Yogsandesh Jan 15
Yogsandesh Jan 15
Yogsandesh Jan 15
January 2015
Price ` 15/-
A research based monthly magazine on
June 21 as
India with Yoga
Healthy India
International Day
of Yoga...
Self-dependent India
Prosperous India
January 2015
Price ` 15/-
A research based monthlymagazine on
June 21 as
India with Yoga
Healthy India
International Day
of Yoga...
Self-dependent India
Prosperous India
Acharya Balkrishna
Associate Editor
a Eternal Wisdom
a Editorial
a Special Discussion
a Ashok cures fever, blood related problems, leucorrhoea
Patanjali Yogpeeth
Maharishi Dayanand Gram,
Delhi-Haridwar national highway,
near Bahadarabad,
Haridwar-249402, Uttarakhand
Phone (01334) 240008,
244107, 246737
Fax (01334) 244805, 240664
e-mail [email protected]
e-mail [email protected]
on the web www.divyayoga.com
Subscription Fee
One copy
Five Years
Eleven Years
Abraod (Annual)
Read this magazine yourself, inspire five others to read and then place in five new families so that this
agitation, being inspired by seers could spread, reach and benefit every human being. - Editor
Eternal Wisdom
Eternal truth emanating out of the eternal wisdom of respected Swami ji Maharaj
Divine life
here are three types of human lives- 1. Low quality, 2. Simple quality
3. Best quality. Life full of ominous things, impurity, Adharma, fear,
quarrel, lust, lack of knowledge or enlightenment is insult of the best gift of
almighty. Therefore, all humans should make efforts for getting rid of low level,
insanity and barbarism and rise to make the life of best quality. Purusharth is
very necessary for good life.
Normally, people are seen simple or middle quality of life. Such people have
faith in god. They lead a religious life and they also have concern for the cause of
the society in general and avoid to indulge into irreligious activities or sinister
acts. They also want to have material pleasure as well as divine blessings and
largely involved in prayer to almighty, yoga and meditation. Third is the best
quality of life with is divine and complete dedication to almighty happens to
be the nal goal of life. Here we, after getting rid of all kind of illusions and
understanding the reality of nature and almighty, we can realise our evolution
and nihshreyas. Self-less service and efforts are the two key means of living
life. Pure knowledge, pure acts, pure worshiping, which means Gyan, Karma
and Bhakti are the three key forces which together propel our life.
While doing meditation in solitude at the dawn or Brahma Muhurta, the
Sadhak should unify his existence with almighty to get eternal bliss, peace and
enlightenment. During meditation, the Sadhak becomes a representative of
almighty through his devotion and dedication for almighty. During meditation,
the Sadhak feels eternal bliss. Samadhi during meditation and during normal
life he makes efforts for divinity and being seless, he lives only for almighty.
Selessness means being free from lust, expectations, greed for power and
property, ambition, etc and living according to the path shown by saints and
A seless person is also called Aapta Purush. Basis of seless work are- self
inspiration, vedic guidance, guidance of scriptures, guidance of teachers. With
meditation, efforts and seless work, even simple men become divine.
May almighty give us the capability to devote to almighty in meditation
period and in normal activity to work selessly. We do not work for power,
property, material pleasure, etc. We could work for raising our soul with
inspiration of almighty, directions of Veda, scriptures and orders of our
teachers. By remaining seless, we could devote ourselves in meditation of
January 2015
Acharya Balkrishna
Search for
divine souls
January 2015
Special Discussion
To get a nation-wide recognition for Khadi, Union Minister Sri Kalraj Mishra ji, his ministerial
colleague Sri Giriraj Singh ji have made a resolve. They, along with senior officials of concerned
department, are interacting with respected Acharya Balkrishna ji in Delhi.
January 2015
Health in herbs
Scientic name
Saraca Asoca
(Roxb.) de willd
Family name:
English nake:
Ashoka tree/Ashoka
Hempushpa, Vanjul, Ashok, Tamrapallav, Pindpushpa,
Ashok, Ashuge
Ashok, Ashopallav
Asau, Ashok
Ashok, Jasundi
Barg Ashok
January 2015
In ancient time, people for pleasant life and also to keep away displeasure,
would set up Ashok garden around their residences and for this reason
its plant was named Vishok, Apshok, etc. Ashok ower is one of the ve
owers of Pushpa Dhanva's (Kaamdev) oural arrow.
This plant is normally found in Himalayan region, western peninsular
region up to the height of 750 meter in the states of West Bengal, Biharr,
Uttarakhand, Karnataka and Maharashtra's evergreen forests.
Ayurvedic properties:
Ashok is light, rough, styptic
and cool in nature. It is good for
health, strengthens blood, cures
pain, provides glaze to your skin,
cures fractured bones, fragrant,
cures Tridosh, destroys worms,
swelling, stomach problems,
toxication, blood related problems,
uterus related problems, joint
pains, fever, indigestion, etc.
It is used in the problems like
Kashtartav, Raktapitt, Ashmari,
Mootrakachh, etc. Its bark is acrid
in taste, cures fever and intestine
January 2015
Health in herbs
related problems. It also cures
fatigue and piles.
Besides, it is also effective
in enlarged stomach, stomach
bleeding and bleeding during
pregnancy. It also cures Blood
Ashok seeds are diuretic, they
also cure diarrhea with bleeding.
Its trunk is bitter, it is shaityakarak,
Stambhak, cures effect of poison,
destroys worms, gives sweet effect.
It cures piles, sore, fatigue due to
excess of labour, indigestion, etc.
While on the other hand,
fake Ashok is bitter, hot, light,
rough, etc. It cures gonorrhea and
fever and destroys worms. It also
cures leprosy. It is very useful
in Aamdosh, fever, gonorrhea,
vibandh, and it also kills worms.
