Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

2016 Challenge Archive > Meet & Greet Challenge: Round 18 (Oct/Nov) - PARTICIPANTS

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message 1: by Jane (PS), Moderator (last edited Sep 03, 2016 12:47AM) (new)

Jane (PS) | 23498 comments The Meet & Greet Challenge Round 18 (Oct/Nov)
1 October - 30 November 2016

This thread is for the participants' lists of the Meet & Greet Challenge! It will be closed until picking is open.

All discussion, chat, questions, and answers for this challenge are to occur in the other thread: here

- SIGN-UPS close date! Please allow a few hours for the groups to be posted.
20 September 12am NZ - picking starts for the bonus group
27 September - PICKING due date! Picks for all group members must be completed.
1 October - OPENING date - Start reading!

message 2: by Jane (PS), Moderator (new)

Jane (PS) | 23498 comments My spot

message 4: by ~Melissa~ (last edited Dec 01, 2016 06:13AM) (new)

~Melissa~ | 2058 comments Meet & Greet - Round 18
Group 2
14/16 read

Emerson - Delusion in Death 10/4/16 4♥
Breann & bonus pick of ❀~Amy~❀ for 1st book Bloodline 11/2/16 4♥
Rachel (newbie :) - Otherwise Alone 10/24/16 3♥
Gabriella - Calculated in Death 10/27/16 4♥
Jane - Infected: Holden 10/29/16 3♥
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - Death Masks (audio) 10/30/16 4♥

Nov Read Regular
LaurLa -
Sixpence & Whiskey 11/2/16 4♥
Donna - Blackbirds & Bourbon 11/6/16 4♥
MKat - Thankless in Death 11/15/16 4♥ - audio playaway
Aminko - Wrath 11/15/16 2♥ /
Desiree -Tiger 11/17/16 3♥
Donna (dkflynn) - Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs 11/21/16 2♥
Debbie (Doc) - The Angel (audio) 11/25/16 3♥
Stephanie - Blood Rites 11/29/16 4♥

Katherine - Sweet Blood of Mine / Bang / Wrath
Rachel C - Bang / Sixpence & Whiskey / Professional Distance

13/23 read

*Emerson - Red Fox 10/4/16 3♥
*Breann - To Have (60 pgs) 10/1/16 2♥ / Blood Rites (audio) / Trapped (get audio library) 10/15/16 4♥
*KarenH - Black Dog Blues 10/7/16 4♥
*Karla - To Hold 10/1/16 3 ♥
*Katie - Killing Sarai 10/17/16 4♥/
*Gabriella - The Scribe (audio) 10/19/16 5♥
*Kait - Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper 10/18/16 3♥
*Tink Magoo - The Dark Light of Day (audio) 10/22/16 4♥

NOV Bonus Read
❀~Amy~❀ - Bloodline 11/2/16 4♥/ Black Dog Blues 10/7/16 4♥
Jody - Trapped (audio) 10/15/16 4♥ (forgot to post in Oct)
Grace - Roses & Rye 11/12/16 4♥ /
ThatEzi - Capture & Surrender 11/14/16 4♥
Zara - Hollow's Trouble 11/22/16 2♥

Shelby - Hoarfrost 11/30/16 4♥ / Blood Rites / Black Dog Blues

*Jane - Shadow / Giovanni / Blade Song
*Amy (greenfairy) - Giovanni / Torture to Her Soul
*Connie N - Exquisite Trouble (audio) / Loving Vin / No One to Trust
*Donna (dkflynn) - Insanity / Bloodline / Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper
*Gea - Hunt the Darkness / Weather The Storm / Professional Distance
*KathyD -Rise of the Fallen / The Prince / Exquisite Trouble
*Moe - Scar / (Watch Me) Save You / Loving Vin
*Raine - Insidious / Shadow / Lucian
*Stephanie - Dead Beat (get audio)
*Sunshine - Daniel Part Two (after The Prince -short story) / Shadow / Reviving Izabel (after Killing Sarai)

message 5: by Rachel C. (last edited Nov 30, 2016 05:13PM) (new)

Rachel C. (rachelus) | 602 comments Complete = 8 / 16

Group 2

✓ Aminko: Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake - ★★★★★ - 10/7/16
✓ Breann: Holiday in Death - ★★★★★ - 10/16/16
✓ Debbie (Doc): The Leopard Prince - ★★★★½ - 10/9/16
✓ Desiree: You Slay Me - ★★★★ - 10/4/16
Donna: The Princess and the Pea
Donna (dkflynn): Undeniably Yours
Emerson: Because of Miss Bridgerton
✓ Gabriella: Vengeance in Death - ★★★★★ - 10/11/16
✓ Jane: Born of Silence - ★★★★ - 11/30/16
✓ Katherine: Maverick - ★★★★ - 11/17/16
LaurLa: Magic Strikes
~Melissa~: Kiss of Crimson
✓ MKat: Visions of Heat - ★★★★ - 10/29/16
Rachel (newbie :): The Darkest Hour
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl): Gameboard of the Gods
Stephanie: The Trouble With Being a Duke

You Slay Me (Aisling Grey #1) by Katie MacAlister Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake (Love By Numbers, #1) by Sarah MacLean The Leopard Prince (Princes Trilogy, #2) by Elizabeth Hoyt Vengeance in Death (In Death, #6) by J.D. Robb Holiday in Death (In Death, #7) by J.D. Robb Visions of Heat (Psy-Changeling #2) by Nalini Singh Maverick (Elite Ops, #2) by Lora Leigh Born of Silence (The League, #5) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

message 6: by ~KarenH~, Moderator (last edited Sep 18, 2016 08:48AM) (new)

~KarenH~ | 10875 comments The Meet & Greet Challenge Round 18
1 October - 30 November 2016

Group 3

Amy (greenfairy) - pifm
Cher - mng to pick
Connie N - meet greet options Rereads OK
Danielle - meet greet
Diane ~Firefly~ - mng picking
Gea - 2016 meet greet
Jojo - 2016 mng
Karla - october november meet n greet
Katie - meet and greet 18 to read
Nadine - m g pick shelf
Runell - meetandgreet
Samantha - meet and greet bookshelf
Skandia - rrrc m g
ThatEzi - review books / meet greet
Tink Magoo - meet and greet picks
Ty - mng

Bonus Group

❀~Amy~❀ - m n g pick here
Amy (greenfairy) - pifm
Breann - 1 mg pick me Rereads OK
Connie N - meet greet options Rereads OK
Donna (dkflynn) - meet n greet pick
Emerson - meet and greet Rereads OK
Gabriella - mng
Grace - meet and greet
Jane - picking shelf Rereads OK
Jody - meet n greet pick Rereads OK
Kait - meet and greet
Karla - october november meet n greet
KathyD - cp m g pick shelf
Katie - meet and greet 18 to read
~Melissa~ - meet n greet
Moe - reading challenge 2016
Raine - 2016 pifm
Shelby - meet and greet to read Rereads OK
Stephanie - meet n greet 2016
Sunshine - upcoming reads
ThatEzi - review books / meet greet
Tink Magoo - meet and greet picks
Zara - rrrc mngc octnov 2016

message 7: by fleurette (last edited Nov 20, 2016 01:45PM) (new)

fleurette | 287 comments Meet & Greet Challenge Round 18
1 October - 30 November 2016

Group: 1

Completed: 16/16

✔❀~Amy~❀ - Stars & Stripes by Abigail Roux ★★★★
✔Becky (fibrobabe) - Dead Heat by Patricia Briggs ★★★★
✔Carmen ~bootyshaker - Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner ★★★★
✔Grace - Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews ★★★★
✔Jody - Never Romance a Rake by Liz Carlyle ★★★★
✔Kait - Moonglow by Kristen Callihan ★★★★
✔KathyD - Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley ★★★★
✔Martha - Morgan's Surprise by Jayne Rylon ★★★
✔Melissa - Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs ★★★
✔Moe - The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski ★★
✔Rachel- Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop ★★★
✔Raine - Paradise by Judith McNaught ★★
✔Shelby - Magic's Pawn by Mercedes Lackey ★★★★
✔Sunshine - Deep by Kylie Scott ★★★★
✔Xiamera - Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts ★★★★
✔Zara - Into the Crossfire by Lisa Marie Rice ★★★


Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels, #7) by Ilona Andrews Stars & Stripes (Cut & Run, #6) by Abigail Roux Dead Heat (Alpha & Omega #4) by Patricia Briggs Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts Daughter of the Blood (The Black Jewels #1) by Anne Bishop Into the Crossfire (Protectors, #1) by Lisa Marie Rice Moonglow (Darkest London, #2) by Kristen Callihan Good in Bed (Cannie Shapiro, #1) by Jennifer Weiner Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3) by Patricia Briggs Never Romance a Rake (Neville Family #3) by Liz Carlyle Deep (Stage Dive, #4) by Kylie Scott Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage (MacKenzies & McBrides, #2) by Jennifer Ashley Magic's Pawn (Valdemar Last Herald-Mage #1) by Mercedes Lackey Morgan's Surprise (Powertools, #2) by Jayne Rylon Paradise (Second Opportunities, #1) by Judith McNaught The Edge of Never (The Edge of Never, #1) by J.A. Redmerski

message 8: by Diane ~Firefly~ (last edited Nov 30, 2016 04:54PM) (new)

Diane ~Firefly~ | 1497 comments Meet & Greet Round 18
Oct/Nov 2016

7/5 completed

Amy - Rock Chick Reckoning by Kristen Ashley
Cher - The Score by Elle Kennedy - 10/3/16
Connie N - Just Like a Man by Elizabeth Bevarly
Danielle - Unbinding by Eileen Wilks
Gea - The Bad Luck Wedding Dress by Geralyn Dawson
Jojo - Bubba and the Dead Woman by C.L. Bevill - 10/16/06
KarenH - The Liar by Nora Roberts - 11/16/16
Karla - The Witch and the Dead by Heather Blake - 10/6/16
Katie - Wild Things by Chloe Neill
Nadine - Kodiak's Claim by Eve Langlais
Runell - A Geek Girl's Guide to Murder by Julie Ann Lindsey - 11/27/16
Samantha - For Heaven's Eyes Only by Simon R. Green - 11/19/16
Skandia - My Fair Godmother by Janette Rallison
ThatEzi - Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter
Tink Magoo - Happy Pants Café by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff - 11/9/16
Ty - Seventh Grave and No Body by Darynda Jones

Rock Chick Reckoning (Rock Chick, #6) by Kristen Ashley The Score (Off-Campus, #3) by Elle Kennedy Just Like a Man (OPUS prequel) by Elizabeth Bevarly Unbinding (World of the Lupi, #11) by Eileen Wilks The Bad Luck Wedding Dress (Bad Luck Brides, #1) by Geralyn Dawson Bubba and the Dead Woman (Bubba Snoddy, #1) by C.L. Bevill The Liar by Nora Roberts The Witch and the Dead (A Wishcraft Mystery #7) by Heather Blake Wild Things (Chicagoland Vampires, #9) by Chloe Neill Kodiak's Claim (Kodiak Point, #1) by Eve Langlais A Geek Girl's Guide to Murder (Geek Girl Mysteries #1) by Julie Anne Lindsey For Heaven's Eyes Only (Secret Histories, #5) by Simon R. Green My Fair Godmother (My Fair Godmother, #1) by Janette Rallison Alice in Zombieland (White Rabbit Chronicles, #1) by Gena Showalter Happy Pants Cafe (Happy Pants, #0.5) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Seventh Grave and No Body (Charley Davidson, #7) by Darynda Jones

Thanks for all the great picks!

message 9: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Dec 01, 2016 09:43PM) (new)

MountainKat | 29202 comments Meet & Greet Round 18
October 1, 2016 through November 30, 2016
Group 2

16 of 16. Completed 11.30.16, Updated 12.1.16 DONE!!

