Flowering Pollination
Flowering Pollination
Flowering Pollination
What is a flower? In human eyes it is something to enjoy, with color and fragrance. For many plants, flowers are vital organs of reproduction containing both male and female gametes. For bees and other nectar-feeding animals, flowers are a source of food. Symbiosis is the close association of two or more dissimilar organisms. Such associations can be beneficial to both organisms (mutualistic) or detrimental to one (parasitic). Symbiotic relationships among species occur frequently in nature. When the two or more species in symbiosis evolve in response to each other, they are said to coevolve. Under close examination each symbiotic relationship stands out as an example of miraculous complexity which has emerged. The coevolution of bees and brassicas, each dependent upon the other for survival, is such a relationship.
The Flower
Most flowers have the same basic parts, though they are often arranged in different ways. The five main parts of a flower are the sepals, petals, stamens, pistil and nectaries. The sepals are the green leaflike structures at the base of the petals that protect the developing flower. The petals are the colored leaflike structures within the sepals. The stamen has two parts, the anther and the filament. The anther contains the pollen grains, which contain the male gametes. The pistil usually has three parts, the stigma (which receives the pollen), the style (the neck below the stigma) and the carpel (or ovary). Brassica (Fast Plants) flowers have two fused carpels, separated by a thin membrane. The carpels house the ovules, which contain the female gametes.
stigma stigma pistil pistil style style (female) (female) carpel carpel
anther anther
nectary nectary
pedicel pedicel receptacal receptacle
Sugar-rich nectar is secreted by the specialized nectary tissues strategically located in the flower to ensure that nectar-gathering animals will receive pollen from anthers and transmit it to stigmas.
1998 Wisconsin Fast Plants, University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Department of Plant Pathology, 1630 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706 1-800-462-7417 [email protected]
Can you calculate the number of hours between successive flowers on your Fast Plants? How many flowers would you predict will open between the time your first flower opens and when you pollinate your plants?
Sometimes a flower is inhibited from male function by excessive heat or genetic male sterility. As mentioned in WFPID Understanding the Environment, anthers may fail to dehisce at very high relative humidities. This problem can usually be corrected in a few minutes by circulating air over the plant with a fan.
The production of sperm and eggs involves a fundamental sequence of events that characterizes most higher plant and animal life. In plants, meiosis precedes gamete formation and establishes the initial events of sexual reproduction by exchanging and sorting the genes on the chromosomes into the vehicles of genetic transmission and reception that we call gametes: the eggs and sperm.
In Fast Plants the developmental process known as microsporogenesis occurs in the developing anthers when the first flower bud of the apical whorl is about one millimeter in diameter and leads to the production of pollen. Within the anthers specialized tissues undergo meiosis to form the microspores that eventually become pollen grains. Pollen is the immature stage of the microgametophyte, which does not become fully mature until it germinates on a stigma and forms a pollen tube containing two sperm cells and a tube nucleus. At about the same time as the anthers are developing, tissues within the developing pistil of the immature flower bud give rise to a series of ovules. Within each ovule meiotic divisions in the process of megasporogenesis lead to the production of megaspores. Through the process of megagameto-genesis the megaspore develops into a mature megagametophyte or embryo sac (Raven, Evert and Eichorn, 1992).
As the bees work from plant to plant, pollen on the bee setae is carried from flower to flower. The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma is known as pollination. When pollen is transferred from one plant to another, the process is called cross-pollination.
nectaries nectaries
Are We Compatible?
For Fast Plants and many though not all brassicas, the act of pollination does not insure fertilization and seed formation. Some brassicas contain recognition compounds called glycoproteins which are unique to each plant. These compounds enable the plant to recognize "self," resulting in the abortion of the plant's own pollen. This genetically controlled prevention of fertilization with "self" pollen is called self-incompatibility. Only "non-self" pollen is able to germinate and effect fertilization. In order for pollen germination and fertilization to occur, pollen must travel from one brassica plant to the stigma of a different brassica plant in the process of cross-pollination. Bees take care of this problem naturally as they move from plant to plant in search of nectar and pollen. AstroPlants are therefore cross-compatible and self-incompatible.
As their plants come into flower, students need to be prepared to pollinate. The act of pollination is the prelude to the beginning of a new generation that starts with double fertilization. In preparation for pollination of their plants, students will need to understand the developmental biology leading to the production of male and female gametes (sperm and egg) and the concepts associated with the coevolutionary relationships between flowers and their pollinators.
Question: How is effective pollination carried out? Sample Hypothesis: The transfer of adequate numbers of viable, compatible pollen
from the anthers of one plant to the stigmas of another plant will result in effective pollination.
With a beestick as the vector, pollen is collected from the anthers of various plants and transferred to the stigmas of other plants. Students will record data on their Floral Clock Student Data Sheet. It is important for each class to have at least two extra sets of four film can wick pots (16 plants) to serve as unpollinated control plants. The control plants should be planted along with and maintained in the same manner as the experimental plants.
