Showing posts with label Emma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emma. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wordless Wednesday....sorta

Fair warning: squee alert!!!

Seems that every group of kittens we have here is convinced they are STARVING!!! We don't know how that is possible - mom feeds them all the time...we know - we can smell the canned noms.

Anyhow, if you listen close at the end, you can hear Miss Milano saying some bad werds to mom. And watch that girl INSIST that all the noms belong to her.....

And, since we know you could all use an Emma fix, mom found this video of her playing with the pepper boys. No update yet - mom usually waits a couple of weeks to touch base to be sure everyone is settling in. :)

Monday, March 25, 2013

We got news.....

First, thanks for all the reposting, and facebooking and tweeting about the request for help yesterday. Sparkle posted about it on her facebook page and a very nice lady stepped up and offered to help. The CB posted the info as well. We sent the info to the head of the rescue.....we will keep you posted as we find out more. But once again - ALL OF YOU ROCK!!!!  All mom knows about the kitty is that it is a nice brown tabby that got shunted around due to divorce. But rather than call the rescue, someone in the family took the kitty to a local shelter. We are disappointed by that - and by a shelter that will check for a microchip and call the rescue and then not give them much time to get the kitty out.

And in other news, mom has the "I am freezing, where's the blanket, get off my lap cause I'm gonna barf"s......we are baffled about how much can come out of the mom based on the fact that not much is going IN to the mom.  And mom says that tripping over kittens in the bathroom has been taken to a new level. Next house - more bedrooms. :)

We had two adoptions from Petco this weekend:

Tiger went home Friday night. He is an 8 month old short hair brown tabby. Mom said he was super sweet, very adorable, loved by mom and everyone at Petco, and....dumb as a box of rocks. :)  His new family said "who cares?" And his new mom said he will fit right in....seems the 2 dogs in Tiger's new house aren't rocket scientists either. :) His new mom sent us an update:
"I just wanted to send a quick up date on Tiger, now known as Puddy.  (We’re Seinfeld fans and feel he is a perfect feline version of Elaine’s boyfriend David Puddy).
Anyway, he has made a seamless transition into our lives.  The first night he slept with A (2).  He lets the girls have their way with him while incessantly purring. He is probably the happiest cat I’ve know.  :) Last night after a busy day of none stop play and relentless exploring, he went to bed right at 8:30p with the girls. Although he couldn’t quite make up his mind which girl to sleep with and jumped between beds during stories.  He has met the dogs and could care less that the smallest one out weighs him by at least sixty pounds."

And...... our bratty kid Emma went home on Sunday!!!!  She has a new mom who works from home and a new kitty brofur who is 8 years old. Mom is certain this is the family that Emma has been waiting for (and the new mom didn't freak out when mom mentioned the fungus).  We love you brat - and are glad you new mom found you!! (and yes, Emma is feeling much better and not limping any more) Oh - and Emma's new mom said she is going to keep her name. :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Random Fridays...

One of our favorite local rescue vets posted this on their facebook page - a link to a list of common poisons in the can never be too careful and have too many of these.

It has been a sad week around the CB. We are sure most of you have heard, but we wanted to add our sadness and purrs here too.  Please be sure to check on the CB and leave your purrs for all the families.


In the catagory of kids say the darndest things, one of our favorite rescues Crash's Landing in Grand Rapids MI had some "cub" reporters come visit. You have to read their reports. MOL


gratutious Emma baby shot

Emma is doing much better. She has a limp and is on cage rest for another week. But she comes up to the front of the cage and is back to herself. Oh, and the vet hospital trimmed her pantaloons....which looks even funnier cause her hairs are different colors and the trim job is a little lot uneven. Mom said she shouldn't make she snickers every time Emma turns around. (of course Mom didn't do the trimming, so we aren't sure she is allowed to laugh)

We met a new friend you may all like to meet as well: Sushi

And check this out:  Health and Harmony Animal Hospital is now listed on as being "pro-claw" and the only vet hospital in our area. Have we mentioned how much we love these vets??? And...our favorite low cost clinic SOS won't do it either!!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

plan, what plan???