Aminko - Promises in Death by J.D. Robb 11.18.16
Breann - Defy the Dawn by Lara Adrian 10.29.16
Debbie (Doc) - Deadly Descent by Kaylea Cross 11.15.16
Desiree - Talk Sweetly to Me by Courtney Milan 11.4.16
Donna - The Year We Fell Down by Sarina Bowen 10.19.16
Donna (dkflynn) - First Star I See Tonight by Susan Elizabeth Phillips 10.13.16
Emerson - Dungeon Games by Lexi Blake 11.22.16
Gabriella - Angel's Devil by Suzanne Enoch 10.3.16
Jane (PS) - The Trouble with Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis 11.24.16
Katherine - Into the Fire by Amanda Usen 10.31.16
LaurLa - Slow Burn by Pamela Clare 11.30.16
~Melissa~ - Midnight Untamed by Lara Adrian 11.28.16
Rachel - Dungeon Royale by Lexi Blake 10.24.16
Rachel C - First to Fall by Olivia Blake 10.17.16
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - A Scot in the Dark by Sarah MacLean 10.10.16
Stephanie - Kindred in Death by J.D. Robb 11.30.16

Angel's Devil by Suzanne Enoch A Scot in the Dark (Scandal & Scoundrel #2) by Sarah MacLean First Star I See Tonight (Chicago Stars, #8) by Susan Elizabeth Phillips First to Fall (Lessons in Love, #1) by Olivia Blake The Year We Fell Down (The Ivy Years, #1) by Sarina Bowen Dungeon Royale (Masters and Mercenaries, #6) by Lexi Blake Defy the Dawn (Midnight Breed, #14) by Lara Adrian Into the Fire (Hot Nights, #1) by Amanda Usen Talk Sweetly to Me (Brothers Sinister, #4.5) by Courtney Milan Deadly Descent (Bagram Special Ops, #1) by Kaylea Cross Promises in Death (In Death, #28) by J.D. Robb Dungeon Games (Masters and Mercenaries, #6.5) by Lexi Blake The Trouble with Mistletoe (Heartbreaker Bay, #2) by Jill Shalvis Midnight Untamed (Midnight Breed, #14.5) by Lara Adrian Kindred in Death (In Death, #29) by J.D. Robb Slow Burn (Colorado High Country #2) by Pamela Clare

message 10: by Nadine Bookaholic (last edited Nov 30, 2016 08:10AM) (new)

message 11: by Tink Magoo is bad at reviews (last edited Nov 24, 2016 02:35AM) (new)

Tink Magoo is bad at reviews (tinkmagoo) | 1346 comments (Overall 38/40) (DNF: 6)

Group 3 - (16/16)

✔ Amy - Lick - 14th October ★★★★
✔ Cher - Anything but Minor - 3rd October ★★★★★ - Review
✔ Connie N - Dirty Work - 4th October ★★★ - Review
✔ Danielle - The Player and the Pixie - 20th October ★★★★½ - Review
✔ Diane - The Gilded Cage - 1st November - DNF
✔ Gea - The Last Boy and Girl in the World - 22nd October - DNF
✔ Jojo - Adulting 101 - 20th October ★★★★★ - Review
✔ KarenH - Cupid Has a Heart-On - 8th October ★★ - Review
✔ Karla - Say You Love Me - 23rd October ★★★★
✔ Katie - Reasonable Doubt: Volume 1 - 7th October ★★★★★
✔ Nadine - Rules of a Rebel and a Shy Girl - 7th November ★★★★
✔ Runell - Starflight - 2nd November ★★★★
✔ Samantha - You Don't Know Me - 8th October - DNF
✔ Skandia - Hitched: Volume One - 13th October ★★★½
✔ ThatEzi - Surrounded by Temptation - 4th October ★★★★½ - Review
✔ Ty - Finding Mr. Brightside - 5th November ★★★ - Review

Anything but Minor (Balls in Play, #1) by Kate Stewart Dirty Work by Chelle Bliss Surrounded by Temptation (Woods Family, #3) by Mandy Harbin Reasonable Doubt Volume 1 (Reasonable Doubt, #1) by Whitney G. Cupid Has a Heart-On (The Holidays, #2) by Tara Sivec You Don't Know Me by Georgia Le Carre Hitched Volume One (Imperfect Love, #1) by Kendall Ryan Lick (Stage Dive, #1) by Kylie Scott The Player and the Pixie (Rugby, #2) by L.H. Cosway Adulting 101 by Lisa Henry The Last Boy and Girl in the World by Siobhan Vivian Say You Love Me (Malory-Anderson Family, #5) by Johanna Lindsey The Gilded Cage by Lucinda Gray Starflight (Starflight, #1) by Melissa Landers Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark Rules of a Rebel and a Shy Girl by Jessica Sorensen

Bonus pickers (22/24)

✔ ❀~Amy~❀ - Debt - 22nd November ★★★ - Review
✔ Amy - Secret Obsession - 1st October ★★
✔ Breann - The Distance Between Us - 1st November ★★★
✔ Connie N - Penalty Clause - 13th October ★★★
✔ Donna (dkflynn) - Mad Sea - 5th October ★★★ - Review
✔ Emerson - Well Hung - 6th October - DNF
✔ Gabriella - Cruel Beauty(Audio) - 13th October ★★★★½ - Review
✔ Gea - Incumbent: A Prescott Novel - 19th October ★★
✔ Grace - Unlawful Seizure - 23rd November - DNF
✔ Jane - His Wild Desire - 2nd October ★★★★½ - Review
✔ Jody - Right - 2nd October ★★
✔ Kait - Boarded by Love - 6th November ★★★
✔ KarenH - My Lady Jane - 1st October ★★★★½ - Review
Karla - My Time in the Affair
✔ KathyD - Devious Minds - 24th October ★★★★
✔ Katie - His Young Queen - 5th October ★★ - Review
✔ ~Melissa~ - Evil - 26th October ★★★ - Review
✔ Moe - I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie - 2nd October ★★★★½ - Review
✔ Raine - Barbarian Mine - 17th October ★★★★½ - Review
✔ Shelby - Until the Sun Falls from the Sky - 25th October ★★½
✔ Stephanie - Bedded by the Boss - 1st October ★★★
Sunshine - The Troublemaker Next Door
✔ ThatEzi - The Sunlight Pilgrims - 11th November ★★★★ - Review
✔ Zara - The Line - 12th October - DNF

My Time in the Affair by Stylo Fantome The Troublemaker Next Door (The McCauley Brothers, #1) by Marie Harte

My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand Secret Obsession (A Forbidden Romance) by Olivia Linden Bedded by the Boss (Louisiana Liaisons, #3) by Lynda Chance His Wild Desire (Death Lords MC, #1) by Ella Goode Right (Wrong, #2) by Jana Aston His Young Queen (Steel Jackals MC, #1) by Tiff P. Raine Mad Sea by K. Webster Barbarian Mine (Ice Planet Barbarians, #4) by Ruby Dixon Well Hung by Lauren Blakely The Line (The Line, #1) by Teri Hall Cruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe, #1) by Rosamund Hodge Penalty Clause (Risqué Contracts, #1) by Fiona Davenport I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie (I Like Big Dragons, #1) by Lani Lynn Vale Incumbent A Prescott Novel (Prescott Series Book 1) by Joanne Schwehm Devious Minds (Devious Minds, #1) by K.F. Germaine Until the Sun Falls from the Sky (The Three, #1) by Kristen Ashley Evil by Tijan The Distance Between Us by Kasie West Boarded by Love (Bellevue Bullies, #1) by Toni Aleo The Sunlight Pilgrims by Jenni Fagan Debt by Jessica Gadziala Unlawful Seizure (Filthy Florida Alphas, #1) by Baylee Rose

message 12: by Katherine (last edited Nov 23, 2016 02:36PM) (new)

Katherine | 279 comments Group 2 ★✩★✩★✩★✩★✩★✩★ Read: 16/16

✔ Aminko - Croc's Return 4/11/16 ★★★
✔ Breann - Date and Dash 5/10/16 ★★★
✔ Debbie (Doc) - A Little Princess 12/10/16 ★★★★
✔ Desiree - Betraying the Pack 21/10/16 ★★★
✔ Donna - Mermen 3/11/16 ★★
✔ Donna (dkflynn) - See Me 31/10/16 ★★★
✔ Emerson - Whiskey and Women 10/10/16 ★★
✔ Gabriella - How to Betray a Dragon's Hero 24/10/16 ★★★★
✔ Jane - My Love Story!!, Vol. 6 3/10/16 ★★★★
✔ LaurLa - Cry for the Moon 15/10/16 ★★
✔ ~Melissa~ - Inkspell 23/11/16 ★★★★
✔ MKat - Heart of Hearts 5/10/16 ★★★
✔ Rachel (newbie :) - When an Alpha Purrs 9/10/16 ★★★★
✔ Rachel C - Defying Pack Law - 5/10/16 ★★★★
✔ Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - When a Beta Roars 5/11/16 ★★★★
✔ Stephanie - Stormbringers 9/11/16 ★★
Defying Pack Law (Pack, #1) by Eve Langlais Betraying the Pack by Eve Langlais My Love Story!!, Vol. 6 by Kazune Kawahara When an Alpha Purrs (A Lion's Pride, #1) by Eve Langlais A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett Croc's Return (Bitten Point, #1) by Eve Langlais Date and Dash (Better Date than Never #10) by Susan Hatler Heart of Hearts (Nurses of New York Book 4) by Amelia C. Adams Stormbringers (Order of Darkness, #2) by Philippa Gregory How to Betray a Dragon's Hero (How to Train Your Dragon, #11) by Cressida Cowell Mermen (The Mermen Trilogy, #1) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Inkspell (Inkworld, #2) by Cornelia Funke See Me (Zombie Love, #1) by Susan Hatler Whiskey and Women (Hearts of Nashville Book 1) by Amelia C. Adams Cry for the Moon (The Last Werewolf Hunter, #1) by William Woodall When a Beta Roars (A Lion's Pride, #2) by Eve Langlais

Other book on my shelf I've read: ★✩★✩★✩★ Read: 52/84 (view spoiler)
Let's Call The Whole Thing Off by Jill Steeples Déjà Date (Better Date than Never #9) by Susan Hatler My Big Curvy Dating Dilemma A BBW Curvy Romance (My Big Curvy Life Book 1) by Lorna Souther Moon & Madly (A Retelling of the Little Mermaid) A Grimm Diary by Cameron Jace Lumberjanes/Gotham Academy #1 by Chynna Clugston Flores Saga, Vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughan One for Three (Elite Dragons, #1) by Becca Van Jem and the Holograms (2015-) #14 by Kelly Thompson Ladle Rat Rotten Hut (Little Red Riding Hood) A Grimm Prequel (The Grimm Prequels Book 3) by Cameron Jace Oddly Normal, Vol. 2 by Otis Frampton Oddly Normal Vol. 3 by Otis Frampton Empowered, Volume 4 (Empowered, #4) by Adam Warren A Series of Unfortunate Events Collection Books 4-6 by Lemony Snicket Joan of Arc by Ronald Sutherland Gower The Mighty Hunter (Lords of the Abyss, #1) by Michelle M. Pillow Reader Abduction (Alien Abduction, #7) by Eve Langlais Chasing Sam (Vegas Mates, #1) by Krystal Shannan His Bear Hands (Bear Creek Grizzlies Book 1) by Layla Nash Hare Today, Bear Tomorrow (Mating Call Dating Agency, #1) by Lynn Red To Save a Mate (VonBrandt Family, #1) by Krystal Shannan Seeking Pack Redemption (Pack, #3) by Eve Langlais Cyanide & Happiness Stab Factory by Kris Wilson Empowered, Volume 5 (Empowered, #5) by Adam Warren Once Beauty Twice Beast (The Grimm Diaries Prequels, #7) by Cameron Jace Toxic (Blood Countess, #1) by Eve Langlais Kick-Ass 3 (Kick-Ass, #3) by Mark Millar The Ghost Prison by Joseph Delaney Commanding the Tides (Lords of the Abyss, #2) by Michelle M. Pillow New Pack Order (Pack #4) by Eve Langlais Captive of the Deep (Lords of the Abyss #3) by Michelle M. Pillow Koyasan by Darren Shan The Grimm Prequels Book 5 (Prequels 19-24) by Cameron Jace Panther's Claim (Bitten Point #2) by Eve Langlais Surrender to the Sea (Lords of the Abyss, #4) by Michelle M. Pillow Father Found (The Daddy School #1) by Judith Arnold Anything for Love by Kirsten Osbourne The Demonata 1-5 (Lord Loss; Demon Thief; Slawter; Bec; Blood Beast) (The Demonata) by Darren Shan Sci Spanks 2014 A Collection of Spanking Science Fiction Romance Stories (Seasonal Spankings) by Anastasia Vitsky Highland Kiss (Kiwi Bride Series Book 2) by Alexia Praks When an Omega Snaps (A Lion's Pride, #3) by Eve Langlais Loving Deviant (Cyborg Seduction, #9) by Laurann Dohner A Tiger's Bride (A Lion's Pride, #4) by Eve Langlais Father Christmas (The Daddy School #2) by Judith Arnold Love Lessons With The Duke (Marriage by Deceit Book 2) by Ruth Ann Nordin When a Lioness Snarls (A Lion's Pride #5) by Eve Langlais Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life (Scott Pilgrim, #1) by Bryan Lee O'Malley Python's Embrace (Bitten Point, #3) by Eve Langlais Wishing in Wisconsin (At The Altar, #3) by Kirsten Osbourne The Beast Prince (Fairy Tale, #1) by S.E. Smith Gator's Challenge (Bitten Point, #4) by Eve Langlais The Bitter and the Sweet (Kansas Crossroads #9) by Amelia C. Adams Beauty and the Beast by Sarah Winter

message 13: by Gabriella (last edited Dec 02, 2016 08:48PM) (new)

