Yog Sandesh
Yog Sandesh
Yog Sandesh
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Sage: Priyamedha, Lord: Indra; Prose: Gayatri
Word Meaning: Yathavido- You, in order to obtain knowledge of truth; Gopitam- lord of sensory organs;
Indram- of soul; Gira- with speech; Abhi Pra Archa- worship that soul whole heartedly; Satyam sunum
who is son of truth and ; Saptim- always nurtures truth.
Appeal: Oh Man! If you want you to obtain knowledge of truth then you should go into the shelter of
Indra. The sensory organs, which are supposed to be resource of direct knowledge, will only give you
limited knowledge and will create illusionary knowledge several times; the mind will also not take you far
and your mind that is full of jealousy and hatred will use its logical ability only for incorrect arguments. The
knowledge obtained from external sources, in other words from learned peoples advices and books
written by logical experts will confuse you further. You will get the true knowledge from your inner self,
from your soul and will give you peace of mind. You search it in your soul, which is the lord of all these
sensory organs, which has given you entire strength and has made mind and other sensory organs its
resources, which is like true knowledge, which is the son of supreme soul and which is nurturer of truth by
nature. Oh man! You worship this lord of truth, pray him, make all efforts to make him happy and you will
find the truth. You also do indirect worship through your verbal strength. You will have to use truth in order
to worship the lord of truth. You will have to follow truth in your speech, behavior, and in every action; you
will have to be truthful in your inner self also and think thoughtfully. When you look into your inner self
then you will realize that how difficult it is to worship with true speech, but it is also true that when you will
finish this worship then your true soul will appear and will open its invaluable treasure of true knowledge
in front of you. Then you will not have any confusion, your clean mind will give correct logic, your sensory
organs will also appear clear, and the most important thing is that at that time you will attain true knowl-
edge free of any conditions with which you will be enlightened with the true knowledge on whichever
subject you desire. The soul, lord of truth, which follows truth will always protect you for truth. This is the
natural result of worshipping truth with speech. Oh Man! You pray this Indra of truth, worship it whole-
heartedly indirectly.
Vaishakh- 21
Indian immigrants who went to America for employment, education
and business took with them their identity and behavior which had Hindu
impression. When they settled in America, the Americans were very impressed
with the mutual faith, dedication and co-operation between the couples. The
Indian values became the center of their attraction.
An article published in News Week says that today Americans are see-
ing the chanting of Aum and the process related to it as a solution. The num-
ber of people inclining towards spiritualism is increasing. It increased from 24
percent in 2005 to 30 percent in 2009. Nowadays, one can hear the chanting
of Aum in any prayer meetings held in America. 30 percent of Americans like
to be called as spiritual person instead of religious person. American citizens
are gradually molding themselves as per sage tradition related to god and
immortal element.
If today, the chanting of Aum is being heard all over America then the
credit goes to Swami Vivekananda for his speech in Chicago world religious
conference and Yogrishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj.
The impact of economic crisis of strong economic American culture was
seen on every segment. The family system was weak earlier also and the
worry of future and over luxurious life made them obese and diseased.
The author of the article published in News Week has reached to the
conclusion on the basis of various surveys that the spirituality is increasing in
Americans in place of religious feeling. Therefore, 65 percent Americans
believe in the principles mentioned in Rigveda in spite of the fact that 76
percent of Americans are Christians. They believe in the Indian principle that
as all the rivers flows towards the sea in the same way all the paths go
towards God. The principle of equality of religions has been prevalent in India
since ancient times. The people have faith in mortality of body and immortal-
ity of soul, rebirth, and soul leaving one body after death and entering another
body. The author has called it Faith. Therefore, the author believes on the
basis of surveys that every third American is expressing the opinion of burn-
ing the dead bodies like Hindus. The reason is that they have started believing
in rebirth. Our sages have called Yog as the method of removing conditions
from mind. Mind is playful and wanders here and there. Yog can control its
playfulness. Self control arouses pious feelings. The pious feeling inspires us
to maintain harmony with everything around us. Because, everything present
-Shekhar Agarwal
Americans are
seeing the chanting of
Aum and the process
related to it as a solu-
tion. The number of
people inclining towards
spiritualism is increas-
ing. It increased from 24
percent in 2005 to 30
percent in 2009. Nowa-
days, one can hear the
chanting of Aum in any
prayer meetings held in
around us is the creation of God. This is spiri-
tualism. America, a prosperous country is
increasing its affection towards Indian
China that is running on the fast track
of economic development has also ac-
cepted Yog as the resource of mental and
physical peace.yog is deepening its roots
in this country at a very fast rate. The people
of china have been following religious and spiri-
tual discipline in order to strengthen the mental and physi-
cal health. But today Yog is above any religion, sect,
geographical boundary, breed, cultures and has become
a part of daily routine of mankind. Yog has entered into
all countries whether it is Pakistan or Italy that follows
Roman Catholic religion, Cambodia that follows Bud-
dhism or China or Jewish land Israel. It is interesting to
note that in Pakistan, the initiative to teach Yog has been
taken by Shahbaj Ali Khan, famous Yog teacher but not
by a Hindu. American citizens are spending three bil-
lion dollars annually on Yog classes, Yog tools, clothes,
Yog tours, videos and other Yog products. A survey
conducted by Yog Journal shows that the number of
people practicing Yog regularly has increased from 1.65
crores in 2005 to 2 crores at present.
The profession of Yog teacher has become very
lucrative and the income per Yog class is between 80
and 125 dollars. An American practicing Yog is spend-
ing on average 1500 dollars annually.
As per Yog journal, Yog is booming as an industry
in 21 Asian countries and the annual turnover of this
industry is more than 50 crores dollar. The Pure Yog
Studio of Hong Kong is considered to be the biggest
Yog studio of the world. One can see people of all groups
engrossed in practicing Yogasana and madras, be it a
common man, a corporator or a celebrity.
Millions of people attend Yog camps of Swami
Ramdev Ji Maharaj organized in nook and corner of
India and learn the intricacies of Yog. His popularity
can be assessed from the fact that Queen Elizabeth of
England invited him on tea in 2006 and Steel emperor,
Lakshmi Mittal took out time to meet Swami Ji.
Chief Secretary of USA requested for his co-op-
eration to make the millennium program successful. The
television channels which broadcast Swami Jis pro-
gram have increased viewership rate. It is evident that
people have come into the shelter of Yog to attain men-
tal peace since they have started facing stress
and depression due to comfortable life style.
Countries like America, Canada and
Britain were glittering with the lights of
Deepawali festival. The local govern-
ments are also giving importance to this
festival. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson
began Deepawali Festival Season on 4
October 2009 and the historical Trafalgar
Square was shining with lights. The streets of
London were glittering with lights.
The Indians have come out as a single minority
community in both America and Canada. They have
gained name and fame in the fields of politics, finance,
education and business. This is the result of the intelli-
gence of Indians that this year Deepawali was cel-
ebrated at White House in America. President Barrack
Obama invited around 150 guests at White House on
this occasion and organized party with diyas and tradi-
tional Indian food. However, Deepawali is celebrated
at national level in Britain but it is limited in those cities
of America which have a large number of Indian popu-
lations. Cracker display and grand parties are organized
by prominent people on the occasion of Deepawali in
New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago,
Washington. Canada has lot of Sikh and Gujarati popu-
lation and here also Deepawali was celebrated at Prime
Ministers residence.
American President, Barrack Obama having faith
in Indian values started a new tradition. He lighted the
lamp amidst chanting of Vedic mantras for world peace
and celebrated Deepawali. This was the first instance
when American president participated in Deepawali
celebrations at White House. Pandit Narayan Acharya
Digalakote chanted Vedic mantras in Shiva Vishnu
temple. Addressing the people in East Room of White
House President Obama said that this festival denotes
the victory of good over bad. He said that he is very
happy to light the lamp at White House. It is the first
instance when an American president has celebrated
this festival and given it government recognition. Previ-
ously, Deepawali was celebrated in a building situated
next to White House. Yog, Ayurved and Indian tradi-
tions are gaining global recognition. The western people
are fed up of luxurious life style and accepting Indian
traditions at a very fast pace. The credit goes to re-
vered Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj.
Vivekananda hoisted the
flag of Hindu religion at
Chicago religious con-
ference and started going to different places and left a
lasting impression on the minds of the people. However he
did not forget his India. His motherland, the misery in the
eyes of the downtrodden used to always come in front of
his eyes. Once he wrote in a letter, We will have to re-
move all gods and goddesses from our minds for the next
50 years. Only god aroused in our mind is our nation. Wor-
shipping this mighty nation is real worship. The first god-
dess whom we will pray is our motherland and Indian is
our first god.
He said, Before coming to other countries I love my
country from the bottom of my heart. But now the air of
India and every dust particle is more sacred than heaven.
Indian land is sacred land. It is my mother, India is my
Swami Jis heart was eager to see the motherland once
the ship left Colombo. Tears rolled down his cheeks as
soon as the ship reached the banks of the sea. He bowed
in front of the sea and prayed to motherland.
As soon as the ship was anchored, Swami Ji got down
from it crazily and bowed down to touch the motherland.
It was appearing as if a child is getting into the laps of his
mother. He said, All the people following western culture
should get into the laps of mother land.
