Prelim Examination
Prelim Examination
Prelim Examination
Here are the first questions: (20 points each) - 100 points
In this world that we conquer today we observe and do a lot of transformations. That is how
intelligent people of 21st generation are. But how do we transform education to standards that
can fit the high expectation of today's exploration. And how can we develop a child from its
crisis of learning. Do you know that we all have the same level of education and that it is enough
to provide the students of today's age with a quality education when we say constantly, "If others
can, why should I?" Yes, everyone obtains an education that is adequate to generate the kind of
leaders, entrepreneurs, thinkers, and doers that the world needs for the next generation to have a
better future. However, the question is how to change the world through education. The goal of
transformative education is to provide students the tools they need to view the world differently
and ethically, enabling them to act as change agents and question the status quo. Everything can
be modified, but not in the same ways or ways. Every culture or community's success depends
on its capacity to retain an educated population over time. Therefore, transformative education
can assist students in creating and defining their future. They have the chance to arm themselves
against the current dire state of the globe. To transform education, we need cooperation,
empathy, and teamwork. As learners of this generation, we have a crucial role to play in building
a prosperous, peaceful, culturally advanced, sustainable, and lifelong education system that
responds to the need for a future in which we can dream, believe, and survive.
Our experience has shown that providing students with innovative learning strategies for this
digital age may inspire classroom reform and help students achieve success. In order to motivate
students who may feel excluded to participate in the learning process, it is important to meet
learners where they are by engaging them in experiential activities outside of their four-cornered
classroom, such as games, simulations, role playing, storytelling, slogan and poster making,
essay writing competitions, and many others. Beyond this, we can change education through
blended learning. Through an online approach, where students interact with devices like
smartphones, laptops, iPods, and computers while connected to the internet, we can raise the bar
for learning. Through their smartphones, individuals can also carry libraries in their pockets,
where they may search for and download educational apps like Merriam Webster and Filipino-
English Translation that will make learning easier for them. Additionally, it might make research
easier for the students.
a. Justice and Peace. Commutative justice involves the fulfillment of contracts. Distributive
justice involves the fair share of all in the burdens and benefits of society. Social justice,
as stated above, involves people – and with them Catholic Universities – cooperating to
work out and achieve the common good. This summarizes the conditions under which all
in society flourish optimally as human beings considering the limitations of this world.
b. Environmental Stewardship. If there is any issue that has distinguished this generation
from past generations, it is that of conserving and protecting the environment. In
Mindanao, despite laws to the contrary, our generation has seen the denudation of its
forests, which has hurt its rivers, causing problems not only for agriculture but for energy
production as well. The destruction by the human community of its natural heritage and
its careless emissions of greenhouse gasses feed into climate change. Undiminished
greenhouse gas emissions have warmed the planet, causing the virulent destructiveness of
hurricanes and tropical cyclones.
c. Engaged Citizenship. This is a challenge much larger than members of the school
community being willing to participate in efforts to ensure that democratic elections are
clean and credible. The citizen is “engaged” in the manner he learns to respond to
concrete problems in his community and in the way he relates responsibly to his defining
political community, his polis. He is concerned for its welfare and contributes to its well-
being and development in doing good concretely.
d. Poverty reduction. The university responds to poverty not through handouts and sterile,
unprocessed exposure of students to life situations of the poor that result in little more
than poverty tourism. The university engages itself in poverty reduction rather through its
programs fostering the creation of wealth and its equitable distribution. This is a
challenge especially to the entrepreneurship, business management, and engineering
programs which form large parts of our schools. In transformative education, the goal of
these programs is genuine wealth creation – the increase in the production of goods and
services that respond to human need. – coupled however with equitable distribution. The
goal of business and entrepreneurship is not just the maximization of profit for some, but
the distribution of economic benefits to all. Poverty reduction is possible only through
qualified participation in programs which foster the common good.
e. Gender equality. Transformative Catholic education clearly militates against prejudices
against women and participate in an ongoing transformative conversation towards
increasing respect and integration of lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
persons into society as demanded by the common good.
f. Youth empowerment. Educating and forming youth to enable them to participate with
understanding, freedom and responsibility in action supportive of the common good is
youth empowerment. It should not be confined to youth.
As a student of the University of La Salette, the Salettinian Core Values that one must live by
to promote transformative education are Excellence and Solidarity. In excellence, we are
upholding the highest standard of quality. Going beyond mere compliance and doing everything
to the best of one's ability, leaving no room for mediocrity. I am self-motivated, industrious, and
excel at all duties as a person who exemplifies this value as a Salettinian, it is my responsibility
to fully complete the essential works and actively engage myself in various events to be able to
maintain the recognition of excellence given by the Institution. Through Solidarity, we must
have the commitment in building a community anchored on mutual trust, confidence, teamwork,
unity and respect for the dignity of the human person and creation. This depicts working together
with members of God's family to create a world where everyone is treated with dignity. As I
progress in life, I always deal with my constituents in every meeting we must discuss the tasks
we will complete. I am giving my full support to the development of well-rounded activities in
which everyone has an equal opportunity to learn and develop their abilities and skills. With all
of this said, I am a student who exemplifies these ideals in order to completely realize my
potential as a steward of God. These guiding ideas make me a better person and godlike being.
5) How critical must you be as a Salettinian especially as a citizen of this country and as a
netizen. Explain your position.
We are engaging in different areas on this society that connects our interrelatedness to our
community. As a Salettinian, we must have a combination of knowledge, attitude, abilities, and
deeds intended to support the creation and upkeep of a democratic society. We should promote
democratic collaboration that upholds diversity, embraces the entire community, and is based on
the recognition of fundamental human rights and the rule of law. All facets of our common social
life are educated toward acquiring this knowledge and developing and using the abilities, but
schools play a crucial part in this process. As a student, I think that educational programs need to
be developed to improve competencies like co-operation and communication as well working to
increase critical ability, reduce prejudice and build tolerance, understanding, empathy, and an
openness to diversity. Through this we can create a high impact to change not only our country
but the whole world.
The ability to utilize and traverse the Web with ease comes naturally to today's students.
Because of how the Internet has developed into a "participatory culture," students may now
create, communicate, and work with others all over the world. However, educators need to come
up with strategies for teaching the current generation to be morally upright lifelong learners in
the digital age. In addition to actively participating in real learning experiences via blogs, wiki
spaces, learning management systems, online research, and more, teachers must model, lead, and
assist students in practicing proper and professional behavior. The following advice can help kids
get ready to use technology in a TECH SMART way. As a responsible netizen, we should think
before we click.