Gabriella | 203 comments Group 2

Aminko - Morangos Mofados
Breann - Daughter of Smoke & Bone
Debbie (Doc) - Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Desiree - The Girl on the Train | The Nightingale
Donna - The Titan's Curse
Donna (dkflynn) - Library of Souls
Emerson - Blithe Images
Jane - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Katherine - The Bad Beginning
LaurLa - Morrigan's Cross
MKat - Size 12 and Ready to Rock
~Melissa~ - Divided in Death
Rachel (newbie :) - 3rd Degree
Rachel C - Lover Unbound
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - Tales of the Peculiar
Stephanie - The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

*❀~Amy~❀ - Jane Eyre
*Amy (greenfairy) - Lolita
*Breann - The Shattered Chain
*Connie N - The Horse and His Boy
*Donna (dkflynn) - Stonehenge | Chocolate Lovers' Club
*Emerson - The Hobbit
*Gea - Le Spleen de Paris - Les Paradis Artificiels
*Grace - Sweetheart
*Jane - Mary Poppins
*Jody - The Winter King | The Forest House
*Kait - A Darker Shade of Magic
*KarenH - Proposal
*Karla - The Wonder
*KathyD - Fifty Shades Darker
*Katie - Pride and Prejudice
~Melissa~ - Red Dragon
*Moe - Last Chance Saloon
*Raine - Colters' Wife
*Shelby - Savor the Moment
*Stephanie - Live to Tell
*Sunshine - Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
*ThatEzi - Pluto: A Wonder Story
*Tink Magoo - The Brightest Star in the Sky | Sushi | True Betrayals
*Zara - Pinocchio

Read: 7/40
The Brightest Star in the Sky
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Tales of the Peculiar
Mary Poppins
The Hobbit
A Darker Shade of Magic
The Bad Beginning
I, Robot

(view spoiler)

message 14: by GreenFairy (last edited Nov 22, 2016 03:41AM) (new)

GreenFairy (greenfairy429) | 1096 comments Total Read: 22/22

Group: 9/9
Danielle-King-10/1-Freaking loved it! Thank you!
ThatEzi-Alpha & Omega-10/1-Great start for the extension, or another branch?, of Mercy Thompson!
Runell-Mine-10/2-Started off not that great, then got much better about halfway through. Not crazy about the ending.
Samantha-Takedown-10/2-These books should have just been one. It would have been so much better. And yet, still have a cliffhanger anyway...
ConnieN-In Flight-10/13-indecisive heroine, overbearing hero, overall boring
Cher-Rock Chick-10/15-chick lit/contemporary, bored me.
Karla-Sixth Grave on the Edge-10/16-so much better than the previous two books. Glad I stuck with it.
Ty-Fire Touched
-10/30-One of the things I love about this series is you know the book begins with things being okay, not in an uproar, and will end with the good guys winning. But that you don't know what is going to happen or what will have to be figured out along the way to get from A to B.
Jojo-Shadowfever-11/22-I know this one got a lot of really good reviews. But this should have been two books. Because she packed way too much in this one. Instead of rushing and putting it all in one, she should have fleshed out the stories going on even more and made it two. And it was a little anti-climactic.

Bonus: 13/13
Breann-Forced by the Kingpin-10/1-short, basically PWP but written well
Grace-Jab-10/2-This series would be so much better as a whole book, rather than 3 separate parts.
Jody-Inked-10/3-I usually like this author. But it was boring to me.
~Melissa~-Archangel's Storm-10/8-Wasn't my favorite of the series but I like how it was written. So much going on, leading to more books without making the series boring.
KathyD-Raw-10/11-Holy crap...put off reading this and I have no idea why.
KarenH-Rock Hard-10/19-If you skip over the Sed and Jess part, it's great. And it was supposed to be their story.
Stephanie-Ruthless-10/12-I was impressed this wasn't a cliched story
Gea-Archangel's Legion-10/24-Love this series. Definitely one of my favorites.
Tink-The Prisoner-10/25-Ugh...boring. Nevermind the fact one is a prostitute. The other is a married man who is contemplating leaving his partner to be with the prostitute
Emerson-Conspiracy in Death-11/1-If you love Eve Dallas this one takes you through all kinds of emotions.
Karla-Loyalty in Death-11/6-This one had a lot of little things in it that led to the bigger picture. Plus, it's the start McNab and Peabody!
Moe-Ruin & Rule-11/9-Not quite like the previous Pepper books I have read. Still awesome though. Not as gritty.
ThatEzi-Undefeated-11/11-Good story, a lot of issues with it though.

message 15: by Xiamera (last edited Nov 30, 2016 07:07AM) (new)

Xiamera | 30 comments Group 1 Completed: 16/16
❀~Amy~❀ - Risk 26/11 Rating: ★
Becky (fibrobabe) - Sassy in Stilettos 02/10 Rating: ★★★
Carmen ~bootyshaker - A Quick Bite 30/11 Rating: ★★★
fleurette - The Way to Game the Walk of Shame 23/10 Rating: ★★★
Grace - Royal Savage 28/11 Rating: ★
Jody - Seduction of A Highland Lass 04/10 Rating: ★★
Kait - The Liar 05/10 Rating: ★★
KathyD - Shield of Winter 05/10 Rating: ★★★
Martha - Virtuous 30/11 Rating: ★★★
Melissa - Cat's Lair 06/10 Rating: ★★
Moe - Turbulence 24/11 Rating:★★★
Rachel- Hotter After Midnight 30/11 Rating: ★★★
Raine - Blaze 24/11 Rating: ★★
Shelby - Shards of Hope 05/10 Rating: ★★★★
Sunshine - Hilo: A Stepbrother Sports Romance 29/11 Rating: ★
Zara - The Darkest Heart 14/11 Rating: ★★

message 16: by Donna (last edited Dec 01, 2016 06:44PM) (new)

Donna | 250 comments 9/15 read.

Amino - Wedding Girl
Breann - Running Wild - read ****
Debbie (Doc) - Postcards from the Dead - read ****
Donna (dkflynn) - Blame it on Cupid - read ****
Emerson - Crystal Cove - read ****
Gabriella - Starlight on Willow Lake - read ****
Jane (PS) - Christmas in Snowflake Canyon - read ****
Katherine - Angry Housewives Eating Bonbons
LaurLa - A Kiss in the Snow - read ****
Melissa - One Forever Kiss - read ****
Mkat - Love Overboard
Rachel (newbie:) - Forever & Always - got about halfway through. Lost track of my days
Rachel C - Midnight Crossroad - read ****
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - Phantom Evil
Stephanie - Barefoot Princess

message 17: by Debbie (Doc) (last edited Nov 15, 2016 03:50AM) (new)

Debbie (Doc) | 345 comments Group 2:


Aminko - The Score
Breann - Forged in Steele
Desiree - Fated
Donna - Kiss of Midnight
Donna (dkflynn) - Sleeping With the Wolf
Emerson - It Ends with Us
Gabriella - The Search
Jane - Catch a Tiger by the Tail
Katherine - The Imperfection of Swans
LaurLa - Wild Heat
MKat - Dragon Bound
Melissa - Marked in Flesh
Rachel (newbie :) - Consumed by Fire
Rachel C - Shadow Rider
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - A Quick Bite
Stephanie -Ivan

message 18: by Melissa (last edited Nov 30, 2016 05:38PM) (new)

Melissa | 1245 comments 5/16 Completed

Group 1

❀~Amy~❀ - Goodnight Tweetheart * * * * 10/31
Becky (fibrobabe) - Vampire, Interrupted
Carmen ~bootyshaker - Overbite * * * 10/9
fleurette - This Side of the Grave
Grace - Gun Shy * * * * 11/30
Jody - Damien
Kait - Archangel's Kiss
KathyD - Hard and Fast
Martha - Fallen
Moe - The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender * * * 10/17
Rachel- Goodbye Borders - Magic Slays
Raine - The Highlander's Touch
Shelby - Be Still My Vampire Heart
Sunshine - The Governess Affair * * * 11/27
Xiamera - Falling into You
Zara - Steamed

message 19: by Rachel (last edited Sep 23, 2016 11:46PM) (new)

Rachel | 3 comments Group 2

completed 0/16

Aminko - Gabriel's Inferno
Breann - Ride the Fire
Debbie (Doc) - The King
Desiree - Finding Eden
Donna - Lost in Flight
Donna (dkflynn) - A Time to Live
Emerson - Extreme Exposure
Gabriella -Wicked Intentions
Jane - Acheron
Katherine - Freefall
LaurLa - Show No Mercy
MKat - This Heart of Mine
~Melissa~ -Midnight Man
Rachel C -Dreamfever
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - The Lion's Daughter
Stephanie -Shadowfever

message 20: by Breann (last edited Nov 18, 2016 09:16PM) (new)

Breann | 398 comments Group 2

Read: 7/16

Aminko: You're Always in the Last Place You Look 11/3 ★★★★★
Debbie (Doc): Smooth Talking Stranger
Desiree: The Girl with the Iron Touch 10/10 ★★★☆☆
Donna: Yours to Keep
Donna (dkflynn): Cowboys & Vampires
Emerson: Magic Binds 10/18 ★★★★★
Gabriella: Carry On 10/8 ★★★★★
Jane: The Tin Box
Katherine: Slammed 10/26 ★★★★☆
LaurLa: Rules for a Proper Governess 11/16 ★★★★☆
~Melissa~: Grave Peril 11/14 ★★★★★
MKat: Born in Death
Rachel: Innocent in Death
Rachel C: One Silent Night
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl): Drink Deep
Stephanie: For Men Like Us


Read: 8/24

❀~Amy~❀: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 11/2 ★★★★☆
Amy: The Edge of Never
Connie N: Lip Service 10/3 ★★★☆☆
Donna (dkflynn): Archangel's Heart
Emerson: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Gabriella: Renegade
Grace: The White Knight
Gea: End of the Trail 10/11 ★★★★☆
Jane: The Hell You Say 10/23 ★★★★☆
Jody: How to Wish Upon a Star 10/30 ★★★☆☆
Kait: Sweep in Peace
KarenH: Waiting for You
Karla: Lenny for Your Thoughts
KathyD: Beautiful Redemption
Katie: Ransom 10/16 ★★★★★
~Melissa~: Magic Steals
Moe: Lothaire
Raine: The Deal 11/7 ★★★★★
Shelby: Infected: Epitaph
Stephanie: This is Not a Love Story
Sunshine: Confess 11/14 ★★★★★
ThatEzi: Base Instincts
Tink Magoo: Cold
Zara: Son of Money

message 21: by Rachel-RN (last edited Oct 08, 2016 06:24PM) (new)

Rachel-RN (rachelgoodbyeborders) | 202 comments Group 1
1. ❀~Amy~❀ - TBD
2 .Becky (fibrobabe) - Witch Is When It All Began (A Witch P.I. Mystery #1) by Adele Abbott - reading now
3. Carmen ~bootyshaker - TBD
4. fleurette - TBD
5. Grace - TBD
6. Jody - TBD
7. Kait - TBD
8. KathyD - TBD
9. Martha - TBD
10. Melissa - TBD
11. Moe - TBD
12. Raine - How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf (Naked Werewolf, #1) by Molly Harper -reading now
13. Shelby - TBD
14. Sunshine - TBD
15. Xiamera - Under Her Skin by Margo Bond Collins -reading now
16. Zara - A Spirited Manor (O'Hare House Mysteries, #1) by Kate Danley 10/2

Also read these:
Radio Silence (Off the Grid, #1) by Alyssa Cole - reading now
Dead Man Calling (Undertaker Mysteries #1) by Kendra Ashe -reading now

message 22: by Jody (last edited Nov 10, 2016 12:22PM) (new)