Quick Emma update: Mom got a text this morning. X-ray showed just soft tissue injury to her back leg. No real definitive answers on what is going on her with her when they arrived at the hospital but she seems to be acting better. She is supposed to be on cage rest, so mom is going to talk to the manager at Petco about just taking her back there. Heaven knows she won't get any rest at our house. MOL  (hey Kelly: what kind of climber do you use at Petco - we have tried a couple of different ones and can't find anything that is really tall enough).

Mom had a plan for Saturday. Pick up the blood hounds, run north. Come back, get lunch. Pick up the cane corso, drive west. Come back, get groceries. Go home watch basketball.

Well, the transports went well, but if you read the post yesterday about Emma, you will know the day didn't go quite as planned. But, we thought we would share the transport part with you.

Charlie and Ellie Mae are headed to Canada. Charlie is going to his foster home and Ellie Mae is headed to a foster-to-adopt home. Charlie was super sweet. Mom doesn't normally crate dogs for transport, but she knew that Charlie didn't know Ellie Mae and worried what would happen in the back seat of a small car.

Ellie Mae was the bloodhound you think about when you think about bloodhounds. Joyful, goofy and wonderful. Mom said she and Ellie Mae had to tango a couple of time to convince Ellie Mae to sit IN THE BACK!!! And Ellie Mae was a kisser....she got mom a couple of times from the back seat. :)

Mom says if she ever gets a dog, it may end up being a bloodhound and she wants one like Ellie Mae. We know her foster-to-adopt family is going to meet her and know they can't live without her.

And then the afternoon was Apollo. He is an 8 month old Cane Corso....weighing in at 65 pounds (mom mumbled something about "puppy my @##"). But he was super sweet and great in the car. And another kisser. Mom was meeting his new mom and dad so got to hand him off on his way home.

Mom will say this - she picked up Apollo at a local vet office. As she got there, another client walked in with a very overweight Malamute. Apparently had an appointment with the groomer. And the appointment had been screwed up and he was getting angry with the receptionist. In the meantime, he let his dog wander all over the lobby. Rachel (with the rescue who also works at the vet office) came out with Apollo and mom asked the guy to grab his dog. His response "she wouldn't hurt a fly". ugh! Rachel said that Apollo was a rescue and we don't know his background. Mom ended up body blocking the Mal so Rachel and Apollo could get out the door. As the dog wandered closer, mom slammed her foot down on the dog's leash. The guy turned and look like he was gonna say something to mom - she said she raised one eyebrow in the "dare you" expression and he never said another word. Makes mom certain that some people should be required to take a quiz before getting a dog.....or an IQ test.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thankful Thurday....

Tim and Tom are thankful for being brothers......

even when we have to deal with interlopers.....

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

wordless Wednesday

But before we get to that: momcat is now Cookie and....she tested NEGATIVE!!! They think she is under a year old...sigh - darned teenaged moms.

oh, and Happy Birthday to our Uncle Rob

Laundry inspectors

Monday, March 11, 2013

weekend update...

Well, we are a little baffled. Emma went to Petco Friday night....and she is still there. We honestly thought she would have someone interested in adopting her pretty quickly. Mom says she will never understand what attracts some people to certain cats and not to others. Yesterday at the adoption event, the biggest question was "are you sure she is 5 months old?" yep - we are sure.....

We are still working on some details to help Miss Chrystal get Frosting and Hershey Bear from southern Illinois to Los Angeles CA. We have a few leads and have made a few suggestions to Miss Chrystal as well. We thought UKRRN only did from rescues/foster but it sounds like they might help, so we have sent a link over to have it checked out. The request has to come from the adopter and Miss Chrystal was having some email issues yesterday.

BUT: it was so very nice yesterday and we got in some window whiffin......yeah for SPRING!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Random Fridays.....

