Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
In 2016, one research [m1] suggested Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) features
through LIDAR-Lite v1. In this system, Raspberry Pi was used for controlling the stepper motor,
and object detection and 360-degree vision were merged to identify any obstacle within 10
Another paper [m2] implemented a method where data from the unconnected transports is
collected and send to the nearby connected vehicles through Dedicated Short Range
Communication (DSRC) units.
Another analysis [m3] revealed a four-step process for precisely identifying a vehicle and object.
Using this algorithm to locate the road divider and barriers through the 3D LIDAR point cloud,
the authors claimed to achieve above 93 percent accuracy.
In [m4], the RGB imaging system and vehicle detection using LIDAR sensor and camera were
also introduced. One 3-D rectangle box was displayed in the system after spotting the object or
Several pieces of the investigation were driven from 2017 to 2021 concerning the driver's
behavior. In [m5], the study was undertaken to determine the following step after recognizing the
driver's drowsiness using machine learning. If the driver is tired and unable to take immediate
steps, the authors claimed to execute an algorithmic approach to find a safe parking location and
drive autonomously to reach the safe parking space.
A combination approach for detecting drowsiness, drunkenness, and over-load was proposed in
[m6]. After sensing the driver's eye blinking ratio, the Raspberry Pi activates the prototype to
slow down the car. If any of these criteria are violated, a warning SMS will be issued to the
appropriate authority via the GSM module.
Another study [m7] used computer vision and image processing to examine the driver's eye
aspect ratio (EAR) and mouth aspect ratio (MAR).
In [m8], researchers employed artificial vision and a smartphone application to identify a driver's
facial expression and yawning without using any wearable equipment.
[m1] A. N. Catapang and M. Ramos, "Obstacle detection using a 2D LIDAR system for an
Autonomous Vehicle," 2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing
and Engineering (ICCSCE), 2016, pp. 441-445, doi: 10.1109/ICCSCE.2016.7893614.
[m2] Y. Cui, H. Xu, J. Wu, Y. Sun and J. Zhao, "Automatic Vehicle Tracking With Roadside
LiDAR Data for the Connected-Vehicles System," in IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 34, no. 3,
pp. 44-51, 1 May-June 2019, doi: 10.1109/MIS.2019.2918115.
[m3] P. Sun, X. Zhao, Z. Xu, R. Wang and H. Min, "A 3D LiDAR Data-Based Dedicated Road
Boundary Detection Algorithm for Autonomous Vehicles," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 29623-
29638, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2902170.
[m4] Cai, Y., Zhang, T., Wang, H. et al. 3D Vehicle Detection Based on LiDAR and Camera
Fusion. Automot. Innov. 2,276-283(2019).
[m7] Relangi S.P.K., Nilesh M., Kumar K.P., Naveen A. (2020) Full Length Driver Drowsiness
Detection Model—Utilising Driver Specific Judging Parameters. In: Reddy A., Marla D., Simic
M., Favorskaya M., Satapathy S. (eds) Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability.
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 169. Springer, Singapore.
[m8] Galarza E.E., Egas F.D., Silva F.M., Velasco P.M., Galarza E.D. (2018) Real Time Driver
Drowsiness Detection Based on Driver's Face Image Behavior Using a System of Human
Computer Interaction Implemented in a Smartphone. In: Rocha Á., Guarda T. (eds) Proceedings
of the International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS 2018). ICITS
2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 721. Springer, Cham.
[N3] IN 2018 a research shows that, smart Energy meter has been built for consumption of
power billing system of battery charger on electric vehicle based on Bluetooth and GSM
technology. Andriod-based application is built for communication between customer or operator
to the smart energy meter.
[N5] This research shows that, implemented a security system using fingerprint sensor and key.
If one input out of two is available the vehicle can’t be turned on. Owner get sms with location
cordunates by the help of GSM-GPS when unauthorized person ties to operate.
[N6] This research implemented a protection system that generates sms if the person doesn’t take
action after getting notification this system tries to contact hospital, police station, and also
important person by the help of GSM-GPS. Also passes, traffic details to avoid accidents.
[N7]This paper shows, The driver assistance system was developed BSDWS(blind spot detection
&warning system) included system architecture, radar system, Intermediate frequency (IF) signal
processor . Under daytime and nighttime conditions, the early average warning rates were up to
respectively 98.38% and 98.34%.
