Business Communication Class-1 Date-25/05/2009: MAHIN AHMED CHOWDHURY-0801010110 I

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Business Communication Class-1 Date-25/05/2009

Definition of communication The word communication has derived from Latin word communs . The meaning of communs is common or general. Some writers opine the word communication has come from French word communing refers to the act of communicating. This indicates the way of exchanging ideas or information. When information, ideas, feelings, emotions or thinking, thoughts are transmitted from one party to another, it is called communication. Communication may be written, oral, face to face, visual, audio visual, computer based or silence. Communication is a universal matter and it occurs everyday, every moments. The process of communication involves, exchanging facts, ideas, opinions or emotions between two or more persons. Feedback is an essential aspects of communication. Some important definitions of communications are stated bellow:According to Newman and Summer Jr. Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons. According to American Management Associations Communication is one kind of behavior that is the result of transmitting facts. According to Murphy & Peck Communication is a two way process of exchanging ideas or information between human beings. According to Nafees Baigh Any behavior that results in an exchange of ideas is regarded as communication. According to C.L Bovee & Others Communication is an exchange and comprehension of information. According to David H Holt Communication is the interpersonal process of sending and receiving messages through symbols or gestures.


Class-2 Date-26/05/2009
By study above definitions we see the following characteristics of communication: 1) Two or more parties are involved. 2) Main elements are information, feelings, emotions, ideas and concepts. 3) Feedback is a must. 4) Different kinds of information will communicate. In fine, we can say the communication is done for mutual understanding and cooperation. It shows the transmission of concepts, ideas, and emotions between two parties or more. Information can be through can be transferred from one party to other through various ways, namely written, oral, gesture, showing, attitudes, by body movements and so on. Sometimes silence may be a mean of communication. Meaning of Business Communication Business Communication is especially concerned with business activities. Business activities may be internal or external. Internal activities are maintaining and improving the morale of employees. Suggesting methods and procedures, gaining orders to worker announcing policies and organizational changes and keeping the management informed. The external activities are related to selling and purchasing goods and services, reporting to government and share holders on the financial position and business operation. Every activity leads to some result. The sender expects some response from the receiver. Responses may be placed through; order approval of an action. Sending some information etc. So we can say that, when two or more persons are involve in transmitting information for the purpose of business activities it is referred to as Business Communication. Definition of Business Communication Business Communication is the expression, channeling, receiving and interchanging of ideas in commerce and industry. When business related information is transferred from one person to another it is called business communication. Such communicated may occur internally or externally of business oriented events, thinking, thought, and emotions or transactions are exchange among business man it is referred to as business communication.



According to Professor W.H Meanving The exchange of ideas, news and views in connection with business among the related parties is called Business Communication. There it is noted that, Business Communication must be meaningful and purposive. It should be formal in all respect. In case of business communication when top level management places, and order to its lower level management top level management must aspect response. Business Communication may be influenced by many factors, like personally, way of talking, goodwill, location and structure of factory, packaging and so on. Business Communication has some components like general communication such as: Sender Message Channel Receiver, and Feedback To sum up, we may define Business Communication as the use of effective language for conveying a commercial or industrial message to achieve a pre determine purpose.

Class-3 Date-01/06/2009
Nature or characteristics of Business Communication General communication defers from business communication. General communication has some special characteristics. The potential characteristics/nature are as follows: 1) Two or more persons. 2) Message: - Without message there is no communication. 3) Verbal or non-verbal: - Verbal communication means written or spoken language or words. Whereas non-verbal communication means facial expression, gestural expression, etc. These can occur jointly or separately depending on situation or environment. 4) Two way process: - Communication is two way process. At least two persons are needed for successful communication. Sender sends message and receiver receives the message and their after makes feedback. 5) Formal or Informal: - Communication can be formal or informal. Examples of formal communication are: - meeting, seminar, news

bulletin etc. Examples of informal communication are: - conversation with friends and peers, gossiping, grapevine etc. 6) Upward, Downward or horizontal: -

(1) Top level/corporate level of mgt (Initiate a plan) (2) Middle level/Divisional level of mgt (Interpret a plan) (3) Lower level/Functional level of mgt (Implement the plan)



Horizontal Communication Communication may flow up and down and also from side to side. Upward communication starts from lower level and transmitted to upper level of an organization. And downward communication is just opposite to upward communication. Whereas horizontal communication occur within the same level.

