Vision Based Autonomous Landing of UAV

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Mentor Prof.

Amitabha Mukerjee

Anurag Pandey

Nitish Sharma

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Vision Based Helipad Detection Autonomous Landing

Previous Work
Vision based target tracking Manually controlled landing

Crashes due to human error


Vision Based Tracking

Control Architecture

Vision Algorithm
Thresholding and Filtering
Y = 0.299 * R + 0.596 * G + 0.211 * B

Segmentation and Connected Component Labelling Object Recognition and State Estimation

Vision Algorithm
Optical Character Recognition
Detecting the character H First, second and third moments are sufficient

Control architecture
AR.FreeFlight 2.0 Android App Controls Motion with Human Instructions Our Aim: Make it Autonomous

Vision-based Autonomous Landing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle by Srikanth

Saripalli', James E Montgomery and Gaurav S. Sukhatme in Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation Washington, DC May 2002 landing an unmanned aerial vehicle, in In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2001, pp. 1720-1728.

Courtney S. Sharp, Omid Shakemia, and S.Shankar Sastry,A vision system for

R.Gonzalez and R.Woods, Digital Image Processing, Addison-Wesley, 1992. http://www.24- g Ryan Miller, Bemard Mettler, and Omead Amidi, camegie mellon universitys

1997 international aerial robotics competition entry, in International Aerial Robotics Competition, 1997.


Threshold - 80% of between the minimum and

maximum gray scale values. Normalized value of 1 to pixel above threshold and 0 to one below threshold.

7x7 Median filter for noise rejection Replaces each pixel value by the median of its

neighboring pixel values

Invariant Moments
The (p+q)th moment of an object f(x,y) is : The center of gravity of the object is specified by:

Central Moments about the centre of gravity is:

Object orientation is:

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