[N8] The security and tracking system was developed equipped with GPS-GSM, fingerprint
sensor and microcontroller. Fingerprint verification is done in implemented system to ensure
correct person to drive.
[N10] This research says, implemented vehicle tracking application equipped with GPS-GSM,
Atmega microcontroller and google map.
[N11] Another paper implemented Anti-theft vehicle security system using PICI16F876A
microcontroller, fingerprint sensor, RFID (Radio-frequency identification),tilt sensor and GPS-
GSM.If unauthorized person try to theft the vehicle the system gives an alarm.
[N12] The proposed system built a black box, Which has different sensors along with GPS,
GSM. If the car met accident, the car itself switches auto surveillance mode and short sms send
to family members, hospital ,Police station and exact location with the help of GPS.
[N13] The research shows, A securing technology was developed where User can track all
the information about the vehicles using GPS and GSM. This system is very efficient and
cost effective.
[N14] The security system is develop using Rasberry Pi and GSM/GPS, camera for
monitoring the vehicles.
[N15] the research shows that, anti-theft and tracking mechanism using GSM and GPS.
[N16] This research represents the development of GSM-GPS guided for vehicle tracking
using microcontroller (Arduino), vibration sensor, GPS module, GSM module.
[N6] J. Joshi, V. Gujral, S. Dwivedi and S. Devarasetty, "Vehicle and passenger protection
through cooperative sensor based vehicular networking," 2017 IEEE 4th International
Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Application (ICSIMA), 2017, pp. 1-6,
doi: 10.1109/ICSIMA.2017.8311973.
[N7] G. Liu, L. Wang and S. Zou, "A radar-based blind spot detection and warning system for
driver assistance," 2017 IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and
Automation Control Conference (IAEAC), 2017, pp. 2204-2208, doi:
[N8] M. Dey, M. A. Arif and M. A. Mahmud, "Anti-theft protection of vehicle by GSM & GPS
with fingerprint verification," 2017 International Conference on Electrical, Computer and
Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2017, pp. 916-920, doi: 10.1109/ECACE.2017.7913034.
[N9] Seon-Geol Kim, Jai-Eun Kim, Kang Yi and Kyeong-Hoon Jung, "Detection and tracking of
overtaking vehicle in Blind Spot area at night time," 2017 IEEE International Conference on
Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2017, pp. 47-48, doi: 10.1109/ICCE.2017.7889224.
[N10] N. Mangla, G. Sivananda, A. Kashyap and Vinutha, "A GPS-GSM predicated vehicle tracking
system, monitored in a mobile app based on Google Maps," 2017 International Conference on Energy,
Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS), 2017, pp. 2916-2919, doi:
[N11] A. T. Noman, S. Hossain, S. Islam, M. E. Islam, N. Ahmed and M. A. M. Chowdhury, "Design and
Implementation of Microcontroller Based Anti-Theft Vehicle Security System using GPS, GSM and
RFID," 2018 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication
Technology (iCEEiCT), 2018, pp. 97-101, doi: 10.1109/CEEICT.2018.8628051.
[N12] S. Rekha and B. S. Hithaishi, "Car Surveillance and Driver Assistance Using Blackbox with the Help
of GSM and GPS Technology," 2017 International Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and
Communication Technology (ICRAECT), 2017, pp. 297-301, doi: 10.1109/ICRAECT.2017.57.
[N13] G. A. Kumar, B. Arun and S. Divya, "A Proficient Model for Vehicular Tracking Using GPS Tracking
System," 2019 3rd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI), 2019, pp.
136-141, doi: 10.1109/ICOEI.2019.8862511.
[N14] T. Aziz, T. M. Faisal, H. -G. Ryu and M. N. Hossain, "Vehicle Speed Control and Security
System," 2021 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), 2021,
pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICEIC51217.2021.9369808.
[N15] M. Geetha, T. Priyadarshini, B. Sangeetha and S. Sanjana, "Anti-theft and tracking mechanism for
vehicles using GSM and GPS," 2017 Third International Conference on Science Technology Engineering
& Management (ICONSTEM), 2017, pp. 252-255, doi: 10.1109/ICONSTEM.2017.8261289