Did you see the post from Miss Chrystal about transporting kitties to California????  Can you or someone you know and trust help out???  These kitties are being offered a wonderful loving home - and getting them there opens up space in the cat house. Word is now they may be able to get from Illinois to Oklahoma City.....  what about from there???

Hershey ready 
Hershey Bear
                                 Frosting ready

It has been cold and overcast and generally yucky here for a while.  Yesterday we had some sun - and one spot coming in the window. Three guesses who was the first to find it?

Some of you may remember Maxine. She is (unfortunately) still at Petco waiting for her forever home. Part of it is that whenever someone comes up to the cage, she hides under the shelf. sigh....

Anyhow, last week our friend Miss Beckie asked if we would be willing to take a kitten who is snotty and then can go up to the Petco store.

Meet Maxwell - yep, Maxine's sister:
She is sweet, but just about as jumpy as her sister. ergh....

Well, the time has come. Emma will be heading up to Petco this weekend. Mom has her monthly adoption event on Sunday but wants to get Emma up there maybe even this afternoon.

Last fall mom discovered that Bourbon and Moonshine had grown some double fangs. She was playing with Emma last night and discovered Emma has double upper fangs right now too. Normally our foster kittens leave early so we don't have them up to this age (Emma is about 5 months old). But apparently it is pretty common for the adult fangs to come in before the baby fangs fall out. No pictures - Emma won't cooperate. But she is chewing on EVERYTHING!!! Mom's toes, the laptop, the tv remote, toys, Mo's tail.....

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


That mom lady....

we are seriously thinking about trying to trade her in.

First she leaves for the WHOLE WEEKEND!! And then she says she can't get anything posted for today cause she had a dentist appointment yesterday and doesn't feel good.  Whatever.....

And yes, that is Tim you hear snickering in the background - something about paybacks.

(mom: I had to have root canal on a back molar....I don't recommend it.)

However, we couldn't just leave you hanging, so we thought we would post this:

Friday, March 1, 2013

Random Fridays and Dr. Suess

It is amazing....
It's a MIRACLE!!!!
Or, as mom says:
prepare for the apocalypse:

Yes - Emma....the brat kitten....the fungus amung us.....

(and declared fungus free)
All 5 months and 3 pounds of her

Now, we let everyone know she really is available to be adopted and find her a home of her own!!!

So, once again, mom missed it....Spay Day was Tuesday and she posted early (darned work) and realized later. guys all know how we feel about that. DO IT EARLY AND OFTEN!!!  (snicker)  Oh, and if you haven't read the post from Tails from the Foster Kittens, you need to...

What is that sound?
It sounds like a hound.
Or maybe a foghorn....
Do the neighbors complain??

(be sure to click on the link - it will CRACK YOU UP!! Both dogs are available for adoption from OBR)

We gotted a comment earlier in the week from The cat on my head kitties asked about our successes in adoptions. We got lucky with the boys last weekend - it was a HUGE adoption event sponsored by Petsmart Charities and there was lots of ads on tv and the like. Honestly though, mom goes to Petco once per month for events and normally NOTHING happens. Most of the adoptions from that store are just people walking by the windows and seeing the kitties. This store has the adoption cages right next to the front windows, so everyone can see the kitties as they walk by. Wish we had some wonderful advice, but really.....we aren't that good. :)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend update

Thanks for all the comments on Friday about the fire. It is scary....and a reminder to all of us to be sure our houses are safe. Sparkle made the comment about dryer vents and it is a good one - we can't begin to imagine how much cat hair is in ours. :)

It was a wild weekend.....

Remember this girl? Hera went to the Petco store and then back to the adoption center when she came down with an upper respiratory thing.

Well, mom had been feeling bad for K and thinking that maybe there was a better match out there for her. So she sent K an email telling her about Hera. So K went to the adoption center on Saturday. And.... Hera has a new home!!! We are very excited for all of them. We think it was meant to be - and they still saved a life and helped us save another by adopting. Mom has already gotten an update and it seems Hera slept with K last night. :)

Of course, that means that ....
the brat is still looking for a home.....
when the ringworm clears up.... 
and she gets spayed....