7) Process of exchange: Sender Sending Message FEEDBACK Media Receiver

8) Regular activity. 9) Different media: - a) Electronic media: - Telephone, telex, Fax, Internet etc. b) Print media: - News paper, Books, Journals etc. c) Audio Visual media: - Television, cinema or movie. d) Audio media: - Radio, wireless, cell phone. 10) Feedback: - The sender of message wants feedback or response from the receiver


How are you Message

Use of telephone



I am fine Feedback


Class-4 Date-02/06/2009
The benefits of effective communication

Improved stakeholders response

Quicker problem solving

Stronger decision making

Enhanced professional image

Effective Communication

Increased productivity

Clearer promotional materials

Stronger business relationship

Steadier work flow

Figure: - The Benefits of Effective Communication. Communication is the process of sending and receiving message. However, communication is effective only when the message is understood and when it stimulates action or encourages. The receiver to think in a new way. We can anticipate problems make decisions, coordinate work flow, supervise others, develop relationship, and promote product and services. We can shape the impression we and our company make on colleague, employees, supervisors, investors and customers in addition to perceiving and responding to the needs of these stakeholders (The various groups we interact with). Without effective communication, people misunderstand each other and misinterpret information. Ideas misfire or fail to gain attention, and people, and companys founder.



The Communication Process

The Communication process

Phase: 1 Sender has an idea Channel And Medium Phase: 6 Receiver sends feedback Phase: 5 Receiver decodes message Six-Phases Process Phase: 4 Receiver gets message

Phase: 2 Sender encodes idea Phase: 3 Sender transmits message

Situation Figure: - The Communication process Communication is a dynamic transactional (two-way) process that can be broken into six phases. The communication process is repeated until both parties have finished expression themselves. 1) The sender has an idea: - You coincide an idea and want to share it. 2) The sender encodes the idea: - when you put your idea into a message that your receiver will understand, we are encoding it: that is deciding on the form, length of organization, tone and style all of which depend on your idea, you audience and your personal style on mood.

Encoding means converting the idea or thought of the message into some transmittable form. 3) The sender transmit the message: - To physical transmit, your message to your receiver, you select a communication channel (Verbal or Non-verbal, spoken or written) and a medium (telephone, letter, memo, e-mail, report, face to face exchange). 4) The receiver gets the message: - For communication to occur your receiver must first get the message. 5) The receiver decodes the message: - Your receiver must decodes (absorb and understand) your message. 6) The receiver sends feedback: - After decoding your message, the receiver response in some way and signals that response to you.

Class-5 Date-08/06/2009
Barriers to communication Interference in the communication process is called noise. Which can be caused by a Varity of communication barriers: 1) Perceptual and language difference. 2) Restrictive environment. 3) Deceptive communication tactics. 4) Distraction. 5) Information overload. 6) Wrong choice of medium. 7) Interpretation of work. 8) Denotation & connotation. 9) Emotions. 10) Closed-mind. 11) Status-consciousness. 12) Inattentiveness. 13) Faulty transmission. 14) Poor retention of into. So, finally we can say that the above barriers block communication process. Guidelines for overcoming communication barriers We put forward some suggestion or guidelines for overcoming communication barriers. 1) Adopt an audience-centered approach. 2) Foster an open communication climate.

3) Modify the number of organizational levels. 4) Facilitate feedback. 5) Commit to ethical communication. 6) Create leam efficient message. 7) Reduce the number of message. 8) Minimize distraction. 9) Fine tune business communication skills. 10) Selecting appropriate channel. 11) Simplifying languages. 12) Using appropriate and single language. 13) Avoiding assumption. 14) Following up message. Audience-Centered approach Adopting an audience-centered approach means focusing on & caring about your audiences, making every effort to get your message across in a way that is meaningful to them. Learn as much as possible about the blas, education, age, status & style of your audience to create an effective message. When you address strangers try to find out more about then, if that is impossible, try to project yourself into their position by using your common senses & imagination. By writing & speaking your audiences point of view. You can to help them understand & accept your message. Characteristics of effective message Effective business message have a number of common characteristics. 1) Provide practical information. 2) Give facts rather then impression. 3) Clarify & condense. 4) State precise responsibilities. 5) Persuade other & other recommendation. Communication challenges in todays workplace The changing workplace has bought the following communication challenges. 1) Advance in technology. 2) Workforce diversity. 3) Globalization. 4) Team-based organization.



Class-6 Date-09/06/2009
Terminology Ethical communication. Unethical communication. Ethical dilemma. Ethical lapse. Code of ethics. Ethics audits. Ethical communication Ethics are the principles of conduct that govern a person or a group. Ethical communication includes all relevant information, is true in every sense. Unethical communication By contrast, unethical communication can include falsehoods and misleading information (or withal important information). Ethical dilemma An ethical dilemma involves choosing among alternatives that are not clearcut (Perhaps two conflicting alternatives are both ethical and valid on perhaps the alternatives lie somewhere in the vast gray area between right & wrong). Ethical lapse An ethical lapse is making a clearly unethical or illegal choice. How do you decide between whats ethical and what is not? You might ask yourself. Is this message legal? Is this message balanced? Is it a message you can live with? Is this message feasible? Code of ethics Some companies lay out and explicit ethics policy by using a written code of ethics to employees determine what is accepted. Ethics audits In addition, many managers use ethics audits to monitor ethical progress and to point up any weakness that need to be addressed.


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