Consumer Buying Behavior Questionnaire Base Article
Consumer Buying Behavior Questionnaire Base Article
Consumer Buying Behavior Questionnaire Base Article
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This paper proposes a two-factor conceptualization of exploratory consumer buying behavior in which exploratory
acquisition of products is distinguished from exploratory information seeking. A scale for measuring individual differences
in consumers' tendencies to engage in exploratory buying behavior is developed based on this conceptualization, and the
instrument is related to several other constructs and actual exploratory behaviors. The results of six studies with subjects
from two different countries show that the scale has good psychometric properties and that its relationships with other
constructs and actual exploratory behaviors conform to theoretical expectations.
Keywords: Exploratory consumer behavior; Optimum stimulation level ; Individual differences in consumer behavior
exploratory in the sense that consumers engage in 2. Conceptualizing exploratory consumer buying
them primarily for the pleasure inherent in changing behavior
the stimulus field and not out of any extrinsic reason
Interest in the phenomenon of exploratory behav-
(Berlyne, 1963; Fiske and Maddi, 1961; see also
ior started with the dual realization that people and
White, 1959).
animals sometimes engage in activities which are not
Although the importance of exploratory motives
biologically significant but are perceived to be intrin-
for explaining buyer behavior has been acknowl-
sically rewarding in the absence of external incen-
edged (see Steenkamp and Baumgartner, 1992, for a
tives, and that such behavior can be motivated by the
recent review), relatively little empirical research has
prospect of exciting and novel experiences, the de-
been devoted to the topic. At least three problems
sire for variation and change, and the urge to satisfy
may have hampered progress to date. First, there has
one's curiosity (Berlyne, 1978). Consumer re-
been a lack of clear conceptualizations of the con-
searchers quickly recognized the applicability of these
struct of exploratory consumer buying behavior. Up
ideas to important areas of consumer behavior (e.g.,
to seven facets of exploratory behavior in the con-
Hansen, 1972; Howard and Sheth, 1969; Venkate-
sumer context have been distinguished, and few
san, 1973), and there is now general agreement that
attempts have been made to integrate the evidence
such activities as risk taking and innovative behavior
and to propose a coherent conceptual framework that
in product purchase, variety seeking and brand
could serve as a basis for theory development and
switching, recreational shopping and information
empirical research. Second, and possibly as a conse-
search, and interpersonal communication about pur-
quence of the lack of adequate conceptualizations,
chases may be regarded as manifestations of ex-
attempts at measuring individual differences in con-
ploratory tendencies in the consumer buying process
sumers' tendencies to engage in exploratory buying
(cf. Raju, 1980). Although we do not wish to argue
behavior, despite some early promise (Raju, 1980),
that these activities are solely motivated by con-
have led to disappointing results (Wahlers et al.,
sumers' desire for exploration, we posit that they all
1986; Baumgartner and Steenkamp, 1991). Third,
have strong exploratory components because they
apart from its association with optimum stimulation
share the defining characteristics of exploratory be-
level, relatively little is known about the relationship
havior in general (see also McAlister and Pessemier,
of exploratory buying tendencies with other con-
1982; Raju, 1980, 1981): consumers engage in them
structs and actual exploratory consumer behaviors.
primarily for intrinsic reasons (i.e., the satisfaction is
The goal of this paper is to address the aforemen-
predominantly in the activity itself, not in any even-
tioned problems. First, we provide a two-factor con-
tual outcome; cf. Deci and Ryan, 1985; Csikszentmi-
ceptualization of exploratory consumer buying be-
halyi, 1975, 1990), and their intrinsic reward value
havior in which exploratory acquisition of products
derives from their capacity to provide the consumer
is distinguished from exploratory information seek-
with a satisfactory level of external or internal stimu-
ing. We show that this framework is in line with
lation 1. As stated by Berlyne (1963, p. 287), ex-
prior theorizing in the area and that it is also consis-
ploratory responses "modify stimulation from
tent with the empirical evidence. Then, an instrument
sources that are already represented in the stimulus
for the measurement of individual differences in
field, and they introduce stimulation from sources
exploratory consumer buying behavior is developed
that were not hitherto represented."
which operationalizes our two-factor conceptualiza-
tion, and the scale is validated with two samples of
respondents from two different countries. Finally, we i Our conceptualizationof exploratoryconsumerbuying behav-
relate exploratory acquisition of products and ex- ior deals only with the acquisition of products and information
ploratory information seeking to measures of several seeking. While exploratorymotivesmay also underlie other types
important constructs and actualized exploratory con- of consumer behavior such as aesthetic reactions and emotional
responses, playful leisure activities, and the consumptionof enter-
sumer behaviors in an effort to provide evidence on tainment and art objects (cf. Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982),
the criterion-related and predictive validity of the these behaviors, which refer more to consuming rather than
scale. buying, are not considered in this paper.
H. Baumgarmer, J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp / Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137 123
While the range of consumer buying behaviors The major difference between the two dimensions
that contain strong exploratory elements is well cir- is that, while exploratory information seeking might
cumscribed by the above list of activities, there is eventually lead to the purchase of a product, knowl-
less agreement on how many different dimensions of edge acquisition is originally not directed at a partic-
the construct should be distinguished. In this paper, ular product and, in particular, does not involve
we will argue that a two-dimensional representation direct experience with a product through purchase, as
of exploratory consumer buying behavior, where ex- is the case with exploratory acquisition of products
ploratory acquisition of products is distinguished (cf. Hirschman, 1980). Furthermore, consumers de-
from exploratory information seeking, is most con- rive mostly sensory stimulation from the exploratory
sistent with prior theoretical work and the limited acquisition of products, whereas exploratory infor-
empirical evidence. Exploratory acquisition of prod- mation seeking satisfies their cognitive stimulation
ucts (EAP) entails the potential for sensory stimula- needs.