Its ethanol extract when used
on rats or mouse shows properties
to cure ulcer.
January 2015
very effective.
8. Take 6-12 gm Ashok ghrit and
take it with lukewarm milk
or water. It will cure all kinds
of leucorrhoea, Kukshishool,
Katishool, pain in vagina,
problem in digestion, lack of
appetite, jaundice, cough and
respiratory problems. It also
increases your strength, skin
complexion and age.
9. 20-25 ml Ashokarishth, if taken
everyday after meal, it will
cure bleeding leucorrhoea,
fever, raktapitt, bleeding piles,
problem in digestion, lack of
appetite. swelling, etc.
Bone joint related problems:
1. Bone crack: Take 6 gm Ashok
bark powder and take it twice
a day with milk and applying
its paste on the affected area is
very effective.
2. Vaatvyadhi: In this problem,
use of Ashokghrit for the
snehvirechan purpose is very
Skin problem:
1. Make paste of mustard with
extract of Ashok bark and let
it to be dried in the sun light.
When every you like, apply it
on the skin. It will enhance skin
2. Pimples: Boil Ashok bark
and when the water is very
concentrated, let it to be cool.
Add equal quantity of mustard
oil in it. Apply regularly on
pimples, sore and other such
problems. Its regular use is very
3. Sore: Take ghee, Priyangu,
Ashok Rohini, Triphala,
Dhataki, Lodhra and Sarjras in
equal quantities and make its
ne powder and sprinkle on
the sore. The problem will be
All body diseases:
1. To enhance brain's capacity:
Mix Ashok bark powder and
Brahmi powder in equal
quantities take one spoon
both ends with one cup of
milk regularly for some
months. It will enhance
capacity of brain.
2. Sarvaghau pain: Make Ashok
tea and take its 10-20 ml. It
can cure pain. In fact, Ashok is
such a medicine, which cures
mental and physical problems
and always keep you fresh and
January 2015
Treatment of diseases
is such a disease for which no medicine could be found. Another big mystery related to the disease
is that excess use of medicine makes the problem even more complicated. Experts are of the view
that it is wrong to consider cold as a disease. In fact, it is a natural mechanism which cleanse our body from
germs and also removes toxic organisms from the body. Dr Nagendra Neeraj is analysing cold from this very
point of view.
January 2015
January 2015
Treatment of diseases
Other methods:
Method of treatment:
From treatment point of view, no English medicine has to be
taken. Take complete rest and also give a rest to your digestive
system. Keep taking lemon-water and honey for 2-3 days at an
interval of every 2-2.5 hours interval. Drink as much water as you
can. Temperature of water has to be nearly around your body
temperature. If you nd it difcult to stay on Lemon-Water and
honey, then you can also take lemon, orange and other such fruits
of lemon family. Nobel award winner Dr Linus Pauling has advised
Vitamin C as the best medicine for cold.
Taking fruits is enough to help you recover from cold. Besides,
January 2015
January 2015
Yug Chintan
Dr Suman : Central chief in-charge of women affairs, Bharat Swabhiman and Patanjali Yogpeeth
January 2015
January 2015
Power of union
a bigger change, it is necessary for everyone to make contribution for the great purpose. Coordinated efforts,
divine leadership and an ideology are the three key factors to build a strong and effective organisation.
After independence in 1947, India has been run by the system imposed on us by the British rulers. The kind of India
our martyrs dreamt to make was ruined and independence of their dream could not be realised. Corrupt system
and British model of governance were responsible for slave-like mind set of our rulers. A handful people looted the
wealth of 120 crore people of India and stashed it in foreign banks.
January 2015
January 2015
Yug Dharma
Now or never
is the centre of changes. Success of a revolution lies on the internal changes of this human being. Famous
Man writer Lorance Hide said that reconstruction of the society is not possible without social building. A monkey
or leopard present inside us cannot be controlled by applying just internal pressure. Nor is it possible to create a society
based on the ideas of socialism without creating harmony among people. For the sake of a durable change it will
be required to give birth to such a revolution which is non-violent, which is influenced by a certain vision or idea
and its goal has to be a global change rather than changing the hearts of just a few individuals. This is the spiritual
revolution which takes place rarely in a century. Such revolution is a spiritual revolution which happen rarely and
when this kind of opportunity will come again, it is difficult to decipher.
January 2015
humanity and the society. This will he the era of yoga or idealism.
Patanjali's this movement will not stop at just accomplishment
of its mission for good health. Revolution in the field of health is just
the centre of the greatest mission and this success will be utilised
to demolish and destroy the age old superstitions and taboo in the
society. People are also to be made free from unhealthy diet like
fried food, junk food and alcohol. This revolution in the field of
food habits will make the society free from weakness and diseases
and people will not have to suffer due to bad health, immense
expenditure on treatment of diseases. However, this can be done by
practising yogasana and Pranayam. Besides, people will have to be
made to following right kind of life style like proper time table to
sleep and wake up, physical works, exposure to clean air and sun
light, celibacy, etc.
January 2015
Yug Dharma
Needs of people have increased exponentially and affluent people
have forgotten their responsibilities. In fact, a man has forgotten
that unnecessary accumulation of wealth and expenditure are
wrong. In result, people are in hurry to earn unethically which
gives birth to crime, debt, corruption, etc. There is a need for
maintaining economic balance and live life like an average person
and have simple living and high thinking. It is also required to cut
unnecessary expenditure and have farsightedness. In fact, earning
with hard work and honesty give great prosperity and peace.
