From the #1 New York Times bestselling author, a year's worth of daily wisdom and guidance, distilled from the lessons of his six previous books and from never-before-published work
Robert Greene, the bestselling author, philosopher, and life guide for millions of people, applies the wisdom of centuries to his mission of revealing the secret truths about the essential forces shaping our lives. His readers look to him to answer their most elemental question: "I want to become more powerful, stronger, more in control, the best at what I do. What's the secret to it?
The answer: Pick up The Daily Laws every single day.
A beautifully designed volume that is perfect for bedside reading or gifting, The Daily Laws draws from Greene's body of work to offer a page of refined and concise wisdom for each day of the year, in an easy-to-digest lesson that will only take a few minutes to absorb. Each day will feature a Daily Law as well--a prescription or prompt for the reader to follow. Each month will center around a major theme: power, seduction, war, strategy, human nature, politics, productivity, mastery, psychology, leadership, adversity, or emotion. And each entry will be tagged to its source, so that readers who want to study the topic in more depth know where to look.
Daily study, Leo Tolstoy wrote in 1884, is necessary for all people. More than just an entry point for new fans, this book will be a Rosetta stone for understanding and internalizing the many lessons that fill Greene's books, and will reward a lifetime of reading and re-reading.
There is more than one author by this name on Goodreads.
Best-selling author and public speaker, Robert Greene was born in Los Angeles. He attended U.C. California at Berkeley and the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where he received a degree in classical studies. He has worked in New York as an editor and writer at several magazines, including Esquire; and in Hollywood as a story developer and writer.
Robert has lived in London, Paris, and Barcelona; he speaks several languages and has worked as a translator. In 1995 he was involved in the planning and creation of the art school Fabrica, outside Venice, Italy. There he met Joost Elffers, the New York book packager and discussed with him his idea for a book on power and manipulation, the ultimate modern version of Machiavelli's The Prince.
Robert and Joost became partners and in 1998, The 48 Laws of Power was born. The book has been a national and international bestseller, and has been translated into 17 languages. In 2001, Robert released his second book, The Art of Seduction, which is more than a sequel to The 48 Laws; it is both a handbook on how to wield the ultimate form of power, and a detailed look at the greatest seducers in history.
The third in this highly anticipated series of books, The 33 Strategies of War, hit bookstores January 2006 and offers a strategic look behind the movements of War in application to everyday life. In addition to having a strong following within the business world and a deep following in Washington, DC, these books are also being hailed by everyone from war historians to some of the heaviest hitters in the rap world (including Jay-Z and 50 Cent).
The popularity of these books along with their vast and fiercely loyal audience proves these are profound, timeless lessons from historical leaders that still ring true in today's culture. Robert currently lives in Los Angeles.
I've been a huge fan of Robert Greene's ever since his first book, The 48 Laws of Power. He tells it like it is and helps us understand how people really work. I was thrilled to discover his new book, which takes snippets from his previous books (as well as his upcoming book) and presents them in a short daily format. This is an excellent way to discover the genius of Robert Greene. Can't recommend the book highly enough!
Kent Sanders Ghostwriter & Host of The Daily Writer Podcast
كل واحد منا فريد من نوعه. هذا التفرد ملحوظ وراثيا في حمضنا النووي. نحن ظاهرة تحدث لمرة واحدة في الكون - لم يحدث تكويننا الجيني الدقيق من قبل ولن يتكرر أبدًا. بالنسبة لنا جميعًا ، يعبر هذا التفرد عن نفسه أولاً في مرحلة الطفولة من خلال بعض الميول البدائية. إنها قوى بداخلنا تأتي من مكان أعمق مما يمكن للكلمات الواعية أن تعبر عنه. إنهم يجذبوننا إلى تجارب معينة وبعيدًا عن الآخرين. عندما تحركنا هذه القوى هنا أو هناك ، فإنها تؤثر على تطوّر عقولنا بطرق خاصة جدًا. دعونا نصيغها على النحو التالي: عند ولادتك يتم زرع بذرة. هذه البذرة هي تفردك. إنها تريد أن تنمو وتحوّل نفسها وتزهر نحو أقصى إمكاناتها. لديها طاقة طبيعية . مهمة حياتك هي تحقيق هذا الإزهار ، والتعبير عن تفردك من خلال عملك. لديك مصير يجب أن تحققه. كلما شعرت بالقوة وحافظت عليها - كقوة أو صوت أو بأي شكل كانت - زادت فرصتك في إنجاز مهمة الحياة هذه. . Robert Green The Daily Laws Translated By #Maher_Razouk
Wow this was a hefty book, at least it felt that way.