Jody (crzyfrogger) | 167 comments Group 1

❀~Amy~❀ - The Prince & The Player
Becky (fibrobabe) - No Turning Back 10/27/16 ★★★★
Carmen ~bootyshaker~ - El Diablo
Fleurette - Price of Angels 10/20/16 ★★★★★
Grace - For the Love of English 10/7/16 ★★★★★
Kait - Storm's Heart
KathyD - Rock Me Hard
Martha - Dire
Melissa - Bloodrunner Dragon
Moe - Twisted Knights: Angels and Demons 10/27/16 ★★★★
Rachel - Moonshot 11/2/16 ★★★★★
Raine - Where I Belong
Shelby - Rookie Move
Sunshine - All Your Reasons 10/9/16 ★★★
Xiamera - Know Me
Zara - Candy Boys

The Prince & The Player (Dirty Players Duet, #1) by Tia Louise No Turning Back (The Kathleen Turner Series, #1) by Tiffany Snow El Diablo (The Devil, #1) by M. Robinson Price of Angels (Dartmoor, #2) by Lauren Gilley For the Love of English by A.M. Hargrove Storm's Heart (Elder Races, #2) by Thea Harrison Rock Me Hard (The Rock Star's Seduction, #1) by Olivia Thorne Dire (The Dire Wolves Chronicles, #1) by Alyssa Rose Ivy Bloodrunner Dragon (Harper's Mountains, #1) by T.S. Joyce Twisted Knights Angels and Demons (Twisted Knights MC,#1) by Lauren Calhoun Moonshot by Alessandra Torre Where I Belong (Alabama Summer, #1) by J. Daniels Rookie Move (Brooklyn Bruisers, #1) by Sarina Bowen All Your Reasons (Crave, #1) by Nina Levine Know Me (Defiant Motorcycle Club, #1) by Cora Brent Candy Boys by Jo Raven


❀~Amy~❀ - Rock Me Deep
Amy (greenfairy) - Defying Destiny 10/17/16 ★★★★
Breann - Surviving Us 10/2/16 ★★
Connie N - Striker 10/26/16 ★★★
Donna (dkflynn) - Finley 10/29/16 ★★★★
Emerson - Jack & Coke
Gabriella - Blizzard 10/4/16 ★★★★
Gea - Black Out 10/28/16 ★★★★
Grace - Torn 11/9/16 ★★★★★
Jane - Treble Maker
Kait - HIS Desire 10/14/16 ★★★★
KarenH - Fish Stick Fridays 10/18/16 ★★★
Karla - Fashionably Dead 10/1/16 ★★★★
KathyD - Pursuit: Blood Bandits MC 10/12/16 ★★★
Katie - Anti Hero
~Melissa~ - Heartless
Moe - Holding Onto You 10/21/16 ★★★★
Raine - Perfect Chaos
Shelby - The Season: Rush 11/7/16 ★★★★
Stephanie - Hadley 10/5/16 ★★★★
Sunshine - Property of Drex #1 10/24/16 ★★★
ThatEzi - Dragon Actually 11/1/16 ★★★
Tink Magoo - I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie 10/8/16 ★★★★★
Zara - Her Monster: Ravens MC

Rock Me Deep by Nora Flite Defying Destiny (Forsaken Sinners MC, #2) by Shelly Morgan Surviving Us by Erin Noelle Striker (No Prisoners MC #1) by Lilly Atlas Finley (Sunset Cove, #1) by Ella Frank Jack & Coke (Uncertain Saint's MC, #2) by Lani Lynn Vale Blizzard (The Brotherhood Journals) by Addison Jane Black Out (Hawks Motorcycle Club, #3) by Lila Rose Torn (Devils Wolves, #1) by Carian Cole Treble Maker (Perfect Harmony, #1) by Annabeth Albert His Desire (HIS, #1) by Sheila Kell Fish Stick Fridays (Half Moon Bay, #1) by Rhys Ford Fashionably Dead (Hot Damned, #1) by Robyn Peterman Pursuit Blood Bandits MC by Cora Black Anti Hero by Skye Warren Heartless by Winter Renshaw Holding Onto You (Burnt Ashes, #2) by K.E. Taylor Perfect Chaos (Unyielding, #1) by Nashoda Rose The Season Rush (Austin Arrows, #1) by Nicole Edwards Hadley (The Club Girl Diaries Book 3) by Addison Jane Property of Drex #1 (Death Chasers MC, #1) by C.M. Owens Dragon Actually (Dragon Kin, #1) by G.A. Aiken I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie (I Like Big Dragons, #1) by Lani Lynn Vale Her Monster Ravens MC by Audrey Rainn

message 23: by Aminko (last edited Nov 26, 2016 08:36AM) (new)

Aminko | 625 comments Group 2 - 3/16 Completed

Breann - A Shade of Blood by Bella Forrest
Debbie (Doc) - Almost a Scandal by Elizabeth Essex
Desiree - In Twenty Years by Allison Winn Scotch
Donna - Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews 7/10/2016 ★★★★★
Donna (dkflynn) - Lost Girls by Angela Marsons
Emerson - After Disasters by Viet Dinh
Gabriella - Six Years by Harlan Coben
Jane - The Ugly Stepsister by Aya Ling
Katherine - Wicked as They Come by Delilah S. Dawson
LaurLa - Dark Instincts by Suzanne Wright
~Melissa~ - Silver Bullet by S.M. Reine
MKat - Deep by Kylie Scott 9/10/2016 ★★★★★
Rachel (newbie :) - Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson 12/11/2016 ★★★★★
Rachel C - Till Dawn with the Devil by Alexandra Hawkins
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - Wicked Innocence by Missy Johnson
Stephanie - Origins by Ilona Andrews 25/11/2016 ★★★★★

Almost a Scandal (The Reckless Brides, #1) by Elizabeth Essex In Twenty Years by Allison Winn Scotch Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2) by Ilona Andrews Lost Girls (D.I. Kim Stone, #3) by Angela Marsons After Disasters by Viet Dinh Six Years by Harlan Coben The Ugly Stepsister (Unfinished Fairy Tales, #1) by Aya Ling Wicked as They Come (Blud, #1) by Delilah S. Dawson Dark Instincts (The Phoenix Pack, #4) by Suzanne Wright Silver Bullet (Preternatural Affairs, #2) by S.M. Reine Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson Till Dawn with the Devil (Lords of Vice, #2) by Alexandra Hawkins Deep (Stage Dive, #4) by Kylie Scott A Shade of Blood (A Shade of Vampire, #2) by Bella Forrest Origins (Alphas, #0.5) by Ilona Andrews Wicked Innocence by Missy Johnson

message 25: by Connie N. (last edited Sep 27, 2016 04:53AM) (new)

Connie N. | 1262 comments Meet & Greet - Round 18
Timeframe: 10/1/16 to 11/30/16

Amy (greenfairy) - Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda Jones
Cher - Cuff Me by Lauren Layne
Danielle - Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews
Diane ~Firefly~ - Wrong Number, Right Guy by Elle Casey
Gea - Rock Chick Rescue by Kristen Ashley
Jojo - Snapped by Laura Griffin
KarenH - Alex by Sawyer Bennett
Karla - Explosive Eighteen by Janet Evanovich
Katie - Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas
Nadine - My Addiction by Cassie Ryan
Runell - Stripped Bare by Emma Hart
Samantha - Always on My Mind by Jill Shalvis
Skandia - The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand
ThatEzi - Notorious Pleasures by Elizabeth Hoyt
Tink Magoo - Tall, Dark, Billionaire Texan by Mandy Baxter
Ty - One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

Fifth Grave Past the Light (Charley Davidson, #5) by Darynda Jones Cuff Me (New York's Finest, #3) by Lauren Layne Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1) by Ilona Andrews Wrong Number, Right Guy (The Bourbon Street Boys, #1) by Elle Casey Rock Chick Rescue (Rock Chick, #2) by Kristen Ashley Snapped (Tracers #4) by Laura Griffin Alex (Cold Fury Hockey, #1) by Sawyer Bennett Explosive Eighteen (Stephanie Plum, #18) by Janet Evanovich Smooth Talking Stranger (Travises, #3) by Lisa Kleypas My Addiction (Club Desire, #2) by Cassie Ryan Stripped Bare (Stripped, #1) by Emma Hart Always on My Mind (Lucky Harbor, #8) by Jill Shalvis The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand Notorious Pleasures (Maiden Lane, #2) by Elizabeth Hoyt Tall, Dark, Billionaire Texan (Billionaire's Club Texas, #4) by Mandy Baxter One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, #2) by Jeaniene Frost

Bonus - Final Choices

❀~Amy~❀ - Love Struck by Laurelin McGee
Amy (greenfairy) - Take Me Deeper by Jackie Ashenden
Breann - The Untamed Earl by Valerie Bowman
Donna (dkflynn) - Full Blast by Janet Evanovich
Emerson - Visions in Death by J.D. Robb
Gabriella - Divided in Death by J.D. Robb
Gea - The Legendary Lord by Valerie Bowman
Grace - Full Heat: A Brothers of Mayhem Novel by Carla Swafford
Jane - Chasing Perfect by Susan Mallery
Jody - Lured In by Laura Drewry
Kait - Hawke by Sawyer Bennett
KarenH - Under the Mistletoe by Jill Shalvis
Karla - Broken by Karin Slaughter
KathyD - Love After All by Jaci Burton
Katie - Game On by Sheryl Nantus
~Melissa~ - Sweet Little Lies by Lauren Conrad
Moe - Pull Me Close by Sidney Halston
Raine - Dreamfever by Karen Marie Moning
Shelby - Make Me Stay by Jaci Burton
Stephanie - The Marcelli Bride by Susan Mallery
Sunshine - Mister O by Lauren Blakely
ThatEzi - Wedding Night With the Earl by Amelia Grey
Tink Magoo - Hell on Heels by Victoria Vane
Zara - Wilde One by Jannine Gallant

Love Struck (Miss Match, #2) by Laurelin McGee Take Me Deeper (Texas Bounty, #1) by Jackie Ashenden The Untamed Earl (Playful Brides, #5) by Valerie Bowman Full Blast (Full #4) by Janet Evanovich Visions in Death (In Death, #19) by J.D. Robb Divided in Death (In Death, #18) by J.D. Robb The Legendary Lord (Playful Brides, #6) by Valerie Bowman Full Heat A Brothers of Mayhem Novel by Carla Swafford Chasing Perfect (Fool's Gold, #1) by Susan Mallery Lured In (Fishing for Trouble, #2) by Laura Drewry Hawke (Cold Fury Hockey, #5) by Sawyer Bennett Under the Mistletoe (Lucky Harbor, #6.5) by Jill Shalvis Broken (Will Trent, #4) by Karin Slaughter Love After All (Hope, #4) by Jaci Burton Game On (Entwined Hearts) by Sheryl Nantus Sweet Little Lies (L.A. Candy, #2) by Lauren Conrad Pull Me Close (The Panic, #1) by Sidney Halston Dreamfever (Fever, #4) by Karen Marie Moning Make Me Stay (Hope, #5) by Jaci Burton The Marcelli Bride (Marcelli, #4) by Susan Mallery Wedding Night With the Earl (The Heirs' Club of Scoundrels Trilogy, #3) by Amelia Grey Hell on Heels (Hotel Rodeo, #1) by Victoria Vane Wilde One (Born to be Wilde, #1) by Jannine Gallant Mister O by Lauren Blakely

message 26: by Becky (last edited Dec 01, 2016 01:31PM) (new)

Becky (fibrobabe) | 1450 comments 14/16

❀~Amy~❀ - Prickly By Nature- read 10/6-10/8
Carmen ~bootyshaker - Neanderthal Seeks Human- read 10/3-10/4
fleurette - Hexmaker- read 10/14-10/16
Grace - Kick at the Darkness- read 11/28-11/29
Jody - Hunting Season- read 10/27-10/29
Kait - A Night to Surrender- read 10/5-10/6
KathyD - When a Scot Ties the Knot- read 11/12-11/13
Martha - Champagne Kisses- read 11/30-12/1
Melissa - Will & Patrick Do the Holidays- read 11/29-11/30
Moe - Pushing the Limits- read 11/14-11/15
Rachel- Goodbye Borders - Winterwood
Raine - Ice Planet Barbarians- read 10/8-10/9
Shelby - Trust the Focus- read 10/25-10/26
Sunshine - If It Drives- read 10/1
Xiamera - Believe It or Not: A Quirky Romantic Comedy for Summer Reading- read 10/18-10/20
Zara - Adulting 101

message 27: by Donna (last edited Oct 26, 2016 09:55AM) (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 51 comments Meet & Greet Challenge Round 18
1 October - 30 November 2016
# Read:2

