Paper ID: (A0ft39) : Dllnlfadr4lp - Con

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l{.oll No. ttWW.dllnlfadr4lp.con 'l'otal \o. of Questions : 091 li.'l'trch. (Sern.

' 7tt'f811l)

: 02 [ ' l ' o t a lN o . o l ' l ' a g e s

CAI)/CAN'I SUB.IItC'I' C-ODF,: N{I.l - 104'

Paper ID : [A0ft39]
all5.r6reet'4yact Tinre : 03 Hours ['t+L't-1"t' v V Irrstructionto Candidatcs: - A is Compulsory. 1) Section 2', 3)
INote : I'ler:rscfill sub.iect codc irrrrl lf:rl)(,r-ll) on ()j\,tlt-l

cuv'tyqaxirnum Marks : 60

Atternptany Four cluestions from section- B. - C. Atten'rpt any Two questions from Secrion

Section- A

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) What do you meanby CAD? What are the functions of graphics package'l What is the IGES? What do you rlean by ntanufacturing database'J


What do you meanby finite element meshgeneration'/ Give the benefits of cornbiltccl DII-C/CNC-sl,stertr whar are rhe advantagos:of glf)yf r:.Jllnlogy,l What are the benefitsof CAPP? How will you defineflexiblemanulacturing-s1,stern'i What do you nteanby database structure'J



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(1 x5=20) package. ol'graphics the f'uttctiotts Q2) Brieflvdiscuss Q3) Explain with ueat sketchsolid rnodeling. of two climensional Q4) Explain with suitableexamplentatrix representatiott translormatton. tools' of NC machine the features Q5) Explain Q6) Explain briefly B-splinecurve. Section- C (2x10=20) Give the meritsof Q7) Disurssin detail the variousNC rnotioncontrol systetn. parl programming. computerassisted Q8) Explain the varioustypesof CAPP systems.
itl case of group Q9) Explain in details part classification and coding systems




5 R-99

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