Jennifer Ashley

Goodreads Author

The United States



Member Since
June 2009

NY Times Bestselling author Jennifer Ashley writes historical, contemporary, and paranormal romance, historical mysteries, and urban fantasy as Jennifer Ashley, Allyson James, and Ashley Gardner.

Jennifer's novels have been translated into many different languages, and earned starred reviews from Booklist and Publisher's Weekly. More about her books at and

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Popular Answered Questions

Jennifer Ashley I've gotten several questions like this so I'll answer in one: I wrote Ian as having AS, mostly because I wondered how someone in a time when autism w…moreI've gotten several questions like this so I'll answer in one: I wrote Ian as having AS, mostly because I wondered how someone in a time when autism wasn't recognized would fare. It's hard enough to deal with it now; what would it have been like in Victorian Britain, when psychology and psychiatry were just beginning to be explored? (psychology was referred to as a branch of philosophy). I did much research into Asperger's Syndrome, which I assure you was heartbreaking.

How did I come up with Ian in particular? He simply walked into my head (whole family did), and was just himself. I had to watch him a long time before I realized he was autistic, and I needed to do some research! I could not get that man out of my head, and I thought--if I can't, perhaps other people won't be able to either. He keeps coming back in other stories. It's all his fault. :-)(less)
Jennifer Ashley The answer to that is--I don't know. It's an open-ended series for now. The Stolen Mackenzie Bride (out in late September) introduces new characters i…moreThe answer to that is--I don't know. It's an open-ended series for now. The Stolen Mackenzie Bride (out in late September) introduces new characters in the Mackenzie family--Malcolm, Alec, and Will Mackenzie. Malcolm's story is in Stolen Mackenzie Bride, and I am planning Alec's and Will's books. Also there are side characters who have popped up through the series; e.g., Angelo, Cameron's Romany sidekick, and David Fleming, Hart's best friend. I want to give them stories too. I also have ideas for stories that revolve around Ian and Beth, and some with Fellows as a Scotland Yard detective. I can also fast-forward and see how the Mackenzie kids grow up. I love the Mackenzie family and their world, and plan to visit them as often as I can. (less)
Average rating: 4.04 · 342,773 ratings · 27,548 reviews · 200 distinct worksSimilar authors
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More books by Jennifer Ashley…

New Book, and Happy New Year!

I didn’t want to say anything in my last post, because I wasn’t certain I’d finish, but I have a brand new book out for the New Year! It’s called A Matter at New Year’s and is a paranormal historical mystery (Regency) under my Ashley Gardner name.

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Published on January 02, 2025 11:50
The Madness of Lord Ian Mac... Lady Isabella's Scandalous ... The Many Sins of Lord Cameron The Duke's Perfect Wife The Seduction Of Elliot McB... The Wicked Deeds of Daniel ... Rules for a Proper Governess
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Pride Mates Primal Bonds Wild Cat Mate Claimed Tiger Magic Wild Wolf Mate Bond
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4.09 avg rating — 129,542 ratings

Death Below Stairs Scandal Above Stairs Death in Kew Gardens Murder in the East End Death at the Crystal Palace The Secret of Bow Lane The Price of Lemon Cake: A ...
(10 books)
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(8 books)
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Penelope and Prince Charming The Mad, Bad Duke Highlander Ever After The Longest Night
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Jennifer’s Recent Updates

Jennifer Ashley wrote a new blog post

New Book, and Happy New Year!

I didn’t want to say anything in my last post, because I wasn’t certain I’d finish, but I have a brand new book out for the New Year! It’s called A Ma Read more of this blog post »
Jennifer Ashley has read
Death at Brighton Pavilion by Ashley Gardner
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Jennifer Ashley has read
Dark and Deadly by Jennifer Ashley
Dark and Deadly
by Jennifer Ashley (Goodreads Author)
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" Jessica wrote: "Very exciting. I have missed Janet and friends. So glad to hear it will be in audio as that's how I enjoyed the rest of the series!"
...more "
" Alana wrote: "Are there going to be anymore Mackenzie/McBride books this year? I just finished reading Jamie's story!"

Yes, there will be more Mackenzi
...more "
Jennifer Ashley finished reading
The Ring that Caesar Wore by Ashley Gardner
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More of Jennifer's books…
Quotes by Jennifer Ashley  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“I loved and adored you, but I drained you like a thirsty man at a spring. I loved what you could give me - your admiration, your acceptance, your love, your forgiveness. I forgot to love you for yourself.”
Jennifer Ashley, Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage

“We don't fit in, you and me," he said. "We're both oddities no one knows what to do with. But we fit together." He took her hand, pressed her palm to his, then laced their fingers through each other's. "We fit.”
Jennifer Ashley, The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie

“Ian closed his eyes. Beth watched emotions flicker across his face, the uncertainty, the stubbornness, the raw pain he’d lived with for so long. He didn’t always know how to express his emotions, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel them deeply.
When Ian slowly opened his eyes, he guided his gaze directly to Beth’s. His golden eyes shimmered and sparkled, pupils ringed with green. He held her gaze steadily, not blinking, or shifting away.
“I love you,” he said.
Beth caught her breath, and sudden tears blurred her vision.
“Love you,” Ian repeated. His gaze bore into hers harder than Hart’s ever could hope to. “Love you, love you, love you, love you, love you, love you…”
Jennifer Ashley, The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie


What should our next Series Read be?

