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ARCHIVE 2022 > Raimondo's 44 Books in 2022

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message 1: by Raimondo (last edited Jul 27, 2022 07:26PM) (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments I will read at least 44 books this 2022, with a total page count of 14,000 or more.

message 2: by Raimondo (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments HERE is a link to my 2021 personal challenge.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to meet my goals back then due to pressing personal and professional commitments. However, I'm certain that even with double the target book and page count this year, I'd be able to meet them with the more rigorous/efficient time management system that I devised.

message 3: by Raimondo (last edited Jul 28, 2022 05:32AM) (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments CHALLENGES

1. Let's Turn Pages : 0 / 14,000 pages
2. Clear the Shelves : 0 / 40 books
3. Genre Bingo : 0 / 25 books ; 0 / 12 bingos
4. Serial Reader : 0 / 9 books
5. A - Z: Authors : 0 / 19 books
6. Color : 0 / 10 books
7. Hindsight is 2022 : 0 / 11 books
8. Bookworms Take Shelfies : 0 / 22 books

message 4: by Raimondo (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments BOOK 1 of 44

Men's Health: The Book of Muscle - The World's Most Authoritative Guide to Building Your Body by Ian King

Date Completed: January 1st 2022
Pages: 364
My Rating: ★★★★

This is one of the first books I cut my teeth on when I started my fitness odyssey, and a decade later it has proved itself to still be very useful. I fortuitously rediscovered it among my shelves while I was slogging through a morale-sapping plateau late last year. The Advanced Program was decidedly different from my routine back then so I decided to give it a go, tweaking it a bit to accommodate some injuries I'm still recovering from. Only two and a half months in and I managed to gain 11lbs of muscle mass. I'm currently in Stage 2, and while it is not as demanding as the previous one, I'm still enjoying dem gainz. I'll give the whole six-month program a go and report back when I'm through.

Tbh I only really focused on the routine itself, checking out the details of the included exercises to take note of any idiosyncrasies the authors may have. The book was first published almost 20 years ago though, and I haven't perused the other chapters to confirm if the info is still up to date. For what it's worth, I found the parts I covered to be exceedingly useful as per achieving my goals, and for that alone it deserves five stars. But to be fair, I'll deduct one star and just reinstate it once I read the entire book, finish the program, and find it all satisfactory.

7.5/10; 4 stars.

Total Books: 1 of 44 (2.27%)
Total Pages: 364 of 14,000 (2.60%)

message 5: by Raimondo (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments BOOK 2 of 44

Sol Invictus: The God Tarot by Kim Huggens

Date Completed: January 2nd 2022
Pages: 348
My Rating: ★★★★★

In spite of the current Tarot Renaissance, there is still an unfortunate dearth of decks that explore the Divine Masculine. Out of literally thousands available under the sun, I think there's only a half-dozen or so that explore the primal masculine archetypes. Published in the oughties, the Sol Invictus has the distinction of being the very first of these. And it still remains peerless among its kind, because of the wealth of decks I've worked with, it's firmly relegated in the elite tier of remarkably erudite, exhaustively researched Tarots.

The depth of its ideas, the scholarly rigor that characterized the explication of each card, and the judicious creativity that went into the commission of the diverse personalities that populated its arcana is nothing short of inspired. I mean - Socrates for the Nurturer/Queen of Swords and Casanova for the Master/King of Wands? It's the rare deck where I have absolutely no objection to any of the selections the creators made. Among some majors, Huggens actually chose suitable theo-mythological concepts instead of divinities, such as The Dying and Resurrecting God-Men for Arcanum XII and Buddha's Enlightenment for XXI (the Laughing Buddha himself appears as the deity of the Nine of Coins). Some cards feature multiple divinities, like Freyr, Tyr, Cernunnos, and Atlas for Arcanum IV and the Oak and Holly Kings for the Five of Wands. Aside from gods and heroes culled from sundry panthea, it also includes celebrated personages who are either historical, legendary, or even literary. It was a delight to discover obscure but evocative figures and see how they can so aptly mirror familiar Tarot principles.

The companion book is a treasure for anyone with a scholarly bent. For each card, the image and symbolism is discussed in detail. The As Above section explores its loftier aspects, including the mythological/historical narratives and masculine archetypes that weds the divinity to the essence of the arcanum that it represents. So Below deals with its more mundane, divinatory applications, complete with a considerable list of keywords at its very end. Despite the card backs being reversible, the book doesn't include reversed meanings. While I would have preferred that they do, I interpret reversed cards as simply the opposite of their upright aspects anyway, so this doesn't faze me at all.