Swami Vivekananda Ji told the ascetics:
Listen! These miserly and poor people are so simple at
heart. Cant you reduce their troubles even little? Then
what is the use of wearing these saffron clothes? Some-
times my mind says that what is the use of building the
temples? Sell these and donate to the poor people. We live
under the shade of the tree, then why should we worry
about our houses? When our fellow citizen is starving for
one morsel, wont we feel ashamed to eat food? Mother!
Is there no solution to this problem? You know that one of
the objectives to go to western countries for propagating
our religion was to find resource for nurturing our country-
men. I see their sorrows and miseries and think that this
prayers and worship should be given up, sounding the bell
and lighting the lamp should be stopped, we should leave
the habit of praying for salvation, and knowledge of clas-
sics. Go to each and every village and serve the poor and
needy people, make the rich people realize their responsi-
bilities towards the society, collect wealth and resources,
which can be used for the service of the poor people.
Look, how so many untouchables are converting into Chris-
tianity in Madras (now Chennai) due to insensitive attitude
of Hindus. Do not think that they are converting their reli-
gion due to starvation. They have become Christians be-
cause you could not transmit your empathy to them. You
have always been telling them not to touch. Do not touch
this, do not touch that. Make it clear in your mind, Until
these people do not rise, Indian will not progress. If we are
unable to provide them food and clothes then what is our
utility? Go, make collective efforts and remove the veil of
darkness from their eyes.
Pravin Madhukar Amrinkar
History will be created when Yog duty and na-
tional duty combine
rnn = znt r-nrrfa
r-nrrfa = rnnt trr+rfa
rt r, rt r +rrta trf+rnr t rrfa
rnn rt trrn..........
+rrta trf+rnr t q r rtrr
t rrzt t trr
zt tnt zrr t trr
rnn rt trrn..........
+rrta trf+rnr r q rt rtr
tzrrt r zrr =rtr
rnn rt trrn..........
Synopsis: Poet says that fulfilling Yog duties will
increase internal strength and thereby patrio-
tism. This is the strength of Indian pride. They
are the faith of Indian pride. New freedom and
new arrangement will remove non-governance
from the nation. Indian pride has only one slo-
gan, use indigenous goods and fulfill your du-
-Rajendra Bhavsar
12 January: Swami Vivekananda Bitrh Anniversary
-Sanjay Bonde
Republic Day Parade which has become the pride of the nation was organized
for the first time on 26th January, 1950 at Irwin Stadium (national stadium). Presi-
dent, Dr. Rajendra Prasad left Rashtrapati Bhawan in his six horse chariot at 2.30
p.m and reached the venue via Connaught Circus at 3.45 p.m. First Republic Day
parade was held in the evening. President took the salute with 31 firing of guns, now
there is a tradition of 21 firing of guns.
Next year the parade was held at Kingsway, which later came to be known as
Rajpath. At that time, the parade used to begin from Kingsway and follow the route
of Curzon Road, Connaught circus, Irwin Road and end at Gol Post Office. In this
year, four Paramvir Chakras were awarded for the first time.
In 1952 the parade was held from old Delhi, red fort and ended at Chandini
Chowk. Many old people must be still remembering the procession of Emperor
Ashok, in which he was shown sending messengers to other countries.
Folkdances were included in the republic day parade of 1953 and fire crackers
were displayed at Ramlila Ground on 26th January. In this year, the tribal people of
Tripura, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh were invited to see the parade in order to
arouse national feeling in them.
In 1955, 50 ironsmith groups came from Rajasthan, who reminded everybody of
Maharana Pratap who fought against Akbar. Mushaira was started in Divan-e-Aam
of Red Fort.
The tradition of inviting chief guests from other countries on this occasion began
from 1950. Indonesian President, Sukarno came with his wife in that year. Governor
Gulam Mohammed of Pakistan was invitee for 1955 Republic Day, Chinese Marshall,
Ye Chin Ying came as chief guest in 1958. It is interesting to note that Food and
Agriculture Minister of Pakistan; RanaAbdul Hamid was invited as the chief guest
in 1965 and after few days both the countries had to fight war. You must be thinking
that Russian President visited India on this occasion many times. It is not true;
Vladimir Putin had recently visited India on republic day. Nobody has been invited
from America till now. The highest number of times to invite a guest on republic day
has been from France. Till now, chief guests from France have visited India four
times on this occasion.
Nowadays, people are avoiding going out of their houses to watch republic day
parade due to security reasons and lethargy. However, 20 lakh people had watched
the parade in 1960. This was the first time when bravery awards to children were
given. On this occasion, one of the elephants had created chaos but was controlled.
In 1962, the parade was so long that it had reached red fort but one end of the
parade was still at India gate only.
1963 republic day parade reminded us the defeat against china. Dilip Kumar,
Talat Mahmud and Lata Mangeshkar collected Prime Minister Relief fund on this
Lt. Col. S.S.Kohli, who climbed Mt. Everest, was the center of attraction in
1965. 164 airplanes mesmerized people in 1968.
Tribute paid to the martyrs at Amar Javan Jyoti in 1973 was the highlight and first
woman IPS officer, Kiran Bedi leading the Delhi Police troupe was the hot topic. In
1982, Appu of Asian games was very interesting for the people. Similarly, Arjun tank
made indigenously filled the peoples heart with pride in 1966 parade.
Republic Day
Parade which has
become the pride of
the nation was
organized for the
first time on 26th
January, 1950 at
Irwin Stadium
(national stadium).
President, Dr.
Rajendra Prasad
left Rashtrapati
Bhawan in his six
horse chariot at
2.30 p.m and
reached the venue
via Connaught
Circus at 3.45 p.m.
First Republic Day
parade was held in
the evening. Presi-
dent took the salute
with 31 firing of
guns, now there is a
tradition of firing
21 firing of guns.
26th January: Republic Day
Parkinsons is a disease in which the patient loses
control over different organs and suffers from shiver-
ing. The patient finds it difficult to control his body move-
ments. The muscles become hard and stiff and lose
their flexibility, as a result the patient finds difficulty in
walking and doing routine work.
Science is also not aware if Parkinsons is a heredi-
tary problem or there are other reasons for it.
Parkinsons means trouble along with other age related
problems. In majority of the cases, it is considered to be
a common old age problem and patients do not take
treatment also.
Muscles lose their flexibility with increasing age. If
the life style is inactive then the movement of hands
and legs reduces to a great extent. But in case of
Parkinsons the physical posture gets affected. The
neck, back, elbows and knees bend. The patient feels
difficulty in walking, sitting, and doing routine work. The
patient is unable to walk even two steps.
Medicines and exercise alone are not enough to treat
this. The most important thing is to
provide right environment for the
patient where he or she can live
happily and peacefully amidst
their dear ones. Lack of peace
of mind, worries, disrespect,
negative thoughts aggra-
vates this disease. Dopam-
ine can be increased even
in case of good art of liv-
ing is practiced. Dopam-
ine activates the internal
circuits of the brain and sends
the messages to the related
In case of Parkinsons a
special group of neurons get
destroyed. These neurons join
the brain cells. They secrete
dopamine, which gives
chemical indications to the
brain. Yogasana, pranayam
and life style changes improve
the health of the pa-
Yogic cure:
Yog has tremendous power
and can cure almost all the dis-
eases occurring in the body. Regu-
lar practice of yoga gives ben-
efit. It should be done depend-
ing on individual physical capac-
ity. It is also necessary to practice it
as per the methodology. If it is not
done as per the prescribed method
then it can be harmful. Therefore, you
should have full knowledge about the
asana that you are practicing.
Parkinsons patients should
practice Surya Namaskara.
This asana strengthens all the organs of the body
and makes them disease free. This is a complete
Regular practice of Akarnadhanushtakarasana gives
special benefit in case of Parkinsons. It relieves the
joint pain in hands and legs and strengthens the
muscles. Parkinsons patient should practice it as
much as possible.
Hastapadangushtasana should be practiced daily for
special benefits. It overcomes diseases of hands and
legs. This is the best asana for the patients of
Parkinsons. It should be practiced daily depending
on individual capacity.
Regular practice of Pranayam gives lot of benefit to
Parkinsons patient. It is brain related disease and
pranayam improves the health of the brain. It is a
divine and wonderful exercise.
Bhastrika pranayam provides pure vital life energy
to the brain. It purifies the blood and removes the
poisonous elements from the body.
Kapalbhati increases the glow, brightness and beauty
of the face and forehead. It prevents constipation.
It cures all the internal and external diseases of the
Anulom-Vilom and Nadishodhan pranayam are ex-
cellent exercises for a Parkinsons patient. These
pranayam remove the reasons responsible for
Ujjayi pranayam is also beneficial in case of
Parkinsons. It overcomes all the disorders of the
brain and gives relief to the patient.
Our hearts are filled with national feeling espe-
cially when the nation is facing some problems like war,
terrorist attack, floods, earthquake or some serious epi-
demic. Some momentary emotions are seen on 15th
August and 26th January when the whole country re-
sounds with patriotic songs. This one day patriotic feel-
ing is seen only twice in a year.
Many myths have occupied our minds knowingly or
unknowingly with respect to national spirit. We can ex-
plain it in this way that we never tried to understand our
responsibility towards the nation. Nevertheless we have
to experience the ill effects of this in our daily life, for
example, littered surroundings, mosquito menace, lack
of drinking water, global warming, pollution etc. But we
hardly think about the reasons for these problems.