tion in product purchase through risky and innova- It should be noted that other conceptualizations
tive product choices and varied and changing pur- besides the two-factor framework proposed in this
chase experiences, while exploratory information paper have been suggested in prior work on the
seeking (EIS) satisfies consumers' cognitive stimula- subject. Raju (1980) distinguished seven aspects of
tion needs through the acquisition of consumption- exploratory consumer behavior: risk taking, innova-
relevant knowledge out of curiosity. tiveness, brand switching, repetitive behavior prone-
Our conceptualization has its roots in Pearson's ness, information seeking, exploration through shop-
(1970) distinction between sensory and cognitive ping, and interpersonal communication. Although
novelty seeking, Berlyne's (1963) differentiation of these seven facets of exploratory consumer buying
specific/diversive exploration from epistemic ex- behavior nicely circumscribe the domain of the con-
ploratory behavior, and Zuckerman's (1979) separa- struct, several problems with this classification may
tion of sensation seeking from cognitive curiosity. It be noted.
is similar to distinctions made in consumer research First, there are conceptual problems with the dif-
between adoptive and vicarious innovativeness ferentiation into seven factors because some of them
(Hirschman, 1980), sensory-emotive stimulation are clearly overlapping. For example, repetitive be-
seeking and cognitive information seeking (Hirsch- havior proneness is defined as "the tendency to stick
man and Holbrook, 1982), exploratory purchase be- with the same response over time" (Raju, 1980, p.
havior and vicarious exploratory behavior (Price and 278), which is closely related in an inverse fashion to
Ridgway, 1982), sensory and cognitive experience brand switching, defined as "switching of brands
seeking (Hirschman, 1984), innovativeness and in- primarily for change or variety" (Raju, 1980, p.
formation seeking (Joachimsthaler and Lastovicka, 279). The absence of clear boundaries of the seven
1984), sensory and epistemic exploratory behavior facets is also reflected in the fact that in the scale
(Venkatraman and Maclnnis, 1985), and sensory and implementing this conceptualization, 16 of 39 items
cognitive innovativeness (Venkatraman and Price, are specified to load on multiple factors.
1990). Although there certainly is no exact one-to-one Second, with a view toward measuring ex-
correspondence between these various classifica- ploratory consumer buying behavior and assessing
tions, they do point to the usefulness of a distinction its relationship with other constructs, a seven-factor
between sensory stimulation seeking in product pur- structure seems impractical. For example, empirical
chase based on novelty, risk, variety, and change and investigations of the construct validity of Raju's
cognitive stimulation seeking motivated by an intrin- scale have indicated that good psychometric proper-
sic curiosity about consumption-relevant informa- ties (i.e., a well-defined factor structure and high
tion. The common denominator of the two types of reliabilities) and meaningful associations with related
exploratory buying behavior is that consumers en- constructs are difficult to obtain (cf. Wahlers et al.,
gage in them, at least in part, in an effort to regulate 1986; Baumgartner and Steenkamp, 1991).
their exposure to stimulation and that this stimulation Besides the seven-factor structure, a three-factor
provides intrinsic pleasure. conceptualization consisting of risk taking, variety
124 H. Baumgartner, J. -B.E.M. Steenkamp / Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137
seeking, and curiosity-motivated behavior has also most useful. The two facets, which are referred to as
been proposed (McAlister and Pessemier, 1982; Raju, exploratory acquisition of products and exploratory
1980). Although this three-factor structure is concep- information seeking, are consistent with prior distinc-
tually more appealing than the seven-factor concep- tions made in both the psychological and consumer
tualization, it too has some problems. The major behavior literatures, and the empirical evidence also
difficulty is that it is hard to clearly distinguish seems to favor it over alternative conceptualizations.
conceptually between risk taking and variety seek- In the next three sections, we report the development
ing, particularly in the context of exploratory con- of an instrument to measure individual differences in
sumer buying behavior. As discussed by McAlister consumers' tendencies to engage in the two forms of
and Pessemier (1982), desire for the unfamiliar can exploratory consumer buying behavior, and we also
be theoretically distinguished form alternation among investigate the correspondence of the two dimen-
familiar alternatives. However, in practice product sions with theoretically related constructs and actual-
familiarity is more a matter of degree than a strict ized exploratory consumer behavior.
dichotomy. Furthermore, it has been argued in the
literature that exploratory purchase tendencies may
be most readily expressed in the context of relatively 3. Measuring exploratory consumer buying be-
low-risk, frequently purchased products (Hoyer and havior
Ridgway, 1984; Van Trijp et al., 1994; see also
Fiske and Maddi, 1961), and in this case the distinc- 3.1. Domain specification and item generation
tion becomes even more tenuous. For example, try-
ing a new brand in a well-known product class The objective of this section is to describe the
involves some amount of risk taking, but it may also development of a scale for the measurement of ex-
satisfy a variety seeking motive. Similarly, a brand ploratory buying behavior tendencies (EBBT). Our
that has not been used for some time may have instrument can be thought of as a trait measure
become relatively unfamiliar and its purchase will assessing individual differences in people's disposi-
not only provide a change of pace but may also tion to engage in the two forms of exploratory
entail some risk. buying behavior, exploratory acquisition of products
In line with this theoretical observation, the and exploratory information seeking. We character-
three-factor structure has not fared well empirically. ize the scale as a measure of a consumer's tendency
For example, when the correlations among the seven to engage in exploratory buying behavior because
dimensions of exploratory consumer behavior as re- this concept captures the notion of a general disposi-
ported in Raju (1977) are factor-analyzed, the results tion to act in a consistent way across different situa-
for both the homemaker and student samples show tions (Shimp and Sharma, 1987). In line with the
that two factors have eigenvalues greater than one, discussion in the previous section, the domain of
and the two-factor structure is most readily inter- exploratory consumer buying behavior is specified as
pretable, with risk taking, innovativeness, brand those activities involved in the buying process (in the
switching, and repetitive behavior proneness loading broadest sense) which are intrinsically motivated and
on one factor and information seeking, exploration whose primary purpose is to adjust actual stimulation
through shopping, and interpersonal communication obtained from the environment or through internal
loading on the second factor. In a similar way, means to a satisfactory level. We distinguish two
Baumgartner and Steenkamp (1991), in their investi- dimensions of exploratory buying behavior, namely
gation of the construct validity of the Raju scale, also exploratory acquisition of products (EAP) and ex-
found that the subdimensions of risk taking and ploratory information seeking (EIS). The first dimen-
variety seeking exhibited a lack of discriminant va- sion, EAP, reflects a consumer's tendency to seek
lidity. sensory stimulation in product purchase through risky
In sum, both theoretically and empirically the and innovative product choices and varied and
evidence suggests that a two-factor conceptualization changing purchase and consumption experiences.