Earning as per one's capability, spending according to
necessary needs and maintaining a proper balance between the
two is the idea of spiritualism. In fact, excess resources are spend
in show off and full fill the requirements of bad habits. Patanjali's
movement is aimed at making people free from the bad habits.
Respected Swamiji is of the view that accumulating a lot of
resources through right means is ok but spending all the earning
on oneself is not justified. While spending money, one should
have a judicious thoughts especially to save money and the saved
money should be spend on welfare of the needy and right works to
end the reign of poverty from the world.
Bonding of education-livelihood
will be broken
In today's world, the alliance of education and livelihood is as
such that every one wants to work less and earn hard. If the main
purpose behind education will continue to be getting job then
crisis will mount in the coming time. It is necessary for parents to
set their child's goal in terms of earning after primary education.
New generation should develop a new system of production
through cooperative industries and decide to do hard work. This
way the education system which fails to give satisfaction to the
people will be replaced by a more productive and useful system
based on practical knowledge. Acharyakulam is taking steps in
this direction.
In public sector, it is required to promote the principles of
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and Aatmavat Sarva Bhuteshu and fill
the gap between the rich and the poor, men and women, etc. In
this situation, there will be nobody who be arrogant and nobody
will have to feel insulted in the society due to his poverty. All will
share their bread and butter with each other and live in harmony.
Air pollution, atomic radiation, water pollution, excess
exploitation of sources of energy, use of materials which give
January 2015
Geeta in brief
Divine insight
is necessary to understand movement of the era
rimad Bhagwat has always been a timeless scripture. It has been committed to inspire the people the way Maharshi Patanjali's Yog Sutra has been
This is the reason why a great soul incarnated on this earth whenever virtuous forces were in problem. He came on the earth and took inspiration
from the views expressed in Geeta to remove the darkness and build a new human society. In other words, Geeta is the voice of nature. Its philosophy is
assimilated with the nature. Nature means the system of discipline set by almighty. As long as the human society and the nation live according to the
norms of nature, Geeta continues to flow in our lives. When the discipline is disturbed, the entire system gets disturbed. Then voice of Geeta becomes loud.
One who understands this voice, gets a high place in the society. He gets recognition as a legend, a hero, a revolutionary, a path changer. One he is capable
in understanding the voice of nature in the era of darkness. In the Pandav era, Yogeshwar Krishna was such a person, similarly, Adi Shankar was also like
the same. During freedom struggle, it were Lokmanya Tilak and Mahatma Gandhi who worked the same way to build a new era for the betterment of the
society. When Geeta speaks, there cannot happen anything less than Mahabharat in which enormous symbols of atrocities and exploitation get destroyed.
In this situation it becomes impossible for even almighty to stop this change. The gesture of present is the same. Today, Swami Ramdev ji, the greatest
saint of present era, has adopted the same message of Geeta for building a new era which we are presenting here... editor
January 2015
of yoga, Pranayaam and Asanas have been accepted since ancient time in our scriptures and
Upanishads. After their assessment, it is understood that yoga was an important part of the methods
to treat diseases. Yoga was a part of people's life style. In the ancient time when the number of patients was much
lesser than that of today's and that too despite the fact that modern antibiotic medicines were not invented that time.
Even then majority of people were healthy because all basic requirements for good health like nutritious food, yoga
and Pranayama were available. However, in today's world neither pure environment is available nor are the physical
labour and good food. A drive for yoga to keep oneself healthy has started now. But those who have turned to yoga and
other such ways are comparatively much healthier and energetic than others.
January 2015
Name of diseases
TB (BFT Test )
Blood pressure
(130/90 to 160/100)
Serum urea
Uric acid
Number of
tests prior
to yoga Unexpected
After analysing aforementioned list, it becomes clear that the 230 patients of
TB, who underwent treatment at residential camp for seven days, 65 per cent of
them after the treatment showed meaningful improvement. Moreover, on 235
patients of Asthma, 60.43 per cent of improvement was observed which is clear
from the tests. After undergoing Yoga and Pranayam, of 338 patients of blood
pressure, 82.25 per cent got great benefits. In case of 779 patients of diabetes,
53.79 per cent patients were benefited. Of 25 patients of anaemia, 24 per cent of
them benefited. 874 patients of hepatitis attended the camp and after the tests,
67.73 per cent were benefited. Similar were the results in case of the patients
of other diseases.
All these are findings of the tests conducted after these patients attended yoga
camps organised by Patanjali Yog Peeth for seven days. These results can bring
amazing changing for the welfare of entire humanity. If these methods of yoga
and Pranayam are used as part of life style to keep ourselves healthy, they
can make the entire humanity free from majority of these diseases. Besides
Pranayam, if Asanas suggested by Swami ji are also practised, it will be like
icing on the cake as far as health related challenges in the rural parts of the
January 2015
Kapalbhati Pranayam:
Anulom-Vilom pranayam:
Method: Press the right nostril with right hand and take deep breath and
release it from left nostril and repeat this process alternatively. This Pranayam
can be done for 15 minutes and in case of incurable disease one can do it for
30 minutes. Initially do it for short time and with medium pace.
Caution: Heart and blood pressure patients should not do it with high speed.
Benefit: This pranayam clears all the blockage of arteries and ducts and it is
very useful in high blood pressure. Blood flow reaches all parts of the body and
problems like paralysis, migraine, depression, etc and also helps in Kundalini
Jagran. It is also useful in purification of Nadis, helps cure weakness of nerves,
anaemia, cancer, epilepsy and other disabilities. It is also helpful in joint pain,
arthritis, eye related problems and tonsil. It also cures the irregularities in the
secretion of hormones from various glands. It also helps to make your food,
behaviour and thoughts pure. This Pranayam is very useful in relieving your
mental problems.
