Yogsandesh Jan 15

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Year 12, Issue 05

January 2015

Price ` 15/-

A research based monthly magazine on

Yoga, Ayurveda, Cultural and Spiritual message

Published by Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) Haridwar, under the guidance

and encouragement of Honourable Swami Ramdevji Maharaj

170 countries endorsed

universal, scientific and secular
aspects of Yoga, UN declares

June 21 as
India with Yoga
Healthy India

International Day
of Yoga...

Self-dependent India
Prosperous India

Year 12, Issue 05

January 2015

Price ` 15/-

A research based monthlymagazine on

Yoga, Ayurveda, Cultural and Spiritual message

Published by Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) Haridwar, under the guidance

and encouragement of Honourable Swami Ramdevji Maharaj

Udhyam Sahasam dhairyam buddhih shakti parakramah

Shedet yatra vartante tatra dev sahaykrit.

170 countries endorsed

universal, scientific and secular
aspects of Yoga, UN declares

June 21 as
India with Yoga
Healthy India

International Day
of Yoga...

Self-dependent India
Prosperous India



Year 12 l Issue 05 l January 2015


Published in Hindi, English, Gujarati, Marathi, Bangla, Punjabi, Oriya,

Assamese, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Nepali


Acharya Balkrishna
Associate Editor

Dr. Vijay Kumar Mishra

a Eternal Wisdom
a Editorial
a Special Discussion
a Ashok cures fever, blood related problems, leucorrhoea

Patanjali Yogpeeth
Maharishi Dayanand Gram,
Delhi-Haridwar national highway,
near Bahadarabad,
Haridwar-249402, Uttarakhand
Phone (01334) 240008,
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Fax (01334) 244805, 240664
e-mail [email protected]
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Subscription Fee
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Five Years
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Abraod (Annual)


Publsihing & Distribution Office

(Dainik Bhaskar Group)

B-220, Pahse II, Noida-201305,
G.B. Nagar, U.P.
Publisher and printer Divya Yog Mandir (trust), Kripalu Bagh
Ashram, Kankhal, Haridwar-249408, Published by Rishi offset
printers, Ved Mandir, Gita Ashram, Jwalapur Haridwar and
printed at M.P. Printers, B-220, Phase II, Noida, G.B. Nagar,
U.P. Editor, Acharya Balkrisna.
RNI NO.:DELENG/2006/16626
Yog Sandesh is basically published in Hindi. Therefore some errors are
possible while translating the contents from Hindi to other languages. It is
not necessary for the editor to have coherence with the views expressed
in the contents of the magazine. All disputes are to be settled in the court
of law at Haridwar.

a Cold makes our body virus free

a Jatharagni, Pranagni vital for our body and life
a Victory Chariot of Lord Ram
a Bottle gourd juice is panacea in heart diseases
a Continuous divine upliftment for strength and...
a Now or never
a Geeta in brief
a Healthy village, ideal village
a Your experience
a Change of Government is made possible by a great...
a Various activities at Patanjali
a Diabetes can also be cured
a Try and see impact
a Ayurvedic method to cook sweet rice
a Almighty is omnipresent and his discipline is strength...
a How longer cruel custom of sacrificing innocent...
a Special condition of deformities of child psychology...
a Yoga-Quiz
a Asanas and medicines effective in white or bloody...
a Indigenous and innovative labour pilgrimage Patanjali...
a Natural treatment of acidity
a Natural farming of rauvolfia serpentina or Sarpgandha
a Letter to Editor
a India my pride...
a International Day of Yoga by the UN...


Read this magazine yourself, inspire five others to read and then place in five new families so that this
agitation, being inspired by seers could spread, reach and benefit every human being. - Editor

Eternal Wisdom

Eternal truth emanating out of the eternal wisdom of respected Swami ji Maharaj

Divine life

here are three types of human lives- 1. Low quality, 2. Simple quality
3. Best quality. Life full of ominous things, impurity, Adharma, fear,
quarrel, lust, lack of knowledge or enlightenment is insult of the best gift of
almighty. Therefore, all humans should make efforts for getting rid of low level,
insanity and barbarism and rise to make the life of best quality. Purusharth is
very necessary for good life.
Normally, people are seen simple or middle quality of life. Such people have
faith in god. They lead a religious life and they also have concern for the cause of
the society in general and avoid to indulge into irreligious activities or sinister
acts. They also want to have material pleasure as well as divine blessings and
largely involved in prayer to almighty, yoga and meditation. Third is the best
quality of life with is divine and complete dedication to almighty happens to
be the nal goal of life. Here we, after getting rid of all kind of illusions and
understanding the reality of nature and almighty, we can realise our evolution
and nihshreyas. Self-less service and efforts are the two key means of living
life. Pure knowledge, pure acts, pure worshiping, which means Gyan, Karma
and Bhakti are the three key forces which together propel our life.
While doing meditation in solitude at the dawn or Brahma Muhurta, the
Sadhak should unify his existence with almighty to get eternal bliss, peace and
enlightenment. During meditation, the Sadhak becomes a representative of
almighty through his devotion and dedication for almighty. During meditation,
the Sadhak feels eternal bliss. Samadhi during meditation and during normal
life he makes efforts for divinity and being seless, he lives only for almighty.
Selessness means being free from lust, expectations, greed for power and
property, ambition, etc and living according to the path shown by saints and
A seless person is also called Aapta Purush. Basis of seless work are- self
inspiration, vedic guidance, guidance of scriptures, guidance of teachers. With
meditation, efforts and seless work, even simple men become divine.
May almighty give us the capability to devote to almighty in meditation
period and in normal activity to work selessly. We do not work for power,
property, material pleasure, etc. We could work for raising our soul with
inspiration of almighty, directions of Veda, scriptures and orders of our
teachers. By remaining seless, we could devote ourselves in meditation of

January 2015



Acharya Balkrishna

Search for

divine souls

espected Swami ji has searched one thousand

boys, girls, men and women between age group
of 5-35 years. They are being prepared to develop seven
divine qualities in them.
The kids and adults who will have seven qualities
like- Dhriti, Smriti, Pratibha, Purusharth, Parakrama,
Kritagyata and Sadaacharan, they will be people of high
standard. Such spirits are capable to develop themselves
as threat men or great saints. No good fruit is possible
without good quality seeds. Similarly, if the efforts are
made to build high standard souls, 100 per cent result
is quite possible. If the best quality of humans which
have been in existence for generations, are analysed
well, we will nd all the aforementioned seven qualities
in the character of the kids. We have heard from many
great sages like Maharshi Patanjali and others that some
people are great from their time of birth, some people
raise the quality of their character through Purusharth
while others are imposed on the society as great men in
the eld of politics, agriculture, industry, etc. The people
who had aforementioned seven qualities since childhood,
they consider then as great souls by birth. If these souls
get proper training, right environment and good trainer,
and proper efforts are made on their development, they



January 2015

can become great men, great soul, great Purusharthi,

great saints, divine humans, divine souls, etc. Through our
organisation, media and other means, search for the souls
full of the seven qualities like Dhriti, Smriti, Pratibha,
Purusharth, Parakrama, Kritagyata and Sadaacharan
and ensure their training according to Patanjai's Rishi
Parampara and prepare them as sages.
If you are in contact with any such a soul, immediately
contact us on our ph no:- 01334240008, 246737, 248888,
248999 or inform us on our email- divyayoga@rediffmail.
com or send us letter in this regard and be play a key role
in this great work. 

Special Discussion

In Delhi, respected Swami ji, respected Acharya ji with BJP's national

president Amit Shah

To get a nation-wide recognition for Khadi, Union Minister Sri Kalraj Mishra ji, his ministerial
colleague Sri Giriraj Singh ji have made a resolve. They, along with senior officials of concerned
department, are interacting with respected Acharya Balkrishna ji in Delhi.

January 2015


Health in herbs

Scientic name
Saraca Asoca
(Roxb.) de willd

Family name:

English nake:
Ashoka tree/Ashoka

Hempushpa, Vanjul, Ashok, Tamrapallav, Pindpushpa,

Ashok, Ashuge

Ashok, Ashopallav



Asau, Ashok


Ashok, Jasundi


Barg Ashok


January 2015

Ashok cures fever, blood

related problems, leucorrhoea
to science of Ayurveda, a medicine has to induce a sense of confidence in a patient
that he will get rid of the disease. Actually the body is directly connected to our
nature therefore a disease is born out when there is an imbalance in the nature around us. In
such a condition, a medicine has to be found out from the nature itself. On the contrary, if we
use unnatural chemicals as medicine, then it may not show its adverse impact immediately but
in long future, its wrong impact is bound to appear.
For eternal wellness, it is necessary that medicines for physical and mental diseases should
be found from natural sources. To stop atrocities being committed on our body, the greatest
blessing of almighty, in the name of treatment of diseases, Patanjali has conducted an intense
research on herbs for treatment of diseases and has also suggested medicines and their quantities
for various diseases. On the basis of the conclusion of these researches we present thes series of
articles under headline- health in herbal medicines. Your relatives can read and apply these
methods in detail to get a healthy and happy life. Here in this issue, we present you information
regarding herbal properties of Ashoka plant.

In ancient time, people for pleasant life and also to keep away displeasure,
would set up Ashok garden around their residences and for this reason
its plant was named Vishok, Apshok, etc. Ashok ower is one of the ve
owers of Pushpa Dhanva's (Kaamdev) oural arrow.
This plant is normally found in Himalayan region, western peninsular
region up to the height of 750 meter in the states of West Bengal, Biharr,
Uttarakhand, Karnataka and Maharashtra's evergreen forests.

shok plant is a gem among

Indian herbs. Its best and
amazing properties have been
described in a great way since
ancient time. In ancient time,
people for pleasant life and also
to keep away displeasure, would
set up Ashok garden around their
residences and for this reason its
plant was named Vishok, Apshok,
etc. Ashok ower is one of the
ve owers of Pushpa Dhanva's
(Kaamdev) oural arrow. This
plant is normally found in
Himalayan region, western
peninsular region up to the height
of 750 meter in the states of West
Bengal, Biharr, Uttarakhand,
Karnataka and Maharashtra's

evergreen forests. Among many

species of this plant, one two of
them are useful for treatment of
diseases. Ashok or Saraca Asoca
Roxb. Wild is normally 9 meter
high, of medium size, beautiful
and evergreen plant. This tree's
branches are spread wide, its bark
is deep brown in colour, and as
medicine its bark is mainly used.
for treatment of diseases.
Its leaves are 5-25 cm long and
tipped. Initially the leaves are
whitish red and later they turn
deep green. On the sides of the
leaves, a bit wave like shape are
found. Its owers are of 7.5-10 cm
diameter and colour is yellowish,
orange and deep red. They are
narrow on both ends. Its seeds
are 3-8 cm long with 2.5-3.7 cm
width. Its plant produces white
milk which turn red soon after
drying which is also known as
Ashok gum. Flowers bloom in
its trees in March and April and
fruits are born between August
and October.

Chemical compositionIts leaves and Kand contain

Emirine, B-Citosterol, curvsetin,
katechol, pometic, etc. Its ower
contains asteric acid, apeginnine,
galic acid, etc. Like Ashok, we also
have fake Ashok plants. Its leaves
contain a-amrine, B-amrine, polylogine, campesterol, B-Citesterol,
etc are found. It Kandtwak contains
a new proanthocinedine and other
chemicals are found.

Ayurvedic properties:
Ashok is light, rough, styptic
and cool in nature. It is good for
health, strengthens blood, cures
pain, provides glaze to your skin,
cures fractured bones, fragrant,
cures Tridosh, destroys worms,
swelling, stomach problems,
toxication, blood related problems,
uterus related problems, joint
pains, fever, indigestion, etc.
It is used in the problems like
Kashtartav, Raktapitt, Ashmari,
Mootrakachh, etc. Its bark is acrid
in taste, cures fever and intestine

January 2015


Health in herbs
related problems. It also cures
fatigue and piles.
Besides, it is also effective
in enlarged stomach, stomach
bleeding and bleeding during
pregnancy. It also cures Blood
Ashok seeds are diuretic, they
also cure diarrhea with bleeding.
Its trunk is bitter, it is shaityakarak,
Stambhak, cures effect of poison,
destroys worms, gives sweet effect.
It cures piles, sore, fatigue due to
excess of labour, indigestion, etc.
While on the other hand,
fake Ashok is bitter, hot, light,
rough, etc. It cures gonorrhea and
fever and destroys worms. It also
cures leprosy. It is very useful
in Aamdosh, fever, gonorrhea,
vibandh, and it also kills worms.
Its ethanol extract when used
on rats or mouse shows properties
to cure ulcer.

Methods and medicinal

uses of Ashok:
Chest related problems:
1. Breathing: Take 65 gm Ashok
seeds and administer it with
betel leaves to the patient. It
is very effective in chest and
breathing related problems.
Stomach problems:
1. Vomiting: Make past of Ashok
ower in water and apply on
nipples and if a kid is breast
fed through the nipples, the
baby's vomiting will stop.


January 2015

2. Diarrhea: Take 3-4 gm of

Ashok owers and make its
paste in water. If this paste is
administered to the patient, his
or her diarrhea will be cured.
Anal problems:
1. Bleeding piles: Make tea of
Ashok bark and administer to
the patient 15-25gm. It will
cure bleeding piles.
2. Take 10 gm of Ashok bark and
its owers in equal quantities
and leave it to be soaked in a
glass full water. In the morning
lter the water and take it.
Similarly, take morning water

in the evening. It is very

effective in bleeding piles.
Kidney related problems:
1. Stone: Take 1-2 gm of Ashok
seeds and make its paste in
water. Taking two spoons of it
can help cure the problem.
Pregnancy related problems:
1. Leucorrhoea: Take Ashok bark
powder and crystal sugar in
equal quantities and take 3
gm of it with cow milk in the
morning and in the evening.
2. 15-25 ml Ashok bark tea added
with milk if taken in the






morning and evening, it is very

effective in white leucorrhoea
and bleeding leucorrhoea.
Take 3 gm Ashok bark and
make its paste in the water
used for washing rice. Then
lter its juice and add 1 gm
Rasaut, 1 spoon honey and
administer it to the patient
both ends. It is very effective in
the problem. Besides, add alum
in Ashok bark tea and use it for
cleaning vagina.
Take 2-3 gm Ashok owers
and make its paste in water.
Administer it to the patient.
It is very effective in bleeding
Mental problems:
Administering 20-30 ml of
Ashok bark to the patient in
one dose is very effective in
mental problems.
Emission in night while
sleeping: Take 20 gm of Ashok
bark and crush it properly and
boil it in 250 ml water. When
just 30 ml is left, add 6 gm
honey and take it both ends.
Laxity of vagina: Take Ashok
bark, Acacia (Babool) bark,
Sycamore bark, Gallnut and
alum in equal quantities and
crush them in equal quantities.
50 gm of this powder has to
be boiled in 400 gm of water
and make its 100 gm tea. After
ltering it, use the tea for
washing the vagina. It will be

very effective.
8. Take 6-12 gm Ashok ghrit and
take it with lukewarm milk
or water. It will cure all kinds
of leucorrhoea, Kukshishool,
Katishool, pain in vagina,
problem in digestion, lack of
appetite, jaundice, cough and
respiratory problems. It also
increases your strength, skin
complexion and age.
9. 20-25 ml Ashokarishth, if taken
everyday after meal, it will
cure bleeding leucorrhoea,
fever, raktapitt, bleeding piles,
problem in digestion, lack of
appetite. swelling, etc.
Bone joint related problems:
1. Bone crack: Take 6 gm Ashok
bark powder and take it twice
a day with milk and applying
its paste on the affected area is
very effective.
2. Vaatvyadhi: In this problem,
use of Ashokghrit for the
snehvirechan purpose is very

Skin problem:
1. Make paste of mustard with
extract of Ashok bark and let
it to be dried in the sun light.
When every you like, apply it
on the skin. It will enhance skin
2. Pimples: Boil Ashok bark
and when the water is very
concentrated, let it to be cool.
Add equal quantity of mustard
oil in it. Apply regularly on
pimples, sore and other such
problems. Its regular use is very
3. Sore: Take ghee, Priyangu,
Ashok Rohini, Triphala,
Dhataki, Lodhra and Sarjras in
equal quantities and make its
ne powder and sprinkle on
the sore. The problem will be
All body diseases:
1. To enhance brain's capacity:
Mix Ashok bark powder and
Brahmi powder in equal
quantities take one spoon
both ends with one cup of
milk regularly for some
months. It will enhance
capacity of brain.
2. Sarvaghau pain: Make Ashok
tea and take its 10-20 ml. It
can cure pain. In fact, Ashok is
such a medicine, which cures
mental and physical problems
and always keep you fresh and

January 2015


Treatment of diseases

Cold makes our body

virus free

Dr Nagendra Kumar Neeraj, Director- Yog-gram

is such a disease for which no medicine could be found. Another big mystery related to the disease
is that excess use of medicine makes the problem even more complicated. Experts are of the view
that it is wrong to consider cold as a disease. In fact, it is a natural mechanism which cleanse our body from
germs and also removes toxic organisms from the body. Dr Nagendra Neeraj is analysing cold from this very
point of view.

t the time of cold, speed of sneeze happens to be 100 mile

per hour. With this speed, sneeze removes toxicant virus
from our body. In some people, this speed has been measured at
174 mile per hour. This was the speed of the sneeze of Mr Geginold
Colman. According to doctors, he is suffering from a special kind
of sinus. In fact, an adverse kind of garbage gets collected in his



January 2015

nostrils which exerts pressure, resulting into a

powerful sneeze. Whenever he sneezes, people
around him feel that a cyclone or quake has been
triggered. Scientists are yet to solve the puzzle of
such a powerful sneeze of this person.
Cold indicates that the affected person's
immune system has become weak and adverse
organisms and stuffs have started to be collected
in abundance inside the body. You must have seen
that whenever you fall ill, you don't feel taste on
your tongue. To stimulate your taste buds, you
start taking spicy or salty food stuffs and your
anger and irritation scales up. You have strong
desire for sex in this stage and you wake till late in
the night, which means you don't take sufcient
rest. Imbalanced meal, air conditioned rooms,
lack of physical exercise or physical activities,
breathing in polluted air which in a way invite
the harmful virus and other stuffs to weaken the
system of the body.