Aside from these card sections, there's also the Introductory part which discusses the nature of, the genesis, and the theories behind the deck. There is also a part about Using it, which includes rituals and pathworking. I'm looking forward to reading with the ten spreads included in the final part, the first four of which seem to mirror the seminal King, Warrior, Magician, Lover by Robert L. Moore. That book isn't included in the voluminous bibliography though, which is puzzling.

The deck comes in a sturdy, well-designed box that is opened via a small white ribbon that separates the magnetic clasp. The book and cards are stored in distinct compartments. The latter are a tad bigger than the average and pleasingly thick too, which makes it a pleasure to shuffle for anyone with big hands. It's matte and made of durable material.

Admittedly, the art might take some getting used to. Nic Phillips's clean, unostentatious style is not devoid of charm though. Working with them, the images began to grow on me, and now I'm thoroughly hooked by their calm, sweet energy, which stands in subversive (and effective!) contrast to the aggression and impassioned intensity one usually expects from the male aspect of Deity. The Sol Invictus also commands a stiffer price compared to most mass-produced decks but really, with its superb production value and information-dense text, it's simply worth it.

9.5/10; 5 stars.

Total Books: 2 of 44 (4.55%)
Total Pages: 712 of 14,000 (5.09%)

message 6: by Raimondo (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments BOOK 3 of 44

The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations for Clarity, Effectiveness, and Serenity by Ryan Holiday

Date Completed: January 5th 2022
Pages: 416
My Rating: ★★★★

I noticed that in the past few years, checking out my rancorous, out-of-control social media feed first thing in the morning as I munch/guzzle my pre-workout fuel du jour is not particularly conducive to creating the inspired and focused mindset that I need to start my day. I mean, purging negative emotions by liftin dem sweet, sweet iron definitely works if you aim to exact a more intense session, but doing it everyday is just plain exhausting, not to mention counterproductive in the long run. So this year I'm shaking up my morning routine, ditching my smartphone and the news to apply myself to some stimulating, enlightening readings instead. To this end, I chose three secular devotionals, and if I go by my encouraging experience in these first few days, this is one habit that I can keep at for the rest of the year.

In this book, each lesson is prefaced by a relevant quote from a work by a Stoic luminary before proceeding to the meat of the day's reading. I particularly appreciate how brief, straightforward, and pithy these are, covering four paragraphs at most. This ensures the almost effortless adherence of anyone who chooses to follow it as a daily routine. I mean, putting aside ten minutes to imbibe and process the text plus maybe another ten minutes to jot down your ruminations is a tremendous help in clearing the mind, and provides a great impetus to begin one's day with the right outlook. It is the farthest thing from being a chore.

I admit that I have only the most rudimentary grasp of Stoicism, which I believe we briefly covered back in college. So far, that didn't prevent me from understanding the concepts that the author presented. I may have to dive into a few choice introductory books to have a more comprehensive handle on the Stoic philosophy though, before eventually delving into the source texts written by Marcus Aurelius et al.

8/10; 4 stars.

Total Books: 3 of 44 (6.82%)
Total Pages: 1,128 of 14,000 (8.06%)

message 7: by Raimondo (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments BOOK 4 of 44

The Daily Stoic Journal: 366 Days of Writing and Reflection on the Art of Living by Ryan Holiday

Date Completed: January 5th 2022
Pages: 384
My Rating: ★★★★

I used this in conjunction with The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations by Ryan Holiday, a provisional review of which I wrote here. While this journal is not absolutely necessary to enjoy that book, it does help you maximize the benefits that you can derive from it. This is not just a redundant repackaging of the advices and maxims espoused by the former. It actually serves as a useful adjunct, supplementing the main text with additional applicable insights.

This is made evident by the way the author implemented a weekly format, as opposed to the daily devotional style of the original book. There is a central theme for each week that encompasses the otherwise disparate ideas covered in the corresponding seven days in The Daily Stoic. The lessons discussed here plumb some of the concepts that were tackled in the latter, providing fresh perspectives that help give at least a semblance of unity and cohesion to the welter of knowledge the author presented across successive days. It does recycle some of the passages though. It can function as a standalone book in its own right, although I reckon that you may need to have had a broad exposure to and a solid grasp of the Stoic philosophy to glean the context behind the questions.

