Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday (not quite)

No real surprise, but Miss Mocha was ADOPTED!!!! They put in their application on Saturday (she went to Petco on Friday). Mom approved it then but they picked her up last night. Mom and Dad, 2 girls (13 & 7) and a 5 month old toy poodle. (our money is on Mocha) She was a very good girl last night going home. Mom likes doing adoptions out of this store for her kittens cause she gets to see everything and tell the babies goodbye. Happy trails Miss Mocha....we are very happy you found your forver home so quickly (and don't beat up the dog too badly).

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Oh no you didn't......

What was in the other carrier?????  This.....
Meet Cheerio.

He was at Petco. But is he VERY shy. So, mom switched him out for Mocha.

So, we are now Mocha-less and up one Cheerio.  :)  He is currently in the bathroom. Mom tried him out some on Sunday. He was pretty scared. In fact, everytime mom walked in the bathroom he was curled up in the litter box. However, last night before bed mom checked on him and he was sleeping in FRONT of the litter box. And as of this morning he was sleeping on the scratcher in the room. We will take that as progress. The second time he came out on Sunday, he stayed in mom's arms and then got down on his own. And made it all of 2 feet until he was under the end table. He did sniff noses with Spud.....  We hope he will come around and can go back to get his forever home.

No one has much background on him. He is about 6 months old and was found as a stray. Other than being scared, he is people friendly. Doesn't care much one way or the other about the cats. Mom took Caramel into the bathroom last night as a test and cheerio acted like he could care less. Mom left them alone for about 30 minutes and when she came back they were both asleep on opposite sides of the room. So much for that.....

We will keep working with him. He has toys but mom doesn't hear him playing with them. He tenses up when mom picks him up but relaxs pretty quickly. Hopefully his trust will come around soon.

Monday, February 27, 2012

That wasn't the plan....

Mom came home early on Friday and loaded up the kittens in the PTU. Caramel was still snorty and mom decided it was time to step it up.

She met with Dr Jensen and they decided to run a culture on his snot to find out exactly what he has. We should know more by the end of the week. She said if she calls, then she hasn't given birth to her girl kitten.... MOL  So, Caramel is on a new med and we hope to know more soon.

Anyhow, she was gone for a while. And when she came back, she had 2 CARRIERS!!!

Tommy tried to check out the smaller one, but no luck. Mom opened the big one and Caramel shot out - mom grabbed him and gave him his pill. Then he shot up the stairs. Mom took the other carrier in the bathroom.....

What is going on here?????

Sunday, February 26, 2012

We are cat people.....

Well, mom is at least.....

THANKS to all our followers - we hit 100 followers yesterday!!!  We love you all....

And thanks for helping us party for Mo's Gotcha Day yesterday......

Now, Purina put out a video (about 2 minutes) regarding cat people. It is pretty awesome - you can see it at Mousebreath.

Rock on cat people......

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Gotcha Day Mozart!!!

We are partying today and celebrating Mo's 5th Gotcha Day. Mom says it is hard to believe it has been five years already.....

We hope you can party with us - we will be having treats and lots of toys are available!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Finally Friday......

Let's see......

Mom got a call from her neighbor last weekend about our neighborhood cats. Seems the one boy they haven't caught yet was gave her access to the house to get the live trap but no luck yet. However, she has nearly caught Blackie 3 times now (he has been caught once every season we put out the fear of live traps). :)

Speaking of ferals, Brian has a chip-in set up for a local group in his area that needs some help. Mom got paid today so we are stealing some green papers to send.

Otherwise, we have been much as we ever do. Mom says she is busy tomorrow but we are planning a slow Sunday.....

takin' after my bro - and stealin' more warms
back off or I shoot you with my lasers

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday....

Mom says she is just thankful that it IS Thursday....  MOL

Oh hey - our friend Miss DeLynn went with her family to Utah and they all spent a day at Best Friends. When mom was there last year, they overnighted a dog named Mercy. Well, Miss DeLynn learned that Mercy has been adopted and is going home next week. YEAH!!! Concats on your new home sweet girl!!

Let's see - really nothing new here. Mom says she is slowly catching up at work from being gone.

The kittens are still pretty snorky. And mom says that Caramel may have given it back to Mocha. sigh...  So, they go back to the v-e-t tomorrow. Mom wants to get the noise on her camera since Caramel doesn't make it all the time. Hopefully Dr. Jensen will have some new ideas.

on your floor vent, stealing your warms

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday (redux)

Our Wordless Wednesday post is here cause our mom is a technical dork.....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Terrible Tuesday.....