62-hour's life time:

Virginia University's Dr Jack M Gwaltani
and Ovan Haidley conducted a wide range of
research on several communities and reached to

the conclusion that the virus of cold infects the

affected person through his or her hands and
not through sneeze or kissing. If person puts his
or her hands at a place where an affected person
had put his hand then the second person will
denitely get infected. Cold virus can survive
for 62 hours even on dead material. According
to a survey of US, cold takes toll on ve crore
working hours due to cold. To address this issue,
disposable handkerchief was invented. This tissue
handkerchief happens to be of three layers and
its middle layer contains such chemicals which
prevent virus from entering through it. These
chemicals are capable in killing hundreds of cold
virus in a few minutes.

Rate of cold decreases

with growing age:
Michigan university's Dr Ornold Monto
conducted research on 10000 people for 11
years and reached to the conclusion that at the
age of 60, the chances of cold is 0.5 per cent. On
the other hand, in case of youth and kids, they
often fall prey to cold because they have greater
intensity to remove diseases from their body.
People between 20-30 are more in contact with
cold infected kids and naturally the former too fall
prey to cold. Whatever it might be, in case of cold,
taking medicines is a kind of foolishness as you try
to block the natural process to detoxify your body.

Why not to take medicines:

Doctors often give you antibiotics to eat. These
medicines not only destroy harmful bacteria but
also to useful ones. Body's immune system had
to encounter harmful virus and bacteria before
taking medicines however, it has to confront the
effect of medicines too after they are taken. Body
was already full of poison and now medicines after
destroying a large number of useful and harmful
virus and bacteria, leave a large quantity of

Michigan university's Dr Ornold Monto

conducted research on 10000 people for 11 years
and reached to the conclusion that at the age
of 60, the chances of cold is 0.5 per cent. On
the other hand, in case of youth and kids, they
often fall prey to cold because they have greater
intensity to remove diseases from their body.
garbage inside the body. Most parts of the body becomes toxicated.
The body is full of bad smell. In this condition if the patient is kept
on only medicines and he could not get natural treatment, they he
can fall prey to incurable asthma, TB, cancer, etc. This is the reason
why when you feel cold be careful. But also take care of the fact that
cold has come to make your body free from diseases. Therefore, do
cooperate with it and help it to improve your immune system.
Medical science has invented many vaccines, medicines and
other methods to ght against cold, however, none could triumph
in front of it. When ever, you use one weapon against cold, it will
develop a whole and insensible system to counter and nullify its
It is said that at present the there are 200 types of virus of

January 2015


Treatment of diseases

Virginia University's Dr Jack M Gwaltani and Ovan Haidley

conducted a wide range of research on several communities
and reached to the conclusion that the virus of cold infects
the affected person through his or her hands and not
through sneeze or kissing. If person puts his or her hands
at a place where an affected person had put his hand then
the second person will denitely get infected. Cold virus can
survive for 62 hours even on dead material.

one should take Chapaties of wheat our which

contains ample quantity wheat husk, boiled
vegetables, salad in lunch and only fruits in
evening meal. You can take soup for 3-4 times
also. In fruits, you can take apple, pear, papaya,
cucumber, watermelon, etc and seasonal
vegetables. Other treatments could be applying
patti on stomach, emema and after 20 minutes,
use warm water for bath. It is very effective in
sever cold. Apply these methods for next ve days.
In fast, our body gets relaxation and all body
system like digestive, absorptive and others get
engaged in removing poison out of the body.

Other methods:

different properties to spread cold. The strongest and most

effective among them is Rhinoviruses which has 113 species. In 6070 per cent cold cases, only this virus is responsible.

Method of treatment:
From treatment point of view, no English medicine has to be
taken. Take complete rest and also give a rest to your digestive
system. Keep taking lemon-water and honey for 2-3 days at an
interval of every 2-2.5 hours interval. Drink as much water as you
can. Temperature of water has to be nearly around your body
temperature. If you nd it difcult to stay on Lemon-Water and
honey, then you can also take lemon, orange and other such fruits
of lemon family. Nobel award winner Dr Linus Pauling has advised
Vitamin C as the best medicine for cold.
Taking fruits is enough to help you recover from cold. Besides,



January 2015

For 15 days, practise Jalaneti, Sutraneti,

Ghritneti, Kunjar etc. While sleeping in the night,
take 50 gm mustard oil, 1 gm camphor, juice of
half lemon, and mix them together and pour 10
drops in each of the nostrils. It is called Telneti.
While sleeping in the night, apply mustard oil on
palm and feet sole and massage them for 10-15
minutes. Before and after the Telneti, take steam
on your face. In a bowl, add some neem leaves
and neelgiri leaves and let them to boil. Then
take its steam by covering you and your bowl in a
blanket or towel. Pour mustard oil in ears and also
apply it on navel. In case of severe cold, ll your
moth with cold water and sprinkle cold water on
your face for 10-15 times. This treatment is very
effective. Use of medicines prepared by Patanjali
Yogpeeth puries the whole body and keeps you
free from diseases.
If cold continues for the next three days and you
have fever, this could be a symptom of inuenza.
If your fever does not get down for 4-5 days, or
fever or cold return after 4-5 days, this could be a
symptom of sinus or pneumonia. In this condition
do contact to a medical practitioner while applying
aforementioned methods of treatment. 


Jatharagni, Pranagni vital

for our body and life
Ushmanoalpbalatwen dhatumadyamapachitam.
Dushtamamashyagaatam rasmamam prachakshate.
Anye doshebhya avatidushtebhyoanyonyamurchchhanaat.
Kodravebhyo vishasyeva vadantyamsya sambhavam.
Aamen ten samprikta dosha dooshyashcha dooshitah.
Sama ityupadishyante ye cha rogastadubhdavah.
Anvya - Ushmanah alpabalatven apachitam amashyagatam
dushtam rasam adyam dhatum aamam prachakshate, anye
atidushtebhyah doshebhyah
Anyonyamurchchhanaat aeva amasya sambhavam
kodravebhyah vishasya eva vadanti. Ten aamen sampriktah
dushitah doshah aeva tadudbhavah ye rogah sama iti
Word meaning: Ushmanah- of appetite, Alpabalatven- due to
weakness, Apachitam- uncooked, Amashayagatam- Received
in stomach, Dushtam- contaminated in gastric problem,
Rasm- juice, Aadyam- rst, Dhatum- of metal, Aamamof aam, Prachakshate- it is said, Anye- some teachers,
Atidushtebhyah doshebhyah- most contaminated due to
gastric problem, Anyonyamurchchhanaat aeva- mutual
due to fainting, Aamasya samhhavam- generation of aam,
Kodravebhyah vishasya iva- like generation of poison,
vadanti- it is said, Ten aamen sampaktah- after assimilation
with that aam, Dooshitah- contaminated, Doshah- gastric
related problems, Dooshyah cha- like contaminated juice,
Tadudbhavah- born out of them, these diseases- the
diseases which they are, Ye rogah- these diseases, Sama iti
updishyante- Saam is said by this name.
Meaning- Due to weakness of Jatharagni, the juice is
not digested properly, after getting into stomach, this
undigested juice is called Aam. According to other Aacharyas
or mentors, the way due to production of kudhanya or

kodravya becomes poisonous, similarly due to excess of the

gastric contamination, aam related problems are born. The
excrements mixed in Aam is called Saam and the diseases
caused by them are known as Saamrog.
Kuryaanna teshu twarya dehagnibalvit kriyam.
Samyettan prayogena sukham wa koshthmaanyet.
Gyatva koshthaprapannanshch yathasannam vinirharet.
Anvaya- Tiryaggatah doshah prayah aaturan chiram
kleshyanti, dehagni-balvit teshu twarya kriyam na kuryat,
prayogena taana shamayeta sukham wa koshtham aanyet,
koshthprapannana cha gyatavya yathasannam vinirharet.
Word meaning: Tiryaggatah- that goes in the slant direction,
Doshah- aw, Prayaha- often, Aaturan- to the patients,
Chiram- for a long time, Kleshyanti- that gives pain, Deh-agnibalvit- The Ayurveda expert who knows about body, re and
strength, Teshu- regarding the aws, Twarya- swiftly, Kriyam
na kuryaat- don't treat, Prayogena- by use of the methods
suggested by the scriptures, Taan- those aws, Shamayetquell, Sukham wa- with pleasure, Koshtham- in the Koshtha,
Aanyet- Bring now, Koshthaprapannan cha- the aws found
in the brackets, Gyatva- by knowing, yathasannnam- in the
nearest series, Vinirharet- Do Nirharan.
Meaning: Tiryaggat, which means outside food channels,
the aws which went into the other branches cause a lot of
pain for a long time. Therefore, the Ayurveda expert who
knows well about body, re and power should not treat them
swiftly or in haste, but they should quell them according to
the methods described in the scriptures without causing any
pain and bring the aws out of the body through vomiting,
excretion and excretion through nostrils. 
(Courtesy to Ashtang Hridyam)

January 2015


Yug Chintan

Victory Chariot of Lord Ram


Dr Suman : Central chief in-charge of women affairs, Bharat Swabhiman and Patanjali Yogpeeth

individual in the world wishes to see only victory in life.

No body wants to get defeated. From the point of view
of the body, thoughts, speech, dialogue, property, dignity, wearing,
residence, vehichles, resources, social status, etc, everyone wants
only to win. He wants to win the whole world. But in Geeta, Lord



January 2015

Krishna said that one who has control over his

body, mind, habits, nerves, sensual desire, etc, is
the real winner. The person who wins in this world,
internally or externally, is great. Vedas too inspire
us for victory:
'Ahamindro na parajigye. Aganinrasmi
janmana jaatveda, ghreetam men
chakshuramritam ma aasan.
Arakstridhatoo rajaso vimanoajastro
gharmo havirsmi nama. Kritam me
dakshine haste jayo me savya aahitah. Vijay
arthat Vishesh jay.'
Getting victory is not an easy affair. Efforts
made for a long period of time non-stop and full
of dedication lead us to victory. Describing victory,
a poet said, "Victory and earth are daughters of
some affluent person. They always go to a powerful
person and not to a coward. If you choose victory?
Will you become winner of the whole earth? Then
learn how to sacrifice your blood."
In this context, I remember an instance in
Ramayana. In the 57th Sarg of Yuddhakand,
when Lord Ram and Ravan were in front of each
other, Ravan has a huge and well equipped chariot
and he is also equipped with arrow, shield, bow,
sword, and all other means to attack and defend
himself, and on the other side Lord Ram, in a very
humble state, wearing simple dress, simple slippers
in the feet. He is standing on the ground without
any chariot. Seeing this state, Vibhishan became
frightened and said- O lord, you don't have any
strong weapon to attack your enemy or defend your
enemy. I am frightened, how will you defeat this
Ravan Rathi Virath Raghuvira,
Dekh Vibhishan Bhayahu Adhira,

Adhik preeti man bha sandeha,

Bandi charan, kah sahit saneha,
Naath na rath nahi tan pad trana,
kehi bidhi jitaba beer balwana.
O Lord! You neither have a chariot, nor any
effective defence for yourself as you are bare feet
and even you do not have any armor. How will you
be able to win over this mighty demon?
On this question of Vibhishan, Lord Ram
smiled and said, "O my friend! The chariot which
leads you to victory is of different kind. Let me
narrate you about the speciality of the chariot."
"Sunahu sakha kahe kripa nidhana,
jehi jaya hota so syandan nana."
Sauraj dheeraj tehi rath chaka. sheel dridh
dhwaja pataka.
Bal, bibek dam parhit ghore. Kshama kripa
samanata raju jore.
Ish bhajun sarathi sujana. Birati dharma
santosh kripana.
Daan parasu buddhi-sakti prachanda, bar
bigyan kathin kodanda.
Amal Achal man tron samana. Sam jam
niyam sili mukh nana.
Kawach abhed bipra gurur pooja, aihi sama
bijaya upaya na dooja.
Sakha dharma mai as rath jake. Jeetan kah
na katahu riputake.
Lord Ram said, "Patience and bravery are the
two wheels of the chariot, truth and good conduct
are its strong flag and control on your desire and
helping needy people are its horses. Chanting the
name of almighty is the driver of the chariot and
selflessness is shield and satisfaction is the sword.
Sacrifice is the axe and wisdom is the strength and
science is its bow. Mind free from sins is its quiver.
Hard work and control over your mind, nonviolence, yam-niyam are several arrows."
Worshiping Brahmins and teachers is armour.
There could be no other means besides them which
could lead you to victory. O friend! One who has
such a sacred chariot, can never be defeated. 

Bottle gourd juice is

panacea in heart diseases

ottle gourd juice if taken twice or once a

day for six months regularly can open the
blockage in the heart arteries, it also cures the
problem of anxiety. It also relieves you from
heart pain. Cholesterol and triglycerides are
controlled. Heart becomes more active. Acidity
and ulcer is also cured. Intestine, liver, stomach
become very strong and level of haemoglobin is
also increased and the problems like excess of
menstruation, piles, digestion related problems,
ect are also cured due to this juice.
To take juice out of bottle gourd, rst wash
it with hot water and grate it without peeling
it. Filter it with cotton cloth and extract 100 gm
juice. Add the paste of seven leaves of tulsi and
seven leaves of mint in the juice. Take this juice in
the morning empty stomach and in the evening
1-2 hours before taking dinner. It does not have
any side effect. Those who feel dysentery after
taking the juice, should begin with a very small
quantity of 50 gm. 

January 2015


Power of union

Continuous divine upliftment for

strength and purity of organisation

Rakesh Kumar: Chief Central In-charge, Bharat Swabhiman

a bigger change, it is necessary for everyone to make contribution for the great purpose. Coordinated efforts,
divine leadership and an ideology are the three key factors to build a strong and effective organisation.
After independence in 1947, India has been run by the system imposed on us by the British rulers. The kind of India
our martyrs dreamt to make was ruined and independence of their dream could not be realised. Corrupt system
and British model of governance were responsible for slave-like mind set of our rulers. A handful people looted the
wealth of 120 crore people of India and stashed it in foreign banks.


ven people of India also believed that this state of affairs

is their destiny as there as no ray of hope around. In this
gloomy situation, a saint, a worrier respected Swami ji vowed to
make India free from social, economic, mental and political slavery.
With this resolve, he launched Bharat Swabhiman on January 5,
2009. It is world's youngest (Just 5 years old) but one of the biggest
organisations of the world. The monumental works which could not
be done by world's biggest organisations in 100 years, have been
successfully completed by Bharat Swabhiman in just 5-6 years of
period which is apparent from change in system and change of
Government with the help of 125 crore people. At present, Bharat
Swabhiman and its five organs like Patanjali Yog Sameeti, Mahila
Patanjali Yog Sameeti, Yuva Bharat and Kisan Panchayat are
working in a well coordinated manner and hence serving people
in over 600 districts, more than 5000 Tehsils and over two lakh
villages. Through these organisations, awareness camps, plantation
drive, anti-addiction drive, blood donation camps, cleanliness drive,
rendering Ayurveda education, helping victims of natural calamity,
distribution of herbal medicines, preserving cows and their clan,
organising marriages of poor girls, donation of body after death,
distribution of clothes, promoting Swadeshi and yoga classes are
organised to give a message on the issues of national interest like
blackmoney, corruption and public awareness.
Under the leadership of Swami ji and Acharya ji, biggest Satyagraha
of the history of India was organised to change the corrupt
government and install a nationalist government which happened
with the association of crores of workers and under the leadership of



January 2015

Bharat Swabhiman Organisation.

In the last two decades, Swami ji and Acharya ji
have been working from Haridwar, the land of
deities, in the fields of yoga, Ayurveda, Swadeshi
and traditions of saints. Swami ji directly trained
over 20 crore people across the country and the
world in yoga and with the help of media, he
brought this great resource of knowledge out of the
caves of mountains and made its reach possible
to every household. After praiseworthy efforts of
Patanjali Yogpeeth and respected Prime Minister
Narendra Modi ji, a long cherished dream was
realised when recently the UN declared June 21 as
International Yoga day and world recognised the
strength of Indian culture and traditions.
Swami ji who has been service to the nation and
humanity, has now set up a new target to bring
revolution in the field of education through
Acharyakulam. Respected Swami ji says that in
future, prosperity will be measured on the basis of
intellectual properties and one who will have this
wealth in abundance will be counted as richest.
The way Patanjali Yogpeeth at present has been
promoting yoga and Ayurveda globally, similarly
our ancient Vedic culture, Vedic knowledge will
also be taken to a new height in the world. Besides
promoting knowledge, the organisation's reach

has to be made possible to 6 lakh, 36 thousand,

365 villages and if there is any flaw in the work
for yoga, Ayurveda and Swadesh, this has to be
In every stage, 5 ideal villages are to be developed
in every district of the country and this way all the
villages of India are to be developed as an ideal
one. Acharyakulam has to be started in every
district and every individual of the villages are
to be made healthy. Youths are to be made free
from addiction and engage them in the mission
of nation building, every farmer has to be made
aware of the knowledge of natural farming and
make them free from the bad effects of harmful
chemicals so that good health could be promoted
and people can be made free from poverty and
deprivation. These goals can not be accomplished
only by the government. Governments can
cooperate, they can create an ambience for change
but character building, building true humans,
etc can be possible under the guidance of any
able mentor like Swami ji and Acharya ji. Under
their leadership, Bharat Swabhiman's next goal
is to accomplish these big goals of the national
importance, and by encouraging Swadeshi,
country will be taken to the new heights of success
through purity and empowerment.
For empowerment of organisation, organisation
workshops were organised in November and
December for office bearers of hundreds of
districts, all the States, division and Tehsil at
Organisation's headquarters Patanjali Yogpeeth,
The target in the workshop was to purify the
organisation and encourage the system of
Swadeshi. In the last four years, the organisation
has been fully engaged in movements and has
been busy in struggle. One drive after another
was launched. Now the organisation has attained
its target. Now it's time to lead the whole world
like a saint with the help of the powers like pure

knowledge, discipline, purity of penance, purity of Karma and

awakening of 100 per cent power.
At the workshop of the organisation, Swami ji set seven top
priorities for the participants- 1. To spend 1-2 hours on meditation,
silence, self-study and at least one hour on yoga to pay importance
to penance and selfless works, 2. organising 10 types of yoga camps,
3. expansion of yoga classes, it is mandatory for all office bearers to
organise yoga classes, 4. keep local village committees active and
to ensure expansion of all the five organisations to district, Tehsil
and village level, 5. ensuring ideal form of the organisation 6. ideal
way of life which means adopting 10 kinds of true knowledge at the
level of speech, behaviour, conduct, practice, nature, acts, tendency,
efforts, penance and service, 7. setting up Acharyakulam in every
district, 8. besides, Swami ji also gave special training for the period
of practice like yoga, self-study, meditation, yoga, service and said
that it is yoga which helped to get to this position and we will carry
forward this movement.
At the organisation workshop, chief central in-charge brother
Jaideep Arya ji gave presentations on the subjects like sanitation,
ideal village development plan, donation, service and cooperation.
Chief Central In-charge brother Rakesh ji trained the participants
on the expansion of village committees, office management,
freedom from addiction and social media, sister Sumna trained
them on changing a person's nature, organising yoga classes and
expansion of yoga committees, organising 10 kinds of yoga camps,
etc. Besides expansion of the organisation, special thrust was given
on discipline in personal life, divine activities, devotion to almighty
and selfless service.
In the workshop, workers from across the country participated with
a great enthusiasm, the participation was witnessed from Jammu
& Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Rajasthan to northeast.
Interestingly, workers from Andaman and Nicobar reached to
attend workshop aftert 10 days of journey. A large number of
workers from other States like Kerala, Sikkim, Karnataka, Andhra
Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh and
Meghalaya attended the workshop.
All the workers pledged - Charaiveti, Charaiveti, Papo nishdwaro,
Janah, Indrah ichcharatah sakha. (Aetarey Brahman). By
continuous and complete Purushartha, or efforts, we will carry
forward this movement by keeping almighty, Gurus and nation
in mind and without any arrogance while serving humanity with
selflessness and power of yoga. 

