“أولو الفضل في أوطانهم غرباءُ , تشِذُّ وتنأى عنهم القرباءُ”
― اللزوميات
― اللزوميات

“Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives. There is a deep-seated fear, in most people, of the cold world and the possible cruelty of the herd; there is a longing for affection, which is often concealed by roughness, boorishness or a bullying manner in men, and by nagging and scolding in women. Passionate mutual love while it lasts puts an end to this feeling; it breaks down the hard walls of the ego, producing a new being composed of two in one.”
― Marriage and Morals
― Marriage and Morals

“من المستحيل أن يكون الإنسان سعيداً إذا تصرف على عكس قناعاته”
― Sophie’s World
― Sophie’s World
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