Understanding Responses To Sex Appeals in Advertising

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Advances in Consumer Research Volume 22, 1995 Pages 735-739 UN !R"#AN $N% R!"P&N"!" #& "!' APP!A(" $N A V!

R#$"$N%) AN $N $V$ UA( $**!R!NC! APPR&AC+ ",e-hen ./ "mi,h, Nor,h %eorgia College Cur,is P/ +aug,ved,, &hio ",a,e Universi,0 1ohn ./ 1adrich, Universi,0 o2 %eorgia and .ar3 R/ An,on, Universi,0 o2 %eorgia A4"#RAC# Al,hough ,he use o2 -ar,iall0 nude models in adver,ising has increased in recen, 0ears 5"ole0 and Reid 19667, ho8 such ads in2luence consumer 9udgmen,s and reac,ions is unclear/ A revie8 o2 e:is,ing research sugges,s com-le: rela,ionshi-s ;e,8een ,he use o2 nudi,0 in an adver,isemen, and several measures o2 adver,ising e22ec,iveness/ $n order ,o ;egin ,o ;e,,er unders,and condi,ions under 8hich ,he -ersuasive e22ec,s o2 nudi,0 migh, ;e enhanced or diminished, 8e e:amined ,he modera,ing role o2 an individual di22erence 2ac,or e:-ec,ed ,o -redic, reac,ions ,o adver,ising con,aining -ar,iall0 nude modelsCse: guil,/ Consis,en, 8i,h earlier -redic,ions ;0 <erin, (unds,rom and "ciglim-aglia 519797, recen, evidence sugges,s ,ha, ,he use o2 nudi,0 in adver,ising is more common ,han ever 5"ole0 and Reid 19667/ #his is des-i,e ,he 2ac, ,ha, em-irical 8or3 has -roduced inconsis,en, and some,imes nega,ive resul,s regarding ,he overall e22ec,iveness o2 se:ual s,imuli in adver,ising/ *or e:am-le, a num;er o2 s,udies have varied ,he se:ual con,en, o2 adver,isemen,s and e:amined ;rand recall e22ec,s/ #he mos, common 2inding in such s,udies is ,ha, nudi,0 or se:ual con,en, ac,uall0 reduces a consumer=s -ro;a;ili,0 o2 remem;ering ,he ;rand 5e/g/, Ale:ander and 1udd 1979> Ches,nu,, (aChance and (u;i,? 1977> Richmond and +ar,man 1962> ",eadman 19@97/ &ne e:-lana,ion 2or such 2indings is ,ha, se:ual s,imuli dra8 a,,en,ion a8a0 2rom ;rand in2orma,ion, and ,his is su--or,ed ;0 2indings ,ha, se:ual con,en, ac,uall0 increases -rocessing o2 ad e:ecu,ion 2ac,ors, 8hile undermining -rocessing o2 ;rand in2orma,ion 5Reid and "ole0 1961> "evern, 4elch and 4elch 199A7/ Bhen measures o,her ,han ;rand recall are used ,o evalua,e ,he e22ec,iveness o2 se:ual s,imuli in adver,ising, a di22eren, -ic,ure has emerged/ *or e:am-le, nudi,0 or se:ual con,en, in an ad increases consumer arousal 54elch, +olgerson, 4elch and <o--man 1962> (a#our 199A7/ $ncreased arousal ma0 ;e -ar,iall0 res-onsi;le 2or consumers= increased recogni,ion o2 ads con,aining se:ual con,en,, 8hen ",arch scores are e:amined 5Reid and "ole0 19617/ &2 course, arousal -er se is no, necessaril0 a -osi,ive ou,come, and could undermine ad and ;rand 9udgmen,s i2 ,he arousal is nega,ivel0 valenced or ,oo e:,reme/ Recen, 8or3 ;0 (a#our and his colleagues 5(a#our 199A> (a#our, Pi,,s and "noo3-(u,her 199A7 indica,es ,ha, ad-;ased arousal is mul,idimensional, 8i,h some dimensions a22ec,ing ad evalua,ions in a -osi,ive manner, and some having a nega,ive e22ec,/ $n addi,ion, arousal research indica,es ,ha, e:,remel0 high levels o2 arousal undermine -ersuasion rela,ive ,o lo8er levels 5"an;onma,su and <ardes 19667/ "ince ,he arousal elici,ed ;0 se:ual con,en, can a--aren,l0 ;e a ,8o-edged s8ord, i, is im-or,an, 2or adver,isers ,o recogni?e 8hen CgoodC or C;adC arousal is mos, li3el0/ "ome im-or,an, modera,ors o2 ,he valence o2 consumer reac,ions ,o se:ual con,en, have alread0 ;een iden,i2ied/ 4ello, Pi,,s and !,?el 519637 2ound ,ha, ads con,aining se:ual sugges,iveness 8ere evalua,ed more 2avora;l0 in ,he con,e:, o2 congruen, -rogramming 5i/e/, a -rogram involving se:ual