Vahya pranayam:
Method: In this Pranayam, eyes are kept closed and with deep inhaling Oim
is chanted. This should be repeated for three times and it can be done even
more. At the end rub both palms together and and touch eye lids with them
and then open the eyes.
Benefits: Due to this Pranayam, mental tension, sleeplessness, depression
and negativity are cured. Your mind becomes pure, mental stability comes.
While keeping eyes closed while doing all the Pranayams is also a part of
To keep body healthy, it is very necessary to remove all the unhealthy materials
from the body. For this, healthy functioning of lungs, intestines, kidney, etc
is necessary and all this can be possible only through Pranayam. Patanjali
Yogpeeth and Bharat Swabhiman are helping people both in rural and urban
areas to keep healthy to build a strong, prosperous and disease free India.
Therefore, ideal village can be built only by helping people to keep healthy.
January 2015
Bhramari pranayam:
Methods: Apply your index finger on Agya chakra. Use middle finger to close
eyes and close ears with thumbs. Now take deep breath and chant oim in a way
to produce sound like a black beetle. You can repeat it for three times but can
also be done for maximum of 11-21 times.
Benefits: This Pranayam also helps in tension and sleeplessness. It also helps
keep blood pressure under control. Concentration power of a student also gets
improved and it also cures emotional problems. A person who practises it also
begins to think in a positive direction.
Udgeeth Pranayam:
Your experience
Practising yoga,
Pranayam, Ayurved
helped cure pain of
Sushmna pulse
Uma Goal,
B-290, Raj Kishore Nagar, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.
January 2015
Power of union
January 2015
Yogeshwar Sri Krishna too proclaimed that to destroy the
rule of sinister and atrocious rulers and restore the moral
values, a great soul comes on this planet.
On looking into the history of any time period, we can
find great and revolutionary persons come into our memory.
For example in Russia, The US, China, South Africa, Lebanon
and Iraq, revolutionary changes came under the leadership
of great personalities who led people to make them free from
agony. Among such historical persons, we can name persons
like Martin Luther King, Chhatrapati Shivaji, Maharana
Pratap, Maharshi Dayanand, Swami Vivekanand, Karl Marx,
Maharshi Arvindo, Subhash Channdra Bose, Mahatma
Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, etc. The common features among
these great men is that they all were born in a common
family but their work in life was extraordinary.
In this context, the coming generations will read about
the history of 21 st century and they will know about the
visionary and multi-dimensional personality of this era.
Maharshi Arvind said that being a human is a big challenge
on its own. Some people have a low quality of life full of
violence, others live like a very unnoticeable life. While some
others despite living a simple life, they develop their inner
self and personality in a great way and attain the highest
level of life and only they are recognised as the great men.
One of the similar personality is respected Swami Ramdev
ji Maharaj. He is today's Chanakya, and his personality is
multi-dimensional. He is world famous Yoga guru, global
spiritual teacher, he has deep knowledge of Vedic literature,
great economist, great saint, social reformer, management
guru, a great proponent of the traditions of saints,
environment expert, protector of cows, Ganga and Gayatri,
eloquent speaker, has tendency for deep study, has lust
Inspiration of youth:
When respected Swamiji roared from the sage saying
that he cannot accept a corrupt and atrocious ruler and said
that by changing it he will infuse a new life in the nation
and install a nationalist Government in the country, and
through his song- when will the Red Fort roar like a brave,
to root out Congress's corrupt and anarchist government,
then youth of the country was thrilled. Their patriotism
knew no bounds on listening Swami ji. Accepting courage of
Swami, they became a part of his movement and dedicated
their lives for the success of the mission.
January 2015
Power of union
January 2015
Resolute voice:
BJP and its all alliance partners were of the view that
their NDA will hardly be close to form government at the
Centre and the Congress will be able to cross 100 mark. But
six months before election, Swami ji had announced that
BJP will be able to form government at the Centre on its
own and the Congress will end up with in its tally of double
figure. His prediction proved to be right. After 30 years a
government with full majority was formed at the Centre
and that too of non-Congress party. BJP registered landslide
victory and Congress saw its worst performance, even worst
than 1977 election.
January 2015
at Patanjali
January 2015
In the coming five years, a lot of work is due to be done. Only then
India will regain its glorious place of Vishwa Guru or the mentor of
the world. Spread of Ayurveda will first of all make tribals, farmers
and backward sections of the society prosperous because only they
mainly produce herbs for medicinal purposes. Farmers will also
get their better return for their produce and this way the country
will attain prosperity.
If opening hospital is the solution to health related issues the US
would have been the world's healthiest nation. On the contrary, it
is faced with the side effects of English medicines. Now UNO too is
aware of the side effects of English medicines and want to get rid
of it. Other methods of medical treatments are used after a person
falls ill while Indian Ayurveda is used to protect a person from
falling ill. It is a matter of great pride for the whole world.
January 2015
at Patanjali
These efforts will revive the ancient great knowledge of Indian
Yoga and Ayurveda, which have been suppressed for so many years.
A saint has been giving a call for this cause and now the Prime
Minister of India also has joined this drive. This is an important
move for the world system. Patanjali Yogpeeth has made head way
for the sake of these ideals, national values, etc and now it is the
need of the hour for all of us to work in this direction.
Independent India's first Ayush Minister Sripad Naik attended
Patanjali's fourth "Nishkam Seva awam Yog Sadhana Shivir"
(camp meant for selfless service and yoga) along with his wife.