Group 2
Aminko - After Days
Breann - Bad Boy Daddy
Debbie (Doc) - Melody Bittersweet and The Girls' Ghostbusting Agency
Desiree - Infinite Time
Donna - Little Red
Emerson - Ren: The Man Behind the Monster
Gabriella - Depravity
Jane - The Amber Project
Katherine - The Grimm Prequels Book 5:
LaurLa - Eternity
~Melissa~ -Hell Is Coming
MKat - A Code of the Heart
Rachel (newbie :) -Alchemist Academy: Book 1
Rachel C -Lost
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - Aphrodite's Secret
Stephanie - Strays

Bonus Picks
*❀~Amy~❀ - Bound by Time
*Amy (greenfairy) - Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
*Breann - Hollywood Assassin
*Connie N - Floor 6R
*Emerson - The Ghost Box
*Gabriella - The Witnesses
*Gea - Dead Before The Wedding
*Grace - Catastrophe or Above The Flames
*Jane - Frozen Paws
*Jody - The Witching on the Wall
*Kait - Zombie Fallout
*KarenH - A Corpse in the Chapel
*Karla - Howl
*KathyD - The Faerie Guardian
*Katie - Ice Cream Man
*~Melissa~ - Heaven's Key
*Moe - The Flip
*Raine - The Changelings
*Shelby -Wings of Hope
*Stephanie - Dream Student
*Sunshine - £6.19 per Witching Hour
*ThatEzi - Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper
*Tink Magoo - Alexandra
*Zara -Missing Amanda

message 28: by Danielle Gypsy Soul (last edited Nov 28, 2016 12:55PM) (new)

Danielle  Gypsy Soul (afdaniellet) | 1042 comments Read: 16/16

Amy: The Storm That Is Sterling 11/25 ★★★★
Cher: Marrying Winterborne 10/5 ★★★★
Connie N: Hard As Ice 10/11 ★★★★
Diane ~Firefly~: Playing With Poison 10/10 ★★★★
Gea: Grizzly Love 11/6 ★★★
Jojo: Garrison's Creed 11/23 ★★★
KarenH: Hard to Let Go 10/27 ★★★★★
Karla: The Dirt on Ninth Grave 10/6 ★★★★
Katie: Walk Through Fire 10/10 ★★★
Nadine: The Vampire's Bride 10/30 ★★★
Runnell: Jaxson 10/9 ★★★
Samantha: Heart of Iron 10/29 ★★★★★
Skandia: Lead 11/7 ★★★★★
ThatEzi: Love & Loyalty 10/7 ★★★
Tink Magoo: After Hours 11/21 ★★★★
Ty: The Duke and I 10/12 ★★★★

message 29: by Moe (last edited Sep 28, 2016 04:16AM) (new)

Moe | 11 comments Group 1

0/16 read

❀~Amy~❀ - City of Bones
Becky (fibrobabe) -The Selection
Carmen ~bootyshaker - Ruthless
fleurette - Paper Princess
Grace - Defying the Odds
Jody - Borden
Kait - Tangled
KathyD - Own the Wind
Martha - Freefall
Melissa - Made You Up
Rachel- Goodbye Borders - Cinder
Raine - Incandescent
Shelby - Hawke
Sunshine - Collateral
Xiamera - Calico
Zara - The Empty Jar

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1) by Cassandra Clare The Selection (The Selection, #1) by Kiera Cass Ruthless (Lawless, #1) by Lexi Blake Paper Princess (The Royals, #1) by Erin Watt Defying the Odds (Battered Hearts #1) by Kele Moon Borden (Borden, #1) by R.J. Lewis Tangled (Tangled, #1) by Emma Chase Own the Wind (Chaos, #1) by Kristen Ashley Freefall (Custom Culture, #1) by Tess Oliver Made You Up by Francesca Zappia Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1) by Marissa Meyer Incandescent (Knights Rebels MC, #1) by River Savage Hawke by R.J. Lewis Collateral (Blood & Roses, #6) by Callie Hart Calico by Callie Hart The Empty Jar by M. Leighton

Bonus Picks

0/24 read

*❀~Amy~❀ - Secret Indiscretions
*Amy (greenfairy) -Rogue
*Breann - Slow Burn
*Connie N - Delicate Ink
*Donna -Nocte
*Emerson - It Ends with Us
*Gabriella - Lock & Key
*Gea - The Wall of Winnipeg and Me
*Grace - DAMON: A Bad Boy MC Romance Novel
*Jane - Wild Man
*Jody - At Last
*Kait - Reap
*KarenH - The Hooker and the Hermit
*Karla - Perilous Love
*KathyD - The Deal
*Katie - Fallen Crest Public
*~Melissa~ - Ricochet
*Raine - Golden Trail
*Shelby -A Court of Thorns and Roses
*Stephanie - Heart Recaptured
*Sunshine - The Lie
*ThatEzi - Surviving Raine
*Tink Magoo - Seize Me
*Zara - November 9

Secret Indiscretions by Trice Hickman Rogue (Real, #4) by Katy Evans Slow Burn (Lost Kings MC #1) by Autumn Jones Lake Delicate Ink (Montgomery Ink, #1) by Carrie Ann Ryan Nocte (The Nocte Trilogy, #1) by Courtney Cole It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover Lock & Key (Lock & Key, #1) by Cat Porter The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata DAMON A Bad Boy MC Romance Novel by Meg Jackson Wild Man (Dream Man, #2) by Kristen Ashley At Last by Bianca L. Eugene Reap (Scarred Souls, #2) by Tillie Cole The Hooker and the Hermit (Rugby, #1) by L.H. Cosway Perilous Love (Sinful Souls MC #1) by Amo Jones The Deal (Off-Campus, #1) by Elle Kennedy Fallen Crest Public (Fallen Crest High, #3) by Tijan Ricochet (Vigilantes, #1) by Keri Lake Golden Trail (The 'Burg, #3) by Kristen Ashley A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1) by Sarah J. Maas Heart Recaptured (Hades Hangmen, #2) by Tillie Cole The Lie by Karina Halle Surviving Raine (Surviving Raine, #1) by Shay Savage Seize Me (Breakneck, #1) by Crystal Spears November 9 by Colleen Hoover

message 30: by Kaity (last edited Feb 13, 2017 10:09AM) (new)

Kaity | 492 comments Group 1 - 10/16

❀~Amy~❀ - m n g pick here
Becky (fibrobabe) - Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop (11/8 - 5 Stars)
Carmen ~bootyshaker - meet greet picks
fleurette - The Chase by Janet Evanovich & Lee Goldberg (2/5 - 4 Stars)
Grace - Rock Chick Renegade by Kristen Ashley (11/20 - 5 Stars)
Jody - meet n greet pick Rereads OK
KathyD - Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness (11/16 - 5 Stars)
Martha - pick4me
Melissa - Dark Challenge by Christine Feehan (1/27 - 3 Stars)
Moe - Until July by Aurora Rose Reynolds (10/10 - 5 Stars)
Rachel- Goodbye Borders - B785 by Eve Langlais (10/16 - 4 Stars)
Raine - Star Crossed by Kele Moon (2/13 - 4 Stars)
Shelby - The Mane Event by Shelly Laurenston (2/3 - 4 Stars)
Sunshine - Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon (11/27 - 4 Stars)
Xiamera - m g picks
Zara - rrrc mngc octnov 2016

Marked in Flesh (The Others, #4) by Anne Bishop The Chase (Fox and O'Hare, #2) by Janet Evanovich Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick, #4) by Kristen Ashley Shadow of Night (All Souls Trilogy, #2) by Deborah Harkness Dark Challenge (Dark, #5) by Christine Feehan Until July (Until Her, #1) by Aurora Rose Reynolds B785 (Cyborgs More Than Machines, #3) by Eve Langlais Star Crossed (Battered Hearts, #2) by Kele Moon The Mane Event (Pride, #1) by Shelly Laurenston Night Pleasures (Dark-Hunter #1) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Bonus Group - 7/24

❀~Amy~❀ - Hostage to Pleasure by Nalini Singh (10/8 - 5 Stars)
Amy (greenfairy) - pifm
Breann - On the Edge by Ilona Andrews (10/29 - 5 Stars)
Connie N - Hope Ignites by Jaci Burton (11/29 - 5 Stars)
Donna (dkflynn) - meet n greet pick
Emerson - Loyalty in Death by J.D. Robb (12/14 - 5 Stars)
Gabriella - mng
Gea - 2016 meet greet
Grace - meet and greet
Jane - picking shelf Rereads OK
Jody - Wolf's Capture by Eve Langlais (11/25 - 4 Stars)
KarenH - The Duke's Perfect Wife by Jennifer Ashley (10/12 - 4 Stars)
Karla - october november meet n greet
KathyD - No Rest for the Wicked by Kresley Cole (11/11 - 4 Stars)
Katie - meet and greet 18 to read
~Melissa~ - meet n greet
Moe - reading challenge 2016
Raine - 2016 pifm
Shelby - meet and greet to read Rereads OK
Stephanie - meet n greet 2016
Sunshine - upcoming reads
ThatEzi - review books / meet greet
Tink Magoo - meet and greet picks
Zara - rrrc mngc octnov 2016

Hostage to Pleasure (Psy-Changeling, #5) by Nalini Singh On the Edge (The Edge, #1) by Ilona Andrews Hope Ignites (Hope, #2) by Jaci Burton Loyalty in Death (In Death, #9) by J.D. Robb Wolf's Capture (Kodiak Point, #4) by Eve Langlais The Duke's Perfect Wife (MacKenzies & McBrides, #4) by Jennifer Ashley No Rest for the Wicked (Immortals After Dark #3) by Kresley Cole

message 31: by Raine (last edited Nov 15, 2016 04:55AM) (new)

Raine (raine_renner) | 363 comments Meet & Greet Challenge Round 18
October 1 - November 30, 2016

GROUP 1: 3/16
BONUS: 2/24
TOTAL: 5/40

❀~Amy~❀ - Nothing Left to Lose
Becky - Crash and Burn
Carmen - Smut ★★★ 11/9/16
fleurette - Available to Chat
Grace - Into His Command ★★★★ 10/22/16
Jody - Rebellious ★★★★★ 11/15/16
Kait - Rule
KathyD - Alex
Martha - Dex
Melissa - Ginger's Heart
Moe - Archer's Voice
Rachel - Hot as Hell
Shelby - The Master
Sunshine - Obsidian
Xiamera - Delicate Freakn' Flower or That Thing Between Eli and Gwen
Zara - Until Harry

Nothing Left to Lose by Kirsty Moseley Crash and Burn (Love You Like A Love Song, #1) by Michele Callahan Available to Chat by Jacy Sutton Rule (Marked Men, #1) by Jay Crownover Alex (Cold Fury Hockey, #1) by Sawyer Bennett Dex (Kinky Shine Book 1) by Stephanie Witter Ginger's Heart (A Modern Fairytale, #3) by Katy Regnery Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan Hot as Hell (Deep Six 0.5) by Julie Ann Walker The Master (The Game Maker #2) by Kresley Cole Obsidian (Lux, #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout Delicate Freakn' Flower (Freakn' Shifters #1) by Eve Langlais or That Thing Between Eli and Gwen by J.J. McAvoy Until Harry by L.A. Casey

Into His Command (The Cimarron Series Book 2) by Angel Payne Smut by Karina Halle Rebellious (True Brothers MC, #2) by Gillian Archer

*❀~Amy~❀ - Stroked Long
*Amy - Seven Years
*Breann - Beautiful Disaster
*Connie N - Blurred Lines
*Donna - Her Halloween Treat ★★ 10/22/16
*Emerson - Wild Card
*Gabriella - Confessions of an Alli Cat
*Gea - The Baller: A Down and Dirty Football Novel
*Grace - Tapping the Billionaire
*Jane - Di Sione's Virgin Mistress
*Jody - Bastard
*Kait - Dirty
*KarenH - Fighting Silence
*Karla - The Sapphire Affair
*KathyD - The Dom Who Loved Me
*Katie - The Hardest Hit
*~Melissa~ - Going the Distance
*Moe - Maybe Someday
*Shelby - Man of My Dreams
*Stephanie - Blaze
*Sunshine - Hopeless
*ThatEzi - The Air He Breathes
*Tink Magoo - Bossman
*Zara - Test Drive ★★★★★ 10/25/16