of exploratory consumer buying behavior might be Consumers who are high on EAP enjoy taking
H. Baumgarmer. J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp/ Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137 125
chances in buying unfamiliar products, are willing to A questionnaire containing the EBBT items (as
try out new and innovative products, value variety in well as some other scales which will be discussed
making product choices, and change their purchase later) was administered to undergraduate students
behavior in an effort to attain stimulating consump- enrolled in marketing classes at a major American
tion experiences. The second dimension, EIS, re- university. Participation in the study was voluntary,
flects a tendency to obtain cognitive stimulation but a lottery with several cash prizes was used to
through the acquisition of consumption-relevant attract volunteers. EBBT items were scored on 5-
knowledge out of curiosity. Consumers who are high point scales, ranging from completely disagree ( = 1)
on EIS like to go browsing and window shopping, to completely agree ( = 5). A total of 288 subjects
are interested in ads and other promotional materials provided usable responses.
that provide marketing information, and enjoy talk- Corrected item-total correlations were computed
ing to other consumers about their purchases and for the 41 EAP and 28 EIS items, and items with
consumption experiences. item-total correlations below 0.4 on the hypothesized
Based on a review of the literature on optimum dimension and items that did not correlate signifi-
stimulation level, intrinsic motivation, and ex- cantly more highly with the hypothesized than the
ploratory (consumer) behavior (e.g., Berlyne, 1960, non-hypothesized factor were eliminated (cf. Ruekert
1963, 1978; Deci and Ryan, 1985; Fiske and Maddi, and Churchill, 1984). This left 14 EAP and 10 EIS
1961; Fowler, 1965; Foxall, 1986; Hirschman, 1980; items. Since we wanted to have as compact a scale
Joachimsthaler and Lastovicka, 1984; McAlister and as possible, with an equal number of EAP and EIS
Pessemier, 1982; Mehrabian and Russell, 1974; Mit- items, four more EAP items (those with the lowest
telstaedt et al., 1976; Price and Ridgway, 1982; Raju, item-total correlations) were eliminated, leaving 10
1977, 1980, 1981; Steenkamp and Baumgartner, EAP and 10 EIS items in our final scale. ~ The
1992; Venkatesan, 1973; Voss and Keller, 1983; 20-item scale contains 13 of the 39 original Raju
Wahlers et al., 1986; Zuckerman, 1979, 1994), as items and 7 new items.
well as our conceptualization of the domain of the Next, principal components factor analysis with
construct, a pool of 89 items was developed to PROMAX rotation was applied to the 20 items. The
operationalize the two dimensions of EBBT. In- eigenvalues for the first five components were 5.19,
cluded in the initial pool were 35 items from Raju's 3.04, 1.57, 1.17, and 1.02. There was a distinct scree
(1980) scale which could be assigned unambiguously at two factors, and the two-factor solution accounted
to either EAP or EIS, as well as 54 new items for 41 percent of the variance in the measures. Each
written on the basis of our literature review. Care of the 20 items had a loading exceeding 0.4 on its
was taken to ensure that the items reflected either hypothesized factor, and there was evidence of sim-
exploratory acquisition of products or exploratory ple structure in that none of the cross-loadings were
information seeking, did not confound these two greater than 0.2.
aspects, and tapped the basic motivations underlying Finally, a confirmatory factor analysis using LIS-
exploratory buying behavior in as many different REL was performed on the 20-item scale, which
consumer contexts as possible. yielded a ×2 of 547.12 with 169 degrees of freedom,
a goodness-of-fit index (GFI) of 0.83, and a compar-
3.2. De~,elopment o f the E B B T scale
ative fit index (CFI, Bentler, 1990) of 0.79. 3
As a first step in developing the scale, a panel of
five expert judges (doctoral students in marketing)
was given definitions of EAP and EIS and asked to
assign each of the 89 potential items to one of the 2 All analyses reported in this paper were also conducted for
two dimensions of EBBT or to indicate that the item the 24-itemscale in which EAP was measuredwith 14 items. The
fit neither definition. Only those items which were 24-item scale fit worse than the 20-item scale in the calibration
and validation samples, and its criterion-relatedvalidity was com-
classified correctly by at least 4 of the 5 judges were parable to that of the shorter scale.
considered further. This procedure yielded 41 EAP 3 The coefficient of relative multivariate kurtosis was 1.14,
and 28 EIS items. indicating that the assumptionof multivariatenormalityis tenable.
126 H. Baumgartner, J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp/ lntern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137
The fit of the 2-factor model, although unsatisfac- they are based on the sample on which the instru-
tory at first sight, can be considered adequate for ment was developed. Therefore, the measure was
several reasons. First, fit indices are adversely af- cross-validated on two separate samples of subjects
fected by model complexity (Bollen, 1989; Bone et from two different countries.
al., 1989), and our findings are in line with simula- Method. The EBBT scale was administered to a
tion results (e.g., Anderson and Gerbing, 1984) and sample of 320 undergraduate students in a program
previous findings for models of similar complexity. in hotel, restaurant, and institutional management at
For example, recent scale development or validation a major American university, and to a sample of 159
studies by Boyle et al. (1992), Heide and John undergraduate students at a university in the Nether-
(1990), Kumar et al. (1992), and Netemeyer et al. lands. 4 The items were scored as in the first study.