January 2015


Yug Dharma

Now or never

Dr Vijay Kumar Mishra

is the centre of changes. Success of a revolution lies on the internal changes of this human being. Famous
Man writer Lorance Hide said that reconstruction of the society is not possible without social building. A monkey
or leopard present inside us cannot be controlled by applying just internal pressure. Nor is it possible to create a society
based on the ideas of socialism without creating harmony among people. For the sake of a durable change it will
be required to give birth to such a revolution which is non-violent, which is influenced by a certain vision or idea
and its goal has to be a global change rather than changing the hearts of just a few individuals. This is the spiritual
revolution which takes place rarely in a century. Such revolution is a spiritual revolution which happen rarely and
when this kind of opportunity will come again, it is difficult to decipher.

y getting sacrifice of best persons of the society, a

revolution is born out and the ways for comprehensive
change is opened. And the garbage of social taboo, dirty thoughts
and misbelieves get burnt to be destroyed. To burn the flame this



January 2015

divine fire, greatest saint of this era Swami Ramdevji

fully committed and dedicated. He has given a call
for - now or never. There is a divine secret of this
call. In fact, such an opportunity comes once in

one thousand year and entire humanity and all

the powers of the universe are committed to write
the divine destine of this universe. The souls of the
micro world are desperate to build a divine world.
Some decades back a saint like personality had said
that for this movement divine souls will be born and
almighty was preparing ground for it. Whoever the
revolutionary, saint like, brave and great souls have
been born on this earth, they have already been born
and in course of time they will show their impact
and many of such souls are yet to be born.

Best opportunity for the

leadership of the era
It is no exaggeration to say that almighty has
given the responsibility to Patanjali Yogpeeth to
provide a leadership to this generation and it is
evident from the fact that this organisation has
stood firm at every level with purity, sharpness and
authenticity and its every mission has moved in the
direction of success with great firmness. Therefore,
for the success of this divine mission of Patanjali,
all the elements who have honest intention for the
welfare of this world must come forward so that
Swami ji and Acharyaji could make every individual
divine and strong through their penance for the
success of this spiritual revolution. Since, beginning
of the move to build a gold future of this world has
started, with these efforts misconceptions in the fields
of moral, intellectual, social, religious, spiritual and
economic fields will end and it will help to build a
beautiful world.

Trend of divine citizens

The citizens who will be built in this way will be
quite different from people in general. They will feel
proud of living a simple life with purity. They will be
above the human weaknesses like greed, ego, mental
narrowness, etc. They will be sensitive to all and will
also make others pure, divine and good in character
whoever will come in their contact. Then they will
put an end to the immoral practices and people
will be encouraged to work for the welfare of the

humanity and the society. This will he the era of yoga or idealism.
Patanjali's this movement will not stop at just accomplishment
of its mission for good health. Revolution in the field of health is just
the centre of the greatest mission and this success will be utilised
to demolish and destroy the age old superstitions and taboo in the
society. People are also to be made free from unhealthy diet like
fried food, junk food and alcohol. This revolution in the field of
food habits will make the society free from weakness and diseases
and people will not have to suffer due to bad health, immense
expenditure on treatment of diseases. However, this can be done by
practising yogasana and Pranayam. Besides, people will have to be
made to following right kind of life style like proper time table to
sleep and wake up, physical works, exposure to clean air and sun
light, celibacy, etc.

We have to stimulate people's mind

These days, ongoing thinking on prohibitions is making
people weak and this is the main reason for modern age's mental
trauma of the people. People have developed a habit to compare
themselves with those who are more affluent to them which is
main reason for depression. This mentality makes many of the
people to show disrespect to the things which are available to them
and have a roaming mind which lacks vision and concentration.
It is most needed to sow divinity in the mind and encourage people
to live like sportsperson so that they could lead a balanced life full
of happiness.

Family will be like a divine garden

Family is a divine garden. It is required to have faith on this
fact because today's fast fragmenting families have put a question
mark on the construction of divine coming generation. It is most
needed that men should consider their wives as the daughter of
almighty and a good friend. It is the requirement of the traditions
of the saints. Practices and acts like rape with women, forced
pregnancy, gender bias, unnecessary distribution of gift and
mismanagement of paternal property, excess and unnecessary
expenditure, laziness, lack of cooperation are some of the wrong
things in today's families which are weakening its foundation.
If a family could be protected from these bad habits, no doubt,
the family will become a divine garden of saints and Patanjali
Yogpeeth is working in this direction.

Policy of the economy will change

In today's society everyone is in race to become rich at any cost.

January 2015


Yug Dharma
Needs of people have increased exponentially and affluent people
have forgotten their responsibilities. In fact, a man has forgotten
that unnecessary accumulation of wealth and expenditure are
wrong. In result, people are in hurry to earn unethically which
gives birth to crime, debt, corruption, etc. There is a need for
maintaining economic balance and live life like an average person
and have simple living and high thinking. It is also required to cut
unnecessary expenditure and have farsightedness. In fact, earning
with hard work and honesty give great prosperity and peace.
Earning as per one's capability, spending according to
necessary needs and maintaining a proper balance between the
two is the idea of spiritualism. In fact, excess resources are spend
in show off and full fill the requirements of bad habits. Patanjali's
movement is aimed at making people free from the bad habits.
Respected Swamiji is of the view that accumulating a lot of
resources through right means is ok but spending all the earning
on oneself is not justified. While spending money, one should
have a judicious thoughts especially to save money and the saved
money should be spend on welfare of the needy and right works to
end the reign of poverty from the world.

Bonding of education-livelihood
will be broken
In today's world, the alliance of education and livelihood is as
such that every one wants to work less and earn hard. If the main
purpose behind education will continue to be getting job then
crisis will mount in the coming time. It is necessary for parents to
set their child's goal in terms of earning after primary education.
New generation should develop a new system of production
through cooperative industries and decide to do hard work. This
way the education system which fails to give satisfaction to the
people will be replaced by a more productive and useful system
based on practical knowledge. Acharyakulam is taking steps in
this direction.
In public sector, it is required to promote the principles of
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and Aatmavat Sarva Bhuteshu and fill
the gap between the rich and the poor, men and women, etc. In
this situation, there will be nobody who be arrogant and nobody
will have to feel insulted in the society due to his poverty. All will
share their bread and butter with each other and live in harmony.
Air pollution, atomic radiation, water pollution, excess
exploitation of sources of energy, use of materials which give



January 2015

comforts, manufacturing of the weapons of mass

destruction and a blind race for them are to be
checked. On the other hand, high standard of life,
faith for idealism, liberal cooperation are to be
promoted which is a big challenge. However, real
spiritualism will be tested in it.
Similarly, science should also move forward
from material things and human introspection,
character and public traditions are to be made more
creative and taboos are to be broken. It will aso be
required to promote that material is also associated
with conscious mind. An invisible divine force is
always active.
Since ancient time, great men were born on
this earth time and again and created this world
in a new way. Jesus, Zarathustra, Mejini, Buddha,
Subhash, Saint Dayanand, Gandhi, Lincoln,
Confucius, Aristotle and Vivekanand like great
people of this category were born on this planet. If
their contribution to the world is expunged from the
history, this world will appear helpless. Patanjali
Yogpeeth is engaged in changing the course of this
era to create a new world order and it has got the
leadership of the best persons. This is the right time
to change the destiny of humans. This is the golden
opportunity and if once it is waisted, no body knows
when it come back. 

Geeta in brief

Divine insight
is necessary to understand movement of the era

rimad Bhagwat has always been a timeless scripture. It has been committed to inspire the people the way Maharshi Patanjali's Yog Sutra has been
This is the reason why a great soul incarnated on this earth whenever virtuous forces were in problem. He came on the earth and took inspiration
from the views expressed in Geeta to remove the darkness and build a new human society. In other words, Geeta is the voice of nature. Its philosophy is
assimilated with the nature. Nature means the system of discipline set by almighty. As long as the human society and the nation live according to the
norms of nature, Geeta continues to flow in our lives. When the discipline is disturbed, the entire system gets disturbed. Then voice of Geeta becomes loud.
One who understands this voice, gets a high place in the society. He gets recognition as a legend, a hero, a revolutionary, a path changer. One he is capable
in understanding the voice of nature in the era of darkness. In the Pandav era, Yogeshwar Krishna was such a person, similarly, Adi Shankar was also like
the same. During freedom struggle, it were Lokmanya Tilak and Mahatma Gandhi who worked the same way to build a new era for the betterment of the
society. When Geeta speaks, there cannot happen anything less than Mahabharat in which enormous symbols of atrocities and exploitation get destroyed.
In this situation it becomes impossible for even almighty to stop this change. The gesture of present is the same. Today, Swami Ramdev ji, the greatest
saint of present era, has adopted the same message of Geeta for building a new era which we are presenting here... editor

Madanu grahaya paramam

Yatvayokatam vachastena mohoayam
vigato mam.
Bhavapyayyau hi bhootanam shrutau
vistarasho maya.
Tvataha kamalpatraksha
mahatmyamapi chavyayam.
Arjun was an important part of
Mahabharat like legend and he was
the most responsible character of the
developments of that era. However, he
was also not able to assess the resolve of
Yogeshwar Sri Krishna. For this, Yogeshwar
had to take thousands of initiatives. Only
then he could say that - O Lord Krishna,
the words, full of knowledge, you told have
helped me to get rid of my illusion.
O master, with lotus like eyes, you have
made me experience the beginning and
end of all living and non living creatures.
I have also experienced your strength that
cannot be destroyed ever.
Aevametadyathattha twamatmanam
Dushtamichchhami te roop maishwaram
Manyase yadi tachchhakyam maya
drashtumiti prabho.

Yogeshwar tato me tvam

Now, O my lord, the kind of description you
are presenting of your existance, I want to
experience it. O my lord, if you think, I can
see that kind of your form which means I
am capable of it. Then O my lord, let me
experience it.
Then Arjun experienced various forms of
Yogeshwar's Yogbal. Arjun has called it
spiritualism and later after listening about
the beginning and end of all creatures'
lives, and then he experiences the direct
evidence of the greatest power and his trust
on the movement of Yogeshwar becomes
stronger and he takes his steps forward.
Sri Bhagwanuwach
Pashya me parth roopani shatshoatha
Nanavidhani divyani nanavarnakritini
pashyashcharyani bharat.
Sri Krishna said- O Arjun, just seen my
hundreds of thousands of forms of different
colours and shapes. Just see the 12 suns,
eight Vasu, 11 Rudra, Ashwani Kumars

who were twin doctors of deities and their

names were Nastya and Dastra and 49
Maruds. See the amazing things which are
unforeseen for you.
Ehaikastham jagatkritsnam pashyadya
Mamadehe gudakesha
Na tu mam shakyase drashtumnenaiva
Divyam dadami te chkshuh pashya me
O Gudakesh. You just see all the living
and non living beings at one place in such
a comprehensive way and what ever you
want to see, you also see in this body of
But you cannot see my this form with these
human eyes. Therefore, I give you divine
eyes. With these divine eyes you see the
yoga strength of almighty and be a part of
this movement.
Respected Swami ji and Acharya ji's resolve
has given birth to this movement. Without
divine experience of this movement,
thousands of Arjuns can see their target
and of course they are hitting their targets
but in the absence of divine experience,
they cannot realise it.

January 2015


Research based assessment-1

Healthy village, ideal village


Dr Mahesh Kumar Muchhal

of yoga, Pranayaam and Asanas have been accepted since ancient time in our scriptures and
Upanishads. After their assessment, it is understood that yoga was an important part of the methods
to treat diseases. Yoga was a part of people's life style. In the ancient time when the number of patients was much
lesser than that of today's and that too despite the fact that modern antibiotic medicines were not invented that time.
Even then majority of people were healthy because all basic requirements for good health like nutritious food, yoga
and Pranayama were available. However, in today's world neither pure environment is available nor are the physical
labour and good food. A drive for yoga to keep oneself healthy has started now. But those who have turned to yoga and
other such ways are comparatively much healthier and energetic than others.

n the write ups published

in previous issues we have
already contemplated how pathetic
condition of health care in our
country is, especially in rural areas.
To get recognition and also for
our social, national and spiritual
upliftment it is very necessary for us



January 2015

to make yoga as an inseparable part of our life besides moving

ahead according to time. This could help us to achieve national
health mission. This has been proved in the researches conducted
by Patanjali and others.
In the followings list, it has been shown that how yoga and
Pranayam had positive impact on people's life who had
undergon their practices for a week. Findings of these researches
are given here:


Name of diseases

TB (BFT Test )
Blood pressure
(130/90 to 160/100)
Serum urea
Uric acid

Number of
tests prior
to yoga Unexpected











After analysing aforementioned list, it becomes clear that the 230 patients of
TB, who underwent treatment at residential camp for seven days, 65 per cent of
them after the treatment showed meaningful improvement. Moreover, on 235
patients of Asthma, 60.43 per cent of improvement was observed which is clear
from the tests. After undergoing Yoga and Pranayam, of 338 patients of blood
pressure, 82.25 per cent got great benefits. In case of 779 patients of diabetes,
53.79 per cent patients were benefited. Of 25 patients of anaemia, 24 per cent of
them benefited. 874 patients of hepatitis attended the camp and after the tests,
67.73 per cent were benefited. Similar were the results in case of the patients
of other diseases.
All these are findings of the tests conducted after these patients attended yoga
camps organised by Patanjali Yog Peeth for seven days. These results can bring
amazing changing for the welfare of entire humanity. If these methods of yoga
and Pranayam are used as part of life style to keep ourselves healthy, they
can make the entire humanity free from majority of these diseases. Besides
Pranayam, if Asanas suggested by Swami ji are also practised, it will be like
icing on the cake as far as health related challenges in the rural parts of the

country are concerned.

This has also been observed in case of
Pranayam that they make very positive impact
on our health. Most of the diseases are born
due to mental problems. Pranayam helps
us to have control on the functioning of our
brain and hence we can have control on all
our nerves including brain's system of waves,
hormonal secretion and metabolism. It has
been concluded that if these methods are
popularised in the rural parts of the country,
people will be made disease free who will be
able to give a new dimension to the mission
of Adarsh Gram Yojana ( Programme for Ideal
Village). This divine weapon of Patanjali is
ready now.

Well researched Pranayam for

rural population:
Method: One should sit in any of the postures
like Sukhana or Siddhasana and lungs have
to be filled with air through nostrils and to
be released at certain intervals. This is called
Bhastrika. This can be done at a medium
speed by inhaling and exhaling the air.
This should be done for five minutes and take
2-2.5 seconds in inhaling and the same time
in exhaling. This way, you repeat this process
for nearly 12 times in one minute.
Caution: Be careful not to fill the air in
the stomach, patients of blood pressure and
heart should practise it at ease. During this
pranayam, keep the eyes closed, and chant
Oim in your mind.
Benefits: This makes your lungs strong. You
will always be protected from the problems like
cold, cough, allergy, chronic cold, all cough
related problems, thyroid and tonsil problems.
It cures mental problems, purifies blood,
improves mental activities and also helps to

January 2015


Research based assessment-1

remove unhealthy materials from the body.

in hernia and helps in Kundalini Jagran from Moolbandh.

Kapalbhati Pranayam:

Anulom-Vilom pranayam:

Method: Method of this Pranayam is quite

different from Bhastrika in which the main
thrust is on inhaling and exhaling. On the
other hand, in Kapalbhati, main thrust is
given on exhaling. The stomach should
go inward and necessary air is inhaled
automatically and it is not required to take it
inside. This Pranayam can also be done at a
medium speed. While doing Pranayam, one
should think that he is getting rid of his health
related problems. On exhaling, all diseases of
the body are getting out. This can be done for
15 minutes.
Caution: Patients of heart problems and
blood pressure should not do it at a fast speed.
Benefits: This gives us glazing skin and
face and you look beautiful. All diseases
like cough, asthma, breathing problems,
allergy, obesity, diabetes, gastric problem,
constipation and liver ailments, hepatitis B
and all stomach related problems are cured.
By doing this Pranayam, you can lose 4-8 kg
weight a month. This pranayam has very good
impact on Adrenal gland, thyroid gland and

Method: Press the right nostril with right hand and take deep breath and
release it from left nostril and repeat this process alternatively. This Pranayam
can be done for 15 minutes and in case of incurable disease one can do it for
30 minutes. Initially do it for short time and with medium pace.
Caution: Heart and blood pressure patients should not do it with high speed.
Benefit: This pranayam clears all the blockage of arteries and ducts and it is
very useful in high blood pressure. Blood flow reaches all parts of the body and
problems like paralysis, migraine, depression, etc and also helps in Kundalini
Jagran. It is also useful in purification of Nadis, helps cure weakness of nerves,
anaemia, cancer, epilepsy and other disabilities. It is also helpful in joint pain,
arthritis, eye related problems and tonsil. It also cures the irregularities in the
secretion of hormones from various glands. It also helps to make your food,
behaviour and thoughts pure. This Pranayam is very useful in relieving your
mental problems.