Stroked Long (Stroked, #2) by Meghan Quinn Seven Years (Seven, #1) by Dannika Dark Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1) by Jamie McGuire Blurred Lines (Love Unexpectedly #1) by Lauren Layne Wild Card (Boys of Fall) by Mari Carr Confessions of an Alli Cat (The Cougar Chronicles, #1) by Courtney Cole The Baller A Down and Dirty Football Novel by Vi Keeland Tapping the Billionaire (Bad Boy Billionaires, #1) by Max Monroe Di Sione's Virgin Mistress (The Billionaire's Legacy #5) by Sharon Kendrick Bastard by J.L. Perry Dirty (Dive Bar, #1) by Kylie Scott Fighting Silence (On the Ropes, #1) by Aly Martinez The Sapphire Affair (Jewel, #1) by Lauren Blakely The Dom Who Loved Me (Masters and Mercenaries, #1) by Lexi Blake The Hardest Hit by Jennifer Fusco Going the Distance (No Excuses #1) by Mila Rossi Maybe Someday (Maybe, #1) by Colleen Hoover Man of My Dreams (Sherring Cross, #1) by Johanna Lindsey Blaze (The Dark in You, #2) by Suzanne Wright Hopeless (Hopeless, #1) by Colleen Hoover The Air He Breathes (Elements, #1) by Brittainy C. Cherry Bossman by Vi Keeland

Her Halloween Treat (Men at Work, #1) by Tiffany Reisz Test Drive (Body Shop Bad Boys, #1) by Marie Harte

message 32: by Martha (last edited Sep 25, 2016 05:05PM) (new)

Martha | 192 comments 0/16

❀~Amy~❀ - Billionaire Alpha 1 by Ali Parker
Becky (fibrobabe) - Highland Burn by Victoria Zak
Carmen ~bootyshaker - Abducting Abby by S.E. Smith
fleurette - Prince of Wolves by Quinn Loftis
Grace - Yes, Please by Willow Summers
Jody - Demon Possession by Kiersten Fay
Kait - Tangled Threads by Jennifer Estep
KathyD - Wicked Fall by Sawyer Bennett
Melissa - Tattered Loyalties by Carrie Ann Ryan
Moe - Rise of the Olympians by Belle Ward
Rachel- A Real Cowboy Never Says No by Stephanie Rowe
Raine - Justice for Mackenzie by Susan Stoker
Shelby - Dark Gold by Christine Feehan
Sunshine - Ravage Me by Ryan Michele
Xiamera - Because You're Mine by K. Langston
Zara - Casey's Warriors by Ann Mayburn

message 33: by Ezi (last edited Nov 18, 2016 09:01AM) (new)

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 2657 comments Meet & Greet Challenge Round 18
October - November 2016
Read 9 of 23

☑ ❀ Amy (greenfairy): Flirting with Fire BP: The Game Changer
❀ Cher: P.S. I Like You
❀ Connie N: Watch Me BP: Reaper
☑ ❀ Danielle: Playing with Fire
❀ Diane ~Firefly~: Unwanted
❀ Gea: Rookie Move BP Because of Miss Bridgerton
❀ Jojo: The Two Gentlemen of Altona
❀ ~KarenH~: Calm Before The Storm ☑BP: The Duke Is Mine
☑ ❀ Karla: The Shameless Hour BP The Soldier's Scoundrel or The Marriage Contract
❀ Katie: Fighting Destiny ☑ BP: Notorious Pleasures
☑ ❀ Nadine: Love Restored
❀ Runnell: Stone-Cold Fox
☑ ❀ Samantha: A Man Called Ove
☑ ❀ Skandia: The Fifteenth Minute
❀ Tink Magoo: Undeclared ☑ BP: Bittersweet
❀ Ty: Hard Time
Flirting with Fire (Hot in Chicago, #1) by Kate Meader The Game Changer (Mafia Made, #2) by Scott Hildreth P.S. I Like You by Kasie West Watch Me (Dark Obsession, #1) by Cynthia Eden Reaper (Boston Underworld, #2) by A. Zavarelli Playing with Fire (Hot in Chicago, #2) by Kate Meader Unwanted (Elemental Assassin, #14.5) by Jennifer Estep Rookie Move (Brooklyn Bruisers, #1) by Sarina Bowen Because of Miss Bridgerton (Rokesbys, #1) by Julia Quinn Calm Before The Storm (Rising Storm #5) by Larissa Ione The Two Gentlemen of Altona (Playing the Fool, #1) by Lisa Henry The Duke Is Mine (Fairy Tales, #3) by Eloisa James The Shameless Hour (The Ivy Years, #4) by Sarina Bowen The Soldier's Scoundrel by Cat Sebastian The Marriage Contract (The O'Malleys, #1) by Katee Robert Fighting Destiny (The Fae Chronicles, #1) by Amelia Hutchins Notorious Pleasures (Maiden Lane, #2) by Elizabeth Hoyt Love Restored (Gallagher Brothers, #1) by Carrie Ann Ryan Stone-Cold Fox (Mai Hayashi #1) by Hailey Edwards A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman The Fifteenth Minute (The Ivy Years, #5) by Sarina Bowen Undeclared (Woodlands, #1) by Jen Frederick Bittersweet (True North, #1) by Sarina Bowen Hard Time by Cara McKenna

Read 4 of 12

☑*❀~Amy~❀ : Breakaway
*Breann: A Way Home
*Donna (dkflynn): Absolution
*Emerson: Surrender to You
*Gabriella: To Love A Highlander
*Grace: The Devil's Bedpost
*Jane: Strong Signal
*Jody: Take The Storm
*Kait: Searching for Someday
*☘KathyD☘: The Education of Mrs. Brimley
☑ *~Melissa~: Deadly Silence
☑ *Moe: Breaking Him
*Raine: Zip, Zero, Zilch
*Shelby: Tough Love
*Stephanie: Gideon
*Sunshine: Snowflakes & Fire Escapes
☑*Zara - Rented Heart
Breakaway (Scoring Chances, #1) by Avon Gale Absolution (The Protectors # 1) by Sloane Kennedy A Way Home (Gay Amish Romance #3) by Keira Andrews Surrender to You (At Your Service #2) by Shawntelle Madison To Love A Highlander (Scandalous Scots, #1) by Sue-Ellen Welfonder The Devil's Bedpost by Lena Hart Strong Signal (Cyberlove, #1) by Megan Erickson Take The Storm (Rising Storm #6) by Rebecca Zanetti Searching for Someday (Searching For, #1) by Jennifer Probst The Education of Mrs. Brimley (Chambers Trilogy, #1) by Donna MacMeans Deadly Silence (Blood Brothers #1) by Rebecca Zanetti Breaking Him (Love is War, #1) by R.K. Lilley Zip, Zero, Zilch (The Reed Brothers, #6) by Tammy Falkner Tough Love (Special Delivery, #3) by Heidi Cullinan Gideon (Order of the Black Knights, #1) by Ashe Barker Snowflakes & Fire Escapes by J.M. Darhower Rented Heart by Garrett Leigh

message 34: by Cher (last edited Dec 07, 2016 02:19AM) (new)

Cher | 57 comments Group 3
15/16 Completed

✔Amy (greenfairy) -Turbulent Intentions 19/10
✔Connie N - The Next Always 05/11
✔Danielle - Taking the Score 18/10
✔Diane ~Firefly~ - Christmas from Hell 09/11
✔Gea - Only You 26/10
✔Jojo - First Star I See Tonight 13/11
✔KarenH - Sweet Little Lies 16/10
✔Karla - Airhead 3/10
✔Katie - The Hating Game 11/11
Nadine - Don't Hate the Player...Hate the Game DNF @30%
✔Runell - Before I Fall 22/10
✔Samantha - Royally Screwed 26/10
✔Skandia - Moonlight on Nightingale Way 16/11
✔ThatEzi - Hearts of Blue 25/11
✔Tink Magoo - Good Girl 5/10
✔Ty - Rules of Negotiation 14/11

message 35: by ❀~Amy~❀ (last edited Dec 01, 2016 05:52AM) (new)

❀~Amy~❀ (ajpayne75) | 546 comments Meet N Greet ~ Oct./Nov

Group 1
4/16 read

Becky (fibrobabe) - Strong Signal
Carmen ~bootyshaker - Closet Confession
fleurette - Hexmaker
Grace - Save of the Game
Jody - Torn ~ 10/6/16 ~ ★★★1/2
Kait - Valor on the Move
KathyD - Duck Duck Ghost ~ 11/19/16 ~ ★★★★
Martha - Toy with Me
Melissa - Blind Space ~ 10/2/16~ ★★★1/2
Moe - Scandalous
Rachel- Goodbye Borders - Prince of the Playhouse
Raine - Try
Shelby - Unacceptable Risk
Sunshine - Tied Together
Xiamera - What Remains ~ 10/4/16 ~ ★★★★★
Zara - Daniel & Erik’s Super Fab Ultimate Wedding Checklist

Bonus Group
6/23 read

*Amy (greenfairy) - Their Master Sam
*Breann - It Was Always You ~ 10/26/16 ~ ★★★
*Connie N - Well Hung ~ 11/16/16 ~ ★★★★
*Donna (dkflynn) - Vampire Wishes
*Emerson - Scorched
*Gabriella - The Weight Of It All
*Gea - Just Gotta Say
*Grace - Diamonds
*Jane - Love for the Cold-Blooded, or The Part-Time Evil Minion's Guide to Accidentally Dating a Superhero
*Jody - Maps ~ 10/5/16 ~ ★★
*Kait - Fish and Ghosts ~ 10/12/16 ~ ★★★1/2
*KarenH - Tigers and Devils
*Karla - Beyond the Sea
*KathyD - Weight of the World
*Katie - Mad Lizard Mambo ~ 11/24/16 ~ ★★★★★
*~Melissa~ - A Guy's Thanksgiving
*Moe - Life as a Fairy Thrall
*Raine - The Nothingness of Ben
*Shelby - Power Play
*Stephanie - Tame a Wild Human
*Sunshine - Almost But Not Quite ~ 10/19/16 ~ ★★★★
*ThatEzi -
*Tink Magoo - Ms. Claus's List
*Zara - Rented Heart

message 36: by Emerson (last edited Sep 26, 2016 10:01PM) (new)

Emerson Hawthorne | 157 comments Meet & Greet Challenge Round 18
1 October - 30 November 2016
# Read: /16

Group 2
Aminko - Force of Nature
Breann - Last Breath
Debbie (Doc) - The Witness
Desiree - Aced
Donna - Changing the Game
Donna (dkflynn) - Hot Target
Gabriella - Witness in Death
Jane - The Perfect Play
Katherine - Cold-Hearted Rake
LaurLa - Kissin' Tell
~Melissa~ - Judgment in Death
MKat - Darkest Before Dawn
Rachel (newbie :) - When Day Breaks
Rachel C -Loyalty in Death
Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - Zack
Stephanie - Ryker

Force of Nature (Troubleshooters, #11) by Suzanne Brockmann Last Breath (Hitman, #2) by Jessica Clare The Witness by Nora Roberts Aced (Driven, #4) by K. Bromberg Changing the Game (Play by Play, #2) by Jaci Burton Hot Target (Troubleshooters, #8) by Suzanne Brockmann Witness in Death (In Death, #10) by J.D. Robb The Perfect Play (Play by Play, #1) by Jaci Burton Cold-Hearted Rake (The Ravenels, #1) by Lisa Kleypas Kissin' Tell (Rough Riders, #13) by Lorelei James Judgment in Death (In Death, #11) by J.D. Robb Darkest Before Dawn (KGI, #10) by Maya Banks When Day Breaks (KGI, #9) by Maya Banks Loyalty in Death (In Death, #9) by J.D. Robb Zack (Cold Fury Hockey, #3) by Sawyer Bennett Ryker (Cold Fury Hockey, #4) by Sawyer Bennett

Bonus Picks
# Read: /23
*❀~Amy~❀ - Driven
*Amy (greenfairy) - Last Hope
*Breann - Redneck Romeo
*Connie N - Taking a Shot
*Donna (dkflynn)- Crashed
*Gabriella - Claimed
*Grace - Melting the Ice
*Jane - Thrown by a Curve
*Jody - Fighting Fate
*Kait - Wicked Lies
*KarenH - A Beta's Haven
*Karla - Slow Burn
*KathyD - Last Kiss
*Katie - Into the Storm
*~Melissa~ - Gone Country
*Moe - Hawke
*Raine - Long Time Gone
*Shelby - Cowboy Take Me Away
*Stephanie - One Sweet Ride
*Sunshine - All Through the Night
*ThatEzi - Loving the Omega
*Tink Magoo - Fueled
*Zara -Playing to Win