As expected, the quality of the paper does not even come close to the luxurious feel of your average artisan journal. That's quite beside the point given the different purpose behind it. It is definitely cheaper on a per page basis though, and it contains relevant and constructive text besides. If one plans to purchase a diary for the source book, one may as well consider this.

The only concern here is if the space allotted for the daily question would be sufficient for the user's needs. In my case it is. Every day, there are blank lines provided for morning and evening reflections, each of which occupies a third of a page. What I do is I write my answer along with some relevant thoughts in the morning section, while in the evening part I record my notes and meditations on the lesson du jour of the main book, which usually or at least tangentially ties in with the question here anyways.

8/10; 4 stars.

Total Books: 4 of 44 (9.09%)
Total Pages: 1,512 of 14,000 (10.80%)

message 8: by Raimondo (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments BOOK 5 of 44

The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy, and Human Nature by Robert Greene

Date Completed: February 6th 2022
Pages: 464
My Rating: ★★★★

It seems like this book operates best as an adjunct to Greene's other works - i.e. as a way of unifying themes covered across his oeuvre - and not really as a standalone. This is due to the limitations placed on devotionals by their very nature. They must by necessity exhibit brevity and pithiness so that they would make no unreasonable demands on the reader's time while still providing valuable knowledge, ensuring that the latter can commit to a daily habit. On that score it succeeds admirably, providing refreshing reminders of the maxims and laws Greene covered in great detail before. So far, I had a grand time revisiting the ideas he presented in Mastery, taking note of how these interweave with the concepts he explored in his other books and media.

The thing is, even if I already have a copy of The Laws of Human Nature, I have only really skimmed it. When I encountered days that probe it, even if I had no problem comprehending the lecture, I feel like I could benefit from a longer, more detailed exposition, with maybe some additional context that can help me to better imbibe it all. But again, this goes against the grain of what one should expect from tomes like this, so I surmise the best way out of this dilemma is to check out the book and chapter the day's lesson references (which is provided at the bottom of the page) and just read it if one has the time. In some cases, a chapter can cover several days, so this is not as tedious as it sounds.

I'll revisit this review once I finish the whole thing at the end of the year. But for now, since I find it useful and enjoyable, I'd give it an optimistic preliminary rating.

8/10; 4 stars.

Total Books: 5 of 44 (11.36%)
Total Pages: 1,976 of 14,000 (14.11%)

message 9: by Raimondo (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments BOOK 6 of 44

The Warrior Ethos: Daily Motivation for Martial Artists and Warriors by Bohdi Sanders

Date Completed: February 12th 2022
Pages: 429
My Rating: ★★★★

I find all of these strangely resonant, these earnest daily exhortations to a life of duty, courage, and an unwavering commitment to honor and discipline. While I reckon that I may possess and, more importantly, apply a majority of these in my life through my habits and deeds, I fear that in my heart of hearts I may be too decadent and calculating to be as pure as this ethos requires. I may be mistaken though - I have only been reading this for a month and I may have misinterpreted it.

I shall definitely keep at it. Even if it proves incompatible with a few of my personal philosophies, I may at least imbibe and practise specific principles that I believe I can eventually integrate into my character, and that can only bring about my betterment. All of the lessons are highly interesting, and even if it seems a tad too idealistic at times, it is always clear-eyed and pragmatic.

I appreciate Sanders's candor and no-nonsense tone. It makes for some compulsive reading. Among my devotionals, this is the one I like best and that I look forward to the most. There are no overarching themes that stretch across days, but these are so compelling that one can easily plow through a week's worth of lessons in one sitting. It's firmly entrenched itself among my daily reads.

8.5/10; 4 stars.

Total Books: 6 of 44 (13.64%)
Total Pages: 2,405 of 14,000 (17.18%)

message 10: by Raimondo (new)

Raimondo Lagioia (raimondolagioia) | 120 comments BOOK 7 of 44

How to Be a Leader: An Ancient Guide to Wise Leadership by Plutarch

Date Completed: February 19th 2022
Pages: 416
My Rating: ★★★★

This book contains essays from Plutarch's Moralia, particularly those that focus on the kind of wise, idealized leadership that always prioritizes the good of the state before one's political primacy. It includes three texts: To An Uneducated Leader (Ad Principem Ineruditum), How To Be A Good Leader (Praecepta Gerendae Reipublicae), and Should An Old Man Engage in Politics? (An Seni Respublica Gerenda Sit). The Praecepta here is only a compilation of the sections of the source that the translator/editor deemed the most relevant and applicable to the book's theme.