(1991), in which models of similar complexity were Results. The same two-factor structure was speci-
investigated, have yielded similar model fits. More- fied for the validation samples as for the calibration
over, all factor loadings were significant (all t-values sample, but all parameters were freely estimated (cf.
were larger than 6.0) and exceeded the 0.4 level Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). The following model fits
commonly considered meaningful in factor-analytic were obtained: ×2(169)=416.53 ( p < 0.001), GFI
investigations (Ford et al., 1986). These findings = 0.88, CFI = 0.83 for the American sample; and X2
support the convergent validity of the items (Ander- (169) = 260.15 ( p < 0.001), GFI = 0.85, CFI = 0.88
son and Gerbing, 1988). Further, none of the modifi- for the Dutch sample. 5 For both samples, GFI and
cation indices for the loading of an item on the CFI compare favorably with the results obtained in
non-hypothesized factor was significant at the.01 the calibration sample, which supports the cross-
level, and none of the estimated changes reported by sample validity of the scale. Further, for the Ameri-
LISREL exceeded.2 (see Kaplan, 1989 for an exten- can cross-validation sample, all factor loadings were
sive discussion of the use of estimated change pa- significant (all t-values exceed 3.0) and only three
rameters in LISREL). The composite reliabilities did not exceed 0.4, while in the Dutch sample, all
(Bagozzi and Yi, 1988) and coefficient alphas of loadings were significant (all t-values exceeded 3.5),
EAP and EIS were 0.85 and 0.83, respectively. 15 exceeded 0.4 and all were greater than 0.3 in
EAP and EIS were correlated 0.30 ( p < 0.001). magnitude. The composite reliabilities of EAP and
Discriminant validity between the two factors was EIS were 0.81 and 0.78, respectively, in the Ameri-
assessed in two ways (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988). can sample, and 0.75 and 0.85, respectively, in the
First, the difference in X2 values between the model Dutch sample. The corresponding coefficient alphas
which constrains the correlation to be equal to 1.0 were 0.80, 0.77, 0.74, and 0.85. In neither sample
and the unconstrained model was highly significant were any modification indices significant, and none
[X2(1) = 517.93, p < 0.001]. Second, even the 0.1% of the estimated changes exceeded 0.2.
confidence interval around the correlation estimate Discussion. The results of the three scale develop-
of 0.30 did not include 1.0. Both findings support the ment and validation studies show that it is possible
discriminant validity of the two subfactors of EBBT. to construct an internally valid instrument for the
Taken together, item-total correlations, scree test measurement of exploratory buying behavior tenden-
and factor loadings, as well as the LISREL results,
provide support for the convergent and discriminant
validity of the EBBT scale (Steenkamp and Van
4 The EBBT items were administered in English. Two 7-point
Trijp, 1991). The 20 items retained in the final scale self-report measures were included, pertaining to the experienced
and their means, standard deviations, and factor load- difficulty in understanding the items and the subject's self-rated
ings obtained in the confirmatory factor analysis are knowledge of English. Five subjects were deleted from further
displayed in the Appendix. analyses because they rated lower than the midpoint on either or
both of the two items.
3.3. Validation o f the E B B T scale 5 The coefficients of relative multivariate kurtosis were 1.14
and 1.07 for the American and Dutch samples, respectively,
The results reported for the EBBT scale using the indicating again that the assumption of multivariate normality is
calibration data set may be upwardly biased because reasonable.
H. Baumgarmer, J. -B.E.M. Steenkamp / Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137 127
cies based on our two-factor conceptualization of the 4.1. Relationships of EBBT with optimum stimulation
construct. The findings from three samples of con- level
sumers in two different countries indicate that the
scale has good psychometric properties, with a well-
The most important criterion-related validity test
defined dimensional structure and adequate reliabili-
for any scale purporting to assess exploratory behav-
ior tendencies is that it correlate significantly with
measures of optimum stimulation level. A substantial
body of literature has shown that there are reliable
individual differences in the amount of stimulation
4. Relationships o f E B B T with other constructs
considered most comfortable by a given person, and
that people with higher stimulation needs engage in
In this section we will relate the new scale to exploratory behavior to a greater extent than people
several important constructs that theory suggests with lower optimum stimulation levels in order to
should be associated with exploratory consumer buy- adjust actual stimulation to their higher optimal lev-
ing behavior. The purpose is to obtain preliminary els (see Zuckerman, 1979 for a review). Since all
insights into the nexus of relationships in which types of exploratory buying behavior provide con-
exploratory consumer behavior is embedded. sumers with a means of regulating their exposure to
.43 (4.19.). ~
.24 (2.60)
Fig. 1. Criterion-related validity of the EBBT scale, a: Relationship between EBBT and OSL. b: Relationship between EBBT and sensory
and cognitive stimulation. Note: The following abbreviations are used in the figure: EAP-ExploratoryAcquisition of Products, EIS-Explora-
tory Information Seeking, OSL-Optimum Stimulation Level, SS-Sensory Stimulation, CS-Cognitive Stimulation, AST-Arousal Seeking
Tendency scale, CSI-Change Seeker Index, SSS-Sensation Seeking Scale, NES-Novelty Experiencing Scale, RT-Jackson's Risk Taking
scale, KAI-Kirton's Adaption-Innovation scale, INN-Jackson's Innovativeness scale, AT-MacDonald's Ambiguity Tolerance scale, TCI-
Melbourne Trait Curiosity Inventory, NC-Petty and Cacioppo's Need for Cognition scale. Numbers are standardized parameter estimates
(with t-values in parentheses).
128 H. Baumgartner, J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp / Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137
stimulation, it is expected that optimum stimulation is apparent that the effect of OSL on EAP is stronger
level is related to both exploratory acquisition of than the effect of OSL on EIS. The reason for this is
products and exploratory information seeking that CSI and AST have the highest loadings on OSL,
(Steenkamp and Baumgartner, 1992). and these scales tap mostly sensory forms of stimula-
There are four major scales for the measurement tion as evidenced by the content of their items and
of optimum stimulation level: the Arousal Seeking the results obtained by Raju (1980).
Tendency scale version II of Mehrabian (1978) Also as expected, the correlations of Social Desir-
(Baumgartner and Steenkamp, 1994), the Change ability with both EAP (0.02) and EIS ( - 0 . 0 6 ) were
Seeker Index of Garlington and Shimota (1964), the nonsignificant, indicating that responses to EBBT are
Sensation Seeking Scale form V of Zuckerman not contaminated by social desirability biases.
(1979), and the Novelty Experiencing Scale of Pear-
son (1970). Previous research has shown that these 4.2. Relationships of EBBT with other personality
scales are highly reliable and that they converge to scales
indicate the underlying construct of OSL (cf.