Whenever we think about patriotism we think about a
soldier fighting in a war or martyrs who sacrificed their
lives for the country. We never develop the feeling that
every citizen of the country, whether male or female,
young or old, everybody has a duty towards the nation,
a responsibility to be fulfilled. Every citizen of the coun-
try is equally responsible towards the nation as much as
a Prime Minister or a Chief Minister. This responsibility
can be fulfilled only when we keep national interest in
mind and fulfill our duties and tasks with honesty and
We generally believe that we alone cannot bring in
any changes in the country. When we throw our litter
on the streets then also the same psychology works
behind it. What will happen if I throw the litter outside
the house? Who does not want development of the na-
tion, but, it requires selfless efforts and very few people
can actually gather the courage to do so. It is extremely
necessary to analyze others contribution in our own lives.
This life is dependent on co-existence, nation, society,
family have an important contribution. The feeling of
indebtedness will develop only when we understand this
and we will have the feeling of serving the nation.
If we think with a cool mind then we will find that
national property is nothing else but hard earned wealth
of the countrymen given to the government in the form
of taxes. This should be utilized only for the public wel-
fare. If it is misused, whether it is politician, govern-
ment servant, government contractor or businessman,
then they have to pay for it sometime or the other in
some form or the other. This is rule of nature and can-
not be ruled against. We can protect ourselves cleverly
from the manmade rules but it is not possible to save
ourselves from rules of the nature.
The biggest problem in front of the nation today is
lack of national feeling. If the feeling of national inter-
est develops within us then all the other problems will
be resolved automatically. It is necessary to sacrifice
the desires without selfishness and pay attention on
national interest. Everybody should do their part of work
honestly and sincerely. The national feeling should not
be expressed at some occasions but it should be there
in our hearts. National love is the only effective source
to beautify our lives.
-Bharat Singh
| | - +i z| | - t l - | ,
| +| =- n| - t l - | ,
< l -| +i --| : | +| n ,
+ | | +| ~ n| - t l - |
l + n- +t-| t t l - | ,
~| ~| i =t-| t t l - | ,
+-| n-, -n- ~| -n- ti |-|,
-a- +| = < z| = -| -| t t l - |
< t ~-, i= -i +| ntn|- t l- |,
+z|l|, =<, t n |- t l-|,
ii n|| ~|, +|i :n|- n- --|,
+| l+ t ||-i +| : n|- t l- |
| +i -t -, l| t l- | ,
|-|, l+=|-|, tn =+| ln| t l-|,
( '|-' n- t( |i <|n- = n| |-|,
+| l+ ~||< ||- +| -i+ t l- |
-Pradip Naik
Synopsis of the poem: Tricolor is Indias pride
and honor. It should reach great heights and this is
the desire of the millions of Indians. The tricolor asks
that people should not bend. It faces storm and sun.
Tricolor is inspiring the people to continue on their
path without stopping and gives the message of ris-
ing above. The poet is saying that one should not be
dishonest even in tough times as tricolor is pride of
India. It is the tricolor of youth, farmers and it should
be kept near us even during death. It is the symbol
of Indian independence.
Children today I will tell you the story of a great man who was a social
reformer, thinker, politician and a dutiful person. His name was Raja Ram
Mohan Rai.
The story dates back to 1744. There was a district in Bengal by the name
of Burdwan. There was a village called Radhanagar in that district. The thread
maker of that village was very famous and the demand was seen up to Eu-
rope. East India Company had established one big house in this place in view
of business potential. A famous Brahmin family used to live in Radhanagar.
The head of that family was a very religious and orthodox person. A child took
birth in that family, who later shined in the form of Indian pride. The name of
that Indian pride was Raja Ram Mohan Rai. At that time, India was facing
serious problems related to non-governance. There was Mughal rule but the
British were strengthening their roots and the Nawabs were ready to kill each
other. On the other hand, the Portuguese, Dutch, French and English were
trying to go ahead of one another. India was the lone victim of their games.
At that time, Arabians and Persians were strong. Therefore, Rammohan
Rai was sent to Patna for his education. There he studied Quran and Islamic
religious books and also books authored by Arastu and Ukledas. The books
were translated in Arabic language. Meanwhile he studied poems of Sufi po-
ets of Persia. All the poems were inspired by philosophy. He wrote a book in
Persian language at the age of 16 years. The book was titled, Tohfatul Moiddin.
He had written its pretext in Arabian language. He had condemned idol wor-
ship in this book. One day Rammohans father saw that book. He read it and
was deeply hurt. He expressed his anger and asked Rammohan to burn that
book. But he was not ready for it. The argument increased and Rammohan
left his home for the sake of his principles. The book was published in 1804
after Rammohans fathers death. Its English translation is also available now.
Rammohan was wandering after leaving his home and reached Tibet. There
he studied the Buddhist books. He lived there for four years and went to
Banaras where he lived for ten years. During this period he studied several
Sanskrit and Hindu religious books. He went to Calcutta from Banaras. Mean-
while he had also gained proficiency in English language. On 7th March, 1830,
Rammohan Rai was made the Diwan of collector of Jalalpur, Dhaka by East
India Company. He improved his English language skills while serving on this
He took retirement in 1814 and went to Kolkata and started social and
religious reform work. He set up Atmiya Sabha for this purpose. A weekly
meeting used to be held in the garden of his home. The subject of the meeting
used to be social issues. Atmiya Sabha organized a procession in 1819. Pandit
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
There was lot of commo-
tion in Hindu society of
Bengal. Raja Ram
Mohan Ray's sister in-
law was forced to become
Sati after her husbands
death in 1811. From that
day itself, Rammohan
had decided to remove
this social evil. He had to
fight for this cause with
the social leaders for
around 15 years. Only
then he got the support
from Lord William
Bentinck and a law was
made to stop this system.
Subramanyam Shastri was also present in that proces-
sion. They got into discussion on idol worship and con-
tinued for several days. Shastri could not win over
Rammohan Rais arguments. Rammohan presented
excellent logics for which Shastri had no answers.
Rammohans protest against Sati system had antago-
nized religious leaders.
There was lot of commotion in Hindu society of
Bengal. His sister in-law was forced to become Sati
after her husbands death in 1811. (Jagmohan Rai was
elder brother of Rammohan Rai). From that day itself,
Rammohan had decided to remove this social evil. He
had to fight for this cause with the social leaders for
around 15 years. Only then he got the support from
Lord William Bentinck and a law was made to stop this
Meanwhile he studied Angel and Torat to understand
the religion of Christians and Jews. He had to learn
Hebrew language for this as Angel was written in this
language. He had translated this book into English,
which was published in Calcutta (now Kolkata) in 1820.
However the priests community did not tolerate this
and wrote several articles against Rammohan. These
articles were published in Friend of India. Rammohan
was also not ready to give up. He gave very good reply.
This went on for long time. Finally, he wrote an article
which was published in Akhiri Appeal. It was praised
in America and Europe.
In 1823, East India Company decided to form a com-
mittee with the objective of providing Arabian and San-
skrit education to Indians. Rammohan wrote a letter to
governor general, he wrote that if the government re-
ally wanted to educate the Indians then it should make
arrangements to teach them European education re-
lated subjects like chemistry, science, biology, philoso-
phy and other science subjects. If it wanted to keep
the people in darkness then there is no better system
than old system of education prevailing in the country.
Rammohan was correct; he had demanded the right
thing at the right time. The letter had a deep impact on
the mind of governor general and he opened schools
and colleges in Kolkata.
On 20th August 1828, Rammohan converted Atmiya
Sabha into Brahmasamaj. This was a successful effort
in order to improve Hindu society. He knew that politi-
cal progress is not possible until the social evils are not
eradicated from the society. Brahmasamaj was a com-
mon platform for all those who believed in one God and
gathered here without any differences. It progressed a
lot within a period of two years and the members of this
organization felt the need for having a separate room
for prayer. Rammohan Rai agreed to this and got a
separate prayer room constructed at his own cost.
The religious leaders did not keep quite in spite of
sati act being passed. They appealed against it in En-
gland also. In that period only, last Mughal emperor
Bahadur Shahs father Akbar shah II sent Rammohan
as his barrister to England for cases related to his pen-
sion and other problems. Before sending him to En-
gland, the emperor honored him with title Raja. But,
East India Company did not agree with the emperor.
Therefore, Rammohan did not accept the title. But, still
he took 70 thousand rupees for travel expenses from
royal treasure and went to England.
Raja Rammohan Rai reached England and fought
the case of Akbar Shah, he also presented the appeal
letter prepared in favor of Lord William Bentinck against
the Hindus appeal of Bengal. He also gave witness on
judicial arrangements and goods transport method from
India in front of a parliament committee. Later he went
to France from England.
This was the last Europe trip of Rammohan. He
passed away on 27th September 1833 in the famous
city Bristol of England. Raja Rammohan Rai was not
only a social reformer, thinker and a religious person
but he was also a politician. He was first an Indian who
had understood the importance of newspapers with a
political perspective and tried to get the best out of it.
Therefore, he published Bengali and Persian newspa-
pers. His Persian newspaper was circulated both in Iran
and middle Asia. He was the first Indian who had un-
derstood the American freedom fight and France revo-
lution in the true sense. He had interest in those for-
eigners who sacrificed their lives for the sake of inde-
He was the first Indian who gave the correct direc-
tion to the country and the society. He had brought
magnificent changes in social and political life. His mind
and soul was filled with Indian patriotism. A wise, pure
hearted and intelligent patriot and social reformer like
him are born once in ages. His life is like a pillar of light
for all Indians.