con,en,7 ,han 8hen vie8ed in ,he con,e:, o2 an incongruen,, con,ras,ing 5i/e/, nonse:ual7 -rogram/ $n addi,ion, several inves,iga,ors have 2ound ,ha, consumer gender is an im-or,an, modera,or o2 res-onses ,o ad nudi,0 5e/g/, 4elch e, al/ 1962> 4ello e, al/ 1963> (a#our 199A> (a#our and +en,horne 1993> "ciglim-aglia, 4elch and Cain 19797/ "-eci2icall0, i, has ;een 2ound ,ha, males res-ond more -osi,ivel0 ,han do 2emales ,o 2emale nudi,0, and 2emale su;9ec,s are more 2avora;le ,o8ard male nudi,0 ,han are male su;9ec,s/ $, seems reasona;le ,o conclude ,ha, 8ha,ever arousal is elici,ed ;0 vie8ing ads con,aining same-se: nudi,0 8ill ;e more li3el0 ,o ;e nega,ive arousal ,han ,he arousal elici,ed ;0 o--osi,e-se: nudi,0 5assuming, -erha-s, a -redominan,l0 he,erose:ual sam-le7/ *inall0, research sugges,s ,ha, -roduc, ,0-e is also a signi2ican, modera,or o2 res-onses ,o nudi,0/ A num;er o2 inves,iga,ors have concluded ,ha, nudi,0 8or3s ;e,,er 2or some -roduc,s, such as alcoholic ;everages or 2ragrances, ,han 2or o,hers, such as a cons,ruc,ion com-an0

5e/g/, Pe,erson and <erin 1977> Richmond and +ar,man 1962> ",eadman 19@97, -erha-s ;ecause se: is a relevan, dimension o2 a--eal 2or some -roduc,s, ;u, no, o,hers/ Res-onses ,o Ad Nudi,0) An $ndividual i22erence Pers-ec,ive $n recen, 0ears, consumer and social -s0chologis,s have ;egun ,o u,ili?e s-eci2ic individual di22erence varia;les ,o e:amine ,heore,ical -rocesses/ *or e:am-le, 8or3 ;0 "n0der and his colleagues 5e/g/, "n0der and e4ono 19657 has em-lo0ed ,he individual di22erence varia;le o2 sel2-moni,oring ,o ;e,,er unders,and a,,i,ude 2unc,ions 5e/g/, <a,? 19@A> "havi,,, (o8re0 and +an 19927/ (i3e8ise, 8or3 ;0 +aug,ved, and his colleagues has em-lo0ed ,he individual di22erence varia;le o2 need 2or cogni,ion in order ,o gain insigh, in,o -rocesses underl0ing ,he 2orma,ion o2 s,rong a,,i,udes 5e/g/, +aug,ved, and Pe,,0 19927/ $n ,he case o2 ;o,h sel2-moni,oring and need 2or cogni,ion, ,he individual di22erence varia;les serve ,o o-era,ionali?e a cons,ruc, in a ;roader ,heore,ical 2rame8or3/ $n a recen, ACR address, 4ago??i 519937 called 2or more research em-lo0ing individual di22erence varia;les, ci,ing s-eci2icall0 ,heir -o8er as modera,or varia;les/ %iven ,he h0-o,hesi?ed im-or,ance o2 ,he role o2 arousal in ,he e22ec,iveness o2 ads con,aining nudi,0, ,he research -resen,ed in ,his -a-er re-resen,s our ini,ial a,,em-, ,o use a -ersonali,0 varia;le ,ha, ma0 -rovide some insigh, in,o ,he e22ec,s o2 di22eren, 3inds o2 arousal/ #he onl0 -revious s,ud0 a,,em-,ing ,o use an individual di22erence a--roach ,o unders,anding reac,ions ,o nudi,0 in adver,ising is ,ha, ;0 "ciglim-aglia, 4elch and Cain 519797/ $n ,heir 8or3, "ciglim-aglia e, al/ com-ared res-onden,s= scores on a social values scale ,o ,heir evalua,ions o2 se:ual and nonse:ual ads/ "ciglim-aglia e, al/ 2ound ,ha, more conserva,ive social values 8ere modera,el0 associa,ed 8i,h less 2avora;le res-onses ,o ads con,aining nudi,0, ;u, onl0 among male -ar,ici-an,s/ #he values o2 2emale su;9ec,s ;ore li,,le rela,ion ,o ,heir evalua,ions o2 se:0 adver,isemen,s/ Al,hough -ersonal social values should cer,ainl0 ;e relevan, ,o man0 consumers= res-onses ,o se:ual adver,ising, such values are -erha-s ,oo ;road ,o a22ord much -redic,ive -o8er 2or s-eci2ic cri,eria such as res-onses ,o individual ads/ &ne individual di22erence ,ha, 8ould a--ear ,o ;e more direc,l0 relevan, ,han overall social values is an individual=s level o2 se:ual guil,/ As de2ined and measured ;0 .osher 519@@7, se: guil, is an individual di22erence in ,he e:,en, ,o 8hich -eo-le are com2or,a;le 8i,h se:ual ma,,ers, and more s-eci2icall0, 8i,h se:ual arousal/ Peo-le 8ho are high in se: guil, 5"%7 8ill ,end ,o 2eel nega,ivel0 a;ou, ;eing se:uall0 aroused, 8hereas -eo-le lo8 in se: guil, 2eel -osi,ivel0 a;ou, such arousal/ Research has con2irmed ,ha, di22erences in se: guil, are signi2ican,l0 rela,ed ,o ,he -osi,ivi,0 o2 su;9ec,s= reac,ions ,o se:ual s,imuli, 8i,h high se: guil, associa,ed 8i,h less 2avora;le reac,ions 5<elle0 19657/ #hus consumers= level o2 se: guil, migh, serve ,o ca-,ure ,he li3elihood o2 nega,ive arousal/ $n ,he -resen, research, 8e e:amined ,he e22ec,s o2 su;9ec, gender and su;9ec, se: guil, on res-onses ,o ads con,aining one o2 ,hree 2orms o2 nudi,0/ "ome -ar,ici-an,s vie8ed ads con,aining male nudi,0, some sa8 ads con,aining 2emale nudi,0, and o,hers sa8 ads con,aining ;o,h male and 2emale nudi,0/ .!#+& "u;9ec,s and esign/ A ,o,al o2 1A1 undergradua,e -s0cholog0 s,uden,s 529 male7 -ar,ici-a,ed in e:change 2or e:,ra credi, in an in,roduc,or0 -s0cholog0 course/ #he0 8ere randoml0 assigned ,o condi,ions on ,he mani-ula,ed varia;le o2 ad nudi,0/ "u;9ec,s sa8 a ,arge, ad ,ha, con,ained ei,her 2emale nudi,0, male nudi,0, or ;o,h male and 2emale nudi,0/ A;ou, ,hree 8ee3s -rior ,o -ar,ici-a,ing, su;9ec,s com-le,ed ,he se: guil, 5"%7 i,ems 2rom ,he .osher %uil, $nven,or0 5.%$> .osher 19@@7 along 8i,h several unrela,ed measures/ "am-le i,ems 2rom ,he .%$ are, C.as,ur;a,ion is 8rong and a sin,C and CBhen $ have se:ual dreams, $ a,,em-, ,o re-ress ,hem/C Res-onden,s are as3ed ,o indica,e ,heir agreemen, 8i,h each o2 D6 s,a,emen,s on a scale ranging 2rom A 5no, a, all ,rue 2or me7 ,o @ 5e:,remel0 ,rue 2or me7/ A median s-li, on "% scores 5aE/637 crea,ed our lo8 and high "% grou-s/ Procedure/ "u;9ec,s arrived a, ,he e:-erimen, si,e in grou-s o2 ,8o ,o si:/ #he0 8ere in2ormed ,ha, ,he e:-erimen, 8as a;ou, ,he use o2 emo,ional a--eals in adver,ising/ #he0 8ere in2ormed ,ha, ,heir ,as3 8as ,o loo3 a, some -rin, ads and Cle, us 3no8 ho8 ,he0 ma3e 0ou 2eel, and 8he,her or no, 0ou ,hin3 ,he ads are an0 good/C #he0 8ere 2ur,her in2ormed ,ha, some o2 ,he ads 8ere designed ,o elici, emo,ional res-onses and some 8ere no,/ !ach su;9ec, ,hen received a ;ound 2older con,aining 2our -rin, ads, and a se-ara,e ;oo3le, con,aining 2our ra,ing shee,s/ #he0 8ere ins,ruc,ed ,o vie8 and ra,e each o2 ,he ads in order/ Ra,ings included ,he 2ollo8ing in2orma,ion/ *irs,, su;9ec,s indica,ed ,heir a22ec,ive reac,ions ,o ,he ad on several 9--oin, scales, anchored ;0 ,he 2ollo8ing end-oin,s) ha--0Csad> rela:edCaroused> ,hrea,enedCsa2e> calmCe:ci,ed> 8armCcold> -osi,iveCnega,ive> disgus,edCcon,en,ed> and no, ,iredC,ired/ #he ne:, sec,ion o2 ,he ad res-onse shee, as3ed su;9ec,s ,o lis, C8ha,ever ,hough,s 0ou had 8hile loo3ing a, ,he adver,isemen,, including 2avora;le and un2avora;le ,hough,s a;ou, ei,her ,he ad or ,he ;rand i,sel2/C #his 8as in,ended ,o -rovide an assessmen, o2 ,he valence or -olari,0 o2 su;9ec,s= cogni,ive res-onses/

*ollo8ing com-le,ion o2 ,he ,hough,-lis,ing measure, su;9ec,s 8ere as3ed ,o indica,e ,heir a,,i,udes ,o8ard ,he ad on 2ive 9--oin, scales, anchored ;0 ,he 2ollo8ing end-oin,s) e22ec,iveCine22ec,ive> goodC;ad> relevan,Cirrelevan,> in,eres,ingCunin,eres,ing> and u-li2,ingCde-ressing/ *inall0, su;9ec,s indica,ed ,heir ;rand a,,i,udes on ,hree 9--oin, scales, anchored ;0) goodC;ad> desira;leCundesira;le> and use2ulCuseless/ "u;9ec,s com-le,ed ,he same ra,ings 2or each o2 2our, 2ull-color -rin, adver,isemen,s/ Ads a--eared in ,he same seFuence in all