Each essay has a short introduction that shares some helpful insights, providing its gist so that reader has an idea as to what to expect from it. The original Greek texts are also provided, which is par for the course for Princeton's Ancient Wisdom series.

I particularly appreciate the helpful Notes and Glossary which, aside from providing the meaning of oft-used Greek and Roman political terms, also includes brief synopses on the lives of the various historical figures covered in the book. The preponderance of allusions to diverse historical personages, while daunting to anyone just dipping his toes into the world of the ancients, is not really that surprising though. Aside from the Moralia, Plutarch is also known for his Parallel Lives, a biographical anthology that compares and contrasts illustrious and notorious figures in Greek and Roman history.

I highly value the lessons the book teaches, though in thinking of the various vainglorious and venal vampires that have perpetuated themselves in power in our debased Age of Clay, one may be forgiven if they seem a tad too idealistic. There is still a core of pragmatism in them though, such as when the author enjoined leaders to enshrine Reason, acquired through a life of virtue and philosophical pursuit, as their main guide in the formulation and execution of policies that always have the common good at their very heart. This is because the shameless, emotionally-driven pursuit of status and power ultimately loosens one's very hold on them, while Reason bereft of base passions gives one a surer eye and a steadier hand with which to steer the Ship of State. One must master oneself completely before he can positively influence his subjects into bringing their best selves to the fore. Benevolence, self-sacrifice, righteousness - who can't help but be inspired by these?

I like how Plutarch never wavers in advising rulers to always pursue the Platonic ideals of the good, the beautiful, and the true, even if I can't help but hear the sad strains of realpolitik counterpointing his siren song of sterling virtue and justice. I admire how he anticipated this reticence however, reproaching Alexander the Great's envy of Diogenes by stating that his very puissance and station should have bolstered his pursuit of Reason instead of impeding it in light of the stability that it could have afforded him.

It is not Plutarch's style to perorate in lofty generalities, and it is this very feature - his proclivity in providing actual historical examples in buttressing his lessons - that makes this book as highly interesting as it id instructive. Among his advices are:

1. Embark upon your political career fully prepared, with mindfulness and a sense of purpose, lest unforeseen tumult and challenges drag you unawares.

2. A leader must make sure that he first earns the trust and respect of those he governs before he, through perspicacity and superb rhetoric, tries to change their character.

3. Mentors are a great help to many a young man on the make, but the latter should be careful whom they opportune lest they lend themselves under the "protection" of a clandestine wolf.

4. Make sure your friends don't impinge upon the dignity of your office. Get them aboard if they're competent enough. They can act as controlled opposition for important measures, if necessary.

5. Don't hesitate to share political power with other capable (but non-contentious) politicians for the completion of projects that, through either their extent or difficulty, you cannot possibly conclude on your own. Their success can only add to your glory, while softening the public's envy through diffusion.

6. No matter your station in life, whether you're just starting out or on the summit of political power, always maintain a sense of humility and tact. Do not unnecessarily provoke people.

The last text has parallels to Cicero's Cato Maior de Senectute which I previously reviewed here. In it, Plutarch opined that it is a rather pitiful waste for a politician devoting himself to commonplace labor after having experienced the heights and glories of formal office. Contrast Pompey the Great, who died still active in the midst of a civil war, against Lucullus, who gave himself up to a life of unbridled hedonism after an admittedly illustrious career. Who ended up more celebrated, whose pursuit of pleasures left him both more sated and exalted?

If a citizen can be of continued effectual service to the state, it does not matter what his age is. One sharpens his intellect and burnishes his name not by resting on his laurels, but by seeking even greater opportunities to serve his nation. He should take advantage of the natural reverence and decreased envy his seniority inspires. Refusing idleness and avoiding the lures of unseemly decadence protects him from the public's contempt.

Elders and mentors in politics, either through direct counsel or in their equally instructive deeds, also prepare the young to lead an effective and productive career in the public sphere. They should not be too grasping of honors, but neither should they shun undertakings of great import. The training of a state's youth is a great civic duty, the task of which naturally falls upon those whose maturity and wisdom has been honed and tested.

8/10; 4 stars.

Total Books: 7 of 44 (15.91%)
Total Pages: 2,821 of 14,000 (20.15%)

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