The month started off with a bang (see what we did there) as we took in 3 kittens from a TNR project. To go with the theme, they were named Topeka, Nashville and Reno.
We added more to the full house of kittens here with the spice kittens and their mom.
We did a Blog the Change post about volunteering in rescue (and dealing with the public).
London and his snot were still here.
Cairo got adopted.
The TNR kittens gained some freedom.
Mom bought a tower to replace the playpen for foster kittens.
There was an update on the spice kittens.
We celebrated birthdays and gotcha days.
Mom did a post about applications and being in rescue.
We celebrated our 6th Blogoversary.
Chaos broke out with 8 (!!) kittens running around the house.
We talked about the importance of microchips for Check the Chip day.
In a moment that still makes everyone laugh, mom got the DNA results back on Grandma and Grandpa's woofie Izzo.
Daiquiri turned a year old.
London was adopted.
Cinnamon the foster kitten ran for the Rainbow Bridge (they think it was FIP).
Morocco the momma cat to Cairo and London got adopted.
Once again we have to convince Mo that Mo Cats Day isn't about him.
Mom got attacked by bees!!!
Spud turned 7.
Tostada was sick at the adoption center, came back to our house and needed surgery.
THANK YOU to everyone for their moral and monetary support!!
Anise and Topeka were adopted. (mom posted that Reno was too, but that was a false alarm)
The nuts arrived here.
Mozart turned 9.
We also briefly had a mom and kittens named Devon and the Moos. Sadly mom cat didn't adjust to being in a home...they went back to the adoption center. The kittens didn't thrive and mom went back to her colony.
Tim and Tom turned 12 years old.
The apple kittens came to the house and mom posted about a great adoption story.
A nut-date.
We got a haunted house.
We did a Blog the Change post about TNR.
We posted about the differences of having kittens of all ages at our house.
Mom helped others celebrate National Kitten Day by taking kittens for visits to offices with the help of Uber.
None of the Apple kittens survived. They all went downhill pretty fast. Mom was heartbroken but knew that at least they were given a chance and knew some love with us.
Mom headed off to Bark World. She got to meet the Canopy Cat Rescue guys.... happy sigh :)
Mom vented a little frustration about why we do what we do with fostering.
Mom won a MeowBox at Bark World and finally broke it open for us.
Lille and the French City Kittens made their arrival.
Orleans, the little orange baby didn't survive however. (we were never sure if she wasn't related to the rest or just tiny)
Lille ended up back at the adoption center when she developed a huge abscess on the side of her face.
We discovered Margarita hadn't actually been adopted - and got to see her when she was moved to a remote adoption location closer to us (and the same one where her daughter Tostada is at).
Acorn was supposed to be spayed but wasn't spayed due to her eye issue.
Mom posted about an accident that happened here with one of the kittens (hard to read - you may want to skip this link).
Reno got ADOPTED!!
We got a gingerbread house and mom finally got it set up.
We had kittens gone wild around here.
Spud and Ivy celebrated their Gotcha Day.
We posted about a video done by our friend Miss Lisa promoting Our Wish for animals.
Daiquiri celebrated her first Gotcha Day.
The French City Kittens got a little more freedom (except for Avignon).
We got to open our Secret Paws box.
And then it was Christmas and New Years and wow....where did 2015 go?? THANK YOU for reading and commenting and lurking and being our friends.
The month started off with a bang (see what we did there) as we took in 3 kittens from a TNR project. To go with the theme, they were named Topeka, Nashville and Reno.
We added more to the full house of kittens here with the spice kittens and their mom.
We did a Blog the Change post about volunteering in rescue (and dealing with the public).
London and his snot were still here.
Cairo got adopted.
The TNR kittens gained some freedom.
Mom bought a tower to replace the playpen for foster kittens.
There was an update on the spice kittens.
We celebrated birthdays and gotcha days.
Mom did a post about applications and being in rescue.
We celebrated our 6th Blogoversary.
Chaos broke out with 8 (!!) kittens running around the house.
We talked about the importance of microchips for Check the Chip day.
In a moment that still makes everyone laugh, mom got the DNA results back on Grandma and Grandpa's woofie Izzo.
Daiquiri turned a year old.
London was adopted.
Cinnamon the foster kitten ran for the Rainbow Bridge (they think it was FIP).
Morocco the momma cat to Cairo and London got adopted.
Once again we have to convince Mo that Mo Cats Day isn't about him.
Mom got attacked by bees!!!
Spud turned 7.
Tostada was sick at the adoption center, came back to our house and needed surgery.
THANK YOU to everyone for their moral and monetary support!!
Anise and Topeka were adopted. (mom posted that Reno was too, but that was a false alarm)
The nuts arrived here.
Mozart turned 9.
We also briefly had a mom and kittens named Devon and the Moos. Sadly mom cat didn't adjust to being in a home...they went back to the adoption center. The kittens didn't thrive and mom went back to her colony.
Tim and Tom turned 12 years old.
The apple kittens came to the house and mom posted about a great adoption story.
A nut-date.
We got a haunted house.
We did a Blog the Change post about TNR.
We posted about the differences of having kittens of all ages at our house.
Mom helped others celebrate National Kitten Day by taking kittens for visits to offices with the help of Uber.
None of the Apple kittens survived. They all went downhill pretty fast. Mom was heartbroken but knew that at least they were given a chance and knew some love with us.
Mom headed off to Bark World. She got to meet the Canopy Cat Rescue guys.... happy sigh :)
Mom vented a little frustration about why we do what we do with fostering.
Mom won a MeowBox at Bark World and finally broke it open for us.
Lille and the French City Kittens made their arrival.
Orleans, the little orange baby didn't survive however. (we were never sure if she wasn't related to the rest or just tiny)
Lille ended up back at the adoption center when she developed a huge abscess on the side of her face.
We discovered Margarita hadn't actually been adopted - and got to see her when she was moved to a remote adoption location closer to us (and the same one where her daughter Tostada is at).
Acorn was supposed to be spayed but wasn't spayed due to her eye issue.
Mom posted about an accident that happened here with one of the kittens (hard to read - you may want to skip this link).
Reno got ADOPTED!!
We got a gingerbread house and mom finally got it set up.
We had kittens gone wild around here.
Spud and Ivy celebrated their Gotcha Day.
We posted about a video done by our friend Miss Lisa promoting Our Wish for animals.
Daiquiri celebrated her first Gotcha Day.
The French City Kittens got a little more freedom (except for Avignon).
We got to open our Secret Paws box.
And then it was Christmas and New Years and wow....where did 2015 go?? THANK YOU for reading and commenting and lurking and being our friends.