condi,ions/ #he 2irs, 8as an ad 2or a liFueur, and ,he ,arge, ad a--eared second/ Ra,her ,han a,,em-, ,o crea,e ,hree -arallel versions o2 ,he same ad ,o mani-ula,e nudi,0 ,0-e, 8e selec,ed ,hree e:is,ing ads ,ha, me, ,he condi,ion o2 ;eing 2or ,he same ,0-e o2 -roduc, 5a 2ragrance7 and con,aining ei,her 2emale, male, or male and 2emale nudi,0/ Ac,ual ads 8ere used ,o increase ,he realism o2 ,he s,ud0/ #he ,hree versions o2 ,he ,arge, ad 8ere ,hus 2or ,hree di22eren, ;rands o2 2ragrance/ #he ,hird and 2our,h ads 8ere 2iller ads 2or an a,hle,ic shoe and a ,oo,h-as,e, res-ec,ivel0/ "ince our sam-le 8as 2airl0 small, and included mos,l0 2emales, some anal0ses 8ere no, li3el0 ,o ;e relia;le/ "-eci2icall0, ,hree-8a0 in,erac,ion ,erms 8ould ;e ;ased on some e:,remel0 small cell si?es among male -ar,ici-an,s 5ranging 2rom a high o2 9 ,o a lo8 o2 27/ As a conseFuence, onl0 ,8o-8a0 anal0ses involving gender are re-or,ed/ #he -rimar0 2ocus o2 ,he -resen, -a-er is on e:amining ,he in2luence o2 se: guil, as a modera,or o2 res-onses ,o nudi,0 in ads/ #hus 8e 8ill limi, our discussion o2 gender e22ec,s ,o a ;rie2 summar0 o2 ,hese resul,s/ R!"U(#" A22ec,ive Reac,ions "u;9ec,s= res-onses ,o ,he eigh, a22ec, scales 8ere su;mi,,ed ,o a -rinci-le com-onen,s 2ac,or anal0sis 8i,h varima: ro,a,ion/ #his anal0sis indica,ed a ,8o-2ac,or solu,ion, 8i,h 2ive o2 ,he measures loading -rimaril0 on ,he 2irs, 2ac,or, and ,he o,her ,hree measures loading s,rongl0 on ,he second 2ac,or 5see #a;le 1 ;elo87/ #he i,ems loading on ,he 2irs, 2ac,or 58hich accoun,ed 2or D3G o2 ,o,al variance7 all a--ear ,o ;e rela,ed ,o ,he valence o2 res-onses, and ,he i,ems on ,he second 2ac,or 5accoun,ing 2or a;ou, 29G o2 ,o,al variance7 are arousal in,ensi,0 i,ems/ "e-ara,e 2ac,or scores 8ere ,hus crea,ed 2or Arousal Posi,ivi,0 and Arousal $n,ensi,0/ Arousal Posi,ivi,0/ *irs,, a 3 5Ad Nudi,0) .ale vs/ *emale vs/ 4o,h7 ' 2 5"u;9ec, %ender) .ale vs/ *emale7 AN&VA 8as -er2ormed on ,he 2ac,or scores 2or ,he -osi,ivi,0 dimension/ Resul,s indica,ed signi2ican, main e22ec,s o2 ;o,h Nudi,0 and %ender, as 8ell as a signi2ican, in,erac,ion ;e,8een ,hese 2ac,ors/ #he Nudi,0 main e22ec,, * 52, 9D7E11/29, -H/AA1, re2lec,ed ,he 2ac, ,ha, a22ec,ive res-onses 8ere more -osi,ive in res-onse ,o ,he ad con,aining ;o,h male and 2emale nudi,0 5.EA/7@7 ,han in res-onse ,o ,he o,her ,8o ads 5.sEA/A5, -A/19 2or ,he male and 2emale nudi,0 versions, res-ec,ivel07/ #he main e22ec, o2 %ender, * 51, 9D7E12/61, -H/A1, indica,ed ,ha, males had more 2avora;le reac,ions overall 5.EA/D67 ,han did 2emales 5.E-A/1A7/ #hese e22ec,s 8ere Fuali2ied ;0 a Nudi,0 ' %ender in,erac,ion, * 52, 9D7E3D/9A, -H/AA1/ #he -a,,erning o2 means sugges,ed ,ha, 2emales res-onded more 2avora;l0 5.EA/@A7 ,o ,he ad con,aining male nudi,0 ,han did males 5.E-A/597, ;u, males 8ere more -osi,ive ,o8ards ,he ads de-ic,ing ei,her 2emale nudi,0 5.EA/@27 or ;o,h male and 2emale nudi,0 5.E1/D17 ,han 8ere 2emale su;9ec,s 5.sE-1/AA, A/11, res-ec,ivel0, 2or 2emale and maleI2emale nudi,0 ads7/ #he same -a,,ern emerged on vir,uall0 all o2 our de-enden, measures/ "-eci2icall0, male -ar,ici-an,s had more 2avora;le ,hough,s and evalua,ions in res-onse ,o ,he ads ,han did 2emales 8hen ,he ads con,ained ei,her 2emale nudi,0 or ;o,h male and 2emale nudi,0/ Bhen ,he ads con,ained male nudi,0, 2emale su;9ec,s had more 2avora;le ,hough,s and evalua,ions ,han did male su;9ec,s/ #hese 2indings are consis,en, 8i,h a num;er o2 -as, inves,iga,ions o2 nudi,0 e22ec,s in adver,ising 5e/g/, 4ello e, al/ 1963> (a#our 199A> (a#our and +en,horne 19937/ "ince com-le,e ela;ora,ion o2 ,hese da,a 8ould occu-0 a grea, deal o2 s-ace, and as ,he0 do no, re2lec, ,he -rimar0 2ocus o2 ,he research, 8e do no, discuss ,hem 2ur,her/ J#hese da,a are availa;le u-on reFues, 2rom ,he 2irs, au,hor/K #A4(! 