Jen's Reviews > Crashed

Crashed by K. Bromberg
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: damaged-hero-heroine, erotic-romance, kindle-own, march-reads, new-adult-romance

"Life isn't about how you survive the storm,
but rather how you dance in the rain."

I have been absolutely brought to my knees with the final installment to this highly emotional,sexy, and romantic story. "Crashed" was by far the most intense book of the trilogy, and my absolute favorite. This conclusion to Rylee and Colton's love affair was a journey of extreme highs and the end though the pain that this couple endured and suffered through, carried them all of the way to the finish line; which was a thing of beauty when all was said and done. K. Bromberg is an amazing author who delivered a series that most readers will find impossible to forget. Her characters came to life and they will be forever etched into my heart for years to come.

This book was heavy duty, and at times I became an emotional wreck. Colton and Rylee are given more than their fair share of angst; but I was amazed at the strength both of them had to pull through and fight for each other. In the beginning of the story Colton is the one that is down, and Rylee is devastated that she may lose him. When I say that she was devastated; that is definitely an understatment. I seriously though that she was going to fall apart and never be able to pick up the pieces ever again. I will say that Rylee gave me a huge surprise when she eventually pulled up her big girl panties and fought hard for Colton in a variety of different ways. Rylee is by far one of the most strongest heroine's I have ever read about, and it was wonderful to see her transformation from the first book all the way to the last. She had her work cut out for her with Colton always trying to put up road blocks when he felt he was getting too emotionally vulnerable. Not only would Colton shut down; but he could be down right cruel, and Rylee never backed down. Becks, who was Colton's closest friend, also played a huge role in trying to keep Rylee and Colton on the right track. He was fundamental in their success, and I hear there will be a book coming out about him and I will be standing in line for that one for sure!

Colton was the one that showed the most transformation. He went from being majorly damaged to realizing his extreme love for Rylee. His journey had me close to tears more than once, and it was heartbreaking to hear what this guy had happen to him as a child. I was glued to the pages during most of Colton's journey, and the author did such a good job with writing the scenes I could taste his pain and frustration. I felt like I was living right alongside of Colton and it broke my heart. (I sat in the parking lot at the grocery store for a few hours because I couldn't put the book down!!) I realize I am not giving any details to the story; but it is a trilogy that I wouldn't want to disclose any details to someone who is thinking of reading it. This is a series that I highly recommend, and I promise you won't be disappointed!

I will say the scavenger hunt at the end of Crashed was so heartwarming. It was a bittersweet ending to the series and I loved the uniqueness of it! To take us down memory lane through all three books was brilliant.It was a beautiful reminder of what these two had gone through to get them to where they were at this time!
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Reading Progress

February 23, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
February 23, 2014 – Shelved
March 20, 2014 – Started Reading
March 20, 2014 – Shelved as: damaged-hero-heroine
March 20, 2014 – Shelved as: erotic-romance
March 20, 2014 – Shelved as: kindle-own
March 20, 2014 – Shelved as: march-reads
March 20, 2014 – Shelved as: new-adult-romance
March 21, 2014 –
18.0% "I have to admit I am a little nervous that this book is going to be filled with Colton pushing away Rylee all of the time..I have to admit, I would like to see a bit more romance and a little less conflict in this one..Just sayin!"
March 21, 2014 –
24.0% ""Relationships aren't easy. They're hard and can be brutal at times..but those are the times you learn the most about yourself. And when they're right," I pause,making sure his eyes are steadfast on mine, "they can be like coming home..finding the rest of your soul.." --Rylee--"
March 21, 2014 –
38.0% "Awww!! Colton romancing Rylee was sooooo that's a great date!!!"
March 22, 2014 –
38.0% "Oh HELL NO!!! I REFUSE to accept this! I will stop reading if this is the direction it's going!!! Deep breath Jen.... I need to calm down!!!"
March 24, 2014 –
62.0% "My Lord, what the frick now??"
March 24, 2014 –
71.0% "Becks cracks me up!!!:
"Nice try but you're stuck with me.Kind of like herpes, only better."
Colton replies:
"Because at least with herpes, my dick gets serviced first."
LMAO I love their friendship!"
March 24, 2014 –
80.0% ""I want to be your sigh,your moan, your cry out in pleasure and every fucking sound in between." --Colton"
March 25, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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Maria Great review, Jen! I'm glad you enjoyed this. It's my absolute favorite in this series too :) Hope everything's well! x

message 2: by ♥Sharon♥ (new)

♥Sharon♥ Great review Jen!

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ Ooooh, wonderful review Jen! Can't wait to read. = ) [hugs]

message 4: by ~V~ (last edited Mar 25, 2014 05:05PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

 ~V~ Great review Jen! All the emotional drama got to be a little too much for just didn't let up! :/ But i still loved it overall (the last 30% was my fav!) and i LOVED that 1st epilogue!!!..(view spoiler) ..that was awesome!! ;)

message 5: by Amanda (new)

Amanda awesome review, jen :D

message 6: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Maria wrote: "Great review, Jen! I'm glad you enjoyed this. It's my absolute favorite in this series too :) Hope everything's well! x"

Thanks so much Maria! Your ears must have been ringing as I was thinking about you just yesterday! I feel terrible that I haven't written you back..I am just so dang busy and then when I get time on here it isn't for long. Please know that you are special to me and that you are on my mind! I hope all is well with you..and if you ever absolutely need to talk, please mark the note Urgent!!! Hugs Maria, and I miss our talks!

message 7: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen ♥Sharon♥ wrote: "Great review Jen!"

Thanks a bunch Sharon!

message 8: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ wrote: "Ooooh, wonderful review Jen! Can't wait to read. = ) [hugs]"

Thanks Sue! I didn't know you hadn't read this series yet!! You are going to love it girlfriend! Bump it up, I know you won't be sorry! Wait until you get a load of Colton~! You are going to love him!!♥

message 9: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen ~V~ wrote: "Great review Jen! All the emotional drama got to be a little too much for just didn't let up! :/ But i still loved it overall (the last 30% was my fav!) and i LOVED that 1st epilogue!!!..[s..."

Oh V!! I totally agree with you about the epilogue..and you got his name right!! You are like me..I tend to forget names very quickly after I read a book! Thanks for checking out my review! It means a lot to me to have friends who take the time to look at them. Hugs to you V and I hope you have an awesome week!

message 10: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Amanda wrote: "awesome review, jen :D"

Thanks very much Amanda! Hugs to you and have a super week ahead!♥

message 11: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Superb reviewing my lovely friend, hope you and yours are well x

message 12: by Pam (new)

Pam Great review, Jen :)

message 13: by Georgia ♥ (new)

Georgia ♥ Awesome review, lovely one!!! What about the panties?? I need to know about the panties!!!! LMAO! ;)

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Wonderful review, Jen! *big hugs*

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