Ideally it would be nice to read a chapter every day to sit and ponder on it and let it really stick in, but each chapter is a day so it would take a year to read, and I don't have that kind of patience lol
I enjoyed some of the psychological aspects of this book. It's interesting seeing how the mind works and how it can be twisted and turned, like magic.
What I didn't enjoy about this book was that it felt very... manipulative... in a negative way. Like trying to control others, and manipulate and persuade them to do what you want, to your bidding... It felt really awkward. Like how to become an evil witch or something haha Maybe an unpopular opinion but that's just me.
Not sure if I should give this book another go at some point.
رابرت گرین را اکثراً با کتاب ۴۸ قانون قدرت میشناسند. نویسندهای توانا که با داستانهای افراد بزرگ تاریخ (نظیر راکفلر، شنل، آنتوان چخوف، ناپلئون و ...)، درس زندگی به ما میدهد. قلم و کتابهای او را همیشه دوست میداشتم.
این کتاب به نوعی چکیده کل دانش رابرت گرین و کتابهای او (نظیر ۴۸ قانون قدرت، قوانین سرشت انسان، چیرگی و ..) است. کتاب برای هر روز سال یک قانون سرانگشتی را به شما یاد میدهد. هر ماه قوانین مربوط به یک حوزه را شامل میشود: ماه اول: زمینه را برای چیرگی فراهم کنید ماه دوم: دگرگون کردن خودتان ماه سوم: به کارگیری مهارتها در عمل و دستیابی به چیرگی ماه چهارم: ورود به بازی قدرت ماه پنجم: شناسایی فریبکاران و حقهبازان ماه ششم: تسلط بر هنر تدبیر ماه هفتم: نفوذ به قلب و ذهن دیگران ماه هشتم: متقاعد کننده ماهر ماه نهم: نجاتدهنده از منجلاب ماه دهم: پذیرش نیمه تاریک درون ماه یازدهم: دستیابی به خویشتن داری ماه دوازدهم: مرگ
این کتاب را به اندازه کتابهای دیگر رابرت گرین دوست نداشتم. شاید یک دلیل آن کمرنگ بودن داستانهای تاریخی آن است. اما در کل ارزش یک بار خواندن را داشت و نکات خوبی هم لابلای آن بود. در ادامه برخی از قوانینی که دوست داشتم را مینویسم:
- چیرگی یک فرآیند است و کشف رسالت زندگیتان نقطه شروع این فرآیند - شما در کودکیتان دلبستگی بخصوصی داشتید; این دلبستگی علّت و سببی داشت. آن را بیابید و دوباره به آن متصل شوید. - امروز کاری را انجام دهید که در دوران کودکیتان عاشق انجام دادنش بودید. بکوشید دوباره به صداهای آنی وجودتان متصل شوید. - خاص و عجیب بودن خودتان را در آغوش بگیرید. - چیزهایی را که باعث تمایزتان میشوند بشناسید. این موارد را با یکدیگر ترکیب کنید و به پدیدهای نادر و استثنایی تبدیل شوید. - آیا افرادی هستند که کارشان شما را عمیقاً تحت تأثیر قرار میدهد؟ به پاسخ این سوال فکر کنید و از چنین افرادی به عنوان مدلی مناسب بهره ببرید. - در دنیای امروز که پر است از آدمهای بیهنری که به راحتی میتوان فرد دیگری را جای آنها گذاشت، شما میباید فردی جایگزین ناپذیر باشید. - اگر هیچکس شما را نمیدید، دوست داشتید روی چه چیزی کار کنید؟ اگر پول در این معادله اهمیتی نداشت چه؟ - مسئله شدت تمرکز بسیار اهمیت دارد; اینکه تماماً در کاری که انجام میدهید غوطهور شوید. - دانش کاربردی بالاترین و ارزشمندترین نوع دارایی است. موقعیتها را بر اساس یک شاخص ارزیابی کنید؟ آیا بزرگترین فرصت برای یادگیری را در اختیارم میگذارد یا نه؟ - مهارت آموزی کلید پیشرفت شغلی است. بهترین مسیر برای دستیابی به چیرگی این است که بعدها مهارتهایی را که آموختهاید به شکلی مبتکرانه با یکدیگر ترکیب کنید. - در محیط کار، همه چیز را فرصتی برای یادگیری و گردآوری اطلاعات تلقی کنید. - شکست خوردن به سادگی فرصتی برای شروع دوباره است و این بار هوشمندانهتر. - فهرستی شامل افراد هدفمند زندگیتان تهیه کنید; آنهایی که برای زندگیشان معنا و مقصودی دارند. سپس بر اساس اولویتبندی، برای وقت گذراندن با این افراد زمان بگذارید. -روحیه یک صنعتگر را داشته باشید و کارتان را عالی انجام دهید. یادتان باشد: کیفیت کار تنها چیزی است که اهمیت دارد. - اشتباهات، ضعفها و شکستهای شما فرصتی برای یادگیریاند; با بررسی اینها از ضعفها و کاستیهایی که دارید آگاه میشوید و میفهمید باید روی چه چیزی کار کنید. به پیام آنها دقت کنید. - وقتی به بنبست میخورید، موقتاً کار را رها کنید. به فعالیت دیگری مشغول شوید. مغز به تدریج راه حل را به شما نشان میدهد. - روی واکنشهای هیجانی خود مسلط شوید. - همیشه کمتر از آنچه لازم است حرف بزنید. - به دیگران توهین یا بیاحترامی نکنید، حتی اگر طرف مقابلتان ضعیف و ناتوان به نظر میرسد. دلخوشی و رضایتی که به واسطه تحقیر دیگران در کوتاه مدت به دست میآورید به خطری که در دراز مدت تهدیدتان میکند نمیارزد، زیرا همان شخص ممکن است روزی در جایگاهی قرار بگیرد که بتواند به راحتی نسخه شما را در هم بپیچد. - زندگی را به منزله بازی شطرنج بنگرید. - گزینههایی جلوی آدمها بگذارید که هر کدام را انتخاب کنند به نفع شما باشد. - با محاصره کردن خودتان در میان افراد جنس مخالف (از جمله دوستان، دلدادگان پیشین و خواستگاران کنونی) توهم محبوبیت و خواستنی بودن خود را در دیگران ایجاد کنید. - تلاشهای شما برای تأثیرگذاری روی آدمها همواره باید از منطق یکسانی پیروی کند: اینکه چه کار کنید تا آدمها به میل خود و با انتخاب خود، کاری را که از آنها میخواهید برایتان انجام دهند. - در گفت و گوهایتان بگذارید هفتاد درصد صحبت را طرف مقابل انجام دهد، سپس تأثیر آن را تماشا کنید. - میل به واکنش نشان دادن به دلخوریها و مزاحمتهای پیشپا افتاده را کنترل کنید. زمان از دست رفته را هرگز نمیتوان باز پس گرفت. - به هیجاناتی توجه کنید که پیوسته روی افکار و تصمیمات شما تأثیر میگذارد. بیاموزید که این سوال را از خودتان بکنید: چرا خشمگینم؟ چرا ناخشنودم؟ نیاز سیریناپذیر من به توجه از کجا میآید؟ - برای واکنش نشان دادن صبور باشید. - بردباری را تمرین کنید. قبل از اقدام در خصوص مسئلهای فوری و ضروری، یک روز صبر کنید. - خودتان را از نظر احساسی درگیر احمقها نکنید و به طور ذهنی از آنها فاصله بگیرید. - همیشه همان کاری را بکنید که از انجام آن واهمه دارید.
I've been a huge fan of Robert Greene's ever since his first book, The 48 Laws of Power. He tells it like it is and helps us understand how people really work. I was thrilled to discover his new book, which takes snippets from his previous books (as well as his upcoming book) and presents them in a short daily format. This is an excellent way to discover the genius of Robert Greene.