And in other adoption news - there is a Petsmart store that is southeast of the city where we live. There aren't any other rescues down there, so the cats in their adoption windows move pretty fast. Cleo moved there and was adopted in 48 hours. There was an adult going home on Saturday, so mom agreed to meet another volunteer for the national adoption weekend and leave Mist there. Since the boys had been neutered, she took them with for the exposure.

Mom did get annoyed with one lady. It was VERY busy and of course everyone wanted to hold the kitts. Mom had the pen set up with Mist and the boys in there and was trying to keep an eye on things. Mom knew Mist could get over the pen if she wanted too. And then this lady comes up with a little dog that starts barking at Mist. Mist freaks out, the boys freak out and mom asks the lady to back up. The lady tightens the leash on the dog and says "I have control of him". OK - that is great - but who are you gonna blame when Mist comes over the top and tries to eat your little dog. Ugh.....

Anyhow, mom came home: ALONE!!! Yes, the boys were adopted. Poblano and Jalapeno were adopted together and Serrano went home with a mom and two kids who also have an 8 month old female cat at home already. Mist stayed but mom hopes she finds her home soon. She doesn't look like anyone else down there, so we think she should catch someone's attention.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Random Fridays....

Not sure who was more took trash down stairs last weekend and was going to bring stuff back up from the car. As mom opened the door into the garage, Allie was sitting on top of the trash can. Allie turned and looked at mom with these wide eyes and mom froze. And then Allie took off like a shot. Mom laughed, got her stuff and headed back upstairs. She did look out the window and saw Allie stroll back into the garage.....

Fire update:
In some seriously scary news, there was a second fire earlier this week in a different foster home for the same rescue we volunteer for. There isn't any news if they are related, but we know it scares the heck out of mom and the rescue and fosters everywhere. There were 8 cats that didn't survive the first fire and 2 from this one. There was an adoption event this past weekend and 8 cats from the first fire were adopted. But PLEASE make plans for your homes and be thinking about these families and Colony.

In defense of the clinic in Emma's post from yesterday. They are one of the few low cost spay/neuter clinics in our area. And we do love them for it. We think in this case they are so used to dealing with the public (and a certain portion of the public) that they try to get people to do things they way the clinic prefers to be sure they get it done right (and sometimes at all). Mom was just more frustrated at the situation.....

Mom saw this and laughed after all the comments about Emma's baths and being a gremlin. We sure hope this don't happen the next time she gets a baff:
Did You Feed Her After Midnight?

Oh - and she says "thanks" for the poor mom comments (mom's spot is on her ankle - you know, Emma height - and mostly cleared up now too) and pffft to the "poor" Emma comments - that girl kitt is fine!  MOL

There was a request for a Bourbon update. We haven't gotten anything recently, though mom does follow his new mom on facebook and sees new pictures. :)  It certainly sounds like he and Goose have their new mom and dad RIGHT where they want them......  Mom had emailed their new mom about Bourb's knees and what their vet said. We believe the official medical term used was "weird". Who knew?  MOL 

The boys and mom are doing great after surgery. It never fails to amuse how quickly young male kittens bounce (sometimes literally) back from being neutered. Mom needs to determine now who is going where and when for adoptions. Oh - and the clinic aged Mist between 3-4 years old. Just sayin'

 Emma and the boys are having a good time running around. And Mist is right in on the games too. It is fun to watch as the kittens get bigger and the moms start to play. :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Emma update......

So, here is the latest.....

Emma has been getting 2 baths per week for almost 3 weeks now. Her spots are growing back fur and she doesn't have any new spots. The rescue lady said you can almost watch it spread in kittens - it is a grooming thing. As she grooms, the spores spread. Which explains why it showed up first on her one ear (why one and not the other, who knows), then the top of one paw and then small spots on the backs of each front leg.

