Jasmine St. John ’s Reviews > No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model > Status Update
Jasmine St. John
is on page 99 of 216
Again, traumatized inner systems are delicate ecologies. Just like with external ecologies, changes in one aspect can have unforeseen consequences. This is far less likely, however, if you think in terms of systems—then the consequences often can be foreseen and preempted or dealt with from Self.
— Nov 05, 2021 12:07PM
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Jasmine’s Previous Updates
Jasmine St. John
is on page 182 of 216
One central tenet of IFS at work: going to war against inner beliefs or emotions of any kind will often backfire. Listening and healing them is the better way to go, all while relating to them with firm yet loving Self-led discipline until they unburden.
— Nov 12, 2021 02:07AM
Jasmine St. John
is on page 161 of 216
When you see through clear eyes of your Self that someone is doing something hurtful to your parts, you don’t have to turn them into a monster. That clarity empowers you to see that their actions arise out of their own hurt, and you also can better see without confusion the damage they do to your parts. This means you have the courage and confidence to set boundaries with them in an effective and very forceful way.
— Nov 11, 2021 01:59PM
Jasmine St. John
is on page 137 of 216
Exiles don’t trust our Self & they & protectors who try to get them to calm down are looking outside of us to get what they need. When we encounter a person who resembles the profile exiles have of the ideal protector, lover, they feel elated infatuated & relieved. Through positive transference parts put distorted images on people who can’t help but disappoint. Then comes negative transference from angry protectors.
— Nov 10, 2021 06:04AM
Jasmine St. John
is on page 118 of 216
When you realize that you’re not the insecure selfish parts that
you’ve identified with for so long, but instead that you’re this Self
that’s curious, calm, confident, compassionate, creative, clear,
courageous, joyful, generous, and playful—and that your essence is
connected to some kind of larger universal principle—you feel happy.
— Nov 09, 2021 03:44AM
you’ve identified with for so long, but instead that you’re this Self
that’s curious, calm, confident, compassionate, creative, clear,
courageous, joyful, generous, and playful—and that your essence is
connected to some kind of larger universal principle—you feel happy.
Jasmine St. John
is on page 66 of 216
The Four Basic Goals of IFS
1. Liberate parts from the roles they’ve been forced into,
so they can be who they’re designed to be.
2. Restore trust in the Self and Self-leadership.
3. Reharmonize the inner system.
4. Become more Self-led in your interactions with the
— Nov 02, 2021 05:21AM
1. Liberate parts from the roles they’ve been forced into,
so they can be who they’re designed to be.
2. Restore trust in the Self and Self-leadership.
3. Reharmonize the inner system.
4. Become more Self-led in your interactions with the
Jasmine St. John
is on page 48 of 216
Protective parts blend because they believe they have to manage situations in your life. They don’t trust your Self to do it. If your father hit you as a child and you weren’t able to stop him your parts lost trust in Self’s ability to protect instead came to believe they have to do it. They carry the responsibility for protecting you despite the fact that they are not equipped to do so.
— Oct 31, 2021 02:22PM
Jasmine St. John
is on page 34 of 216
They can tell you the exact traumatic moment these emotions & beliefs attached to them & they can tell you where they carry what seem to them to be these foreign objects in/on their bodies. “It’s a fireball in my gut”/“a huge weight on my shoulders”. These foreign feelings are "burdens". It turns out that burdens are powerful organizers of a part’s experience/activity—in the same way a virus organizes a computer.
— Oct 29, 2021 12:10PM
Jasmine St. John
is on page 21 of 216
The harder we try to get rid of emotions/thoughts the stronger they become. This is because parts fight back against being shamed/exiled. When we dominate them w/ punitive self-discipline we become tyrannized by a rigid controlling inner drill sergeant. The exiled (bingeing, raging etc) parts will seize momentary weakness to break out & take over to be on guard against any situations that might trigger those parts.
— Oct 28, 2021 03:23PM
Jasmine St. John
is on page 12 of 216
Some parts seemed easier to dialogue with than others. Some felt riskier and downright threatening to embrace. That each part, however harrowing its acting-out, however hidden, confusing, or painful, had the best of intentions and held helpful messages for me. Each part, whether an exile, manager or protector, had profoundly kind and wise insights for me from my Self, if I but took the time to be there with them.
— Oct 27, 2021 11:30AM