Self Driving Car Using Aurdin and Rasberry Pi
Self Driving Car Using Aurdin and Rasberry Pi
Self Driving Car Using Aurdin and Rasberry Pi
Abstract— The evolution of Artificial Intelligence has served take the traveler to their destination with minimal human
as the catalyst in the field of technology. We can now develop control while taking safety as its first priority. Many
things which was once just an imagination. One of such creation companies throughout the world are making a serious and
is the birth of self-driving car. Days have come where one can do
their work or even sleep in the car and without even touching the continuous efforts to make driving a safe and risk free process
steering wheel, accelerator you will still be able to reach your and have started building prototypes for the same. Amongst
target destination safely. This paper proposes a working model of these companies are Google, Tesla Mercedes and many more
self-driving car which is capable of driving from one location to who have built a successful and functioning prototype and are
the other or to say on different types of tracks such as curved planning to release a model in the upcoming years.
tracks, straight tracks and straight followed by curved tracks. A
camera module is mounted over the top of the car along with
Raspberry Pi sends the images from real world to the
Self-driving cars are expected to have faster reflexes than
Convolutional Neural Network which then predicts one of the humans, make more reliable judgments, thus avoiding mere
following directions .i.e. right, left, forward or stop which is then faults which causes accidents at the first place. Apart from
followed by sending a signal from the Arduino to the controller of saving precious lives, other advantages these technology gives
the remote controlled car and as a result of it the car moves in the is better traffic flow regulation because unlike humans these
desired direction without any human intervention. cars ride with proper traffic rules, making rides smooth and
Keywords— Artificial Intelligence, Self-driving car,
congestion free. Self-driving cars can also help in tackling
Convolutional Neural Network, Raspberry PI, Arduino parking space issues by allowing to create a taxi/pooling
service for the unused cars and by unused car we mean to say
the car that is either staying for few hours while the owner is
I. INTRODUCTION at work or the car that is in the garage while the owner is out
for a vacation. Thus we could make better use of land instead
Globally speaking, nearly 1.3 million people die in road of using it for parking space. The basic model of any
crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day [1].And Autopilot system involves radar, a front-facing camera, a
talking about India the number of people who were killed in a digitally-controlled digital braking system, and long range
road accidents in 2013 alone were 1, 37,000 [2].Speeding, ultrasonic sensors located around the car. Radars enables the
talking over phone, drunk driving and breaking traffic rules detection of vehicles and other moving objects around the car,
are the root causes behind these accidents and the statistics are front facing camera helps to detect and recognize objects like
rising day by day which is now becoming a major concern. No cars, trees, driving lane, humans, traffic signals and other
matter how hard we try to create awareness regarding traffic important data. All these information are taken in real-time
rules and safety that has to be followed while driving, environment and are fused into a learning network which then
accidents are still occurring and aren’t showing a sign to stop. predicts the car’s response accordingly.
Though human errors can never be eliminated, but accidents
can definitely be stopped. And in this case technology has II. RELATED WORK
surely come to our rescue. Starting from the very early radar- The work done by Chun-Che Wang, Shih-Shinh Huang, Li-
based collision detection to present day’s technology, the Chen Fu and Pei-Yung Hsiao [3] aims to improve driving, by
advancement and improvement in this technology had seen an creating an assistance system. To enhance driver’s safety at
exponential growth in recent years. nighttime the algorithm includes lane detection along with
vehicle recognition system. Lane detection helps to localize
Self-driving cars is the one of the most discussed technology the markers so that the lane can be detected while vehicle
of current scenario. What was once imagined is a reality now. recognition involves taillight extraction along with taillight
The definition Self-driving cars is a car which promises to paring algorithm. Another research work [4] done by
Xiaodong Miao, Shunming Li and Huan Shen models to III. PROPOSED MODEL
locate the positions of road lane in real-time. Operation like
canny edge extraction is done to extract edge map to which Camera Direction
matching technique is applied followed by the selection of module takes prediction
potentials edge points. Finally linking is done to localize the the image. Algorithm
lane lines. In [5] Anik Saha, Dipanjan Das Roy, Tauhidul
Alam and Kaushik Deb aims to convert the image from RGB
format to gray-scale format. Then flood-filling algorithm was
applied to label the connected components. Then the largest
connected component is extracted which is nothing but the