1 Ne:, 8e -er2ormed a 3 5Nudi,07 ' 2 5"e: %uil,) +igh vs/ (o87 AN&VA on ,he arousal -osi,ivi,0 scores/ #he same main e22ec, o2 nudi,0 emerged and needs no 2ur,her discussion/ A marginal "e: %uil, main e22ec,, * 51, 9D7E2/6@, -H/1A, re2lec,s ,he 2ac, ,ha, lo8 se: guil, 5"%7 -ar,ici-an,s had some8ha, more 2avora;le a22ec,ive reac,ions ,o ,he ads 5.EA/177 ,han did high "% -ar,ici-an,s 5.E-A/1D7/ #his 8as Fuali2ied ;0 a Nudi,0 ' "e: %uil, in,erac,ion, * 52, 9D7E2/69, -H/AD/ As can ;e seen in #a;le 2, ,his in,erac,ion is driven ;0 res-onses ,o ,he ad con,aining 2emale nudi,0/ +igh "% su;9ec,s had highl0 un2avora;le reac,ions ,o ,his ad, rela,ive ,o ,he lo8 "% -ar,ici-an,s, *E7/92, -H/A1/ +igh "% and lo8 "% -ar,ici-an,s= reac,ions ,o ,he remaining versions o2 ,he ad did no, di22er signi2ican,l0 5*sH17/ JAl,hough no, cen,ral ,o ,he -resen, s,ud0, 8e also anal0?ed su;9ec,s= res-onses ,o ,he nonse:ual 2iller ads/ +igh and lo8 "% -ar,ici-an,s= res-onses ,o ,hese ads did no, di22er signi2ican,l0 on an0 o2 our de-enden, measures, indica,ing ,ha, an0 di22erences ;e,8een ,hese su;9ec,s 8as limi,ed ,o ,he ads con,aining nudi,0/K Arousal $n,ensi,0/ A 3 ' 2 AN&VA o2 ,he in,ensi,0 dimension o2 su;9ec,s= arousal res-onses 0ielded indica,ed no signi2ican, e22ec,s/ #his sugges,s ,ha, ;o,h lo8 and high "% -ar,ici-an,s e:-erienced ,he same degree o2 overall ac,iva,ion in res-onse ,o ,he ads/ $, is 8or,h no,ing here ,ha, su;9ec,s= arousal ra,ings 8ere higher in res-onse ,o ,he

,arge, ad ,han in res-onse ,he nonse:ual 2iller ads/ *or e:am-le, ,he mean ra,ing on ,he rela:ed Caroused i,em 8as 5/@1 2or ,he ,arge, ad, as o--osed ,o D/25 across ,he ,hree 2iller ads/ Cogni,ive Res-onses "u;9ec,s= res-onses on ,he ,hough,-lis,ing ,as3 8ere coded as ei,her ad-rela,ed or ;rand-rela,ed and ei,her -osi,ive 5-ro-ad or -ro-;rand7 or nega,ive 5an,i-ad or an,i-;rand7/ An inde: o2 su;9ec,s= ne, ad-rela,ed ela;ora,ions 8as cons,ruc,ed ;0 su;,rac,ing ,he ,o,al num;er o2 nega,ive ad ela;ora,ions 2rom ,he ,o,al num;er o2 -osi,ive ad ela;ora,ions/ A -arallel inde: 8as also crea,ed 2or su;9ec,s= ;rand ela;ora,ions/ Ad !la;ora,ions/ A 3 ' 2 AN&VA on ,he ne, -olari,0 o2 su;9ec,s= ad ela;ora,ions 0ielded a main e22ec, o2 Nudi,0, * 51, 9@7E@/DA, -H/A1, as ad-rela,ed ,hough,s 8ere more nega,ive 5.E-A/797 in res-onse ,o ,he 2emale nudi,0 ad ,han in res-onse ,o ,he male nudi,0 5.EA/A27 or maleI2emale nudi,0 version 5.EA/157/ #his e22ec, 8as Fuali2ied ;0 a signi2ican, Nudi,0 ' "e: %uil, in,erac,ion, * 52, 9@7E7/6@, -H/A1 5see #a;le 2 2or means7/ #his in,erac,ion 8as a,,ri;u,a;le ,he 2ac, ,ha, lo8 "% and high "% res-onses di22ered signi2ican,l0 onl0 in ,he 2emale nudi,0 condi,ion/ As e:-ec,ed ,he high "% res-onden,s genera,ed more un2avora;le ad ela;ora,ions ,han ,he lo8 "% -ar,ici-an,s in ,his condi,ion, *E11/25, -H/A1/ 4rand !la;ora,ions/ An AN&VA -er2ormed on ,he ne, -olari,0 o2 ;rand-rela,ed ,hough,s 0ielded no signi2ican, e22ec,s/ As evidenced in ,he cell means 5see #a;le 27, ,here 8ere ver0 2e8 ela;ora,ions ,ha, re2erred s-eci2icall0 ,o ,he -roduc,/ Ad A,,i,udes Res-onses ,o ,he 2ive ad a,,i,ude measures 8ere highl0 in,errela,ed 5aE/9A7 and hence 8ere averaged ,o 2orm a single inde:/ A 3 ' 2 AN&VA on su;9ec,s= scores on ,he ad a,,i,ude inde: revealed several signi2ican, e22ec,s/ *irs,, a main e22ec, o2 Nudi,0, * 52, 