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Billy Budd, Bartl...
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Book cover for The Bell
It seemed to her that Paul was urging her to grow up, and yet had left her no space to grow up into. He wanted to teach her everything himself, but lacked the time and the patience to
Poor Dora
David Attenborough
“To restore stability to our planet, therefore, we must restore its biodiversity, the very thing we have removed. It is the only way out of this crisis that we ourselves have created. We must rewild the world!”
David Attenborough

Marcus Garvey
“Pay no attention to the man who criticizes unless he is doing something better than what he criticizes.”
Marcus Garvey, Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey

Rolf van der Wind
“You are my rainbow. You came unexpectedly into my life, as rainbows do. I know life is not rainbows and butterflies, but I would like to center all around my only rainbow, hoping for the butterflies to follow.”
Rolf van der Wind

David Attenborough
“We live our comfortable lives in the shadow of a disaster of our own making. That disaster is being brought about by the very things that allow us to live our comfortable lives.”
David Attenborough, A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future

David Attenborough
“We have come as far as we have because we are the cleverest creatures to have ever lived on Earth. But if we are to continue to exist, we will require more than intelligence. We will require wisdom.”
David Attenborough, A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future

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