Vahya pranayam:

Method: In this Pranayam, eyes are kept closed and with deep inhaling Oim
is chanted. This should be repeated for three times and it can be done even
more. At the end rub both palms together and and touch eye lids with them
and then open the eyes.
Benefits: Due to this Pranayam, mental tension, sleeplessness, depression
and negativity are cured. Your mind becomes pure, mental stability comes.
While keeping eyes closed while doing all the Pranayams is also a part of
To keep body healthy, it is very necessary to remove all the unhealthy materials
from the body. For this, healthy functioning of lungs, intestines, kidney, etc
is necessary and all this can be possible only through Pranayam. Patanjali
Yogpeeth and Bharat Swabhiman are helping people both in rural and urban
areas to keep healthy to build a strong, prosperous and disease free India.
Therefore, ideal village can be built only by helping people to keep healthy. 

Method: This Pranayam makes the powers

of Manipur and Mooladhar chakra to move
in upward direction. When you, exhale after
inhaling, you need to apply Tribandh. It is
required to draw Moolbandh, Uddiyan bandh,
Jalandhar bandh etc upward from navel. Three
periodicals of Pranayam is also repeated. This
can be done from 5 to 11 times.
Caution: Patients of heart and high blood
pressure should avoid doing it.
Benefits: Jalandhar Bandh makes you free
from Thyroid problem, Uddiyan bandh makes
us free from stomach problems and gives relief


January 2015

Bhramari pranayam:
Methods: Apply your index finger on Agya chakra. Use middle finger to close
eyes and close ears with thumbs. Now take deep breath and chant oim in a way
to produce sound like a black beetle. You can repeat it for three times but can
also be done for maximum of 11-21 times.
Benefits: This Pranayam also helps in tension and sleeplessness. It also helps
keep blood pressure under control. Concentration power of a student also gets
improved and it also cures emotional problems. A person who practises it also
begins to think in a positive direction.

Udgeeth Pranayam:

Your experience

Practising yoga,
Pranayam, Ayurved
helped cure pain of
Sushmna pulse

am 69 years old, I got associated with

your Patanjali yoga camp and became
a permanent member of Patanjali Yogpeeth
in 2009. At Bilaspur, I began yoga classes
with Women's Yoga Committee. My classes
at Rajkishore Nagar has been going on
uninterrupted since 2009. When I fell ill, other
teacher ran the classes. During Swamiji's Bharat
Swabhimaan Movement, I was awarded at its
Raipur meeting. I was suffering from Sciatica
and after I fell on tail bone, the problem got
aggravated and I was unable to move. I visited
all bone experts and neurologists of Bilaspur,
but of no avail. They advised for MRI test and
after seeing report, they immediately advised
for operation. I and my husband had immense
faith in yoga and Pranayam, therefore we did
not agree for operation. I got medicines from
Patanjali Yogpeeth on advice of its Ayurveda
experts. Moreover, I would practise pranayam

while laying on the bed. I also used to apply

acupressure. After six months, I was able to rise
from the bed and move on my feet. I was pained
for not being able to work for Patanjali. But
Swami ji and Acharyaji, I will soon get fine while
following your advice and taking medicines
prescribed by you. I have your blessings with me.
I am feeling very well. I have vowed to resume
my work for yoga and pranayam training. You
have taken yoga and Pranayam to new heights
in the world. We should all be a part of his holy
With this feeling, accept my
crores of respect.

Uma Goal,
B-290, Raj Kishore Nagar, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh.


January 2015


Power of union

Change of Government is made possible by

a great man of 21st century

through non-violence and spiritual justice

Dr Jaideep Arya: Chief Central In-charge, Bharat Swabhiman

is very difficult and dangerous to control an

insane elephant or a furious horse but even
more difficult is to throw a challenge to a ruling dynasty
which is atrocious and autocratic, 2. Challenging
the power of exploitative foreign invaders and 3.
most challenging task is to root out such a powerful
and unethical alliance and in its place installing a
nationalist and pro-people force in power. These three
works can be done by some very wise, powerful, selfrestraint and enthused great human being with the
blessings of almighty.

f we look into the historical perspective, then in the

fourth century BC, similar great work was done by
Acharya Chanakya who trained and prepared Chandragupta
for a great mission. Chanakya was graduate and teacher of
Takshila University. He nurtured a body who was born in a
simple family. This boy was made capable of leading an army
of the lakhs of troops and destroyed the rule of autocratic
king Dhananad, a ruler of Nand Dynasty. Acharya Chanakya
installed the boy as the king of India. Besides, he also stopped
the victory campaign atrocious invader Alexander and
forced him to return back. It was Acharya Chanakya under
whose guidance, Chandragupta ruled in the country from
324 to 300 BC for 24 long years during which he protected
the culture of the nation, set up thousands of Gurukuls
in the country, established an army of six lakh troops and
expanded the boundaries of the Magadh empire upto the
boundaries of Afghanistan.
"Paritranay Sadhunam Vinashaya cha Dushkritam,
Dharma Sansthapanarthaya Sambhavami Yuge



January 2015

Yogeshwar Sri Krishna too proclaimed that to destroy the
rule of sinister and atrocious rulers and restore the moral
values, a great soul comes on this planet.
On looking into the history of any time period, we can
find great and revolutionary persons come into our memory.
For example in Russia, The US, China, South Africa, Lebanon
and Iraq, revolutionary changes came under the leadership
of great personalities who led people to make them free from
agony. Among such historical persons, we can name persons
like Martin Luther King, Chhatrapati Shivaji, Maharana
Pratap, Maharshi Dayanand, Swami Vivekanand, Karl Marx,
Maharshi Arvindo, Subhash Channdra Bose, Mahatma
Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, etc. The common features among
these great men is that they all were born in a common
family but their work in life was extraordinary.
In this context, the coming generations will read about
the history of 21 st century and they will know about the
visionary and multi-dimensional personality of this era.
Maharshi Arvind said that being a human is a big challenge
on its own. Some people have a low quality of life full of
violence, others live like a very unnoticeable life. While some
others despite living a simple life, they develop their inner
self and personality in a great way and attain the highest
level of life and only they are recognised as the great men.
One of the similar personality is respected Swami Ramdev
ji Maharaj. He is today's Chanakya, and his personality is
multi-dimensional. He is world famous Yoga guru, global
spiritual teacher, he has deep knowledge of Vedic literature,
great economist, great saint, social reformer, management
guru, a great proponent of the traditions of saints,
environment expert, protector of cows, Ganga and Gayatri,
eloquent speaker, has tendency for deep study, has lust

less life, a great writer, national hero, great health expert,

source of immense energy, exceptional intelligence, a great
nationalist, are some of the features of his personality. It will
be irrelevant to describbe all these topic here. Here we will
discuss about his revolutionary movement in brief.
The great human who understood the nerves of the
common people of India, understood their pain and agony,
stimulated the spirit of the nation's spiritual life, called the
bravado of India, gave strength to the opposition parties
which had become lifeless and weakened the power of
corrupt officers and traders by the means of his spiritual
power. This great man is known as Baba, Swami, Yoga guru
across the world.
In the countries like Iraq, Lebanon and Pakistan, for
changing unjust and atrocious governments, thousands
and lakhs of people lost their lives but in India, this change
of guard in a non-violent manner is the contribution of this
great man.
As an able organiser, he in 2008 led a nationwide
movement for Ganga and succeeded in getting it declared
as a national river. Then he launched Bharat Swabhiman
Movement on January 5, 2009 to make India free from
corruption. Lakhs of brothers and sisters of India have joined
this movement and are working hard for the success of the
mission. This organisation is counted among country's
most disciplined, spiritual, patriotic, intellectual movement
of the country. Workers of Patanjali Yog Samiti and Mahilia
Patanjali Yog Samiti are contributing in a great way for the
success of the movement. Yuva Bharat and Kisan Panchayat
like organisations are working for the causes of Swadeshi,
cow based organic agriculture, development of ideal villages,
youth character building, youth self-reliance, etc.

Has been informing government of

problems and their solutions as well:
It is to be noted that yoga Rishi Swami Ramdev ji had
written and informed to the Congress-led UPA Government
for six long years between 2008 and 2014 through letters,
dialogues, long march across the nation, public rallies
and mass movements about misrule and wrong policies
of the Government. He called the government to end the

rule of black money and also suggested the ways to bring

back the money stashed abroad so that it could be spent
on the welfare of farmers, labourers, women, etc. But that
Government overlooked these suggestions given by Swami ji
in the national interest.

Leader of history's biggest mass

awareness movement:
From change of government to making India corruption
and crime-free and to make India strong and self-reliant
through Swadeshi, Swami ji held 14 lakh km mass
awareness movement from September 2, 2010 beginning
from Dwarikadham on the occasion Krishna Janmashtmi,
he addressed more than 14 thousand public meetings and
spread awareness through TV channels and other means
more than 100 crore Indians living in Indian and abroad.
He made them aware about nationalism, cautioned them
about the hazards of capitalism, imperialism and dynastic
rule and brought all forces who were against the ill forces
and prepared a strong ground for big movement and
with the help of crores of brothers and sisters in all parts
of the country, rural and urban parts of the country with
association of all the office bearers of the organs of Bharat
Swabhiman. Respected Swamiji, Acharya ji, Rajiv Dikshit
ji, Dr Jaideep Arya, Bhai Rakesh, Sumna guided and
displayed immense organisational skill for the success of
the movement. In his efforts to make people aware, Rajiv
Dikshit ji sacrificed his life.

Inspiration of youth:
When respected Swamiji roared from the sage saying
that he cannot accept a corrupt and atrocious ruler and said
that by changing it he will infuse a new life in the nation
and install a nationalist Government in the country, and
through his song- when will the Red Fort roar like a brave,
to root out Congress's corrupt and anarchist government,
then youth of the country was thrilled. Their patriotism
knew no bounds on listening Swami ji. Accepting courage of
Swami, they became a part of his movement and dedicated
their lives for the success of the mission.

January 2015


Power of union

Held biggest fast and Satyagraha of

the world against corruption
Finally when the then government paid no heed to
the suggestions of Swamiji, he announced that the it has
become atrocious and insensitive and to make it realise its
duty, efforts had to be made. For this mission, on June 4,
2011, one lakh men and women for the first time in the
history got registered to hold fast which started at Delhi's
Ramlila ground with yoga and meditation. Seeing such
a huge public support to the fast, the ruling party was
shattered. Like Jalianwala Bagh incident, the Central
government acting at the behest of the ruling dynasty,
unleashed crackdown on thousands of elderly people in the
mid night. 5000 police men were engaged for the crackdown
in the form of lathicharge and firing in which sister Rajbala
sacrificed her life.
On June 5, 2011, Supreme Court's honourable justice Sri
BS Chauhan took cognition of the incident and termed the
police crackdown as a spot on Indian democracy. After nine
months of hearing, the Apex Court held the then Congress
Government at the Centre guilt in the entire episode. Thoug
hundreds of such protests were held in various parts of the
country and the world since then, but people remembered
it in their heart. The crackdown of a greedy and immoral
Government on its own people proved to be the last nail on
the Congress regime's coffin.

Smiled in adverse circumstances,

faced Congress Government's
excesses smilingly:
As soon as the movement moved ahead, the
government's conspiracy also became intense. The Patanjali
Yog Sansthan's work in the field of yoga, Ayurveda and
education was disturbed by both the Congress's Central and
State governments. Recognition to Ayurvedic college was
cancelled. Respected Acharya ji was dragged in false cases
and he was put behind bars for a month. Conspiracy was
hatched to kill him. 150 notices were despatched and many
FIRs were registered against Sansthan and the organisation.
Malicious campaigns were run against top office bearers of
Patanjali and its other organs. But Government's conspiracy


January 2015

could not succeed otherwise the country and the society

would have suffered a lot. Swami ji and Acharya ji faced
the then government's excesses smilingly and helped all the
workers to maintain their patience which laid down a strong
foundation for the success of the movement.

When the jails failed to

accommodate the resolute workers:
The then Congress Government had thought that
its excesses and atrocities will be able to suppress antigovernment movements but their intentions were thwarted
when on August 9, 2013, on the anniversary of Quit India
Movement, Swami ji held another big protest by sitting on
fast unto death to press the government to bring back money
stashed abroad. The government overlooked the movement
on which scattered opposition came together on the stage
and the government was seen beleaguered everywhere. On
August 13, 2013, thousands of workers of Bharat Swabhiman
under Swami ji's leadership held a procession towards
Parliament. All of them were arrested and as no jail had the
capacity to accommodate them, Delhi's Ambedkar stadium
was declared temporary jail. With a view that celebration
of August 15 could not be disturbed, the movement was
declared successful with a resolution to make the country

First proposal to make Modi ji

India's next PM:
People of the country had made up their mind
after listening the call made by Swami ji that changing
Government at the Centre was the biggest need of hour.
But the biggest question was that- who will take over after
the Congress is ousted from corridors of power. Given this,
there was an environment of suspicion in the country. In
this situation, Swami ji held a huge meeting of saints on the
occasion to inaugurate Acharyakulam Sikshan Sansthan
on April 13, 2013. Swami ji praised the bravery, abilities
and strength of then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi
and proposed his name for the post of country's next Prime
Minister and got blessings of all the saints for Modi ji.

Backed BJP on the issue of

national interest:
Issues like declaring black money as the national property,
bringing it back from abroad, to check corruption, giving
importance to the issues concerning to farmers and youth,
making the country's economic, cultural, administrative
system justified and indigenous, allotting budget for yoga,
Ayurveda, protecting cows, natural agriculture, making
India spiritual and economic superpower on the basis
of the principle of spiritual justice, signature campaign
was launched and hundreds of BJP and NDA workers and
candidates signed it. Workers put their full energy for its
success. BJP and RSS leader Ramlal said that on many of
the places the number of Bharat Swabhiman workers was
more than that of the number of the BJP workers. No doubt,
the credit for the BJP's victory goes to Bharat Swabhiman.

Mission for 100 percent voting

After 2013 movement, 2014 Lok Sabha election was
announced. In democracy, non-violent movement is
possible and for this people's vote is very important. Given
this fact, Swami ji advised election commission to make
100 per cent voting compulsory. On the other hand he also
began march to make people aware on this. It was impact of
this movement, the voting percentage which was normally
registered at 55 per cent crossed 65 per cent in the election.
This was the result of Swami ji's farsightedness.

A resolute Purusharthi and saint:

On September 8, 2013, Swami ji suddenly decided to
hand over all the charge of Patanjali Yogpeeth to Acharya ji
and vowed that until he changes government at the Centre,
he will not return back to Haridwar. 2014 Lok Sabha electon
was not a normal election, it was a mass movement. It
was a means for crores of people of India for non-violent
Respected Swami ji blessed Modi ji for his national
mission, and vowed to make him next Prime Minister of
India. Since then Swami ji was on a 9 month's nation wide
visit to make people aware in this regard and returned back

to Patanjali Yogpeeth Haridwar on May 18, 2014 after Modi

ji got elected the Prime Minister of the country.

Resolute voice:
BJP and its all alliance partners were of the view that
their NDA will hardly be close to form government at the
Centre and the Congress will be able to cross 100 mark. But
six months before election, Swami ji had announced that
BJP will be able to form government at the Centre on its
own and the Congress will end up with in its tally of double
figure. His prediction proved to be right. After 30 years a
government with full majority was formed at the Centre
and that too of non-Congress party. BJP registered landslide
victory and Congress saw its worst performance, even worst
than 1977 election.

Soul of the organisation:

Whenever our present historians will think of 21
century's India, they will first remember Bharat Swabhiman
Movement and its leaders Swami ji and Acharya ji. The
duo considered their duty towards their motherland more
important thant their duty for spiritualism. They showed
path to a non-violent movement and revolution, for socioeconomic justice in the society, they stimulated the power
of the dormant democracy by the means of their spiritual
power and ended the reign of atrocious regime through
mass movement and voting power.

Next mission of the organisation:

Now yoga-meditation, spiritualism, philosophy of
Upanishad will help people of India to ensure good health
for all. Workers of Bharat Swabhiman will work to serve all
and ensure dignity and prosperity of all and make India's
great saint culture popular in the world.
Supreme Court's famous advocate and noted economist
Arun Jaitley, now Fiance Minister, had soon after election
results had said that Swami ji's efforts for change of power
was like the movements of Gandhi ji and Jaiprakash
Narayan. We pay a lot of respect to such a great saint. 

January 2015


at Patanjali

Independent India's First

Ministry for Ayush

Patanjali Yogpeeth is a synonym to Yoga-Ayurveda: Dr Mahesh Sharma

Yoga, Ayurveda, spiritualism and Vedas are identity

of India in the world. These identities were destroyed
by foreign rulers but Swami ji and revived them
through Patanjali Yogpeeth and got recognition for
these great cultural heritage of India. This is the
reason, Patanjali Yogpeeth is seen as a synonym of
yoga and Ayurveda in the world. Patanjali Yog Peeth has to be
developed as such a university so that needs of the whole world
could be fulfilled. With the efforts of Patanjali Yogpeeth, a strong
India will be built through yoga and Ayurveda and Government of
India is committed for it. Swami ji's leadership will earn glory
for Indian values and resolves globally and the responsibility to
ensure reach of yoga and Ayurveda to each and every village will
be taken by the Government of India. On India's proposal for
International Day of Yoga, the endorsement of 183 countries is
a great achievement. It will strengthen the way for International
Day of Yoga in the future. We are proud of the the strength of
Bharat Swabhiman Day.

Glory of Yoga and Ayurved will

make Indian farmers prosperous
Our martyrs sacrificed their lives with a dream
to build a divine India, however, even after
Independence it became difficult to maintain purity
of our air, water and our herbal medicines. Now it
can be possible only through Yoga and Ayurveda.



January 2015

In the coming five years, a lot of work is due to be done. Only then
India will regain its glorious place of Vishwa Guru or the mentor of
the world. Spread of Ayurveda will first of all make tribals, farmers
and backward sections of the society prosperous because only they
mainly produce herbs for medicinal purposes. Farmers will also
get their better return for their produce and this way the country
will attain prosperity.
If opening hospital is the solution to health related issues the US
would have been the world's healthiest nation. On the contrary, it
is faced with the side effects of English medicines. Now UNO too is
aware of the side effects of English medicines and want to get rid
of it. Other methods of medical treatments are used after a person
falls ill while Indian Ayurveda is used to protect a person from
falling ill. It is a matter of great pride for the whole world.

