B.Tech. (Sem. - 7thl8th) Cad/Cam Subject Code: ME - 404

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Roll No' T o t a l N o . o f Qu e sti o n s:0 9 1 r\rvw'allsublects4ynir'c,in \i' i lr otal No.

of Pages :02

B.Tech.(Sem. - 7thl8th) CAD/CAM SUBJECT : ME - 404 CODE

PaperlD : [A0839]
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T i m e : 0 3H o u r s Instruction to Candidates: l) 2) 3) -A is Compulsory. Section Atternptany Four questions from Section- B. Atternpt any Two questionsfrom Section- C. Section- A QI) a) DefineCAD. b) Namethe variousgraphicinput devices.

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c) What is the meaningof manufacturing database? d) What is a wireframemodel? e) What do you understand by adaptivecontrol in machining? 0 Briefly explaina combined DNC/CNC system.

g) Whataremachinability datasystems? h) DefineCIMS. i) j) Explainthe concbpt of floatingzero. of GroupTechnology. Give four advantages


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Section- B

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(4x5:20) usedin CAD/CAM hardware. outputdevices the various Q2) Briefly describe of IGES. f-eatures Explainthe sigr-rificant Q3) Whataregraphicstandards? andcodingsystem anyonepartclassificatior-r Q4) Whatis a partfarnily?Describe example. with the helpof a suitable and simulationin geornetric by kinematicanalysis QS) What do you understand examples. Explainwith thehelpof suitable rnodeling? of an NC Q6) What is numericalcontrol? What are the three basic components system? Section - C (2x10-20) Explainthe four basiccomponents System? Q7) Whatis a FlexibleManufacturing of a FMS. Discussthree productionsituationsin which FMS technology canbe applied. availablein techniques eS) (a) List down the various solid model construction CAD. Explainany one of themin detail. by B-spline and (b) Compare the splinesfor the samecontrol pointscreated Beziersplinetechniques. Q9) Write short notes on : (a) Databasestructure and control. PlanningSystems. (b) Generative Process



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