ESL: Culture - Food Around The World - Key - Macmillan

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Food around the world

Teachers Notes 3 Vocabulary

Aim This lesson looks at the food that people eat around the world at special celebrations. Students read a text and then write about the food they eat at New Year, weddings and birthdays. Warmer Elicit the words New Year, wedding and birthday from the students by drawing pictures on the board. Here are some ideas: New Year bottle of champagne, fireworks, or something else that symbolises New Year in your country. Wedding bride and groom, rings. Birthday birthday cake, present. Elicit the English word for the pictures you draw too to expand your students vocabulary.

Students match the definitions to the words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 dish seaweed chime

bride groom midnight

plate of food which people share green sea plant the noise a clock makes to tell you what time it is the most important woman at a wedding the most important man at a wedding 12 oclock at night

4 Writing

Ask students to write a short piece about the foods they eat to celebrate New Year, weddings and birthdays.

1 Reading

Tell students they are going to read a text about foods that are eaten at the above celebrations.

2 Comprehension
Students answer the comprehension questions. Answers 1 In China people eat an even number of dishes of food. 2 In China knives are bad luck. 3 In Spain people eat twelve grapes before the clock strikes midnight. (Although the text says they often dont manage to eat all the grapes, they have to try to eat them before midnight.) 4 In Italy sugared almonds are given for a baby at weddings. 5 In the Middle Ages people came to your house to stop bad spirits. 6 In Mexico children hit a paper animal with their eyes closed.

Websites Here are some websites about foods eaten around the world at special celebrations.,1972,FOOD_9831_1745831,00.html,1972,FOOD_9843_3650755,00.html

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