Pride, by Shelly Laurenston
  6 votes, 13.0%

Demonica, by Larissa Ione
  5 votes, 10.9%

KGI, by Maya Banks
  5 votes, 10.9%

Chinooks Hockey Team, byRachel Gibson
  4 votes, 8.7%

Black Ops, by Cindy Gerard
  4 votes, 8.7%

Bridgertons, by Julia Quinn
  4 votes, 8.7%

Ghostwalkers, by Christine Feehan
  4 votes, 8.7%

Iron Druid Chronicles, by Kevin Hearne
  3 votes, 6.5%

Highland Guard, by Monica McCarty
  3 votes, 6.5%

Chicago Stars, by Susan Elizabeth Phillips
  2 votes, 4.3%

Virgin River, by Robyn Carr
  2 votes, 4.3%

Stolen Trilogy, by Elisabeth Naughton
  1 vote, 2.2%

Shifters Unbound, by Jennifer Ashley
  1 vote, 2.2%

Dark Sword, by Donna Grant
  1 vote, 2.2%

Legend of the Four Soldiers, by Elizabeth Hoyt
  1 vote, 2.2%


Topics Mentioning This Author

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message 20: by Elaine

Elaine Pre-ordered 'A Rogue Meets a Scandalous Lady'......whoo!

message 19: by Janice

Janice Happy New Year.

message 18: by Janice

Janice Have a beautiful 1st day of Summer, tomorrow.

message 17: by Janice

Janice Found a brand new copy of Red Wolf, in a used bookstore, yesterday. They do have a nice selection of new books, as well, intermixed among the used books. Have a great day.

message 16: by Janice

Janice I know I will, as I enjoy reading about good gal/good guy shifters. I found a copy of Bodyguard in a used bookstore, and am skimming that one, now. Have a great day.

Jennifer Ashley Janice wrote: "Thank you much for friending me. I've really enjoyed skimming thru all of your Shifters Unbound series, and plan to read them all, as soon as I can. Just starting Pride Mates. Have a great day."

Thanks Janice! I hope you enjoy.

message 14: by Janice (last edited Apr 24, 2017 09:16AM)

Janice Thank you for friending me. I've really enjoyed skimming thru your Shifters Unbound series, and plan to read the whole series, as soon as I can. Just started reading Pride Mates, and I do enjoy it. Have a great day.

message 13: by Janice

Janice Thank you much for friending me. I've really enjoyed skimming thru all of your Shifters Unbound series, and plan to read them all, as soon as I can. Just starting Pride Mates. Have a great day.

Jennifer Ashley Stacey is Sassy wrote: "Hey Jennifer, thanks for accepting.

Love your work. I've read some of your historicals and now I want to get into some shifter books.

See you around :-) ♥"

Thanks Stacey! :-)

message 11: by Stacey

Stacey Hey Jennifer, thanks for accepting.

Love your work. I've read some of your historicals and now I want to get into some shifter books.

See you around :-) ♥

Jennifer Ashley First--so sorry I'm just seeing this--alerts sometimes show up; sometimes they don't. I don't always have a choice about bundling the books--the publisher has to decide to do it (though I ask them, trust me). In March, two novellas, Lone Wolf, and Feral Heat are coming out bundled together in the print book, Shifter Mates. In September, a print bundle of Scandal and the Duchess and Untamed Mackenzie is releasing in a book called "The Scandalous Mackenzies." In E- I have a boxed set called "Shifters Unbound Boxed set" (original name, LOL), which has Hard Mated, Bodyguard, and Shifter Made. See my website ( for links to all of those (click "Jennifer's books" on the top menu).

Hbeebti wrote: "I am curious have you thought about maybe adding all your novellas per series to one book?I know some authors have been doing that, anyway I would love to have all the shifter town ones together. A..."

message 9: by Hbeebti (last edited Nov 20, 2014 02:31PM)

Hbeebti I am curious have you thought about maybe adding all your novellas per series to one book?I know some authors have been doing that, anyway I would love to have all the shifter town ones together. Actually I would love to have the MacKenzies together too. lol

Jennifer Ashley Thank you!

Neveen Thanks for accepting my friend request :)) .

message 5: by Kris

Kris Neri Jennifer! Good to connect with you here.



Katherine McCarthy Thanks for the accept Jennifer!

Jennifer Ashley No problem! :-)

message 1: by Gigi

Gigi Hi Jennifer!

Thanks for accepting my friend request!

- Gigi

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