Now the country's air, water and

medicines will become purer
Patanjali's Amla juice, Aloe Vera juice, and other
such produces have become famous across the
world. These products have also restrained the profitdriven business foreign pharmaceutical companies.
Now Yoga-Ayurveda are not the optional but
mainstream and national way of treatment of diseases. It is really
amazing that whatever has to happen will happen now. Now or
Today's world's most important need is health, prosperity, peace,
harmony and brotherhood which is possible through the ways of
yoga, Ayurveda and the ways shown by our great ancient saints.
Days of waging wars are over, now India will become powerful
not through wars but through yoga and Ayurveda. Under the
supervision of Acharya ji, several projects are under way on world
herbal encyclopaedia, world herbal garden, etc.

January 2015


at Patanjali
These efforts will revive the ancient great knowledge of Indian
Yoga and Ayurveda, which have been suppressed for so many years.
A saint has been giving a call for this cause and now the Prime
Minister of India also has joined this drive. This is an important
move for the world system. Patanjali Yogpeeth has made head way
for the sake of these ideals, national values, etc and now it is the
need of the hour for all of us to work in this direction.
Independent India's first Ayush Minister Sripad Naik attended
Patanjali's fourth "Nishkam Seva awam Yog Sadhana Shivir"
(camp meant for selfless service and yoga) along with his wife.
They took blessings from respected Swamiji, delivered speech
and visited all the departments of Patanjali Yogpeeth with his
family. Moreover, he also planted an Amla tree at Phase I along
with Acharya Balkrishna and Bharat Swabhiman's Chief Central
It is important to note that at this Chatush Nishkaam Seva aur
Yog Sadhana Shivir, a slew of brothers and sisters visited here from
states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and Rajasthan.

Union MoS for Small Industries at

State level camps in UP, Bihar
On the occasion of the launch of UP and Bihar camps at Patanjali's
Shraddhalayam Union MoS for Small Industries Giriraj Singh was
specially present. He took blessings of respected Swamiji. Acharya
Balkrisna ji, general secretary of Patanjali Yogpeeth, offered
him an Upavastra, to honour him. The Minister also practised
yoga under the supervision of Swamiji. He praised the vision of
Acharyakulam Education System and said that it has since been
been able to infuse national values in its children.



January 2015

MoS Culture, Tourism Dr Mahesh

Sharma at Patanjali Yogpeeth
MoS Culture, Tourism Dr Mahesh Sharma visited Patanjali
Yogpeeth and had elaborate talk with Swami ji over issues like
health, Indian culture, Swadeshi, tourism, etc. During talks, it
was also discussed how to encourage health tourism and to make
it eco-friendly and associate it with Indian traditions and basic
achievements of India. On this occasion, Swami ji said that health,
Swadeshi, culture and tourism are complimentary to each other.
The Minister termed the efforts being made by Patanjali Yogpeeth
in the fields of yoga, Ayurveda, Swadeshi, self-esteem, etc as a great
achievement for the country.

Industry Minister of the Government

of Nepal inaugurated medical camp
On December 09, Patanjali Yogpeeth's seven-day medical camp was
inaugurated by Nepal's Industry Minister Sri Mahesh Basnet. For
this, various teams of yoga experts were formed which monitored
various issues related to patients like their daily activities, their
food, their thinking, yoga, Asana, Pranayam and requirements
related to natural treatment.
On the occasion of inauguration of the camp, Swami ji said
that yoga, Ayurveda, Naturopathy and treatment of pulses are
four pillars of treatment of diseases according to Indian way of
treatment. On this occasion, the Nepali Minister took blessings of
Swami ji so that he could implement these methods of treatment
in his own country. The Minister also talked to Patanjali's general
secretary Acharya Balkrishna ji and talked on improving the
condition of rural population.

January 2015


at Patanjali
On the first day of yoga camp, Swami ji surprised everyone by
running with all the participants of the camp.

Patanjali is laying foundation of a

strong India which will be capable of
providing a powerful leadership to the
world: Ashok Singhal
Haridwar, 04 December: International Working President of Vishwa
Hindu Parishad Ashok Singhal and Dr Luis Roset of Netherland
visited Patanjali Yogpeeth to meet Swami ji Maharaj. They had come
there to meet Swami ji regarding a seminar on Vedic Culture and
Knowledge to be held in Delhi hosted by Global Country of World
Peace. This will be held in February 2015. They had special discussion
with Swami ji on preset society and its challenges. Swami ji himself
accompanied them in taking a round of the various departments of
Patanjali like Acharyakulam and campus of Patanjali Gramodyog,
besides others. After reaching to Patanjali Gaushala (cow shelter)
Dr Luis and other visitors touched the cows and calf and they also
enjoyed the taste of fresh sugarcane. They praised the liveliness of
each of the leaves of the plants grown by Patanjali Gramodyog.
Praising Swami ji's organisational acumen and Patanjali's global
movement, VHP leader Ashok Singhal said that the initiatives are
laying a strong foundation to build a powerful India which will be
capable of providing an effective leadership to the world.

Union Agriculture and Food Processing

Minister Sanjeev Balian at Patanjali Yogpeeth
Way for prosperous India passes through villages and making
villages stronger is a pledge of Swami ji. Now for making a
prosperous India, Indian agriculture will move in the direction in


January 2015

which Swamiji will indicate.

RSS camp echoed with the pledge of

Yogic nationalism:

In the three-day camp held at Patanjali Yogpeeth, 300

young men and women enjoyed Suprabhatam, Sangh camp
was also organised.
RSS chief praised Acharyakulam Yojana and Patanjali's
organisational structure.

Practising yoga at the dawn is the discipline of Patanjali Yogpeeth.

Nearly 5000 Swaimsevaks (volunteers), workers and office bearers
performed this duty with great joy and enjoyed the company of
Swamiji at the Yoga camp. They also pledged to make all these
teachings a part of their life. They also pledged their dedication for
Yogic Nationalism.
RSS chief also visited Acharyakulam. He observed Acharyakulam's
each and every activity and had an elaborate discussion on these
tops with Swami ji and Acharya ji. They also went to each of the
classrooms and met the students, heard their experiences and
found it to be hilarious. At the end, he attended a meeting of the
students and teachers and while speaking there, he talked about
Rajsuya yagna and dream of King Janak and other such stories
and filled them with the inspiration of nation building. He said
that India's rich scientific achievements are found in abundance
in ancient and spiritual stories which can show us way of life.
He stressed that one's duty of life has to be associated with the
idea of nation building. He praised the works and achievements of
Patanjali Yogpeeth.

Impression of Athyoganushasan.
Respected Swami ji praised RSS chief for his efforts to preserve
and protect ancient glorious traditions of India. Addressing RSS

January 2015


at Patanjali
volunteers, Swami ji said that Vedas are the origin of all cultures
and civilizations of the world. Vedas are the symbol of a person's
bravery and courage which is Purusharth.
Purusharth is most important for getting achievement in any
field of life. Therefore, glory of past and Purusharth of present
have to be guiding force for the youth of the country.
On his arrival, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat ji received warm
welcome according to glorious traditions of the Ashram. On this
occasion, all office bearers and workers of Bharat Swabhiman
were present. After the welcome, Patanjali Yogpeeth's general
secretary Acharya Balkrishna ji held elaborate discussion with
Bhagwat ji on Indian culture, nation building, Swadeshi and
proper use of youth power.
In the meeting, RSS chief Bhagwat ji, Swami ji and Acharya ji
were present on the stage together.

World Herbal Encyclopaedia on

15000 medicinal plants is an
amazing blessing for humanity:
Dr Mark Watson
Dr Mark Watson, head of Menjor Florous, Royal Botanic Garden
of Edinburgh, England, talked in detail with Acharya Balkrishna
ji about the works being done at Patanjali Yogpeeth on medicinal
plants. Speaking on World Herbal Encyclopaedia based on
research on 15000 medicinal plants, Dr Watson said that it was
an amazing blessing for humanity. On this occasion, a workshop
was organised for research scholars where Acharya ji said that
the properties of the herbs described in the encyclopaedia have
the capacity to cure even incurable diseases. Dr Mark expressed
confidence that the work of Patanjali Yogpeeth will once again be
able to associate people with nature.



January 2015

Vivid pictures

Sangh Pariwar thrilled by the call of Patanjali Yogpeeth's movement

for building a self-dependent and prosperous India.


January 2015


Treatment of diseases


can also be cured


Acharya Balkrishna

Diabetes patients must follow pathya. They should

go for morning walk, regular exercise and practise
Pranayams and Asanas like Bhastrika, Kapalbhati,
Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari, etc as they help to
keep blood sugar level under control. With these
Pranayams, the patient will not require for whole
life to take medicines and the patient can lead a
normal and long life.

qualities of Fenugreek seeds have

been described in ancient Latin,
Greek and Ayurvedic texts. In a report it has been
said that Fenugreek seeds have 20-50 per cent
of fibre. Diabetes is caused due to decrease in
the secretion of insulin in gallbladder. Insulin
is used to turn starch present in our food into
simple form of sugar and keep its quantity
in urine under control. It has been observed
that in 40-90 per cent diabetes patients, level
of lipid goes up drastically and they fell prey
to heart diseases. Initially diabetics can fight
this problem by increasing fibre content in
their food.



January 2015

n a study, it has been found that food in India, Japan

and West Indies contain abundance of fibre, therefore
intensity of this disease is very low. This is the reason why
number of people dying due to heart related problems in
India and Japan is lower than that of The US.
Now, diabetes is emerging as a major problem in India.
Frequent going toilet, frequently feeling thirst, frequently
feeling hunger and despite taking enough food your are
losing weight are some of the symptoms of diabetes. Fatigue,
carbunele, tiredness, weakness, boils not getting cured easily,
wounds not getting healed easilay, infection in urinary treet,
candida, fungus growth, eye problems, infection, neuro
pathy, pain in upper part of thigh, sudden change in eye
orientation, paralysis, dizziness, decline in potency, chest
pain, breathlessness while sleeping in the night, increase or
decrease in blood pressure level, skin complexion turning
dark, gangoeen, pain in feet, decrease in urine, scarcity
of blood, body swelling, cataract in early age, decrease
in eye sight, diarrhoea in the night, enlargement of liver,
prolonged jaundice, indigesting, vomiting, etc are the
symptoms of this disease.
Initially a patient is unable to recognise the symptoms. It
has been seen at the Patanjali that due to lack of knowledge,
delays between six months to six years are often seen many
cases. Due to this disease patients fall prey to eye and kidney
related problems. Generally, patients of diabetes are brought
here in either unconscious condition and their problems are
recognised after tests are conducted. Unconscious condition
of patients due to diabetes is also called diabetes comma.

Treatment of diabetes is simple

It is very simple and cheaper to detect diabetes. It is

Divya Madhunashini Vatti

very important to be careful about the aforementioned
symptoms of the disease and do go for routine check
up of your urine and blood. If diabetes is a hereditary
problem in a family, it is very important to under go these
pathological tests.
These tests of urine and blood will let you know if you
have diabetes or not. Blood is tested in following three
Blood tests are named as fasting, empty stomach (PPpost parandial) and blood sugar (Random). In modern
time, just one drop of blood is enough to test your blood
sugar level. Urine sugar test can be tested by oneself besides
laboratory tests.

Treatment of diabetes:
Often it is said that diabetes can not be cured. However,
Yoga-Ayurved have proved that it can be completely cured.
For this it is necessary to make continuous efforts and a
healthy life style.
Regular practice of Bhastrike, Kapalbhati, AnulomVilom and Bhramari type of Pranayam have helped many
people to lead a healthy life.
Patanjali Yogpeeth, Divya Yog Mandir Trust have
conducted tests on many diabetes patients and these tests
have shown very positive results. Among these, following
yoga forms have helped diabetes patients in a great way.

Vati yoga:
Take 2-2 tablets of Madhu Kalpvati when you are
empty stomach.
Take 1-1 or 2-2 tablets of Madhu Nashini Vati an
hour before taking meal both in the morning and in the

t is special patient medicine

of Divya Yog Mandir Trust of
Kankhal's Divya Pharmacy.
Its main constituets are
- Extracts of Amrita Jamun
(jambolan), Kutaisi, Nimb,
Chirayata, Gurmaar, bitter
Kutaj, Gokshur, Kachoor,
turmeric, Kaalmegh, acacia pod, Kaali Jiri, Atis
Kadwa, Ashwagandha, bilaw, triphala vatjata, etc.
Besides them, Shilajeet and Fenugreek are also.
Main properties:
1. This medicine helps to make pancreas active
and help it to release ample quantity of insulin and
helps extra glucose to turn into glycogen.
2. It also helps you to get rid of weakness and
irritation and gives strength to your brain and
enhances your work abilities. It also improves
functioning of your nervous system.
3. It also cures fatigue, tiredness and tension
due to diabetes.
4. Excess of thirst, frequently going to toilet,
weight loss, blurred eye sight, sensation, fatigue,
tiredness, infection in skin, jaws and urine organs,
etc are also prevented with the use of the medicine.
5. Madhunashini will also improve your
immune system and you will full be full of strength
and confidence.
Methods to use and quantity:
Take its two tablets an hour before breakfast
and an hour before dinner. If take after breakfast or
dinner, take with lukewarm water. If you are taking
insulin injection for sugar, just go for test a week
after starting Madhunashini. With reduction in
level of blood sugar, you decrease the medicine you
take for controlling sugar.


January 2015


Treatment of diseases

Fenugreek effective
in diabetes

t National Nutrition Institute, Haidrabad, the

inter relation between fibre and diabetes was
studied and exports observed that Fenugreek can
be very effective in treatment of diseases. Studies of
scientists use of 25 gm Fenugreek for 21 days regularly
brings sugar level in blood significantly down. Other
symptoms of the disease were down due to the use of
Following are the suggestions of experts to cure
diabetes with the use of Fenugreek:
1. Fenugreek is effective in diabetes but not its
2. Use the seeds according to intensity of the
problem. Quantity of seeds could be between 25
gm to 100 gm. Therefore, one can start the seeds
with 25 gm.
3. The 25 gm quantity of Fenugreek can be divided
into two part and then can be taken 12.5 gm each
time - at the time of lunch and dinner.
4. These seeds can be used with Parantha, Chapaties,
pulses, vegetable and other such racipe.
5. Powder of Fenugreek's wholegrain wheat can be
taken with butter milk or plain water 15 minutes
before meal.
6. During this period, don't use sugar. Use of
fenugreek seeds with food containing 1200-1400
calories is very useful. This treatment has no side
But during the treatment take the medicine under
supervision of any Ayurveda expert. However, you
can continue to use fenugreek seeds until your blood
sugar is controlled. 



January 2015

Take 2-2 or 3-3 Chandraprabha vati with lukewarm
water and lukewarm milk after taking meal.
Nayogradhi Churna: Take its 5 gm with water in
the night before going to bed.
Falatrikadi kwath or tea can also be taken. Put Vijaysaar
wood in a copper wood and pour water in it. Take it when
you are empty stomach.

Aushadh yog:
One can choose medicines according to the
complications of the problem of diabetes. This disease
affects all parts of the body. When nerves are affected by
this disease, then there is lack of sensation in body parts.
It is advised to take following medicines empty stomach
in the morning that will give great benefit to the patient.
Vasant Kusumakar Ras
1 gm
Praval Pishti
5 gm
10 gm
Amrita satva
5 gm
Mix them together and make their 60 small packets
and take one packet in the morning and one in the
evening while in empty stomach with milk cream.
Diabetes patients must follow pathya. They should
go for morning walk, regular exercise and practise
Pranayams and Asanas like Bhastrika, Kapalbhati,
Anulom-Vilom, Bhramari, etc as they help to keep blood
sugar level under control. With these Pranayams, the
patient will not require for whole life to take medicines
and the patient can lead a normal and long life.
Pathya: In food, diabetes patients should take
Moong, Arhar, Parval, bitter gourd, Jambolan, etc.
Physical work and regular walk are best.
Apathya: Don't lie on comfortable beds. Avoid rain
water, sweet food stuffs, excessively sweet fruits, potato,
rice, fried food stuffs, spicy meal etc. Also avoid meat and
Use of Divya Sheelajeet Sat is very effective. Its 1-2
drops can be taken with milk. In summer, take just
half drop of it as Ashram's Sheelajeet is pure and very
effective. Those who don't take milk can take it with hot


Cough disease:

Try and
see impact

Take Almond 100 gm, Khand- 50 gm,

pepper- 20 gm and mix them together.
Taking its one spoon after the dinner
with milk will be helpful in fatigue, cold,
sinus, etc. It is also useful in constipation.
Diabetes patients are advised not to use
Khand in this preparation. Those who have
complication of Amla-Pitta are advised to
use pepper not more than 10 gm.

Take leaves of Tulsi, Neem, fenugreek and
mint which are very good for health. Tulsi
is able to cure all the diseases. Neem kills
germs and bacteria and fenugreek can cure
all the problems of stomach. Mint leaves
can destroy stomach worms and give a
new life to us. If your skin is oily, your face
is full of pimples, then do not worry. Take
all these leaves, each of them have to be
in equal quantity. Make their paste, add
fuller's clay (Multani Mitti) double of their
quantity. This preparation is very effective
on oily skin. It gives you a glowing skin
and also cures pimples.

Excess of gastric problem will be cured
if the patient is given a spoon of roasted
cumin powder added in water along with
black salt.

Black circle around eyes:

Black circles around eyes destroys a
person's beauty. Every night before going
to bed, apply Badam Rogan on the circles
and massage for some time. By doing this,
the problem of eye circle will be cured
in a few days. 

January 2015



Ayurvedic method
to cook sweet rice
we use some basic material to cook food, then due to special treatment, the prepared stuff has
a different properties in comparison to the basic material. This happens due to mixing other
materials in the recipe. This change in property of the food has impact on our health too. Due to this we develop
a kind of notion about the main main material of which the recipe is made of. To clear confusion about the
main material, you bring you a portion of Bhojankutuhalam:-


oday definition of food has got

drastically changed. Everyone is
engaged in search of taste and even most
nutritious food are avoided. It has been
observed that due to misunderstanding,
people prefer to buy costly food stuff with
a view that they are good for their health,
which is wrong. However, Ayurveda says
that nutritious food is that which can be
easily digested in your body. Even in case of
sweet rice, this principle is applied. Various
food stuffs made of it are as follows-



January 2015

ParamannahTandultrigunam dugdham
dugdhartham jivaniyakam.
Tadardham gudchurnam tu
paramannamiti smritam.
Take three times more milk than rice and
add water half of the quantity of the milk and
Gur half of the quantity of the water.

Sanskritam mathitam gavyam
tandulanam chaturgunam.

Ieshddharidraya yukatam
Aetaduktam haridrannam supakvam
pachitam tatha.
Filter the cow milk well and churn it properly,
then add four times more rice than milk
and add some turmeric in it. Also add some
pepper and cumin and let it to be cooked
properly. This food stuff is called Haridranna.