957E11/2D, -H/AA1, re2lec,s ,he lo8er ra,ing o2 ,he 2emale nudi,0 ad 5.ED/137 ,han ,he male nudi,0 5.E5/727 or maleI2emale nudi,0 ad 5.E5/9A7/ "econd, a "e: %uil, main e22ec,, * 51, 957E6/27, -H/A1, indica,ed ,ha, high "% -ar,ici-an,s ra,ed ,he ads less 2avora;l0 5.ED/7@7 ,han did high "% -ar,ici-an,s 5.E5/737/ #hese e22ec,s 8ere Fuali2ied ;0 a signi2ican, Nudi,0 ' "e: %uil, in,erac,ion, * 52, 957E@/AA, -H/A1, 8hich 8as again due -rimaril0 ,o res-onses ,o ,he 2emale nudi,0 ad/ (o8 "% and high "% -ar,ici-an,s gave a--ro:ima,el0 eFual ad evalua,ions 8hen ,he ad con,ained ei,her male or maleI2emale nudi,0 5*sH1/5A, -sL/2A7, ;u, high "% -ar,ici-an,s again 8ere highl0 un2avora;le ,o8ards ,he 2emale-nudi,0 version, rela,ive ,o ,he lo8 "% su;9ec,s, *E23/65, -H/AA1/ 4rand A,,i,udes Res-onses ,o ,he ,hree ;rand a,,i,ude i,ems 8ere also highl0 in,errela,ed 5aE/657 and averaged ,o 2orm a single inde:/ A 3 ' 2 AN&VA on ,his inde: revealed no signi2ican, e22ec,s, al,hough a marginal "e: %uil, e22ec, did emerge, * 51, 9@7E2/93, -H/1A/ +igh "% -ar,ici-an,s had sligh,l0 more nega,ive a,,i,udes ,o8ard ,he ;rand 5.E5/7A7 ,han did lo8 "% -ar,ici-an,s 5.E@/297/ $"CU""$&N #he -resen, resul,s are consis,en, 8i,h ,he sugges,ion ,ha, individual di22erences are im-or,an, modera,ors o2 nudi,0 e22ec,s in adver,ising/ *irs,, ,he -resen, da,a add su--or, ,o ,he no,ion ,ha, gender is an im-or,an, modera,or o2 res-onses ,o ad nudi,0/ Consis,en, 8i,h numerous -revious inves,iga,ors 5e/g/, 4elch e, al/ 1962> 4ello e, al/ 1963> (a#our 199A> (a#our and +en,horne 1993> "ciglim-aglia, 4elch and Cain 19797, 8e 2ound ,ha, males 8ere more rece-,ive ,han 2emales ,o ads con,aining 2emale nudi,0, ;u, 2emales 8ere more 2avora;le ,han 8ere males ,o8ard an ad con,aining a nude male/ #he -resen, da,a are limi,ed, ho8ever, ;0 8ea3nesses in ,he e:-erimen,al design/ "-eci2icall0, al,hough ,he use o2 ac,ual adver,isemen,s added ,o ,he e:-erimen,al realism in ,he -resen, s,ud0, i, also added -o,en,ial con2ounds/ #he varia,ions o2 nudi,0 8ere con2ounded 8i,h ;rands 5and as a conseFuence, 8i,h ;rand a8areness, 2amiliari,0, e,c/7/ &,her charac,eris,ics o2 ,he ads 8hich 8ere no, held cons,an, 5e/g/, se:ual sugges,iveness o2 -oses7 could also ;e res-onsi;le 2or our resul,s/ +o8ever, i, should also ;e no,ed ,ha, none o2 our -ar,ici-an,s s-on,aneousl0 made a connec,ion ;e,8een ,he e:-erimen,al session and ,he -re,es,ing session in 8hich ,he0 com-le,ed ,he se: guil, inven,or0/ #A4(! 2 "U..ARM &* A -4A"! R!"P&N"!" &* (&B AN +$%+ "!' %U$(# "U41!C#" #heore,ical $m-lica,ions A more im-or,an, con,ri;u,ion o2 ,he -resen, research regards ,he use o2 ,he individual di22erence measure o2 se: guil,/ Pas, research has iden,i2ied im-or,an, modera,ing varia;les ,ha, assis, in unders,anding 8hen nudi,0 8ill ;e e22ec,ive and 8hen i, 8ill ;e ine22ec,ive in adver,ising/ $n -ar,icular, i, a--ears ,ha, nudi,0 should ;e avoided in si,ua,ions 8here i, is li3el0 ,o elici, nega,ive arousal 5e/g/, (a#our 199A7, such as 8hen i, is used 2or an ina--ro-ria,e -roduc, 5e/g/, Richmond and +ar,man 19627/ Bhereas -as, research has u,ili?ed si,ua,ional varia;les ,o s,ud0 nudi,0 e22ec,s, ,he -resen, inves,iga,ion iden,i2ied an individual di22erence modera,or o2 nudi,0 e22ec,s/ "-eci2icall0, -ar,ici-an,s 8i,h rela,ivel0 high levels on an individual di22erence measure o2 se: guil, a--eared ,o res-ond Fui,e