-Suniti Mund
Lala Lajpat Rai was known as Lion
of Punjab. He was indeed the lion not only
for Punjab but entire India. His voice was
like soon of a lion. The British government
used to shiver with the roar of Lala Lajpat
Rai just like the wild animals of forest do
with the roar of lion.
Lalaji was born on 28
January 1865
in Jagraon village of Ludhiana district. His
father was Radhakrishna and mother was Gulab Devi.
The thoughts of parents played an important role
in character building of young Lajpat Rai. He once
wrote I have inherited generosity, truthfulness and
helping nature from my mother. The religious nature
developed inside me due to her. My father has played
equally important role in building my life. I have gained
patriotism and sacrificing nature for the country from
him. Both, my father and mother have been my Gurus.
Lalaji obtained his primary education from his fa-
ther. He was a sharp student with good intelligence and
used to stand first in his class. He passed out middle
school with good marks at the age of 13 years. He
obtained very good marks and was qualified for schol-
Lalaji passed his high school examination in 1880.
He went to Lahore for his graduation after completing
high school. He passed both intermediate and law ex-
aminations in 1885. He was very studious and hard
working student.
He started his practice in Hisar (Haryana). He
opened school for weak students and vocational school
for women. He went to Lahore and continued his prac-
tice and simultaneously joined the freedom struggle. He
earned both name and fame as a lawyer in Lahore along
with lot of wealth.
Lalaji used to say, Youth of India, mother India is
being tortured by foreigners. Be strong and free the
mother India from foreign rule.
India was hit by famine on one side and plague on
the other side in 1896-97. Millions of people died due to
this. Lalaji contributed a lot with the help of
society. He boldly condemned Christians
against conversion and stopped it.
He went to England in 1905 along with
the dignitaries and gave speeches for Indias
independence. He also wrote several ar-
ticles. He expressed in front of the nation
that freedom cannot be gained by asking
or pleading. A physical struggle was nec-
essary in order to gain it. The leaders of this party were
with Lokmanya Tilak.
He strongly spoke during the congress conference
in 1906 and said that we have to get rid of this begging
nature. He also started a revolution on the question of
taxation on farmers in Punjab. As a result, Lalaji was
asked to leave the country and sent to Mandla jail.
Muslim league was involved in communal riots in
1925. It was also demanding Indias division. Lalaji de-
cided to unite Hindus in order to stop this division. Hindu
Mahasabha was formed with his inspiration. Lalaji also
worked to stop untouchability and women education.
Simon commission was set up in India in 1928.
Congress passed a resolution and declared boycott of
Simon commission. It was opposed and boycotted
through meetings and processions wherever it went.
The commission reached Lahore station on 30
ber 1928, a large crowd gathered outside the station to
boycott it. Lalaji was the leader of this group.
Police stopped the procession outside and suddenly
started lathicharge. A white soldier hit Lalaji on the or-
ders of Police chief Sanders. Lalaji was hurt on his
chest and he fell down. On being hurt by British sol-
diers, Lalaji said, the sticks that are hurting my body
will work like nails downfall of British rule.
Lalaji was immediately taken to the hospital and
lots of efforts were made to save his life. But, all in
vain. He left this world forever on 17
November 1928
and the lion that used to roar, became silent forever.
The efforts and sacrifices made by Lalaji to free
India will always be remembered by Indians and in-
spire us towards patriotism.
28 January: Lala Lajpat Rai Anniversary
A very small Endeavour started under the name
of Divya Yog Mandir Trust with the aim of providing a
disease free, peaceful and healthy life has today become
the center of faith for millions of people to reap the
benefits of good health and express their love for the
Patanjali health centers have been started at national
level with the objective of providing good health to the
citizens of this country. The people need not travel upto
Hardwar for the purpose of treatment. All the centers of
the ashram are running in different cities and offering
health services to the people. The qualified ayurvedic
doctors are providing free consultation to the patients
suffering from curable and incurable diseases. All the
medicines (at same price) of the ashram are available at
these centers. Apart from medicines, ashram literature,
CDs, VCDs and Yog Sandesh magazine are also available.
We are publishing the contact points of our centers for
the benefit of the general public.
1. Andhra Pradesh: 1. Adilabad, M: 09423702333, 2.
Badi Chawdi, Hyderabad, Ph: 040-24735946, 3.
Langar House, Hyderabad, M: 09441076855, 4.
Tarnaka, Secunderabad, M: 9490313580, 5.
Hyderabad, M: 09490313580, 6. Ameerpet,
Hyderabad, M: 09618010106, 7. Dilsukh Nagar,
Hyderabad, M: 09866064716, 8. A.S.Rao Nagar,
ECIL, Hyderabad, M: 09866473009, 9. Ramnagar,
Hyderabad, M: 09948424365, 10. Sangareddy, Medak,
M: 09000009059, 11. Vijayawada, Krishna Dist, M:
09000009054, 12. Mehboob Nagar, M: 09441167067,
13. Nizamabad, M: 09246782555, 14. Kalilwadi,
Nizamabad, M: 09000009061, 15. Sellar-22,
Secunderabad, M: 09440952684, 16. Vishakhapatnam,
M: 09490807512, 17. Purana Gajuwala, M:
2. Assam: 1. Nr. Central Bank, Barpeta, M:
09435123594 2.Boigoan, Ph: 03664-230934, 3.
Dibrugarh, M: 09435031987, 4. Dhubari, M:
09954092126, 5. Kacheri Raod, Golpara, m:
09435737336, 6. Dispur, Guwahati, M: 09864062661,
Ph: 0361-2229159, 7. Guwahati, M: 09954710807,
8.Kamrup Metro, Guwahati, M: 09957199411, 9.
Jorhat, M: 09435844839, 10. Karimgunj, M:
09435074560, 11. Kokrajhar, M: 09435026515, 12.
Main Road, Mangaldoi, M: 09864267401, 13. Main
road, Morigoan, M: 09435317534, 14. Marwadi Patti,
Nagoan, M: 09435060016, 15. N.T.Road, North
Lakhimpur, M: 09435084673, 16. Amullapati, sibsagar,
M: 09435056207, 17. PWD Road, Silture, Kachar, Ph:
03842-231999,18. Tejpur, Sonitpur, M: 09864541111,
19. Tinsukia, M: 09435335666.
3. Bihar: 1. Shahjahanand Nagar, Begusarai, M:
09835064517 , 2. Khalifa Bagh, Bhagalpur, M:
09334286034, 3. Badi Chowk, Ara, Bhojpur, M:
09430622667, 4. Motihari, East Champaran, M:
09955511608 , 5. Betia West Champaran, M:
09334666858 , 6. Gaya, M: 09334863037 , 7.
Jahanabad, M: 09334343019, 8. Katihar, M:
09709697004, 9. Madhubani, M: 09470031001, 10.
Bus Stand, Golambar, Mujjafarpur, M: 09835071604,
11. Dhanpur, Patna, M: 09308150309 , 12. Patna, Ph:
9931102523, 13, Purnia, M: 09308203772 , 14. Raxol,
East Champaran, M: 09905212882 , 15. Saharsa, M:
09430965047, 16. Samastipur, M: 09431208642, 17.
Sitamarhi, M: 09835049755, 18, Hajipur, Vaishali, M:
4. Chattisgarh: 1. Bastar, M: 09424281238 , 2. Bhilai,
M: 09425245593, 3. Bilaspur, M: 09425583197 , 4.
Dhamatari, M: 09406084790 , 5. Durg, M:
09893865010 , 6. Janjgir Champa, M: 09425223286,
7. Jashpur, M: 09425275600, 8, Korba, M:
09826111738, 9. Mahasamund, M: 09752094819, 10.
Raigarh, M: 09406377777, 11. Ring Road, Raipur, M:
09389119099, 12. Samata Colony, Raipur, Ph: 0771-
4020983, 13. Shankar Nagar, Raipur, M: 09329482700,
14. Rajnandgoan, M: 09827181617, 15. Sarguja, M:
5. Chandigarh: 1. Chandigarh, Ph: 0172&6535156,
2. Sector 45-C, Chandigarh, M: 09417059821
6. Daman & Diu: 1. Daman, M: 09228757365
7. Delhi: 1. Mayur Vihar, New Delhi, M: 09350233882
, 2. Burari, Delhi-84, M: 09811663038, 3. Dwarka,
New Delhi, M: 09811211785 , 4. Dwarka-Kakrola
Road, Delhi, M: 09818274240 , 5. Greater Kailash -1,
New Delhi-48, M: 09811526515 , 6. Harinagar, Delhi,
M: 09811444809 , 7. Lakshmibai Nagar, New Delhi-
23, M: 09810015266, 8. Mahipalpur, New Delhi-37,
M: 09899924290 , 9. Mahroli, New Delhi-30, Ph:
26806693 , 10. Model Town, Delhi, Ph: 27224985, 11.