Steenkamp and Baumgartner, 1992). We expected As noted previously, the differentiation of EBBT
that OSL, operationalized as a composite of the four into EAP and EIS is based on the basic distinction
aforementioned scales, would be significantly related made in personality research between desire for sen-
to EAP and EIS. sory stimulation derived from risky, novel, and var-
Method. We used the sample of 288 respondents ied experiences, and a need for cognitive stimulation
on whom the EBBT scale was calibrated to examine manifested in curiosity (cf. Berlyne, 1963; Pearson,
this hypothesis. Because of missing values, only 284 1970; Zuckerman, 1979; see also Hirschman and
observations were available for this analysis. In the Holbrook, 1982). Six well-known personality scales,
questionnaire the order of the four OSL scales and of which were expected to differentially tap these basic
the EBBT scale was rotated according to a Latin motivations underlying the two dimensions of ex-
squares design. ploratory buying behavior, were selected in an effort
In addition to the foregoing instruments, the Mar- to provide further evidence on the criterion-related
lowe-Crowne Social Desirability scale short-form validity of EBBT.
(Reynolds, 1982) was also administered. Ideally, Scales pertaining to sensory stimulation through
scales measuring constructs should be free of social risky, novel, and varied experiences that we used in
desirability biases, and thus nonsignificant correla- our research were the Risk Taking scale of Jackson
tions with both dimensions of EBBT were expected. (1976), the Adaption-Innovation scale of Kirton
The Social Desirability scale was always the last (1976), Jackson's (1976) Innovativeness scale, and
measure in the questionnaire. the Ambiguity Tolerance scale of MacDonald (1970).
Results. A simple model was estimated in which The Risk Taking scale is a generalized measure of
OSL was specified as an antecedent of both EAP and willingness to take risks. The Adaption-Innovation
EIS (see upper half of Fig. 1). Such a specification is and Innovativeness scales were included as measures
consistent with prior theorizing (Joachimsthaler and of inherent or innate innovativeness (cf. Foxall, 1986;
Lastovicka, 1984; Raju, 1980, 1981; Steenkamp and Goldsmith, 1986). The Ambiguity Tolerance scale
Baumgartner, 1992). Subjects' ratings on the four was used because it is frequently mentioned as an
OSL scales served as indicators of OSL, while com- antecedent of exploratory behavior (e.g., Berlyne,
posite scores from the calibration study were used as 1963). People who are tolerant of ambiguity have
single indicators of EAP and EIS. LISREL was been found to have higher optimum stimulation lev-
applied to the correlation matrix of the measures, and els, and there is some suggestion that they are more
the hypothesized model yielded a satisfactory fit: willing to take risks and to be innovators (Raju,
×2(8) = 63.88, GFI = 0.93, and CFI = 0.92. Stan- 1980). Furthermore, an openness to ambiguity should
dardized parameter estimates and t-values are re- facilitate variation and change seeking.
ported in Fig. 1. Consistent with our hypothesis, The Melbourne Trait Curiosity Inventory (Naylor,
OSL had significant effects on both EAP and EIS. It 1981) and the short-form of the Need for Cognition
H. Baumgartner, J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp/ lntern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137 129
scale (Cacioppo et al., 1984) were selected to tap 5. Prediction of actual exploratory consumer be-
cognitive stimulation seeking. Trait Curiosity was haviors
used as a general measure of curiosity (Olson and
Camp, 1984); it is generally acknowledged that cu- Our scale is an instrument designed to measure
riosity is a powerful motive underlying cognitive individual differences in consumers' tendencies to
forms of exploratory behavior (Berlyne, 1978; engage in exploratory buying behavior. Of particular
Fowler, 1965; Voss and Keller, 1983). Berlyne (1963) interest to marketers is the question whether disposi-
proposed that need for cognition was a determinant tional measures of exploratory behavior are related
of cognitive stimulation seeking, and Olson et al. to actualized exploratory behavior in the consumer
(1984) have shown that Petty and Cacioppo's Need context and whether the EBBT scale, as a particular
for Cognition scale correlates significantly with a dispositional measure, is able to predict specific
variety of measures of curiosity, including Trait Cu- consumer behaviors motivated, at least in part, by
riosity. exploratory tendencies. Below we report a series of
Our hypothesis was that sensory stimulation seek- experiments to investigate the predictive validity of
ing would be related to EAP, while cognitive stimu- the EBBT scale for four specific types of exploratory
lation seeking would be related to EIS. behavior: innovative behavior (Foxall, 1986; Mittel-
Method. Data from a new sample of 129 under- staedt et al., 1976), variety seeking in the context of
graduate business students at an American university food consumption behavior (Van Trijp and
were collected in order to test this hypothesis. Ques- Steenkamp, 1992), cognitive responses to ads (Fai-
tionnaires containing the six personality scales were son, 1977), and curiosity-motivated search for prod-
distributed in class, and participation in the study uct information (Hirschman, 1980).
was encouraged through a lottery. A total of 128
subjects provided usable responses. The items com- 5.1. Experiment 1: Innovative behavior
prising the EBBT scale were always put first in the
questionnaire, and the other scales were arranged in Recently, scratch-off lottery tickets ('kraslor)
four different random orders. The composite reliabil- were introduced in the Netherlands. These lottery
ities and coefficient alphas of EAP and EIS were tickets can be bought at various places, cost Dfl.
0.84 and 0.78, respectively. 2.50, and offer the opportunity to win between Dfl.
Results. Subjects' ratings on the six personality 2.50 and Dfl. 75,000. The product is innovative in
scales served as indicators of sensory and cognitive the sense that these lottery tickets were not available
stimulation seeking. EAP and EIS were again speci- in the Netherlands until recently. Scratch-off lottery
fied as single-indicator constructs. The model shown tickets are also risky since money is at stake and the
in the lower portion of Figure 1 was estimated with outcome is uncertain. A person's decision to pur-
LISREL, using a correlation matrix as input. chase lottery tickets may be considered an instance
The resulting model fit the data well [×2(18)= of innovative behavior since the product of interest is
35.78, GFI = 0.94, and CFI = 0.93]. Standardized relatively new (Rogers, 1983) and since the purchase
parameter estimates and t-values are shown in Fig- involves risk (Ostlund, 1974).
ure 1. The factor loadings for the personality scales Previous research has shown that willingness to
are substantial and significant, which supports their take risks is positively related to innovative behavior
convergent validity. As hypothesized, the paths from (cf. Gatignon and Robertson, 1985). In addition,
sensory stimulation seeking to EAP and from cogni- studies by Mittelstaedt et al. (1976) and Venkatra-
tive stimulation seeking to EIS were both significant. man and Price (1990) indicate that OSL is a signifi-
On the other hand, the modification indices for the cant determinant of innovative purchase behavior.