lane. The model proposed by Gurjashan Singh Panna, Arduino sends Control signal
Mohammad Dawud Ansari and Pritha Gupta [6] in developing the signal to the to Arduino
a prototype of autonomous car involves implementation of car via Remote microcontroller
lane detection algorithm along with obstacle detection. Their controller
project aims to build a monocular vision autonomous car
prototype which is capable of reaching at a particular Fig.1 Proposed self-driving model
destination safely. Another work model proposed by
R.Mohanapriya, L.K.Hema, Dipeshwarkumar Yadav, and The proposed model takes an image with the help of Pi cam
Vivek Kumar Verma [7] and Ms. D.D Jadhav, Komal Jadhav , attached with Raspberry Pi on the car. The Raspberry-Pi and
Kajal Shinde , Anjali Sonawane [8] are similar which involves the laptop is connected to the same network, the Raspberry Pi
equipping GPS and GSM system on a 4 wheeled robot. The sends the image captured which serves as the input image to
GPS system steers the robot and is capable of reaching from the Convolutional Neural Network. The image is gray-scaled
one point to another without any human intervention. While in before passing it to the Neural Network. Upon prediction the
the former one with the help of GSM system they promise to model gives one of the four output i.e. left, right, forward or
report theft in case is there is any. An SMS alert is sent to the stop. When the result is predicted corresponding Arduino
vehicle owner reporting about the issue and as a result of it, signal is triggered which in turn helps the car to move in a
the owner of the car can switch the ignition off and in the particular direction with the help of its controller. Below is the
latter one the project states that vehicle can only be turned on pictorial view of the model for better understanding.
if the authorized person sends a predefined location to the car.
In [9] Dhanasingaraja R, Kalaimagal S, Muralidharan G
developed a system that takes the current position and gets the
user destination. Then the system finds the shortest path to the
destination and also extracts features like latitude, longitude
from the graph. So in a nutshell it helps in navigation as well
as monitoring the car.
for the Pi 3.The on-board memory ranges from 256 MB to IDE is very user friendly and uses basic c as its
1 GB RAM. The boards supports up to 4 USB ports along programming language
with HDMI port. Along from all this it has number of GPIO
pins which support protocols like I²C.Moreover it also
supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth facility which makes device
very compatible with other devices. It supports Scratch and
Python programming languages [10]. It supports many
operating systems like Ubuntu MATE, Snappy Ubuntu,
Pidora, Linutop and many more out of which Raspbian is
specifically designed to support Raspberry Pi’s hardware [11].
Fig 3. Raspberry Pi
B. Pi Camera
Pi camera is great gadget to capture time-lapse, slow motion
with great video clarity. The dimensions of camera are 25mm
to 24mm by 9mm, which connects to Raspberry Pi via a
flexible elastic cord which supports serial interface. The
camera image sensor has a resolution of five megapixels and
has a focused lens. The camera provides a great support for
security purpose. Various characteristics of the camera are it
supports 5MP sensor, Wide image, capable of 2592x1944
stills, 1080p30 video on Camera module v1 [12].
Fig 4. Pi Camera
C. Arduino Microcontroller
This microcontroller is based on ATmega329P.There are (b)
14 digital input/output pins available out of which 6 ca n
Fig 6. Overall hardware setup. (a) Raspberry Pi attached with Pi camera
be used a PWM outputs. It also supports 6 analog mounted over remote controller and (b) Arduino connected with the car’s
inputs. It has 16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, controller.
a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It has
32 kb of flash memory and 2 kb of SRAM and weighs These were all about the hardware needed to build a working
around 25g [13].Apart from all these featur es Arduino prototype. Along with these hardware the software used in this
project. Are Raspberry Pi cam interface, Arduino IDE, F. Raspberry Pi Cam Interface
OpenCV and Spyder environment for developing machine To remotely capture the live feed from the camera to the
learning model .Let’s discuss each of these briefly.
laptop we need to develop an interface which would serve this
purpose.This is were the software Rpi-cam interface comes
D. Arduino IDE
into the picture. It’s the program which helps you capture the
Ardino IDE is the platform were the programs are written for live feed by just letting the ip address of the Raspberry pi.One
Arduino board.It has compile button which helps in compiling
can record and download video/image in various resolutions
the code along with the upload tab which helps to upload the
code on the board.Programs written on Arduino IDE are often with different number of settings. Below is the view of the
called Sketches and are saved as .ino extension.The editor has software under action.
numerous other features like verify, save, upload , include
library and serial monitor.Apart from this ,the developers have
made easy to use functions, which makes coding easy and
fun.Moreover there are number of examples provided for each
and every interface which helps the user learn more about
functions and hardware as well.