This book like all his other books come with dosage of wisdom that you as a reader will only appreciate to fullest if you meet these criteria:
1. You deal with people 2. You deal with reality 3. You accept that life is full of randomness 4. You know that people reveal their true self in worst situations 5. Dynamics of interaction change when you involve money, women, and power.
Remember being on top means you have to know the game and how to play the game, else you will be played.
This is a great book with all his other books.
I also recommend you guys read, The Servant. If you want to take your game a notch up.
Last but not least, after reading all of Robert's work and having personally met him here's one of my biggest takeaway:
Be Silent. Silence is GOLD. The less you talk the less people know about you the more you know about them. And the more of an edge you can get over them. This is so true in an environment where everyone is looking to one-up! 🥰🥰
I couldn’t even get through the first month. The most useless, stupid, pseudo-intellectual-hyper-masculine book. Laughable if it wasn’t so bizarrely popular…
It seems like this book operates best as an adjunct to Greene's other works - i.e. as a way of unifying themes covered across his oeuvre - and not really as a standalone. This is due to the limitations placed on devotionals by their very nature. They must by necessity exhibit brevity and pithiness so that they would make no unreasonable demands on the reader's time while still providing valuable knowledge, ensuring that the latter can commit to a daily habit. On that score it succeeds admirably, providing refreshing reminders of the maxims and laws Greene covered in great detail before. So far, I had a grand time revisiting the ideas he presented in Mastery, taking note of how these interweave with the concepts he explored in his other books and media.
The thing is, even if I already have a copy of The Laws of Human Nature, I have only really skimmed it. When I encountered days that probe it, even if I had no problem comprehending the lecture, I feel like I could benefit from a longer, more detailed exposition, with maybe some additional context that can help me to better imbibe it all. But again, this goes against the grain of what one should expect from tomes like this, so I surmise the best way out of this dilemma is to check out the book and chapter the day's lesson references (which is provided at the bottom of the page) and just read it if one has the time. In some cases, a chapter can cover several days, so this is not as tedious as it sounds.
I'll revisit this review once I finish the whole thing at the end of the year. But for now, since I find it useful and enjoyable, I'd give it an optimistic preliminary rating.
Over the last 25 years, Robert Greene has provided insights into every aspect of being human: whether that be getting what you want, understanding others' motivations, mastering your impulses, or recognising strengths and weaknesses. The Daily Laws distills that wisdom into easy-to-digest daily entries whose content spans power, war, strategy, politics, productivity, psychology, leadership, and adversity.
The great thing about this book is that it contains these small, really useful bite-sized lessons that you can digest everyday and I really love these daily lesson that you can read and impart on yourself as knowledge, also the book helped me to navigate a tough situation throughout my life right now, especially that page with title, "Control The Entire Chessboard".
I find it fascinating that this book contains lessons from 48 Laws of Power, Mastery and other books, texts and websites Robert has written including talks, speeches and YouTube videos Robert has done!
Certainly is not gender neutral. With a male-centric approach it was hard for me to read and I gave up as many messages were lost. There are other daily meditations that have a more balanced gender approach. Excellent book if you are male or male focused.
Seems nowadays anything is a bestseller. Wtf did I just read and what's up with all this obsession with manipulation and making people your victims? Absolutely garbage pseudo science book, misogynistic and narcissistic.
Nothing really new for longtime readers of Robert Greene except for the December part, where we can read excerpts of his next book The Laws of the Sublime. It was a nice surprise.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Great refresher in Robert Greene’s works. While I became more “educated” as I aged I realized that most of Greene’s theories are based on anecdotes. But they are nice anecdotes regardless. I too enjoy reading a story and trying to decipher some kind of message or lesson but I am aware that any perceived science derived from it is purely anecdotal.
No, I am not a normie who still conforms to social pressure, and there is no way anyone has 366 universally correct pieces of life advice. Most people have things that they need to _stop_ doing to become more sane and good. A book will never know what those things are.