Munirka, New Delhi, M: 09582148994, 12. Naya
Bazaar, Ph: 23985167, 13. New Rajendra Nagar, Delhi,
Ph: 42411100, 14. Lampur Mor, Narela, Delhi, M:
09868535111, 15. Mamurpur Mohalla, Narela, Delhi,
16. Nazafgarh, New Delhi, M: 09871020444, 17. Near
Uttam Nagar, Delhi, M: 9910182525, 18. New Friends
Colony, New Delhi, M: 09650033881, 19. Paschim
Vihar, New Delhi, Ph: 011-64603973, 20. Preet Vihar,
Delhi, Ph: 22548254, 21. Kohat Enclave, Pitampura,
Delhi, M: 09891974743/44, 22. Rajori Garden, New
Delhi, M: 09212509673, 23. Samaypur, Delhi-42, M:
09899996960, 24. Sarita Vihar, New Delhi-76, Ph:
26977777/8, 25. Shahdara, Delhi, M: 9311139098, 26.
Vivek Vihar, Delhi, M: 09873183337
8. Goa: 1. Mapusa, Goa, Ph: 0832-2266424, 2. Upper
Bazaar, Ponda, Goa, M: 09766621189
9. Gujarat: 1. Anand, M: 9427054031, 2. Bharuch, M:
09428329027, 3. Bapunagar, Ahmedabad, M:
09428479899, 4. Maninagar, Ahmedabad, M:
09428076578, 5. Paldi, Ahmedabad, M: 09898225311,
6. Sabarmati, Ahmedabad, M: 09724336806, 7.
Sanand, Ahmedabad, M: 09374226256, 8. Satyam
Mall, Ahmedabad, M: 09825396900, 9. Shahi Bagh,
Ahmedabad, M: 09825549661, 10.Banaskantha, M:
09925047338, 11. Baroda, Alkapuri, M: 09898702548,
12. Manjalpur, Baroda, M: 09428151333, 13.
Bhavnagar, M: 09898201194, 14. Bhuj, Kutch, Ph:
02832-255335, 15. Gandhi Market, Gandhidham,
Kutch, M: 09426454902, 16. Tagore Road,
Gandhidham, Kutch, M: 09909005268, 17, Nadiad,
Kheda, M: 09825472915, 18. Nakhtarana, Kutch, M:
09898612295, 19. Bilimora, M: 09427469333, 20.
Himmatnagar, M: 9426361816, 21. Junagarh, M:
09898071158, 22. Mehsana, M: 09426405519, 23.
Station Raod, Patan, M: 09601289254, 24. Rajkot, Ph:
0281-223223, M: 09426987888, 25. Bhatar Road,
Surat, M: 9827460059, 26. Deepa Complex, Surat,
M: 9979869998, 27. Varacha, Surat, M: 09375620300,
28. City Light, Surat, M: 09375620700, 29.
Surendranagar, M: 09426233388, 30. Vapi, M:
10.Himachal Pradesh: 1. Bilaspur, M: 09425583197,
2. Hamirpur, M: 01972221797, 3. Mehre, Hamirpur,
M: 09816688072, 4. Dharmashala, Kangra, M:
09418234000, 5. Kangra, M: 09816120109, 6. Kullu,
M: 09817082310, 7. Lahol Sfiti, M: 09418574366, 8.
Jawahar Nagar, Mandi, M: 09816351133, 9. Mandi,
Ner Chowk, M: 09418042540, 10, Sarkaghat, Mandi,
M: 09418805394, 11. Nalagarh, M: 09416274893, 12.
Nehran Pukhar, Kangda, M: 09811031069, 13.
Palampur, M: 09816726064, 14. Diyog, Shimla, M:
09459089435, 15. Nichli Phagli, Shimla, M:
09816254479, 16. Rampur Bushehar, Shimla, M:
09418152025, 17. Talant, Shimla, M: 09218533333,
18. Solan, M: 09218533333, 19. Parvanu, Solan, M:
09218633333, 20. Una, M: 09418043126
11.Haryana: 1. Bahadurgarh, M: 09315520980, 2.
Bhiwani, Ph: 01664-242253, 3. Ambala Cantt. Ph:
0171-2633064, 4. Ambala city, M: 09813852392, 5.
Faridabad, M: 09311268177, 6. Sector-37, M:
09818399047, 7. Palval, Faridabad, M: 09868361275,
8. Fatehabad, M: 09315381356, 9. Friends Colony,
Gurgoan, M: 09911220500, 10. Arya Samaj Mandir,
Hisar, M: 09896170938, 11. Shop No. 24, SD College
Road, Near SBI Hansi, Hisar, M: 09255103637, 12.
Jhanjhar, M: 09315520980, 13. Old Bus Stand,
Jhanjhar, M: 09416529511, 14. Old Bus Stand, Jhanjhar,
M: 09416529511, 15. HUDA Complex, Jind, M:
09416774685, 16. Govind Colony, Kaithal, M:
09813219136, 17. Opp. Naikhaniya Bldg. Kaithal, M:
09812040507, 18. Karnal, M: 09896347831, 19.
Kurukshetra, M: 09416026571, 20. Mahendragarh, Ph:
01282-205003, 21. Panchkula, M: 09417042837, 22.
Sector-21, Panchkula, M: 09872228000, 22. Panipat,
Ph: 0180-3201230, 24. Sector -12, Panipat, M:
09215539094, 25. Rivadi, M: 09416499887, 26. Shila
Bypass Chowk, Rohtak, M: 09416312445, 27. DLF
Colony, Rohtak, M: 09416401037, 28. Vinay Nagar,
Rohtak, Ph: 01262-266292, 29. Bhadra Bazaar, Sirsa,
M: 09254121545, 30. Mahlana Chowk, Sonipat, M:
09466569636, 31. Sector-14, Sonipat, Ph: 0130-
6451642, 32. Jagadhari, Yamunanagar, M:
09355321415, 33. Prof. colony, Yamunanagar, M:
09896880051, 34. Near Nirankari Chowk,
Yamunanagar, M: 09416459506
12.Jammu & Kashmir: 1. Purani Mandi, Jammu, M:
09419193602, 2. Jammutavi, M: 09419893360, 3.
Udhampur, M: 9469093542, 4. Kathua, M:
13.Jharkhand: 1. Bokaro Steel City, M: 09334783470,
2. Bokaro, Sector-4, M: 09431128267, 3. Devgarh,
M: 9431003654, 4. Dhanbad, Ph: 0326-2224447, 5.
Bhagalpur Road, Dumka, M: 09431367636, 6. Godda,
M: 09939163678, 7. Bansilal chowk, Hazaribagh, M:
09308731352, 8. Jamshedpur, Ph: 0657-3297260, 9.
Mango, Jamshedpur, M: 09204485892, 10. Ramgarh,
M: 09934300002, 11. Ranchi, M: 09931102522, 12.
Chibasa, Singhbhum (East), M: 09431932731, 13.
Adityapur, Saraikala, Kharsava, M: 09431183825
14.Karnataka: 1. Bangalore, Ph: 080-26768560, 2. HRS
Layout, M: 09448492814, 3. Indira Nagar, Bangalore,
M: 09008200344, 4. Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore, M:
0974074025, 5. Malleshwaram, Bangalore, M:
09342886181, 6. K.h.b. Colony, Bidar, M:
09449274690, 7. Mathikhare, Bangalore, M:
09880996422, 8. Tilakwadi, Belgam, 9. Hospet, M:
09448120443, 10. Hubli, Ph: 0836-2237511/12, 11.
Mangalore, Ph: 0824-2211040, 12. Mysore, M:
15.Manipur: 1. Imphal, M: 09436027817
16.Meghalaya: 1. Shilong, M: 09436100482, 2. Police
Bazaar, Shilong, M: 09436101262
17.Maharashtra: 1. Navipet, Ahmednagar, M:
09372416555, 2. Opp. Tarakpur Bus Stand,
Ahmednagar, M: 09420344777, 3. Shriram,
Ahmednagar, M: 09822806349, 4. Behind Nishant
tower, SG Road, Akola, M: 9373220021, 5. Near LRT
College, Ratanlal Plot, Akola, M: 09822699398, 6.
Amaravati, M: 09823651112, 7. Aurangabad, M:
09822391825, 8. Sidco, Aurangabad, M: 09673216869,
9. Beed, M: 09822670053, 10. Parli-Vaijyanath, Beed,
M: 09822503465, 11. Bhandara, M: 09422804236, 12.
Buldana, M: 09860555034, 13. Khamgoan, Buldana,
M: 09822699398, 14. Nandura, Buldana, M:
09890519051, 15. Dhulia, M: 09421531300, 16. Lane
No: 6, Dhulia, M: 09823695054, 17. Garhchiroli, M:
09421808129, 18. Gorelal Chowk, Gondia, Ph: 07182-
231314, 19. Hingoli, M: 09860555034, 20. Chandrapur,
Ph: 07172-258283, 21. Bhusaval, Jalgoan, M:
09326190209, 22. Jilapeth, Jalgoan, M: 09823156748,
23. Jalgoan, M: 09422772126, 24. Jalna, M:
09823068050, 25. Shahpuri, Kolhapuri, M:
09226340955, 26. Ichalkaranji, Kolhapur, M:
09860808048, 27. Rajarampuri, Kolhapur, M:
09226340955, 28. Latur, M: 09421445577, 29. Udgeer,
Latur, M: 09422471525, 30. Andheri (E), Mumbai, Ph:
022-32954412, 31. Andheri (W), Mumbai, M:
09322328094, 32. Bandra (East), Mumbai, M:
09892261817, 33. Borivili (E), Mumbai, M:
09819811471, 34. Chembur, Mumbai, M:
009821211177, 36. Dahisar (E), Mumbai, M:
09820275929, 37. Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai, Ph: 022-
32408989, 38. Goregoan (W), Mumbai, M:
09820350049, 39. Kandivili (E), Mumbai, M:
09325950070, 40. Lalbaug, Mumbai, M: 09322590678,
41. Marine Lines, Mumbai, Ph: 022-66396525, 42.
Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Ph: 022-67214071, 43. Sector-
28, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, Ph: 09819856592, 44.
