* Meli Mel *'s Reviews > Crashed

Crashed by K. Bromberg
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4.5 "Motherf*cking checkered flag " STARS

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“Relationships aren’t easy. They’re hard and can be brutal at times…but those are the times you learn the most about yourself. And when they’re right,” I pause, making sure his eyes are steadfast on mine, “they can be like coming home…finding the rest of your soul…”

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Holy Cow! This was the most intense, crazy emotional, and angst ridden book of the series. I felt like I spent 90% of the book crying, bawling or just tearing up. But it was also the book I most enjoyed from the whole series. As soon as I began reading the Prologue, the tears just came pouring out. I connected so deeply with these characters in this book. I felt. Every. Single. Emotion. They were feeling themselves.

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‘Fuck if she’s not everything I need and nothing that I deserve.’

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This book picks up immediately where the last book left off. Which had ended in quite the cliffhanger. I am just SO glad I didn't have to wait to read what happened next or I would have pulled my hair out. So, like I mentioned before that Prologue had me bawling, it was just so freaking scary, heart breaking and amazing all at once. I really loved it despite it being so sad. Then the first chapter came next, and I felt that desperation Rylee was feeling. I was one of those books where I really just FELT everything. I am really impressed with K. Bromberg and how much her writing has improved. I really enjoyed the way in which she wrote this book and was able to captivate me into the story a lot more than she had on the previous two books.

I really don't want to give much away about what happens in this story. I think you would get a better reading experience not knowing what's going to happen.

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I squeeze her a little tighter, not wanting to let her go just yet because, fuck, what racer doesn't want to holdon to their checkered flag a little longer?
At least I know mine waves only for me.
My kryptonite.
My alphabet, motherfucking A to Z.
My fucking Rylee.

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Rylee went through a tough first half of the book, but that doesn't the second half wasn't tough on her either. Something huge happens to her in the second part. I am so happy it didn't cause her to close up. What I really love about Rylee is that she isn't the usual doormat heroine. She is so strong, and fights for what she wants. She pushed Colton's boundaries while staying by his side when he pushed her away. I love how unconditional her love for him was. Any moment they shared together where they were finally moving forward from Colton's demons, made me extremely happy. They had a connection you can really feel and I LOVED that. It was just so sweet and heart warming seeing them interact that way, with their walls obliterated.

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“I accept you, I tell him. All of you. The broken parts. The bent parts. The ones filled with shame. The cracks where hope seeps through. The little boy cowering in fear and the grown man still suffocating in his shadow. The demons that haunt. Your will to survive. And your spirit that fights. Every single part of you is what I love. What I accept. What I want to help heal.”

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My handsome, arrogant rougue.
A little cocky.
A lot imperfect.
And completely mine.

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Colton goes through a really tough time in this book. It was time for him to finally face all of the demons that had haunted him for most of his life. He was stubborn, hurtful, and frustrating. But this was the only way he knew how to cope with how he was feeling. It was really hard for him, but I am proud of him for accomplishing what he did by the end of the book. I LOVED seeing him open up to Rylee in a way he never had before. He was just so awesome and romantic...who knew? And he said he didn't have it in him. Lies!! Because I seriously loved him so much. He may have broken my heart a few times, but he also made me sigh, pant, and swoon like crazy.

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“You were the one thing I never wanted—never, ever expected in my life—an fuck if I can live without you now. You test me and tempt me and make me look at the truth I don’t want to face and are stubborn as hell, but God, baby, I wouldn’t want you any other way. Wouldn’t want us any other way.”

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Overall, this book was a tear jerking riot of emotions. It was a long journey for both of them to finally heal. I am quite exhausted now that I have finished it, but I am also so freaking happy for them. There was quite a bit of sex in this book, but for the most part it wasn't those filler types of scenes, they meant something to them. It was a way to show the connection between them. Yes, this book contained a lot of sadness, but there was plenty of happy, playful banter times as well. There was also some sweet and cheesy moments--that I would usually not enjoy--but because of all the tears it worked well here. So, it ended up not bothering me, but instead I ended up liking it. I loved every character and the role they played in the story. What really made me happy was the TWO epilogues. One was in Rylee's perspective, and the other in Colton's--but both were not of the same scene. It was beautiful and perfect and warmed my heart. I cried too, but thankfully they were HAPPY tears this time...ha! I loved this last book and I am hoping Becks and Haddie get their own book.

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“I want to be your first, your last, and every fucking thing in between.”

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23 likes · flag

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Reading Progress

March 15, 2014 – Started Reading
March 15, 2014 – Shelved
March 15, 2014 –
6.0% "End of prologue and and chapter one...this is me.

