mich's Reviews > Discount Armageddon
Discount Armageddon (InCryptid, #1)
Hrmm, you know, I hardly ever change my initial book ratings when I re-read a book and don't like it as much the second time around (which happens kind of a lot, unfortunately). I usually just keep that initial rating up anyway cuz, hey, that's how I felt when I first read it, so why not, right?
But this time. . .I gotta say, this book really didn't hold up well for me on my second reading of it. It felt like 60% of this book consisted solely of poorly done info-dumping.
That's a lot of poorly done info-dumping.
I was bored. I skimmed a lot. I'm changing this from 4 stars to 3. My original review below shows my enthusiasm for this book back when I first read it. But after my re-read just now (which I had done to refresh my memory so I could read book 2), I kind of don't even really want to read book 2 anymore :(
Original review
An ass-kicking, ballroom dancing cryptozoologist who has a part-time job waiting tables at a strip bar? Oh yeah, this had potential to get really stupid, really fast. Fortunately, this story managed to entertain without ever venturing into over-the-top silly territory -- unless, that is, you think a religious colony of talking mice who cheer enthusiastically for things like your alarm clock waking you up in the morning IS SILLY, in which case you can just leave (but not before I smack you upside the head and yell at you that you are crazy, because said mice are fucking awesome. There, now get out.)
This book was fun and quirky with no shortage of hilarious one-liners. Each chapter began with odd quotes from family members and though it was such a small thing, I found myself really looking forward to each one (I like nice little touches like that). This book isn't what I'm used to in urban fantasy but I liked it and it’s going on the shelf right next to Hounded, which had a similar vibe and which I also enjoyed.
Verity is a pretty kickass MC, she’s straightforward and funny and I loved her passion for dancing (this last part really surprised me because I thought this was going to be some stupid nonsensical part of her character, but I actually ended up really liking it).
Then there’s the guy - of course there’s a guy! Dominic De Luca (I'm finding that name incredibly sexy by the way), is part of the Covenant of St. George, a group that has an uncomfortable history with Verity’s family line, and when the two meet I became completely hooked. I loved their interactions with each other and I'm quite interested to see where the next book takes these two.
The style of world building wasn't my favorite (I didn't particularly like the excessive info dumping asides that Verity does), but it wasn't a deal breaker for me. The cast of creatures was pretty extensive and I found it interesting for the most part. This is the first book I've tried by this author and I'm pretty happy with it. Will definitely be continuing on in this series (and maybe even try the October Daye series too.)
And seriously, the talking mice were fricken awesome.

mich's review
bookshelves: uf-or-paranormal, made-me-laugh, better-than-expected, first-in-series
Nov 12, 2013
bookshelves: uf-or-paranormal, made-me-laugh, better-than-expected, first-in-series
"Sure, you can take a heroic stand against the forces of darkness. Or you can not die. It's entirely up to you."Re-read 3/1/15
Hrmm, you know, I hardly ever change my initial book ratings when I re-read a book and don't like it as much the second time around (which happens kind of a lot, unfortunately). I usually just keep that initial rating up anyway cuz, hey, that's how I felt when I first read it, so why not, right?
But this time. . .I gotta say, this book really didn't hold up well for me on my second reading of it. It felt like 60% of this book consisted solely of poorly done info-dumping.
That's a lot of poorly done info-dumping.
I was bored. I skimmed a lot. I'm changing this from 4 stars to 3. My original review below shows my enthusiasm for this book back when I first read it. But after my re-read just now (which I had done to refresh my memory so I could read book 2), I kind of don't even really want to read book 2 anymore :(
Original review
An ass-kicking, ballroom dancing cryptozoologist who has a part-time job waiting tables at a strip bar? Oh yeah, this had potential to get really stupid, really fast. Fortunately, this story managed to entertain without ever venturing into over-the-top silly territory -- unless, that is, you think a religious colony of talking mice who cheer enthusiastically for things like your alarm clock waking you up in the morning IS SILLY, in which case you can just leave (but not before I smack you upside the head and yell at you that you are crazy, because said mice are fucking awesome. There, now get out.)
This book was fun and quirky with no shortage of hilarious one-liners. Each chapter began with odd quotes from family members and though it was such a small thing, I found myself really looking forward to each one (I like nice little touches like that). This book isn't what I'm used to in urban fantasy but I liked it and it’s going on the shelf right next to Hounded, which had a similar vibe and which I also enjoyed.
Verity is a pretty kickass MC, she’s straightforward and funny and I loved her passion for dancing (this last part really surprised me because I thought this was going to be some stupid nonsensical part of her character, but I actually ended up really liking it).
Then there’s the guy - of course there’s a guy! Dominic De Luca (I'm finding that name incredibly sexy by the way), is part of the Covenant of St. George, a group that has an uncomfortable history with Verity’s family line, and when the two meet I became completely hooked. I loved their interactions with each other and I'm quite interested to see where the next book takes these two.
The style of world building wasn't my favorite (I didn't particularly like the excessive info dumping asides that Verity does), but it wasn't a deal breaker for me. The cast of creatures was pretty extensive and I found it interesting for the most part. This is the first book I've tried by this author and I'm pretty happy with it. Will definitely be continuing on in this series (and maybe even try the October Daye series too.)
And seriously, the talking mice were fricken awesome.
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Discount Armageddon.
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Reading Progress
November 12, 2013
– Shelved
February 23, 2014
Started Reading
February 23, 2014
"This book needs to thank its ass for the kindle because there’s no way I would have walked out of a bookstore with this book cover :P"
March 4, 2014
"These quotes at the beginning of each chapter are so random and weird. I like it!"
March 11, 2014
Finished Reading
Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)
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She's Mira Grant? Really? wow! (I don't know why, but that is blowing my mind. I haven't even read Feed yet, but I do have it from when I was in my zombie phase.)
This reminded me of Hounded so much because I don't read a lot of fun/funny UF, I think these are the only 2. But between them, I definitely did like Iron Druid better (I'll read book 2 for that before this one).
message 5:
✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)
rated it 4 stars

I see reviews that people seem to like book 2 of this series better than this one, so I may still read it. It's going on the back burner for now though.
message 7:
✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans)
rated it 4 stars

a religious colony of talking mice who cheer enthusiastically for things like your alarm clock waking you up in the morning
... Sounds a whole lot like an acid trip gone right, hah!
I love it already :D