Time Frame
A period of 16 days from the sowing of seed is required for the growth of the AstroPlants and the completion of the activity. Making beesticks will require about 15 minutes and should be done one to two days prior to pollination. Observation of the bee and a lesson on the relationship of bees and the Fast Plants flower in pollination could take one 50 minute class period. The pollination will require one 50 minute class period.
Learning Objectives
In participating in this activity students will: understand flowering as the sexually mature stage of plant development; understand where and how ovules and pollen originate (male and female gamete formation); explore the parts of the flower and the role that each part plays in reproduction; observe the reproductive tissues of plants, including pollen and stigma, under magnification; understand the interdependent coevolutionary relationship of bees and brassicas; and begin the process of reproduction in their Fast Plants by performing a pollination using a beestick, setting the stage for future developmental events.
8 flowering Fast Plants (Day 14 to 16) 2 plants in each film can wick pot forceps two dissection strips (see WFPID Dissection Strips) 2 cm wide clear adhesive tape dried bees toothpicks glue (e.g., Duco Cement) hand lens or microscope
2. Take the top open flower of the first plant and carefully remove it with a forceps. Place it on the sticky tape of a dissection strip. 3. While observing with a hand lens or microscope, carefully remove the flower parts, noting their relative positions on the receptacle, making sure not to damage the pistil. Refer to the illustration on page 43 for help in identifying the floral parts. You and your students may want to test the nectaries for the presence of glucose (see WFPID The Hunt for Glucose - A Flower's Treasure). 4. Slip the ruler on a second dissection strip (without tape on it) under the first strip. Each student should measure the length of the pistil from the receptacle to the top of the stigma and record the pistil length on his/her Floral Clock Student Data Sheet. 5. Remove the top open flower of the second plant, measure the length of the pistil and record the data on the Floral Clock Student Data Sheet in the column under the number of the second plant. - With higher powered microscopes students could observe magnified views of pollen trapped on the stigmas of dissected flowers or on a beestick. - While pollinating, students might also observe the pollen trapped on the tape of a dissection strip. - Alternatively, look at the pollen on the stigmas or on the beestick with a hand lens.
- A beestick with pollen can be rolled over the sticky tape on the dissection strip. Observation under a magnifier will reveal pollen attached to the bee setae. 6. Note that flowers on the plants are produced and open in a sequence spiraling up the flower stem. Starting with the next flower down from the one that you removed, number the remaining flowers as 4, 3, 2 and 1 as shown in the illustration on the next page, with number 1 being the oldest flower. - With a sharp pair of fine scissors, carefully snip off all additional remaining flowers below flower number 1 (including side shoots), leaving only the four open flowers that have been numbered. - Snip off the developing apical flower shoot and buds above the four remaining open flowers. This is known as terminalizing the plant. 7. Returning to the four remaining flowers, note the position of the stigmas relative to the tall anthers. Is the stigma below (-1), equal to (0) or above (+1) the tall anthers? Record this information for each flower of both plants on the Floral Clock Student Data Sheet. - Is there a relationship between flower age and the position of the stigma relative to the level of the four tall anthers?
-1 0 +1
8. Be sure to measure the length of the uppermost open flower of each plant in the set that was grown for the unpollinated controls. Data for the unpollinated control sets should be recorded on a separate Floral Clock Student Data Sheet. 9. Before leaving the plants be sure that each of the remaining stigmas has been adequately pollinated by the beestick. Can you see any pollen on the stigmas? Check with a hand lens.
remove for dissection, measure pistil (STEP 2, ACTIVITY 2)
follow pistil development
follow pistil development
follow pistil development
follow pistil development
remove and discard
"People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy... to have such things." - Iris Murdoch
What is the average amount of time (in hours) between the development of one flower and its nearest neighbor?
For activities on observing and experimenting with pollen germination in vitro under the microscope and on observing compatible and incompatible pollen-stigma interactions and pollen tube growth in the style and ovaries, see WFPID's Pollen Germination and Pollen-Stigma Interactions and Pollen Tube Growth. With a separate third set of plants, try self-pollinating and compare the amount of seed produced with the seed produced by the cross-pollinated plants.
Group Number
Flower/Pod Number
viability test (+ / -)
* when noting stigma position: +1 = above anthers, 0 = at level of anthers, -1 = below the level of anthers
dap = days after pollination, n = number of measurements, r = range (maximum minus minimum), x = mean (average), s = standard deviation
The dap column is left blank on this data sheet because the timing of activities depends on the rate of development in each students' plants.
Date Name
This Class Data Sheet can be used for the teacher or students to compile data from one measured character (e.g., pistil length, 14 dap) taken by students who have completed the Floral Clock Student Data Sheet. Each group of students should compile summary statistics for the group's eight plants. These statistics should then be entered in the chart below. From the Group Data chart, the class data can be derived.
Variable Measured
Date Measured
dap of Measurement
Group Data
Statistics r s
Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12
Class Data
Statistics n r
Group Group
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
dap = days after pollination, n = number of measurements, r = range (maximum minus minimum), x = mean (average), s = standard deviation