The car was trained under different combinations of the track
i.e. straight, curved, combination of straight and curved and
Fig 7. Arduino IDE
etc. Total of 24 videos were recorded out of which images
were extracted.10868 images were extracted and was
E. OpenCV and Spyder environment categorically placed in different folders like left, right, straight
and stop. Below is the sample image of each of the scenario in
OpenCV is an open source computer vision library which is its gray scaled version.
capable of handling images/videos from fairly basic tasks to
utter complex tasks like facial recognition. It supports C++, C,
Python and Java programming languages and supports
Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS and Android. Written in
optimized C/C++, the library can take advantage of multi-core
processing. Enabled with OpenCL, it can take advantage of
the hardware acceleration of the underlying heterogeneous
compute platform [14]. In this project it is serving a major
support, it helps to crop out the section of the video from the
Raspberry-Pi cam interface as shown above and converts it to (a) (b)
the grayscale, resize it and then passes it to the Convolutional
Neural Network. Spyder is a powerful interactive development
environment for the Python language which has advanced
editing, interactive testing, debugging and introspection features
and a numerical computing environment. It has a matplotlib as
plotting library which helps to plot 2D/3D graphs [15].
(c) (d)
Fig 9. Sample images of the track on which the car is trained. (a) shows
straight track, (b) shows left turn, (c) shows right turn and (d) shows when to
(a) (b)
a) .
Fig 10. Car moving on straight track
(Top to bottom sequence)
make the system reliable but at the same time it would make
the overall design attractive and risk-free from accidents.
This work wouldn’t have been possible without my
family’s support. They were the source of constant motivation
for me. I would also like to thank my mentor, Prof. Shital
Thakkar would took her valuable time to guide me throughout
the course of this project. Last but not the least I would like to
mention my colleague, Chintan Acharya would helped me
managing resources and ultimately helping me to achieve my
(a) (b) goal.
[3] Wang, Chun-Che, Shih-Shinh Huang, and Li-Chen Fu. "Driver
assistance system for lane detection and vehicle recognition with night
vision." Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2005.(IROS 2005). 2005
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2005.
[4] Miao, Xiaodong, Shunming Li, and Huan Shen. "ON-BOARD LANE
MONOCULAR VISION." International Journal on Smart Sensing &
Intelligent Systems 5.4 (2012).
(c) (d)
[5] Saha, Anik, et al. "Automated road lane detection for intelligent
Fig 14.Car moving on curved track (Alphabetical sequence) vehicles." Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (2012).
[6] Pannu, Gurjashan Singh, Mohammad Dawud Ansari, and Pritha Gupta.
"Design and implementation of autonomous car using Raspberry
VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK Pi." International Journal of Computer Applications 113.9 (2015)
[7] Mohanapriya, R., Hema, L. K., Yadav, D., & Verma, V. K. (2014).
A. Conclusion Driverless Intelligent Vehicle for Future Public Transport Based On
In this paper, a method to make a model of self-driving car is GPS. International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, 3.
presented. The different hardware components along with
[8] Ms. D.D Jadhav.,Komal Jadhav,Kajal Shinde,Anjali Sonawane, , , ,
software and neural network configuration are clearly ."Autonomous Vehicle with Obstacle Avoidance and Tracking", Volume
described. With the help of Image Processing and Machine 4, Issue VIII, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and
Learning a successful model was developed which worked as Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Page No: , ISSN : 2321-9653
per expectation. Thus the model was successfully designed, [9] Dhanasingaraja, R., S. Kalaimagal, and G. Muralidharan. "Autonomous
Vehicle Navigation and Mapping System." Division of Mechatronics,
implemented and tested. 2014 International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and
Technology. Vol. 3. No. 3. 2014.
B. Future Work
Scope and reliability of this model can be improved. As seen [11]
in Fig. 13th and in Fig 14th, the car slightly moves out of the [12]
track which can be a serious issue if it hits nearby objects if [13]
we consider a real car. If we could develop an advanced [14]
system which would take care of this issue, it would not only [15]