Driven (Driven, #1) by K. Bromberg Last Hope (Hitman, #4) by Jessica Clare Redneck Romeo (Rough Riders, #15) by Lorelei James Taking a Shot (Play by Play, #3) by Jaci Burton Crashed (Driven, #3) by K. Bromberg Claimed (Outlaws, #1) by Elle Kennedy Melting the Ice (Play by Play, #7) by Jaci Burton Thrown by a Curve (Play by Play, #5) by Jaci Burton Fighting Fate (Redwood Pack, #7) by Carrie Ann Ryan Wicked Lies (Men of Summer, #2) by Lora Leigh A Beta's Haven (Redwood Pack, #6.5) by Carrie Ann Ryan Slow Burn (Driven, #5) by K. Bromberg Last Kiss (Hitman, #3) by Jessica Clare Into the Storm (Troubleshooters, #10) by Suzanne Brockmann Gone Country (Rough Riders, #14) by Lorelei James Hawke (Cold Fury Hockey, #5) by Sawyer Bennett Long Time Gone (Rough Riders, #16.5) by Lorelei James Cowboy Take Me Away (Rough Riders, #16) by Lorelei James One Sweet Ride (Play by Play, #6) by Jaci Burton All Through the Night (Troubleshooters, #12) by Suzanne Brockmann Loving the Omega (Redwood Pack, #7.5) by Carrie Ann Ryan Fueled (Driven, #2) by K. Bromberg Playing to Win (Play by Play, #4) by Jaci Burton

message 37: by ☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ (last edited Nov 06, 2016 04:12PM) (new)

☼♎ Carmen the Bootyshaker Temptress ☼♎ | 2438 comments Meet & Greet Challenge Round 18
1 October - 30 November 2016
Group 1

Books Read: 3

❀~Amy~❀ -

Red Dirt Heart by N.R. Walker
Flat-Out Sexy by Erin McCarthy
Easy by Tammara Webber

Becky (fibrobabe) -
A Night to Surrender
Beyond Shame
Crazy For You

fleurette -
Shadow Woman by Linda Howard
4 stars
Review: This was an intense story but I really enjoyed how strong Lizzie was throughout the book. I really good mystery.

Undead and Unwed by MaryJanice Davidson
Second Sight by Amanda Quick

Grace -
El Diablo
The Truth About Forever
Pressing Adalyn

Jody -
Deacon by Kristen Ashley
Eight Nights at Sea by Britt DeLaney
Exposed by Jasinda Wilder

Kait -
Crazy For You by Jennifer Crusie
A Night to Surrender by Tessa Dare
Sins & Needles by Karina Halle

KathyD -
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
Silver Bastard by Joanna Wylde
Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker

Martha -
DOUBLE PRINCES: A Twin Step Royal Romance
A Negotiated Marriage

Melissa -
The Boy Next Door
Undead and Unwed
Glass Houses
4 stars
Review: I really enjoyed this book. There was some fun characters in here, a ghost, vampires and house that won't let go, which I found quite interesting. I can't wait to read the next one to see what's going to happen next since now there is more people that the house has included into its' fold.

Moe -
El Diablo by M. Robinson
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
Sins & Needles by Karina Halle

A Night to Surrender
Something About You

Raine -
Surrender by Melody Anne
The Anatomy of Jane by Amelia LeFay
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young

Shelby -
A Night to Surrender
On Dublin Street
Second Sight

Sunshine -
Red Dirt Heart
Silver Bastard
On Dublin Street

Xiamera -
Undead and Unwed by MaryJanice Davidson
4 stars
Review: I found this book to be the most funnies book of vampires. Betty was not your ordinary vampire and her name was just too funny as well. I think I laugh the most when she went in such of her shoes and they were taken from her step-mom but also when she was trying to kill herself. She wasn't a regular vamp. Also the fact that she was wondering on how she was going to pay for her home so she needed to get a job but how she was going to keep it. I thought she was just to funny.

Second Sight by Amanda Quick

Glass Houses by Rachel Caine
4 stars

Virtue & Vanity by Astrid Jane Ray
Eight Nights at Sea by Britt DeLaney
A Night to Surrender by Tessa Dare

message 38: by Shelby (last edited Dec 06, 2016 03:01PM) (new)

Shelby (stang_lee) | 1926 comments RRRC Meet & Greet Round 18 - Group Random
October 1, 2016 - November 30, 2016 - Msg / Discussion

Read: 5/16

Group 1

☑ ❀~Amy~❀ - Promises (10/9) ★★★𗰵
☐ Becky (fibrobabe) - Hexmaker (10/25) ★★★★★
☑ Carmen ~bootyshaker - Merry Gentlemen (11/6) ★★★★
☐ Fleurette - Soulless
☐ Grace - Frost Burned
☐ Jody - The Final Empire
☐ Kait - A Quick Bite
☐ KathyD - Lick
☐ Martha - Master of the Moon
☐ Melissa - The Bride and the Beast
☐ Moe - Snow Like Ashes
☐ Rachel- Goodbye Borders - The Bone Doll's Twin
☐ Raine - Abducting Abby
☐ Sunshine - Tall, Tatted and Tempting
☑ Xiamera - The V Unit (11/29) ★½
☑ Zara - Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda (10/17) ★★★★★

Promises (Coda Books, #1) by Marie Sexton Hexmaker (Hexworld, #2) by Jordan L. Hawk Merry Gentlemen by Josephine Myles Soulless (Parasol Protectorate, #1) by Gail Carriger Frost Burned (Mercy Thompson, #7) by Patricia Briggs The Final Empire (Mistborn, #1) by Brandon Sanderson A Quick Bite (Argeneau #1) by Lynsay Sands Lick (Stage Dive, #1) by Kylie Scott Master of the Moon (Mageverse #2) by Angela Knight The Bride and the Beast (Once Upon a Time, #2) by Teresa Medeiros Snow Like Ashes (Snow Like Ashes, #1) by Sara Raasch The Bone Doll's Twin (The Tamír Triad, #1) by Lynn Flewelling Abducting Abby (Dragon Lords of Valdier, #1) by S.E. Smith Tall, Tatted and Tempting (The Reed Brothers, #1) by Tammy Falkner The V Unit by Max Vos Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

Round 18 Bonus Picks 6/24

☑ ❀~Amy~❀ - Stealing Snow (10/12) ★★★
☐ Amy (greenfairy) - Magic Bleeds
☑ Breann - Connection Error (10/28) ★★★★★
☐ Connie N - The Latecomers Fan Club
☐ Donna (dkflynn) - Magic Slays
☐ Emerson - Trust
☐ Gabriella - Eternal Hunger
☐ Gea - Love Me to Death
☑ Grace - Jinxed (10/16) ★★★★
☐ Jane (PS) - THIRDS Beyond the Books: Volume 1
☐ Jody - Rising Frenzy
☑ Kait - Clockwork Heart (11/17) ★★★★★
☐ KarenH - No Place to Run
☐ Karla - River Marked
☐ KathyD - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
☑ Katie - The Rake (10/30) ★★★★½
☑ ~Melissa~ - Slide (11/8) ★★★★
☐ Moe - Empire of Storms
☐ Raine - Everlasting
☐ Stephanie - Truthwitch
☐ Sunshine - Me Before You
☐ ThatEzi - The Wrath & the Dawn
☐ Tink Magoo - Portrait of Rage
☐ Zara - Illuminae

Stealing Snow (Stealing Snow, #1) by Danielle Paige Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4) by Ilona Andrews Connection Error (#gaymers, #3) by Annabeth Albert The Latecomers Fan Club by Diane Vanaskie Mulligan Magic Slays (Kate Daniels, #5) by Ilona Andrews Trust (Temptation, #3) by Ella Frank Eternal Hunger (Mark of the Vampire, #1) by Laura Wright Love Me to Death (Lucy Kincaid, #1) by Allison Brennan Jinxed (The Rock Series #2) by Sandrine Gasq-Dion THIRDS Beyond the Books Volume 1 (THIRDS) by Charlie Cochet Rising Frenzy (Men of Myth, #2) by Brandon Witt Clockwork Heart (Clockwork Love, #1) by Heidi Cullinan No Place to Run (KGI, #2) by Maya Banks River Marked (Mercy Thompson, #6) by Patricia Briggs The Perks Of Being A Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky The Rake (Lessons in Love, #1) by Suzanne Enoch Slide (Roads, #1) by Garrett Leigh Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, #5) by Sarah J. Maas Everlasting by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss Truthwitch (The Witchlands, #1) by Susan Dennard Me Before You (Me Before You, #1) by Jojo Moyes The Wrath & the Dawn (The Wrath & the Dawn, #1) by Renee Ahdieh Portrait of Rage (The Marcel Experience, #1) by Cynthia H. Wise Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1) by Amie Kaufman

message 39: by Samantha (last edited Nov 21, 2016 11:41PM) (new)

Samantha | 16 comments Group 3
None read previously
As of Oct. 25 3/28

Amy (greenfairy) - Opening Up, Corporate A$$, Beautiful Disaster
Cher - Down to You, Hopeless, and Beautiful Disaster
Connie N - Opening Up, Amber to Ashes, and If you Stay
Danielle -Romancing the Duke, Poison Study and Attachments
Diane ~Firefly~ - Romancing the Duke, Poison Study or Once Upon A dream
Gea - Dearest Clementine, The Promise of Stardust, or Ruin and Rule
Jojo - Do you want to start a scandal , ten tiny breaths and Opening Up
Karen- Attachments, Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor and Do you want to start a scandal
Karla - I've got your number, Romancing the Duke, and Bella and the Beast
Katie - Romancing the Duke, If you Stay and Throne of Glass
Nadine - Love Chloe, Down to You, or Beautiful Disaster
Runell - Attachments, Throne of Glass, and The Winner's Curse
Skandia -The Winner's Curse, Attachments and I've got your number
ThatEzi - Dumplin or Too Late or Ten Tiny Breaths
Tink Magoo - Attachments, Beautiful Disaster and Poison Study
Ty -Do you Want to start a Scandal , Attachments, Ten Tiny Breaths

It's looking like Attachments will probably be read as well as poison study
Ten Tiny Breaths- finished on Oct. 5 ***** Stars
Poison Study-****stars finished Nov. 4
Do You Want to Start a Scandal-Finished Oct. 13 *****stars
Corporate A$$$-Finished Oct. 25 **** stars
Too Late-***** stars Finished Nov. 3
Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor-5 more pages until complete.

message 40: by Jojo (last edited Oct 19, 2016 07:18AM) (new)

Jojo | 1010 comments The Meet & Greet Challenge
Duration: 1 October - 30 November

Completed: 5/16

Group 3

Amy (greenfairy) - The Long Way Home
Cher - Irresistible
Connie N - Nora Roberts Land
Danielle - Pride Mates
Diane ~Firefly~ - Sex, Lies & Sweet Tea
Gea - Running Wild
KarenH - Bound to Darkness
✓ Karla - Dangerous Affairs - 18/10/16 ★ ★ ★ ★
✓ Katie - All Kinds of Tied Down - 01/10/16 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Nadine - Status Update
✓ Runell - Will & Patrick Wake Up Married - 09/10/16 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Samantha - Shattered Secrets
✓ Skandia - Strength of the Pack - 02/10/16 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
ThatEzi - The Rebuilding Year
Tink Magoo - The Broken
✓ Ty - Storm's Heart - 15/10/16 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The Long Way Home by Z.A. Maxfield Irresistible (Buchanans, #2) by Susan Mallery Nora Roberts Land (Dare Valley, #1) by Ava Miles Pride Mates (Shifters Unbound, #1) by Jennifer Ashley Sex, Lies & Sweet Tea (Moonlight and Magnolias, #1) by Kris Calvert Running Wild (The Men from Battle Ridge, #1) by Linda Howard Bound to Darkness (Midnight Breed #13) by Lara Adrian Dangerous Affairs by Diana Miller All Kinds of Tied Down (Marshals, #1) by Mary Calmes Status Update (#gaymers, #1) by Annabeth Albert Will & Patrick Wake Up Married (Wake Up Married, #1) by Leta Blake Shattered Secrets (Cold Creek, #1) by Karen Harper Strength of the Pack (The Tameness of the Wolf #1) by Kendall McKenna The Rebuilding Year (The Rebuilding Year, #1) by Kaje Harper The Broken (The Apostles, #1) by Shelley Coriell Storm's Heart (Elder Races, #2) by Thea Harrison

message 41: by LaurLa (last edited Nov 30, 2016 07:49AM) (new)