*sniff sniff*
March 15, 2014 –
23.0% "I feel like I haven't stopped crying since starting this book...that I keep taking breaks. But it's too good to stop reading.

March 16, 2014 –
40.0% "

Fuck you, Tawny!!! You just had to be a bitch and ruin everything!! Oh, Colton...this hurts too much. :("
March 17, 2014 –
63.0% "

March 17, 2014 –
83.0% "

Thank baby Jesus...happy tears!! Lol"
March 17, 2014 – Finished Reading
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: favorites
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: broken-heroine
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: broken-hero
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: heart-breaking
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: hot-guys-that-play-sports
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: dual-pov
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: drama-rama-bo-bama
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: smuttastic
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: super-steamy
March 18, 2014 – Shelved as: uber-sweet

Comments Showing 1-37 of 37 (37 new)

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message 1: by Kristin (KC) (new)

Kristin (KC) Great review, Meli! xx

* Meli Mel * Kristin (KC) wrote: "Great review, Meli! xx"

Thanks so much Kris!! xo

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ Awesome review Meli! = ))

message 4: by Patrycja (new)

Patrycja Great review! xx

message 5: by Christy (new)

Christy Fantastic job, Meli! xo

message 6: by Baba (new)

Baba  Wonderful review, Meli!

Catarina Great review, Meli :D

* Meli Mel * SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ wrote: "Awesome review Meli! = ))"

Thanks, SueBee!! <3

* Meli Mel * Patrycja wrote: "Great review! xx"

Thank you, Patrycja!! :) x

* Meli Mel * Christy wrote: "Fantastic job, Meli! xo"

Thank you, Christy!! ♥

* Meli Mel * Baba ♥♥♥ Tyler, Marcus, Dean, Tate, Dan, Ty & Hunter wrote: "Wonderful review, Meli!"

Thank you, Baba!! ♥

* Meli Mel * Catarina wrote: "Great review, Meli :D"

Thank you, Catarina!! :))

message 13: by Karen (new)

Karen Amazing review Mel!!! Love your casting too!!!!!

Crystal~BIG book addict~ Awesome review, Meli!! xx

* Meli Mel * Karen wrote: "Amazing review Mel!!! Love your casting too!!!!!"

Thanks so much, Karen!! xx

* Meli Mel * Crystal~BIG book addict~ wrote: "Awesome review, Meli!! xx"

Thank you, Crystal!! xo

message 17: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Amazing review x

message 18: by Debra (new) - added it

Debra Excellent review, Meli!! :)

* Meli Mel * Lisa Jayne wrote: "Amazing review x"

Thanks, Lisa Jayne!! :D

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Wonderful review, Meli <3

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Wonderful review, Meli xx

* Meli Mel * Lkay ❇✾The one-click buy button addict❇✾ wrote: "Wonderful review, Meli <3"

Thanks, Lkay!! :) x

* Meli Mel * Lisa wrote: "Love the review, Meli! :D"

Thanks, Lisa!! xx

* Meli Mel * Jxxx ♥ Pink Lady ♥ wrote: "Wonderful review, Meli xx"

Thanks, J!! <33

Emma ~ The Indecisive Reader ~ Awesome review Meli :-) x

* Meli Mel * Emma wrote: "Awesome review Meli :-) x"

Thanks, Emma!! xo

* Meli Mel * Vilda wrote: "Awesome review, Meli! x
Glad you enjoy the series :D"

Thank you, Vilda!! xo
I am too :)

Maria Awesome review, Meli! I race it ;)

message 29: by ♥Sharon♥ (new)

♥Sharon♥ Great review Meli. Love your casting!

* Meli Mel * Maria wrote: "Awesome review, Meli! I race it ;)"

Thanks, Maria!! ;D

* Meli Mel * ♥Sharon♥ wrote: "Great review Meli. Love your casting!"

Thank you, Sharon!! x

* Meli Mel * ✽ Sharon is an emotional book junkie ✽ wrote: "great review Meli!"

Thank you, Sharon! ;)

message 34: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Loved your review Meli! This was also my favorite book out of the series! It sure was intense but worth every minute I spent on it!! So glad you enjoyed it too!

* Meli Mel * Jen wrote: "Loved your review Meli! This was also my favorite book out of the series! It sure was intense but worth every minute I spent on it!! So glad you enjoyed it too!"

Thanks you, Jen!! Yup, mine too. Best one and definitely worth it all. :))

message 36: by M (new)

M Beautiful review sweet!

* Meli Mel * Mona wrote: "Beautiful review sweet!"

Thanks, Mona!! <3

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