nega,ivel0 ,o ads con,aining nudi,0, com-ared ,o individuals 8i,h lo8er levels o2 se:ual guil,/ #his 8as es-eciall0 ,rue 8hen ,he ads con,ained 2emale nudi,0/ 4o,h si,ua,ional and individual di22erence 2ac,ors can ;e used ,o ,es, ,heor0 and ;e,,er -redic, ;ehavior 5c2/ +aug,ved,, Pe,,0 and Cacio--o 19927/ emons,ra,ing -arallel 2indings 8i,h ;o,h si,ua,ional and individual di22erence varia;les increases our con2idence in ,heore,ical -ro-osi,ions regarding ,he in2luence o2 nudi,0 in adver,ising/ #he -resen, da,a shed addi,ional ligh, on ,he underl0ing -rocesses leading ,o ;o,h -osi,ive and nega,ive reac,ions ,o nudi,0 in adver,ising/ .oreover, our da,a do seem ,o ma3e clear ,ha, ,he in,ensi,0 o2 ,he arousal elici,ed ;0 an ad does no, necessaril0 e:-lain di22erences in ,he res-onses o2 di22eren, individuals 5e/g/, ,hose high and lo8 in se: guil,7/ Ra,her, i, a--ears ,o ;e ,he manner in 8hich ,ha, arousal is in,er-re,ed/ Pas, research sugges,s ,ha, high se: guil, individuals 8ill e:-erience rela,ivel0 nega,ivel0 valenced arousal 8hen e:-osed ,o se:ual s,imuli, rela,ive ,o lo8 se: guil, individuals 5e/g/, <elle0 1965> "mi,h and .ar,in 19697, and our resul,s a--ear ,o ;e consis,en, 8i,h such 2indings/ Prac,ical $m-lica,ions &n a glo;al scale, ,he use o2 nudi,0 in adver,ising has -o,en,iall0 harm2ul social conseFuences, charac,eri?ing -eo-le 5es-eciall0 8omen7 as se:ual o;9ec,s/ 4u, even a, a micro level, our da,a im-l0 ,ha, mar3e,ers should ;e8are o2 using nudi,0 in adver,ising 8i,h ,he 8rong -eo-le/ #he high se: guil, -ar,ici-an,s in our s,ud0 8ere es-eciall0 nega,ive in ,heir reac,ions ,o 2emale nudi,0, 8hich is ;ecoming more and more 2reFuen,l0 used in ads 5see "ole0 and Reid 19667/ Bha,ever -osi,ive e22ec,s such adver,ising ma0 have on ,he ,hough,s and a,,i,udes o2 lo8 se: guil, consumers, ,he0 ma0 ;e coun,erac,ed or even ou,8eighed ;0 ,he nega,ive im-ac, ,hese ads have on high se: guil, consumers/ $, is ,here2ore im-or,an, ,o ,r0 ,o iden,i20 and avoid such consumers 8hen using ads con,aining nudi,0/ Al,hough -erha-s all consumers 8ill ;e aroused ;0 ads con,aining se:ual s,imuli, i, is im-or,an, ,o recogni?e ,ha, no, all arousal is ;ene2icial ,o ,he adver,iser/ #he -resen, s,ud0 seems ,o rein2orce ,he no,ion ,ha, some arousal is good and some is ;ad, 2rom a mar3e,ing -ers-ec,ive 5see also (a#our 199A7/ +o8ever, no direc, lin3s 8ere es,a;lished ;e,8een arousal and ac,ual consumer ;ehavior in ,his s,ud0, and i, is conceiva;le ,ha, ,he nega,ive reac,ions some consumers have ,o nudi,0 in ads 8ill no, ,ransla,e in,o changes in ,heir consum-,ion -a,,erns/ *u,ure research migh, iden,i20 some o2 ,he charac,eris,ics ,ha, dis,inguish ,he consumers 8hose nega,ive res-onses ,o an ad are rela,ivel0 inconseFuen,ial, 2rom ,hose 8ho 8ill -erha-s ma3e a -oin, o2 avoiding ,he adver,ised ;rand i2 and 8hen i, elici,s nega,ive a22ec,ive reac,ions/ R!*!R!NC!" Ale:ander, ./ Ba0ne and 4en 1udd 519767, C o Nudes in Ads !nhance 4rand RecallNC 1ournal o2 Adver,ising Research, 16, D7-51/ 4ago??i, Richard P/ 519937, CACR *ello8 "-eech,C Advances in Consumer Research, 21, 6-11/ 4elch, .ichael A/, 4ar;ra !/ +olgerson, %eorge !/ 4elch and 1err0 <o--man 519627, CPs0cho-h0siological and Cogni,ive Res-onses ,o "e: in Adver,ising,C Advances in Consumer Research, 9, D2D-D27/ 4ello, aniel C/, Ro;er, !/ Pi,,s and .ichael 1/ !,?el 519637, C#he Communica,ions !22ec,s o2 Con,roversial "e:ual Con,en, in #elevision Programs and Commercials,C 1ournal o2 Adver,ising, 12, 32-D2/ Ches,nu,, Ro;er, B/, Charles C/ (aChance and Am0 (u;i,? 519777, C#he = ecora,ive= *emale .odel) "e:ual ",imuli and ,he Recogni,ion o2 Adver,isemen,s, 1ournal o2 Adver,ising, @, 11-1D/ +aug,ved,, Cur,is P/ and Richard !