caitlin's Reviews > The Serpent and the Wings of Night

The Serpent and the Wings of Night by Carissa Broadbent
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites-2023


first of all, i would like to say thank you to the haters. not people hating on me, but my fellow pessimistic unpopular opinion holders.
i love you all. you're doing the lord's work and i am proud to find myself agreeing with you in many a situation.
but i loved this.
it's not perfect, but it sure is fun.

the characters
i enjoy the main characters. i mostly like oraya, and i do like raihn and vincent and that sweet vampire girl whose name i've already forgotten (it starts with an m).
something i particularly enjoyed was that there are shades of both good and bad in most characters. specifically vincent. it's not black and white, but complicated and textured.

i also really enjoyed the romance! it felt natural and enjoyable, and the smut scenes were tasteful and sweet.
there were also a few cute, almost found family moments that i just ate up.

oraya never felt really annoying to me, though my only qualm with her would be the same trap that many fall into in writing the strong, stubborn female characters archetype. there's a lot of talk to start about hardening your heart and never letting anyone in, etc. and that's a real thing of course, but that emotional indifference that gets written in to make a point in these characters isn't real because it disappears once she meets someone she fancies or who's nice to her. *cough cough* THE ENDING
and that's fine--but it's not long suffering emotional indifference.

the writing/pacing
there were a few of those gimmicky things that make me want to smack my head into a wall: the emphasized height difference, the smelling (no, the fuck he does not smell like the wind), the eyes (HE HAS RED EYES. THAT AREN'T REALLY RED. JUST HAZEL THAT LOOKS LIKE RED. I GET IT. IT'S NOT THE CURE TO CANCER, WE CAN MOVE ON), but it was all minor and didn't bother me too much.

the pacing was fast, and there were a lot of repetitive, adrenaline-rushing, life threatening situations. i swear this girl almost died over 8 times. no exaggeration.
which, on one hand, gave it a "rushing through page after page, reading with bated breath" feeling, but also got old after the third time. she's going to survive it, i know that, so why am i here? i'm not a sadist, i don't particularly like watching people almost die for fun.

the action scenes happening one after the other after the other also pushed a lot of the world building and that development to the background. hell, a large fact of the plot is precisely the fact that she isn't out in the world, and standing by blindly while massive cultural and political shifts happen.

i want to add:
one of my favorite things in this was the layering of stories. we had the main storyline, but a few other stories were weaved into it. the interludes that caught us up on oraya's childhood? love it. the story of nyaxia and learning that as we go through the trials? obsessed.
this added a lot of interest and, clearly, is something i loved.

is it the most original thing ever? no. it's an amalgamation of all the other famous fantasy romances that have come before it. it's basically the hunger games but with vampires and magic. some of the characters and their backstories and interactions hark back to what i've read in sarah j maas books.
is it the most original thing ever? no. but it's not meant to be. it's meant to be fun. and it was fun.

i think because of this, though, i saw most of it coming. and what i didn't guess, i wasn't surprised by. so i don't quite understand the hype over all the plot twists and turns.

anyways, i enjoyed it! i'd definitely recommend!

another thing--maybe this is my unpopular opinion streak refusing to quit, but i liked this and would recommend this more than fourth wing. i know that's the book of the summer and everything, but this is a finished duet (that you don't have to throw fists to get a copy of) and i prefer how carissa writes characters and character growth.
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Reading Progress

November 25, 2022 – Shelved
November 25, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
August 2, 2023 – Started Reading
August 3, 2023 –
page 27
5.36% "the writing’s kind of purple, but i feel like that’s the thing in fantasy now."
August 3, 2023 –
page 32
6.35% "oh this is the redhead. wait what do you mean he has long hair? i wasn’t told of this."
August 3, 2023 –
page 9
1.79% "wasn’t she like a tiny little child when she was taken? how the fuck does she remember anything? i barely remember the first 9 years of my life."
August 3, 2023 –
page 11
2.18% "is she dumb? she stabs the only person there who might be willing to not kill her 😟"
August 3, 2023 –
page 15
2.98% "”i rounded a corner and nearly ran into a wall.
no—not a wall, a person.”

it’s 2023. this was published in 2022. WHY ARE WE STILL DOING THIS??"
August 3, 2023 –
page 18
3.57% "the fact that i can do as much self inserting as i like, but i would never last a day in any of these fantasy novels simply because i cant see anything that’s not 3 feet from my face."
August 3, 2023 –
page 225
44.64% "bro how many times is she going to almost die??"
August 3, 2023 –
page 276
54.76% "”you’d better wear that dress. you’d better show those cunts.”

words to live by 🫶🫶"
August 3, 2023 –
page 282
55.95% "“my cheeks tightened.”