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, M: 09324224881, 45. Worli,
Mumbai, M: 09821118765, 46. Dr. A.B.Road, Worli,
Mumbai, M: 09821118765, 47. Bhandup (W), Mumbai,
M: 09969543668, 48. Ambedkar Chowk, Nagpur, Ph:
0712-2778283, 49. Suyog Nagar, Nagpur, M:
09422804236, 50. Lokmat Bhavan, Nagpur, Ph: 0712-
2448283, 51. Railway Road, Nagpur, M: 09001792910,
52. Sadar, Nagpur, Ph: 0712-2528182, 53. Station Road,
Nanded, M: 09823068808, 54. Shivaji Nagar, Nanded,
M: 09423702333, 55. Malegoan, Nasik, M:
09371255588, 56. Tikdi colony, Nasik, Ph: 0253-
6990208, 57. Parbhani, M: 09403525301, 58. Aundh,
Pune, M: 09822025236, 59. Baramati, Pune, M:
09422331597, 60. Chinchwad, Pune, M: 09850453774,
61. Hadpasar, Pune, M: 09822437298, 62. Kasarwadi,
Pune, M: 09272109737, 63. Nana Peth, Pune, M:
09890581884, 64. Pimpri, Pune, M: 09823320060, 65.
Rastapeth, Pune, M: 09371006718, 66. Gulistan Pune
College Road, Pune, M: 09372583838, 67. Prabhat
Road, Pune, M: 09823082341, 68. Pune Nagar Road,
Pune, M: 09371000367, 69. Alibaug, Raigarh, M:
09822832378, 70. Panvel, Raigarh, M: 09224273173,
71. Sangli, M: 09372141415, 72. Vishram Bagh, Sangli,
M: 09422615570, 73. Karad, Satara, M: 02164-230126,
74. Sore Goan, Sholapur, M: 09822079039,
09970916089, 75. Dutt Chowk, Sholapur, M:
09823025501, 76. Kudal, Sindhdurg, M: 09421261352,
77. Ratnagiri, M: 09422966106, 78. Biwandi, Thane,
Ph: 02522-248729, 79. Dombivali (E), Thane, M:
09324024343, 80. Navapada, Thane, M: 09823121738,
81. Tendi Naka, Thane (W), M: 09320615412, 82.
Ullasnagar, Thane, M: 09881356126, 82. Vagale Estate,
Thane, M: 09324023024, 84. Vaile Nagar, Kalyan (W),
M: 09987043484, 85. Vashim, M: 09422522749, 86.
Arni Road, Yavatmal, Ph: 07232-327743, 87.
Dhamangoan Road, Yavatmal, M: 09421845067, 88.
Ingole chowk, Wardha, M: 9372854555, 89. Bachelor
Road, Wardha, M: 09325653177
18.Madhya Pradesh: 1. New Market, Bhopal, Ph: 0755-
6454990, 2. Kolar Road, Bhopal, M: 09752591900, 3.
Balaghat, M: 09300626243, 4. Betul, M: 09425002724,
5. Bhind, M: 09826761407, 6. Burhanpur, M:
09669911262, 7. Chatarpur, M: 09893327808, 8.
Chindwada, M: 09425834141, 9. Damoh, M:
09425455434, 10. Rajgarh Crossing, Datiya, M:
09752591920, 11. Devas, M: 09424874397, 12. Guna,
Ph: 07542-254548, 13. Lashkar, Gwalior, M:
09425120280, 14. Vivek Nagar, Gwalior, Ph: 0751-
2237112, 15. Avasthi Compound, Harda, M:
09977970643, 16. Hoshangabad, M: 09827513029, 17.
Indore, M: 09302120554, 18. Anand Bazaar, Khajrana
Road, Indore, M: 09752975147, 19. Jabalpur, Ph: 0761-
6451291, 20. Katni, M: 09425412630, 21. Khandwa,
M: 09425927931, 22. Khargon, M: 09425313567, 23.
Mandla, M: 09993881531, 24. Murena, M:
09752591934, 25. Panna, M: 09977351967, 26.
Rajgarh, M: 09752591901, 27. Ratlam, M:
09893330555, 28. Riva, M: 09827329630, 29. Civil
Lines, Sagar, M: 09826365611, 30. Jhanda Chowk,
Gopal Gunj, Sagar, M: 09329238999, 31. Satna, M:
09425173657, 32. Kamla Shri Plaza, Shajapur, M:
09752591907, 33. Sivni, M: 09425873745, 34. Shahdol,
M: 09752591942, 35. Freegunj, Ujjain, M:
19.Nagaland: 1. Jinendra Tower, Dimapur, M:
09436019729, 2. Sikosi Bldg. Dimapur, M: 9436007288
20.Orissa: 1. Shankar cinema Road, Angul, M:
09861080789, 2. Balasor, Ph: 006782-262812, 3.
Bargarh, M: 09777433044, 4. Behrampur, M:
09437122776, 5. Bhadrak, M: 09437297497, 6.
Gautam Nagar, Bhuvaneshwar, M: 09437231424, 7.
Rasoolgunj, Bhuvaneshwar, M: 09438734568, 8. IRC
Village, Bhuvaneshwar, M: 09937929834, 9. Bolangir,
M: 09437124211, 10. Kaushal Kalamandal Road,
Bolangir, M: 09437570677, 11. Chodawar, Katak, M:
09437666028, 12. Bajarkabati Road, Cuttack, M:
09438369660, 13. Rajendra Nagar, Madhupatna,
Cuttack, M: 09437016323, 14. Jajpur, M: 09437027310,
15. Jharsuguda, M: 09937728187, 16. Kalahandi, M:
09437070764, 17. Khurda, M: 09437480348, 18.
Koraput, M: 9437236687, 19. Baripada, Mayurgunj,
M: 09437320079, 20. Nayagarh, M: 09438362035, 21.
Nuvapada, M: 09437119634, 22. Ground Road, Puri,
M: 09437000060, 23. Chind Colony, Rourkela, M:
09437248788, 24. Mangal Bhavan, Rourkela, M:
09861310003, 25. Sambalpur, M: 09438150381, 26.
Sundargarh, M: 09937677994
21.Punjab: 1. Amritsar, M: 09814808121, 2. Tarantaran,
Amritsar, M: 09915045404, 3. Laurence Road,
Amritsar, M: 09417253060, 4. Barnala, Ph:
001679&234461, 5. Bhatinda, Bharat Nagar, M:
09316074066, 6. Kot Kapura, Faridkot, M:
09417582111, 7. Firojpur, M: 09855649490, 8.
Gurdaspur, M: 09814575387, 9. Hoshiarpur, M:
09463024851, 10. Nakader Chowk, Jalandhar, M:
09417540510, 11. Shahkot, Jalandhar, M:
09815188103, 12. Shri Devi Talab Mandir Charitable
Hospital, Jalandhar, M: 09417006231, 13. Kapurthala,
Ph: 01822-325438, 14. Khanna, M: 09878992927, 15.
CSF, Khanna, M: 09878992927, 16. CN Tower, Link
Road, Ludhiana, M: 09878992927, 17. Civil Lines,
Ludhiana, M: 09878506023, 18. Nr. Shringar Cinema,
Ludhiana, M: 09988005756, 19. Raikot, Ludhiana, M:
09357535333, 20. Mansa, M: 09217290767, 21.
Muktasar, M: 09815962929, 22. Moga, M:
09988337227, 23. Mohali, M: 09417042837, 24.
Navashaher, M: 09814880088, 25. Pathankot, M:
09216440999, 26. Patiala, M: 09417015804, 27. New
Officers Colony, Patiala, M: 09878901185, 28. Nabha,
Patiala, M: 09417158861, 29. Phagwara, M:
09872217062, 30. Ropar, M: 09876464417, 31. Dhuri
Gate Road, Sangrur, M: 09217223442, 32. Patiala
Gate, Sangrur, M: 09855853245, 33. Gita Bhavan
Road, Sunam, Sangrur, M: 09463676768
22.Rajasthan: 1. Ajmer, M: 09829523111, 2. Tej Mandi,
Alwar, M: 09414017756, 3. Bus stand Road, Alwar,
M: 09414401321, 4. Gud Mandi, Bhadra, M:
09413536955, 5. Banswada, M: 09414567567, 6.
Baran, M: 09928382139, 7. Balotra, Barmer, M:
09460461427, 8. Bharatpur, M: 09414715377, 9.
Bhilwada, M: 09414115423, 10. Bundi, M:
09414176312, 11. Sardulgunj, Bikaner, M:
09413557138, 12. Rani Bazaar, Bikaner, M:
09252063246, 13. Kumbh Nagar, Chittorgarh, M:
09799498466, 14. Churu, M: 09414399010, 15. Dosa,
M: 09414821189, 16. Dungurpur, M: 09460022133, 17.
