Lisa of Troy's Reviews > Housekeeping

Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson
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did not like it

Housekeeping is an iced Starbucks drink: 75% filler 25% good stuff

Astonishingly, the commencement of the book is decent. The setting has an eerie, mystical vibe, and there are a few mysterious elements used to develop backstory.

However, outside of Chapter 1, every time I picked up this book, I was bored within 60 seconds. The long paragraphs, mountains of unnecessary adjectives and adverbs, and the constant repetition of the events from Chapter 1 caused me to suddenly lose interest.

This book is 75% fatuous vapor that should have been distilled down to 50 pages.

The Green Light at the End of the Dock (How much I spent):
Softcover Text – $7.69 from Amazon
Audiobook – Free through Libby

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Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by Ecomify (new)

Ecomify Hello

Lisa of Troy I am 25 percent in and my gosh this is boring. There is a cool mysterious vibe when it comes to the lake, but it is lost in the jumbo paragraphs with pointless adjectives and adverbs, where the author proves her sophistication of vocabulary.

message 3: by Catie (new)

Catie That was my experience with her book, Gilead. Good to know I don't need to try another of her books! Just not for me. 🤷‍♀️

message 4: by Dan (new)

Dan Risinger You’ve been reading a lot of lousy books lately 😴

Lisa of Troy Somehow I ended up reading 5 books at the same time right now. I just started Possession and that one seems really good. Also, All the Colors of the Dark has been great. Of course, I am loving A Life in Letters by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and I am about halfway through writing out The Great Gatsby by hand. I am also reading How to Read a Book, about halfway through that, but it is incredibly dated, and most of the vaulable bits of info can just be found in YouTube videos. So 80% of my books I am positive about at the moment lol

AnnMarie OMG I'm so sad this didn't work for you. I think in the moment it's dragged out but there were some scenes that hit for me and that I know I won't forget.

message 7: by Heather D (new)

Heather D The "iced starbucks drink" part had me LOL. That's pretty descriptive and accurate

message 8: by Moonkiszt (new) - added it

Moonkiszt Yikes. . .I don't need another sleeper. . .

message 9: by Whitney Erwin (new)

Whitney Erwin Bummer! Sorry this was a letdown

message 10: by G.G. (new)

G.G. H Lol. Definitely won’t be reading this. Great review.

message 11: by Joe (new)

Joe Krakovsky I am still laughing as I read this. I never cared for Starbucks. That chapter about after chapter 1 happens far too often for me.

Melike Wonderful review!

Michael D Jedlowski So funny! I had quite a laugh! Great stuff!

message 14: by Clover (new)

Clover I am so glad you promote Libby! I do all the time because I work at the library, but oh boy, Libraries save you so much money if you end up not liking a book haha.

message 15: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace honest!

message 16: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan K (Max Outlier) Sorry it disappointed..I've lost count how many of these I've attempted and DNF after the first few chapters. Regardless, writing is art and individual tastes vary

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