Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
In 1483 a na i!ator actin! under the instruction of the "ortu!uese #in! $ohn the second, reaches the %outh of the Con!o &i er' In148( cao puts ashore at cape cross, north of present)*ay +al is ,ay' In 148- the "ortu!uese e.plore ,athole%eu *ais sails down the coast to reach southern An!ola' He later lands at present)day +al is ,ay and soon after at luderit/ ,ay'
Cape Town is a 1i! city thats in South Africa' It is the second 1i!!est city in that country 1ased on population and is the lar!est in land area 2at 348s4uare %ile or 5,4(( s4uare #ilo%eter6' In 577-,the cape town population was 3,43-,73-' It also the capital of South Africa the capital is for its re!ion'
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