The Warrior Ethos is a daily motivational book for martial artists and warriors. There are 365 quotes, commentaries and affirmations, one for each day of the year! The reader can read the text for the day, spend some time reflecting on the meaning for him or her, and then use the affirmation during his or her meditation time.
The foreword is written by the legendary martial artist, Sifu Al Dacascos. The Warrior Ethos is endorsed by some of today's most respected martial artists.
In addition to the quotes, commentaries, and affirmations, there is a entire list of all the quotes used in the book, plus a very comprehensive index which makes it easy to find exactly what you are looking for.
The Warrior Ethos is a book that will motivate and inspire you every day of the year. This book is literally packed full of wisdom! The martial arts and warrior philosophy will make your think and inspire you to live a better life.
This is one book that EVERY martial artists should have in his or her library!
This is a daily reading book for Martial Artists and people who choose to walk the path of honor. This book discuses the virtues that a defender of the weak and person of honor must follow. I wanted to review it early in the year so that my friends might benefit from reading it.
I find all of these strangely resonant, these earnest daily exhortations to a life of duty, courage, and an unwavering commitment to honor and discipline. While I reckon that I may possess and, more importantly, apply a majority of these in my life through my habits and deeds, I fear that in my heart of hearts I may be too decadent and calculating to be as pure as this ethos requires. I may be mistaken though - I have only been reading this for a month and I may have misinterpreted it.
I shall definitely keep at it. Even if it proves incompatible with a few of my personal philosophies, I may at least imbibe and practise specific principles that I believe I can eventually integrate into my character, and that can only bring about my betterment. All of the lessons are highly interesting, and even if it seems a tad too idealistic at times, it is always clear-eyed and pragmatic.
I appreciate Sanders's candor and no-nonsense tone. It makes for some compulsive reading. Among my devotionals, this is the one I like best and that I look forward to the most. There are no overarching themes that stretch across days, but these are so compelling that one can easily plow through a week's worth of lessons in one sitting. It's firmly entrenched itself among my daily reads.
Read this book ever day over the course of a this past year with a friend of mine. We would read and discuss the writing. Many of his themes later in the year are repetitive but great reminders.
Bodhi isn’t a legitimate martial arts teacher or authority on warrior ethics. He has a yellow belt in Shotokan karate and ha a bought all his rank elsewhere.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.