someone help- WHAT does this mean?? she’s used it like 5 times, and i’m no less confused than i was the first time i read it. a smile? a grimace??"
August 3, 2023 –
page 340

August 3, 2023 –
85.0% "i feel like i know how this is going to end but i’m not sure."
August 4, 2023 –
92.0% "nyaxia is such a little drama whore and i love it."
August 4, 2023 – Finished Reading
March 31, 2024 – Shelved as: favorites-2023

Comments Showing 1-50 of 98 (98 new)


caitlin @jess thank you!! i hope so too 🤭

Hoda Happy reading love!! I hope u give it five star too if that’s even possible 💖

rae ✿ so you better give it 5 stars too

rae ✿ happy reading babes!!💗💗

caitlin @hoda i hope so too!! hey now don’t jinx me 😔

caitlin @raerae thank you babes 🥹 i will, i will!…maybe

Dreamcatcher [Hiatus] Should I feel proud to be in the 3% or....

eliana_sophia OMG IM SO SO EXCITED FOR YOU TO READ THIS — my jealousy rnnnn 🤭

message 10: by vee! (new) - rated it 4 stars


message 11: by Ash (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ash Have fun, and hope you like itttt

caitlin @dreamcatcher uh oh?? but yes you should 😌 we love unpopular opinions here 🫶

caitlin @ellie be like me 🤭 randomly start a duology because it’s on kindle unlimited 🤭

caitlin @vee THANK YOU LOVE!! 💕

caitlin @ash thank you so much!

lila ⋆ and that is for a reason 😌 hope you enjoy bb<3

caitlin @deema thank you babe!! i hope so too

caitlin @jenna thank you! 💖

caitlin @lila stop making me excited 🤭 thanks gorgeous!!

message 21: by rina ! ୨୧ (last edited Aug 03, 2023 04:28AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

rina !  ୨୧ me also being in the 3% 🧍‍♀️ I really just hope you like it more than I did, but if you don’t then at least i won’t be alone. 😭😭 Good luck <33

message 22: by Aliki (new) - added it


caitlin @rina haha omg i feel that, the “i hope you like it but at least i won’t be alone” haha did you write a review? i’m trying to find an opinion on it that isn’t 4/5 stars. and hey it’s okay, being in the 3% makes you special!!

caitlin @aliki IM NOT BLONDE!!!! I WASNT BLONDE BEFORE AND IM NOT BLONDE NOW I DYED MH HAIR DARKER 😭😭 but thank u babes i’m excited 🥹

Ri ♡ And you should too? Or you'll be breaking my heart 2nd time 😔
Anyways happy reading bb 💗

message 26: by Rowida (new) - added it


caitlin @ri i promise i’ll try to love it just for u 🥹

caitlin @rowida thank you babes!! 🫶

Lilyya ♡ so give it 5 stars babes

caitlin @lils i’ll try 🥹🫶

Morsalও (barely active because of exams!) OMGGGG THE FOMO IS FOMOING 😭. Hope you'll love it, babe! 💜

caitlin @morsal omg i get that! i feel like i’m behind the hype on EVERYTHING 😭 thanks gorgeous 💕

caitlin @amina thank u babe!! 🫶🫶

Jen's Quick & Dirty Reviews I loved it! I think we're getting more stories from secondary characters, but not necessarily the main two.

caitlin @jen it’s really fun so far, so i have high hopes! yes, that’s how i’ve been told it’s going to work, which is a fun idea

lila ⋆ THATS ALL YOU NEED TO SAY, i knew you'd consume it 😌

Ri ♡ I take you loved it 😗 now where is my stunning review??

caitlin @lila I. ATE. IT. UP. 🤭

caitlin @ri i actually finished this book not a 2am as i usually do so you'll get it today 🤗🤗

rae ✿ 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹

caitlin @rae that was such a rush omg i don't know what to think?!

message 42: by mitra ౨ৎ (new) - added it

mitra ౨ৎ caitlin u just convinced me to add this to my infinitely long tbr list!! also can’t wait for ur review 🤭🤭

Sarah|ساره&#x1f349; I’ve been wanting to read this book🤭 Can’t wait for the review<33!

caitlin @mitra ahh you should read it!! it was SO FUN. thank you gorgeous!

caitlin @sarah thank you! it was so good!

eliana_sophia i was so scared you weren’t gonna love this — but 5 stars?? 🤭 gimme the review ml

Lilyya ♡ always knew u were a poet 🥺

abygayle (jem’s wife) i just started this 😗😗😗

message 49: by Rowida (new) - added it

Rowida WOAH

message 50: by Rowida (new) - added it


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