Madhuramlena godagdhana
shuddhannam tu vimishritam.

vanardrakasanyuktametaddadhyodanam smritam.
In Madhuramla (sweet and sour) curd of
cow milk, add aforementioned Shuddhan
(Kevalanna). Quantity of curd has to be
double the quantity of Kevalanna. Also add
sufficient quantity of pepper and sesame
powder, salt and ginger in it. Food cooked
this way is called Dadhyanna.
Krisarannah: Tandulardham
mudagbhinnam varina sah
Yuktam marichchurnena til churnam
Idam krisaranamannamityakhyatam
Take some rice, add moong half of its quantity.
Clean it properly with water and cook in water.
While cooking, add pepper and sesame powders.
This preparation is called Krisarannah.

Gudodannah:Poorvoktapayase yunjyat
dugdhardham gudkhandakam.
Tadardhamajyam mochayah
phalmetmad gudodanam.
dugdhardhagudam yojayitva pachet.
Itartha gudodanamiti sangyanupapatteh.
In aforementioned paramanna (Kheer), add
small pieces of gud, half of the quantity of
the milk. Add Ghee, half of the quantity of
Gud in it and similar quantity of ripe banana
has to be added into it. In Paramanna, the
quantity of Gud was advised to be one fourth
of the quantity of Milk, but in Gudodanna,
quantity of Gud has to be half of the quantity

of milk. This way, Gudodanna is different

and special from the Parmanna.
It means, like Parmanna, take similar
quantity of milk which has to be three times
more than that of the rice and quantity of
water has to be half of the quantity of the
milk. Add Gud half of the quantity of the
milk. If cooked this way, it can be called
Gudodan in right way.

Pakvam yadetanmudgannamakhyatam cha chaturmukham.
Take three parts of rice and one part of
moong and then mudganna is cooked. It is
also called Chaturmukh.

Bhootodanamah:'Bhutodano dadhinishasaktulajatilanvitah.'
(Hridayadeepakanighantuh- 163)
It has been written in the Hridayadeep that
curd, turmeric, sattu, kheel and sesame when
added in rice, this way cooked preparation is
called Bhootodan. Those who eat Bhootodan
are protected from fear of ghosts. This has
been said in Hridayadeep.

Properties of Kheer
Shuddheardhapakve dugdhe
ghritanktastandulan kshipet.
Te siddhah kshirika khyata sa
In pure half cooked milk, ghee added rice is
cooked as Kheer. When Khand and Ghee are
added in it , it becomes best for your health.

It has also been saidKshirika durjara balya

dhatupushtiprada guruh.
Vishtambhini haret pittam
It means, Kheer is a food stuff which is
digested not so easily, it gives a lot of strength,
causes constipation, cures problem of pitta,
also destroys Rakta-Pitta problems, being
heavy, it also reduces appetite.
Similarly, we have coconut KheerNarikeram tanukritya chhinnam
payasi go kshipet.
Narikerodbhava kshiri snigdha
Gurvi sumadhura vrishya
Make small and very fine pieces of coconut
and add them in milk. Add sugar and ghee
and cook with milk on low flame. This
kheer, made of coconut is smooth, cold, very
nutritious, heavy, sweet and Vrishya. It cures
the problems of Rakta, Pitta and Vaatdosha.

Precautions:Vina shuddhannamanyesham
pradadyallavanam budhah.
Gunanesham yathayogam vijaniyadvichakshanah.
Except shuddhanna, salt must be added
in all grains. Therefore it can be said that
sweet rice cooked under standard norms is
best for health. At present, in the name of
Kheer, so many kind of dry fruits are added
and some of them are appropriate and others
are inappropriate to be added in the Kheer.
This not only reduces nutritious value of the
food but it also affects our health adversely.
Finally, we can say that simple looking rice
is also full of nutrition. If cooked properly, it
can prove to be amazing for our health. 

January 2015


Healthy India

Prosperous India

Patanjalis international quality certificate

Protect yourself and others from the deadly
effects of adulteration, use Patanjalis pure
and healthy products.

Countrys wealth must remain in the country and

should be used in the service of fellow countrymen.
Therefore, you must use Patanjalis products.

Patanjalis best cow ghee

Know about qualities of Patanjali desi ghee and inform others too about it
We have developed a well organized system to collect cow milk from southern states like
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and others. Besides, we also have set up a modern
and scientific system to churn cream out of the milk.
This cream is brought to Patanjali Ayurveda's Haridwar unit where we have a system to prepare
100 percent pure, grainy and fragrant ghee through scientific methods. Patanjali Ayurveda is
the country's biggest modern unit to prepare desi ghee. Its present capacity of ghee production
happens to be 100 ton a day. Therefore, use Patanjali's desi ghee in your food for good health
and protect your children from the poisonous effects of adulterated ghee. For sacred and
religious rituals, use cow desi ghee.

Shastam gheesmritimedhagnibalayuh shukrachakshusham.

Cow desi ghee provides good memory power, sharp mind, physical strength, longevity of
life, vital sperm and good eye sight. It is very useful for the kids and elderly people, improves
potency, gives glaze to your skin and keeps the body stable.
Scientific facts: Cow ghee contains an element called carotene 6.98+0.098 (micro gram/ gm)
which is not found in Buffalo ghee. It helps to keep the eyes healthy.
(International Journal of Dairy Technology, Page no- 252)

Patanjali Shilajeet capsule

Shilajeet gives us energy,
freshness and power. It cures sex
related problems, impotency,
gastric and related problems,
arthritis, cough, asthma,
allergy, urine and sperm related
complications, weakness of
bone, diabetes, etc. It is equally
good for both men and women.
It also gives us long life.



January 2015

Badam Pak and honey

Weakness of mind and body can be easily cured with the
use of Patanjalis Badam Pak. Patanjali honey is a best
blood purifier and can also be used as an antiseptic.

Healthy India
Many of our products were tested by the
Government with bad intentions

Patanjali Dant Kanti

For strong and healthy teeth, we present
Patanjali Dant Kanti which contains 13 herbs
neem ( Azadirachta indica), babool (Acacia),
Akarkara, cloves, turmeric, vajradanti, etc.

Patanjali Mustard oil

Patanjali Ayurveda has
resolved to provide healthy
food stuffs to all the fellow
countrymen with purity,
authenticity and that
too at reasonable price.
Our Kachchi ghani pure
mustard oil has been
guided with this very

Prosperous India
but we emerged upright in every test. This
is the proof of the purity of our products.

Saffron based Patanjali chyavanprash

This best preparation
is in use since ancient
time. Its use can cure
all kinds of mental
and physical problems
and makes heart and
lungs stronger. It also
strengthens all the
seven metals of the
body and cures cough,
allergy, asthma, lack
of appetite, digestion
related problems etc.
It improves strength,
mental abilities,
sperm, skin glare and
makes you full of
power and energy.

Patanjali corn flakes

Using best quality
maize, Patanjali has
manufactured corn
flakes which is best
for physical health
of your kids. Its
regular use in food
ensures their healthy
growth and proper


January 2015



Almighty is omnipresent and his discipline is

strength of the nature


Acharya Pradyumna ji Maharaj

Ambrish had undertaken penance with is wife. He took holy dip in

Yamuna after the penance was over and then he donated thousands
of cows as donation. Meanwhile, as soon as he was about to break his fast,
Sage Durvasha, known for his abilities to curse and bless, arrived there. The
king rose to welcome him. After touching the sage's feet, the king requested
him to take meal. On the king's request, the sage agreed and went to take
bath before taking meal.

here, the sage got so engrossed in his

ablution that he forgot the king's offer for
meal. When the king again found that Durvasha
had not yet returned, and realising that holy time
to break fast was about to be over, he took advice
of the experts. It was decided that taking water
should also be considered as taking meal and it
can also be considered that the fast has not yet
been broken. The king decided to take water as, he
believed, taking meal before the sage takes it was
not proper.
On the other hand, when Durvasha ji returned,
he learnt that the king had already broken his fast.
The sage got furious on the king and released a
devastating weapon to destroy the king, who was
sitting composed. When Yogeshwar Krishna learnt
that the sage, despite his awn fault, has released
the killer weapon on the king, he released his
Sudarshan Chakra to destroy the sage's weapon.
The Chakra, after destroying the deadly weapon,
moved towards the sage.
Durvasha ji ran to save himself but where ever
he went in the world, the Chakra chased him.
When he found no other way to save his life, he
went into the feet of Lord Brahma. He requested,



January 2015

o lord, please save

me. I committed a
mistake due to which
this Sudarshan Chakra is
chasing me. Lord Brahma
replied, I cannot go against the
will of almighty. All of us are bound
to follow his order. Of course, you can
seek help of Lord Shiva, who may perhaps help
Again the Chakra began to chase the sage.
When an individual is chased by death, all his
arrogance fades away and then he realises his
fault. Therefore, the sage in misery requested
Lord Shiva to save his life. Lord Shiva also said
the same thing what Lord Brahma had said.
Lord Shiva advised the sage to seek help of Lord
Vishnu whose Chakra was after him. Durvasha
ji moved towards Lord Vishnu, saying- "O Lord I
misbehaved with your devotee and this way I have
invited my trouble. Please help me. Withdraw your
chakra. I am burning in its fire. I promise you not
to commit similar mistake in future."
Realising his mistake, the sage further said,
"I should not have shown my anger. In fact I

should have apologised the king for coming

too late. Now you forgive me once, I
have changed myself forever. I will
never be like this again."
Listening the sage's
cry, Lord Vishnu said,
"My devotees are in
my heart. Now in
this situation how
can I help you?
My devotees have
placed me in their
hearts. However,
I give you advice.
I go to the same
person whom you
tried to trouble and
invited this danger."
Those who try
to create trouble for
the innocent people are
troubled themselves. No
doubt, for a Brahman, penance
and knowledge are the means
of a Brahman for the welfare of the
others. However, when the same Brahman will
become audacious and frivolous in character, then
it will result adversely.
Lord Vishnu said, "I wish for your well being
but you should better go to Nagabhagnand and
most fortunate king Ambrish. He will help you to
come out of this problem."
With blessings of Lord Vishnu and burning
in the fire of Sudarshan Chakra, Durvasha came
to Ambrish and holding his feet, pleaded to be
forgiven. On this, Ambrish requested the Chakra to
forgive the sage. He said, "If I have done something
good in my life, may Durvasha ji get free from this
problem. O Lord Sudarshan, if I have seen all the
living begins as a soul, please end Durvasha ji's
Listening, Durvasha ji's pleadings, the Chakra

stopped and Durvasha ji began to praise the

blessings of almighty and strength of Sudarshan.
Here in this story, the Karma-phal-chakra
(result of one's own deeds) has been explained
in a very interesting manner. An individual can
commit mistakes due to any of the reasons like
fear, greed or arrogance. However, he happens to
be unable to see his mistakes but begins to abuse
others and display his anger. He also tries to justify
his anger. If the person on whom anger has been
shown is weak then it will be look justified but
if he proves to be more powerful than the angry
man then the latter will have to pay heavily. If one
blames others for his misdeeds then he feels great
satisfaction but this nature proves to be dangerous
for himself.
Being unmindful, we infuse such habits in our
kids. When a kid falls on the ground while running,
his parents beat the ground with their feet saying,
why did you pained my son or brother. Seeing this,
the kid stops crying and goes on smilingly as this
habit fills the kid with a notion that earth was the
real guilty for the pain he got when he fell on the
ground. When the kid grows young, his this habit
proves to be troubling for himself. Therefore, by
the means of this story a lesson has been given that
one should realise his mistakes instead of blaming
others for it.
Second lesson is that if the mistake is not
mended in time, then Sudarshan Chakra will act to
restore the rule of nature. Where ever the offender
will go, he will be chased everywhere, whether it
be in the space, on any part of the earth or below
the surface of the earth. The power of these forces
are immense and no one can escape from it after
violating the rule of nature. These rules have
capacity to punish both an individual as well as
a group of the people. At the end of the story, it
has also been described how to get forgiveness.
Powerful Sudarshan Chakra of almighty can go
anywhere in the universe to punish the guilty. It
can destroy all the powers of the world.

January 2015


The light of which exists forever, that almighty
is full of compassion for his devotees. But he is
also devastating for those who breach his laws. No
hypocrisy or sycophancy are acceptable to him.
How clever you might be, you won't be spared on
breaching his laws. He does not get pleased on
praises nor gets angry on being called by name.
He considers no one as enemy or friend. None is
big or small for him, none is good or bad for him,
he treats everyone equally. This is the secret which
has been revealed in this story.
A person usually commits mistake owing to
greed, fear, anger and arrogance. For example,
a seller sales his goods by making false promises
but in the evening he goes to temple to get rid of
the sin he has committed. If he accumulates a lot
of ill gotten wealth, he calls some Pandit or priest
to organize Yagna to get rid of his sin. He in the
name of devotion to almighty, constructs rooms
at Dharmashala for public welfare and he also
distributes blankets and once in a year goes for
pilgrimage to the temples of Balaji. Considering
saints as an offshoot of almighty, he sits in their feet.
The message of the story is that how useful may
be the aforementioned activities but the kind of
sins the shopkeeper has committed, he cannot be
spared from his sin. He will have to bear the brunt
of Sudarshan chakra. If the greedy trader wants to
save himself at any cost, then it's only way is to mend
the mistake on his own by stopping making his
customers fool. The blessings of his customers will
save him from the punishment which Sudarshan
chakra will hand out. Like Durvasa, all face the
similar circumstances. People have tendency to
trouble someone but apologise to others.
Durvasha ji was unnecessarily angry on
Ambrish but he apologise to Lord Brahma, Lord
Shiva and Lord Vishnu. But even they too could
not help him. Finally Durvasha reaches to king
Ambarish who makes him free from the danger of
Sudarshan Chakra. Similar situation can be often
seen around us. Milkman sells milk by adding


January 2015

water in it and offers Prasaad of Rs 5 on every

Tuesday to almighty. Some other does sex abuse
with women and to get rid of his sins, he carries
Kanwar to Haridwar. Teachers don't care to teach
their students honestly but they pay visit to Mata
Vaishnav Devi to get rid of his sins. Doctors and
Vaidya loot their patients but in the name of public
welfare they prefer to build class rooms in schools.
Some people make money through illegitimate
means and spend a part of this ill gotten money to
build temples. Our politicians take bribes and to
win election next time they throw feast in public
in the name of almighty. Those who think that by
spending money these ways will help them to get
rid of their sins must take lesson from this story.
These cheap tricks does not allow peace to
come in people's life. The way they successfully
cheat others they think that the same way they can
also deceive the Sudarsha Chakra, the impact of
breaching law of the nature.
From these incidences and realising power of
Sudarshan Chakra in dispensing justice, we should
make resolve to mend our mistakes on our own. If
you are ready for this, you will get forgiveness while
there is no other way to get rid of your own sins.
To keep away from falsehood, sins and our
misdeeds, we are required to rely on truth. Peace
is need to wash away anger and to ward off greed,
you need generosity and compassion is required to
ward off arrogance. If you have problems in your
eyes, you cannot be cured by applying medicines
on your teeth. You trouble others and take holy
dip in Ganga to get rid of your sins. You are at
fault. To get rid of your sins you are required to be
compassionate to those whom you have troubled.
To quench your thirst you don't need to eat food
but to take water. To ward off impact of cold, you
need to use fire not the ice. Similarly, you have to
choose the means to get rid of your sins.
This is the order of almighty. Akrodhena Jayet
krodham satyen hyanritam jayet. Jayet kadayam
danena asadhum sadhuna jayet. 


How longer cruel custom of sacrificing

innocent animals will continue:

Dr Pradeep Kumar SinghU

acrificing innocent animals is a cruel and abhorrent

custom. This becomes more painful when it is associated
with any religious rituals. It is said that this makes almighty
happy. According to a media report, thousands of animals are
sacrificed in the name of worshiping animals every year.
According to Sanatan traditions almighty is omnipresent
and he endows justice on all. He is parents of all living beings.
He takes care of all. Then how can it be believable that on
sacrificing innocent animals, god will be happy? Normally, in
the symbolics of the pictures of almighty, they are shown with
weapons but they are meant to destroy evil forces and protect
right and compassionate people. It has been rightly saidParitranay Sadhunaam, Vinashaya cha dushkritam.
Ram, Krishna, Gautam Buddha and Mahavir like great
souls stressed on preventing sacrificing animals, practising
non-violence, getting rid of hypocrisy and restoring moral
values in the society. They never favoured cruelty and atrocities.
It is said that society has a tendency to flow forward but some
times it gets trapped in taboos, wrong traditions and illogical
believes. But it does not mean that the customs practised in
the society are right. In this scenario, great souls come on this
earth to root out bad practices and restore right traditions. This
is a compulsory requirement of the society.
Medieval era saint Tulsidas suggested that people should
avoid complex, confusing, inhuman traditions and follow
a simple ways like non-violence, truth. He said that they are
good for humans and the society as well. He advised to reject
complex ways of religion and stressed on associating human
life with purity, Purusharth and ethics.
Dharma na doosar satya samana, aagam-nigam puran
Param dharma shruti vidit ahinsa, par ninda sam agha
na garisa.
Par hit saris dharma nahi bhai, par peera sam nahi

Dhyanu pratham makh bidhi dooje, dwapar partoshat
prabhu pooje.
A part of this divine teaching has been making generations
of human strong and lively. To change the wrong traditions
dominant on our healthy life is Swami ji and Acharya ji came
forward and taught people to use Yog-Ayurved as a weapon to
destroy evil things in life.
In fact, when we don't have any right methods for betterment
of life, they begin to interpret traditions and practice them
according their convenience. Hence, contrary interpretations
are derived from the teachings of Vedas and other scriptures.
Hence, people's personal believes got dominant and teachings
of the scriptures got suppressed. Whenever a society gets
disoriented, a Yogeshwar comes on the earth. This is the reason
why Sri Krishna preached Geeta to Arjun and showed path to
the society and the humanity. Cruel believes like sacrificing
innocent animals are result of such notions. Today, such bans
are being imposed by courts.
However, initial steps in the direction of the court's
guidelines are quite evident. After court's order, sacrificing
animals have been banned in Uttarakhand temples since
September 2012. Similarly, in Himachal Pradesh, sacrificing
animals have been declared as a crime. Court has also said that
due to sacrificing animals, they have to suffer immense pain.
In the direction to stop this cruel tradition, honourable
court has taken really a right decision. But as a human we
should from our own bottom of heart that is it justified to
kill these innocent animals and that too this way. Why are we
not sensitive to their pains. Take care- it is a basic principleRakshakah bhakshakat prashasyatarah which means rights of
a protector is more than an attacker. It is needed that every
right thinking individual should come forward and Almighty's
divine inspiration with give us strength. 

