Our website has a complete list of ways to get involved. Here are a few:
Stay connected.
Join our email list through the IDEA website. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and visit our website regularly for the latest news in democratic education.
IDEAs mission is to ensure that all young people can engage meaningfully with their education and gain the tools to build a just, democratic, and sustainable world.
Learn more about democratic education and our work, submit resources of your own, and connect with other people who believe in transforming education in America.
Submit a resource.
If you know of any useful resourcea school, an article, or an eventwithin the education realm, submit it through the Eduvation Library:
Become a member.
IDEA is building a high-quality network of groups and organizationsfrom informal youth and parent groups to large school districtsthat are moving the needle towards transformation.
Help us advance democratic education by making a contribution at Any amount is welcome. No amount is too small.
IDEA is committed to showcasing whats working in education. Like curators at a museum, we review and spotlight what we think deserves a larger audience. Our online Eduvation Library includes lesson plans, research, and evaluation tools. Our websites event listings share whats coming soon. Through our Innovation Tours, participants visit thriving educational spaces and learn from them.
Our members are part of a thriving national network for educational transformation. We keep them informed about what to pay attention to in the education landscape. Our members receive discounts on consulting and priority registration for IDEA events.