1. Peñarrubia was originally settled by the Tinguians led by Etten who came from Kabayan, now Kasama Hill.
2. Etten's brother Maaley joined Christianity but Etten refused and was forced to flee, establishing the settlement of Patok.
3. Over time, Etten was forced to flee Patok twice more, eventually settling in what is now Macli-an. Other Tingguian settlements in the area became four of Peñarrubia's nine barangays.
1. Peñarrubia was originally settled by the Tinguians led by Etten who came from Kabayan, now Kasama Hill.
2. Etten's brother Maaley joined Christianity but Etten refused and was forced to flee, establishing the settlement of Patok.
3. Over time, Etten was forced to flee Patok twice more, eventually settling in what is now Macli-an. Other Tingguian settlements in the area became four of Peñarrubia's nine barangays.
1. Peñarrubia was originally settled by the Tinguians led by Etten who came from Kabayan, now Kasama Hill.
2. Etten's brother Maaley joined Christianity but Etten refused and was forced to flee, establishing the settlement of Patok.
3. Over time, Etten was forced to flee Patok twice more, eventually settling in what is now Macli-an. Other Tingguian settlements in the area became four of Peñarrubia's nine barangays.
1. Peñarrubia was originally settled by the Tinguians led by Etten who came from Kabayan, now Kasama Hill.
2. Etten's brother Maaley joined Christianity but Etten refused and was forced to flee, establishing the settlement of Patok.
3. Over time, Etten was forced to flee Patok twice more, eventually settling in what is now Macli-an. Other Tingguian settlements in the area became four of Peñarrubia's nine barangays.
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Seven kilometers away and east of Ban!ed is t"e m!ni#i$ality of Pe%arr!&ia' A
town w"i#" "as #aref!lly $reserved its indieno!s $ra#ti#es( des$ite its "i" $er#entae of miration' T"e first settlers in Pe%arr!&ia were t"e Itne or Tin!ians "eaded &y Etten w"o #ame from )a&ay!an( now *asamata Hill' Etten "ad a &rot"er named +a!aley and "e !sed to &e t"e Ari ,leader- of t"e w"ole )a&ay!an settlement' +a!aley .oined *"ristianity and "e was &a$ti/ed +on 0i!el +omaoal' +a!aley .oined t"e S$aniards in t"eir #am$ain for #onversion &!t des$ite "is many $ers!asions( Etten( "is &rot"er( ref!sed to &e &a$ti/ed' For t"is reason( "e and a "andf!l of "is men were for#ed to flee from )a&ay!an to esta&lis" t"eir own settlement on a "ill t"ey named Patok ,now Po&la#ion-' T"e fli"t of Etten did not sto$ +a!aley from "is determined $!rs!it of t"e $aans' Fi"tin &roke o!t &etween t"e Tin!ians and t"e newly1#onverted *"ristians and lon after( Etten and "is ro!$ "ad to leave Patok to evade t"e for#es of "is &rot"er' He resettled "imself and "is ro!$ in anot"er "ill near San 2ose( 0ana&o and aain #alled t"e $la#e Patok ,now Pato#( B!#ay-' Some of "is mem&ers ot tired of r!nnin away and $referred to stay in t"e old Pato# and event!ally were #onverted to t"e *"ristian fait"' Folklore says t"at Etten( to es#a$e "is $ersistent &rot"er( moved for t"e t"ird time eastward in w"at is now +a!ioman' Ot"er Tin!ian settlements were also made in Pe%arr!&ia after t"at of Etten $arti#!larly in +!may#o( )amara&ar( Rian and Patiao' Today t"ese settlements are fo!r of t"e nine &aranays t"at #om$ose Pe%arr!&ia' T"ese settlements were rero!$ed &y t"e S$aniards to form two ran#"erias( t"e Ran#"eria 3ravelinas and Ran#"eria Patok' In 4567( t"e two ran#"erias were !nited into a towns"i$ #alled Patok( meanin an elevated area' In 4889( d!rin t"e administration of +on 2ose :a 3!ardia( Patok was renamed Alfonso ;II in "onor of t"e kin of S$ain' In 4<=7( t"e Ameri#ans #"aned t"e name to Pe%arr!&ia in "onor of t"e S$anis" overnor' T"is overnor is said to "ave $ro"i&ited t"e #!stomary wearin of 31strins and t"e donnin of lon "air amon t"e Tin!ian men' Today Pe%arr!&ia is still a town $redominated &y t"e Tin!ian #!lt!re( tradition( diale#t and $eo$le' By virt!e of t"is( it "as &e#ome t"e most #entrally lo#ated and most a##essi&le town of #!lt!ral $resentations' Pearrubia has several tourist spots namely: Lusuac Springs and swimming pool, Sagsagacat spring, Nalnalbo spring and the Tingguian shrine.
(Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 19-1) Henry Mehlberg (Auth.), Robert S. Cohen (Eds.)-Time, Causality, And the Quantum Theory_ Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Vol. 1_ Essay on the CA