Sorry - no real post said something about work being nuts. We believe her exact words were "why bother going on vacation?" Yep - we wonder the same thing.... MOL

So, we are just hanging out today......

Wordless Wednesday

OMG - MOM!!! The polar bear is gonna eat your niece!!!!

Really?? You guys are still on the polar bear kick??? is a dog, and she is watching TV with the kid....

Monday, February 20, 2012

We were abandoned....again....

Mom left us forever and we nearly starved to death....
    Would you guys stop posting that???!!!  I was gone 4 days and the pet sitter came every day.

Doesn't matter mom......

Wait....did we hear the treat jar???  OK - we forgive you....this time....

Friday, February 17, 2012

Elvis has left the building....

OK - not Elvis....but Martin went back to the shelter yesterday. Mom says she will miss him. We can't say the same.....  But we wish his ornery ill-mannered cute house panther self good luck. May he find his forever home over the weekend.

He is going to be an "office foster" meaning he will live in one of the staff offices and have some free time. Hopefully having space to run around will wear him out......

Yes - the boy does have 3 white whiskers....the only white on him. :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Mom here - no pictures of this event either.....

I got home last night - and the bathroom had flooded. No idea how the toilet overflowed (clean water only at least), but the carpet was soaked outside the door and there was water all over the floor.

I have never been so thankful to have a kitten sleeping in there - the fleece blankets absorbed most of the water.

And of course, as I was trying desparately to clean up (after leaving work early for a theraputic massage for my neck - so much for being relaxed)....Martin was in and out and in and out and......

Got it all cleaned up - but of course, there was now WET cat litter....and water...and wet bedding and towels....   sigh......

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

wordless wednesday....

(mom here - I have to say, that just doesn't look comfy.
But this is the same box Ivy was sitting in last week.
What makes it funnier is that Caramel & Mochas really don't even like canned food.)

Also, our friends at I Have Three Cats (OK - there are really 4 cats, but who is counting), gave us this award.  We love that people appreciate what we do here.....  THANKS

We are supposed to pass it on but aren't sure who has gotten it or not....if not, feel free to share!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pillars of Strength.....

The blogosphere is coming together once again to support a fellow animal lover. K keeps her human KB jumping over at Romping and Rolling in the Rockies. And now K is going through chemo and needs our support.....This blog is new to us, but we started reading and love it....not that is matters to give some love, purrs and support!

We know you don't think of mom as a "dog" person. We are trying to keep it that way too....MOL

However, her family had dogs when she was growing up. They were partial to white german shepards (the standing tall dogs - not the screwed up show dogs with the sloping backs....don't get mom started on that). Anyhow, while she was in high school, they had a white GSD named Hazzard (give you any idea how really old mom is??). He was wonderful....grandma did daycare and the kids LOVED him. They would lean on him inside to watch tv. Mom came home from school the one day to discover a pink chalk stripe on his one side and blue on the other....the kids had been playing and Hazz let them do it. He was as sweet as he was pretty....  He ran for the Bridge when mom was away at college.

So, could you take a second to run over to The Thundering Herd to check out the links to other blogs helping celebrate????  And then maybe leave a nice note with purrs and woos for K and KB???  Thanks!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ups and Downs.....

As most of you who are involved in rescue know, there are always ups and downs.....Mom had a few this weekend.

Friday night was the great bloodhound drive (she says her left arm must now be about 3 inches longer than her right arm - MOL).

Saturday morning she got a call from Miss Beckie from the rescue about cats to go to Petco. Noah's Ark Vet Hospital helps out the rescue and wondered if we would be willing to help them get a kitty adopted. Big Callie was part of a TNR group and then the colony caregiver determined she was friendly. She was brought to the vet hospital, checked out good on everything and Mom picked her up Saturday am to go to Petco.

Saturday afternoon mom went to the shelter and a young guy (early 20s?) brought in a cat. He works at a local car wash and when they got to work on Saturday, there was a cat. They checked their video and saw a woman drive up in a van, put the cat out by their dumpster, put the litter box out as well and drive away. HISS!!!!

Anyhow, the workers at the car wash couldn't take her but did the RIGHT thing and brought her to the shelter. She should be checked out today and hopefully will be on the adoption floor soon. Long hair dilute calico girl - friendly too. Mom got to name her and she is now known as Bubbles. (hahaha)

Sunday was adoption event day. The snotty kittens went with for the cute factor. And....