January 2015



Special condition of deformities of

child psychology and their treatment

Dr Sharli Tellas and Sachin Kumar Sharma

kids have become very much tech savvy and they are exposed to a wider horizon of knowledge.
However, these changes have also raised their tension level. Their main concerns like doing
best in the examinations, maintaining coordination with class-mets and meeting the expectations of
parents and teachers and swiftness are impacting their lives. Besides, new culture of nuclear family, high
ambitions, high life style have brought many changes besides many other challenges. This is a write up
on deformities of child psychologyToday's

arena is a 10-year old intelligent girl

student and lives with professional
parents in a multi-storey building. After the
school, she attends classes of classical dance
and guitar. Parents want that the things
they could not achieve in their life, must be
accomplished by their daughter. After doing all
this, she is devoid of playing games and she also
does not have any play ground in here vicinity.
Due to this, whenever Serena is stressed, ether



January 2015

she prefers to enjoy music or speaking to her friends on her

smart phone. In this situation, children are easily trapped into
tension, anxiety, mental stress and cyber-addiction.
Similarly, Ravi, a nine-year old kid, is a resident of a small
city and lives in a traditional family. His father is goes out
to work and mother is a house wife. His grand-mother also
lives with him. The kid is healthy and good looking and his
mother and parents are happy enough. Family members don't
understand need of controlling weight. They are not aware

that their kid can become a prey to diabetes type -2.

John is a 14 years old intelligent boy and he is very
sensitive. His father works abroad and he understands his
responsibilities towards his two younger brothers. When he is
stressed, he begins to stammer. Yoga based process can solve
his problem.
On aforementioned three conditions related to mental
and physical concerns of the children and the issues related
to their psychological conditions like obesity, stress, problem
of stammer, we have brought to you this write up analysing
positive impact of yoga based life style on us.

In case of mental stress:

Mental stress result into tension. To some extent, this stress
is beneficial for example, if a student will not be tense ahead
of his examination, how will he able to prepare for it? A little
bit of tension will help a child to keep active and prepare well
for the examination. This way stress or tension helps us to
act for success. However, if the tension is caused due to no
reason or if it is immense, then a person become incapable
to act to do his work and he won't be able to do even simple
works which others can do easily. On the other words, if the
tension is continuous, it will create obstacles on the way to
success. Tension also gives birth to tiredness, anxiety, etc. In
first case that is of Sarena, she was stressed due to loneliness
and not being able to enjoy sports in the company of her
friends. In this condition, the kids turn to internet or smart
phones which have adverse impact on their health condition.
More use of such gadgets, more will be the level of tension
and anxiety. However, playing with friends in open or inside
house can help in a big way to reduce the anxiety.

Yoga tips to cure the problems:



Asan: In condition of Asan, keep your eyes closed,

maintain normal breath and keep in that posture for 90
Pranayam: Bhramari, Udgeeet, Anulom-Vilom.
Kriya: Kunjal kriya should be done once in a month,
besides dhyan or meditation, yoga nidra for healthy and

positive mental condition.

In the condition of obesity of childhood: In
the childhood, obesity can be a major problem.
It has a bad impact on a child's health. The
weight of a child which is disproportionate to
its ratio to a child's height is called obesity.
According to a study of the last decade, real
cause of obesity problem has been traced. This
has highlighted the problem that even after
the child is grown up, his obesity continues
which is responsible for the diseases like heart
problems, diabetes type 2 and cancer. Even
today, irregularities of life style, lack of physical
works and wrong kind of food habits are
responsible for such problems. In the second
case of Ravi, it has been observed that for good
health, his mother and grand mother must
have knowledge and awareness of cooking
healthy food and they should have special care
for quantity of oil used in the food.
Special: Human body contains fatty
marrow, fat and fat free mass which contain
muscles, bones, tissues and water. To provide
energy to human body, for softness of
skin, for some vitamins, fats are necessary. But
one should have knowledge of good and bad fats
so that one can select healthy food and enjoy
his life.

Harmful fats are of two types:

Saturated fats: This fat is found in the
food sources like red meat, chicken and eggs.
They are bad for heart.
Trans fat: Vanaspathi ghee is its example.
Vegetable oils cause its partial hydrogenation.
Sources of these fats are fast food, bakery products
and enveloped food. Such fat is responsible for
heart related problems, diabetes, sudden heart
attack and death due to it.

January 2015


to be light. Breath in the open, regular meditation and prayer
are also must.

Mental stress result into tension. To

some extent, this stress is benecial
for example, if a student will not
be tense ahead of his examination,
how will he able to prepare for it? A
little bit of tension will help a child
to keep active and prepare well for
the examination. This way stress or
tension helps us to act for success.

Healthy fats:
Mono-unsaturated fats (MUFA): Their source
is coconut oil, maze oil, mustard oil, sesame oil,
sun flower oil, olive oil, etc.

Poly-unsaturated fats (PUFAs):

Its sources are- wall nuts, Kanola oil, sun
flower seeds, sesame seeds, olive oil, cream
of peanuts. While selecting fats, it has to be
understood that the oil which gets frozen at
room temperature contains harmful fats.
Healthy oil is that which does not get frozen at
the room temperature.

Suggestions to protect oneself

from obesity in childhood:
Good life style: Wake up before 5:30. Get
free from ablution and do Pranayam, yogasana,
Surya Namaskar, pure breakfast in which one
is advised to take sprouts, Khichadi, etc. Lunch
has to be taken in sufficient quantity, especially
fruits must be included in it. Avoid taking chips
and fried food.
Night food should be taken early and it has



January 2015

In case of stammering problem:

Stammering in kids of 5-6 years' age group is normal
as he is learning to speak at this age. In course of time, this
problem gets over but in case of some kids, this problem
persists. They know, what they want to say but are unable to
express properly. They have a tendency to repeat the words. Or
they take little long time to speak a word. Some time they get
choked in speaking. This problem badly impacts a person's
self-esteem. Besides, in the condition of tension, this problem
gets aggravated.
If the affected person undergoes proper speech therapy, the
problem can be cured. Under this, exercises are advised to keep
neck and jaw straight, practising to chant Oim, relaxing the
whole body and keeping oneself mentally happy are some of
the methods, taught to cure the problem. 

The efforts made by Patanjali Yogpeeth in the fields of yoga and Ayurveda, a fresh awareness is being observed
among masses in this regard. Thousands of questions and answers in this regard are soon to come in public
domain in the book written by Acharya Balkrishna ji. This question answer segment is the part of a series:
1. Who of the following saints has greatest impact on Swami Ramdev
ji's life?
A. Maharshi Gautam
b. Maharshi Kapil
c. Maharshi Ved Vyas
d. Maharshi Patanjali
2. Who had presented the theory of Ashtangyog?
a. Maharshi Gautam
b. Maharshi Kanad
c. Maharshi Kapil
d. Maharshi Patanjali
3. Which is the oldest commentary on Patanjali Yogsutra?
a. Tatvavaisharadi
b. Yogvartik
c. Vyas Bhasya
d. Gyanandbhashya
4. What is the codes of Vritinirodh regarding Patanjali Yogsutra 1.12?
a. Vairagya
b. Parvairagya
c. Gyan
d. Vivekkhyati
5. Which is the following code is the right group of the eleven Asanas
described in Patanjali Yogsutra's Vyas Bhashya?
a. Padmasana, Veerasana, Bhadrasana, Swastikasana
b. Kraunchnishadnasana, Hastinishadanasa
c. Ushtranishadanasana, Samasansthanasana
d. Dandasana, Sopashrayasana, Paryakasana
1. a, c, d, b 2. a, d, c, b 3. a, d, b, c 4. a, b, d, c
6. Moolbandh related Hathyaugik Kriya isa. Anus
b. Navel
c. Resolve
d. Kama

c. Veda

d. Upanisha

11. Who wrote Yogvartik on Yogsutra's Vyasbhashya?

a. Vigyanbhikshu
b. Vachaspati Mishra
c. Baldev Upadhyay
d. Maharshi Patanjali
12. Where is found discussion on the concept of divine and devil resources?
a. Veda
b. Srimadbhagwadgeeta
c. Upanishad
d. Purana
13. Which are the Chittabhoomia. Aekagra and Kshipta
c. Niruddha, Mudh

b. Aekagra and Niruddha

d. Vikshipta, Niruddha

14. What a Ritambhara-Pragya capable sage is called?

a. Prathamkalpit
b. Madhubhoomika
c. Pragyajyoti
d. Atikrantbhavniya
15. According to western historians, which of the following Vedas have
oldest description about yoga?
a. Yajur Veda
b. Atharva Veda
c. Rig Veda
d. Saam Veda
16. What is the right series of Pranayams in Maharshi Patanjali's
Yogsutra? Choose right option from following codes:
a. Stambhvritti
b. Vahyabhyantaravishyakshepi
c. Abhyantravriti
d. Vahyavriti
Code: a. 4, 3, 1, 2 b. 3, 4, 1, 2 c. 4, 1, 2, 3, d. 4, 3, 2, 1

8. Which of the following does not relinquish the body even after death?
b. Naag
c. Dhanmajaya
d. Krikar
9. Who is the writer of the book- Vigyaan Ki Kasauti Par Yog:
a. Swami Ramdev
b. Acharya Mahapragya
c. Acharya Balkrishna
d. BKS Ayangar.
10. Who presented the theory of Panchkoshvaada. Srimadbhagwadgeeta
b. Purana

17. Who started Naathyoga tradition?

a. Gorakshanath
c. Kedarnath

b. Matsyendranath
d. Bhanuki

18. When the anniversary of Divyayog Mandir (Trust) is celebrated?

a. August 4
b. March 23
c. January 5
d. November 30

1. d, 2. d, 3. C, 4. a, 5-3 , 6. a, 7. d, 8. c, 9. c, 10. d, 11. a,
12. b, 13. b, 14. c, 15. c, 16. a, 17. b, 18. c

7. Which of the following is not a part of Purusharth- Chatushtya?

a. Dharma
b. Artha
c. Kama
d. Sankalpa


January 2015


Treatment of diseases
women are troubled due to white or bloody blennenteria. They go for treatment but modern
Many diseases fail to cure their problem. On the contrary the modern medicines are giving birth
to other diseases. Doctors are of the view that besides other reasons, one's lifestyle is also responsible
for this problem. Improper food habits, negativity are responsible for this disease. Here is an analysis:

Asanas and medicines effective

in white or bloody blennenteria
white blennenteria:

Bloody blennenteria:

Eating excess of spicy, acidic, hot and salty food, watching

porn movies, mental tension, excess orientation in sex, excess
indulgence in sensual activities and similar life style, etc are
the causes of white blennenteria in women. In this problem,
white, red and blue fluids are secreted from the patient's
vagina. These fluids smell very dirty. White coloured sticky
fluid is secreted in more or less quantity. This causes itching
in the patient's genital parts. It also causes back pain, waist
pain, dizziness, weakness, darkness in front of eyes, pain in
hands and feet, etc. Appetite is also reduced due to it.

The food which is adverse to human

nature like acidic food, spicy food, open sex,
menstrual deformities, are the main causes of
this problem. Due to excess of sex, blood flow
towards genital organs increases which causes
this problem. High blood pressure is also
responsible for it. In this disease, menstruation
continues for so many days. Besides, swelling
in uterus, abnormality in shape and position
of uterus, sore in uterus, swelling in the organs
of the eggs, weakness of uterus, giving birth to
many children, etc are also responsile for this



January 2015

disease. Excess of bleeding causes pain and burning sensation

in patient's limbs, besides weakness and anxiety. The patients
also feel illusion that she is hearing a dog's bark. Jalodar,
epilepsy, swelling, fainting are caused due to this problem.

Eating excess of spicy, acidic, hot

and salty food, watching porn movies,
mental tension, excess orientation
in sex, excess indulgence in sensual
activities and similar life style, etc
are the causes of white blennenteria
in women. In this problem, white, red
and blue uids are secreted from the
patient's vagina.

To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to change one's

life style as blennenteria is the result of bad life style. Besides,
there are Ayurvedic medicines and yogasanas which could
also help you to get rid of it.
Regular yogasana, restrained food habits, etc can help
patients to get free from this problem.

Useful Asanas:
Sashankasana: It is necessary to practice this Asana to
make uterus stronger and also to reduce fats around waist
and hips.

Pavanamuktasana is also very effective. In women related
problems like Alparttava, Kashtarttava and uterus related
diseases, this Asana is very effective.
Kandharasana: One should also practice
Kandharasana together. It is very effective for healthy uterus.
Impotency, mental problems, blennenteria, and sperm
related problems of men, this Asana is very useful.

Gomukhasana: In this disease, if you practice

Gomukhasana, sperm related problems, urine related
problems, other women related problems will be cured.

Chakrasana: Its regular exercise will cure uterus

related problems in women.
Besides, yogasanas, women can take some natural
medicines which will be helpful in a great way to cure the

Following are these medicines:

Use of medicines in bloody blennenteria: In this
problem, take 10 gm extract of Vasa leaves and add

equal quantity of crystal sugar and administer thrice a

day to the patient. It will help cure the disease.
Take 20 gm of Amla extract and add one gram cumin
powder in it and administer it to the patient twice a day.
If extract of Amla is not available, then soak 20 gm its
powder in the night and take the water in the morning
after filtering it. Similarly soak the powder in the
morning and take in the night. If this is used patiently
in pitta related blennenteria, then the problem can be
definitely cured.
Take 10 gm fresh Apamarg leaves, green grass 5 gm
and make their paste in 60 gm water and then filter
the water. Then add it in cow milk with cristal sugar
and administer it every morning for seven days. Apply
this method till the problem is cured. This way, bloody
blennenteria will definitely get cured. If bleeding is
caused due to lump in uterus, then this formula can
also cure this problem.
Boil one spoon of Arjun bark powder in one cup milk.
When its half is left, add some candy in it and take it
thrice a day.
In blennenteria, paste of 2-3 Ashok flower in water, if
administered to the patient, the problem will be cured.
Take 10 gm of fine powder of Ashok bark, 50 gm of Sathi
rice powder, crystal sugar powder 10 gm, 3 gm honey,
and mix them together. Administer it to the patient till
the bleeding stops. The patient should be given this
medicine thrice a day.
Make paste of 10 gm of banyan tress in 100 gm cow milk

January 2015


Treatment of diseases

and after filtering it, administer it to patient thrice a day.

It will be very effective in blennenteria.
Take 20 gm of soft banyan leaves and boil it in 100-200
gm water and administer this water to the patient in
the morning and night. It will soon cure the problem.
It is also effective in urine related problems of male and
In bloody blennenteria, make paste of bala or kharaiti
roots in the water used to washed rice and administer to
the patient regularly after filtering it.
In bloody blennenteria, take five grams of bhuin Amla
seeds and administer it to patient for 2-3 days with the
water used to wash rice. Its use cures this problem and
excess bleeding in menstruation is also cured.
Keep the leaves of Hari Doodhi in shade for drying,
make its powder and after filtering it, administer the
patient one spoon twice a day to the patient. It is very
effective in bloody blennenteria.
Administering 5-10 gm marigold flower extract is also
effective in bloody blennenteria. 20 gm kalk of marigold
flower if fried in 20 gm ghee and given to the patient
will be very effective.
In bloody blennenteria, take 10-15 gm fresh bark of
goolar and after crushing it, boil it in 250 gm water.
When its half is left, filter it and add some crystal sugar
and 1.5 gm white cumin powder and administer to the
patient twice a day. In meal, also give raita of its raw
fruit to the patient.
In cough coughed bloody blennenteria, make 10 gm of
paste of bark with equal quantity of giloy, add two spoon
honey administer thrice a day to the patient.
In severe bloody blennenteria, take 6-10 gm of
Kukraunda roots and make its paste in milk. This
preparation is very effective in this disease. Give this
medicine to the patient for 2-3 days.
Jambolan pip powder with rice starch if given to patients,
the problem will be cured.

Medicinal use in white blennenteria:

In white blennenteria, take 10-15 ml of giloy or adoose
extract add 5 gm khand and one spoon honey and
administer to the patient twice a day.


January 2015

In 10 gm Adoosa leaves add one spoon honey and

administer it to the patient twice a day.
Crush Agast bark and extract its juice filtered in fine
cotton cloth and soak it in cotton wick and keep it in
vagina. It will cure itching problem.
Crush 20-30 gm Amla seeds in water and make its filter.
Add two spoon of honey and crystal sugar powder in it.
This preparation is very effectie in this problem.
Take equal quantities of Ashok bark powder and crystal
sugar powder and make their powder and if given to the
patient with cow milk is very effective in this disease.
Take wax of acacia and wheat in equal quantity and
make their powder and mix together. Taking it twice a
day is very useful in this disease.
Take 10 gm of acacia bark and boil it in 400 gm water.
When 100 gm is left, administer it to the patient two
spoon twice a day. Add alum in the water and use it to
wash patient's vagina. It will purity vagina and cure the
In 3 gm bla seeds powder add equal quantity of khand or
crystal sugar and give it to the patient. Besides, take its 5
gm root and 5 grains of pepper and make its paste in 50
gm water. After filtering the water, administer it twice a
day to the patient. It will cure the problem.
Take goolar juice 5-10 and give it to the patient with
crystal sugar every morning. It is very effective in this
Take 4-5 grains of Gudhal fried in ghee and administer
to the patient with crystal sugar and in addition give cow
milk to the patient. Using this therapy for next seven
days will help cure the problem.
In white blennenteria, add turmeric powder and gud in
boiled milk and administer it to the patient.
Take Neem bark and acacia bark in equal quantities
and make their powder, not very fine. Make their tea and
administer it to the patient in the morning and evening.
In the tea of Daruhaldi, add 3 gm Sheelajeet and
administer to the patient, it will cure white blennenteria
in just six days.
If 10 drops of Peepal milk added in Batasha or
Vanshlochan powder given to patient, it will be very
effective in white blennenteria. 