They took blessings from respected Swamiji, delivered speech
and visited all the departments of Patanjali Yogpeeth with his
family. Moreover, he also planted an Amla tree at Phase I along
with Acharya Balkrishna and Bharat Swabhiman's Chief Central
It is important to note that at this Chatush Nishkaam Seva aur
Yog Sadhana Shivir, a slew of brothers and sisters visited here from
states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Rajasthan.
January 2015
January 2015
at Patanjali
On the first day of yoga camp, Swami ji surprised everyone by
running with all the participants of the camp.
January 2015
Impression of Athyoganushasan.
Respected Swami ji praised RSS chief for his efforts to preserve
and protect ancient glorious traditions of India. Addressing RSS
January 2015
at Patanjali
volunteers, Swami ji said that Vedas are the origin of all cultures
and civilizations of the world. Vedas are the symbol of a person's
bravery and courage which is Purusharth.
Purusharth is most important for getting achievement in any
field of life. Therefore, glory of past and Purusharth of present
have to be guiding force for the youth of the country.
On his arrival, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat ji received warm
welcome according to glorious traditions of the Ashram. On this
occasion, all office bearers and workers of Bharat Swabhiman
were present. After the welcome, Patanjali Yogpeeth's general
secretary Acharya Balkrishna ji held elaborate discussion with
Bhagwat ji on Indian culture, nation building, Swadeshi and
proper use of youth power.
In the meeting, RSS chief Bhagwat ji, Swami ji and Acharya ji
were present on the stage together.
January 2015
Vivid pictures
January 2015
Treatment of diseases
Acharya Balkrishna
January 2015
very important to be careful about the aforementioned
symptoms of the disease and do go for routine check
up of your urine and blood. If diabetes is a hereditary
problem in a family, it is very important to under go these
pathological tests.
These tests of urine and blood will let you know if you
have diabetes or not. Blood is tested in following three
Blood tests are named as fasting, empty stomach (PPpost parandial) and blood sugar (Random). In modern
time, just one drop of blood is enough to test your blood
sugar level. Urine sugar test can be tested by oneself besides
laboratory tests.
Treatment of diabetes:
Often it is said that diabetes can not be cured. However,
Yoga-Ayurved have proved that it can be completely cured.
For this it is necessary to make continuous efforts and a
healthy life style.
Regular practice of Bhastrike, Kapalbhati, AnulomVilom and Bhramari type of Pranayam have helped many
people to lead a healthy life.
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Divya Yog Mandir Trust have
conducted tests on many diabetes patients and these tests
have shown very positive results. Among these, following
yoga forms have helped diabetes patients in a great way.
Vati yoga:
Take 2-2 tablets of Madhu Kalpvati when you are
empty stomach.
Take 1-1 or 2-2 tablets of Madhu Nashini Vati an
hour before taking meal both in the morning and in the
January 2015
Treatment of diseases
Fenugreek effective
in diabetes
January 2015
Take 2-2 or 3-3 Chandraprabha vati with lukewarm
water and lukewarm milk after taking meal.
Nayogradhi Churna: Take its 5 gm with water in
the night before going to bed.
Falatrikadi kwath or tea can also be taken. Put Vijaysaar
wood in a copper wood and pour water in it. Take it when
you are empty stomach.
Aushadh yog:
One can choose medicines according to the
complications of the problem of diabetes. This disease
affects all parts of the body. When nerves are affected by
this disease, then there is lack of sensation in body parts.
It is advised to take following medicines empty stomach
in the morning that will give great benefit to the patient.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras
1 gm
Praval Pishti
5 gm
10 gm
Amrita satva
5 gm
Mix them together and make their 60 small packets
and take one packet in the morning and one in the
evening while in empty stomach with milk cream.
Diabetes patients must follow pathya. They should
go for morning walk, regular exercise and practise
Pranayams and Asanas like Bhastrika, Kapalbhati,
Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari, etc as they help to keep blood
sugar level under control. With these Pranayams, the
patient will not require for whole life to take medicines
and the patient can lead a normal and long life.
Pathya: In food, diabetes patients should take
Moong, Arhar, Parval, bitter gourd, Jambolan, etc.
Physical work and regular walk are best.
Apathya: Don't lie on comfortable beds. Avoid rain
water, sweet food stuffs, excessively sweet fruits, potato,
rice, fried food stuffs, spicy meal etc. Also avoid meat and
Use of Divya Sheelajeet Sat is very effective. Its 1-2
drops can be taken with milk. In summer, take just
half drop of it as Ashram's Sheelajeet is pure and very
effective. Those who don't take milk can take it with hot
Cough disease:
Try and
see impact
Take leaves of Tulsi, Neem, fenugreek and
mint which are very good for health. Tulsi
is able to cure all the diseases. Neem kills
germs and bacteria and fenugreek can cure
all the problems of stomach. Mint leaves
can destroy stomach worms and give a
new life to us. If your skin is oily, your face
is full of pimples, then do not worry. Take
all these leaves, each of them have to be
in equal quantity. Make their paste, add
fuller's clay (Multani Mitti) double of their
quantity. This preparation is very effective
on oily skin. It gives you a glowing skin
and also cures pimples.
Excess of gastric problem will be cured
if the patient is given a spoon of roasted
cumin powder added in water along with
black salt.
January 2015
Ayurvedic method
to cook sweet rice
we use some basic material to cook food, then due to special treatment, the prepared stuff has
a different properties in comparison to the basic material. This happens due to mixing other
materials in the recipe. This change in property of the food has impact on our health too. Due to this we develop
a kind of notion about the main main material of which the recipe is made of. To clear confusion about the
main material, you bring you a portion of Bhojankutuhalam:-
January 2015
ParamannahTandultrigunam dugdham
dugdhartham jivaniyakam.
Tadardham gudchurnam tu
paramannamiti smritam.