However, with furs growing back she was "out" of the main part and on the mend. So, when mom called Monday to get spay/neuter spots for Mist and the boys, she asked about Emma. The lady on the phone went to ask what "symptom free" meant and when she reported that the furs should be growing back, mom made the appointment to get Emma spayed.

yes - THAT tongue got us in trouble

Then came Tuesday morning. The tech took Emma back and then brought her back out to mom. Apparently "symptom free" really meant "the furs growing back on the one spot we saw but no new spots and you should have been treating through us and using the things we would have recommended and now all her fur has to be completely grown back everywhere". ugh.....

So, they said another 2-3 weeks of treatment and then they will look at her again. Come on!!!

Mom knew she had to contact K and let her know. Mom was worried cause she hadn't heard from her since she had come over to see Emma that one evening. Mom emailed her yesterday and told her the newest update. She also assured K that it is ok to change her mind and that we completely understand. Mom blames herself for putting up the picture of Emma before she was "completely" ready to be adopted. K emailed back and isn't sure what to do. Mom doesn't blame is hard to get that excited and then be told over and over and over that you have to wait - with no real end date in sight. Mom said to let her know but if they decide not to take Emma she will keep them posted about female kittens and hang on to their application.

We have been lucky - no one else here has caught it (except mom - hahahahaha). Mom has been doing lots of laundry and wiping things down. Next step is to clean the carpets - and we are sure that is going to be worse than the Dyson monster. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday already.....

Mom says that our posting and commenting may be sporadic for a little bit. She is going to try to get posts done on the weekend, but her work had gotten a little weird. The other paralegal was not doing things right and mom is going to have to take all of her files and figure things out - in addition to doing her own work.

However, on to the things you really want to hear about. The pepper boys and Mist were out most of the weekend. Those boys are full of the wild-and-crazies!!!

And then they fall over and pass out.  MOL

Emma seems to be having fun, but we can tell she isn't really sure what to do with them. She is outnumbered but they haven't figured out the cat tree so she can get up and away. And on the Emma front, "symptom free" for her means the fur starts growing back on her nekkid spots - and mom checked her paw the other night and the furs are growing back. So mom is going to call to get Mist spayed this week and see about getting Emma in as well.

Oh - and quick note on Emma's baths: she gets 2 per week for 4-6 weeks. This is the end of week 2. But - she is looking better, so that is a good thing.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday plans....

Mom says Emma "the gremlin" is getting another bath today..... don't tell her

And a certain group of boy kittens are getting manicures - mom is on the laptop and they are running up and all over her and all we keep hearing is "ouch ouch ouch ouch".

And we plan to work on the mystery of how 3 little kittens can sound like a herd of elephants when they run around.....

Friday, February 15, 2013

Random Fridays

Did you see the post yesterday by Miss Chrystal????  Woohooo - more adoptions!!!  Frosting and Hershey have to get to CALIFORNIA!!!!  We have done it before and mom promised we will help make this one happen as well. If you live ANYWHERE between Illinois and Ohio and are planning a trip to LA (or close) and willing to help transport these kitties to their forever home, PLEASE let us or Miss Chrystal know.

The cats rescued from the house fire have been placed in other foster homes. We haven't heard anything else about the foster and her family....other than they are safe.

This from our friend Miss Beckie:
As the foster parent of two of the house fire cats I would like to thank everyone for the kind words and offers of support. My furry ones are now available for a home of their own. Berry is a black and white girl about a year old. She is very sweet and cuddly. Kooper is an orange guy about the same age. Both are living at the Petco at Kingsdale in Upper Arlington. Stop by and say hello to them.

First, THANK YOU to everyone who has offered to foster and who is fostering to help with this tragic event. And a big thank you to the Norton Road Veterinary Hospital and Rascal Animal Hospital for helping with the veterinary needs of these kitties!