Indigenous and innovative labour pilgrimage

Patanjali Food and Herbal Park


Sandeep Dev

successfully made efforts to promote the idea of turning

Baba Ramdev to Swadeshi or indigenous and this way he saved the
movements of RSS and that of Rajiv Dikshit's from fading away. According
to Swami Ramdev ji, many people in past would come to him saying that all
the daily use products like tooth paste to soaps are manufactured by foreign
companies then how can one use indigenous stuffs. After this it came to my
mind that if the Swadeshi movement has to be strengthened, then it will be
required to make available such products to the people while preparing them
Otherwise Swadeshi movement will fade away as it happened in past.
Patanjali Food and Herbal Park Limited is the result of the efforts made to
promote the idea of Swadeshi.
At Food and Herbal Park located at Haridwar's Padartha village, products
ranging from food stuffs, flour, soaps, Ayurvedic medicines, etc are being
manufactured. Here the production of these stuffs take place in such a pure
environment that can be experienced by any common man while visiting there.
We have ourselves visited there and experienced it. When we sought to known
the reason for such a great transparency, Swamiji said, "What is the need to
hide these things?" If executive of any other company visits here with a view to
imitate the ideas of this unit, even then we take him to every department. He
added that their work will also promote Swadeshi, saying that Patanjali is not
the organization where things are kept hidden. This is Swadeshi movement. If
more and more people will join the movement, It will help strengthen it.
This unit, which was set up with an investment of Rs 500 crore, gets raw
material from Patanjali's bio agriculture method. Swamiji has adopted many
villages and farmers are taught the methods of bio agriculture and they also get
huge profit of their ago produce. This production unit is enabling more than
15000 people to earn livelihood directly or indirectly.
Swamiji's next target is to promote Adarsh Gram Yojana in every district of
the country. In such villages, not only people but agriculture too will be free from
poisons or narcotics and its glimpses can be experienced at Babaji's Yog Gram.
At this eco friendly Yog Gram, the Sadhaks visit to practise Yoga, meditation,
Panchkarma, Shatkarma, etc. Here one can get all medical facilities. 

January 2015


Treatment of diseases
Due to fast and unnatural lifestyle, acidity has become

e have such a digestive

system, that the food we take

a common problem for people of all age group.
Though, normal acidity problem is cured by applying reaches first to our stomach where
simple methods, when it become a part of life then it is in a natural acids are already present to
digest it and this way digestion process
way invitation to dangers.

Natural treatment of


Dr Preeti Joshi

is completed without any problem.

While when unnatural food and its
acids reach to the stomach then they
fill the food vessel or some times
they reach to the throat. This causes
burning and acidity in the stomach.

Its main symptoms are burning
sensation in the stomach, throat and
chest which results into indigestion,
laziness, anxiety, vomitting, etc.

1. Main cause of the problem of
acidity is unnatural food like junk
food, fast food, excess intake of
tea, coffee, alcohol, pickles, etc.
These foods stuffs are made of
the ingredients which can cause
2 Smoking reduces the formation
of alkaline bicarbonate which
helps in digestion of food. This is
the reason why people who have
bad habit of smoking have acidity
3 Keeping empty stomach for long
time or taking food more than
one's need are also responsible for
acidity problem.
4 Some of the medicines taken
during pregnancy are also
responsible for acidity.



January 2015

5. Obesity is also a cause of acidity.

6. Irregular life style and lazy
way of life and tension are also
responsible for this problem.

First and foremost thing one
should understand that change in
food habit is key to cure any disease.
If one has any disease, he should think
which kind of food habit is responsible
this problem. One should take such
a food which is easy to digest and do
not form acidic material. People who
have acidity problem should take food
stuffs which have abundance of basic
materiels. Here are certain suggestions
regarding what to eat and what not to

Healthy food:
Cow milk, old rice, flour containing
abundance of husk, gram sattu, rose
water, honey, fresh butter milk, carrot,
mint, bottle gourd, lemon, green
coriander, cabbage, onion, ginger,
parval, zucchini, tinda, spinach,
coconut water, pomegranate, citrus
limetta, tomato, potato (use it either
fried or boiled), grapes, Amla, banana,
petha, berries, jawar, gram, moong,
wheat, wheat grass juice, fennel seeds,
Anjeer, raisin, dates, pepper and ajwain.

Unhealthy food:
Hot, acidic, sour food, meat,
alcohol, smoking, refined oil, Urad
pulse, junk food, fast food, tea,
coffee, fermented paneer, fried food,
all purpose flour, white sugar, etc are
responsible for acidity.
Besides food, one should also take

care of following things in lifestyle to

ward off possibility of acidity:
1. In the morning, take one glass
of lukewarm water, added half or
one fourth lemon and one spoon
honey and take it empty stomach.
It will strengthen your digestive
system. Potassium present in
lemon also cures acidity.
2. Cloves- Chewing one cloves after
lunch and dinner everyday also
cures acidity.
3. Jaggery: Take half spoon jaggery
and small Harad powder with
lukewarm water after night meal
is very useful and it also brings
toxicant materials out of your
body. Use of jaggery in the winter
is very good for health.
4. One must do yoga and Pranayaam
regularly. Besides, if it is possible,
one should also do Kunjal kriya to
get rid of acidity as it is best to cure
this problem.

Kunjar kriya is very

First of all after ablution in
the morning, take 8-10 glasses of
lukewarm water and in it half spoon
rock salt, and sit on your ankle, and
keep drinking water one glass after the
other as per your capacity, then stand
up and bow in front direction, then
bring your tongue outside and take
2-3 fingers of your hand in the mouth
upto the mouth of your throat. You
will begin to vomit. When it will stop,
again take fingers inside your mouth
and vomit. This way all the water with
toxicants will come out of your body. If
the whole water does not come out, you

We have such a
digestive system,
that the food we take
reaches rst to our
stomach where natural
acids are already
present to digest it
and this way digestion
process is completed
without any problem.
While when unnatural food
and its acids reach to the
stomach then they ll the
food vessel or some times
they reach to the throat. This
causes burning and acidity
in the stomach.
don't need to worry as the water will get
digested in the stomach and will come
out through urine or waste material.
After this, take some rest. This process
should be repeated 1-2 times in a week
as it will reduce acidity in the stomach.

1. You must cut your finger nails.
2. In case of the patients of high
blood pressure, don't add salt in
3. Do under go this process if you
have problems like heart diseases,
swelling in respiratory system,
severe cough problem and
vomiting, etc.

January 2015


Patanjali poison free agriculture- 11

Natural farming
of rauvolfia
serpentina or


Rajesh Jain

These days use and herbs and

medicines made of them are
increasingly being used in the country.
Due to growing demand, the herbs are
being blindly being destroyed which has
caused a situation in which some of the
herbs are on the verge of extinction. In
this situation, farming of Sarpgandha
or Rauvolfia serpentina can be a very
profitable venture for Indian farmers. If
this venture is carried out according to
the standard norms for its farming, one
can earn at least Rs 70000 per acre by
producing this herb.

Though, this plant can be grown
very well in both the hot and subtropical
environments but it grows much better
in amicable environment. Patanjali's
Department to promote poison free
agriculture has in its researches found
that partially shadowed areas are most
condusive for farming of Sarpgandha.
Hence, farmers can grow it in the gardens
of mangoes, guava, orange and other

Preparation for nursery:

For one acre of land, 2 kg Sarpgandha
seeds are enough. First of all, pour the 2


January 2015

For one acre of land, 2 kg Sarpgandha

seeds are enough. First of all, pour
the 2 kg seeds in 5 per cent salt
solution and the seeds which come on
the upper layer of the solution should
be removed as it is not good for
sowing the eld.
kg seeds in 5 per cent salt solution and the
seeds which come on the upper layer of
the solution should be removed as it is not
good for sowing the field.
For one acre land, choose land of at
least 200 square meter area and dig the
land with spade and add 100 compost
fertilizer and 50 kg Patanjali's grainy bio
fertilizer in the land. There after, pour 300
gm copper sulphate on the selected land
for growing the crop. Then you can sow the
seeds of Sarpgandha.
For sowing the seeds in north India, it
is necessary to irrigate soil every evening.
Seeds are germinated after 18 days and
when they are 28 days old, sprinkle 50
ml Abhimanyu product of Patanjali Bio
Research Institute mixed in 10 liter water
after every 15 days. It will protect the crop
from damping disease.

Conducive soil for growing

To grow Sarpgandha, choose a land of
which soil should not have salt and acid
content more than normal quantity. It
means, PH of the soil has to be between
6.5 to 8. Besides, the soil should have a lot
of humus should be in abundance so that
the plants could get a lot of nutrition and
their roots could grow well as the roots

are the main harvest. Take care that the

land should not be moorland otherwise
roots will be weak and could be caught by

Species for sowing

In growing Sarpagandha, selection of
seeds and their species are very important.
Therefore, Patanjali's department for
poison free agriculture requests the farmers
to purchase seeds from any Government of
India agency or any recognized Agriculture
University as such caution will ward of
chances of being duped. Never use old or
rotten or infected seeds.
To grow Sarpgandha, Patanjali's
department for poison free agriculture
recommends two species of seeds1. Heem Sheel, Seemenp, Lucknow, UP.
2. RS-1, Indore Krishi Vishwavidyalay, MP

Sowing seeds in main landAccording to the research of Patanjali's

department for poison free agriculture,
35-40 old plants can be planted in the
main field. Therefore, when the plants in

January 2015


Patanjali poison free agriculture- 11


In blight disease, take 10 litre of Karanjadi and add 5 ml of Patanjali Chetana and
25 litre water and pour this preparation
on one acre of land in which the crop
is being harvested. Use it twice a
week on the affected crops.

present in its roots is highest. Though,

December is the right time to dig the crop
as in this season, the plants have least
leaves and roots are very deep. Therefore,
the roots are to be dug properly. Be careful
that there should be no damage to the bark
of the plants as it could damage the quality
of the crop.
After taking roots out of the field,
wash them properly and put them on jute
tarpaulin to dry them. After exposing them
in open for 2-3 days moisture in the roots
will be 5-8 per cent then pack them in jute

the nursery have 4-6 leaves, then they can
be planted in the main field at a distance of
30*45 cm, which means distance between
two plants has to be 30 cm while gap
between rows has to be 45 cm. This will
help grow strong roots.

Natural fertilizers in the crop:

Use of natural fertilizer in Sarpgandha
plants, percentage of alkaloids gets high
which will result into higher profit for
the grower. Therefore, farmers must use
Patanjali Sanjeevak, biogas slurry.
Patanjali's department for poison free
agriculture recommends to use 1000 litre
of Patanjali Sanjeevak or biogas slurry in
the first three irrigation. When the crop is
six months old, pour 5 kg Patanjali bio
sulpher and 10 kh Patanjali hyumik for its
proper growth.



January 2015

According to research based findings

of Patanjali's department for poison free
agriculture, if the plants are grown while
maintaining distance of 30*45, and
aforementioned methods are properly
applied, one can get 516 kg dry roots in
one acre. However, average per acre crop is
believed to be 350-370 kg per acre.

Main diseases and treatment:

It is important to protect the crop from
1. Fusarium: This disease is very
dangerous for Sarpgandha plants. Due
to it, first the branches begin to become
dry and weak, leaves begin to fall after
getting pale and after some time, the
whole plant gets destroyed.

Digging of the crop:


Sarpgandha crop gets ready in 18

months. This is the time when alkaloids

To protect plants from this disease,

take 10 liter Patanjali Kudrati Kitnashak

Nimbaid and add 40 ml Patanjali

Suraksha along with 40 litres of water and
sprinkle it on each of 2 acre of land in
every two weeks.

Full blight disease in

This disease first of all affects leaves of
the plant. Its symptom is brown spots on
the leaves. Later these spots spread widely
due to which the leaves get destroyed
then the plant's upper part begins to get
destroyed. Slowly the whole plant gets
destroyed. This disease spreads from
Alternaria species.

To protect plants from this disease,
Patanjali's natural pesticide Karanjadi is
the best. Mix 5 ml Patanjali chetana and
10 litre Karanjadi in 25 litre water for one
acre crop and sprinkle twice a week on
affected crop.

Cercospora leaf spot:

This disease mostly affects 4 months
old plants in which brown spots begin to
appear on the lower part of the plant. After
some time, the leaves begin to fall and
photo synthesis process is badly hit and its
growth is badly hit.

In 10 litre sour Lassi, add 50 gm copper
sulphate powder along with 40 litre water
and sprinkle on the plants.
Sarpgandha maujek: This disease
spreads through special virus and in its
initial symptoms, veins of the leaves begin
to become pale and then they begin to fall
from the plant. This is a disease which
affects the plants the most.

To protect plants from the disease, use
best quality seeds, and sow them after
treating them well.
Take Patanjal's Nimbadi and Karanjadi
in equal quantity and sprinkle on the
plants every week regularly to prevent the
fall out of the disease.

Sutrakrimi Rog of
This disease usually spreads through
Nimaitod. Affected plants develop small
lumps in the roots which results into low
quantity of alkaloids and the harvest gets of
very low quality.

To protect from this disease, apply saw
dust of Gambhari wood and
sulphate of copper. Planting Marigold
plants is also very useful to protect plants
from this disease.

January 2015


Letter to Editor
True service to
the nation
Respected Acharya Balkrishna jI Maharaj,
A lot of respect in your feet,
I received Yog Sandesh's October 2014 issue. It was
my first experience to read the magazine which
made me thrilled. Besides spreading awareness
about yoga and Ayurveda, you are also rendering a
great service to our national language Hindi. This
is in my view a true service to the nation. I went
through a write up on "For your own rise, pursue
the path of Hindi" written by Nagendra Kumar
Vidyarthi. Other write ups were also very useful for
readers. Congratulations to all the writers.
FromDr Sonvane Rajendra, 'Akshat'
Lakshmi Nivas, Aditya Nagri, District: Beed.

Best place in the field

of yoga:
Dear editor,
I read Yog Sandesh's October and November issues.
In this coloured magazine of Hindi language, this
is the best magazine. Its revolutionary voice, best
printing, comprehensive knowledge on Ayurvedic
medicines and herbs, methods suggested for good
health, special stuffs on food, attractive picture
quality, accurate information on treatment of
diseases, pictures on various activities, throwing
light on various aspects of life to satisfy the curiosity
are very useful. Many many thanks to you. I wish,
this magazine may continue to be as useful and
interesting as it is now.
Krishna Kumar Suman,
Editor- Yog Manjari



January 2015

Poem in respect of
Yog Sandesh
It presents the teachings of our saints,
Hail, hail to Yog Sandesh.
You give life to patients, materialist people and those who lack knowledge,
Attained target, achieved salvation and got nectar from you.
You keep away from pain and bad habits.
You help to realise inner bliss from one's self experience.
You destroy, pain, agony, and bad habits.
You present the song of devotion, yoga.
You are the voice of respected Ramdev and Balkrishna.
As Ganga of immense knowledge, you flow in every household.
You are the source of yoga, Ayurveda, culture and Sanskar.
Here Bhrigu, Saam, Yaju and Atharva are applied.
You are like essence of Geetha for good food habit, behaviour and good
You are spreading the message of Bharat Swabhiman and Patanjali Yoga.
I am sending my letter to Yog Sandesh,
Every moment rise above and never be sentimental.
Om Prakash Mehra.


January 2015


India my

Become a member of

Yog Sandesh a monthly magazine

published by Divya Yog Mandir (Trust)
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Phone: 01334-244107, 246737, 240008
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I have a great reason to feel proud on India, it is my pride.

I can sacrifice my life for the soil which nourished my body.
Food, air, water of this land built my body, I kept my
first feet on its chest.
I got nectar for my nourishment from its fruits, flowers and
other natural produces.
I have a great reason to feel proud on India, it is my pride...
Gold, silver, diamond and other precious materials
are in its womb
Sacred rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, wash here clothes, she has
great deposits of important minerals.
I have a great reason to feel proud on India, it is my pride...
Our sages vowed to restore its ancient cultural glory,
Once Ram, Krishna were born here to end sinister,
Yoga guru, Acharya have given a call for building a new era,
I have a great reason to feel proud on India, it is my pride...
This country saw brave hearts like Bhagat Singh, brave
daughters like Lakshmi Bai,
This country's courtyard is full of brave sons and daughters,
Just listen the chanting Vedas at Acharyakulam,
I have a great reason to feel proud on India, it is my pride...

Sunita Arya







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Many many thanks to PM Narendra Modi

from Patanjali Yogpeeth Parivar on

June 21 being declared as International Day of Yoga by the UN

Yoga guru Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj taught yoga techniques to nearly 20 crore people directly in the country and across the
world and made yoga accessible to every household through media and this way he restored the ancient glory of yoga once
again in the modern time. He brought yoga out of the caves of mountains.
Respected Modi ji has great affection and dedication for yoga, spiritualism and culture of sages. He is pride of the nation, he
is a national hero. Respected Modi ji as Prime Minister is resolute and makes great efforts for the success of his goal and has
been inspired by yoga and spiritualism, and when he went to address United Nations General Assembly, he proposed to get
international recognition for yoga and launched a global campaign for this mission. In result, world's 177 nations out of 193
endorsed this proposal. Until now, among all the international days recognised by the UN, the biggest endorsement came for
yoga and no country opposed the proposal. World paid respect to Modi ji's leadership capabilities and also recognised scientific
qualities of yoga and traditional values great Indian sages.
A mission in this regard was started by Swami Ramdev ji and Acharya Balkrishna ji from Haridwar, the land of deities. Their
purpose was to promote and revive yoga, Ayurveda, Swadeshi and traditions of our ancient saints. Today, lakhs of trained
yoga teachers giving free yoga classes and training to people in 500 districts, 5000 Tehsils and lakhs of villages and this way
benefiting crores of people across the country. We have trust that yoga can make your life free from stress, diseases and bad
habits and provide healthy and happy life and can also give you a divine experience.
In making reach of yoga possible to every individual, many organisations of print and electronic media made great contributions.
Special contribution of Astha channel cannot be forgotten which has been rendering a great service in this regard for the last 11
years. Its programmes between 5-7.30 both in the morning and 8-9.30 in the evening since 2004 cannot be forgotten. Through
these yoga programmes, the people who have been unable to get training of yoga directly, got benefit through the TV channel
and their problem including incurable diseases were also cured. It is a call of Swami ji that those who are not able to join yoga
programmes directly can be benefited by watching it on Astha and Sanskar channels. Viewers of these programmes should also
encourage others. People should engage themselves in promoting yoga, Ayurveda, Swadeshi and great cultures of saints as it
will help them to arouse their inner power and their soul. For this, it is our duty to take the traditions of Maharshi Patanjali
and other sages to every individual. It is an appeal to every individual of all age groups to adopt yoga and Ayurveda, practise
yoga and encourage others as well for this.

Many many thanks from Patanjali Yogpeeth Parivar

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