Take three times more milk than rice and
add water half of the quantity of the milk and
Gur half of the quantity of the water.
Sanskritam mathitam gavyam
tandulanam chaturgunam.
Ieshddharidraya yukatam
Aetaduktam haridrannam supakvam
pachitam tatha.
Filter the cow milk well and churn it properly,
then add four times more rice than milk
and add some turmeric in it. Also add some
pepper and cumin and let it to be cooked
properly. This food stuff is called Haridranna.
Madhuramlena godagdhana
shuddhannam tu vimishritam.
vanardrakasanyuktametaddadhyodanam smritam.
In Madhuramla (sweet and sour) curd of
cow milk, add aforementioned Shuddhan
(Kevalanna). Quantity of curd has to be
double the quantity of Kevalanna. Also add
sufficient quantity of pepper and sesame
powder, salt and ginger in it. Food cooked
this way is called Dadhyanna.
Krisarannah: Tandulardham
mudagbhinnam varina sah
Yuktam marichchurnena til churnam
Idam krisaranamannamityakhyatam
Take some rice, add moong half of its quantity.
Clean it properly with water and cook in water.
While cooking, add pepper and sesame powders.
This preparation is called Krisarannah.
Gudodannah:Poorvoktapayase yunjyat
dugdhardham gudkhandakam.
Tadardhamajyam mochayah
phalmetmad gudodanam.
dugdhardhagudam yojayitva pachet.
Itartha gudodanamiti sangyanupapatteh.
In aforementioned paramanna (Kheer), add
small pieces of gud, half of the quantity of
the milk. Add Ghee, half of the quantity of
Gud in it and similar quantity of ripe banana
has to be added into it. In Paramanna, the
quantity of Gud was advised to be one fourth
of the quantity of Milk, but in Gudodanna,
quantity of Gud has to be half of the quantity
Pakvam yadetanmudgannamakhyatam cha chaturmukham.
Take three parts of rice and one part of
moong and then mudganna is cooked. It is
also called Chaturmukh.
Bhootodanamah:'Bhutodano dadhinishasaktulajatilanvitah.'
(Hridayadeepakanighantuh- 163)
It has been written in the Hridayadeep that
curd, turmeric, sattu, kheel and sesame when
added in rice, this way cooked preparation is
called Bhootodan. Those who eat Bhootodan
are protected from fear of ghosts. This has
been said in Hridayadeep.
Properties of Kheer
Shuddheardhapakve dugdhe
ghritanktastandulan kshipet.
Te siddhah kshirika khyata sa
In pure half cooked milk, ghee added rice is
cooked as Kheer. When Khand and Ghee are
added in it , it becomes best for your health.
Precautions:Vina shuddhannamanyesham
pradadyallavanam budhah.
Gunanesham yathayogam vijaniyadvichakshanah.
Except shuddhanna, salt must be added
in all grains. Therefore it can be said that
sweet rice cooked under standard norms is
best for health. At present, in the name of
Kheer, so many kind of dry fruits are added
and some of them are appropriate and others
are inappropriate to be added in the Kheer.
This not only reduces nutritious value of the
food but it also affects our health adversely.
Finally, we can say that simple looking rice
is also full of nutrition. If cooked properly, it
can prove to be amazing for our health.
January 2015
Healthy India
Prosperous India
January 2015
Healthy India
Many of our products were tested by the
Government with bad intentions
Prosperous India
but we emerged upright in every test. This
is the proof of the purity of our products.
January 2015
January 2015
January 2015
The light of which exists forever, that almighty
is full of compassion for his devotees. But he is
also devastating for those who breach his laws. No
hypocrisy or sycophancy are acceptable to him.
How clever you might be, you won't be spared on
breaching his laws. He does not get pleased on
praises nor gets angry on being called by name.
He considers no one as enemy or friend. None is
big or small for him, none is good or bad for him,
he treats everyone equally. This is the secret which
has been revealed in this story.
A person usually commits mistake owing to
greed, fear, anger and arrogance. For example,
a seller sales his goods by making false promises
but in the evening he goes to temple to get rid of
the sin he has committed. If he accumulates a lot
of ill gotten wealth, he calls some Pandit or priest
to organize Yagna to get rid of his sin. He in the
name of devotion to almighty, constructs rooms
at Dharmashala for public welfare and he also
distributes blankets and once in a year goes for
pilgrimage to the temples of Balaji. Considering
saints as an offshoot of almighty, he sits in their feet.
The message of the story is that how useful may
be the aforementioned activities but the kind of
sins the shopkeeper has committed, he cannot be
spared from his sin. He will have to bear the brunt
of Sudarshan chakra. If the greedy trader wants to
save himself at any cost, then it's only way is to mend
the mistake on his own by stopping making his
customers fool. The blessings of his customers will
save him from the punishment which Sudarshan
chakra will hand out. Like Durvasa, all face the
similar circumstances. People have tendency to
trouble someone but apologise to others.
Durvasha ji was unnecessarily angry on
Ambrish but he apologise to Lord Brahma, Lord
Shiva and Lord Vishnu. But even they too could
not help him. Finally Durvasha reaches to king
Ambarish who makes him free from the danger of
Sudarshan Chakra. Similar situation can be often
seen around us. Milkman sells milk by adding
January 2015
Dhyanu pratham makh bidhi dooje, dwapar partoshat
prabhu pooje.
A part of this divine teaching has been making generations
of human strong and lively. To change the wrong traditions
dominant on our healthy life is Swami ji and Acharya ji came
forward and taught people to use Yog-Ayurved as a weapon to
destroy evil things in life.