Callie got adopted!!!!! Concats to her and her new family!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

good dog news....

First, mom just read online that Georgia from Best Friends has been adopted. For any of you that followed the Vick dogs and/or Dogtown on National Geographic Channel, you would have gotten a chance to meet her. She was dog aggressive and all of her teeth had been pulled - more likely that not due to her being a champion fighter and this way she could be bred without hurting the male dog. A tough life to say the least. But, she bonded with her care givers, got her Canine Good Citizenship, and is on her way home....

Also, mom drove another transport for Ontario Bloodhound Rescue. Boone is an 11 month old male, neutered but tied outside to a dog house for his entire life. Duchess is an adult female - used as a breeding machine. They hadn't met, so it was a bit of event in the car, but they settled in. However, mom got to the transport site before the next driver, so she was outside with both dogs for about 30 minutes. Duchess didn't like Boone and he was acting like a wacky teenager. He got in her face and she nailed him on the nose. So mom spent the next little while trying to keep them as apart as possible. But, they are now in foster and on there way to a much better life.

Mom didn't get pictures....forgot her camera, though she says she wouldn't get pictures in the chaos anyhow. MOL

Stay warm this is pretty cold here.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Finally Friday.....

Mom says it has been a long week.....

Martin is....settling in. Junior is completely ignoring him, which mom finds a little strange. We shall see. In the meantime, he continues to act like a petulant 2 year old kid. Mom was sitting in her chair watching tv and eating a snack. He wanted some and kept getting up and being nosy. She kept pushing him back on the floor. After the 3rd time - he ran down the hall, came back and got her - wrapped his paws around her ankle and bit her!! RUDE!!!!  Did this sneak attack thing 3 times before mom grabbed him and he got a time out in the bathroom. Mom is hoping to let him out more this weekend and hopefully that will help him some.

Otherwise, we are taking it easy...hope you are all doing the same.

(Mo was getting feisty one night, so mom flipped him over and
shoved him between her leg and the arm of the chair. He must
have stayed there for about 30 minutes - purring!!!)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New guy.....

First, Ivy would like to thank all of you for your support yesterday....brothers can be so bad!!

Tuesday night mom picked up a new foster from the shelter. (as a reminder, yes, we still have the coffee kittens from the rescue, but since the shelter doesn't "like" the rescue, we keep the fact that we help both under the radar).

Martin is a 10 month old male black kitten. He is....ornery. And he bites. Oh, and mom has seen him launch himself across the room at a volunteer. She was afraid he was going to get a person from the public (or worse a kid) so she offered to take him and see if we could teach him some manners. Turns out he has already been in foster twice. But, he got an eye infection over the weekend, so they asked us on Monday if we would take him for a few days.
He was pretty growly and hissy on Tuesday - even at mom.

But she let him out for the first time last night....he and Tommy exchanged a few words, but otherwise, we think he was just happy to run around like a nut....he didn't stop for more than a few seconds at a time.

Mom isn't leaving him out during the day since she isn't home until she is sure he isn't going to start something to get himself in trouble. She says he is like a 2 year old kid - ornery when he doesn't get his own way.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

Hahahaha.....remember when mom was talking about Ivy being undertall? Well, mom caught Ivy sitting in this box the other night and got her picture.....we think it is her best side.

What? She is coming????  Run for your lives boys......

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Trouble Tuesday.....

We weren't sure how many of you had heard about this, so we wanted to get it out there.

Loews hotels in Florida had a feral cat problem. One of their bellman - out of the goodness of his heart and his own pocket - started doing TNR. The hotel management didn't seem to care one way or the other. And the maintenance department even built feeding stations for the cats that matched the hotel. The colony population went from about 40 to 8.

Then a change of management and the cats became a "liability". Though we wonder cause they have never said how they came to that decision. Traps were set and the cats were going to be taken to a local shelter - and we all know they would have been euthanized. Riverfront Cats stepped up and was helping to keep the cats from the shelter. They are also helping organize people to let Loews know they are making a bad decision. You can check out their efforts to stop the move on the Facebook page.

Right now, they are organizing a letter writing campaign - if you can write a letter, sign it and scan it, please email it to [email protected] and they will cover the postage to mail all the letters together.

It bothers many people are suddenly taking flack for doing the right thing to help these homeless cats and lower their population. Disney has a feral cat colony that is controlled. At least one casino in Las Vegas got help from Best Friends and now has a controlled colony (they choose to remain anonymous to keep people from dropping off cats there).

