Angela Wallace's Reviews > For the Ones We Love

For the Ones We Love by Scott Hildreth
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it was amazing

"Baby Girl, you never cease to amaze me."

I totally agree with Erik Ead. I have to begin by confessing that I actually finished reading Baby Girl II a few weeks ago...

"You little fucker..."

Yes, it's taken me this long to gather my thoughts. I have been procrastinating... I mean contemplating! Having internal debates and re-reading... So, in fact it's partly Scott Hildreth's fault for continuing to write such bloody thought provoking, relevant, and to put it bluntly ~ such fucking HOT books!

Frankly, I wish I could just sit down over a vat of coffee, or screenshot the pages of notes I've scribbled on my musings about Erik and Kelli's continued journey...

I started this book with great expectations, and through the course of the book, I found myself at the same understanding as Kelli:

"Live life with hope, and not expectations. He said unmet expectations led to disappointment. Having hope allows us to do just that, hope."

By the end, I had hope.

Now the reason I've been debating with myself, is because unlike some stories which have a clear-cut A ->B plot, Scott Hildreth's stories are like an onion wrapped in a spider's web... Yes, I'm well aware of what I've just said. Bear with me. As you read, you are peeling back the layers and getting a deeper insight into the characters and stories contained within... But there are multiple themes and stories, and characters, all interplaying and crossing over each other... All impacting the story as a whole.

And THAT is what I love about his books (even the sub-characters are integral), and he hasn't disappointed!


These are just some of the themes explored in Baby Girl II, and they are gripping and explosive. There is nothing passive about this book or the characters: The progressive story of Erik and Kelli interlaced with the story of Erik's MC and Brotherhood was genius.

Which brings me to Teddy... God I love Teddy... He's a bit of an enigma. One minute sticking his finger in cold beer and trying to get everyone else too as well, then coming out with just the right thing to say at the right moment the next. He.Gets.Erik.

"We get three options in life. Get busy living, get busy just being, or get busy dying. You're somewhere between dying and just being."

Erik has built up emotional barriers, holding him down, anchoring him and preventing him from moving along. A wall that needs to be broken down by Kelli and his friends. He is static. He sees things as a series of "potential failure(s)." He tried to sabotage relationships by pushing the limits...

But Kelli pushes back now.


This reminded me of an image. I see Erik as slightly hardened like stone (I haven't gotten to the sex yet! Just saying...). Kelli is like water. To the eye, stone seems strong and impenetrable, whereas water is soft and fluid. This then got me thinking about the effects of water over stone with time... And this to me seemed perfect

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Kelli has grown. She is becoming more comfortable with herself and with Erik. Whereas before she was doing things she thought would gain his approval, now she's coming into her own and pushing him too!


I think this sums it up perfectly too...

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." ~ Lao Tzu

Kelli has found her courage.

"I'll fuck you until you tap out. Or until that big cock of yours is limp. But I tell you what I won't do. I won't fucking quit. Ever."

Hell, let's face it... I have a definite girl crush on Kelli now too. Her confidence and humour... Damn... Yep, make some room Kace and Vee!

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Especially after re-reading the seriously HAWT sex scenes... I mean...




"Oh. My. God. Oh..."

145mph CAR SCENE

(Is it possible to feel exhilarated, horny and want to pee yourself laughing at the same time? "Lives were at stake." *snort*


"I can't take this. I'm going to explode. It's.Just.Too.Much."

Seriously... Speechless... yep... jealous?... Hell, yes!

Borrowing from Kelli...

"Who in their right fucking minds wants a man on a horse with a bouquet of flowers, when they can have a tattooed Erik fucking Ead?"


I mean, let's face it... Why the hell should we compartmentalize things into neat categories?

Love = hearts and flowers.
Family = a nuclear family.
Friends = always the same background, social class, and intellect.

Sometimes things just fit. There's no need to over think why. Some things are just meant to be.

Erik and his friends (Teddy, A-Train, The Bone, Jake...) just fit. Brotherhood... His family.

Teddy and Heather just fit.

Erik and Kelli... They fit.


Scott Hildreth has a sneaky way of leaving you with just the right balance of want and need!

I am invested in these characters. I am invested in their stories. I am invested in Scott Hildreth's words.

Damn, I can't wait to read the next book!

I am interested to see how Scott Hildreth tops this ;)

One of my favourite quotes?... When Erik admits

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5 orgasmic stars... Because I can't see straight after re-reading certain scenes!
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Reading Progress

March 13, 2014 – Shelved
March 13, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
July 22, 2014 – Started Reading
August 4, 2014 –
13.0% "Gripped, intrigued, pulled in to the story... wishes I was pulled into a large closet... and on that note, ahem...."
August 15, 2014 –
32.0% "Damn this is good! I love Teddy!...and the shower....uh-huh.... But I swear, the bit I've just read....I was torn between peeing myself laughing ~ I think I may have snorted lol ~ and feeling damn HAWT! My body was confused... I love it! I love how I can feel two emotions at one time ;) digging back in! It's going to be a long night!"
August 15, 2014 –
53.0% ""Who, in their right fucking mind wants a man on a horse with a bouquet of flowers when they can have a tattooed Erik fucking Ead?" ... Uh-huh..."
August 16, 2014 –
62.0% "I think I have a bit of a girl crush on Kelli ;) she totally rocked just now! I love what she just did! I want to fist bump her... Or swap places with her lol!"
August 16, 2014 –
66.0% "I have to make notes as things occur... Bone's story about his dog... I'm soft... Yep, I cried!"
August 16, 2014 –
100.0% "Damn... You've done it again... I have happy tears... For the moment, that's all x"
August 17, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Campbell WOW!!! Sweets you did it again, this is an amazing review!!! Makes me want to go back and re read the series...
Well Done!!

Angela Wallace Jen wrote: "WOW!!! Sweets you did it again, this is an amazing review!!! Makes me want to go back and re read the series...
Well Done!!

Thank-you so much Jen xxx That means so much coming from you... You know how nervous I get about it lol! But, if what I have written has made someone want to read or re-read, then there isn`t a bigger compliment x Thank-you for helping to ease my nerves!

message 3: by Jen (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jen Campbell You nailed it, sweets - Own it!! ;)

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