In fact, when we don't have any right methods for betterment
of life, they begin to interpret traditions and practice them
according their convenience. Hence, contrary interpretations
are derived from the teachings of Vedas and other scriptures.
Hence, people's personal believes got dominant and teachings
of the scriptures got suppressed. Whenever a society gets
disoriented, a Yogeshwar comes on the earth. This is the reason
why Sri Krishna preached Geeta to Arjun and showed path to
the society and the humanity. Cruel believes like sacrificing
innocent animals are result of such notions. Today, such bans
are being imposed by courts.
However, initial steps in the direction of the court's
guidelines are quite evident. After court's order, sacrificing
animals have been banned in Uttarakhand temples since
September 2012. Similarly, in Himachal Pradesh, sacrificing
animals have been declared as a crime. Court has also said that
due to sacrificing animals, they have to suffer immense pain.
In the direction to stop this cruel tradition, honourable
court has taken really a right decision. But as a human we
should from our own bottom of heart that is it justified to
kill these innocent animals and that too this way. Why are we
not sensitive to their pains. Take care- it is a basic principleRakshakah bhakshakat prashasyatarah which means rights of
a protector is more than an attacker. It is needed that every
right thinking individual should come forward and Almighty's
divine inspiration with give us strength.
January 2015
kids have become very much tech savvy and they are exposed to a wider horizon of knowledge.
However, these changes have also raised their tension level. Their main concerns like doing
best in the examinations, maintaining coordination with class-mets and meeting the expectations of
parents and teachers and swiftness are impacting their lives. Besides, new culture of nuclear family, high
ambitions, high life style have brought many changes besides many other challenges. This is a write up
on deformities of child psychologyToday's
January 2015
January 2015
to be light. Breath in the open, regular meditation and prayer
are also must.
Healthy fats:
Mono-unsaturated fats (MUFA): Their source
is coconut oil, maze oil, mustard oil, sesame oil,
sun flower oil, olive oil, etc.
January 2015
The efforts made by Patanjali Yogpeeth in the fields of yoga and Ayurveda, a fresh awareness is being observed
among masses in this regard. Thousands of questions and answers in this regard are soon to come in public
domain in the book written by Acharya Balkrishna ji. This question answer segment is the part of a series:
1. Who of the following saints has greatest impact on Swami Ramdev
ji's life?
A. Maharshi Gautam
b. Maharshi Kapil
c. Maharshi Ved Vyas
d. Maharshi Patanjali
2. Who had presented the theory of Ashtangyog?
a. Maharshi Gautam
b. Maharshi Kanad
c. Maharshi Kapil
d. Maharshi Patanjali
3. Which is the oldest commentary on Patanjali Yogsutra?
a. Tatvavaisharadi
b. Yogvartik
c. Vyas Bhasya
d. Gyanandbhashya
4. What is the codes of Vritinirodh regarding Patanjali Yogsutra 1.12?
a. Vairagya
b. Parvairagya
c. Gyan
d. Vivekkhyati
5. Which is the following code is the right group of the eleven Asanas
described in Patanjali Yogsutra's Vyas Bhashya?
a. Padmasana, Veerasana, Bhadrasana, Swastikasana
b. Kraunchnishadnasana, Hastinishadanasa
c. Ushtranishadanasana, Samasansthanasana
d. Dandasana, Sopashrayasana, Paryakasana
1. a, c, d, b 2. a, d, c, b 3. a, d, b, c 4. a, b, d, c
6. Moolbandh related Hathyaugik Kriya isa. Anus
b. Navel
c. Resolve
d. Kama
c. Veda
d. Upanisha
8. Which of the following does not relinquish the body even after death?
b. Naag
c. Dhanmajaya
d. Krikar
9. Who is the writer of the book- Vigyaan Ki Kasauti Par Yog:
a. Swami Ramdev
b. Acharya Mahapragya
c. Acharya Balkrishna
d. BKS Ayangar.
10. Who presented the theory of Panchkoshvaada. Srimadbhagwadgeeta
b. Purana
b. Matsyendranath
d. Bhanuki
1. d, 2. d, 3. C, 4. a, 5-3 , 6. a, 7. d, 8. c, 9. c, 10. d, 11. a,
12. b, 13. b, 14. c, 15. c, 16. a, 17. b, 18. c
January 2015
Treatment of diseases
women are troubled due to white or bloody blennenteria. They go for treatment but modern
Many diseases fail to cure their problem. On the contrary the modern medicines are giving birth
to other diseases. Doctors are of the view that besides other reasons, one's lifestyle is also responsible
for this problem. Improper food habits, negativity are responsible for this disease. Here is an analysis:
Bloody blennenteria:
January 2015
Useful Asanas:
Sashankasana: It is necessary to practice this Asana to
make uterus stronger and also to reduce fats around waist
and hips.
Pavanamuktasana is also very effective. In women related
problems like Alparttava, Kashtarttava and uterus related
diseases, this Asana is very effective.
Kandharasana: One should also practice
Kandharasana together. It is very effective for healthy uterus.
Impotency, mental problems, blennenteria, and sperm
related problems of men, this Asana is very useful.
January 2015
Treatment of diseases
January 2015
Sandeep Dev
January 2015
Treatment of diseases
Due to fast and unnatural lifestyle, acidity has become
Natural treatment of
Dr Preeti Joshi
Its main symptoms are burning
sensation in the stomach, throat and
chest which results into indigestion,
laziness, anxiety, vomitting, etc.
1. Main cause of the problem of
acidity is unnatural food like junk
food, fast food, excess intake of
tea, coffee, alcohol, pickles, etc.