So, please like their facebook page and write a letter if you can. Loews claims to be "pet friendly" and a good corporate citizen - but that apparently doesn't extend to the cats that are living on their property.

Some of you may remember that Junior was live-trapped when we helped control our local colony...this was his 2nd day in the bathroom. While mom isn't allowed to pet him, he at least doesn't look this ticked off anymore....  But imagine him being trapped by this hotel and relocated (which doesn't always work) or euthanized....just for being born outside.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mancat Monday....

Junior here....

It was a pretty slow weekend. Mom left on Caturday for a couple of hours to go see a movie - not sure what that means, but that is what she said. (mom here: if you enjoy Janet Evanovich, you have to go see One for the Money...that is what I went to see and it was great)

Anyhow, as you can see, I find this condo a great place to sit and look out the window. I can also use it as access to the new cat tree. I have been having fun chasing the kittens around as well. Mom said she was going to try to video some of our craziness on Sunday, but that we were moving too fast and it was just more fun to sit back and watch.

I think I finally have the hang of this hammock thingie as well...would be nice if it was just a LITTLE bit bigger....

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cat from Hell

Just wanted to say that mom LOVES watching Jackson Galaxy (as we know many of you do as well). First, she loves that they changed the intro - no more screaming cat (which made at least one cat here jump out of their skin).

But more important, it gives mom a resource to use with adopters. Last night he talked about declawing and reintroductions. Interesting since mom has met a man that afternoon who was looking at Bobo at Petco and talked about declawing. Mom said to wait and see what happens - since there are consequences like biting. Lo and behold - the guy had a lightbulb moment....their current female 4 yr old cat was front-declawed....and she bites. Interesting.... (side note: if they decide to adopt, they are going to call mom, but either way mom hopes she gave them something to think about)

So, love those kitties, keep watching...and know that mom loves that this show makes us look a LOT better....  hahaha

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Mom has her DVR set to tape this show called the Chew everyday. Anyhow, she was watching one of the episodes last night and Michael Symon (mom loves him) made a comment about not being overweight but undertall. And mom cracked up....

See, she says the same thing about Ivy. When the vet weighed Ivy the first time they met, Ivy was just under 10 pounds. Dr Taylor said that wasn't too bad. Mom laughed and said "have you seen her walk - she wiggles. So, you are telling me she isn't overweight, just undertall?" And Dr Taylor laughed.

Of course, now Ivy weighs over 11 pounds and probably would be "overweight", which mom is working on.....but the comment still made her laugh.

Friday, February 3, 2012


This is Tommy....

This is Tommy while mom tries to eat the kitchen....standing up:
      mom here: tommy is obsessed with anything dairy based - so yes, in order to eat yogurt (or anything else) without a big tomcat in my face, I eat standing up in the kitchen. And this is the least vocal I have seen him (must have been the camera).

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Things on Thursday....

Hollie (at Petco - see Tuesday) is a tortie. Miss Beckie from the rescue called the store yesterday and she isn't hiding anymore and is coming out to greet people. Bobo is kind of whiny cause he is lonely. The plans to bring his brother over aren't going to pan out as his brother now has the snot. Poor baby...

Caramel went to see the v-e-t yesterday. The vet said that he was being undermedicated and that a higher dose of doxy should help. She was a little short with mom at first but did come around and realized that mom was doing what she was originally told. He weighs about 3.46 pounds now (holy moly) and should hopefully be sneaking up (silently) on his sister in about a week. :)

While at the v-e-t mom asked about Mocha - she asked if someone had a chance to look at the x-ray. A radiologist did look at it (no idea why no one called with a follow up). Turns out it isn't a birth defect (and in some good news, mom has been keeping track and it doesn't seem to curve in quite so far, so it does seem to be growing as she does). The x-ray showed 3 fractured ribs and lung contusions from a previous injury. Someone hurt this baby and caused that damage. We and mom are pretty angry..... mom would like to hunt that person down and kick them - though sadly, in this state, she would do more time in jail for that than the person would for hurting Mocha. At least now we know what happened and that she isn't going to suffer in the future. She did go with Caramel to the v-e-t this morning for "moral support"....she scratched mom and used some bad werds - we don't think that was very supportive.

Finally, the weather was nice today. Mom took some time off from work for "mental health" and....she OPENED SOME WINDOWS!!! It isn't supposed to stay nice around here, but the fresh air was a nice break for February.