LaurLa | 4819 comments Meet & Greet Challenge: Round 18
October - November 2016

Group 1: 12 of 16

Kiss of Steel (London Steampunk, #1) by Bec McMaster Softly at Sunrise (KGI, #5.5) by Maya Banks The Girl in the Yellow Vest by Loretta Hill The Surgeon (Jane Rizzoli & Maura Isles, #1) by Tess Gerritsen Once Smitten, Twice Shy (Wedding Veil Wishes, #2) by Lori Wilde How the Marquess Was Won (Pennyroyal Green, #6) by Julie Anne Long Fatal Identity (Fatal, #10) by Marie Force Beyond Shame (Beyond, #1) by Kit Rocha
Must Love Mistletoe (Holiday Duet Book 1) by Christie Ridgway Resisting the Bad Boy - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 1 (Can't Resist, #1) by Violet Duke Hard as You Can (Hard Ink, #2) by Laura Kaye Shades of Gray (KGI, #6) by Maya Banks With Every Breath (Slow Burn, #4) by Maya Banks Winters Heat (Titan, #1) by Cristin Harber Lost (Cinderella's Secret Diary, #1) by Ron Vitale Shattered Souls (Caitlyn O’Connell, #1) by Delilah Devlin

✔Aminko: Kiss of Steel - Bec McMaster - 10.20 ★★★★
✔Breann: Softly at Sunrise - Maya Banks - 11.02 ★★★
✔Debbie (Doc): The Girl in the Yellow Vest - Loretta Hill - 10.13 ★★★
✔Desiree: The Surgeon - Tess Gerritsen - 10.04 ★★★
✔Donna: Once Smitten, Twice Shy - Lori Wilde - 10.11 ★★★
✔Donna (dkflynn): How the Marquess Was Won - Julie Anne Long - 11.01 ★★★★★
✧Emerson: Fatal Identity - Marie Force
✔Gabriella: Beyond Shame - Kit Rocha - 10.19 ★★★★
✔Jane: Must Love Mistletoe - Christie Ridgway - 10.12 ★★★
✧Katherine: Resisting the Bad Boy - Nice Girl to Love, Vol 1 - Violet Duke
✔~Melissa~: Hard as You Can - Laura Kaye - 10.06 ★★★★
✔MKat: Shades of Gray - Maya Banks - 11.05 ★★★★★
✧Rachel (newbie :): With Every Breath - Maya Banks
✧Rachel C: Winters Heat - Cristin Harber
✔Sallie (GeorgiaGirl): Lost - Ron Vitale - 11.09 ★★★
✔Stephanie: Shattered Souls - Delilah Devlin - 11.15 ★★★★

message 42: by Gea (last edited Nov 26, 2016 11:50PM) (new)

Gea (gea89) | 545 comments The Meet & Greet Challenge Round 17 (Aug/Sep)
1 October - 30 November 2016
Completed: 16/40

Group 3 (7/16):
Amy (greenfairy) - Last Mile by Katie Ashley
Cher - The Wedding Pact by Katee Robert
Connie N - Hotter After Midnight by Cynthia Eden
✔Danielle - Alien Mate by Eve Langlais (6/11) ***
Diane ~Firefly~ - Wicked by Jill Barnett
Jojo - Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
KarenH - Key of Light by Nora Roberts
✔Karla - A Scot in the Dark by Sarah MacLean (20/11) ***
✔Katie - Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn (7/10) ****
✔Nadine - When an Omega Snaps by Eve Langlais (11/10) ***
✔Samantha - Wolf's Mate by Chantal Fernando (2/10) ***
Skandia - Rookie Move by Sarina Bowen
✔ThatEzi - The Shameless Hour by Sarina Bowen (18/11) ****
Tink Magoo - His Darkest Hunger by Juliana Stone
✔Ty - Dimitri by Roxie Rivera (4/10) ****
Last Mile (Vicious Cycle, #3) by Katie Ashley The Wedding Pact (The O'Malleys, #2) by Katee Robert Hotter After Midnight (Midnight, #1) by Cynthia Eden Alien Mate by Eve Langlais Wicked (Medieval Trilogy, #3) by Jill Barnett Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. (Immortal Matchmakers, #1) by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Key of Light (Key Trilogy, #1) by Nora Roberts A Scot in the Dark (Scandal & Scoundrel #2) by Sarah MacLean Ten Things I Love About You (Bevelstoke, #3) by Julia Quinn When an Omega Snaps (A Lion's Pride, #3) by Eve Langlais Wolf's Mate (Wind Dragons MC, #5) by Chantal Fernando Rookie Move (Brooklyn Bruisers, #1) by Sarina Bowen The Shameless Hour (The Ivy Years, #4) by Sarina Bowen His Darkest Hunger (Jaguar Warriors, #1) by Juliana Stone Dimitri (Her Russian Protector, #2) by Roxie Rivera

Bonus (9/24):
*❀~Amy~❀ - Sucker Punched by Kelley R. Martin
*Amy (greenfairy) - Making the Cut by Scott Hildreth
✔*Breann - Rough and Raw by Hayley Faiman (3/10) ****
*Connie N - Under the Lights by Abbi Glines
*Donna (dkflynn) - Rock Wedding by Nalini Singh
✔*Emerson - Submission is Not Enough by Lexi Blake (26/10) ****
*Gabriella - Garters by Pamela Morsi
*Grace - Wide Open Spaces by Aurora Rose Reynolds
✔*Jane - Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas (27/11) ***
✔*Jody - Death: The Horsemen Series by Lila Rose (16/10) ***
*Kait - Seducing Lauren by Kristen Proby
*KarenH - Pleasure of a Dark Prince by Kresley Cole
*Karla - Nowhere But Here by Katie McGarry
*KathyD - The Professional by Kresley Cole
*Katie - Pairing Off by Elizabeth Harmon
*~Melissa~ - Infatuation by River Savage
✔*Moe - Wilder by Rebecca Yarros (5/11) ****
✔*Raine - Blaze by Suzanne Wright (10/11) ****
✔*Shelby - Archangel's Heart by Nalini Singh (1/11) *****
*Stephanie - The Recruit by Monica McCarty
*Sunshine - Fall From Grace by Christine Zolendz
*ThatEzi - The Goal by Elle Kennedy
✔*Tink Magoo - Red River by Cardeno C. (31/10) ***
✔*Zara - Anti-Stepbrother by Tijan (18/10) ****
Sucker Punched (Knockout Love #2) by Kelley R. Martin Making the Cut (Selected Sinners MC, #1) by Scott Hildreth Rough and Raw (Notorious Devils MC, #2) by Hayley Faiman Under the Lights (The Field Party, #2) by Abbi Glines Rock Wedding (Rock Kiss, #4) by Nalini Singh Submission is Not Enough (Masters and Mercenaries, #12) by Lexi Blake Garters (Small Town Swains) by Pamela Morsi Wide Open Spaces (Shooting Stars, #2) by Aurora Rose Reynolds Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas Death (The Horsemen, #1) by Lila Rose Seducing Lauren (Love Under the Big Sky, #2) by Kristen Proby Pleasure of a Dark Prince (Immortals After Dark #9) by Kresley Cole Nowhere But Here (Thunder Road, #1) by Katie McGarry The Professional (The Game Maker, #1) by Kresley Cole Pairing Off (Red Hot Russians, #1) by Elizabeth Harmon Infatuation (Knights Rebels MC, #4) by River Savage Wilder (The Renegades, #1) by Rebecca Yarros Blaze (Dark in You, #2) by Suzanne Wright Archangel's Heart (Guild Hunter, #9) by Nalini Singh The Recruit (Highland Guard, #6) by Monica McCarty Fall From Grace (Mad World, #1) by Christine Zolendz The Goal (Off-Campus, #4) by Elle Kennedy Red River (Pack, #2) by Cardeno C. Anti-Stepbrother by Tijan

message 43: by Stephanie (last edited Nov 11, 2016 02:27PM) (new)

Stephanie | 360 comments Group 2
Duration: Oct - Nov
Completed: 5/16

Aminko - The Battle for Skandia by John Flanagan

Breann - Let Me Be the One by Bella Andre 10/14/16

Debbie (Doc) - Curses and Smoke by Vicky Alvear Shecter

Desiree - A Day of Fire: A Novel of Pompeii (Anthology)

Donna - Black Wings by Christina Henry

Donna (dkflynn) - Bound by Flames by Jeaniene Frost

Emerson - Magic Binds by Ilona Andrews

Gabriella - The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley 10/23/16

Jane - Predatory Game by Christine Feehan

Katherine - The Widow by Aimee Love 10/11/16

LaurLa - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Seth Grahame-Smith, Jane Austen, Philip Smiley 11/01/16

~Melissa~ - Beauty Awakened by Gena Showalter

MKat - A Mackenzie Family Christmas: The Perfect Gift by Jennifer Ashley 11/05/16

Rachel (newbie :) - Shady Lady by Ann Aguirre

Rachel C - The Savage King by Michelle M. Pillow

Sallie (GeorgiaGirl) - The Red Heart of Jade by Marjorie M. Liu

Completed: 8/24

❀~Amy~❀ - Phenomenal X by Michelle A. Valentine 11/11/16

Amy (greenfairy) - When Shadows Call by Amanda Bonilla

Breann - Human Nature by Eileen Wilks 10/03/16

Connie N - Dawn in Eclipse Bay by Jayne Ann Krentz

Donna (dkflynn) - Pulse by Craig Zerf

Emerson - Prodigy by Marie Lu

Gabriella - Ivan by Roxie Rivera 10/07/16

Gea - Princess of the Silver Woods by Jessica Day George

Grace - Safe Harbor by Christine Feehan 10/20/16

Jane - Forbidden Fruit by Ann Aguirre

Jody - Dimitri by Roxie Rivera 10/08/16

Kait - Legal Briefs by N. M. Silber 10/09/16

KarenH - Swept Aside by Sharon Sala

Karla - Deceiving the Protector by Dee Tenorio

KathyD - Yuri by Roxie Rivera

Katie - Her Scottish Captor by Kate Wingo 10/10/16

~Melissa~ - The Night After I Lost You by Sarah Rees Brennan

Moe - Kaleidoscope by Kristen Ashley

Raine - After Midnight by Elle Kennedy 11/02/16

Shelby - Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop

Sunshine - Own the Wind by Kristen Ashley

ThatEzi - Murder Game by Christine Feehan

Tink Magoo - Columbine by Dave Cullen

Zara - The Magician King by Lev Grossman

Danielle  Gypsy Soul (afdaniellet) | 1042 comments Amy wrote: "Total Read: 22/22

Group: 9/9
Danielle-King-10/1-Freaking loved it! Thank you!
ThatEzi-Alpha & Omega-10/1-Great start for the extension, or another branch?, of Mercy ..."

Love your wrap up/notes - thanks!

message 45: by Katie (new)

Katie | 2083 comments RRRC: Meet and Greet 18
26/40 read

Diane - Bitten - 10/26, 2 stars
Karen - Succubus Blues - 10/15, 3 stars
Tink - Undead and Unwed - 11/21, 3 stars
Danielle - Cold Sight - 11/12, 3 stars
Jojo - Hounded - 11/2, 3 stars
Connie - Stuck-Up Suit - 10/7, 4 stars
Amy - Driving Mr. Dead - 10/7, 3 stars
Skandia - The Sexy One - 10/25, 3 stars
Gea - Never Seduce a Scot - 11/6, 4 stars
Ezi - Seize the Night - 10/18, 4 stars
Samantha - Dark Sexy Knight - 11/18, 3 stars
Runell - Curse on the Land - 11/6, 4 stars
Karla - Truly, Madly - 11/15, 4 stars
Amy - Entreat Me - 11/29, 4 stars
Kait - Shadow Rites - 10/5, 4 stars
Amy - Deep Kiss of Winter - 10/11, 3 stars
Melissa - Azagoth - 10/14, 4 stars
Gea - Rake's Redemption - 10/19, 3 stars
Zara - Lover of Thorns and Holy Gods - 11/15, 4 stars
Breann - Archangel's Kiss - 10/4, 4 stars
Ezi - Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between - 10/13, 3 stars
Raine - Fractured - 10/17, 3 stars
Stephanie - And Then He Kissed Her - 10/2, 3 stars
Jane - Paperback Romance - 11/29, 2 stars
Grace - Loving Deviant - 11/6, 3 stars
Moe - Beard Science - 10/18, 4 stars

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