Paper ID: (A0ft39) : Dllnlfadr4lp - Con
Paper ID: (A0ft39) : Dllnlfadr4lp - Con
Paper ID: (A0ft39) : Dllnlfadr4lp - Con
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Paper ID : [A0ft39]
all5.r6reet'4yact Tinre : 03 Hours ['t+L't-1"t' v V Irrstructionto Candidatcs: - A is Compulsory. 1) Section 2', 3)
INote : I'ler:rscfill sub.iect codc irrrrl lf:rl)(,r-ll) on ()j\,tlt-l
cuv'tyqaxirnum Marks : 60
Atternptany Four cluestions from section- B. - C. Atten'rpt any Two questions from Secrion
Section- A
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) What do you meanby CAD? What are the functions of graphics package'l What is the IGES? What do you rlean by ntanufacturing database'J
What do you meanby finite element meshgeneration'/ Give the benefits of cornbiltccl DII-C/CNC-sl,stertr whar are rhe advantagos:of glf)yf r:.Jllnlogy,l What are the benefitsof CAPP? How will you defineflexiblemanulacturing-s1,stern'i What do you nteanby database structure'J
5 R-99