THE DAILY LAWS or Crass, lazy shortcuts to behaving like a selfish, sociopathic, paranoid prick who no one likes.
MAY 14th
Be born into a wealthy, secure family in the richest, greediest country the world has ever known during the Boomer era.
MAY 15th
See previous day
By far the most interesting part of this book is found in the short introduction and then it’s pretty much all downhill from there. To be fair the end chapter wasn’t too bad and there were some worthwhile points made about confronting death and carping the diem etc, but that’s really about it. For someone who appears to go to quite some lengths to keep telling us about how different he thinks he is and what a maverick he believes himself to be, he still comes away sounding exactly the same as countless other white, wealthy American self-help gurus.
This is an awful, childish, emotionally retarded man-child, touting a shallow and narrow view of the world, which also happens to be a worryingly pervasive American trait and aspirational quality. No wonder the US is in the state it’s in and no wonder it’s so hated throughout the rest of the world. I think the biggest problem with this book and the type of people who write them, is that the world is run by the kind of wankers who actually buy into this childish, narcissistic rubbish and the rest of us have to suffer them.
By now the well-worn format has become well-established, it goes something like this - quote freely from the Greeks, mention Einstein – a lot, this will make you sound really clever. Mention Steve Jobs – a lot, this will make you sound contemporary and relevant. Mention at least one ancient Chinese philosopher, either Sun Tzu or Confucius. You cannot leave out Nietzsche and Proust, paint on a watery thin veneer of pseudo-intellectual gloss to try and give it some higher form of justification, sprinkle a little more BS glitter and then that’s you pretty much done. Then write a sequel, then a follow-up to the sequel. Repeat til fade…
After a while something a little creepy starts to sneak in to this and books like it, where you can fall into a mind-set of wishful thinking, fetishist desires or even mental illness, smuggled in under the aegis of self-help. It made me wonder at what point does self-help become self-delusion?...And why does the publishing industry continue to use the term “self-help” when the author is clearly helping the reader, rendering the “self” part pretty ridiculous.
As a fan of Robert Green – I mean, I’ve read all of his books- I can say that I was a bit disappointed.
Not that the content is not good. It is. But the content is not good (deep) enough.
This is a book that distills – in twitter-like style – the main concepts of his other works. It’s like continuous advertising of his other books. And it kind of feels like he’s saying all the time: “For more info, check my other books.”
I miss the in-depth analysis he usually includes and the deep dive into the idea he presents.
For instance, a chapter of 48 Laws of Power is something like 20-30 pages. Here, you get one idea per page.
The Daily Laws can serve you as nothing more than a starting point to immerse yourself into the endless abyss of understanding human nature and power.
As the title explains, there are 366 meditations. Meaning, that you get an opening to an idea with a short actionable advice.
Probably the best way to use this book is to simply read a chapter a day. Each chapter is super short – one page. In the end. You get a prompt to do something.
For people working on long-term projects, the book can be used as a partner. A mentor that will help you go through the daily challenges we all face.
Personally, I recommend going deep into a particular idea once such pops. The difficult part is that the book is full of important concepts. You get lost, in a good way, searching for answers in the fields of power, seduction, mastery, and human nature.
Key takeaway:
There is something strangely calming about reading this book. You realize that achieving mastery is going to take a lot of time. But instead of feeling depressed because you need to wait an abnormally long amount of time to obtain the skills needed to call yourself an expert. You feel fine. You understand that achieving greatness – sort to say – takes time. Besides, you get that it’s not about the outcome. But about enjoying the process.
For those readers unfamiliar with Robert Greene's work over the years this book is a great starting point on a journey into human behaviour, how to navigate the complexities of relationships and power dynamics.
The author draws from his years of published works on mastery, seduction, strategy, and human nature. Trigger warning for utopians, Robert Greene is a realist who calls out human nature as he sees it whilst recommending solutions that may not be palatable to the "Blue-haired Taliban or Pronoun Brigade", (borrowed from Prof. Gad Saad).
The format is a daily read (page a day) based on themed months such as "Your Life's Task", "The Master at Work", "The Perfect Courtier", and more. Each month is preceded by an age-old knowledge introduction and the author's personal reflections, followed by a day-by-day quotation, subject reflection, and the daily law itself stated with reference.