Hanumargarh Town, M: 09214025874, 18. Kotputli,
Jaipur, M: 09414823635, 19. Nathdwara Marg,
Kankroli, M: 09414757552, 20. Mansarovar, Jaipur,
M: 09414821188, 21. Nr. Sindhi Camp, Jaipur, M:
09414071022, 22. Sanganeri Gate, Jaipur, M:
09829064334, 23. Sanganer, Jaipur, M: 09414071022,
24. Tonk Road, Jaipur, M: 09414053776, 25. Jhotwada,
Jaipur, M: 09314138001, 26. Gopa Chowk, Jaisalmer,
M: 09461533296, 27. Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, M:
09413236785, 28. Vidyadharnagar, Jaipur, M:
09461664099, 29. Jalor, M: 09413502428, 30. Jhunjhun,
M: 09950893550, 31. Jodhpur, M: 09829598255, 32.
Hindon city, Karoli, M: 9414307941/42, 33. Kota, M:
09414406430, 34. Vinayak complex, Nayapura, Kota,
M: 09799498452, 35. Didwana, Nagaur, M:
09460891833, 36. Railway Road, Nagaur, M:
09413647413, 37. Sumerpur, Pali, M: 09829504787,
38. Pratagarh, M: 09414396892, 39. Rajasmand, M:
09414169792, 40. Abu Road, Sirohi, M: 09414154042,
41. Nr. Birbal Chowk, Shriganganagar, M:
09414094874, 42. Sikar, M: 09413463177, 43. Durga
Nursery Road, Udaipur, M: 09351324806, 44. Surajpol,
Udaipur, M: 09829326446
23.Sikkim: 1. Gangtok, Sikkim, M: 09434029507
24.Tamilnadu:1. Agmore, Chennai, M: 09283234444,
2. Annanagar, Chennai, Ph: 0442-6285666, M:
9884048380, 3. Maylapura, Chennai, M: 09003074296,
4. Coimbatore, M: 09363102488 5. Johnson Pet,
Salem, M: 09944127744
25.Tripura: 1. Agartala, M: 09436126559, 2. Sarasima,
Beloniya, Ph: 03823-222427, 3. Teliyamura, M:
26.Uttarakhand: 1. Almora, M: 09410158495, 2.
Dehradun, Ph: 0135-6456898, 3. Ballarpur Chowk,
Dehradun, M: 09219280321, 4. Vikasnagar, Dehradun,
M: 09411192708, 5. Haldwani, Nainital, M:
09837023498, 6. Mallital, Nainital, M: 09412084037,
7. Pithoragarh, M: 09897089882, 8. Roorkee, M:
09897046386, 9. Kashipur, Udhamsingh Nagar, M:
09917384346, 10. Lalpur, Udhamsingh Nagar, M:
09760095146, 11. Rudrapur, Udhamsingh Nagar, M:
27.Uttar Pradesh: 1. Kamla Nagar, Agra, M:
09897007181, 2. Barah Khambha Road, Agra, M:
09897500500, 3. Sector 16-B, Agra, M: 09897327755,
4. Aligarh, M: 09359512771, 5. Ambedkar Nagar, M:
09919567035, 6. Narayanpur, Orayya, M:
09760095207, 7. Delite Bhavan chowk, Azamgarh,
M: 09415208437, 8. Kurmi Tola, Azamgarh, M:
09415208163, 9. Kareli Bagh Colony, Allahabad, M:
09335137703, 10. RamBagh, Allahabad, M:
09415236885, 11. Balia, M: 09451551467, 12.
Barabanki, M: 09415007404, 13. Bareili, M:
09411091083, 14. Basti, M: 09415037104, 15.Bijnor,
M: 09837392151, 16. Bulandshehar, M: 09456250215,
17. Devaria, M: 09889665041, 18. Eta, M:
09760095109, 19. Itava, M: 09760095209, 20. Faizabad,
M: 09451205999, 21. Khyali Ram Memorial Society,
Hospital Road, Fatehgarh, Farukhhabad, M:
9450005482, 22. Firozabad, M: 09837369291, 23.
Patelnagar, Ghaziabad, M: 09871161867, 24. Sector-
10, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad, M: 0120&2822285, 25.
Vaishali, Ghaziabad, M: 09899522277, 26. Gajipur, Ph:
0548&2220024, 27. Gorakhpur, M: 09839820080, 28.
Jail Road, Gorakhpur, M: 09451049610, 29. Greater
Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, M: 09910407269, 30.
Greater Noida, Gautam budh Nagar, M: 09891408721,
31. Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar, M:
09891408721, 32. Hapur, M: 9312633918, 33. Hardai,
Ph: 05852-221616, 34. Jaunpur, M: 09935853010, 35.
Jhansi, M: 09889810037, 36. Amroha, J.P.Nagar, M:
09412144550, 37. Hanuman Mandir Road, Kanpur,
M: 09336102101, 38. Aradhana Complex, Kanpur, M:
09336102101, 39. Saket Nagar, Kanpur, M:
09336247517, 40. Vishnupuri, Kanpur, M:
09336206670, 41. Kasgunj, Kashiram Nagar, M:
09412896921, 42. Lakhimpur Khiri, M: 09451904034,
43. Gomtinagar, Lucknow, 44. Lal Kuan, Lucknow,
M: 09839640205, 45. Rajajipuram, Lucknow, Ph: 0522-
3294398, 46. Vikas Nagar, Lucknow, Ph: 0522-
2738555, 47. Mathura, M: 09412727288, 48. Mau, M:
09336312446, 49. Hanuman Ghat Road, Mau, M:
09450757698, 50. Meerut, M: 09897044107, 51.
Modinagar, M: 09837371444, 52. Chandausi,
Muradabad, M: 09411009512, 53. Muradabad, M:
09927069521, 54. Kanth Road, Muradabad, M:
09927069521, 55. Mujjafarnagar, M: 09359317793, 56.
Chowk Bazaar, Nazibabad, M: 09837383914, 57.
Sector-26, Noida, M: 09811688223, 58. Sector-34,
Noida, M: 09837094135, 59. Sector-8, Noida, M:
09910032999, 60. Urai, M: 09935848332, 61.
Pratapgarh, M: 09839029569, 62. Raibarieli, M:
09839129116, 63. Gopigunj, Sant Ravidas Nagar
(Bhadoi), M: 09415449486, 64. Saharanpur, M:
09411959905, 65. Raiwala, Saharanpur,M:
09897277411, 66. Sant Kabir Nagar, M: 09936248265,
67. Shahjahanpur, M: 09451645099, 68. Sitapur, M:
9235736718, 69. Renukoot, Sonbhadra, M:
9453324857, 70. Robertsgunj, Sonbhadra, M:
09415679062, 71. Sultanpur, M: 09451494301, 72.
Unnav, M: 09450365426, 73. Sigra, Varanasi, Ph: 0542-
221062, 74. Durgakund Road, Varanasi, M:
28.West Bengal: 1. Bankura, M: 09333470014, 2.
Rampurhat, Birbhum, M: 09434326580, 3. Asansol,
Bardwan, M: 09474122128, 4. Burdwan, M:
09332100418, 5. Burnpur, Burdwan, M: 09333469723,
6. Bone Masjid, Burdwan, M: 09732049803, 7.
Durgapur, Burdwan, M: 09434002234, 8. Ranigunj,
Burdwan, M: 09434002234, 9. Coochbihar, M:
09434748722, 10. South Dinajpur, M: 09434120786,
11. Raigunj, North Dinajpur, M: 09434247288, 12. Hugli,
M: 09831296592, 13. Uttarpada, Hugli, M:
09433195993, 14. Tarkeshwar, Hugli, M: 09732970544,
15.Karimpur, Nadia, M: 09434949776, 16. Nadia,
Krishnanagar, M: 09434343094, 17. Pradhan Nagar,
siliguri, M: 09832066480, 18. Burdwan Road, Siliguri,
M: 09832041418, 19. Howrah, Ph: 0033-32421357,
20. Howrah, Shivpur, M: 09339077018, 21. Alipurdwar,
M: 09679479500, 22. Baligunj Palace, East Kolkata-
19, M: 09883017969, 23. CIT Scheme, Ultadanga,
Kolkata, M: 09331260507, 24. Chittaranjan Avenue,
Kolkata-73, M: 09830665005, 25. Dumdum, Kolkata,
M: 09433532864, 26. Green Park Avenue, Kolkata,
M: 09830816114, 27. Parvati Ghosh Lane, Kolkata-
07, M: 09330105000, 28. Chinar Park, Kolkata, Ph:
033-27116454, 29. Bentinck Street, Kolkata -1, M:
09007789242, 30. New Alipur, Kolkata, M:
09007789242, 31. Barasat, 24 Paragana, M:
09830325795, 32. Bagoan, North 24 Paragana, M:
09230096321, 33. Baraipur, 24 Paragana, M:
09831832733, 34. Kancharapara, 24 Paragana, M:
09331022220, 35. Shyamnagar, 24 Paragana (North),
M: 09331036752, 36. East Midnapur, M: 09932208029,
37. Malda, M: 09434981127, 38. Murshidabad, M:
09932488979, 39. Shrirampur, M: 09433061901
29.Nepal: 1. Kathmandu, Ph: 00977-1-4674666, 2.