/ Pe,,0 519927, CPersonali,0 and Persuasion) Need 2or Cogni,ion .odera,es ,he Persis,ence and Resis,ance o2 A,,i,ude Change,C 1ournal o2 Personali,0 and "ocial Ps0cholog0, @3, 3A6-319/ +aug,ved,, Cur,is P/, Richard !/ Pe,,0 and 1ohn #/ Cacio--o 519927, CNeed 2or Cogni,ion and Adver,ising) Unders,anding ,he Role o2 Personali,0 Varia;les in Consumer 4ehavior,C 1ournal o2 Consumer Ps0cholog0, 1, 2392@A/ <a,?, aniel 519@A7, C#he *unc,ional A--roach ,o ,he ",ud0 o2 A,,i,udes,C Pu;lic &-inion Ouar,erl0, 2D, 1@3-2AD/ <elle0, <a,hr0n 519657, C"e:, "e: %uil,, and Au,hori,arianism) i22erences in Res-onses ,o !:-lici, +e,erose:ual and .as,ur;a,or0 "lides,C #he 1ournal o2 "e: Research, 21, @6-65/ <erin, Roger A/, Billiam 1/ (unds,rom and onald "ciglim-aglia 519797, CBomen in Adver,ising) Re,ros-ec, and Pros-ec,,C 1ournal o2 Adver,ising, 6, 37-D2/ (a#our, .ichael "/ 5199A7, C*emale Nudi,0 in Prin, Adver,ising) An Anal0sis o2 %ender i22erences in Ad Arousal and Res-onse,C Ps0cholog0 and .ar3e,ing, 7, @5-61/ (a#our, .ichael "/ and #on0 (/ +en,horne 519937, C *emale Nudi,0) A,,i,udes #o8ard ,he Ad and ,he 4rand, and $m-lica,ions 2or Adver,ising ",ra,eg0,C 1ournal o2 Consumer .ar3e,ing, 1A, 25-32/ (a#our, .ichael "/, Ro;er, !/ Pi,,s and avid C/ "noo3-(u,her 5199A7, C*emale Nudi,0, Arousal, and Ad Res-onse) An !:-erimen,al $nves,iga,ion,C 1ournal o2 Adver,ising, 19, 51-@2/ .osher, onald (/ 519@@7, C evelo-men, and .ul,i,rai,-mul,ime,hod.a,ri: Anal0sis o2 #hree .easures o2 %uil,,C 1ournal o2 Consul,ing Ps0cholog0, 3A, 25-29/

Pe,erson, Ro;er, A/ and Roger A/ <erin 519777, C#he *emale Role in Adver,isemen,s) "ome !:-erimen,al !vidence,C 1ournal o2 .ar3e,ing, D1, 59-@3/ Reid, (eonard N/ and (a8rence C/ "ole0 519617, CAno,her (oo3 a, ,he = ecora,ive= *emale .odelC #he Recogni,ion o2 Visual and Ver;al Ad Com-onen,s,C Curren, $ssues and Research in Adver,ising, 122-133/ Richmond, avid and #imo,h0 P/ +ar,man 519627, C"e: A--eals in Adver,ising,C 1ournal o2 Adver,ising Research, 22, 53-@1/ "an;onma,su, avid ./ and *ran3 R/ <ardes 519667, C#he !22ec,s o2 Ph0siological Arousal on $n2orma,ion Processing and Persuasion,C 1ournal o2 Consumer Research, 15, 379-365/ "ciglim-aglia, onald, .ichael A/ 4elch and Richard */ Cain 519797, C emogra-hic and Cogni,ive *ac,ors $n2luencing Vie8ers !valua,ions o2 C"e:0C Adver,isemen,s, Advances in Consumer Research, @, @2-@5/ "evern, 1essica, %eorge !/ 4elch and .ichael A/ 4elch 5199A7, C#he !22ec,s o2 "e:ual and Non-se:ual Adver,ising A--eals and $n2orma,ion (evel on Cogni,ive Processing and Communica,ion !22ec,iveness,C 1ournal o2 Adver,ising, 19, 1D-22/ "havi,,, "haron, #ina ./ (o8re0 and "ang-Pil +an 519927, CA,,i,ude *unc,ions in Adver,ising) #he $n,erac,ive Role o2 Produc,s and "el2-.oni,oring,C 1ournal o2 Consumer Ps0cholog0, 1, 337-3@D/ "mi,h, ",e-hen ./ and (eonard (/ .ar,in 519697, C#he !22ec,s o2 !ro,ica on Aggression in +igh Versus (o8 "e: %uil, .ales,C -a-er -resen,ed a, ,he 1s, Annual .ee,ing o2 ,he American Ps0chological "ocie,0, Ale:andria, VA, 1une, 1969/ "n0der, .ar3 P/ and <enne,h %/ e4ono 519657, C A--eals ,o $mage and Claims a;ou, Ouali,0) Unders,anding ,he Ps0cholog0 o2 Adver,ising,C 1ournal o2 Personali,0 and "ocial Ps0cholog0, D9, 56@-597/ "ole0, (a8rence C/ and (eonard N/ Reid 519667, C#a3ing i, &22) Are .odels in .aga?ine Ads Bearing (essN,C 1ournalism Ouar,erl0, @5, 9@A-9@@/ ",eadman, .a9or 519@97, C+o8 "e:0 $llus,ra,ions A22ec, 4rand Recall,C 1ournal o2 Adver,ising Research, 9, 15-19/ ---------------------------------------J %o ,o ,he -revious documen,/ KJ %o ,o ,he ne:, documen,/ K

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