These kitties are in very temporary foster homes and need to find their FOREVER homes! So we are having an adoption event with the foster home fire kitties THIS WEEKEND, from 12-5pm at the Petsmart on Rome-Hilliard. Adoption fees will be $35 for one cat, and $50 for two. There are also 2 of the kitties at the Petco at Kingsdale - Berry and Kooper (and big thank you to Petco for promoting and caring for them until homes are found!).

We gotted an award from Basil
Fanks.....we love you too!!!

Notes from Emma's Wednesday post:

@Fuzzy Tales: Emma is full of...... something - haha
@Priscilla: thanks - we like the new look. Mom wanted to try something and got bored at work the other day.
@Belle: nope, K is in for the long haul. Heck, we think she might have been charmed by the bratty behavior.

About Styx, Atlas and Hera: they were never at our house. Mom moved them from the adoption center straight to the store. But since mom will be doing their adoptions, we feel like they are extended family kitts. :)  No word on what is up with Atlas but Miss Mona says he is eating ok, so that is good news.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Brat kitten....

(sorry - we know it makes your parents go "squeee" but it had to be done)

We got a treat on Monday night. Emma's new mom came over to visit Emma. We love that she is being SO understanding about still wanting to adopt Emma even though she is having to wait to take her home.

Anyhow, K was all excited. Her first comment was how big Emma has gotten. Guess it has been a while since she has seen the kitt. We see her all the time and she is tiny to us - though bigger than the pepper boys.

Anyhow - Emma.....was a BRAT!!! Mom finally had to open a can of food to get Emma's attention. Emma danced and sang down the hall cause she knows where dinner is served. But mom fooled her and wanted her to eat in the living room so she could get used to K.  But even then, mom went to grab Emma in the kitchen - and Emma HISSED at mom!!!! OMC!

K finally sat on the floor and mom gave her one of Miss Andrea's stringies to play with. Emma did come around and play a bit and let K pet her a little bit. Of course, Maestro and Mozart turned on the charm and were giving K some kitty love. And she was shocked that Maestro is 18 years old.

After K headed home, mom fed Emma the rest of the can of food. And Emma spent the evening snoozing on mom. BRAT!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thankful Thursday (NOT)

Most of you  know by now that Miss Emma has.....ringworm. argh......

Mom has been doing some research and talking to the rescue lady. There are several ways to treat it. We started with the topical cream.....not working so well. We have heard about a lyme-sulphur dip, but the rescue lady isn't a fan of that (and having smelled it more than once, neither is mom - MOL). There is a pill but it can be toxic to the liver - especially the smaller the animal. And there is a shampoo. The rescue lady says she has had very good luck with that and gave mom a bottle.

The deal is baths 2 times per week for 3-4 weeks. Emma got her first bath Tuesday night:


Once lathered up, she had to keep lathered up for 10 minutes. Listening to her scream in the tub with the shower door closed might well have been the longest 10 minutes ever (at least until Friday when we have to it again). Mom did laugh at Emma was screaming in the tub, Mist stood outside the shower door and chirped at Emma and gave mom the hairy eyeball.....

Your Gremlin is wet and angry....

and sulking....

She did forgive mom after about 30 minutes or so. And slept like the dead all night long (who knew all it took to make kittens sleep all night was to give them a bath).

Mom got a call from the guy who adopted Emma's brothers.....they gots it too, so mom dropped off a bottle of shampoo for them as well. As the rescue lady says "damn fungus"

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


We interrupt this post to bring you breaking news:
Just 48 hours after moving to a new store with adoption windows, she went home with a new mom and dad and an older kitty sibling.

We haven't done this in a while, so mom tried to get some new pictures. She was going to try to get some of the pepper boys, but they weren't cooperating. :)

check out the tongue..... and the multi colored toes.....  awwww
(mom says ignore the eye boogers)

Tim toes...and nose...and whiskers

Junior holds out hope that SOME day 
she will be able to touch them

Allie or her boyfriend's prints in the snow