effects of sensory stimulation seeking on EIS and of Since OSL is an antecedent of exploratory buying
cognitive stimulation seeking on EAP were both behavior tendencies and since sensory stimulation
nonsignificant. These findings provide additional seeking through risky and innovative product choices
support for the criterion-related validity of the EBBT is a major component of EAP, we expected that
scale and its two subdimensions. choice of lottery tickets would be significantly corre-
130 1-1. Baumgartner, J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp/ Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137
lated with EAP and that it would be more strongly Steenkamp and Beumgartner, 1992), and a study by
related to EAP than to EIS. Van Trijp and Steenkamp (1992) indicates that varia-
Method. One hundred and thirty-four Dutch un- tion in self-reported food consumption behavior is
dergraduate students participated in a series of exper- positively correlated with a scale measuring variety
iments, one of which dealt with innovative behavior. seeking tendencies with respect to foods. Based on
Subjects filled out the EBBT scale (the coefficient this work, it was expected that actual variety seeking
alphas of EAP and EIS were 0.80 and 0.84, respec- behavior would be positively related to EAP and that
tively), and at the end of the experimental session it would be more strongly correlated with EAP than
they received Dfl. 10 for their participation. Subjects with EIS.
were given the opportunity to use (part of) this Method. A total of 45 students (a subgroup of the
money to purchase scratch-off lottery tickets. 6 159 Dutch subjects on whom the EBBT scale was
Results. A logistic regression of whether or not a validated) participated in the following variety seek-
subject decided to purchase scratch-off lottery tickets ing experiment. Subjects were exposed to a televi-
indicated that subjects scoring high on EAP were sion program, and while watching the program they
significantly more likely to purchase lottery tickets had the opportunity to drink coffee and eat a variety
than subjects scoring low on EAP ( p < 0.01). A of cookies (this resembles a 'typical' Dutch con-
similar logistic regression involving EIS was not sumption situation). Subjects could choose from a
significant ( p > 0.10). The point-biserial correlation plate containing eight different cookies, five pieces
coefficients for EAP and EIS were 0.29 ( p < 0.01) per item. They were told that the researchers were
and - 0 . 1 3 (n.s.), respectively. The difference be- interested in their opinion about the television pro-
tween these correlation coefficients was significant gram, and they were invited to drink coffee and eat
( p < 0.001). 7 as many or as few cookies as they wanted while
The correlation between the number of lottery watching the program.
tickets purchased and EAP or EIS was 0.16 ( p < After watching and evaluating the television pro-
0.05) and - 0 . 2 3 ( p < 0.01), respectively, and the gram, subjects filled out the EBBT scale. In addition,
difference in correlations was significant ( p < they indicated which of nine potential attributes of
0.001). Thus, consistent with expectations, EAP was cookies (crispy, soft, high in calories, sweet, good
positively related to innovative behavior and the tasting, unhealthy, light, contains many additives,
relationship with EAP was stronger than the one special) were applicable to a given cookie. Choice of
with EIS. the attributes was based on qualitative interviews. At
the end of the experiment, the plates were collected,
5.2. Experiment 2: Variety seeking behavior and the experimenter recorded the number of cookies
of each type that each subject had consumed.
Variety seeking behavior is often regarded as a Analysis and Results. We used a variant of
manifestation of consumers' desire for exploration Pessemier and Handelsman's Index of Temporal Va-
(Raju, 1980), and exploratory purchase behavior ex- riety (ITV) as our measure of variety seeking behav-
plicitly measures a person's tendency to engage in ior (Pessemier and Handelsman, 1984). ITV consists
variety seeking. Previous research supports a positive of three components pertaining to the dissimilarity of
relationship between OSL and variety seeking (cf. the chosen cookies (PRD), the degree to which
choices are evenly distributed across the cookies
chosen (PRE), and the relative frequency with which
choices change from one purchase occasion to the
6 Subjects in this and all other experiments were asked to next (RNB). Since we were not able to record the
comment on the purpose of the study. No subject linked the sequence in which the cookies were chosen (this
dependent variable of interest to the EBBT scale. would have been too intrusive), RNB is not included
7 Difference tests are based on Williams procedure (Williams
(1959). One-sided p-values were used, given the directional nature
in our study.
of our hypotheses concerning the relative effects of EAP and EIS Subjects' ratings on PRE can be obtained from
(Ferguson, 1981). their choices of different cookies. To obtain ratings
H. Baumgartner, J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp / lntern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137 131
on PRD, perceptual distances between items must be (1973). The data for EAP and EIS were collected at
computed. At the individual level, the perceptual the end of the experimental session, and the two
data collected constitute an 8 X 9 matrix, filled with scales achieved coefficient alphas of 0.84 and 0.78.
l ' s (attribute applicable to the cookie in question) Results. Subjects on average produced 5.31
and O's (attribute not applicable). These data were thoughts, and the total number of cognitive responses
aggregated across consumers and subjected to corre- generated was unrelated to either EIS or EAP. Con-
spondence analysis to construct a perceptual map. A sistent with our hypothesis, EIS was significantly
two-dimensional map explaining 89.3 percent of the related to the number of curiosity thoughts generated
variance was used to compute PRD. by subjects ( r = 0.28, p < 0.05), whereas the corre-
Subjects' ratings on our modified ITV measure sponding correlation for EAP was not significant
were obtained by summing the ratings on PRD and ( r = 0.12). The difference between the two correla-
PRE. A higher rating represents greater variety seek- tion coefficients approached significance ( p = 0.14).
