History of Peñarrubia

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Seven kilometers away and east of Ban!ed is t"e m!ni#i$ality of Pe%arr!&ia' A

town w"i#" "as #aref!lly $reserved its indieno!s $ra#ti#es( des$ite its "i" $er#entae
of miration'
T"e first settlers in Pe%arr!&ia were t"e Itne or Tin!ians "eaded &y Etten w"o
#ame from )a&ay!an( now *asamata Hill' Etten "ad a &rot"er named +a!aley and
"e !sed to &e t"e Ari ,leader- of t"e w"ole )a&ay!an settlement'
+a!aley .oined *"ristianity and "e was &a$ti/ed +on 0i!el +omaoal'
+a!aley .oined t"e S$aniards in t"eir #am$ain for #onversion &!t des$ite "is many
$ers!asions( Etten( "is &rot"er( ref!sed to &e &a$ti/ed' For t"is reason( "e and a
"andf!l of "is men were for#ed to flee from )a&ay!an to esta&lis" t"eir own
settlement on a "ill t"ey named Patok ,now Po&la#ion-'
T"e fli"t of Etten did not sto$ +a!aley from "is determined $!rs!it of t"e
$aans' Fi"tin &roke o!t &etween t"e Tin!ians and t"e newly1#onverted *"ristians
and lon after( Etten and "is ro!$ "ad to leave Patok to evade t"e for#es of "is &rot"er'
He resettled "imself and "is ro!$ in anot"er "ill near San 2ose( 0ana&o and aain
#alled t"e $la#e Patok ,now Pato#( B!#ay-' Some of "is mem&ers ot tired of r!nnin
away and $referred to stay in t"e old Pato# and event!ally were #onverted to t"e
*"ristian fait"'
Folklore says t"at Etten( to es#a$e "is $ersistent &rot"er( moved for t"e t"ird time
eastward in w"at is now +a!ioman'
Ot"er Tin!ian settlements were also made in Pe%arr!&ia after t"at of Etten
$arti#!larly in +!may#o( )amara&ar( Rian and Patiao' Today t"ese settlements are
fo!r of t"e nine &aranays t"at #om$ose Pe%arr!&ia' T"ese settlements were
rero!$ed &y t"e S$aniards to form two ran#"erias( t"e Ran#"eria 3ravelinas and
Ran#"eria Patok'
In 4567( t"e two ran#"erias were !nited into a towns"i$ #alled Patok( meanin an
elevated area' In 4889( d!rin t"e administration of +on 2ose :a 3!ardia( Patok was
renamed Alfonso ;II in "onor of t"e kin of S$ain' In 4<=7( t"e Ameri#ans #"aned t"e
name to Pe%arr!&ia in "onor of t"e S$anis" overnor' T"is overnor is said to "ave
$ro"i&ited t"e #!stomary wearin of 31strins and t"e donnin of lon "air amon t"e
Tin!ian men'
Today Pe%arr!&ia is still a town $redominated &y t"e Tin!ian #!lt!re( tradition(
diale#t and $eo$le' By virt!e of t"is( it "as &e#ome t"e most #entrally lo#ated and most
a##essi&le town of #!lt!ral $resentations'
Pearrubia has several tourist spots namely: Lusuac Springs and swimming pool,
Sagsagacat spring, Nalnalbo spring and the Tingguian shrine.

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