Paul Bryant's Reviews > A Suitable Boy

A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: novels, india

After about page 200 I realised this was like eating Turkish Delight morning noon and night and my spiritual teeth were beginning to dissolve under a tide of sickliness which didn't ever let up. All these characters are so unbearably cute, even the less-nice ones. If post-independent India was crossed with Bambi, it would be Vikram Seth's endless gurgling prose.
So I stopped reading and drove several three inch nails into my head, and I've been all right since then.
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Finished Reading
October 1, 2007 – Shelved
December 14, 2007 – Shelved as: novels
April 7, 2009 – Shelved as: india

Comments Showing 1-50 of 104 (104 new)

message 1: by Manny (new) - added it

Manny You made me laugh :)

message 2: by C. (new) - rated it 5 stars

C. You made me laugh too, even though I don't agree.

message 3: by Ruth (new)

Ruth Paul says I don't have to read it!!!

What a relief.

message 4: by Mark (new)

Mark Whew. One less guilty feeling about this tome sitting on one of my shelves. And the nails probably prevent that annoying tendency of parts of our skull just dropping off in the parking lot ...

John Burns It's not that bad. Perhaps not quite worth 1500 pages worth of time investment though.

message 6: by Gussie (last edited Aug 04, 2011 08:40AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gussie Hahaha. Even though I completely disagree with this review, I found this description funny. It's a pity though that you gave up so soon on it. It's much more than cutesy characters. The fun starts when the crazy ones start pouring in - from perverted uncles to morbid Arabic teachers.

Paul Bryant Thank you Navdeep - but i think I will stick with Rohinton Mistry..!

message 8: by Erin (new) - added it

Erin  Black Had a good laugh about your recommendation. :)

Paul Bryant It worked for me, but may not for you!

message 10: by Jamie (new)

Jamie never even heard of this, but quite possibly my fave review evah.

message 11: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant aw, I got a few better ones... but thanks!

message 12: by Sterna (new)

Sterna Somehow the spirit of the book was for me stuck in the 1990's, and not just after the second world war, lacked the atmosphere of the time.

message 13: by Swantje (new)

Swantje After reading your review, Paul, I was wondering where the second star came from.

message 14: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant I salute the author's ambition and he is not without skill.

message 15: by Swantje (new)

Swantje That clears it up, thanks!

message 16: by Gopinath (new)

Gopinath Kochattil Great read for anyone who has nothing else to do for one whole year.

Margitte lolol. I marked it as TBR but only then looked at the number of pages: 1474 !!! Good heavens! I don't think I will make it so will reconsider.

message 18: by Sevgi (new)

Sevgi How many times have you eaten Turkish delight?

message 19: by Paul (last edited Mar 02, 2014 05:44AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant too many times... last time was last night in this restaurant

Margitte Must let you know, I did the unthinkable and read the book - from the first to the last word! Now, I need a pat on the back please. I think, no, correction, I KNOW I can climb the Himalayas next :-))

message 21: by Paul (last edited Mar 03, 2014 12:39AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant so you liked it! very good - now onwards to In Search of Lost Time

Margitte Paul wrote: "so you liked it! very good - now onwards to In Search of Lost Time"

Hehehehehe, I need a break! BE NICE!!!! :-)

Cynthia Alice By Derek York?

message 24: by Karleen (new)

Karleen Haha I also had this on the "to read" list but think i shall remove given the number of pages and multiple reviewes suggesting monotony. Paul I laughed out loud to this review and read it to my partner who did the same. Love the sense of humour some people have on negative reviews, I enjoyed this one I found on Bryce Courtenay's "The Persimmon Tree" tonight: "I haven't done it yet, but will find mild pleasure in burning this book. And I won't feel like a Nazi...."

message 25: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant Thanks Karleen - I have a lot of fun with the books I don't like.

Oscar I Cobo Currently reading this on a challenge to finish in 48 hours. On page 465, 5 hours in and I want to use this brick of a book to beat myself with

message 27: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant Wow - your message was posted 12 hours ago, so please bring us up to date!

message 28: by Debumere (new)

Debumere I think he beat himself up.

message 29: by Bob (new) - added it

Bob H An amusing review, and I'll bear it in mind when I look up this book. However, if you haven't read Felix Salten's Bambi, and I mean the original novel, I suggest you do so: you might find it far darker than the sugary Disney version.

message 30: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant it is often the case.

message 31: by Ravi (new)

Ravi Chander I made it to a little over 300 pages and then gave up. Came here to see if someone felt like me, and voilà I find your review.

message 32: by Sally (new)

Sally Baldwin My (used) copy just arrived, holy hannah I didn't know it was so huge. I was sort of daunted after 2 pages. Very glad to find out how others had liked it. Bless you for saving me...

message 33: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant you can use it to reach the awkward top shelf in your kitchen, so it's not a complete loss

Selva I had done close to 200 pages n given up. now Iam planning to give it another 100 pages to finally decide to put it down or not:)

message 35: by Phillis (new) - added it

Phillis don't put it down.. they are very cute (the characters) ..I love kabir (he's just soo lovely)

message 36: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant sorry Phillis, you're too late... I put it down. In both senses!

message 37: by Kamakshi (new) - added it

Kamakshi Paul, you can say that the characters are a bit exaggerated but there were people with mindsets and behaviour like Arun and Meenakshi. There were either people totally against British rule, or considered them superior and better than anyone else. Well, as for your comment Paul, it's not wrong, but at the same time I don't agree with it. It sometimes becomes so elaborate and descriptive that you get bored and REALLY want to put it down, but (most) Indians can identify with the characters and their feelings, especially those who experienced those times. : )

message 38: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant well of course I do appreciate that many readers loved this and I hoped I would too... but, sigh, I didn't. And so you gotta call it like you see it, that's what we do here on GR.

message 39: by Yoon (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yoon I read the trilogy and enjoyed them immensely. I highly recommend reading them to my friends and others enthusiasts of Hindu culture. The lovely feelings I felt, during and post reading, has them on my re-read list (and soon).

Kavita I need some nails!

message 41: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant they work fine

message 42: by Karen (new) - added it

Karen I'm a Rohinton Mistry fan and struggling wth this tome, but I will continue because I really, really want to like it. Loved your review.

message 43: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant I also wanted to lie it, but I did not succeed.


message 44: by Karen (new) - added it

Karen Will continue to page 200 as a minimum to see how I do!

message 45: by Paul (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant anyway, when will Rohinton come up with masterpiece number four?? Seems we have been waiting too long.

message 46: by Karen (new) - added it

Karen Absolutely. Nobody comes near him. Was thinking of contacting him to ask!

message 47: by Hilary (new)

Hilary Paul, thank you for this review. It's hilarious! I'm selfishly glad you weren't completely blown away by it ... :D

message 48: by Hilary (new)

Hilary India is a place very dear to my heart ❤️ so I'd have loved to read it were it not so, not so, not so not short.

Please do let me know where
I might find some of your other reviews. Reading this was just the 'sparkly bit' I needed!

message 49: by Paul (last edited Jun 25, 2017 07:37AM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Paul Bryant since you ask, they're all to be found here

my goodness, and what a lot there is!

message 50: by Karen (new) - added it

Karen I've given up on A Suitable Boy and am now reading your reviews instead, which are much more entertaining.

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