ing behavior. As expected, EAP was significantly
correlated with ITV ( r = 0.25, p < 0.05, one-sided), 5.4. Experiment 4: Information seeking
whereas the correlation for EIS was nonsignificant
( r = -0.09). The difference between the two corre- Steenkamp and Baumgartner (1992) have sug-
lation coefficients was also significant ( p = 0.05). gested that consumer information seeking may be
motivated either by the desire to make better pur-
5.3. Experiment 3: Cognitive responses to ads chase decisions or by a more general interest in
learning more about the environment. In the former
Exploratory behavior tendencies are not only re- case information acquisition serves as a means to
vealed in overt behavior, but also in cognitive activ- some other end, whereas in the latter case it is
ity, particularly curiosity-motivated thinking intrinsically motivated by curiosity and thus an end
(Berlyne, 1978; Olson and Camp, 1984; Pearson, in itself. Bloch, Sherrell, and Ridgway (1986) make
1970). Thoughts reflecting curiosity have been iden- a similar distinction, contrasting prepurchase search,
tified as an important component of consumers' re- which serves to make better purchase decisions, with
sponses to ads (Wright, 1973), and in a study by ongoing search, which is motivated by a desire to
Rethans et al. (1986) curiosity-based responses ac- build a bank of information for possible future use or
counted for 17 percent of the total number of thoughts to experience fun and pleasure. When ongoing search
evoked by an ad. Since curiosity-based thinking is thought of as a recreational pursuit, the primary
satisfies primarily consumers' cognitive stimulation motive underlying the activity is intrinsic in nature
needs (Pearson, 1970), it was expected that the num- (Bloch et al., 1986). Provided that an information
ber of curiosity-motivated thoughts generated in re- acquisition task makes curiosity motives salient, the
sponse to an ad would be positively correlated with extent of search should be positively correlated with
EIS and that the relationship with EIS would be EIS, which reflects a general tendency to obtain
stronger than the one with EAP. cognitive stimulation through the acquisition of con-
Method. A total of 62 subjects at an American sumption-relevant knowledge. In addition, we ex-
university participated in the experiment to satisfy a pected that the amount of product information looked
course requirement. They were shown a TV com- at would be more strongly related to EIS than to
mercial for the British newspaper The Independent, EAP.
and after seeing the ad were asked to write down all Method. The information display board method
the things that had gone through their minds while was used to test this hypothesis. Information was
watching the ad. The ad was selected because of its available for six brands of hypothetical automobiles
ambiguity and its presumed potential to stimulate described on seven attributes. To stimulate curiosity,
curiosity. Two judges categorized subjects' cognitive subjects were told that they had an opportunity to
responses as either reflecting or not reflecting curios- browse through product information about real brands
ity (interjudge agreement was in excess of 90 per- of automobiles whose names had been disguised, and
cent), using the definitions put forth by Wright that in the process they might learn some new and
132 H. Baumgartner, J. -B.E.M. Steenkamp / lntern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137
interesting facts about cars. The experiment was EBBT appears to be contaminated by social desir-
conducted on a computer, and subjects looked at as ability bias.
many or as few pieces of information as they wanted. The pattern of relationships between EAP and EIS
The computer unobtrusively recorded their inspec- and other constructs conforms to theoretical expecta-
tion behavior. The same subjects that had partici- tions, which supports the nomological validity of the
pated in the cognitive response task also participated EBBT scale. As suggested by prior theory, both
in this experiment, and 60 subjects provided usable dimensions of EBBT were significantly related to a
data. 8 composite of four OSL scales. In addition, our re-
R e s u l t s . On average subjects looked at 35 pieces sults show that EAP has stronger associations with
of information (83 percent of the total). As expected, sensory stimulation seeking as indicated by a will-
EIS was significantly positively correlated with the ingness to take risks, inherent innovativeness, and
amount of attribute information looked at ( r = 0.31, tolerance for ambiguity. Conversely, EIS is more
p < 0.01), while EAP was not significantly related to strongly related to cognitive forms of stimulation
the intensity of information search ( r = 0.03). Con- seeking as indicated by a general measure of curios-
sistent with our hypothesis, the difference between ity as well as need for cognition. Furthermore, the
the two correlation coefficients was significant ( p < results of four experiments supported the predictive
0.05). validity of the EBBT scale and showed that EAP and
EIS exhibit differential relations with various types
of actual exploratory consumer behaviors.
6. General discussion The EBBT scale has been conceptualized as a
trait measure assessing individual differences in peo-
This paper proposed a two-factor conceptualiza- ple's disposition to engage in two forms of ex-
tion of exploratory consumer buying behavior which ploratory consumer behavior, EAP and EIS. As such,
is grounded in basic psychological theory on opti- it is a domain-specific personality variable, and the
mum stimulation level and exploratory behavior and question arises whether the loss of parsimony due to
is consistent with a variety of distinctions in the the introduction of context-dependent traits results in
consumer behavior literature between sensory and better prediction of actual behavior. As one reviewer
cognitive forms of stimulation seeking. Our attempts put it, " w h y bother with EAP and EIS when one can
to construct a scale for measuring individual differ- connect less superficially to the psyche." There are
ences in consumers' tendencies to engage in ex- several reasons why we think such a step might be
ploratory buying behavior based on the two-factor necessary. First, the idea of domain-specific traits is
conceptualization and our investigations of the scale' s consistent with extant trait theories since the notion
relationship with other constructs and actual ex- of a hierarchical organization of personality is a
ploratory consumer behaviors yielded encouraging unifying characteristic of different trait theories (Per-
results. Exploratory acquisition of products (EAP) vin, 1993, Chapter 9). In a hierarchical framework,
and exploratory information seeking (EIS) were the EBBT scale can be thought of as tapping a
found to be related but distinct facets of exploratory secondary trait that is exhibited in a relatively nar-
buying behavior, and the scale exhibited unidimen- row range of situations such as the buying context
sionality within each sub-dimension as well as con- (Joachimsthaler and Lastovicka, 1984). Second, re-
vergent and discriminant validity. The trait validity search has shown that the consistency between very
of the EBBT scale was further supported by the good general traits or attitudes and specific behaviors is
cross-validity in samples from two different coun- often rather low (see Ajzen, 1987, for a review). One
tries and the fact that neither of the two subscales of proposed solution to this problem is to "turn instead
to dispositional variables that are more closely linked
to the particular behavior in question" (Ajzen, 1987,
p. 36). Although the domain-specific measurement
8 Two subjects were excluded from the analysis because they
were identified as outliers, using Bollen's (1989) model-free of traits does not lead to complete correspondence in
outlier detection test. the level of specificity at which traits and behaviors
H. Baumgartner, J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp / Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137 133
are assessed, it should at least improve the predictive fers a better deal, or for both reasons. By studying
validity of personality constructs. Third, there is the relative importance of exploratory tendencies
limited empirical evidence that context-dependent vis-a-vis extrinsic motivations across products and
measures of exploratory tendencies do indeed lead to situations, we obtain a more complete understanding
better predictions than more general but related per- of consumer behavior and of the contexts in which
sonality variables. For example, Van Trijp and exploratory tendencies are relatively more important.