These foods stuffs are made of
the ingredients which can cause
2 Smoking reduces the formation
of alkaline bicarbonate which
helps in digestion of food. This is
the reason why people who have
bad habit of smoking have acidity
3 Keeping empty stomach for long
time or taking food more than
one's need are also responsible for
acidity problem.
4 Some of the medicines taken
during pregnancy are also
responsible for acidity.
January 2015
First and foremost thing one
should understand that change in
food habit is key to cure any disease.
If one has any disease, he should think
which kind of food habit is responsible
this problem. One should take such
a food which is easy to digest and do
not form acidic material. People who
have acidity problem should take food
stuffs which have abundance of basic
materiels. Here are certain suggestions
regarding what to eat and what not to
Healthy food:
Cow milk, old rice, flour containing
abundance of husk, gram sattu, rose
water, honey, fresh butter milk, carrot,
mint, bottle gourd, lemon, green
coriander, cabbage, onion, ginger,
parval, zucchini, tinda, spinach,
coconut water, pomegranate, citrus
limetta, tomato, potato (use it either
fried or boiled), grapes, Amla, banana,
petha, berries, jawar, gram, moong,
wheat, wheat grass juice, fennel seeds,
Anjeer, raisin, dates, pepper and ajwain.
Unhealthy food:
Hot, acidic, sour food, meat,
alcohol, smoking, refined oil, Urad
pulse, junk food, fast food, tea,
coffee, fermented paneer, fried food,
all purpose flour, white sugar, etc are
responsible for acidity.
Besides food, one should also take
We have such a
digestive system,
that the food we take
reaches rst to our
stomach where natural
acids are already
present to digest it
and this way digestion
process is completed
without any problem.
While when unnatural food
and its acids reach to the
stomach then they ll the
food vessel or some times
they reach to the throat. This
causes burning and acidity
in the stomach.
don't need to worry as the water will get
digested in the stomach and will come
out through urine or waste material.
After this, take some rest. This process
should be repeated 1-2 times in a week
as it will reduce acidity in the stomach.
1. You must cut your finger nails.
2. In case of the patients of high
blood pressure, don't add salt in
3. Do under go this process if you
have problems like heart diseases,
swelling in respiratory system,
severe cough problem and
vomiting, etc.
January 2015
Natural farming
of rauvolfia
serpentina or
Rajesh Jain
Though, this plant can be grown
very well in both the hot and subtropical
environments but it grows much better
in amicable environment. Patanjali's
Department to promote poison free
agriculture has in its researches found
that partially shadowed areas are most
condusive for farming of Sarpgandha.
Hence, farmers can grow it in the gardens
of mangoes, guava, orange and other
January 2015
January 2015
In blight disease, take 10 litre of Karanjadi and add 5 ml of Patanjali Chetana and
25 litre water and pour this preparation
on one acre of land in which the crop
is being harvested. Use it twice a
week on the affected crops.
the nursery have 4-6 leaves, then they can
be planted in the main field at a distance of
30*45 cm, which means distance between
two plants has to be 30 cm while gap
between rows has to be 45 cm. This will
help grow strong roots.
January 2015
To protect plants from this disease,
Patanjali's natural pesticide Karanjadi is
the best. Mix 5 ml Patanjali chetana and
10 litre Karanjadi in 25 litre water for one
acre crop and sprinkle twice a week on
affected crop.
In 10 litre sour Lassi, add 50 gm copper
sulphate powder along with 40 litre water
and sprinkle on the plants.
Sarpgandha maujek: This disease
spreads through special virus and in its
initial symptoms, veins of the leaves begin
to become pale and then they begin to fall
from the plant. This is a disease which
affects the plants the most.
To protect plants from the disease, use
best quality seeds, and sow them after
treating them well.
Take Patanjal's Nimbadi and Karanjadi
in equal quantity and sprinkle on the
plants every week regularly to prevent the
fall out of the disease.
Sutrakrimi Rog of
This disease usually spreads through
Nimaitod. Affected plants develop small
lumps in the roots which results into low
quantity of alkaloids and the harvest gets of
very low quality.
To protect from this disease, apply saw
dust of Gambhari wood and
sulphate of copper. Planting Marigold
plants is also very useful to protect plants
from this disease.
January 2015
Letter to Editor
True service to
the nation
Respected Acharya Balkrishna jI Maharaj,
A lot of respect in your feet,
I received Yog Sandesh's October 2014 issue. It was
my first experience to read the magazine which
made me thrilled. Besides spreading awareness
about yoga and Ayurveda, you are also rendering a
great service to our national language Hindi. This
is in my view a true service to the nation. I went
through a write up on "For your own rise, pursue
the path of Hindi" written by Nagendra Kumar
Vidyarthi. Other write ups were also very useful for
readers. Congratulations to all the writers.
FromDr Sonvane Rajendra, 'Akshat'
Lakshmi Nivas, Aditya Nagri, District: Beed.
January 2015
Poem in respect of
Yog Sandesh
It presents the teachings of our saints,
Hail, hail to Yog Sandesh.
You give life to patients, materialist people and those who lack knowledge,
Attained target, achieved salvation and got nectar from you.
You keep away from pain and bad habits.
You help to realise inner bliss from one's self experience.
You destroy, pain, agony, and bad habits.
You present the song of devotion, yoga.
You are the voice of respected Ramdev and Balkrishna.
As Ganga of immense knowledge, you flow in every household.
You are the source of yoga, Ayurveda, culture and Sanskar.
Here Bhrigu, Saam, Yaju and Atharva are applied.
You are like essence of Geetha for good food habit, behaviour and good
You are spreading the message of Bharat Swabhiman and Patanjali Yoga.
I am sending my letter to Yog Sandesh,
Every moment rise above and never be sentimental.
Om Prakash Mehra.
January 2015
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