Rupandehi, Butwal, Ph: 00977-71-544714, 3. Kaski,
Pokhra, Ph: 00977-9856027826
Construction of Houston International Yog and
Research Center will begin from next summer
Yog will be established in the whole world within
25 years Swami Ramdev
Invitation to citizens of USA to become mem-
bers of Patanjali Yogpeeth
Revered Swami Ramdev Maharaj addressed the
trustees, board members, advisors, members and Yog
teachers of Patanjali Yogpeeth at Houston, USA and
declared that the construction of International Yog and
Research Center Houston will begin from next sum-
mer. The cost of construction of first phase of this cen-
ter would be to the tune of Rs. 50 crores. Swami Ji
expressed hope that citizens of Houston and America
will donate generously for this cause and become mem-
bers of the center.
Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj was welcomed at the
Swami Narayan Temple at Stafford near Houston.
Revered Swami Ji explained about all the eight types of
pranayam at Yog camp and also demonstrated in front
of the people. He said that different types of asana and
pranayam are recommended for different diseases.
Swami Ji said that Yog is a life style and also a health
building system. Yog keeps us healthy and removes
stress and provides peace of mind along with spiritual
progress. He said that stress is the reason for most of
the diseases.
Swami Ji Maharaj said that Yog will be established
in the whole world in next 25 years. The representative
of Texas State, Al Edward will raise the subject of in-
cluding Yog in school curriculum in the next session.
Edward said that he will encourage the proposal to
include Yog education in public schools of Texas.
Vandana Jaiswal, Yog teacher of Oklahoma City said
that we are remembering whatever we have learnt at
Revered Swami Ji addressed the people present in
a Yog camp organized on the occasion of Deepawali
and said that the lamps lighted in this festival denote the
victory of truth over false and the return of Shri Rama
to Ayodhya. Swami Ji said that everybody should make
their bodies like Ayodhya and inculcate the divine quali-
ties of Shri Rama in their hearts. Truth and false al-
ways exist together. Man should always be with truth.
Revered Swami Ji said that Yog makes the body and
mind healthy.
It needs to be mentioned that 94 acres of land has
been proposed for Yog and research center at
Rozenworg. Swami Ji Maharaj has performed the land
praying ceremony (Bhoomi Poojan) earlier itself.
Swami Ji inaugurated Divya Products center at 5901,
Hill craft, Shoot C-2 A, Houston Texas 77036. A vaidya
will soon be appointed at this center. Books, DVDs,
CDs and Divya Pharmacy products will also be avail-
able at the center.
The task of extending the reach of Yog and
Ayurved till the last person is commendable
Revered Swami Ji Maharaj cut the ribbon and
inaugurated Divya Products center at Houston-
World class natural cure center at Yog Gram:
Acharya Balkrishna
Governor of Mizoram, Lt. General M.M.Lakheda
said at Patanjali Yogpeeth that Swami Ramdev is using
Yog as weapon and fighting against diseases at interna-
tional level. Millions of people have become disease
free and they have got new life. Swami Ji has taken the
initiative to make the entire world healthy with Yog and
Ayurved. This is indeed commendable. The governor
shared this view after visiting Patanjali Yogpeeth and
said that people are migrating from their native places
in search of livelihood. Poverty, starvation and unem-
ployment are the national problems today and these prob-
lems are shameful for the nation. Swami Ji is trying to
overcome these problems at his own level. We have to
fight them out because nobody will come from outside
to help us.
Revered Swami Ji Maharaj has setup biggest mega
Food Park at Haridwar and has generated employment
Acharya Balkrishna Ji Maharaj garlanding
Governor of Mizoram, M.M.Lakheda at Patanjali
opportunities to people of Uttarakhand and given a spe-
cial place on the world map. Governor remembered the
past and said that I am born and brought up in
Uttarakhand, I remember this place and how could I
miss my visit to Patanjali Yogpeeth after coming here?
The Yog Ganga is flowing from this place and providing
good health to everybody. He said that including Yog
curriculum in the school syllabus will make the future
generation disease free and cultured, at the same time
it will also give them a new direction. The work that
Swami Ji Maharaj is doing is for national benefit along
with individual benefit. This will make them disease free
and healthy and give back the status of world mentor to
Acharya Balkrishna expressed his views on this
occasion that Yog, Ayurved and natural cure are being
used under the guidance of Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj.
A world class natural cure center has been established
at Yog Gram with the objective of providing good health
to people. There is a wonderful combination of tradi-
tional and new natural cure method at this center. Hon-
orable Governor inaugurated the Yog teaching and train-
ing department, Yog Sandesh department, Yog research
and development, dental treatment, radiology depart-
ment, pathology center, library, Panchakarma and re-
search department, eye and research department in the
first phase of Patanjali Yogpeeth and Divya nursery in
the second phase.
The Governor was mesmerized to see the medicinal
plants at Divya Nursery; he praised Swami Ji and
Acharya Ji for their work and said that Patanjali
Yogpeeth is indeed working for the welfare of the man-
Governor inaugurating Pathology and Research Depart-
Honorable governor gaining information about Yog
and research department along with Acharya
Balkrishna Maharaj
Yog Sandesh-English
Revered Acharya Balkrishna Ji performing yagna at Yog
Gram before the inauguration of Yog-Natural-
Panchakarma Medical and Research Center
Inauguration of Yog-Natural-Panchakarma Medical and Research Center at Yog Gram
Revered Satyamitranand Ji Maharaj, Shri Manohar Kanti
Dhyani, revered Swami Ji Maharaj and Acharya
Balkrishna Ji inaugurating Yog-Natural-Panchakarma
Medical and Research Center at Yog Gram
Revered Satyamitranand Ji Maharaj lighting the lamp at
the inauguration ceremony and other dignitaries
Revered Acharya Shri Maharaj addressing the people at
the inauguration ceremony
Yogrishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj and revered
Swami Satyamitranand Ji Maharaj talking to the
Revered Swami Ji and famous nature therapist Dr.
Nagendra Kumar Niraj at the plantation program
organized at Yog Gram
We want to associate every person with Yog and arouse the feeling of national duty in them.
We want to fill the hearts of each and every person with national spirit. We want to use our
entire energy for the national progress by practicing Yog everyday and develop our internal
self. We want to arouse the souls with Yog and take forward the pious mission of national
awareness. Questions arise in the minds of several people regarding the relation between
Yog and national development? We want to clarify that national development is a dream
without internal development. Therefore, we will develop the internal soul through Yog
and dedicate the whole day for the national development and progress. Yog duty and
national dutyare not contrarybut complimentarytoone another.
The India pride mission is to create 100 percent Yog awareness, 100 percent
organization of patriotic people, 100 percent boycott of foreign companies and promote
indigenous goods, promote 100 percent voting and 100 percent national thinking and make
India a healthy, prosperous and virtuous nation. These are the vows of the members who want to
achieve this. This will alone bring in newfreedomand newarrangement, which will make great India and put a full stop to
the corruption, which is the biggest problemof the nation. Only a yogi can remain disassociated with the greed of wealth,
power, position and luxury. Hence, it is mandatory for everyYog teacher, worker and member of this India pride mission
to be a yogi. The reason is that internal strife is created if a person is not a yogi and this leads to dishonesty, corruption,
violence, crime, insensitiveness, foolishness, unawareness, non control, impurityand lethargy.
We have started the work of nation building along with Yog awareness and associated Yog duty with national duty.
But, we have not created controversy but it is acceptance of Yog in a mighty form. We do not have any doubt, confusion,
illusion or misconception with respect to Yog duty and national duty. Our intention and principles are clear and our
objective is to unite and develop the divided India. Yog means to unite. We want to organize the whole nation through the
mediumof Yog. We want to make every individual of the nation the first yogi. When every individual of the nation will be
a yogi, then he will be a person of strong character, he will be a patriot, teacher and healer, a thoughtful chartered
accountant, he will be a hardworking politician, an aware farmer, a virtuous soldier, security personnel and policeman, a
dutiful officer, worker and labor, he will be an energetic entrepreneur and businessman, a patriot artist and journalist, a
scientist dedicated to the national interest, he will be a healthy, laborious and experienced senior citizen and a sensitive
and wise judge, legislative member because we strongly believe that national progress is not possible without self
progress. We will practice Yog ourselves and make others do it and make develop good citizens. We will make mother an
ideal mother. We will develop ideal mothers and fathers and lay the foundation of such culture and values that will give us
progeny like Rama and Krishna. Aperson who will involve in introspection through Yog will see only society, nation,
entire universe and living beings within himand then he will not deceive anybody, he will not involve in violence because
he will realize that speakinglies, practicingdishonestyanddeceivingothers is like deceivingone self.
Internal bickering is the reason for corruption, dishonesty, immorality, non governance, insensitiveness prevailing in
the country. We will reestablish the sage culture on this earth through Yog revolution and create happiness, prosperity,
peace andprogress.
India pride trust was established on 5 January 2009. Millions of Yog teachers, patriots and laborious people have
alreadygot associatedwiththis missionwithinone year. You canalsoplayanactive role inthis mission.
Swami Ramdev
FromYog duty to national duty
Printed and Published by Acharya Balkrishan on behalf of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) - Patanjali Yogpeeth,
Hardwar, Printed at Jain Offset Printer, 344 Patparganj Industrial Area, New Delhi and
Published at C-25, Model Town, Delhi Editor : Acharya Balkrishan
R.N.I. No. : DELENG / 2006 / 16626 YOG SANDESH
January 2010
D. C. Magazines