Steenkamp (1992) show that a scale measuring vari- In terms of managerial implications, our frame-
ety seeking tendencies in the context of food is more work emphasizes people's stimulation needs as an
strongly related to variation in food consumption important instigator of various types of consumer
behavior than Zuckerman's (1979) Sensation Seek- behaviors. The domain-specific personality trait re-
ing Scale. Similarly, in the variety seeking experi- flected in EBBT may be a useful segmentation vari-
ment reported in Section 5.2, in which we also able and should facilitate target marketing efforts
collected data on a 7-item short-form of the Change with regard to all elements of the marketing mix. For
Seeker Index (Steenkamp and Baumgartner, 1995), example, in terms of product policy consumers who
only EAP was significantly related to actual variety are high in EBBT should be particularly receptive to
seeking behavior. We acknowledge that the empiri- innovative product offerings, less concerned about
cal evidence is preliminary and that future research the risks involved in certain purchases, and more
will have to address these issues in more detail, but interested in a wide assortment of products to satisfy
at this point the specification of a domain-specific their variety seeking needs. These consumers should
tendency to engage in exploratory behavior seems also be less sensitive to the price of products which
both meaningful and useful. offer the potential for stimulating experiences. With
Several implications of our work for research and regard to advertising and promotion, high EBBT
practice should be pointed out. With regard to re- c o n s u m e r s m a y be m o r e curious about
search in the fields of marketing and consumer be- consumption-relevant information contained in mar-
havior, our framework for conceptualizing ex- keting communications but become bored with a
ploratory consumer buying behavior suggests that given ad stimulus more quickly than consumers low
seemingly disparate behaviors such as risk taking, in EBBT. They may also take greater advantage of
innovativeness, and variety seeking in product pur- promotional campaigns both because they are more
chase and curiosity-motivated search for information likely to know about them and because they offer the
share a common characteristic in that they offer the opportunity for variety. Similar arguments apply to
potential for stimulating experiences and are moti- the design of stores and other distribution programs.
vated, at least in part, by a desire to adjust actual As always, some limitations should be kept in
stimulation to the most preferred level. These behav- mind when interpreting our results. To begin with,
iors should therefore be amenable to explanation by our evidence on the psychometric properties of the
similar theoretical principles, which would provide EBBT scale and its relationship with other constructs
for a parsimonious account of their antecedents and is entirely based on research with student subjects.
consequences. Some initial work in this regard has Future research will have to show whether our scale
been provided in this paper, and the scale we have is also useful with other subjects populations, al-
developed to operationalize our conceptualization of though the fact that the EBBT scale cross-validated
exploratory consumer buying behavior should facili- well with a Dutch sample is encouraging. Such
tate further investigations of this topic. One issue not research would also allow profiling of consumers
addressed in this paper but worthy of investigation is that are high or low in exploratory buying tendencies
to combine the EBBT scale with measures of extrin- in terms of sociodemographic and other characteris-
sic motivation to try to explain a wide variety of tics. It should also be acknowledged that the correla-
consumer behaviors, as many behaviors contain at tions between the two dimensions of EBBT and
least an exploratory component (Raju, 1981). For actual exploratory behaviors, although significant,
example, brand switching may occur because of were relatively modest. On the one hand, this result
exploratory motivations, because another brand of- is not surprising since research has shown that gen-
134 H. Baumgartner, J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp / lntern. J. of Research in Marketing 13 (1996) 121-137
eral personality variables are frequently not strongly however, and we hope that our scale will prove
correlated with specific behaviors (Ajzen, 1987). On useful to other researchers interested in consumer
the other hand, the modest magnitude of the obtained behavior in general and its exploratory component in
correlations suggests that the behaviors investigated particular.
in our experiments are only partly a function of
individual differences in exploratory tendencies in
the consumer context and that other factors have to Acknowledgements
be considered as determinants of innovative behav-
ior, variety seeking, cognitive responses to ads, and The order of the authors' names is arbitrary; both
curiosity-motivated information seeking. Finally, our contributed equally to this study. The research re-
investigation of the relationships of the EBBT scale ported in this paper was supported by a Research
with other constructs and actual exploratory con- Initiation Grant from the Pennsylvania State Univer-
sumer behaviors constitutes only a first attempt at sity to the first author and a Summer Grant from the
establishing the nomological validity of our instru- Pennsylvania State University to the second author.
ment. Future investigations will have to show that The authors thank Srinath Gopalakrishna, David van
the EBBT scale has lawful associations with other der Lei, Jerry Olson, Steve Perkins, Diane Phillips,
personality variables and other types of exploratory Jerome Williams, Dave Wilson, and Elise van der
consumer behaviors. So far the evidence on the Wulp for help in data collection, coding, and analy-
construct validity of the EBBT scale is encouraging, sis.
Appendix A
A.1. Items in EBBT scale and their means, standard deviations, and factor loadings from the calibration study
10. I usually eat the same kinds of foods on a regular basis. ( * ) 2.22 0.93 0.49
11. Reading mail advertising to find out what's new is a waste of time. ( * ) 3.31 .17 0.61
12. I like to go window shopping and find out about the latest styles. 3.46 • 19 0.47
13. I get very bored listening to others about their purchases. ( * ) 3.1 l .01 0.44
14. I generally read even my junk mail just to know what it is about. 3.39 .22 0.65
15. I don't like to shop around just out of curiosity. ( * ) 3.66 .22 0.48
16. I like to browse through mail order catalogs even when I don't plan 3.92 • 12 0.66
to buy anything.
17. I usually throw away mail advertisements without reading them. ( * ) 3.35 1•19 0.68
18. I like to shop around and look at displays. 3.72 1.07 0.61
19. I don't like to talk to my friends about my purchases. ( * ) 3.58 0.90 0•40
20. I often read advertisements just out of curiosity. 3.73 0.94 0.66
Note: Items are listed by dimension (first 10 EAP items, then 10 EIS items); in actual administrations of the
scale, items should be listed in random order. Items are scored on 5-point Likert scales, with 1 = strongly
disagree and 5 = strongly agree• Items marked with an asterisk are reverse scored•
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