800 45. 0 0 Stabilizers ,000 74,925 Gross Total 0 102} 12-2-2010 . ing Company on ered'1t. Mr. Swayam soId the f oIIowing items to Me Tra d Quantit Ra Item Dis Value Output Total y te 12.5% 27,253 High Capacity 30 85 5':.o c. ' 24,225 VA1 Stabilizers 0 Submersible 40 16 5':.'o 60,800 4% 63,232 Pumps 00 90.485 Gross Total 103} 14-2-2010 Mr. Swayam pure hsedtheflolow1nq items f rom C eon Inf ormation Systems, H1y1 derabad on cred it. Item Quantit Rate Value Input Total CSl y 22 4% 23,400 Law Capacity 50 450 ,500 Stabilizers 104) 15-2-2009 M r. Swayam withdrew Rs.5,000 from bank for personal use.

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105) 18-2-2010 Mr. Swayam purchased the following items from Dirty Enterprises on credit. Item I Quantity I Rote I Value I Input Total VAT 68,640 Submersible Pumps I 30 I 2200 I 66,ooo I 4 o 68,640 Gross Total 106} 25-2-2010 Mr. Swayam sold the followinq items to Mumbai Uqly Tradinq Corporation (Govt. Dept.) on credit. Item I Quantity I Rote I Input Total V olue 1,04,00 Submersi ble Pumps I 40 I 2500 1 4% VAT 1.00.000 1 1,04,00 Gros: 0 Note : CST is exempted if the sale is made to government0 depar tmen t. 107) 27-2-2010 M r. Swayam received the statement of expenditure from the petty cashier for the month end , February 2010. The statement is as follows : Amount (Rs Nome of Expenses 1300 Cell Phone Bill paid .) Conveyance Expenses of marketing 700 400 Shop Maintenance Expenses executives 450 Electricity Expenses 108 } 28-2-2010 VAT Adjustment Entry.

MARCH' 2010

109 } M r. Swayam paid Salaries and Rent by cheque for February 2010. 110) 10-3-2010 Mr. Swayam honored the bills payable which was drawn by Dust Merchants by issuing a cheque. lll} 15-3-2010 Mr. Swayam sold the following items on credit to Faithful Traders ,
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Kerala. Item High Capacity Stabilizers Open well Pumps

Quon Rot Output 30 850 4% tit e CST 50 155 4% www.Tally9Book. Com 0 Page : 31

Total 25,50 77,50 0 0 SWAYAM

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112) 18-3-2010 M r. Swayam SoId the f oIIowing items to Help Trad ing Corporation on eredi t. Quantit Rate Value Input Total Item High Capacity 5 950 4750 VAT 12.5'Y o 5343 y 15 750 11250 12.5'Yo 12657 Law Capacity Stabilizers 18,000 Gross Stabilizers 113) Total Mr. Swayam withdrew Rs.5,000 from bank for personal use. 114) 30-3-2010 M r. Swayam received the statement from the petty cashier for March 2010 . The Statement is as follows : Nam e of Expenses Cell Phone Bill paid Conveyance Expenses of marketing Shop Maintenance Expenses executives Electricity Expenses 115) 31-3-2010 VAT adjustment entry. 116) 31-3-2010 Provision entry to transfer ba lance from VAT adjustment account to VAT Payable account. Provision Entries All Provision entries are depicted using a Journal voucher. Note : Provision Entries , Depreciation Entries and Adjustment Entries are all recorded on 31-3- 2010. 1) Shop Rent for March 2010. 2) Salaries for March 2010. Amount 1800 (Rs.) 700 350 500

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3) Electricity Bill charges for March 2010 is Rs. 350 Depreciation Entries :
Sl.N Asset name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cell Phone-1 Cell Phone-2 Computer Electrical Fittings Furniture & Fixture Motor Vehicle Value to be Depreciated 5,500 4,500 25,000 5,000 1,50,000 40,000 Date of Purchase 10-4-2009 Rate of Depreciation 15% Depreciation For 2009-201O 825 338 15,000 500 15,000 6,000 37,663

14-11-2009 7.5% 10-4-2009 10-4-2009 5-4-2009 10-4-2009 60% 10% 10% 15%

AdjustmentEntriesforPrepaidExpenses: A II A du.ustment entries are dep. icted usinq a Journa vouc her. Nature Paymen Period Amo Prepaid Prep Amount for Period t u a Of Insurance Current Year 1-4-2009 to 2,40 1-4-2009 to 600 Insuran 28-6Date Amo 1,800 2009 0 ce 30-6-2010 30-6-2010 u Other Adjustment Entries 1) Transfer balance of withdrawals account to Mr. Swayom Satpathy Calcutta account. Closing Entries : 1) Transfer of Profit and Loss account to Mr. Swayam Satpathy capital account. ****************** ************

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