Ratargul Swamp Forest
Ratargul Swamp Forest
Ratargul Swamp Forest
Ratargul Swamp Forest is a freshwater swamp forest located in Sylhet, Bangladesh. It is the only swamp forest located in Bangladesh and one of the few freshwater swamp forests in the world. The forest is naturally conserved under the Department of Forestry, Govt. of Bangladesh.
The evergreen forest is situated by the river Goain and linked with the cannel Chengir Khal. Most of the trees grow here are Pongamia pinnata (Koroch tree). The forest goes under 20-30 feet water at rainy season. Rest of the year the water level is about 10 feet deep. A local boat driver named Fozlu Mia informed us that, in the dry season, there were no water available inside the forest but during the last two years, the local people made a dam to hold the water and now water is available at all the season. So that, Ratargul is now became the most attractive place for visit. The local people call this place as the second Sundarban. The whole area is 950 acre and the boat trip will take 1 to 8 hours. Different packages are available for the tourists. When the water level become 10 ft, its safe for the tourists for swimming but they have to protect themselves from wild insects.
Availability of vehicle is good to reach the destination but still last 3 kilometers of road is still muddy and really unstable to carry vehicle. Local people sometimes repair the muddy road but there is no help from the government. The reason is, loacl people informed us that still the government did not declare the place as a national tourist spot. Those words were like bomb blast to us because with out the help of government, development is impossible at that area. Ratargul is the nearest place from the Sylhet town to visit. Public transports are available from Ambarkhana to Shaheber bazar. From Shaheber bazar, the tourists can take another vehicle like, Four Stroke 3 wheelers to reach the spot. Fozlu Mias house is one of the stations to catch the boat trip. Transportation cost is very low.