This book is meant to be read slowly day-by-day relishing the deep thoughts expressed within. I started on such a process, but quickly bashed on and read it straight through in a couple of weeks. I'll now, place it within arms reach of my throne for daily reads during the morning constitution to start my day.
I really liked this page, it transformed me a lot. It's been a few days since I read and re-read this book. Robert Greene gives some pretty assiduous tips to be successful. I enjoyed the month February 29. Take the hacker approach ... March 20..21 ... The Master Brain
as someone who has transitioned into a more fluid, multidimensional view of life, I find the book’s foundational premise somewhat restrictive. Greene operates within a paradigm of mental "jails," external obstacles, and strategic victories—an approach I once related to but no longer find relevant. From my current perspective, reality is moldable, shaped not by external constraints but by the fluid interplay of perception and consciousness. The notion of "fighting" the forces around you feels unnecessary when you begin to see reality as something you co-create from within.
There are still valuable lessons in Greene’s work, but much of it seems anchored in a three-dimensional mindset—focused on survival, power dynamics, and linear thinking. For someone who has moved into a more expansive state of awareness, where thoughts and perceptions shape reality, the strategies Greene outlines can feel overly mechanistic and limited.
I acknowledge the book's brilliance for those navigating their way through societal structures, but for readers who view reality as a dynamic, malleable field, Greene's insights might not fully resonate. It’s a useful stepping stone, but not a guide for those ready to transcend the paradigm of limitation and step into boundless creation.
I’m not trying to look at the world like a sociopath so this book was just not for me.
While there are some good insights it’s presented in the most negative and cynical way possible. It’s meant to be a tool to manipulate people and I’m not here for it.
48 Laws of Power The Art of Seduction Mastery 33 Strategies of War Laws of Human Nature
And now a short summary of those ideas in The Daily Laws. One idea per page.
In the Power section you read ideas like: "Never Outshine The Master", "Always Say Less Than Necessary", "Make the Master Feel Glorious and Superior", "Seem Dumber Than Your Mark", "Judge Them on Their Behavior, Not Their Words", "Don't Mistake Extra Conviction for Truth"...
In the Strategy section you read ideas like: "Divide and Conquer", "The Piecemeal Strategy", "Hit from Unexpected Angles", "Create Maximum Disorder", "Plan All the Way to the End"...
In the Human Nature section you read ideas like: "Beware the Fragile Ego", "Think for Yourself", "Change Your Circumstances by Changing Your Attitude", "Create Mental Space from the Group", "Examine Your Emotions to Their Roots", "Resist Simple Explanations", "Practice Mitfreude", "Transform Self-Love into Empathy", "Assume You're Misjudging the People Around You", ...
This one is going to take me a year to read, but I already love it one week in. I've read several of Robert Greene's books and very much like them, so I like to daily doses of these tidbits from them--review of what I've read and introductions to books I will most likely read, some of which are waiting on my book shelf. Highly recommended for those who like to meditate on their inner sleves, human nature and life in general.
หนังสือของ Robert Greene เป็นผลงานที่ทรงคุณค่าอย่างยิ่งต่อโลกใบนี้และต่อมนุษยชาติ แต่ก็น่าเสียดายมาก ที่หนังสือทุกเล่มของเขาไม่เคยได้แปลเป็นภาษาไทยให้คนไทยอ่านกัน ผมไม่รู้ว่าเพราะขนาดเล่มที่ใหญ่เกินไป หรือเนื้อหาของหนังสือของผู้เขียนท่านนี้มีมากจนหนักสมองเกินไปหรืออย่างไร จึงไม่มีผลงานหนังสือของนักเขียนท่านนี้แปลออกมาเป็นภาษาไทยให้กับอ่านชาวไทยที่มีข้อจำกัดทางภาษาได้อ่าน
ผมได้อ่าน The Laws of Human Nature ไปจนใกล้จะจบแล้ว และแผนการอีกอย่างของปีนี้ก็คือจะทำการอ่านหนังสือทุกเล่มของ Robert Greene ที่ออกวางจำหน่ายให้จบให้หมด