Ancient Egyptians in America, Discoveries

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Egyptians in America Egyptians in America Egyptians in America Egyptians in America

Ancient Egyptian,
Discoveries in America
Ancient Egyptians,
Burrows Cave Illinois
Ancient Egyptians,
Grand Canyon
Egyptians in America
The discovery of the Artifacts for, Egyptians in America has connected
a lot of the orld Archaeological research!
This Artifact that was removed
from Burrows Cave in Illinois! The
Artifact was identified as a
Artifact for "ing #aphnath who
was $oseph in the Bi%le! &
'haroah named $oseph #aphenat(
The direction of the Boat on
"ing #aphnath)s Crown is coming
to A+tlan! A+tlan of ,phir is now
the -nited States!
"ing #aphnath 'a)aneah ruled
Egypt from the Temple of Amon
at Aravis Egypt for ./ years!
"ing #aphnath recorded 01 trips
to A+tlan of ,phir and
Smithsonian Archaeologist are
Each Egyptian 2uler had a
seprate 3ieroglyph sym%ol! This is
the 3ieroglyph that "ing #aphnath
chose for himself was Shu the
This same 3ieroglph was found
at Aravis Egypt for "ing #aphnath!
"ing #aphnath is holding the Staff
of the 4ord!
Then on the %ottom right is & ( *
which meant num%er one!
5e6t a%ove the &(* is one 7 this
Gold Artifact! 7 is the Sym%ol for
8irst or 8ather!
Then a%ove the &7* is
Ancient Egyptians in America, Discoveries
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aware of this information!
The Son of the 2ight 3and sym%ol
is on the %ottom right side of the
Copper Artifact!
Then the Bo6 a%ove the sym%ol is
the 3e%rew sym%ol is for the Ar9
of the Covenents!
This is a strong indication that
#aphnath or &$oseph* 2uled Egypt
according to the Ten
Comandments in the Bi%le!
The Son of the 2ight sym%ol on
the right %ottom corner is a
Semitic sym%ol!
The Three Diamonds are Egyptian
sym%ols for the greatest wealth!
This Artifact is for "ing #aphnath
&$oseph* the 2uler of Egypt who
came 5orth America in 0:.. BC!
Then on the top is &m* the &m* is
for my &;* is the sym%ol for Egypt!
And then the um%rella shape
means the -m%rella Empire of
Egypt esta%lished %y "ing
"ing #aphnath wrote that he
found another place for Egyptians
to 8arm and <ine when he was =>
years old! This date would %e
0:,.. BC!
a Diamond which meant greatest
Then a%ove the &7* is the & ;II *
Sym%ol which is for the 1nd or
%oth 4ands of Egypt!
Then a%ove is the elongated & *
sym%ol! The sym%ol meant a
large %ody of ater or the ,cean!
<eaning "ing #aphnath had
crossed the ,cean to get here!
"ing #aphnath was 9nown to %e
a wise "ing in Egypt and 9new that
Shu the Crocodile sym%ol was a
more powerfull sym%ol than the
the Bird sym%ols!
And that 3e would %e worshiped
as a very powerfull God %y the
Egyptians that were not of Semitic
Egyptians in America
See, $oseph "ing of Egypt, Dead
Sea Scrolls Collections
And, Dead Sea Scrolls Collections
for more information!
'erhaps additional 2ecords are in order? $oseph was recorded as
%uilding the first large ood Boat that had sails in Egypt! During :
year drouth 'eople floc9ed into Egypt and there was simply not enough
4and %y the 5ile 2iver to plant Grain to feed these 'eople! $oseph wrote
that he found a %etter place for Egyptians to 8arm and <ine when he was
=> years old! This date would %e 0:,.. BC! $oseph 9new where ,phir
was located! 3e had the e6act distance in his Atlantis Bi%le to the 3io
2iver in A+tlan or ,phir with him!
8or Security he only let his Decendents that %ecame "ings in Egypt
9now where ,phir was located at! $oseph recorded 01 Trips to ,phir
and grew Grain at ,phir! $oseph <ined for Gold at ,phir to %ring %ac9
to Egypt also! A+tlan of ,phir is now the -nited States and the 3io
2iver is now the <ississippi 2iver!
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Ancient Egyptians in America, Discoveries
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