Ani ✿

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The Honk and Holl...
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Gabrielle Zevin
“What is a game?" Marx said. "It's tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. It's the possibility of infinite rebirth, infinite redemption. The idea that if you keep playing, you could win. No loss is permanent, because nothing is permanent, ever.”
Gabrielle Zevin, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

Chris  Whitaker
“Nothing about them fit. Nothing about them worked. She loved him entirely and absolutely.”
Chris Whitaker, All the Colors of the Dark

Chris  Whitaker
“The thirteen-year-old pirate. And the beekeeper that saved his life.”
Chris Whitaker, All the Colors of the Dark

“She was born to a woman as telling as a dream and to a man who was a Cherokee, a moonshiner, and a mythmaker.”
Tiffany McDaniel, Betty

Taylor Jenkins Reid
“Tell your father I said at the very least, the two of them owe me a song.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, Daisy Jones & The Six

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