Mca5 SSM May08
Mca5 SSM May08
Mca5 SSM May08
Paper INIC504I ID
( P l a s cf i l l t h i s P a p e r I D i n O l l R S h e c t )
lrtl^tr^t . Liltu+i4fs4you .Urv\, (l Time: 03 Hours MaximumMarks: 60 V Instructionto Candidates: I ) Attempt any one question from eachSections A, B, C & D. 2) Section E is Compulsory.
Section- e Qf) (1 xI0=10) (a) Namethreeor four of theprincipalentities, attributes andactivitiesto be considered you wereto simulate operation if the ofa barbershop. (b) What is a corporate model?How arethey usedby manycorporations to help in variousaspects ofplanningtheiroperations? Q2) (a) Explainthedifference between Simulation Analyticmerhods. and (b) DiffeLentiate physical mathematiCal between and models. Section- B (t x t0: I0) Q3) (a) Explain the two permanententities,which are defined in GpSS to rept'esent system equipment. (b) Discussapproach modelingand simulationacrossthe Internetand to web based simulation. Q4) What is the technique simulation? of Discuss Monte Carlo methodand its applications experimental for sampling with randotn numbers. Section- C (l x I0= I0) are Q5) Developa model of a two serverqueuein which servers identicaland eachserver its own queue.Arriving has customers queue. choose shortest the
R- 408 [20s81
What are the cornponents of a queueingsystem?Also discussvarious for systems. of lneasures performance queueing Section- D -"1,-''1\l (1 x10:10) systern by the Illustrate principlesinvolvedin the simulationof a discrete system.Make suitable of the considering exarnple a simpletelephone if assumptions, any
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Q7) -
QB) Discussthe various featuresof GPSS.Also discussvarious block types n d e s c r i b eid G P S S . Section- E (10x 2:20)
staticanddynamicsimulation. between a) Differentiate modeling? b) What do you meanby system activity? c) What is a stochastic d) What arepseudorandomnumbers? e) Definethetermpolling. 0 What is nonnaldistribution?
postulation? g) What is system h) Whatis tracedrivensimulation? i) j) Describethe concept of bootstrapping. Defipe the tenn Digital -Analog Simulators.